The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 16, 1908, Image 2

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Chief Points in Roosevelt's Re
commendations to Congress.
The following are the chief point
brought out In the message of the presi
dent to the second session of the six-
The financial standing of the nation at
the prwni time l excellent. and the
financial management or the nations
Interests by the government Jurlua:
last even ynrs has shown the most
satisfactory results. Hut our currency
systtm U Imperfect, ana It t earnestly
to bo hoped that the currency commis
sion Tf III be able to propose a thorough
ly good system which will do away with
the existing- OWects.
An regards the great corporations en
gaged In Interstate business, and es
pecially the railroads, 1 can only re
peat what I have already again and
again said In my messages to i the-.congress.
I boliovo that under the Inter
state clause of the constitution the
United States has complete ind para
mount right to wntrol all agencies of
Interstate commerce, and I bllevs that
tho national government alons can exer.
rise this right with wisdom and ef
fectiveness so as both to secure J""""
from, and to do Justice to. th great
corporations, which are the most Im
portant factors In modern business.
The railways of the country hould
be put completely under the Interstate
commerce commission and reruoveu
SoVnthV domain of th anti-trust law
The power of the commission thou .
be made thoroughgoing, so that It could
exercise complete supervision and con
trol over the issue of securities "well
as over the raising and orln J
rales. As regards rates, at least. this
power should be summary The power
to Investigate the financial Derations
ind accounts of the .railways has been
one of the most valuable features In
recent legislation, rower to make com
blnatlons and traffic agreements should
be explicitly conferred upon the i rail
roads, the permission ef the commit
slon being first gained and 'JS.KT in
nation or'egreeraent being published In
.11 II. J.iall
Kates must be made as low as isitMrK management would result In econ-
compaiioie wiwt. " v'?r' ?,"".
to all the employes of the railroad,
from the highest to the lowt- nl
proper returns to tHo shareholders: Tiut
they must not. for Instance, be reduced
In such fashion as to necessitate a cut
In the wages of the employes or the
abolition of the proper and legitimate
profits of honest shareholders.
Telegraph and telephone companies
engaged in interstate business should
be put under the Jurisdiction of the In
terstate commerce commission.
Interstate commerce Is now chlcriy
conducted by railroads, and tho Brest
corporation has supplant tl the mass
of small partnerships or Individuals.
The proposal to make the national gov
ernment supreme over, and therefore to
give It complete control over, the rail
roads and other Instruments of Inter
state commerce Is merely a proposal to
carry out to the letter one of the prime
purposes. If not the prime purpose, for
which the constitution was founded.
There are many matters affecting
labor and the status of the wage-worker
to which I should like to draw your
attention, but an exhaustive discussion
or the problem In all Its aspects Is not
nThenngress should without further
delay pass a model employers" liability
law ror the District of Columbia. The
employers' liability act recently de
clared unconstitutional, on account or
apparently Including In Its provisions
employes engaged In Intrastate com
merce as well as those encaged In; Inter
state commerce, has been held by the
local courts to be still In effect so far
as Its provisions apply to the District
of Columbia. There should be no am
biguity on this point. If there I any
doubt on the subject, the law should be
re-enacted with special referenco to the
District of Columbia.
I most earnestly urge upon the con
gress the duty of Increasing the totally
Inadequate salaries now given to our
Judge. On the whole there Is no body
of public servants who do as valuta ai
work, nor whose moneyed reward Is so
Inadequate, compared to their work. By
ginning with the supreme court, the
judges should have their salaries dou
bled. It Is not befitting the dignity of
the nation that Its most honored public
servants should be paid sums so small
compared to what they would earn In
private life that the performance of
public service by them Implies an ex
ceedingly heavy pecuniary sacrifice.
method. should' bo devised ror doing
II is earnestly su i uewinj ii
., ith tha Innir rielava which now
obtain In the administration of Justice,
and which operate with peculiar severity
against persons of small means, and
favor only the very criminals whom It
. ., i-.ft.l.. ,m niinl.h Tht. Innr
delays In the final decisions or cases
make in the aggregate a crying evil;
and a remedy should be devised. Much
tt this intolerable dalav Is due to Inr
proper regard paid to technicalities
which are a mere hindrance to Justice.
In some noted recent cases this over-
regard for technicalities nas rcauticu in
a striking denial of Justice, and flagrant
wrong to the body politic.
Ileal damage has been done by the
manifold and conflicting Interpretations
of the Interstate commerce law. Con
trol over the great corporations doing
Interstate business can be effective only
If It la vested with full power In an
administration department, a branch
of the federal executive, carrying out a
federal law, it can never be effective
If a divided responsiDiiity is ten in
both the states and the nation; It can
never be effective If left In the hands
of the courts to be declced by law suits.
ir there Is any one duty which mora
than another we owe It to our chil
dren and our children's children to per
forin at once. It Is to save the forests
of this country, for they constitute
the rirst and most Important element
In the conservation of the natural re
sources -of the country. There are, of
course, two kinds of natural resources.
One Is the kind which can only be used
ss part of a process or exhaustion;
this Is true 'or mines, natural oil and
jras wells, and the like. The other, and
of course, ultimately by far the most
Important, Includes the resources which
can be Improved In tho process of wise
use the soil, the rivers, and the ror
ests come under this head. Any really
civilised nation will so use all or these
three great national assets that tne
nation will have their benefit In the
All serious students of the question
re aware of the great damage that has
been done In the Mediterranean coun
tries of Europe, Asia and Africa by
deforestation. The similar damage that
has been done In eastern Asia Is less
well known.
The lesson or deforestation In China
Is lesson which mankind should have
learned many times already from what
has occurred In other places. Denuda
tion leaves naked soil; then gullying
cuts down to the bare rocks; and
meanwhile the rock waste buries the
bottom lands. When the soil Is gone,
men must go; and the process does not
take long.
iin..i i... t..nnnf in nnrihum rhlnn. I
what has happened In central Asia, In I be accomplished with a better organlzu
ralestlne. In north Africa, in parts ofjtlon than at present: exists.
he Mediterranean countries of Kortne.
will surely happen In our country If we
do not exercise that wise forethought
which should be one or the chler marks
of nny peopl calling Itself civilised
Nothing should be permitted to stand In
the way of tho preservation or the for
ests, and It Is criminal to permit Indi
viduals to purchase i little gain for
themselves through the destruction of
rorests when this destruction Is fatal
to the well-being of the whole country
In the future.
Action should be begun forthwith
during the present session or the con-
frress, ror the Improvement of our In
and waterways action which will re
sult In giving us not only navigable,
but navigated rivers. We have spent
hundreds of millions of dollars upon
these waterwnys. yet the truffle on
nearly all of them Is steadily declining.
This condition Is the direct result of
the absence of any comprehensive and
far-seclnir plan of waterway Improve
ment. .Obviously we cannot conlltiu
thus to expend the revenue of the
government without return. It Is poor
business to snemt mon-y for Inland
navigation unless wo get It.
Inquiry Into the condition of the Mis
sissippi and Its principal tributaries re
veals very many Instances or tho utter
waste caused by the methods which
have hitherto obtained ror the so-called
Improvement or navigation. A strik
ing Instance la supplied by the "Im
provement" or the Ohio, which, begun
In 1SM. was continued under it single
plan ror hair a century In 1575 a new
plan was adopted, and followed ror a
quarter or n century. In lOJ still a
different plan was adopted, and has
since been pursued at a rate which only
promises a navigable river In from :o
to 100 years.
Such shortsighted, vasclllntlng and fu
tile methods are accompanied by de
creasing water borne commerce and In
creasing traffic congestion on land, by
Increasing floods and by tho waste of
public money. The remedy lies In aban
doning the methods which have so slg-i
nallv failed and adopting new ones In
k eplng with the needs and demands of
our people.
I urge that all our national parks ad
jacent to national forests be placed
completely under the control of the for
est srvK-o or the agricultural depart
ment. Instead or leaving them as they
now are. under the In.erlor department
and policed by the nrmy. The congress
should provide for superintendents with
adequate corps of first-class civilian
scouts or rangers, nnu. lurwtrr. piaca
the road construction under the super
intendent. Instead of leaving It with the
war department. Much a change In
nmv anil nvolit the difficulties Of nd
ministration which now arise from
having the respons'bllty or care and
protevton divided between different de
partments. I had occasion In my message or May
I. ISO, to urge fie passage or some
!aw putting alcohol, used In the arts,
industries, and monuraetures, upon the
rr e lis., that Is. to provide ror the
withdrawal free or tax of alcohol which
Is to be denatured for thote purposes.
The law of June .. 1. and Its amend
ment of March J, U07. accomplished
what was desired In that respect, and
the use or denalur-d alcohol, us Intend
ed. Is making n fair degree of progress
nnd Is entitled to rurther encouruge
ment and support from congress.
The pure rood legislation has already
work d a benefit difficult to overesti
mate. It has been my purpose from the be
ginning of my administration to take
the Indian service completely out of
the atmosphere of political activity, and
there has been steady progress toward
that rnd. The last remaining strong
hold or politics in that service wss
the agency system, which has seen Its
best days and was gradually railing to
pieces from natural or purely evolu-
lnorv i-nnattt hilt. Ilka nil BUCh SUT-
vlvals, was decaying slowly In Its later
stages. , .,
I again renew my recommendation
for postal swings banks, ror d -positing
savings with the security of the gov
ernment behind them. The object Is
to encourage thrift and economy In
the wage-earner and person of moderate
means. In 14 states the deposits In
savings banks as reported to the comp
troller of currency amounts to I3.S90.
Zii.iOl, or St per cent of the entire
deposits, while In the remaining 3:
states there were only J70.30S.5I3. or 1 f
p-r cent, showing concluslvsily that
there are many localities In the umud
States where sufficient opportunity I
not given to the people to deposit their
savings. The result Is that money Is
k pt In hiding and unemployed. It Is
believed that In the aggregate vast sums
or money would be brought Into circu
lation through the Instrumentality of
the postal savings bank.
In my last annual message I com
mended the postmaster general's r-twm-mendatlon
for an extension of the par
cel post on the rural routes. The es
tablishment of the local parcel post on
rural routes would lie l me mutual
benefit or tho f.rm.r ad tl,e coun r.
storekeeper. und It Is desirable that the
routes, serving more titan H.otiO.OW
p -oplo. should be utilised to the fulliMt
practlcablu extent. An amendment wss
urouosed In the senate last session, at
I the suggestion of the postmaster Kti
eral. providing thot. for the puu-ow. of
ascertaining the prnc I!'"': of
tabllshlng a special los-al parcel post
system on the rural routes throughout
the l niled Biaiee, tne postmaster gen
eral be authorised and dlrec.ed to ex
periment and report to the congress the
result of such experiment by establish
ing a special local parcel post system
on rural routes In not to exceed four
counties In the I'nltcd H.ntts for pack
ages of fourth class matter originating
on a rural route or at the distributing
postofflce for delivery by rural car
riers. It would mtern only proper that
such an experiment should bo tried In
order to demonstrate the practicability
or the proposition, especially us th
postmaster general estimates that the
revenue derived from the operation of
such a system on all the rural routes
would amount to many million dollars.
The share that the national govern
ment should take In the broad work or
education has not received the attention
and the care It rightly deserves. The
Immediate responsibility ror the sup-
fort and Improvement or our educa
lonal systems and Institutions rests
and should always rest with the people
or the several atatt-s acting through
their state and local government, but
the nation has an opportunity in educa
tional work which must not be lost, and
a duty which should no longer be neg-
I strongly urge that the request of
the director of the census In connection
with the decennial work so soon In l
pegun, be complied with and mat tne
uppoimmenia to tne census lurce u
filaced under the civil service law, waiv
ns the geographical requirements as
reuuested be the director of the census.
The supervisors and enumerators should
not be appointed under the civil service
law, for the reasons given by the dl
rector, I commend to the congress the
careful consideration of the admirable
report or the director or the census, and
I trust that his recommendations will
be adopted and Immediate action there
on taken.
It Is highly advisable that there
should he Intelligent action on the liar I
of the nation on the question or pre
serving the health or the country
Through the practical extermination fn
Han Francisco of disease-bearing ro
dents our country has thus far escaped
tho bubonlo plague. This la but one of
ne many acnievements or American
health officers, and It shows what can
The dangers to public tieivUh from
ixvl itdtil erntiou and from many otho
smirves, siuti ns tho mciinrn to the
liysu-al mental ninl moral devetoiinten
f i hlldrcn from child labor should l
net and overcome. Tlieru are numerous
dlsinsi which nre now known to be
reentnbl which nm. nevcrthel-ss
not prevented, The recent International
onitresis on tuberculosis has made us
painfully aware of the Itmd-quacv of
Vmerlcan publle henl'.lt legislation. I
thereforo urgently recommend the pas
te of n bill which shall authorise a
redistribution of the bureaus which shall
best accomplish this end.
1 r -commend that legislation he en
acted placing under the Jurisdiction of
the depttr ment of commerce nnd labor
the Kin eminent printing office.
AH soldiers' homes should be placed
under the complete Jurisdiction nnd
control of tho war dcpar.ment.
IVonomy nnd sound business policy
require that all existing Independent
bureaus nnd commissions should be
placed under the Jurisdiction of appro
priate executive depa-tments. It Is tin
wise from every standpoint, nnd results
only In mischief, to have nny executive
work done save by the purely executive
bodies, under tho control of tho presi
dent, and ech such exeeutle body
should be under the Immediate super
vision of a cabinet minister,
I adCoonte the Immediate admission
of New Metlco and Atliona ns states
This should bo done nt the present ses
sion of the congress. The people of the
two territories have made It evident by
their votes that they will not come In as
one stnte. The only alternative I to
admit them as two. und 1 trust this
will be done without delay.
I call the attention or the congress to
the Importance or the problem of tin
fisheries In the Interstate waters. On
the Oreat ltkes we are now. under the
very wise treaty or April 11 or this,
end ittorlug to come to nn Interna
tional ugrvement ror the preservation
and satisfactory use of the fisheries of
these waters, which cannot otherwise be
Hut the problem Is quite ns pressing
In the Interstate waters or the t'nlted
Slates. The salmon fisheries of the
Columbia river are now but a fraction
of what they were ii years ago. and
what they would be now If the I nlted
!tutcs government hud taken complete
clutrge or them by Intenenlng between
Urvgon and Washington. During these
.6 years th fishermen or each s ate
have naturally tried to take all they
rould get. and the two leglsla.ures
have neer own able to agree on Joint
action of nny kind adequate In d-gree
for the protection or the fisheries. At
the moment the fishing on the Oregon
side Is practically closed, while there Is
no limit on the Washington side of any
kind, and no one can tell what the
courts will decide ns to the verv stat
utes under which this action and non
action result Meanwhile ery f w sal
mon reach the spawning grounds, and
probably four years hence the fisheries
will amount to nothing, and this com.'s
from it struggle between the aK-lated
or gill-net fishermen on the one hand,
and the owners or the rishlng wheels
un the river.
Thv ftli-rsl statute regulating Inter
state traffic In game should be extended
to Include fish New federal fish hatch
eries should be established The ad
ministration of the Alaska fur seal serv
ice should be vested In the Unicm of
This nation's foreign pollry Is btsed
on the theory that right must be dune
between nations precisely as blwen
Individuals, and In our actions for the
.ast 10 tears we hne In this mattei
proten our faith by our deed. We
have behaved, and are behaving, toward
other nations as In prltnt life an hon
orable man would behave toward his
fellows. , ,
The work on the I'amima canal Is be
ing done with a speed, efficiency and
entire devotion to duty, which mukes
It a model for all work or th- kind. No
task of such magnitude has eer be
fore been under nken by uny nation, and
no task of the kind has ever before been
bett r performed. The men un the Isth
mus, from Colonel (Joethals und hi fel
low commissioner through the entire
list of c-1I'0r who are falthfu I) do
ing their duty, have won their right to
he ungrudging respevt and gratitude of
the Am rlcan people.
I ugnlu recommend lit extension of
the ocean mall net of ISM so that satis
factory Amerhan ocean mall lines t
Mouth Africa. Asia, the riilllppln and
Australasia may be established Tit
i restliitl of sui h st amshlp Ultra snliuid
be the tw ural corollary of the wuge
of the It-lltle fleet. It should lirntrde
the opening of the I'mMma lanal. hSett
under fatorable condition sial mrs
must elapse bfor stub line un he
put Into operation. Accitrdlngly I urge
I hat the congress ait plump ly where
roreslghl already shows that lutltui
MMiner or ltl-r will b- Inevitable.
I rail parlnular attention in ill- tr
rl oiy of Hawaii. The litinirtuiK of
those Is'und I apparent, und tlin ttenl
of UnpruNlnir their lumlltloii and devel
oping their r sourtes urgent. In re
mit yours InduMtrlal eondllUm upon
the Islands have radically changed. The
Importation of roo'le labor ha prai
llcrtlly I'nmnl, and there Is now devel
oping Kuch u dlversl v In ugrii ultural
product u to make MMlbl it change
In th IhihI miihIIiIimin of lite lerrllnry.
so that an opportunity may lie given to
the small land owner similar t that mi
the mainland. To Hid lhe t Itaiigc.
the national government must provide
the nctesnary harbor linpmvmiieni on
mil Island, so that th agri ulitirul
prodiut can l- carried to Hie market
of the world. The coastwise shipping
'aws should be umemled In meet the
soeclal neud of 111 islands, and ths
alien contract labor law should b so
modified In It iinnlleatlon to Hawaii an
to enable American and Kuropean labor
to be brought thither.
Heal progress toward self-government
In b 'Ins- made In the I'hlllDUlne Islands.
The gathering of a Philippine legislative
bodv and I'lillliiuliie assembly murks a
process absolutely new In Asia, not only
as regards Asiatic coluneles of Euro
pean powers, but as regards Asiatic
possessions or other Asiatic powers,
and, Ind'ed. alway excepting the strik
ing and wonderful example offered by
the great emtilre of Japan. It open un
entirely new departure when compared
with anything which bus happen -d
among Asiatic powers which ar their
own masters. Hitherto this Philippine
legislature has acted with moderation
and self-restraint, and has seemed In
practical fashion to realise the etcrnul
truth that there must always be gov
ernment, and taat tho only wny In
which any body of Indlvlduul cun es
cape the necessity of being governed
bv outsiders I to show that they ure
able to restrain themselves, to keep
down wrongdoing and disorder. The
fllipino people, through their urnclai.
are therefore making rral steps In the
direction of self-government.
I again recommend that American clt
Ixenshlp be conferred upon the people at
I'ortu iticu.
In Cuba our occupancy will cease In
tbout two months' time. The Cuban
have In orderly manner elected their
own governmental authorities, and the
Island will be turned over to them. Our
occupation on Mils occasion has lasted
a utile over two years, ana cuua nas
thriven and Drosnercd under it. Our
earnest hope and ono desire Is that the
oiopia or tne iHinnd snail now govern
themselves with justice, so that peace
and order may be secure. Wo will glad
ly help them to this end, but I would
tolemnly warn them to remember the
treat truth that the only way a peonle
an permanen'ly avoid being governed
from without Is to show that they both
'an and will govern themsilves from
l'i Jnimiuso government has post
ned Until HHt the ilal' uf Ihe greit
lernntltuml Apositlnn. the action be
K taken so iim to Insure niuphi lime I
nlcli to prepare to make the expusl lit'
I that it should bo made. Tho Am rl
nn commissioners have visited Jai m
tnd the postponement will merely giv.
intpler opportunity for AiueiUa to b
eprescltt d nt the exposition
As r Hrds tho army. I cad atleutlm
it the fact that while our Junior til livers
iml enlisted men aland very high, tin
present sya.em of promotion by senlorltt
r suit In bringing Into lite hlghei
grttde ninny men of mediocre cnpaclt)
who havo but n short time to serve.
Tho cavalry arm slum d be roorgtui
.led upon modern lines. This Is an am
in which It Is peculiarly necessary that
III" field officers should ttni be old. The
cnvnlrv Is much more difficult In form
ihan Infantry, nnd It should be kept hi
In the maximum both In efficiency nnd
n strength, for It canno: bo made In n
hurry. At present both Infiiiitry and
trtllery are tint few In iiuuiber for mil
needs. Ksp-clal attention should be
nlil to development Pf the mnchlnu gun
V general service corps should be rslnli
Ishcd A thing are now Hie average
soldier has far hi much labor of a non
nllllitry vluintct'r to perform.
Now that tho nrgiinlicii mllltla. Hi
national guard, hit been Incorporated
a lilt the army ns n part of the natlona
forces. It behoove the government t"
ltd every reasonable thing In It powei
tit p rfect Its efficiency. It should It
isslstcd In Its Instruction nnd nlhcrwl
aided more liberally thnu heretofore1
The continuous services of many well
rained regular officers will be essential
n this connection.
I approve the recommendation of the
general board for the Increase of I Ik
navy, rnlUnir especial attention to the
need or additional desirover and el
tl-r. and, above all, of the four battle
ship. II Is desirable to complete its
soon a" poslhle a squadron or elc
bntlle-shlps of the best existing tvpe
rite North Dakota, Delaware tr'lorl.lit
tnd t'lnh will form the first division it'
i lilt squadron. The four vessels pro
posed will form III second division. I
vlll be nn Improvement on the fir . th.
ship being of the heavy. Mingle cn'.lher
all big gun type. All the Vessels shuttle,
have the atnn tnellenl qualities ibti '
sp-cd nnd turning circle, and n near
possible these tactical qualities should
be the mime it Is In Ihe four vessels
before named now being built
Two hospital ship should be pruvld
d The actual experience of the ho
pllal ship with the fleet In the 1'aelfli
ha shown the litvuluuh'e work whlcd
such u ship tines, ami bus alo proved
that I' Is well to have It kept under th.
command of a officer As wn
to be evpected. all or lit anil -Ipalloli
of trouble from such u cuHimninl have
pro veil completely baseleits It I a
ihstird to put a lio-pltal ship under a
Inp officer a It won tl b to put a has
pita! nn shore tt ruler such Hinanil
Thl ought to have been rHfd hfitr
and there. Is no excuse for failure to
realise it now
Nothing belli-r for th navy front
very standpoint has ever ihiur'ed thl
the cruise of the iMttle fl- i around he
world. The Improvement uf the ship
In every way ha been rvliaortllnary
and they have gained far mor ewil
erne In Iwttle tactics than thev would
have gained If they had stated In .he
Atlantic waters. The Atnetl. ,trt propli
have cause fur profound gratification
both In view of the excellent rwmlltlim
of the fleet a shown by thl vruls. and
In view of Him Improvement the rrtil"
has worked In thl already ' high eon
illllon. 1 do not believe that there l
any other eervlce In Hie world In which
Ihe average of diameter and efflelenei
In Ihe enlisted men Is as high ns Is now
th cass In our own. I believe that Ho
same statement van b made as to out
officers, taken as u whole.
Masked Men Ooard
Juit Out of Spokane,
Spiikatic, Wash.. Dec. 10
Northern ti.isvrnKcr train N'ii
4 vv
hrltl m liv three mavUctl mlilier .-tbout
a mile and a half eat n llillvard
shortly hrfore iiiiiIiiikIiI lit iiikIii.
The prrseiit-e nf mini! of the (ireiiwn
prevented the exprets car, which i
tipposril to have coituinril a larnr
ttiiii. iiicltnliiiK .1 tXMH) shipment from
piHikaiir, triiiil Ileum robbed
I Whru he hn ordered In dUmoHiit
front his i-ali and rut olT the IlikkiKc.
express anil mail ears front Ihe other
j coaches, he rut two. tint Irft the ost-
prei ear, which wis wtc last oi tne
lirst three cars, ami thin saved the
The train had heen out of llillvard
hut a few minute when ihr rtiKliirer
and fireman were surprised to see
i three men, two of them masWrd,
rr.iHliiiK down from the tender. Witi
drawn revolver they ordered the rn
ip,incrr to iop the train immediately
I He obeyed their orders, and as soon
.at the train came to a stop, all lu-
I. .i r. i.. ..t. .1... ..:
Illtriiiiicil iruill llic inir. till li.itllliicit
leading; the way, covered with the
weapons of the robbers
The engineer was left standing; with
two of the liold-uiii while the third
lacrominnird the fireman back nan
I way while he wai obeying the ordcr
iin jvriiittls ilia ftira YVMie.. list tlrijl
' tills, wmuiv M"s- fa-Mint tiiivn HV nnu
fooled the tlniK by cutting; off two of
the car Inilrnd of three, the three
robbers boarded the etiRine and marl
ed off down the track, leaving the fire
man ami engineer with the dead train.
After proceeding about two miles the
hold-upv, who are said to he old rail
way men, judging from the manner in
vvincii nicy iiaiitiicu tne locouiiiiivc,
,..,., . ., i .i
s tnmifd it and i hen went Ihrojijcji -c
I.....I sat .,!,.... l.l.H " o.,t
ijiiaiiuiy in ickisicicii niaii.
Doart Emperor to Tomb,
Pekln. Dec. 10. The . body
Hwang Hsu, the late emperor
China, was yesterday carried with
much ceremony from the hall in the
forbidden city to the Coal Hill mortu
ary. It will here continue to lie in
ttate pending the location and con-
ttriictinu nf the Imperial scpulchcr
The cortege, brilliant, barbaric and
weird in the eytt of western ohscrvi
ers, was led by Prince Chun, the re -
gent, for a short distance from itt
ttarting place, and at it pissed
tiirotiKii inc streets m tne imperial
city Hioutauiis ot mourners kuch
FIlRhta Are Succettful.
I.e Mant. France. Dec. 10. Wilbur
Wright, the American aeroplailst,
made a teriet nf successful flights
here vetterdav Fnur memberi of the
Ilritiih Aero club went aloft separate-
ly with Mr. Wright None of the
flights was marred by accident.
. - - - " " "
Schema to Set Out 10,000 Acre In
Trout In drtckion County.
Metlford. A linuc cnltmlMtlim
scheme fr Jackson cotiniy binds li.ii
been planned by Colonel Hay. of New
York City. Mr Uny Is owner of the
Condor Water & Power plant mid
various other properties in llil conn
ty. It is hit luicittlnn to have planted
on one of the huge tracts held by Ids
company 7J,(HI0 fruit Hees annually
and continue uulil Hi." hi acres have
been plained, lie plans to place the
laud under In Illation, the facilities
for which he now controls. The pro
jeel has limit been a favorite with
Colonel Kay, who is doing it nt from
a desire to enrich himself so much as
a desire to furnish small tracts for
ciitplcs of the American Tobacco
company, of which he li vice presi
Eastern Timber Company Withdraws
From Klamalh.
Klamath Falls. After seeming, op
lions un between 30,1)00 to sOiHMJ acres
of timber laud lying along the reser
vatiott line between Ilonauta nud My.
the l-'astrrn Timber company ha
taken Hi cruisers off ami is rrturmnn
the option contract! The option
were secured by Albert Walker and
were only fur titi days It is believed
that the timber company on account
of the lalrncss of the season and tho
impossibility of nuking a cruise lie
fore the wilder snows set in. decided
to withdraw from the field until next
Close to lO.MWi acres were secured
on option at an average price of J I 11
a thousand it is slated thai there l
double this amount of limber owned
by individuals which can be (Knight
in this ivelKin Representatives of
other interests have been looking over
Ihe field, but it It not believed that
any targe sales will be made this year,
as it is almost iniHissilde for cruisrrs
to wrk in the timber during the win
ter on account of the deep snow
Incorporate Irrigation Company
Oregon City The Union Irriga
tion conuianv has filed atticlrs of in
corporation, with a capital stock of
5n(in, divided into J 00 shares at SI0
each, lite incorporators are Charles
llolman. lleiilah llolmau ami Frank
lin T Criffith, and the object of the
corporation is to furnish water for
irrigation purposes, household ami
home consumption, ami for watering
'ivcMock upon dry lauds in this stale
The cvmipany also expects to supply
electrical current for generil pur
poses The principal office it in Ore
gon City.
SI, 000 an Acre.
IImmI Kiver Another IIihmI Kiver
fruit farm was sold a few days ago,
when J. II lleilbronntr cV Co ills
IHised of Wl acre of the Pierce Con
place for IWMhmi to V. T. Neal an
Iowa man In some respects ibis is
considered our of the highest priced
orchard lml sales that has taken
place at Mood Kiver. as but to acres
of Mr .Veal's purchase arc in lieariug
The other 10 acres are in young trees
that will not hear for several years.
The orchard is situated In the famous
east title llt.
River Lowest In Yean.
Albany The Willamette river is
now lower at Albany than it hat been
in December for almot a ipiartcr of
a eenitiry The rlvrr i now less than
1 :i feet above low water mark and
still falling Tliis it the average
stage of the river in the middle of
summer. Iloatmen here do tint re
member a time in '.'o years when the
river has been so low in December
The cause nf this condition lies In
Ihe fact there has been practically
no rain in the mountains this fall.
Almost Five Mllet,
F.ugene. City Knglncer Clcorge
Wagoner hat made a report to the
common council nt the amount ot
...... 1 1... 1.. !....... .1...!.... it..
iiavtnK iiiiiic in i.iikciic uuiiiik uic
,Ml yKear am ,,,, He 0ft lal
(na, of 005no
square yards of bllti
lltlilc pavement nave been laid, at a
cost nf $237,000. Till is about fiv.'
miles. Several blocks more are enn-
Iracted for, and it it expected that
next summer will tee u great deal
more ot Hie work none.
Will Stop DoolleBKlnr;.
I. a Grande. Violations of the local
option jaw within the city limits wilt
be prosecuted and fines collected by
the city rather than the county, at
heretofore. This is Ihe result of an
nrdinance that soon goes into effect,
Much money hat been collected In
fines this summer, but it hat gone 16
me county.
Pooled Prune Ara Sold.
Salem. President L. M. Gilbert, nf
the Northwestern Prune association.
the new organization nf growers, re
ports that practically all of the asso-
rlHnn's nonl. 40 carloads, has heen
told at a price netting the growers
better than five cents a pound for the.
J30 0 size, I
Libation Landowners find Heady Ssla
nt Advanced Figures.
I.elniiuiii. Tlu rutting up of llm
HUH) ttiTi'S uf III" Piilnn farm Into small
tracts has attracted uiam than a pass
lug Interest Itt this rimimiuilty, ninl u
Is believed that it Is but tin1 beginning
nf ninny more like nets, Tho twiim.
seem to hnvn Just dlsovrd that men
will my iiiiieh higher iirlcs for a III .tr
SiOitere trnet titan it like iriHtttlwH fur
a large traet, ami by cutting up tttesa
large tracts tltny riwtdllv ni nut l
small holders nt high prlees,
A few months ago n stranger eamn (s
I.eliMiion nnd I'tirelmsed n farm almost
adjoining llto town for (100 an aeie,
and many of the old timers laughnl al
ilio "greeny" who wttuld iwty that
pilro for that kind of html, tin etit it
up Into small tracts of from two t.
ten arres, and In sit mouths has sold
enough to ny tho JSiMH) he wtld for It,
ninl has half of It left, ami Is making
saitx tivery work. Other farms sri
now heliig cut up near hero, and tins
It vs u Htipl(i ate reJsdslHg at the user
tutu of things In the laud deals,
Outildo Cspltsl for Railroad.
Marshficld - M M. Johnson, assist
am secretary nf the Fnitlablc Sav
ingi I. mil association, ami treat
urcr uf the Columbia Life ft Trust
company of Portland. It In the city
considering the possibility of an e!e,
trie line between Costs biy and Kosr
burg He stales that there is iioth
ing definite at to plans, but that he
Is limply looking over ihe field to sec
what ran be done, and If the elcttri.
line is possible While here Mr
(ohiisun will gather data as to what
itisinrst might Iht expected if a line
were built Those who have invetii
gated feel certain Ihst it would prove
profitable The plan t( building the
line with Iocs! capital was suggested,
but it is understood thtt Mr Johns, hi
is looking into the matter wi'tlt the
idea of interesting mil side capital
Mora Oas Encountered,
Ontario A series of gat esplo
hns have occurred in the OnUu
oil well throwing walrr, mini an I
pebbles into the air to a height of !"
feel The gas flow, which opened last
week, hat) been closed Drilling lias
been resinned, the shaft being extend
nl another Ou (ret. This last dud Is
the largest yet made, and proves ait
Immense supply nf gas here. The di
rectors of the oil company have ap
plied to the city council for a fran
chise to light and heat the town.
Mora Tima on Klsmallt Project.
Washington An extension of tn
days has been granted to Campbell .V
Hiilfmati, uf Klamath Falls, for the
completion of their contract l con
struct vvimhIcii flumes on the Klamalh
project This advances the date if
completion to February 17
Revenue From Hunlsrs Llcsnstt,
Astoria--Since Ihe first of the year
tkr county clerk has issued 771 hunt
ers' licenses for Clatsop county The
licenses are It each and the money is
turned over to the stale Over I Vr
licsuisrs have been issued in tomtr
counties in the stair.
Wheat llluettem, no07c; club,
(He: fife. onfiUlc; red Russian. HHr;
40-fold, 01c; valley, 01c.
Ilarlcy leel friiUo per ton, brew
ing. t7.
Oats- No. I while, $31(3110 per
Hay Tlmoihy, Willamette Valley.
Ill tier ton: Kattctn Oregon timothy.
$H1WI7; clover, JIM; alfalfa, 111;
gram hay. firtafhfiia
Fruits -Apples, (WctfilllO per Imx;
peart, StailUa per bos; grapes, tlli'
ISO per crate; quinces, struts, per
box; cranberries, ILISOfttlt per bar
rel; huckleberries, 10(Til5c per pound;
persimmons, t(al SS.
Potatoes 73ctjCHac per cwt ; tweet
potatoes, Sfifale per pound.
Onlont ttCt'i io tier loo pounds.
Vegetables Ttirniiit. llfiTl.IS ner
sack; carrots. It; parsnips, S!.3a:
beds, tt 2S: horterailish, 8(ftl0c per
pound; arllchoket, McGltl dozen:
beans. MiJTjUc per pound; cabbage.
Ufa He per pound; cauliflower, 75cf(v
II per dozen; celery, I3.S0 per crate;
cucumbers, isftsao tier box; egg
plant, ltc per pound; lettuce, ifJCl.-iS
per box; parsley, 30c per dozen; peas,
tajc tier pound; pcpiiert, lSfjt)30c per
pound; pumpkins, lfffjU per pound;
radiiliet, 30c per dozen; spinach, 3c
per pound; sproutt, olfjfioc per
pound; louash, ifftllc per pound; to.
matnes, !0c(V$l 73
llutter Cily creamery, extras. atTJil
37c; fancy outside creamery, 33asc
per pound; ttore, 17(D30c.
I-.ggs Oregon selects, s3l0t3c;
hattern, 30(i33c per dozen.
Poultry Hens, mrJTl3c per pound;
firing. 12i(ftl3C! mixed l2riTl1"tr
diickt, HGinsc; gectfc, orjTjioc; turkeys,
4 a?. 1 I ai .IaI a S. t a '
if i ' "fcsicii itirKeyt, nominal.
Veal Kxlra. 0(7?0lr nr nnintil, nr.
'dinary. 7(ii!Hcj heavy, Be,
Vnrr K .,.,,... Kino. i.
. n -. v;, iiuuovi per poiiiiti,
large, fll(f87c.
Mont 100H. rhntr Ro n,lm. na
71c; medium, SfTfic per pound; 100T,
2(R4c; 1008, ItJTjHc. '
wool Jiastern Oregon.
best. 10(7i)Hc
per pound, according to
shrinkages vallev. lsffSiite.
Mohair Choice, 18c per pound