The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 09, 1908, Image 8

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If yctt will Send $1.50 for n year's subscript!, to THE BEND BULLETIN casli with order, we will Rive you, absolutely
Free, a full paid-up year's subscription to
FI; C Tfc
r r c
RRBBBM r vi mm mnm a-- ur -, in ni
H I I I I I nw , I M B H I I i
Description of the
Theje three beautiful pic
tures which arc offered with
I'arut anil Fireside and Tlic
Demi Bulletin H your sub
scription is received prompt
ly, are the masterpieces of
some of America' foremost
artists. They are reallv ort
proofs mid each would re
tail in art stores at from 500
to Ji.uo. Bach picture is
rcproluccd in all tip beauti
ful colors of tire original
pnintins. on fine lupercalcr
dared stock, al rvadv to
put up in your Irome, The
I'rettv tlifl picture iS9li x
H'i Inches; the center pic
ture u,x iq indies, and the
Lincoln picture 9 x 131
These three pictures will
le furnished w ith Farm and
Fireside and The tlullcliu
only if you su.bscribc before
December 1JJ. 1908. They
are tent post paid.
It is riot enouRh that I'arni ami 1'ireiiile has stood in the front rank of farm papers for the bit thirty year, it U
not enough that it luis bancd all questionable i(ilTerticmcnts from it rotimms and Kiiarnutvcs every ixhcrihcmnit It
acceptsi I'i irm and I'ireside has ot to do more than that, nnd it i Ritiru; to do a lot more than that it Is oliiu ti kHc
to the fan jer and his family the very best of practical and helpful material that money cun buy If it Uiihoiit uothiiiK
more imp ortant than a post driver, it's )0-nK to l told bv a man whauau make n post drKer Iwtlcf thin n ran do
any one 4her thin);. We are Koine to carry tlr utilitx idea through tl.e whole farm ami into the kitchen i.ocr where
t ic farm -r'a wife needs labortavin hcl6 and practical u;gcsU.'ns jasi j much . the men folks,
Renember $1.50
Woodmen Elect Officers.
The M. W. A. held their annual
flection of officers last Satur
day, which resulted as follows:
V. C, I. L. Scoficld; W. A., H. A.
Johnson; clerk, X. P. Wcider.
banker, K. A. Satbcr; escort, M. .
Morruon; watchman, Leo Pehrske;
Nentry, Ofigcnc Lussier; managers,
M. J. Motrisoa, M. R. Knulson,
Wm. T. Stephen; chief forester, W.
W. Orcu(. After a heated cam
paign arid election, the Royal
Neighbors surprised the Woodmen
by appearing on the scene and
.serving refreshments. The Wood
men say the Neighbors were cer
tainly welcome.
Koarte coughs ami stuffy colds that
i:-..iy develsp into pneumonia over nlc,ht
urc quickly cured by d-'olrr's Honey and
Tar. as it soothes inflamed membrarres,
heals the lunc. aud expels the cold frpui
t system. C. V. JIekkiII, Drugc'st.
See J. II. Bean for nursery goods.
Agent for The Dalles Nursery Co.
Ik Pieer Telegraph
aid Telephone Company
Telegrams Forwarded to Any Part
of the World.
Telephone Communication
with Portland, Prlnctlllc and all
Pacific Coast cities.
Public Pay Stations
in Hank Buldini; at Bend, at J.tUU
law and Powell Butter,
Messenger service to any part of
teWtceoiMty south Of CrooWW 4
'trenMk 'County
xiver. rr
Pays for a iFuIear's SubseHptiogstq BothPapers and Gives You the Three Superb Color
Picturejbove if You .Subscribe Before Deceiliber NI5th
i .1
IrrlsateJ Ranch far Sale.
rv One of the best irrigated ranches
in the,', Bend country, containing
Cod.njres of patented land; 375
acres' under cultivation; one-third
intere.,in(Ona!ftb and full owner.
ship in another -runs watcf the
year round. Will also fell farm
machinery and stock, consisting of
30 horses and 80 cattle. For ftir
titer information call 011 or address
The Bulletin, Ucnd, Oregon.
Advertise in The Ilulletin and set die
best ol results.
Dt--iti'nl of ihc Interior
L S. Laoit OlCce at Tbe IMllt. Oifjoa,
iJtcrmbtr j. 14,
Nutlte It hrrcbr sltrn Ihst
1-rinV. o. Jtiuor,
of tlni!. Orrzon. who. on Octolir sut. i-t
ruaanllatutMaul Hntrr No Hj, fur SV.U l-W
'f.J;nlK-;t-,'lhi;',' SHU Tp. 19 H.
K. II H.. W M . ha ntt-l notice nf intention to
lu-rltc l'liul Commuutlou ITijof, to cUMIh
claim to Ihc UnJ slaore JrcTthnl. tx'urc II L'
lail. I'nlloi Mate ComniUianrr, l hl nfflcr
at 0uO, Ur(bn, on tut 14th uay or January l.
Claimant naran at itncwrs Rrorcr llatra,
r.rorjc llatn, Ccotjc A Jouta an J Cora A
Juura, all of IWiul, Olrton.
0slj (. W MOOKU, Krtiilcr
Harness and Saddlery
Trunks and Valises
Successor to A. I.. Hunter,
Registered Stock
H Poland H
0 Chinas 0
G Duroc Q
S Jerseys S
UUckiAPRsHan CblcKeru .
LC.Vm, IeIeni;Ort:(
is Farm
- r :
, ItrraifncHt of the Inlttiw,
U Latxl at Tut iMllci, Ott(on,
Xovcmtr l, iv
A ttfftc'nt renlrM affiilatlt hadnc lrn Ulnl
in this office lit KVnr Nltwongrr, euntrslanl,
sealntt homl,rl (-tlUI No M) entry No.
!IH, wil Iwcrmrs-r i, S, for KSmtv twe"
rail T l-Siluth. Xante II K W M, tnr
.mlly l,Sn.on. ilccearil, luntrstrr. In which ft
it al1ttl that aakt enirywoman itlrtl on or about
Apill IK IM that prior to hr itealh h wholly
auaudoHniulil trait that the nevtr mlllratnl
or Imptttxtl ull tract or cau-ol the mic to it
lone: that there ate no kuowu h'lra uf wltcn
trynomilt' that If Iberc atcany lulu of aalilcii
ttywoniiij Itley ale unknown lu afltanl. that
Ince her ilralli no tieira or iierxmat repf nulla
IKea lne ertr been heaiit from nor liai anyone
cfflC tocUIra her roerty that ull allefeil
or murine corp ol the I'ultol Ulta In time ul
MM Mitle are htreby nollf.etl to appear, re
anowl. and offrr evidence toucliinr auld alle
Eatlou at 10 o cluck A M. on January J.,lV,
dure II. C mil, a f H. CommiMiuner al hi.
olTife in Iknd, Oreion, ami that anal heatlni;
will l heklal loo clock a m ou JanilatX It.
I9i Ixfore the Hefl.ler and Mereier al the
United hUtea l.aiul Office ill The Pallet, Orecon.
The uM coutea'ant liatlne. In a ptoiier anV
ilarlt flint NoremlTr II, ius, act forth facta
which ahow that after due dillcennr iraonl la litre
ly ordered and directed that aiKh notice be ulttn
by due and proper publication.
dJ-dyi C W. IOOUK UexUtir.
Department of the lutefior
I , S. Land Office at Tbe Daltea.OrcKOU,
Norciuber lyth, ff
Notice It hereby (.lieu that
Jamea It. 1'alt,
of The Daltea. Orexou. who, on Noremler Ilth
lyA, made Tllnl-er K Htouc Application Mo,
oia7, forMf NHIf, UK HI'.U. HU'tf r.KM, bh:.
I.Tp. 19 S , H. I j I'. , W Jl ,liaa filed notice of
imeniioti 10 make nnai miliar alio aione irooi,
to cataMuh claim to the land ale deterlbcd.
Ijcfore the Hecitler and Krceieer uf the I'nlled
Hulea Ijiud lllftce. at The !al!ce, Oregon, oil the
III day of I bf uary, !'.
Claimant namea aa wllnettet; Michael
O'L'ouner, WillunuC Matou, llctbert Cuiiiiiii
ham and Nil Mcltloth, all of The Uallet, Ore
gon, dj-fj C W. MOfiK,HtgtUr.
Deparlmeut ofllic luteilor,
t' S. Laud Office at The llallct, Oregani
Nov $, lyi.
Notice It hereby given lliat
Laecru (J. Keeil
oflleiu), Orrgon, who, on Augutt Jith, iij,
made llomeaieSd Unify No. Iiy, for NHtf ec
tioii,Twp, Ubouth, Haugelt l!. W. SI., hat
OUd notice of Intention to make final fire-year
proof, lu tttabllih claim lu Ihe land above de
scribed, before ll. C. j;illt, L'ulled Hlatee Com hlaofflce al lieud, Crook County,
Oregon, on the tth day of January, lyoo.
Claimant names aa wlluriteai Jamea H. Heed,
Irtiiig j.Krrd, Arthur 3, JUy, C.eorge llatea, all
of lie nf, Oregon,
djdjo C W MOOHII, Megltler.
A sorrel mare, with white face and
white snots oil aide, and moccasin brand
011 right shoulder, left by some unknown
party In my jietsture near iienii, uwuer
can have the mare by paying pasturage
ami for this advertisement. J.. I). WlWT.
Take a look at-The Bulletin's
townshlp pWta before you buy-
two sires.
and Fireside?
Around tin 1 prn.Mival worlintf pn'Kitlon, carried mil on a totally new plane, w sluiil tart mlerUI c.f nit .-.
and entertainment, winch farm .m liervtnlore hac put Into the 'ciin't alfwd" f U.
l-ariii and llrrslilc lu iwclvr Hi iltcen drxiitiiirnt coerlnc neiv phae nf farm ami Uottw life. Amoim Hi
are I.heMnrU anil Hairy. Ourdeiiinx. ISmltrv, I'mll tlfmlii)?, CiMililiiK.II'aalilim, Yomhk I'eotJe, ic. It prim 1
i jMies tadi iMie. We ran afford the ict. imply liecaiisc we twllvvc the farmer will p) fur tlir Uest. nw tl
iiaw driuoiiktrated nur aliilltv to )ie it to him
iu will Cud I'armaud I lictldc Utter than it luicm htru tli.iiK'it po.IW to male a farm anil fasiil) p.;-
Iiepaiiucnt of Ibc lulclluf
I' H. Laud OfAce at The IViltet, ihccoh,
KoiemUr nth, lrt
Notice It licrtby (Iren that
Clenn II. Mack,
nlncmt. Oreron. who, on Augutl jinl. luif ,nnd
llometlr.! Kntiv (HefUl No. ol). No iyl fr
RVINItV. NU'hXHK, Nl(' NliMlwe tl.Tp. 1
rl . h. I, . W il.. hat Aleil noilor 4 liilenlinn
to make I Intl L'ominuUlluii ltiif. In ctlatdlth
tlalltl Ik I l,c la ml a I .ire dctcrthcil, Ufofr II. C
Pill, I lilted Natea Commlttloiier at hit nrflcr
al lien. I. okioii, on the nnl itay of Ilcmnlwr,
Italmant namea at witnetttt Andrew T
Moore. I inctt liarrrtl, W'lllUm I. VcOillrray
Stod Jobnn. I'armluler, allof Iknd, Orrton,
I11M16 C. W SIOOKIt, KegUler,
Department of the Inlrrlo
V 8. Land Office al The Dallea, Oregon,
November Ijth. lyul,
Notice It heteby given that
Little V. Hconeld,
ol tlend, Oregon, who. on October 1MI1, ty
made Tllnlwr aud fcloue Application Nil. 01 u",
for Lot 4. ' W'i Hec la and Lot I and Nl),
NWIf.hce. lu.Tp. 17 . k, II I!.. W. M, hat
hleil notice of InlantUMi to luukr I'lnal limber
and ttone If nuf, to ceuhtlili rlalin to Hie laud
alUne Jeacribed, Uf-Hr II. C Ktllt, I'nlled Malea
Ulurattaioner, at lilaomc. at iwiul.oiegoil, on
the id day ol January, iv.
ttalmautiiainetatwlliieaaca lotenliN. Ilnnt-
er, William II. Hiiatt, Ivan f. HcuAeld, CtnlUt
II. tliuwiiaud lllmer Nltwouger, all of lleud,
iiltjai C. W. MOOHi:, Megltler
Department oflhe Interior,
t' ri Ijind Offirr at Tbe pallet. Orerou,
November Ivth, ly1,
N'otlce It iKrtby given thai
Cora A. I'ergiitoii,
of fiend, Oregou, who, ml June Mil lj, made
ilointtiead I'niry Iheriai no. oiojji, no. noil,
for WH HWL'. HW NWfl He. tj. rtl'.Jt MU
hec. 7t. Til. ik H.. K. II K.. V St . bat liltil uolice
of Intenllou tui.iakc t-lual Commutation t'luof,
10 ettaiillta claim lu tne It ml auxr iietcriiieu,
Urucc II C. inilt, I'niled Htalea Commlttloiier.
at, hit office, al lleud, Oiegou, on Ihe jolli day ol
December, lyl.
. tlalmaiit utmttat wilucatea.' Arthur ft l!ly
Hllliam J, Mc:illvrav, William A mold a ud oh 11
I crguaou, all of lleiid, Oregon.
lUJ-djo C W'.MOOKi:, Megltler.
Department oflhe Interior,
I' M. Land Office at Lakcvlcw, Oregon,
j. Ni ember 3i IV1-
trillce la hereby given that
I'rauk II Marlon,
of Laldlaw, Oregon, who, on Nov. 7, VA. made
Timber and hloiie Appllcallon, No. ic?7, for H)t
NW and NM rlW rlee. I. Tp, 11 H., K. II '..,
W it., bat Alcd notice of iiileul'on tu make
I'lnal Timber ami Hloue Proof, locilabllth claim
la the laud abotedeacrilHd, before II. C IIIIU,
V . Cummittlouer al hit office al Ueud,()rrguii,
on Ihe Jill day of I'cbrtwry, 'h
Claimant namra aa wllneaiei) William II,
Htaala. loaetih N. Huulerand Challea II. Ilrown
of lleud, Oregon, and John liloaa of ltert,Oregoll
d fj J, N WATION, Megltler.
A Uualnaia Duractoty tit eaali Lily.
TAin kiiil VlllavM In llraaan nail
Waablngloa, gliiag'a Uttcrlptlv
KJialah at aaU pjca. IcjMluf,
tiWplas yaa,UII and f, Claaai.
naa uirfcccocy ei eacu araaioaaa
'f rtTllJK CO. ae.
mriiS4 s 3n
i" uai'vv a4 'naiK
sr v
fi s
- - ..Bend, Oregon
V. rt Land Office, The Itallet, Otegvn
.ovvnitel f.
A uffltlrntronlctt affUlll having Wan ftM
tnthlt office by Mary H Keitbaw. ttHrte.taat.
avainti nnneiira'iHMi i'-"i rar.iy rt.
Iltll, maileMavrlilt. IVS f MVfSI t hli
NW'f, VllltlK,NHUawi.rc . lp t h.
H. II fl W. l l,v lanita I' drama euitlailtr
In v. filch II It allraed Dial aakl J.i. I lli.pra.
hat never etiablitlieil of malntalneil a bbua Mr
leaklenrrbn laid tract of laud In, I he hat
wholly alMixlomit Mkl Iraet of bil lof Mtn
Irian aia itiiinina lati pw aihiiinrt n 11 now it
tmr tbereoii', that taid owner wat not
due to lilt employnKtil lu Hie m ny nary m
marine Corp. uf lie Lulled Malea in lime ol tl
Hald aitlr air hereby notlsrit I', apitr, n
tpoml and cfTtr cvldrticr touching wild allega
tion at 10 n clock a m, on December 17, Iv
Uforrll C l-.lllt, af. H. I'linimltritue;. at hit
offirr In liend, Oregon, and that final liratlHi
will If hebl al la o'clock in mi Iter tmler ).
K,A, Uforr Ibr MrglUrr ami Mremer al lh
I niieil aiatea uimi inner ai intiMiiet iiiigan
The aald runlettanl having. In a proper affida
vlt riled Novemlwr ,. frtli ftrlt which
ahow that after due dlllgeucr iwraonal aovlrr uf
thlt notice can not lw luadr, tl It hereby nrdered
and nireelirl that audi notice l gnu by due
ami proper publication
nijdlt C W MOOHI Kegiiler
rtrpariuicnl nf Ihe Inltrwf
V " IMtt Office at The ImIIo, Drrgim.
Notice Is hcriliy given Dial
IMucan Lawtou McKay
of I'nrltand.Oirgoti, who on hepltmlr ,vMi,
luoH, made Timber ami None ApplualHiu np,
oiui.lor K'rHllt, HW'UHI'U pee. t and NltU
Sl'JC her ll.Twii. wrkiulh. M. il I'atl. Will. I.,
rile MeridUu, hat filed notirr 1 iiiUniion in
make flual llmlHr arid alone inul 10 rtlaNlth
ctalm tnthr laul ataivr detenbed. Ifiirr 11 i
Itlltt, I' h. Couimlttloncr, at bit orTur at lu-lhl,
urrgou, on inr itiii nay ui January, ivj,
L'lalmaut .lamea at wllue.tet I U llnnlrr
W, ll.ruaata.J I). McKay, W. I', aiidrvetl. all
ul mini, uirguu.
iii-i C. W. MOOUI. Megltler,
Department oflhe Inltrlor.
I' rt. Laud Office at The Pallet, Oregon,
October 13, ly
Notice It licrtby given Hut
I'.lUa J, Herring
of lleud, Oregon, who, on heplemlicr 1UI1, l".
luadr llomr.lead Unity (Serial No 01149) Nu,
IIW. for li'iNI'.l, NJtnhl, Kec au.Tp. lyhmitb
Mange II llatt, Wittamcllr MrrblUn, iiat filed
Holler of Intention tu make final eojumulatlun
proof, In etlabtitli claim to the laud abutr tie
acrlhrt, lirfure II, C. Illllt. full til Hlatet Com
mlttlolier, al hit office at lleud, Oregon, 011 the
1)1 It day of December, I'.
Claimant uamra at wltnetieii (.' A. lour.
l',ro. Ikilea, lv. A, Jouta, I'. 0, Mluor, all uf
iienii, iiicgvui
Il U llt
I", W, MOOKJ,, Megltler,
ticWluvut oflhe Inletlur,
U. H. Laipl Wffiee at The Itallet, Oregon,
., '."V ti .. . OctoVer , ivo.
Nolfce It litre'iy glWn that
Miitna Ai lllndinau
of riltlifa.KVegon, whn.ooHepteuiUr nth, !.,
iiisiW.niiinber iumI ,HUH AniilicuUnn Nn, uyMI,
loHrfVjfrirl'' rlceO rl,d ri!lliU,IVil4NT!l(
rWc t.Twp. iMirii'in H 10 Matt Wlliamrtir
Meridian, haa filetl nolice of IntatilUiii 1,1 make
final tlmlirr and alone liroril. Ill ratAt.liali rlalin
In III-bind Mtovc detained! Ifie II, C Illllt,
l', ft, Comiulttloscr, at hit officx at Iknd, ore
gnu, on Ihc lyth day of January, V"V-
L'laliuanl namea aa wllneaaear Leomi t iW-rtkr,
'TMiu L. KcvCr, both or hciul, Ongmi, jru
Wilt, tbarkt J.lllnduinn.butli of Hitters, Ore-
Eon, n . I
B'JliJ C. W, tlOORl!, KrgUtcr.
Facts About
1 The llehd Bulletin
It Rir tiitl llioir l.-r . r
I money than utiv oilier v. r .
i.rtiiity ntper
1 1 Im wiekly new 1. Uit
Imiii Itvdlipnid. I'!i ivtii
ItHle. Itiwrll llullr-. Inn
l.t, Oit ami KiwUihI
' It Rlr AM. llir rrrt. . f
Western viuk vwtnit
Hestdr tlw Hal mi( 11
IV Mew's II has (earlt Hr 1
myr ( state iictv n .
' i national lleW. H'lilm'
11 full aerntilit nl lit 1.
li'C al attune! ' I'
a lrp4ttim-iit ili-V't..' 1
' 1'arrtts and I'arniri '
an inleimUHK serial at. i
In 'billion in ir m
world ttr. wliuli l lt. .,
In a tonilrnerd nrnt . .
other ruuHly Kf 1 l m 1'
itig invotir areteon mnti .,
half thevr lttiiit.iiil (
luie. The Bulletin u,im
yon right pattr af Mmlm,
matter, where the oil.n
on 1 j jive you fuiif.
DepaitH-ent ef the tbtriiue
t ire t JiTbe IMIW. (t'r-it
pl 1 .
Nailer take)! I' (.. t lkt
Waller ttnlly.
aflAwtUa (mawu mImi. oh April ijtb 1. .
ma4rTItile ! Maw apH,.lH,M V..
liwilal Nh w41 br HW i NK U nrr i fp
. M 11 H to . hat fife.1 Mttre 1 ' ml. ul -to
makr I'tHal TKmIxi and Mnur ht,i
UMt-bllalm It. IK. Uim ilw, ale vrllxt l-l-i
II 1 lillll UlM Malea OmMMttiontf al 1 t
Mfire-al IVw4 Ortgoai. rw Ike mh dt .f In
remUr, Iv.
lltli-niti Hamrt at hIImuo 1 r.ik 1
ItiuwH.lrttt.t llMHurtl. Illwrr '
khtlletll Iiiwxh. afl of lleud, Olrgvw
-"Sa V W MIMIMK. KcalM
Deptitwel U Ihe InlrtVoi
t H Land Oflkeal The Dalka, meg . n
he4ember llh. '
Soller Itkertl.) (KenltMt
Jr-n W taker,
ef fiend, nrtgaw who, nu AugiH 'h '
made Tl.ilf awl Moiie nnoru w
meiil hertal Ntimlat J. ff Hie I
HW (. W !. M ... (We . TP I.
lall.W tl., hi,. fVlrtl iMKr U iHleidio" 1
makr I'lnal TI111U1 hI Mjjnr lti.f in irttH
ejalm In the Uied al.rr dinrlll. he.r II I
lltlli, I'nlUd Mate .'iHtmlulHtlcf , tu kit (
al Pend,OrgttH,i,uilK Itlh day wt iVvcu"
..c,,M,m"' "" llnt tkM H itnoil'
Wlllkm J. t ,h,r red Mamnnrtt aud I r l
tl. Mliwi, Ml ut Ixmi, Oregu4i.
' V V. .ilKIMi:, Meg tl
contUst k'OTici-:.
Deuattnieiit uf trie Interior,
I N Lam! OtTivr, Vhc tiallit, Dirt '
Noiciubrr 7. i-"
,ulfi;j'tMlMafWVllliailuii Uen
III Ibis ulBcr by tleotge A. Jolirt" conlel ''
agaliiHlioinrairatllvriat ,Vo ojtu,' tnpy
Vtf!' .m"T Nuemle I. l4. for W' hi
K. II l W II l.y UC, W H,,',l..ea
cpnletler, lu wliUn II la 'alleged thai aald Ai
w,'s,leuiiraliiithrpuiulieriJ,H"- ! '
lljiftlllr.OreirrMi IciMngucit uf kin and
A W lo, widow nf dmatett eulrymtu '
drritiinknnwii.aiid William INipe minor '
III charge of Hit- lkia and (liila Aid " I
I'oiltaiid. thegtiii that MM Had bat not 1
rtaldnl upuii ur cullliatcil bt aald iel m
el lurid Hwm, ur Ivy h lfaon or pn 't
vjliuiuiiievir, aiuie the death ilhreuli,
lUlMlttlmrOtiiUH and bat been III''
Imp tUiuvgiliaM holly almiulnnrd, lhl ta .1 '
ariui liayyofmaitiireoriianfHirrultetl M
In time of jft
alilwiilngirfitf't, imtUrtl In aptrr, 'r
tjwud and uU,r e nit in, loiicJ;iJiiytl,ulltii( n m
f,to0.c?,,,"u.,", "" IHrriutr 1, Ua itfue
I k P.IIL, a I', h comuii.4i,f, atliiaiifTuT in
lieiid.ongoii, unit Hun liiuil bearing wll' I
beldal inuclia.k, 111. nu December . 1
'fV'JI'e ,egl)er and Mecelui at Ihe On '"
Main Land (irtia lu Thr ll.Hr. orrifou.
. i.l'.' "i1 emiltilanl. baling. 1.1 a piuer afli-'.
ill ftletl .Noiember , '.s,.,i ,.ti faitt uiiuV
tliuwihalallerilu dlllgeucr ilmnal ter ''
Ihli nuiicr ,1,11 iu.t ( niulr, H i, Jitielo n erni
uml dlreclrtl Hint .gfti.noifre ulirn l I"
aiidproKrubllialioii "
l'1 ''! k MOOkJt, Meg r Lodge N. 103
KllikThts of Pvthlsm
';Klr inceiliiKH the coid ntid K itli
tVKllllll.ilnti. t ......I. ........I. I .i.t.l
".,..,i-.,,,uUlu IIIUU1U. II l"i'r
klllKlltt ll))MIJ wclronv
111 111 II llu.v.v' I- ,
Cuas, jj, uowi: k. K. & a. '