The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 09, 1908, Image 1

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    Jl rEjrf LJI-fAJL JLJ (J Ldf laL J. JLA t
llh.Mi. UkhOOiN. W1.IJM-.SHAV. iJUChMUIilt 'j. hj8
NO. 39
Scavlitry ol flic Interior Makes
a New Killing.
Ilniticr Land Will No Longer le Sold
at $2.50 an Acre New System
Puts I hem llcvnnil the Pour
Man' I'licketlraak
The cheap timber claim is n tiling
of the tmat. Ileretoforu it has been'
HMibl to secure f(o acres of lim
ber laud st. the itof ;? 50
r acie or $c: for n quarter sec-tio-.r.1
'iMib ricc prevailed regard
'les5 Of (lie value of (lie timber on
the claim, und tint tract that was
worth aevcrnl thousand dollar!! went
for the same price ns n jwor cliiim.
littt tint comlitioii of affairs no long
e exists, as Secretary Hatfield has
ruled that the timber must be ap
praised U-fore Mild and then sold
by the L'overnment according to
that appraisal, none of it going for
less ilian the "minimum price,"
3.30 per nerc.
A ilitipatch from Washington
says that Ix-glnning December 1,
unreserved public timber lauds cm
Jercd under the limlwr and stone
n t must Is: paid for nt 1unppr.u-.c1l;
value 11 ml will no longer be soldi
or 11 lint rate of S3 50 jcr acre
Secretary Garfield has promulgated
a regulation to this effect, basins; it
UK)ii the lnngiia(-e of the law,
which rst-yi that timber land shall
,bc Mild "for minimum price of $3 50
wr.acrc." . Gatfictd holds that if
fa. So is .the minimum price, a
j-.rc.iter amount can legally lc
charged for valuable timber lands
Under the new regulation a er-
ton desiring to make a Umber en
ty must file his application, nc
coiimanying it by an afTidavit Mat
lug that he has been iersnualy up.
itu the land and must Mibitlit his
own estimate ok to the amount of
timber and its value and value of
land when cleared. These filings
will give him a preference right to
the laud.
Within nine mouths the govern
tucut will undertake to make its
own appraisal nud, when this is
done, the applicant can have the
laud at the government's price, but
liis prefeieiice right will he for
feited if he fails to make payment
within 30 days after the Interior
Department completes its appraisal.
Whenever the government fails to
complete appraisal within nine
hiontlis, the applicant can .secure
hc land by making payment at his
own app'rolswl valuation. Where
Ae gomniiient's oppraisal is con
nidcred tdd hlKh the laud can be
appraised at the expense of the ap
plicant.. 1 ,
In nonlnr.ltiuce will limber land
be sold foe less that! j, fa per acre.
No entryinutt can cuttlmbcr during
the timo nnnrnisnV is Using made,
nonbvfotX.' he receives 11 patent from'
uic government. i-a
Last winter Secretary Garfield
endeavored to persuade cotigrvvi to
amend the timlrer and stone- r.ct so
ns to provide for the disposal pf
timber laud at nnpraiscu vaine,
When congress failed tp act it was
announced that Hie secretory wauut
do by regulation what congress hnd
Jailed to no uy icgismt 011. 1 ne re
cent order is the carrying nut of
that thrcut. Gnrfield'8 order Is nut
retroactive. It does utit elTect any
entry heretofore mode.
Pleased With the Change.
Speaking of the reconveyance of
the Jletid townsite to A. M. Drake,
the I.aldlaw Chronicle says:
"While it Is to be regretted thai
'the purchasing company was finan
cially embarrassed ycl mauwHl
hall the retrausferwlth considernble
pleasure. Mr. brake Is known o
a man of Keen business judgment
and foresight and as n man wlm
dors thiugM when he undertakes to
put them through Me has always
had great faith in Html ami the
UeseiitiicH country aim we more
than half suspect that he is
sorry 1,0 aualti take back his fort
OrcgouConservatloii Commission Pays
Trlhutc to Wonderful Dcitliutcs.
The Oregon Conservation Coin
mission, appointed by Governor
Cliatiibcitiiin, has submitted a mo-t
valuable repot t on the natural re
sources of the state, with recom
mendations as to piocr laws to be
passed anil measures , to be taken to
conserve uud ilevelnp these re
sources. The report is published
in the form of a booklet of 133
pages, and is full of Interesting and
valuable information.'-' i- n 1
Sinking of the'wo'.wpcwer'pos
Nihilities of the state, Uhe commis
sion pays a glowing'tribute to the
Deschutes river, as follows.
"Till' DeKhutcn river bt Oregon
is n utarul, a scientific wonder. A
favorable topography, abundant
p.-eeipitation. and a peculiar pnros
itv ol soil and Mib strata all com
bine to mniiit.iiu a Uniformity of
flow that is most remarkable. A
hundred and forty miles of canyon
with precipitous sid.-s ami lieu ol
basaltic rock. Alom: the lottnin
dashes and roars the accumulations
from nine thousand square miles of
drainage area. Vet this enormous
vo time of water is so well main
tained and so uniformly distiibuted
throuchout the tcaons that neither
the protracted drouths that drive
the waters of other streams far be
low tbs'ir beds, nor the persistent
rains and snows that drive other
river-, out of their. banks, have any
appreciable effect tipou this remark
able stream. 'Te river that never
changes,' say those who live on
its banks,
"If necessity demanded, it would
be liossible to develop over a MM.-
i.ion iiokkki-owkk from this river
over forty limes that at present
developed at Niagara Kails. Dams
and 'urncr plants could be built to
follow cacli oilier Hi succession lor
a liuudrctl ami turty nines 01 tuts
river canvon without fear of dam
oge by Hood or shortage cf water."
Rol.iml Items.
Tlierr ullt l n tinner hi llic new
-.rliool homo 111-nr llic nmlll on I'rldny
i-vcnliig. Dee. II. Hit)IhIv luxllcd to
rouie, tiring tlirir lunch tMtlrt nml tme
11 gtxxl time. It U to le n free fur all
Tliednnrc elxvn III the hull "f J s
llnuuc.VCo. 011 Tlniilgllng welling
vm ct) ucll sltcinlcd aii'l ecruiie
ncknouloluvs nil excellent time.
lately the Koilaml niulll li" Ikcii
huntltil oninliU'riilily in order to meet
the heavy lU-iiintiil for Imut-er. I'.vcry
one I. Inillilliig slid tlie Imnting of him-l-cr
govs 1111 at a merry clip.
Doe. Collier lift nUuit completed n
liouve on hU liomcMcnil,
A couple o( inches of miou (ell in the
iivr Dcicliuten country lut l'rlilny
iiioriilni .. i,.
K Mr. St-"en:oii U liulldlng honc in
ItitalapiK't ., f
I' ,
D.'A. 1 Indliy hrU'Vrtiini'rJil )rovl tlcml
and i fonuwlmt Iuiproved hi lie Uli,
we hear. ', '
John llliler is Imil'lhig ipilti a sab
ttmitiul hnixr, fur a hachrlor, 01 hi
Long Pralile homestead. ' ll,",
W, J ItlKhtowir Is iimking Vl.'i.i le
tit the HlKlitower Smith mill 4tTiiifi'U).
A. S. Irelund was In this lclulty)(,for
several days It week nvltlltig'' A-veral
linportunt mutters hi Hie fore-H tvx ice,
llert Culdwcll is building quite a lorc
ham 011 his place.
More people are Inking I'oleyJs Kid
ney Iteiiiedy every year. It is consid
ered to lie the most effective remedy for
kidney and blnililer troulilcs thai medi
cal science can devise, l'otey'ji Kidney
Kcmedy oirrects irreiuiliuitUs, builils
up worn out tltsue uud rcstorus lostvi
tnlltv. It will iimko vou feel well ami
look well. C. W. MiiKHil.t..iDr.v'gltt. ,
Wc witut your bubscrlpllou.
.J. V Vi I IIJvFu IJ
1 wi v
J1"1 Chosen lo Hint Office nt Tue's
titer . ... , L.
tiny s lilcctlon.
I'lao lo lluy Source of Spring StUcr
Turned Dim 11 by Taxpayers New
Council of Kcprc-
seittDtlvc liunlncs AU-n.
Por Myf
Jaunt II. Dnvulnoii , .. 49
C. S, llchnoi)'. lp
I'or Ai'lt-rmcii. Ihii )ar
J. N. llunitr ........5''
.M. J. Kvtter...; 59
TIM. W. TMtol , 4u
(,. ftitn'KMnls .' JR
I'ot Ablttr i)f. om jrnr
it c. Clilwll ,yf linMivrltou'1 1
Tltw W. TriHktt I
JtfT Mllyrau 2
IIukIiO'Khiw I
I'.ir MHf.ltnl
lloioir lUfKKt-iM 4(
I'. A ShiIh-i 1
Henry WIiIIm.'!! I
I'.tii. Iirolerhtm 1
To iHirclMMc xturff ol SrtliiK rler-
W-. tt
N" J7
The al)ovc figures tell about all
there is to be told regarding the
city election held yestetday, Tues
day, Dec. X. As usual, there were
two tickets in the field, but there
was no contest except for the office
of mayor nud twlween T. W. Trip
lctt and Geo Ilrostethous for long
term nldermnn. There were 59
votes cast.
The vote on the proposition to
buy the source 01 Spring river as a
water supply for the future use of
the city, shows that the people were
not In favor of Mich n move. The
vote was closer thou was expected,
as it has beer, evident for some
time (hat the proposition would be
The council for the ensuing year
will be as follows; J. D. Davidson,
mayor; C. M. KedficlJ, Anton
Anne, J. N- Hunter, M. J. Kclley,
T. W. Triplctt, S. C. Caldwell.
Powell Outtes Notes.
Motes Nliwongcr win klcld by n
horte lt week. Mr. N Mtangcr was
lug lclilitd llic liorw when it let
drive willi IkjIIi feet, Lnookiug him
Who's the
Town Booster?
Why, Here He Is!
The titien who prahui hie own
Tim cituen who cmojragoi local
'l'ho citizen who helps along homo
'l'ho eitizon who patronizes the
homo luerchanlt'.
The citizen who gets his job print-
in;,r done in his own town.
That man's TIIR TOWN' BOOST-Kit.
tf"-, A!rsviCi"VKVW!s
anlntt the side of the 1irn, the horse
jtimpliiK forward at llic Mint- time and
knocking down another man. Jutt like
a broncho.
Word li Wti reeeivcl from C. K
Shatturk. Il U nt Wdt Salmon,
Wa.ll. ,
Tile vntciUinaietit at the schoo, houtc
was a fjruml iuccoh. Iitrd atxut two
More is a talc of a prtlty tousjh rooster.
A certain man in thit vicinity tells how
lie mlMsnl n cliicketi dlnrw-f. He cn-jjjlit
a toi-ler, wrmiK Ins uttt lor some lim.
Irtit lint oil, pimI, Ml)tfrflut( )llw dead,
tlirt-w I1I111 tltiMM. Tin rooster's ImohI
hih Iwck thr other tAcy, and tic ran off
Unities NUwotiRrr made a trip to
trinellt Montlny.
Mr. Mjersof Hear Cn-vV. Ruttes wa
out to tic station Sunday. He tell
sl-mit loting a ruins tile inare I- ehokiiiK
to dath. Slic was U01I Hitli a top
around lilt- m-ck, tftt her bind foot
tlirooxli the lope, and .lMwkd to dcalb.
Pldasant lllge Items.
ll.ltA.NT Kiocrtt IkeeHlir 7 "ir
iiK to a scartrity of ltu. fast wck your
reporter falteVt to respond with his usoal
hatch of notes.
IhinUrl (.rw;nralKli lias not bwo feel
Inj; mi w.l this wevk.
Dnrintc the ast wck the weather li
tcu ery favorable for the farmers with
llu-ir I'lowhi);. .
Saturday was ijrvotetl to a wood cbop
piK lce Uy the ntrons of this dUlrict
for the bciicfit of the school, Sumlay1
sehfxil, etc. I
Mrs. 1C It. Kitey and her two thrtcrt,"
Mrs. Iva .Steadman and Miss Kuth
llrockct, aal Mr. Win. Jolmsoti spent
Tlionksgivim: day with that former's
daughter. Mrs. R. )'.. .Sh.-rwotx'.. .
Chid Irviu, who, has t:cn rmployol
on ditch work catt of Ilcnd ior sumejl
weeks, has retired f'om ditch duties,
since the recent arrival of his mother
from the far ensteru state of Ohio, Chad
says he now feels spry as a fighting cock
since hr now- has one of the best house
keepers in the laud.
David Miller is now comfortably situ
ated on his No acre tract of ditch land.
Mr. Miller has erected a fine house and
haru thereon.
Tumalo Items.
Tiimai.0, Dec. 6. We have lcet hav
ing mi inc. very fiKHy weather here lately.
J. . QuibcrK of Sitters ped throij;h
here today Koinj? to Mend with beef.
I'. 1'. Smith of OUt patcd through
here yesterday going to Ilcnd.
W. J, llightower of Kosland is sawing
shingles at the II. .V .S. mill near OUt at
Win. llakeraud wife were Deed visit
ors yesterday.
Wc arc Informed that J. II. Hdwnrds
is atom to trade hl place four miles
northwest of here for property in Wash
ington. C. I.. OUt nnd Mr. Wright of OUt
rtastcd here Wednesday with lumber for
the new bridge at Laidlaw.
Oco. Simmons ami Mr. Wheallcy were
hauling lumber through here from the
II. & S. mill latt week. Mr. Simmons
is uohig to build a new house.
1 I;. Dayton ami O. W. I'pdikc of
l.sidlaw were in Tumalo last Wednes
day on business.
There is miiiii talk of a Christina tree
in the new school house west of here.
We hope It may materialiie and a good
time may lie hnd by all.
Inklings at (list.
OiST, Dec. 4. A light fall of snow
here in the lust few days.
C. !.. OUt and Macky'Wrip.Ut'tiiok the
first load of lu'mlicr over oil tlie Ies-I
chute for the Yicw'urh'gti a 'mile or fd
aliovc LaidLWiuc dsy lUis wtick.' '
Someone asked'. "hat ft tn-U hlWyMJ
over the waf"'ts i'Kisililei that Karri
man has started to work oii'lus r--.dy
No! It's just a little road Work being
dune by the county over on the t)e
chutes. ,. '" 4
There will Ik; a Ch.'lstmas tree Hud
entertainment at the Aool, at
OUt 011 ChrUttnas ts f II are invited.
The Clovcnlalc Card luti .Is arbthill.
Look out for them. Tlie Pre ljable to
surprise you any night. M They arctf.
j jlly crowd. ( ' ,
Mr. Carson's new barn vj-lll joon be
Mr. and Mm. Thomas ArnoU . vent
the county seat yestenlayon'busliics".
w'nllft. flrttltlit ult.l uift' Kntlt -AllllllflV
......... j. , j
at Gist's.
Imported Stallion Purchased by
Ten Laidlaw Farmers.
PRICK PAID WAS $3,000,00
A Steel Grey I'ercheron and Weighs
1,800 Lbs. Prinevlllc Not on Tlie
Uollroad .Map Other Items of
Unusual Interest to All.
Ten of tlje lealing farmers in the,
vicinity of I.aidlaw have just pur
chased of A. C. Ruby tic. Company
of Portland, a fine imported I'er
cheron stallion at a cost of $3,000.
The horse is one of the best ever
brought to the Northwest, and took
the blue ribbon in his class at the
state fair at Salem this year, lie is
a steel gray, three years 'old, and
weighs r.Cco pounds. He is a
horse of magnificent proportion nud
fine action and will be a valuable
adjunct to the farmers and breeders
ol this county. I he Chronicle isj
of the opinion that the raising of
good horses in this part of Central
Oregon promises to be one of the
leading enterprises, as horses do ex
ceeding well and the coat of raising
a colt is slight.
--.- 3
Prinevlllc Must (let Busy,
v ' '
According to a recent dispatch
that appeared in the city dailies.
the people of Prinevlllc have been.
endeavoring to persuade the Harri-j
man interests to build the Deschutes
railroad through their city, but.
have failed . Vw the only thing'
for them to do is to build a. branch
line to connect with the main line
running through Madras, Redmond
and Ilcnd.
The right of way, as decided up-1
on, will establish the main Iiuei
about ao odd miles west of Princ
ville, the company feeling that llic
topographical conditions, as well as
the business that might originate by
diverting the road from its natural
trend southward, would not war
rant the additional expenditure
that would be entailed.
When Princvillc learned this,
some of the leading business men
decided to start a movement for
building a branch line of their own,
to be financed exclusively by home
capital, and this will probably be
"I haven't heard that the Trine
vtiic people have any such inten
tions in mind," said J. P. O'llrien,
general manager of the Ilarriraan
lines of the Northwest. ''They
haven't taken the matter up with
me, but we do not contemplate
running n line Into Prineville."
Prom this it is inferred that if
the metropolis of Crook county is
to have a place on the railroad map
of Oregon, its own people must put
it there.
Railroad Surveyors Still Busy.
The party of Harriruan engineers
under H. J. Roberts, who have
been camped at Madras for a inontlrj
nr itinr.- while workinf? in' that ' lo-l
1 entity, tnqved their cnuirV sfytth
i Tuesday of last week. Their new
camp will be located nearj,Culvci
wumii alt
wlMlp they
n of the Hi
!a the line
are continuing the loca
te SUUWl. 1 uc 1 IUIICC1
tie nas been tocateu south
from MjauVas for a distance of about
10 mileJi'TortovJing practically the
same rtutts taken by the Central
Oregon, vhich follows around Jun-
ipe.rllutte, with n crossing over
Crbol:cd'rllcr near Trail Crossing.
The nartv tinder Mr. Mills.
I(which was also camped at Madras
ior some lime, is uuw cuwpcu i
Redmond oud is working toward
Madras to connect with the line be-
2A. 1... .i. lAi...M ......4..
be complete frota the mouth of the
ing; iai oy me iwikiu iiuiy.
W'litnjthat counecVton is made the
location of the li'arrimati Hue will
Deschutes to Redmond. I;ron
there it is understood the locatio
will be made on south tlirorp
lieiid as far as Klamath l-'nl's.
killed Large Timber Wolf
George Wlndom killed n lar
grey timber wolf at his ranch 11 ca
Culver last Sunday, the anim'j.
measuring 71 inches from tip to tip
When killed by Mr. Windom th
grey wolf was trotting down Hi
road in front of the Windom horn
and n shot from a rifle brought l.i
The timber wolf is very rare 1
the prairie sections, his home bein
in the mountains, and this is th'
first one known to have been killed
in this immediate section. Tlu
coyote, or prairie wolf as he is
culled, belongs to the wolf species,
but is very much smaller than the
timber wolf, and is quite common
in this section Madras Pioneer.
Shorter Kerns of Interest.
A lot of worthless, vagabon 1
dogs arc causing much trouble at
The Ladies' Annex of Prinevi!!t.
will soon put on the home talent
comedy-drama. "Valley FarmJ'
John I.. Spoo & Sons of r.ebar.c
will install a sawmill soon just west
of Laidlaw, with yards in tl'it
city. v.
Ruth Luclling, daughter of Mr
anil Mrs. Charles Luclling of Princ
MfIc. died recently of typboidpncu
mania after an illness of 15 days.
w "A 40-acre strawberry patch will
Vsct out at Condon. 87,000 Clark
Seedling plants being used. A
pumping plant will be installed to
pump water to irrigate the tract.
Walter Tucf:ty a young man
about 30 years cf age who formcrh
lived at Prineville, 'committed sui
cide recently at Ogdcn, Utah, by
blowing out his brains with a Win
Chester rifle.
According to the Journal, tl.
city finances of Prineville arc m
very gbod condition. The indebt
edness Is only $2,500 and the le
for the next year will be only five
mills. And this in spite of tlie fait
that the revenue from the saloon
has, been cut off.
M. C. Aw'urey had n bad runa
way last Snnday morning as he
was driving his black team along
the Swallcy ditch. When the team
started they jerked the buggy top
ofjf and threw it forward on the
seat, pinning Mr. Awbrey fast. B
hard work he threw the top of? and
checked the team without any sc-.
ious results. Chronicle.
Tito Wliatsoevers" Will Have Alan
Useful Articles for Sale.
The ladles of the town who nr..
interested in church work hav.
banded together and formed an un
denominational society which wi
work tu defray the common ex
penses of the church and to mak.
those improvements in the chtirci
in which al are interested. The
call the new organization tlu
"Whatsocvers " Their officers arc
President, Mrs. II. C. Ellis; vice
president). Mrs. R. B. Mtttzig; sec
retary, Mrs. K. A. Griffin; treas
urer, Mrs. A. C. Lucas.
One of the first improvements
that will be riiade is the purchase
and installation of gas lights fo
the church. Enough was realize
from Hie' "ga the dinner" to defra
this expense ant.the gas plant hii.
already been ordered. The Indie
are . planning on building a woof
shedi bjsyiug new song books, ant'1
semnl other improvements.
The Whatsoever! will soon gu ,
n bazaar, where they will have or
sale a large variety of fancy nm1
useful articles suitable for Christ
mns gifts. Everyone who hns ever
attended one of these bazaars knows
what the ladies will have on sale
without on extended description
from Tlie Bulletin. . Suffice it t
say that the arttc!esj4ll be numer
ous, pretty.nd useful.
''for SaU).
, Improved desert claim with pai'
up water right, under the AruOli'
tlltch. ForTutthe'r information tr
quire nt Bulletin office.