The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 09, 1908, Image 2

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Depose llaylian President and
Select New Leader.
Immense Crowd Hoot and Curse Fat
ten Ruler its He Goes Aboard
French Training Ship.
Port au Prince, Dec 3. President
Nord Alexis has been deposed and is
now safe on board the French training
ship Duguay Troum, and Port au
Pnnco is in tho hands of the revolu
tionists. General Antoine Simon,
leader of the insurgents, is marching
up the peninsula with au army of
5,000, and a new president. General
Legitime, has been proclaimed. At
tho last moment President Alexis
yielded to the urging of those about
him, and decided to take reluge
aboard the French warship.
An immense crowd of men and wo
men had assembled at the wharf, and
the arrival of tho presidential carriage,
escorted by a battalion of infantry and
a squadron of cavalrry under command
of General Hippolyte, was the signal
for tumult and riot. All atong tho
route tho people who l.ned the streets
shouted, jeered and cursed at tho fal
len president, but when the landing
stage was reached the mob lost all re
straint. The scene was tragic and
shameful. Infuriated women brolco
through the cordon of troops and
shrieked the coarsest Insults in the
very face of the president, who strove
bravely to appear undismayed.
General Canal is doing everything
possible to maintain order. Infantry
and cavalry patrol the streets and, al
though a panicky feeling remains,
thereis little danger to the foreigners.
Armed sailors from the two Ameri
can cruisers and the French cruiser in
tho harbor were landed at 1 JO today.
Conflicting Reports of His Intentions
Given Out.
San Francisco, Dec 3. After 43
hours' search no trace of Chief of Po
lice Iiiggy's body has been found. Ru
mors and surmises that the chief is in
hiding are without foundation. The
mayor and police commissioners in
tended to keep him In office, notwith
standing charges that ha was incompe
tent That Chief Biggy offered his resig
nation to Police Commissioner Hugo
D. Keil an hour before bis death, and
during the period of bis visit to the
commissioner's home at Belvedere, bo
came known today Keil admits that
the missing official offered to surrender
his pos tion in the hope that the com
missioners would be relieved of news
paper criticism, to which Biggy felt
they had been subjected on his ac
count, but Keil, according to his own
eclarat on, refused to accept or con
sider Die proposal, and advised the
chief that the members of the board
would not entertain tho idea of bis re
signing under fire.
Union Pacific Coal Mbn Confess Dis
crimination, Deny Conspiracy.
Salt Lake City, Dec, S. -In the
United State District court today, J.
M. Moore, western Mies agent for the
Union Pacific Coal company, and a de
fendant in the case, admitted that he
had cut on the coal supply of D. J.
Sharp, a Salt Lake coal dealer, because
Sharp insisted upon cutting the retail
price of Wyoming coal 60 cents a ton.
Mr. Moore, who, with Everett Buck
ingham, traffic manager of the Oregon
Short Line, and others, Ib charged with
conspiracy in restraint of trade, de
nied the conspiracy and defended his
action toward Mr. Sharp by saying
that the dealer had violated the condi
tions undor which the coal was sold to
him, and that his actions tended to dis
arrange tho tariff schedules of the coal
Kange War In New Mexico.
East Las Vegas, N. M Dec. 3.
Mounted police have been dispatched to
Boaz, northeost of Roswell, N. M by
Governor Curry to settlo a cattle war
that has been raging there for the past
few weeks. Cattle have beon slaught
ered and a bloody clash between tho
opros ng forces is fearod. Forty cat
tle wore killod lost week by settlors
who claimed their crops were beirg
damaged by tho herds of the Littlefield
company. The settlers also seized CO
head of cattlo in payment for alleged
Fines Salt Company $10,000.
Grand Rapids, Mich , Dec. 3. Judge
Knappen, In tho United States Distr ct
court, fined the Sterra Salt & Lumber
company, of Ludington, $10,000 toduy
for having accepted rebates from tho
Pore Marquette railway.
Condition of Washington's Governor-
Eelect Becomes More Serious.
Paso Ruble. Cal . Dec 4 -Gov
erti.T-elcvt Cojgrovc's condition h.u
become more, serious An operation
ha been performed by Urs. Dresser
.in.1 Sawver Dr Dresser says "I
don't think he can hold out two week
longer" A specialist of Berkeley is
here on the cae ami said. "Chrome
disease i getting hint Kven if he
survives for some time he will cer
tainly not be able to return to his
home Mate for inauguration as gov
ernor "
After a consultation the specialist
said that he thought everything
being done for the governor and ap
pro cd the course of treatment and
it was decided to continue the course
as heretofore.
Paso Robtrs. Hot Sprines. Cal.
Dec 4 Governor-elect Cosgrove of
Washington was reported late last
nmht to be somewhat improved I)r
F G Rcinhardt, of the University of
California, was in consultation yester
day with Dr Dresser, the attending
nhv-sician. reeardins Sir Cosgrove'.
condition and approves! the course of
ireaimem inai is uciuk iuuhtimkicu
to him Dr. Dresser said shortly be
fore midnight that the patient was
resting well and that he had appeared
to be somewhat stronger. The report
that the Governor-elect had under
gone an operation yesterday is un
Prosecution In Ruef Trial Trying to
Prove Bribery.
San Francisco, Dec 4 In the Ruef
bribery trial yesterday the prosecution
endeavored to show bv the testimony
of Adam Dahlcr. acting treasurer of
the United Railroads, that the on
000 drawn by Tircy I- Ford from the
mint was never turned over to the
company Mr. Dahler said that he re
tamed all the gold coming in and de
posited all currency and checks He
sid that after the graft inquiry had
begun in lfrX. George E Starr, the
company's treasurer, went east with
a number of vouchers and books to
be experted.
George W'lcutt. secretary of the
I'nited Railroads, testified regarding
the books in his charge The pro
posed introduction of a letter which
Wilcutt said he bad at his office, and
which is supposed to contain some
reference to the $300,000 drawn by
Ford, led to a wordy clash between
Vtl!am M. Abbott, assistant coun
sel for the United Railways, was
called, but on advice of his counsel
refused to testify on the ground that
he was under indictment in connection
with the trolley franchise matter
Judge Lawlor overruled the objec
ions and compelled htm to testify
He then related the incident of his
trio to the mint with Ford, when the
'atter obtained one of the install
ments of the made payable
to the order of Patrick Calhoun.
Troops Disperse Haytian Mob With
Volley, Killing Twelve.
Port au Prince. Dec 4 For many
hours during the night following the
flight of Nord Alexis riot and pillage
orev liled in Port au Prince Thr
oopulaee. maddened by the spirit of
ret It. turned from the skiff that car
ried the deposed president to the
Irench training ship, Duguay Trouin
and gave full vent to Its passions. It
looted stores and residences fought
over the booty and was held in check
only by an armed force hastily gath
ered together by General Po devin
which fired a volley into the mob and
drove the rioters from street to street
and finally into seclusion Twelve
'M-rions were killed and many wound
id before order was restored.
So serious did the situation bieomr
that a committee of public safety,
composed of the most prominent mill
tiry leaders, was organized Scores
of citzens were placed under arms to
mm the loyal troops in patrolling
the city and comparative tranquillity
now reigns.
The American, French and German
ministers decided early in the morning
that they could trust in the arrange
imnts made by the committee to
m-iiniain order, but they jointly gave
notice that, if trouble occurred again
they would land forces from the war
ships. Want Large Warehouse.
Helena, Mont., Dec. 4. Montana
sheepmen, including the members of
the state board of sheep commission
ers, met here today in conference with
representatives of the Chicago Associ
ation of Commerce respecting the
building in that city of a wool ware
house to cost $100,000. Very liberal
terms have been offered and while no
definite action was taken at this after
noon's meeting, the project is general
ly favorably received. The sheep com
mission announces that It has no im
portant recommendations to mttku.
Fired by Incendiary.
Rod Lodge, Mont,, Dec. 4. General
Manager C. R. Claghorn, of tho North
western Improvement company, who
has made a thorough investigation of
tho causo which led to the greut disss
tor on November 20, has come to the
conclusion that the fire Ir r tope No. 1
was of Incendiary orig.n, and toduy
offered a reward of $2,500 for tho ar
rest and conviction of tho guilty party.
Chances Good for Recovery of $300,
OOO Civil War Expanses.
Salem- Attorney General Crawford)
has received a letter from the iiw turn
of Ralston & Siddons, of Washing-.
ton, D C, informing him that the cac '
of the State of Oregon agiinst the1
United States was argued before the
United States court of claims on No i
vrmber 37 and that the states chance j
of winning the suit is good The (
state's claim is for approsjnutcly i
$390 000 on account of expenditures
made by this state during the civil
war in cnlistiHg and maintaining vol
unteer troops for the service of the
United States.
The state has a contract with the
Washington attorneys by which the
state agrees to pay them as their fee
10 per cent of all the money collected
by them and turned Into the treas
tiry The balance of the amount col
lected is to be turned into the irre
dueible school fund.
Dry Land Owners Anxious for Work
to Begin on Water System.
Ontario Probably the best am! moJt
enthusiastic meeting to foster favor
able feeling for the Malheur irrigation
proect was held at Nssa last week.
Mayor Boydell had charge of the meet
ing and Mr. Griffith, secretary of the
Boise-Payette Waterusera' association,
and rovcral others spoke, showing the
advantages of government irrigation
and drainage.
Tho object of tho meeting was to
get the co-operation of dry land own
ers and men who own water rights In
asking tho government to go to work
at once. Resolutions to this elTect
were drawn up and signed by all pres
ent. There were probably ISO dry
land owners and waterusors in attend
ance. The government engineer showed
that the object of irrigation is not
alone to put water on the larol, out to
drain the water off after it has fulfill
ed Its purpose, and to reclaim the al
kali land. The government represent
atives are ready to gu to work as soon
as the people show that they want the
Malheur project bad enough to support
it in the right way. The Nyssa meet
ing emphasizes that the people are be
ginning to realize tho importance of
government Irrigation. Alter ir.c
meeting the people of Nyssa gave a
banquet In honor of those present from
outside points
Cannot Give Jobs to Secure Votes.
Salem Although many, if not all
the candidates for president of the sen
ate or speaker of the house may not be
warn nt I h fart. vet their rnmnaiirns
for election come within the regula
tions of tho corrupt practices act
adopted by the people last June. Sec
tion 10 of the net specifically provides
that the term "public officii" shall
apply to the presiding officer of cither
ln-.rwh nt thn lixrlalmture. Such candi
dates would not, however, be bound by
section a or the act, limning campaign
fTrvndlturiyi. for that section applies
only to tho candidate "who has receiv
ed the nomination to a public omco.
Pendleton Wants Library.
Pendleton Tho women of Pendleton
have taken upon themselves the task
of saving the eity's public library from
abandonment. At a recent mass meet
ing a plan of campaign was outlined
and a big public reception, the first
step, will ho held soon. It is desired
to havo Miss Marvin, state librarian,
present, and the date will be arranged
to suit her convenience. The library
will b housed in the new city hall and
will be in charge of a competent libra
rian. It is also proposed to rahw
funds sufficient to make valuable ad
ditions in the way of books and period
icals so that it will bo more efficient.
Votes New Water System.
La Grande The city of La Grande
will have n new water system that will
convey high mountain water 18 miles
to this city with a 1,300 f ot pressure,
as tho result of the adoption ' f the new
city charter at a special ulectlon. Tho
V'to cast was exceedingly small, but
the majority in favor of tho m-w chart
er large. Construction of tho wator
system will begin at once, and will bo
finished by next summer, at a cest of
Sheepmen Meet at Baker.
Baker City The largest attendance
that tho Baker-Unlon-Grant counties
Woolgrowers' association has had sincu
its organization was tho sowinn held
here last week. Tho meeting was de
voted to n general discussion of topics
that aro of vital interest to tho shiep
men. Takes Chickens to Japan.
FnioTiH If. Knknada. n Japanese.
wlm liax hei.n txirter at tho Hotel
Gr'sa for several years, has started to
Japan with 1 1 coops ot mo nnisv ireu
chid ens to be found In Lane county. .
lie is going to introduce tneso Atner -1
can birds In Japan and raise poultry .
thero. '
Lumber Manufacturers to Carry On
Vigorous Campaign In East.
Portland - The Oregon Washington
Lumber Manufacturers' association, at
its Inft monthly tncetm, took up the
mattrr of (Xti'itslvety advert islng Ore
gun fir for interior finish in tho Kastern
It has been discovered that tho
beautiful surface of the wood which Is
so plentiful out hi ro is now attracting
attention in the Kait, but at the same
time it is considered advisable to do
some missionary win k to gut it Intro
duced on a large scale.
Huw to go about it has not yet been
decided upon, but the matter tins be n
left wl'h a committee to f. rmulnto the
most effective system. A unique) ex
hibit will in all probability be sent to
the larvrcr Eastern centers to b placed
on display for a certain length of time
in inch city. The material will also
be bioughl to the attention cf leading
Henry II. Miller, American csnstil
gem ral, Yokohama, made ft highly In
teresting talk l tho assembled lumler
men, shaking principally upon the
lumler situ tion and timber resources
in Japan, China and Manchuria, He
paid that China, esecinlly, will alwsys
prove a market for Pacific c nut tim
ber, that country is entirely de
nuded of anything in the way of for
ests. Msnchurl i, on the ther hand,
he suid, has large bodies of fine timber
which eventually will enter into com
petition with other source of supply.
First Irrigated Tract.
Blalock RoyM. Jones, of Sllvrrton,
who has been engagwl by the M. J.
! company to superintend the plant
ing ami cultivation of straw berries nt
the old ltlaluck orchard, reorta that he
has planted in the last lu davs H7.000
Clark Seedling strawberry plants. The
company will plant about 40 sen to
straw berries alone. This tract of land
has in the past produced lorries which
were earlier than either Hood River or
Kennewick. It is believed that It was
one of the first pieces of land In the
Columbia river basin to be put under
water. Dr. Blalock, of VYalln Walln.
having planted it to fruit about 26
years ago and pumped water from the
Columbia for irrigating purjoses.
O. R. & N. Promises Sidetrack.
Baker City -The O R & V has
advised the commercial orginixatinn
here that it is ready to build side
tracks for the new mill whenrvrr tlr
arc needed This ends the controversy
that was on between tbts city and the
company over the mill matter
Buys Pendleton Business College.
Pendleton Professor F O Dra
per, of the Moscow Business college,
has purchased the Pendleton bulnr-
college of Miss M M Statlery of
Spokine, and has taken possession
Professor Draper has fik-n chirge
and will make Pendleton his home
Fruits Apples, 75ctii per box;
pears, I IM 1. 26 per box; grapes, $IM
1.50 per crate; quince. IIW 1.26 pir
lox; cranberries, 112.60 per Iwrrtd;
cosflliaK, 2HcM'rpoiind; huckleberries,
lOftrl&c per pound; persimmons, $IM
1.26 per box.
Potatoes -76S6c per hundred;
sweet potatoes, idl2c ht pound.
Onions $1(211.10 per 100 pounds.
Vegetables Turnips, $lwl.26 per
sack; carrots, $1; parsnip, $1.26;
leets, $1.26; horseradish, Iiw 10c per
pound: artichokes, 90eri$l perriosen;
beans, 10Wl4eper pound; caLhftgr, 1
GlJsjC per pound; cauliflower, 7ueft$l
rwr listen- nlfirv. 4fkif?fU? IMir llnilt!
cucumbers, $20t2.M)perbox; eggplant,
loc per pound; ii'iiuee, i(i.zn kt
box; parsley, 16c per dozen; poos, 10c
perpo'ind; iieppers, 1 Ott 1 leper pound;
pumpkins, Iftd.c per pound; radishes,
12 Xc prrdosen; spinach, 2e per omd ;
annuity O ltn 1 fle tMtr iMriJnil! aolliuh. 1
Oi I Kc per pound; tomatoes, 60cg$1.76
per crate.
Wheat -llluestom, 0k: club, 'JOfU
nir- fife. OOfrOlc! red Russian. 88c:
40-fold, 91c; vnlloy, 01c.
Jlnrloy recti, x-2ti,7oiier ion; urew
ing. $27.
Oats No. 1 whlto, $31.11. CO por
Hay Timothy, Willatnrtto valley,
1.1 ner Inn- Kuntern Oreiron tlrnothv.
$lCWl7.fiO; clover, $12; nlfalfu, $12tfe
12.00; grain nay, rc,uuoi,i,
Itntliir f!itv emuiiHirv. extras. SC,(it
27c; fancy outside creamery, H2i,0l)
;jre; store, ni sue.
'HUH Oregon selects, luotuic;
Eastern, 'iOfu'Mc.
I'miHrv Menu lie snrlnir. lie:
ducks, 1 IWIfic; gooso, DMIOc: turkeys,
lbe; ciroHswi turKoys, noininni.
Veal Extra. 8KUc; ordinary, 1ST
7Kc; heavy, Cc.
1'ork lancy, vc; large, i-v"mc.
Hon 190K. choice, fwi.c: prime.
7r7',e; medium, 6 J-iCc; 1007, 'i(n
4c: 1900, dtl e.
Wool Eastern Oregon, nvcrngo best,
10(f14c; according to shrinkage; val
ley, lGttplCc; mohair, choice, 18c.
Hill and Harnman Are Contending for
Through Mail Contract
Salt Lake, Utah, Dec. 2. Tho Her
ald this morning snys tlmt 1-ehiml nn
order just received for n chatign In the
schedule u f tho Oregon Short Line's
Salt Lake-Portland express is tnaped
out ail elaborate cnliiHilgn between
two great transcontinental rnlvvs.
The fruit of victory will be tho cream
of the through imsiteiigor business and
the choicest mull contracts between
Chicago unil Portland.
By seeding trains on tho Union Pa
cific from Granger, Vyo on the Short
Line, through Huntington, Or., on the
Oregon Railway & Navigation rond, to
Portland, tho Herald continues, It Is
hpl to reduce the time of tho through
trip by five hours nt least.
This contest against time Is inspired
bv the completion of the Sxknne,
Portland A Senttln from tho Northern
Pacific connection at Pasco, Wash., to
Portland, along tho north bank of the
. Columbia river.
The Sx)knne. Portland & Seattle is
'a Hill enterprise. It reduces by many
hundords of miles the truckage bo-
1 tweon Chicago nnd the Oregon inrtrup-
1 oils. With the Nortlwrn Pacific to
Billings, anJ tho Burlington from Hil
lings to Chicago, it forms nlmost an
ulrllnti from the ocean to the lakes.
With It eliminated, the Hnrrimnn sys
tem could easily maintain Ha suprem
acy, but with the Spokane, Portland &
Seattle as a factor, the middle route
will need every wince of steam Its lo
comotives can make.
Beginning next week tho Portland
express will leave Salt Ijiko at 10:16
p. in., instead of 11:16, to connect at
Pocntello with the Granger-Hunlitigtuti
llyer, whose running tlmo Is to b re
duced 46 minutes between tlHMex)lnU.
Seme Uvlleva San Francisco Police
Chief Committed SulcUln.
San Francisco. Dee. 2 Although
numerous bonta m trolled ami snrehmj
the bay since daylight vosterday morn
ing from the Gulden Gat to Hunter's
(mint and the olllcers of the ferryboat
and other craft were asked to keop a
shurk lookout fur It, the body of Chlstf
of Police W. J. Biggy, who mvsteri
ously disappeared from lb police
launch Patrol ami I believed to have
fallen ovrrlxHiril shortly befuru 12
o'clock Monday night, while returning
to this city from Belvedere on the
north shore, has not yet been recover
ed. Up to a late hour last night the
x)llce launch Patrol ami other boats,
with searchlights, were still on the
bay, but it is feared that tho body of
the late chief of police has been car
ried out to sea by the tide.
Among officials uf tho dortmrnt
there are two theories to account for
the disappearance. A number uf his
s bordinatea incline to the lielief that
worry ami griuf over thn newspaper
crlticinlms of his ollkial am! privnte
demeanor Impelled hlin to end his life,
whllo others affirm with ejul confi
dence that h fell from tho slippery
deck during an attack of vertigo or n
fainting tell.
Sun to Bo Studied Willi a Monster
I.O Angeles, I)o. 2. - Dr. George
K. Hole, director of the Carnegie solar
observatory on Mount Wilson, an
nouneed Uhy that a ?rrl stel tower
160 fwt high, with a well 76 fet dep
under it, with whirh to usm th spe
troneope, will bo constructed on the
peak next summer. The tlw-foot re
llvcting telescope will be ready for usti
next Monday Rnd Dr. Hale predicts
tliat with tht (xiwerful rrtbetor now
installed the greatest in the world -a
number of important discoveries may
be expoctud, tMrticularly In th photo
graphing of tliw s n's surface and lh
various curious nebulae.
A wireless telegraph station is pro
jecttsl on tho crown of thn mountain,
tests being now in progriwM to lit
tenntmt the best KinU for locating the
operating plant. It is expctd by ex
ports that message may ln llsshwl to
Japan or beyond, so perfect aro the
conditions found. A coil chIiIi of
giving out tho oxtremu length of spark
is to 1)0 Installed.
Runs Away on Mountain,
Butto, Dec. 2. A freight train of
an enginu nnd 14 cars wiih wrecked on
tho west sldo of thn lllossburg hill on
tho Northern Pacific branch between
Garrison and llulunu west of hern this
morning. Tho train got beyond con
trol while descending the mountain.
duo to thu uccomulation of Ico and
snow on thu mils. An orntor grasp
ed tho situation us tho train tliundcrcHl
past nnd wired nliund to Weed, whoro
n dernillng swith was thrown. Tim
fact that tho onglno remained upright
suved tho lives of tho engine crow.
Pope's Doctors Anxious.
Rome, Dec, 2. Tho pope's physi
cians, while thty I'crland tonight that
tho cold from which lie was Hering
was following a normal counio, ex
pressed anxiety on nccountof his weak
Tatt Has Many Imiirovuiiiuiils llu
Would Inauijtiriiti'.
Presldont-Llocl Intends to Reorganlin
Three Detriments Deslleg Willi
Corporations--Improve Rivers.
Hot Springs, V. Dc t The
Wi.rld is able to present here ide
(.iiiuipal legislative program of il.r
I. ill admuiiitlralltill
r.itil( revision is the primary tr
son lor the exlta ssl"M that will It.
lallrd immediately alter Manh .
wo, but the next lrsultn sees n .
rrjin why. during that extra rsi.,n.
tie Mirnnan antl trust law hti d n (
lit so amended that railroads mi)
nuke r.ilr agreements under the tin i
-upi rviMi'ii of the lutctslale torn
IIICIlC iollimiSSIOII ll is IKll IlkrU
i hat more subjects than the tariff and
hi amendment to the Micrmiii ail
Mill be named by Mi Nil in allniit
the rxirj session, ihi'iigh he may de
tide later to mention 'l ( the prm
. ipil laws that he hopes In see rn
acted These s
I Putting a limitation on the issu
ancr ( interstate bonds ami slixtt
1 Authorising railroait lo make
rate agreement which olherwu.
would be in violation of the antl truvi
law, subject to the approval of the
inlrrsiJie comnierce imiiiiiiiis on
3 Defining particular r isra in whii !i
temporary rrtiraining orders may i
sue without notice, and preirilnn.(
priH'rcdiiigs limmns' llirir opnali.m
to thr very shortest djv
I Such amendment in the law or
itaiiiinii the hutru ( itlnn
. hall require rrrlam lirur crp i
ilt'tis doing an llltrf l 'li- hillnr In
Milium to the scrmiiiy mid rsinuiii
linn ( atfents of the fnlrrat guv-rrn
3 Keorganit ing the drp irtn ent nt
liisiiie the interstate mmmrf r com
initiin and the department of com
imtir and labor in respect lo the jur
lolui.nn eserclsed by llem over in
Irrstalr rorporslions. both rai'roads
mil others It ) Mr Taft't idea that
the thrrc departments should work
harmoniously, mi that no ne shil h
going over ground coveted by .mother
and so there shall lie no conflict
f authority Ultimately hm ban
died by these departments must now
go io the courts, hut it is Mr Tafi's
idea that a Urije number of cites can
be disposed of linall) and riUilsb'y
hv thr departments under the right
sort of law
Krlorm in the monetary anil
funking systems of the country This
is rrtngnifcd st one of the great
prnh'rms before the new ld'ttinistri
Hon but it is not rsprrtrd thai il
will he taken Up st the eslr.i esion
7 Conservation of the niiuril re
sources of the country, incluiting the
ppilsrhian bill The iicn.n of the
constitutional power of the federal
government in this muter is wo y-i
clear It can be said that Mr 'I aft i
hi sympitliy with thr end lo be a.
romptithed. but that he wi'l rrcnn
""id no IrguMion until he is mi
fird as In thr esact length lo win. Is
I he federal government ran go
s Improvements of rivers and hn
bors Thr new admiu.str ition m mm
niiied to an t-nrrgrtji p ,li,y f mi
provement, particularly of nihil I
waterways The Ohio river nine foot
tliaiinrt from 1'ilisburg to ".,ro i l
the front at present ll will r...i sm ,.nd the lost pr Mdcn' fvo ,
the issuance of bonds lo puvli iKr
Dutch Warships Msksi (JeiMootlr.Uloo
Off VHsuUn Ooast.
Vyillemstad. Dec. -Having been
iin.ihle lo obtain amit'.ib e iel'l mml
I oiitst indiiig diffrrriicrs wilh Vrs
irilrla. The Netherlands givrriuncnl
has begun a naval drnioiutr itiou oil
the coast of the South Amrrirm re
public, and since Wi-dnrsihy vcs.-U
(inu the Dutch flag have stcani.-.l
from Purro C.-ilu-llo m I ; f'.u.vr., n
a distance of 3WMI yards from tin-
Will No Admit Clinrgn
Wilmington, Del,, )rf A V
Dupoiit, secretary and ICdward M
fin,l tr.aaii.. m.I il.- I 1..
.-....., II1..HICI, to ifiv lirirrni poti i
I'oiutiiiiiiei auaiiiti u,l,l... .m In.
brcn brought by tile govrrumriit wcri-
.1. minim inn i y nenire I'liiieu inics
C ommiatliiHui- I... !. .....
ernini'til counsel In regard lo the nur
iii,r in ciiiiiieiiiig companies ny tnc
lllllw.lll I ... IT.-. .. .
'"" milipnil, mill Ull CIIOM l'
IiiiiiiIc lo klmw that, during sever il
i" wncii no iiiviiit'iius were tic
eland the iihhicv was used in nur
iImsiii" (,tt.r conip mies, but th'-y
would not admit I Ids.
Sovontuun Du In Storm.
St lolius, N I', Dec S Seveiili
P-i "iii li ive in r sin I in i ' ii oi
winih Ins 1 -1.i,l ll,, , I ,,n ,,' i I
i .i-t f r H h. .in- in ll i t ii i
' -' Is. ll,IV g 'lie ,1 , ,'
" ' bri kitn i I i fr 1 1 mi ti
ro, ks Iir t rm tui v ' ' d '
age lo wlnrvcH and In ats In the nil
incrous harbors