The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 02, 1908, Image 6

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HThe TT.7T.ited Cepulchre
Tlic V Tale of vy Pclcc
By Will
Of Ttlsht. HA br
OsttHiM. W1. he J, n. Ltreiscorr Covrvcr AH riiMi reerl
CIIAFTKIt XVII. f Continued.)
All that had been serene partook
strange disorder now. X eg ley should tuve
made an effort ere Ibis to reach him. t"he
power that devastated the city anil with
unspent violence swept the morne ntlgh:
hate reached three leagues at sea! Save
fiat the (ray was unchangeable in the
hx'f of the world, he could not believe
that nil Ihfei was one day. ,ara
tteild ncter forgive him for tierag whole,
nt the price of her mother's eyes! There
r"- ed no adjustment possible for thin
ciul play of his service. He
cu..ed the mother' name softly, bat bet
wo-ds made mi impre--called In frenay
t 'Dili, and felt her shudder In his arm.
"Hoy :'
" cs, yea."
"Tell Utra that there was no yesterday
- -no last night ! Ami leave me here n
tbe dark!"
How long afterwards he nerer knew,
bti he awoke to 8ml himself altering In
ro -rent eeiitettces. The wotua was quite
d'i L The hours drew na Into
eternity, but tbe gray stilt lived In the
kv lie loosened hit arm. Ami the blood
ruslung into the strained limb tre whh
it a thrashing pain. The water bad root
ed, but be did not put his burden down.
He bail not jet fathomed the extent of
her surreniler, nor the signet and color
of her pernmality upon every wwd she
hail spoken. He beard a cry
f"-'n Ijru and deemed it the encroach
tin j of pergonal marine. Scornfully be
ar.sw eml. Again the role of tbe wom
an' IT' arose ami railed her name. A
i .T.i'iw darkened tbe orifice, and be saw
b.s nlv in tbe sky.
It may be in tbt marvelon world.
kL-p' men carry on their wars and their
wooing, Mime pursuing their little way
of darkness, some bursting into bloom of
ra' - and tenderness It may be that af
ter the most exalted passage at agony and
terror, two of Kanh's people were return
ed to each other In the strangeness of
the. One swooning at the curb of an
ancient rUtern, under the hot leaden sky.
the falling sea before, and I'etee. with
hl ten of thousand "lain, on her right
hand; the other In the pit Mow, standing
In tbe cooling water, and calling upon her
to forgive him for failing in that which
only tbe goda couM do. It tnay be that
In tbe collection of I'.artli'a tableaux an
other suih film la c .tried away from an
other age and another cataclysm.
"Niver you worry your hearrt, aorr,"
called Macready, to w-botn the voice of hU
friend had brought Imperious conscious
new, man-wise, instead of collapse. "TV
faint I notbln. Tia a fortune fur thlin
m ran faint fur Joy, an' no hurrt In ut,
aorr. Hare you th atrent' t do th' over
hand up th' chain, wit' th' fairest av tin
touand at th top, aorr?
Constable placed bU burden upon th
tone slabs, caught the chain, and pulled
himself free from tbe water. Ills weight
was a mountain. The lite days bad done
what four bad not plajed havoc with
tbe one hundred and ninety pounds of
manhood which struggled upward under
Macrcady's cheers, and fell across the rim
of tbe cistern Into Marready's arms.
Lara awoke and found Constable bead
ing orer her. Her eyes rested upon his
lacerated band, upon tbe swollen veins In
bis throat and temple. She saw blood
upon bis clothing, blisters upon bis neck,
sweat and mire upon his face.
The reality came that he was praying for
her to forgive him because her mother
had died In bis arms.
"I'eter, my beloved!" she murmured.
"Yon say that mother "
She hailed, for the grief uprose In
its fullness In her mind. 'Hie day had
put a look of horror in ber eyes that
months would not efface. Hut
there was no mortal hurt upon her. Mrr
nostrils, lips, bands all moved In thsir
way of dear perfection. Some time she
would see that be bad done his best.
Though be bad failed In all else.
ie had aved this materplece from barm.
"Hut if 1 bad not come back, she never
would bate known," be plsudwl. "Ami
she forgave, me I'm quite sure us jou'll
forgive nx"
"Wbat are you saylngT" she cried sud
denly, "What do jou mean? It Is hor
rible, but I caw tblnkiug to find you all
lying here as they are In the city all
dead and down and 1 have found my
lover living I"
Macready and Krnt, afar off, watched
tbe puds of smoke and steam rise Ilka
gray-white birds from tbe nilns.
"Krnst, lad," told the other, "th I
an' th I'adiu' lady are hat in' an Intel
lechonal repnsht In th' Wntor ar th'
sta-age, be th' ould well. Hear In molnd
you're n chorus gurrl, nii' onduct your
ailf in accord.'
The Madame was Kteamliig down from
Jlosse Terre to Baint 1'ierre. It was the
third morning after the tragic eighth of
May. On the evening after the eruption
tbe ship bad touched 1'ort de France, and
left the natives there to Jain Father Ha
nsen's colony. Then the Madame was dis
patched to Dominica, where Constable
cabled to New York for officers and men
to complete the shlp'a company, and suc
ceeded also In reaching Mr. Stunaliury by
cable, with the word that Ma daughter
bad been saved, before tbe planter could
get pasoage for the Wblted Bepulchre.
Constable and Lara were sitting to
gether at the cabin door In the sunlight
aud oft winds, Tbe girl wore a robe
Lkvijjgton Comfort
Wilt Leslnrtist CowWt
piirehaed ready-made In llasse 'IVrre. It
of' was white and lustrous, a sirante native
CalTic. which the man regarded with a
rtotisnewt and awe. This was nil Item In
t!n tint consignment of feminine apcsirel
!i hid ever had tbe honor to purchase.
TIip or was full and rare.
"1 come to yon empty-handed and very
died from the heat of the Journey, air,"
he had tM htm; "Imt father will reim
burse yon."
"Father will be allowed certain priv
ilege, but not that." he had replied, and
many were tbe beetles, (tenner, ribands,
and mysteries which they drew, together
and apart, from the treaire houses of
little Hawse Terre.
I'eter was In white, too, of a freshness
only fonnd on shipboard. UN right hand
was in the swathed stale which denote
repairs, and a thickness ef lint was Attrd
under his collar. There wa. too. a drawn
look about bis mth and eyes, to which
the recuperative force bad not et at
tended. N'egley. multifariously bandaged,
was on the brhbre. In mmpany with a new
officer, setntred temporarily at Dominica
The captain was unable to walk, but sig
nified his Intention of healing above decks.
Constable was regarding tbe sad fare he
fore blm. and the beauty of It bad made
him dumb for several moments.
"Irs." be id Anally, "we'll make tbe
pilgrimage together to Saint I'ierre or
tbe place!"
"She was very beautiful and very
proud our mother!" tbe girl whUpered
unsteadily. "She told )en to leave ber
there In tbe dark, w that we would
never w bow changed she was. I know
bow she felt."
I.ra. I'eter and Crueee made their ar
duous way up tbe cluttered road inte tbe
itoe de Itivoll. A smoky rbarml. Saint
llerre, made human only by tbe lameata
flotis uf those who had eome sown for
their dead from Morne Itosige and tbe
hills, 'lite wind was still ; ami the sun
shonsj through silent towers of smoke, and
it was noon. No one bad eken for sev
eral minutes. Tbe fruit shop had fallen
In part. Tbe stone arch remained, al
though the wooden door bad been levelled
and partly devoured by fire. Crusoe re
mained outside with I .am. while I'eter
went In to see If the pkire was safe. Tbey
heard his str upon the stones, the rat
tle of falling plaster. Tbe waiting was
long before he appeared and beckoned.
Tbey followed him into tbe little stone
shop. A breath of coolness still lingered
in the dim place, and the fruity odor of
spilled wine. The ash-covereil Door was
packed bard, and still was damp from the
gusts of rain through the on dour ami
the broken-backed roof. Sleady as a clock
ticking there was beard the "drip, drip"
from somewhere among tbe merciful shad
ows, where the old soldier of France was
"Lira, dnirest, I should have spared
you this. Must juu go farther?" I'eter
whispered. "Crux and I will be only
a moment."
"I am going, too." the girl answersd.
Tbe three climbed over the heap of
stones, which was the rear doorway, and
entered the court from whenre the song
birds hail flown. Across the drifts of
ash. Into the dark beyond, they made their
way. Constable leading, Crusoe last.
They were sitting together the lovers.
She had been listening, like Dewlemona,
as he "spake of most disastrous chances
Isittles, sieges, fortunes." Hnronla had
been the first to see the sinister face of
In jo at the door! She bad Ix-nt forward
and covered In her arms the face af her
soldier, her painter of picture.
Thus they had fallen tbe adventurer In
the shelter of the goldn vine. I'etee
hsd cotered them with dust each particle
of cmering dust frewh-wrougbt from the
lire in which the stars were forged.
'Don't touch, Crusoe!" I'eter warned
Something In the lone caused the man
who was preustomed to do as be pleased
to forbear from his Investigation. After
all, bis own life bad Iteen sred because
Constable lind taken him captive, and the
trip had ald. Crusoe did iMt understand
what was botween the millionaire and the
revolutionist. It occurred to blm at last
that this something must have been great
er even than dollars; jet lie was not ur.
Tbe look uwn Constable's face as he led
the woman into the sunlight was that of
fortunes lost ! Crusoe left them there,
and made bis own way lk to Fort de
France, to wait for his ship. He was
happy to be alive, but he carried a crown
ing mystery In his brain. Tbl bad to do
with a millionaire's generosity on the one
hand, and a millionaire's terveralty on
th other. After all, he acknowledged
that be knew l"ss of Constable tbau when
he left New York,
I'eter and I-ar bad descended nearly
to the nhore when she said: "If your
strange friend had not come Into our llvat,
we could never have known each other at
we do now. We might hate loved and
gone our way, without knowing all that
it means to be human, without knowing
all that our hearts (ould make us do."
"It nil worked out like a mosaic for
you and me, I.arn. Our valiants fell about
us, but we were left. Always In our
greatest need a man arose to help llreen,
Negley, F.rnst, little Denny "
"Wns thera work for 1'ugh to do?" she
"Ah, Hugh the weak sister! He kept
you from going Into the harbor too soon 1
I shall pay him and let blm go his way
to-night In Fort de France. The. sea is
a strange mlatresa to mother two such
sons as the Hon Nrgley aud the poor llltte
Ja kat l'ugli ' Ktvi'itcst tdy.
l mi In love- with you nnd the world I
II. i witness that I for, te I'iii ate,
fu,i,ne Mniidot' See, down tUo Him
Victor the wreck of l.cs Colonics Th
lllllc editor was there, iierhaps, writing
his paragraidts on the stanch news of IV
Ire ! Once. Iwtra, mv molhrr
said. 'I'eter, mime time jhi will breathe
the breath of life!' I know what sh
nevnit now. I wonder hew she knew T"
"Mothers are close to the heart of
th tigs."
There were tears In ber ejr. To lbs
right of them, among the ruins, a walling
woman bad found ber own.
They had traversed the Morne d'Or
ange. The mm IsMhed the fields. The
wreck of the great plantation house was
hunched i-lueer In tbe ground. A he
lies red the rim uf tbe cistern, I'eter hatted
suddenly by the stricken lianas, ami beck
oned lrw back. The well curbing was
broken away, and the earth for yards ttr
rounding had caved Into the pit.
"Mondet was right, after nil, about the
rartbti).e." be said.
Without speaking, tbey stood there for
setefwl moments. Then I'eler look her
hand and led her twrk townrd the Nvit at
tbe Sugar Lindlng.
Night lmd fallen
I'p through tls
streets of the capital, tbey strode, the
man and woman. Casements were open
to the stars and the sen, but the people
were dull with grief. Martinique had lot
ber llrl-brn, and Fort de France, the
gentle sister of Salut l'lerre, was bowed
In tbe spirit of weepUic They bad loved
and lansl on each other, this boy nnd
girl of lh mother Islam). I
Through the silent crowds I'eter nnd
l,ra walked, n part of the silence, (nos
ing tbe groies and lowers, whs re the laws
of France are bwn again for the little
aliens; treading streets of ilarknew and
moaning, streets of light and tears. A
field of fire-lights shone ahead, their red
glow shining upon new canvas. Tbks was '
tbe little colony of Father Dsmien
hrnnda phtrfced from the burning of Saint
1'ierre. They passed the edge of tbe
bitouar. A woman sat nursing ber babe,
fire-light upon her fare and breast, driwsy
littte ones about her. Cntfee ami night
air ami quavering lullabies; above all,
beautiful Joerphlne in marble, smiling
dreamily among tbe stars. It was the
most p4et Mtant of Constable's life;
some great Joy or thrilling tragedy was
breathing upon bis heart. He mw a tear
Qpoa tbe cheek af I .em. 'lite voice ef
Father Istmieri came from the distance:
"tin. th) way, eat thy bread with Joy,
and drink thy wine with a merry heart;
for tiud hath already acvedtesl thy works.
I-! thy garments be always white; ami
let not thy bead lack ointment. I.lvs
Joyfully with the wife whom thou Invest,
all tbe dais of thy life "
There was a cry from behind. It was
from tbe lips of tbe woman with the babe
at ber breast. She bad caught tbe gar
ments of. tarn in her hands, ami, half
kneeling, with tier fare toward I'eter, she
exclaimed In a voice of Joy:
"He Is come! lie Is come!"
Tbe silent miap uprose with a shout of
gladness. The remnant of Saint Pierre
pressed about the man and woman, cry
ing. laughing, kissing their hands. Con
stable had not dreamed of such glorify
Ing gratitude; and yet he was bumbled to
tears. These were mt few, ami Saint
I'ierre so vast !
"Father Dsmien," he said, when bis
voice came to him, ne are tssw to lake
you out In our ship"
"Not tm the ship, but here now !" the
eld priest cried. "It m tbe moment of
ten thousand years!"
Ami so they were restored to each
other. In the midst of their devoted. In
the (Ire-light. Iteneath the Setell I'aluu
aud the Messing of the (Impress.
(Tut: K.Mi.)
Immensity ! II Is IUr.1 In (Irusp
liy Ittrn t'luse llliaertrrs.
All CMKlii, II $10 KuMpUKt'. Is Just
nlsnit mil) Inch In dlntm-lur. Iimigliiu
a glittering yellow ribbon uf $10 K'dd
piece lyliijf islge tu edge, lii-gllilillit ut
Xan Francltssi and extending eastward
th rough lite Sucramenlii valley u( VmU
fornl.i, HvruaM the lofty Slerr.i Nevadn
mountains', sjuimiliig I be gient Ameri
can ileswrt III Netmln mid, over thu
pralrlen im" Wynmliig nud Nobraakn,
aeruMM the green rteM of town nnd MM-.-I'll,
titer ImllmiM mid Ohio, tlirouuli
me bill of N-w York mid MasaHiliu
svtiM, ami out Into thu Atluutle Oivnii,
half way to the llrltUh Isles-ImiiKlm-,
tslgt to (sign, tvltlniut break or lutcrrup-
tMu. over till VMM stretch uf land it ml '
i, a diatawe which (siiwuiiie nt lisiwt ,
eight (Ihjh In tli wlfl(t ex prists trultiH)
anil (K'ean steamer nud you will m
able to form mnue conception of Hie
twiunt of gold that Iihh been (irodueeil
In tbe I'nlled WtnteH, y I.wllo's
It riilree: Home hiiiHi Illustration na
Hii to graap Hie Immensity of th gold
luiltmtry, to form some definite lilon of
th lniNirtaiice mihI inagnltmle of the
gold production of the North Aiuurleati
The profliM from the gold Imlimtry nn.
uiugiiltlcent. Tbey are greater than In
nny other iletmrtment of (simiiiurclnl
activity. The (Inure of tho
pr'Mluetlon are ouormoiiH,
In 11)07 tho
output of thu gold minus of tho ciirth
Hiiioiuituil to iiiiirly half a billion dot-
lurx. Of till vast miiiii more than
I200,fs'X),W)0 wh net prollt. No other
IndiiHtry t-nti make hiicIi it hIiowIhk hh
this. Thlx K"Iil tviiH found In America,
In Mexico, In Boulli Africa, la Aiwtru-
llu, nml clHoivheri'.
Thin luiu mini of profit, moro than
$200,000,000, wn illtrlbutwl to cor
of thousands of people.
iA I
Cw:? kJ '
The lliirl Home,
So liiixutiiiil hits Hgrlculturo bct-niuu
to llio hiithm's prosperity Hint I'resl
limit ItiHvwciclt risoutly Hppolntiil n
i.iimulhm to simgcHt tmwux to innko
tlio runil Inline inure uttriictlvo uml ns
Mist In keeping jming men on the fiinti,
Mnny of the conveniences tlmt mid
cvlnfort tu it city Inuiie could ! In
stalled In the country nstldeini'.
The fanner hh nil Nilvntxtiiite
over the ttmjurlly uf rvnlilinttit In elllea
In tlmt lie owns his own (mine iiihI Is
tuuulnally the dletntor of tils siirniiitul
lugs. Ill cllles ilivelleps are crowded
' '"'" "lfUHi'i'l blllhllng for Hie tvnnt
tu siwce nir ritate ri'siiirnci' Mint to
secure isNummy In living otetmo. The
miners uf iixirtiticiit houses Imto In
stnlleil steuui beat, Ninvlulll tmtli lh
Hires. gs stiites, elis'trlc lights nnd
iimlntHlii tlw niwrlmenls nt wren I ev
HHis on ncentitit of the enstly tlxlures
nnd Hie frispieney of repairs. The ten
l lit forms no iMlNcliuient to ti's 'tunie
(UhI Is nsuly tu clmuge tils reldence
tthi'tt other Nliarlimmts are dlmsiverisl
that more fully suit Ills fancy.
Ill the country Hie rural Imme Is
permanent ami nil Ha InipniteiuctitM
are ruwsuiuiimteil with a tlew tu the
future ns well ns the present genern
lloii. In ihi other pnifisestmi dees the
Ihhiic dvt idler enjoy Hie work of Ills
bauds as In agriculture If man Is
"hut be makes himself, so (he rural
home retfc-is the owner's Men "f Ihwh
ty ami ctmtetileucH, With the ImimI pr
tliiclng lih-reascl crH am) iigrlculliir-
at prixluets selling nt record price Hie
farmer can afford tu ndorn 111 hoino
and liiipmve II ttltti tunny modern nnd
sfliiltiiry HpiHiiuiiueiits.
The water supply may rtniii fnmi n
stmllotv. Imiuivi'tileutly lis-nted well
ami tho supply nwy Is' cimtninlimted
by surface sci'isige riuitnlnliig the mi
crobes uf typliobl fever and oilier ills-fls-s.
The witter supply Is Hie greut
Kotinv of lien I Hi, clefltilluess nnd con
venience on the farm. Tubular wells
are perninneiit and nf rhonp iimslrue
Hon nnd their depth furnishes living
tvnter free from germ dlssitse. Willi
n windmill mid Intik Hie tvnter mil Ih
plls-d Intu the house nt stimll expense
nnd n supply furnished nt nil time by
turning Hie fnticet. A Imt-tvnler In-ut-cr
cntl Ih iittnelinl tu Hie stove nnd
hot tvnter provided without nildllloiinl
expetiso for fuel
With niuple griiunds n beautiful
Intvti cvmbl slly ! nrrtuiged tvltli
nninuieiitnl ins-, flower nnd shrub-
bcry tlmt would outrival the homes nf
city dwellers. With Hie Installation uf
modern com cnlcnci at uinl rxH-tise
rural liomes cntl Im innde Ideal for
comfort nnd Huts stlmulnte content
tneiit ninnng Hie younger generation In
follow the grenti-st of nil profession
-ngrlciillure UoodnU'n Fitrmer.
rnnvrnleut llsrn Truck,
No iliilrynmn run nITiinl to Ignure
Hint which will lighten his labor In any
tiny whatever lie hi stable ever so
conveniently constructed, lie lias
enough (n do, Hcnee the lfiitortnmv
of his considering the truck or i-nr pre-
ri'MUNU untie run Tim sT.tiur.
wilted In Hie nit. Made of gissl linn
lr, the only Iron nlsiut It I the Iihii
die ut eucli end, by which to pusli or
pull It along Hie feeding alley In f rot it
of tho cotv tvlilch urn to ls fed, are!
tlin trucks on which It I mounted. The
wheels prociiml, nny kismI bhiekHiultli
ciiii miike this, mi Hint the truck I by
no inoaiiH dlllli'iilt to construct. It
uliuiilil Ihi nlnitit 2 feet wide, 'JO liiclie
deep mid IVi feet long. Klliige (ill) bo
conteil In It from the alio to thu
lounger very rcudlly. If the silo I
some ilhiimice utviiy It will wive miieli
Imril work, liiilnsl, Fred O. Hlbley, In
I 'w rm nud Home.
I'roiluce Price lloluu lllulier.
From Him llgureH of u report by tho
bureau of labor I hero Iihh been ex
trncttsl thu lnicrcMtliiK fact that wilu
price of Hourly uvcrythliiK reaclusl a
higher level hut year Hum at any limn
(lurlm; tho Inst eighteen years, uml tho
farm produce load nil tho rest,
Tho liiirenii illvlderi Hid L'.'H comrnod-
Itle of the country Into nltiu KruiipH
and fiirin produvu hIkivvciI thu lilglu-Mt
IncritiiHu In prlco iiHalmil by nny of
thu croiipH. And tlm fiirnunicliiK f'at-
urn of tho report la that thu panic of
limt year did not nffect price of farm
HttifT very much. In fact, taking ovory-
thing gold, thu farmer not tuure money
In 11107 limn Hip nvi'rnco nf Ifn ycira
Soiii rnrniern limy lint kimtv Ibis. Iml
I Is true, bc.tiise Mr I'o.t li rh n b
renii mi hi Aside fr.iin Hie uusM
llguiisi of ii ilepiirtiiieiiiai report Hn
fiut Is etidtmt Hint Hie fiiriiuia of Hi"
niiitrry are mure piisperMis iluiii Diet
lutte eter lurn, It Is nIiuwii In hellei
liiillse. bigger Imrtis. fuller n
counts, fetter mortgnges. be'ter m:i
clilnery, nnd, inure liupurliint Hmn mi)
tiling else, higher stnniliiril uf iitiiic
fur Hie fuiiilly.
'I here Is one sniull My In Hie nlnt
Itieilt, linwever, illld thill la tin fit' I
Hint wlille farm priMluce bus Is-en nils
Ing In price, clothing. Implei ( 'um
ber itlul building liuiterliil. Iiutise fur
Mailing gisids Mint Home oilier Hunk's
farmer must buy hate giu up. tm
Hill us these eomuiiHlllleM Imte ul
kept inic Willi Hie Miltnmv III Hie
price nf things the farmers luite I" iU
they tuny on Die Whole feel thill tiny
urn galnttiK ground ami Hint ngrlrtil
lure Is tiol to Is' desplmil
llniiillluu Mfolfs's Iron.
Methods of liHiidllng I lie iiifiiifii cr:
from Hie time of sisillng until It Is In
Hie Isiril In the form uf well cured lint
lire glten by Hie Wlmsinsln Ntntbiii lull
letlti. Ill brief. II Is as follows The
Is-st soil fur alfalfa Is n rich clay I. mm
iter n gravelly subsoil. It Is lst mi
well ctlltlVMtiil soil. If the nitrogen
fanning Iwcterln are tiol In the mil.
the soil should ls IniH-iilnlnl Spring
sorting Is His' tsst. WlHre uround I
llicllueil tn weisly um n nurse crop,
tstrley ssitvn nt Hie rale uf thus- n. ks
hi I lie Here hs'ltig the Is-st Thin seisl
lug nf the lllirw creti Is preferable
Twenty Huiul nf alfalfa csl "'r ai're
I rtstisiiniitelctl The )ear following
Hie seisllng three g'ssl rrot nf hay cm it
Is' etsslisl. ('ill when nlsiul otic tenth
of plants are In Mi sun nnd ihi a morn
lug after the dew tm illp"'nsl on
a day that iirnmhws fair wenther Cut
stubble at lesist an Inch lilah. In lie
ufleriMMMi uf the day cut, rake ami put
Intu small rock These issks ran be
isiten-d with light i-otlon duck mps
nml left until the bay Is thoriHiglil)
To Kill lusrk llrsss,
Qunrk grHKs Mimetliues known as
Johnson grass, ami hI by oilier
IHItlies. It Is useless In attempt tn get
rid uf It after tin- land lias Usui pliint
iil tu n crop Now Is n gil time to
consider tlglitlliK It. Plow the laud lair
III the full. Just Is'fure ttlnler ls-glns
I'lntv Just ilii'P ellollgll In get under the
risit. leiivlng ns miieli uf them ns s
slide exHHisl tu tbe frost uf winter
These exioisl nsds will Is' destrn)sl
III the spring Ins r row or rule out Hie
roots res'Hledly. doing the work uter
nml uter ngnln until hIiiiosI every root
Is remiivul. nml then plant Hie soil to
siIhIin's or corn nml give thorough cul
llotf .tlsittfe.
The following simple remedies are
offeresl ns cure for mange In hogs'
I. Crcos.dc, one nml oiie-lmlf ouncisi,
bird, two (Hiunds; mix well nml applj
to alTiH'led mrl. '.'. Kulphiir. one and
one-half pounds: lard, two smmls; mix
well nnd apply ns nhot. X Tnrpen
tine and sulphur at the rate uf ten
part of the former in one of the latter
is likewise Mild tu h mi efTis'llto rem
llrlis In lbs Vmrm Home,
When through using a tool, or tun
chine, put It up.
Young civ is should a n rule never
I' bred under 1 1 months.
Utile leiiknge CHUSe big losses In
the aggregate. Itchiciuhcr Hint,
Uncoil Is Hue when baked In thou von
Four off thu grcHso frispionlly.
Watch the butler milk ami he sure
toil are not listing lots of hlllter fat,
A bit of alcohol on a soft cloth will
make your Kin" shlmi mid nivc your
Feed the horw regularly. Irregu
Ur feeding itlliiilinigisi hulling of fissl.
lending to lmllgeHoii,
A Hlnle hung III Hie kllchcli I n very
limidy llilng on which lo Hole thing to
h4 ordered from town.
Don't forget Hint tliarcoal I gi!
for the hug, wilt, also. I Into It whom
they can help themselves.
Ijirgu lilillllillH collNiime loss pounds
of dry niaterlal per I.ihsi miuiii1m live
tvelght than do small ouch.
It la HO longer a illeHon; Dim- the
silo pay? Italher, what I thu best
method of handling the silo?
The fond Imrse atillftil with liny
malte ii poor Irnveler. I'eiil rfht
hay nml heavier on oat when using
thu horse much.
Kerosene will Mtart a hIuvii Urn nil
right, hilt no wlsu woman will uho It
Dry toriicobH are nearly iih good nml n
great deal nafcr.
DIppliiB Hi" ''lid or iiinitTM of nrtl
den to Im limiK on the clothe j
wry HtroiiK unit water will prevent thu
part from freezing mid million it cny
to put on the rlothcHplnit.
Invito your neighbor to havo dinner
with you ociiiMloniilly nnd never fall to
Ko out when you aro Invited. Wu nil
get tired of homo ciKikliiK In Hum uu
a clmhgu I1 n U'od thing.
Mr Willmm !' Vnltlbcri;, OklnliJiim
City. Okln , writes
"One Isittle uf IVrunn which t have
tnken did mure Inward rclietltiK me of
nn nKicrnvnteil case nf ml.uili nf the
slooi.nh, than )enrs of treat incut with
the liet physician.
"I hit I gitrn iii luiprs uf relief, nml
only trusl IVruna n n last teanr t.
"I ahull continue using It, ns feel
sntisfteil it will elfecl an rnlir uml per.
msnriil i imc
"I most cheerfully res-nmwpttil I'ern
mi tu nil who may read this."
IVruna I usually taken a a last re
sort. Doctor have been tried ami
falleil. Other remedies Imt'e hhh
usssl. Snnitariuma have lieeti vlsltwl.
Travel Iihs Iwen reaortesl tu.
At last I'erunn I tried. Itellef Is
Tilt lllslury I reHatsl over ami
over njnln, every day In the )r. It
la such result as this that K'lvon l'eru
tin Ht llliHseailulile Itohl Usm the msi
pie. We cMHlhl say mithlnK tlmt would
iuM force to audi leetlmisnlaw aa the
nleive. That pesiple wlni have lmd ca
tarrh ami have tried every other rem
esly uvnllnble, find rsdlef In I'crunn,
cofistltuti-s tlin beat arKUMielil that
rsMlhl be made.
I'he mini n Ihi can say "yrs' and "im
at the right lime has a sulllrlciit cuue
tnatid of anglings.
. !. 'in giove rutting rrspilresj
t skill, bImI In I'rnlMv ssHiie of the
Hurknien ate ttald IKS.) a wck.
Auslrall eitssrts '.',( rsbWl
iklns a )ear T kill Ibis gresl number
rusts about J.T2.Vl".
Dr. Js'pb Sle, the re) a I illst to
the Kbedlte ef Kgypt. sludlnl surgery In
Cblesgo for three tears.
Wages In the machine fsrlorle of Her
man advanced last jrar III in , (r
The JauiMes have establlsked a atram
ship line rstMhertlHg tbelr rt with
I'len bas opes "I a balblnx
ment far itngs 1 1 is hhihsI and gorern
cl by the IHUHlclHtllty.
AIshiI il.l s.piare miles of aralde
land ar available In Cuba for sugar cul
ture. llsiln'l I'lira.ilien,
Miss Kcreecher I wiunlMr If Uneli
Jim reniHnbered me when hn inudu III)
will? I u n i,k- fnr hm.
l-nwier Yes. be etldelitlv rcmcinls'r
ed yon nt least your name Isn't men
lluntsl In the document
'llilrst fur H miss Irilu.
"I will wait a few momenls," sabl lbs
lecturer, who bad delivered an eloquent
and Instructive address mi "The High
Mission of Women in Our Modern Civil
IsMllon," "lo answer any uueslioii Hist
msy Its akel."
"There's one thing I'd like In know,
Mr. CnixlMH," up a 1yss?ptlc lk
Inr man with a thlti, straggling beanl.
"Where do they git lbs names fur all
these breakfast finsls?"
'I he lllilr fsr,
"Till Istlhltig siol on tho lot you
Mild um I u fnke," blustered Hie Irnlo
"hi what wuy, sir)" asked the crafty
real eslule ngeul.
"Why. you lohl mo would llml the
water up tu my neck. Insloud of Hint I
llml II only I 'J Inches deep."
"Well, it I meant you would llml
It up to your neck, air. If ton Jiiuited lu
head llml,"
Coughlncr Spclla
if iriiniitlr tclkvnl bvatli
(Is ilon nt VUo's lnii 'tl.
let ilar mo el tills Uinout re
tiicily will icllivs llis worst
form il c'"'-ln, foliU, bunts.
rtx, tuoiu Uu i.aiilinuiniliUf
"mil I lis llinul ami hinri,
Ahsiitultly trie fioiu lurnilul
drugs iti.l ni uiti, tor lull a
ccniiiry Ihs iKiuirhoU itincU
tn millions ot huinci.
At all drussbu', 2S clt.
mm IT jim
a Kail