The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 09, 1908, Image 5

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    " ' ' !. . ' !" II I II I
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December 6th, 1908
I)I2AKSIU:-Yoii are hereby notified that I have
this day appointed you my special representative for
Bend and vicinity.
You will receive a full line of TOYS, GAMES,
BOOKS, I5TC, and you will please give them proper
display In your store.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas, I am
Tho abovo letter wao received yesterday and I am having shipped
direct from Santa Cinus Headquarters all kinds of Toys, Games, Books
and other goods suitable for
for Old and Youn
As I have been appointed Santa Clans' special representative and rc
ccivo my goods direct from his hsadquarters, my toys must bo tho best.
Thoy aro all ready for you now, COME EARLY make your
selection and have them laid away for you. REMEMBER,
The Big Store On The Corner
Santa Claus Himself!
Hans Jolmsoii is building n barn
on lils plueo with dimensions 16x24
M1.1. Cnl F.aton vn a visitor to
Bend Moiiilny ftotti the Ten lar
II. J. Ovcrtutf plans to take a
business trip to Pottland some time
next week.
J. N. (JniberK was n caller in
town Monday from his place in the
vicinity of Sisters.
Kcv. Mitchell will preach in Henri
next .Sunday at 1 1 a in. ami 7:0
p, in. All are iriylicjl.r
From now until February
1, all who Ktt five loads of
wood from me I will give
! One Load Fred
If you will pay for haul-
jlitf, Same old price f &
?3 50 per cord, Phoneme.
.F. ,M. C.AR.T Iv K.
Win. Reynold"), a late comer to
these parts, was in Demi Tuesday
after lumber far use on his ditch
Fascinating I'yrography 150
page illtkstlntcd catalogue No. 3 free.
Woodard, Clarke & Co., Portland
Oregon. 3tf.
Win. I Downing made final
proof yesterday before Commis
sioner Kills, on his homestead on
the Tumalo.
Richard King, Jr., ranched Bend
the first of the week from Wiscoh
sin, called here by the serious ill
uess of his mother.
Frank Davenport of Hood River
and Warren Davenport ol the Dav
port Stanley ranch were transacting
business in town last Monday.
Chas. I,. Wimcr Was in town
Monday disposing of sdme fine
liccf that had been raised and
slaughtered on Wimer & Sou's
Star ranch at Tumalo.
l'oU'y'n Orlim I.aiitie cure i-hrnnle
rdiuUuilim iilnl kthuulme tho liver. I
Oriuo rcKtiliitcn ttiu ItowcU wi they will I
act naturally and you do nut have to
take j)irKUvf continuously, C. W, I
MiUUUi.1,, Drui;t!iU
Now is the time to lay in your
winter's supply of apples. We have
them four varieties at ?a."5 n
box. Kkm.KY & Auwitioit. 34tf
Wanted two young marcs from
three to six ycrrs old, weight i too
lbs. or up. Must be gentle. Cash
for reasonable price. J. B. Battm
gartner, Oluey, Oregon. 39-40
N. P. Weidcr and K. A. Smith
finished a job of papering and paint
ing at the Davenport-Stanley ranch
last week. They clothed, papered
and painted the main house.
Miss Ruth Reid and Miss Pearl
Ilightowcr, who were Thanksgiv
ing Week guests of the family of
T. M. llaldwin, returned Suuday
to their homes in Ucnd Journal.
M. Iv. Rogers and son, who are
spending the winter at Priucville
with the expectation of eventually
settling on land in this section, were
in llend last Friday. The Bulletin
acknowledges n pleasant call.
I am now agent for the De Laval
cream separator, and have one of
these hiachincs in stock. Stcpiu
and examine it. They ttre n great
convenience and money saver for
the dairyuwu, ft.A. S.Wmw. ?jtf
Ucrt DcLorimicr, who has a farm
near Redmond, was in BenlT Tues
day. Mr. DcLorimicr has1' but re
cently returned from upending rcv
cral months in Washington, and
has already begun the further de
velopment of his place.
Cort Allen was down from his
ranch on Little river to spend Suu
day and Monday in town. He re
ports that Mrs. Allen and Ktliel
arc welt pleased with their home at
Cnrvallis, where Miss Ktliel is at
tending the state agricultural college.
Hunter & Slants arc seriously
contemplating building two mod
ern bungalows on the lots just west
of Mr. Hunter's home. If they
finally decide to build, Mr. Staats
will occupy one of the houses. Mr.
Hunter says it is very probable that
they will build.
J:. R. Ilallernian was in from
his ranch at Powell Duties Monday,
looking after business matters. He
reports that ranchers thcrcibouls
arc doing considerable clearing this
fall and winter, and that quite a
number of new comers arc moving
onto land in the vicinity of the
Tuoj. W. Tiiplett will scon be
gin building a house for himself on
the lots formerly owned by A. I..
Goodwilllc cait of the D. I. & P.
Co. office Luilding. The new
house will be 16x36 feet, two
.stories, with a otif-story ell 14x24
feet. A porch will be built across
the entire front of the building.
In a letter to The Bulletin dated
at Seattle, V. J. O'Connor writes:
"I hac launched into a small busi
ness on my own account Jo keep
me out of mischief until my patent
is manufactured, which I expect
will be not longer than 30 dayTs
now. Mrs. O'Connor is feeling fine
again and everything is lovely."
County Judge II. C. Kllis came
in Tuesday about midnight from a
trip to Portland. The judge's
pleasing features were frozen to a
delicate blue tint, but he was
still cheerful, and after n little he
thawed out and his face regained
its normal color. It is no joke
these days to ride from Shauiko to
Priucville. Review.
J. 15. Morson of Portland, presi
dent of the Deschutes Land Com
pany, is at Rosland this week. His
company has a contrart with the
state for the reclamation of 30,000
acres of laud near Rosland, under
the Carey Act Mr. Morson re
fused to be interviewed as to the
plans of his company and stated
that he had nothing to give out at
Runchcrs on the upper Deschutes
report that the feeding of stock has
been postponed this season later
than at any otber time in their
recqllection. This is due to the
continued absence of snow, and to
the fact that fall and winter raius
gave the grass a good start and the
range is in fine condition as a conse
quence. It is understood that nouo
of the ranchers have yet begun to
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Wenandy
left Tuesday morning for Shauiko
where they will spend most of the
lime hereafter, Mr. Wenandy say
ing, however, that he did not in
tend to abandon his residence in
Bend. lie figliies that he can lcok
after the interests of the stage line
better at tic Shauiko cud, but will
also be seen' in Bind frequently.
M. O. Cde will have charge of the
stage office at this place.
Mrs. McRanoy'j Experience.
Mrs. M. MeKancy, l'rcnll, Miss ,
writes: "I wn confined to my tied for
three month with kidney diut bladder
trouble, nml was treated by two physi
cian hut failed to net relict. No huiiinii
tongue can tell how I suffered, anil I hn'l
Klvcii ti hope of ever Ketth'K WC1 uilil
I lieKAii tnkliii: l'olcy's Kidney Remedy.
After taking two bottles 1 felt like a new
iK-rion, mid feel It my duty to tell suffer
lui! women what l'ofey'a Kidney Rem
edy did for me," C. MKB.R1M,
Sheriff Klkiut still holds the stock of liquors, tilc'dlspo-it.t
of which has at last bcrn' arranged
for by the defendant filing a pcti
lion hi bankruptcy. The case
having been thus transferred to the
federal court, the sheriff is expect
ing an order to ship tile stock to
Portland or Shauiko and turn it
over to the proper authorities. Sev
eral Priucville people will be sorry
to sec that stuff leave the county.
County Commissioner Rice, who
is in Bend today in connection with
school matters, told The Bulletin
that it is lib first visit to this part
of the county, and that he was
greatly surprised at what he saw in
the wav of farm development. He
said he had always been told that
the section south of Crooked river
was worthless, but he was now con
fident that he had been misled.
Judging from the stubble in the
fields, Mr. Rice said it was very
evident the soil was capable of a
prolific production, and he predict
ed a bright future for the section
he had been led to believe was "no
good."' Commissioner Rice's home
is at Hay Creek.
County Commissioners Rice and
Baylcy and County Superintendent
Ford arc in Bcud today, and, ac
companied by County Judge Ellis,
have visited the Bend schools. The
visit was made in order that these
gentlemen might satisfy themselves
as to the efficiency of the Bend
school, ahd if it is considered the
equal of the county high, school,
the Bend district will be relieved
from paying the tax for the support
of the county school, according to
the Oregon law. It will be remem
bered that the Bend school boaid
made application, several weeks
I ago, for exemption from this tax.
While these gtifttlcmcn had nothing
to give out as to'fheir final decisidin
yet it is known they arc highly
pleased with' the 'Acrid school, its
building a'nil Vq'ttlp' roc'nt, and it in
safe td predict Mat their action will
be faVofable to the local school.
Guilty of qounterfeltlng.
PMliifc counterfeit money l no worn:
than tuluitilutiiiK some unknot n worth'
leu remedy for l'oley' Honey ami Titr
the Rreat couli ami cold remedy tlmt
cures the mot obstinate cough ami
bents the Junjts. C. M. MKURIU., Drui't
Kt. "
Fur Sale.
Relinquishment on timber claim
estimated two million. Sec '
it F. C Rowm'.j
Read The ilnlletln and be happy
When You Paint
buildings, inside or out
side, if you desirg the
very best results at the
leasj: expense yon
should usq
Call for
coIoV cards
A Full Line of Groceries, Dry
Ooods and Hardware always on
SantaClaus Will Come to Yoii
4 !'' mm '
If Voir Buy
Jhc iHcrfjI Drug Company
p jtostotflce Bid.
Candies, Tqys, Clocks, Jewelry
Silverware, Cut Glass, Books
all kinds of Holiday r.oods
Something for Everyone '
Come end see-- then yQuJl bp;
Qttr line excels. carry everything you may want in the
hardware line, including pauts and oils, doors and windows,
step ladders, lime and cement. Nowhere in Send cab you find
so cpmplctc an assortment, and then you know, our prices
are fair.
Children's Coasting SIed ami
fcxfae$s WagoHs for Clmtmo$
I also carry a full line of Staple and Fancy
Just what you need for the Christmas dinner.
C, S. Caldwll
IFe Centra! Oregon
Banking (Sb Trust Company
Bern). Oreeon.
3 and 4 per cent. Interest paid on Six
Months and One Year Time Deposits.