EVENTS OF THE DAY toy llo.ns Gathered from All Paris of tlio World. PREPARED rOR THE 1JUSY READER i-n Important hut Not Lot tutors sling Happenings from Points OuUldo llio QtAtn. Admiral Cnppn snyn the niivy needs morn i-nllleirt. Aiintrlii declare lii! will urunh Her vlu If reed hn. Aiiilri-w Cnrnegln hit J nut celebrated bin TM Inrtliiliiy. Aimtrlu IhreateiiM wnr with Turkey tinleiw ulin come to terms, Oiolern hnn ngnln broken out in ItiiMtlu hihI Ik cnunlng iiiucli iilitrm. If Auntrlii Hml Turkey slnuld light, Bulgaria would probably Invade Mnro tlonln, A ntenim r struck n reef oil tint IhIhimI of l.umn iiihI 101) rillpiiKw WMII drowned. Tuft linn oir'rtil Prank II. Hitchcock llio (Hwltliin of iMMtmiutcr geiieml. Ho Will Iteeept, Kaiser Wllhelm, who hnn been nuf ferlng frimi h nervoun piIIhhh, In re covering. Italians In California fought MrHt battle with ilyiimnlte, HIHl gUIW. TWO IIH'II will iIIh. n do knlve ..r....i.ii, f i. urK'iniMtUHi or low- ",...,..-. ...... Tint mUlmml motive engineer ... ,...i ! ' '"lup the intliriiiK crowd nn it collwtnl WW IfthttT lfllpl Ht CtliCHgll, It In rMirliil thnt Montenegro hnn mounted henty hntlerleii im the (wight commanding Cnltaro, one of Austria's iMiimrrclnl eMirtn. I Miami In much Interested In Cnn tro'n vinit to Kurope. Ili'iiy In mi fur recovered thnt he took nn uuto rldi Thnitkglvihg day. A storm oir tin' California Nwt vati-ed nil vimmcU to run fur shelter. An rirort will bn mnde In Tennosce to nrnwl tin' lyncher of threo negroes. A 18-yenrold Henld-burK. Cnl., boy nhol bin ntep father in defenne of bin imithor. Admlrnl Sporry hm Krnnted nhore Irnve to nome of tho hnttlenhip crown nt Mmiiln. AMnnnlnntion nml bomb throwltiK by Hindu revolutlonlata have rnuieil ter ror in Indin. (Indntoiut Dowle, nun of the prophet, dfiiloti thnt ho Intends to mnrry or thnt be wnn ever kiiMiil, Fimr erimn were drowned nteumer culllnlon olf Samly Hook. In it Onu of tbn Veimoln nunk, Demonntrnliom nt Homo nniunt Auntrin continue nml tho populmo In in u very uly mood. A monument to ludinnn noldlern who lieil In Andernonvlllu prlnon bnn Junt ' thnt of h. K. Hancock, wanted by tho been unvelbil by K'overnor Hnnley, of rtiulhorltlca of North Cnrollnn on u ludinnn. chnrj;o of embetzlement. Tim Kuvernorii of I'ennnylvnnln nnd Hancock anlled from hero nevernl VlrK'Inln kldniimd the Kvernor of weekn nKo mid onlera for bin nrrwt Hhodo Inhutd whllo ho wnn on bin lion. "V"' cn ,,,h1 to Nnpankl. Ho left the 4ymoou trip. nhlp at Honolulu, however, nnd return- , , til to thin city on theateiimerMonKolin, A honvy nnow fnll In remrleil w,r, rrlved to.lny. throughout Colomdo. Knolllnn denlitu thnt hit In Hnncock, lint Morne ntenmnhlp linen on tho "l W l i member of the broker Atlwntlc connl hnvo been renr'innixod. liiK" llrm of Coiirtlnml, llnbcock & Co., A divert) electrical illnturlinnco n tilyxod tvli'Kriipli linen In Illlnoln, Iowu nml Winoonaln. Stormn have blocked the (Irent Northern nml Northern l'aclllc IIiioh in Montmin nnd North Dnkotn, Tho Iowa e;ilnturo lum electisl Oovvnior ('umminn United Stilton nen ntor tonucceiHl Willlain II. Allinon. Tho nhnli of I'ornln Iiiih been frlKht- fiieil ny KUHHiu anil lirltuln into wltlulruwIiiK bin rofunul of u constltu- H"11' j A Coeur d'Alenu milllonnlnt bus nn- nouncisl tho piirchiinu of ohl inlnott nenr Hnrcelonii, Spuln, which ho will opernto under mmlorn mothodn, a -e i,... i. 4 it'Hiii'nirv iiiiir litifci'ii iiitii iiiiki i neRroert Imd been triiil for mtinler mid weiiteiu'ed to receive tho duuth penalty when It took tho threu from Jail mid ' lynched them. Lor! Ilobertn' deulurntlon thnt (Ireut Ilritniii needn 1,000,000 more Boldicrtt to nrovuut u nonniblo Invnninn from (Jernmny, Iiiih enuned nijrentHtlr In tho (Senium cnpltnl. Latent reportn from Governor-elect CoHRrove, of WHuhliiKton, Bny ho la im proving. In n riot between Ciermnn nml Ital ian utudentH nt Vienna, moro than 150 were Injured, In n raid on clubaofG I u In for dlupunuliiK liquor out of hour, I ',' men wore urrcutud. REGENT FEARS REBELLION. Heavy Quants Placed nl All Dales 01 City ol Pokfn. lVkin, Nov. 21. Whllo nil In quiet In I'okln, ilotnclimentn of troops gutird thu cty gnteH mill ondurinca nro on duty lit thu iijipronclirit to thu foreign legations. Thu government linn not rt'fiHi'tl to tiikn tirreniitlminrv tnmiM. ",r; ,for rvoiuuo,, ,,.r,, K nil kinds of rvHirm, winrji migiiv "ci llkn llri'liriiixlM to tlio spirit of uni'ioil ni'ioi underlying present condition In China. There Imvii been rumor of nn Insur rectlonnry movement In thu South, hul I dlu liiiy t.vjtti..! lit I. . milii tla.i.ia . break n mnng Hi" .rtlll,.ry iind cnvnlry i..i ... j....Li.. ' ' n mi iinivii lib tvminillt Nuvi'rtluiKwfi, It him Ihtii thuucht lulvlniililii to pout n t;iiurd nl curli of thu KUti'H of 1'i.klti, iiml half C-OIM)HU-n of Cliiui)i.ii rfnulari nn now unilcr iirum nt thi'i Kiintn. It wiih owinK to olio of tin-no dUtiirli itncrM that thu odlctof Novemhor U0 wiih IuuihI, In which It wH MilutiKl out thnt Inwlcmi coimplrulori. Iiml trhil to Invitclo tlio liitorlnr, iiml mII olllciiiln Mi'ro onlorril to nrrt't nml cummurily hi'hi'nd tht'in whornviT foutHl. HtriiiKi'iit moniHiriti have Imimi Inkon hi'ri' to nuppri'Hii miy HiKiiof rimnplrncy, nml tlio Kovcrnuii'iil Iiiih ordonil nn In vititltition of tho Kovi'rnor of Nnnj,' I'ui'i province, on uromitof n Hllcht up rlnltiK that tiMik place thrro. HOLDS TOWN AT UAY. Four Mnn Shot In Ellort In Cnpturo Moxican Hold-Up Mam. Itino, Nov., Nov. '44. Detitctiil nn ho wun IhiIiIIiii; up tho Court unloo-n in I llnttlo MiHintuin Into IhuI uiKht, u I Moxicnn lirok through thu door nml, "."lK '" Nl:ht I'ullrvnmn Cihmi, . .. , , ' i , ,. I,, i nlHit tint o I er I u tho Jnw: thru hokl lit tho KCetio. Cowlwiyn nml mlnorno cnllwl for niwlntnnfi'. nml runhlnc tho rotiitor, woro ri'iKjiniii liy inn tiro l)eHity Khorilf Titnwurth wnn hit in the KToIti, nml two o thorn were nightly Injuriil. The Mexican bnckwldown the ntreet, forclnjr everylwnly In nlKht to follow him. When he drew nwny from the rmloonn ho duckeil into the darknrnn, A inspect, noeii by Deputy Hhvrilf llnnp, wnn when bimrtlliu: n freight train early thin mornitiK. The deputy nherlir called to tint mnn to hnlt, but KettlliK no reniKinne, nhol tho fellow in tho lej;. The town, nnmnedby the out rnk'on, ntnrted on n mnn hunt: nml fnriiiem, honrliiK' the idinnllui;, rnme into town with their Innternn, They themt lit-hta about with them neekltiK the robber, nml nevernl tlmen nhot nt each other w hen they thought they hud "llunhod" the dure-dovil Mex ican. CABLE USED FOH MAN HUNT. Man Cliaiod Hall Around World by Dltpatcbai If Caught. Snn Frnnclnco, Nov. 21. -A mnn hunt, extemliiiK half wuy nround the world, which wnn conducted by cable dinpntchen, enme to nn end today when local dotectiven Itonrtleil the ntenmer MotiL'olln nml nrrented I.. K. Knolllnn. whimo dencrlntion in nnld to tnllv with or -J i rum nireej, jxew lorK. ue wnn m Ifiljiii tn flm ,-ift, .trli,i .ut.ull.i.r the arrival of mi olllrer from Una. mnvii ... ,.. V'J . i". i'm.iii North Cnro- Will Fortify Honolulu. Honolulu, Nov. 21.- A detachment of United Stnten entrlnoorn, under Ma jor Wlrwlow, which nrrivwl recently jon tho trannH)rt Sheridan, ban com- Inlund. Tho Hrt work to bo done In ,u, ,,r,.mrton of mllitnry mnpn. Tlio ,imli:lnj: for tho liirK'e drydock to bo built ill I'enrl hnrlwir and tho deepen- li'K ' U' channel nlno will beKin In tin. nenr future. Sovernl locnl cui- trnctorn luivn depnrted for WnnhlnKton where tho bldn for tho ilrwlKliiR con- tr"cU wl" M ol10""' ' Uccombor. Fall In Uncord FIIrIiI. London, Nov. 2-1. -Wonl linn been . received Here thnt the balloon owned by the Dully Graphic, which nnccudod from this city Wednemlny mornliiK Inst in mi attempt to rench Sibcrin nml break thu loiiL'-dlrttunco record, wnn compollod to dencend In n Rule on Thumdny nluht near Novo Alexnnd rovsk, KuhhIii, nfter having traveled about l,:ino in Hep. Survl.ins Lota Saventaen. I'nrlM, Nov, 2 1. -A i iupntch from Vienna tmya thnt n bund of Servians, whllo croaalni; tho lloaniun frontier, nenr Suvornlk, wiih ropulaed by Auh trlnu troona, Tho Sorvlnna loat 17 men killed and tho Auatrlans three killed. NEWS FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL MILLIONS FOII IMPROVEMENTS. Control Will ISe Atkcil Largs Sum (or lllvort nnd Hnrborn, WimhliiKton, Nov. 28, Fifty million dollurn in tho ncKreKatu of tho nppro priiitioim rocommi'iiilwl by HrlKwIlcr Conoral William I.. Marshall, clilof of oiiKitii vm Unltiil Htutiti army, for work on rivorn, hnrborn uml fortiflcntlonn mr tho cnmliiK lineal your, In bin an- """ W'rl " "'" ' "71 1o """""' i Wnr l.uki. I-:. Wrlicht. o Apiiroxliiintoly fj.(l(l0,()()l)0 in rocom moiidod for application onoxintiiiK con trni'tn for river mid harbor improve ments $!t,IO(i,uun forKonoml work on rhrrn nnd hitrborn, IncludlnK uxnminu tlnu, niirvijn nuil coiitlnuonclon; 12, 0i 0,01 0 or work pro(MMiol by tho Mir. nlrmippl river couimlnnlon. 'I he num rec nnrm n leil for fortlflcn tlonn In (7,7.'2,2.':, of uhlch tho iiiihiI imHirtnnt entimiiten nro f2,.'tfi'J,UnU for noHCimnl liattononat Manlln; 1 1'J, 000 for repnir ami protection nl I'enrl harbor, Honolulu; $.'.07,100 for tho de feiimi of I'ennncolu, Fin. ; for the mod ernlzliii: of old umplncementn, nencral ly. foUO.000; electrical InnUillntion, m,'lM; tor nenrcbllKhtn, $007,000. Commenting on the fortillcatlon ol lintular NXeMinn tho reportn refern In the "very iiet'tfMnry ii.kiitionnl do fennifi Ht Miniln." It WJKKont" that it the amount rerommendeit cminot be fill y nppropriiUeil, nl leant $'.',000,000 h'iuld be mnele nvnllnble during tho coimIiik )nr, "no thnt a nubttHiitlnl plant ran be provided nml work enn be nmdiictiH) in nn eUVcUvo nnd ecimomi. cnl mnimer." A connidernbltt proportion of the HUKKotl uiiproiirintlon fur nonrch I HuhU In to ric.imtiiinileJ to bo i-xncml in tho I'hilippitien nml llnwnii, JSomi - of the moro imortnnt iiilimnton lor the year for rivora nml hnrbors were nn followa: California Kan DI.'K'o bnrbor, 000; San l'edro bny, $100,000; $30,-Oak- land hnrlwr, $W1,000. Oregon nml WnnbinKton -Columbin river. $1,101,000; Columbia river mouth, $4fi0,000; Grnyn bnrbor. $181, 000; I'UKet nouml, JIH0.000; Tncomn hnrltor, $10,000 Hawaii Honolulu bnrbor, $600,000; 11 Ho bnrbor, $000,000. An appropriation o $2F,000 in roc om in tided for tho Snernmento nnd l-eiilhor rivrn cou.idmil. To Honor Phil Sheridan. WnhltiKton, Nov. 27. To the lint of iipientrlan ntntuen fur which Wnnh- InKton nlrendy In fnmoun another will Ihi nddod tomorrow, when n Imndsorno ntntue of General "I'liil" Sheridan will be unveiled nml formally presented to thu city. Thu ntntue cent $u0,000, nml wnn modeled by Guzton IiorRlum of New York. It hnn been plncod in the center of Sheridan circle, nt tho inter nvction of Mnnnnchunettn nvenue nm! Twenty-thin! ntreeU At the dedica tion I'renldent Hoonevvlt in expected to npenk nml there will be n considerable mllitnry dinptny. Thu went will be nttondod by the widow nnd other mem bern of General Shcridnn'n family. No Trouble, Says Root. Washington, Nov. 25. Although I'renldent Koosevelt nnd Secrctnry of State ltoot deny there la nny friction between thu United States mid Jnpan ri'KurdliiK' thu op4-n door In China, nnd II in said no request or demnnd hnt been mndeuKm Japan, it In understood thnt diplomatic exchnngoa of viewn on thin subject have taken place in the last few dnyn. Ambntvndor Tnknhirn made severnl calls on Secretary ltoot Inst week nml It In nuthorltively ntoted thnt those conference, concerned Jn pmi'a policy in Munchurin. Tost Navnl Ollicera. WiiHliiiiKton, Nov. 27. Tho recom on of tho Nnvy department in relation to n byalcnl teat for ollicera In now awltinj,' the president's Hniil n provnl. For ollicera of tho line below the rank of renr mlmiiil and ntnlf olli cera below tho rank of crptnin, whll aervliiR on aluire, it will be Hlmiliir t that now prescribed for the coast artil lery, which ia n fifty-mllo walk in threu days. Watch ollicera ut son may bo requi ed to take duty alto nntely every four bourn for 72 hours. Iniofionti Morrill Ik Dead. WnshiiiKtoii, Nov, 26, Mm. lino jjene Hoblnson Morrill, n celebrated portra t mid historical painter, died early today in n room of a todi'lne; bouse, ulomt mid frloiuHon and mnid BurroiindiiiKH of squalor mid diHtresa. In 1H7D she ostalilished tho National Academy of Fine Artfl. in this city. Shu had received scorca of mednla for notable worka. Certiorari Writ Filed. WiiHhtnuton, Nov, 20. - - Attorney General Donnpnrte yesterday tiled in tho United Stntca Supremo court n pe tition for n writ or certiorari to review thu Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals In tho $20,000,000 Standard Oil case, under which tho case, waa remanded for retrial. ' ASKS OMDEH FOH HEDATE. Lumbar Cofnpanyt Stranp;o Petition to Interstate Uo.ird, WiinhlriKton, Nov. 20. A curious niUeht In mndo of tho Interntiite Com merce rommiMlon in a iiotltiori filed by tho Nntiuunl Lumber company, of Lou Annelen, nualnst the Snn l'edro, Ijm Ati;elen h .ShII Lake Itallroadcomimny. The complaint nuya that in the pant it hnn been granted on shipment of lum ber and bulldliiL' material from Iam Ai.Kolea to vnrloun points n ynrdinir-in transit rabuto to onublo it to meet thu competition of companion having their yiir.ln nl ami 1'idroon thu I'aciflc const I he defendant ruilrod U willing to Krnnl the ribate, but holds thnt It can not do so under tho law, Thu commis nlon In ri-Uetl to direct the railway company to my the relmto on certain shipment, already amounting to $771. No such reiKirt ever before wan made to the commission. DAN ON ALL FAKE LABELS. "Guaranteed Under Pure Food Act" Doesn't Mean Purity. Washington, Nov. 21. According to n aweeplnj; decision by tho commis sioner of patent, any label bearing the inscription "Guaranteed under the tturo food nml drug nets, June 30, 1 000," whore such Inscription is In tended to imply that the government in responsible fur the pur.ty of the goods, will bo refused registration. It In claimed that hundreds of packers nnd otliern throughout the country nru so printing labels an to give thin Impres sion, whereon it is held by tho oflicials thai the goyernmtmt simply accepts thu assertion of thu manufacturer that thu goods are puro ami then Investigates Ills business. Upon proof that tho pure food ami drugs act in being violat ed tho goods nro confiscated nnd tho manufacturers punished. Rejects Dattlesbip Bids. Washington, Nov. 26. All the bids for the building of the battleship Flor ida hnvo been rejected by tho Assist ant Secretary Newberry, of tho navy, nnd tho machinery will lie built by the government in tho Brooklyn navy ynrd. Mr. Newberry'n nction np- provea thu reitort of the board of con- strucllon, which u i authorized to in vestigate the entire matter relating to thu construction of this machinery. The board held that congress intended to have nil possible work connected wltli the Florida performed at the New l ork navy yard. Ban on Eastern Stock. Wnshlngton, Nov. 2G.CattIo breed ers of Pennsylvania and New York will not be permitted to exhibit any cattle at thu International Stock show, to bo held at Chicago, owing to tho preva lence of tho foot am! mouth diseases in those states. This decision waa roochod yestcrdoy at a conference held at the White House between President Roosevelt and Wlllett M. Hayes, as sistant secrctnry of agriculture, and Dr. Alonio D. Melvin, chief of the bu reau of animal industry. Tho decision includes sheep, swine and goats. Date Cannot Yet Be Set. Wnshlngtton, Nov. 27. The Su preme court will probably announce on December 7 whether it will review the Standard Oil $20,000,000 cose. In ac cordance with tho petition of Attorney General Honapartc. The court is now in its Thanksgiving recess. Tho np pllcnt'on f r the writ of certiorari will be presented fcrmnlly to the justices Monday by the clerk, with whom it has boon tiled. The ruling will thon prol ably be made on the following Monday. Putting; Marines Ashore. Wnshlngton, Nov. 2-1. Action has begun detaching tho marines from tho battleships nnd nsalgningthem to shore duty. Orders were issued todny de- t aching those aboard tho New Hamp shire. In SO days all marines aboard the ship of thu third Bqundron of the Atlantic fleet, now in Atlantic quart ers, will hnvo been reliuved from duty aboard tho vessels. Pinchot In Cabinet. Washington, Nov. 21. It la stated here t'xlay on apparently good authori ty that Forester Gilford Pinchot has been offered the pot of secretary of agriculture in President Tuft's cabinet and that it in nlmot certain he will ac cept. It ia stated also that Overton W. Price, nt pronent nssistant forester, hna been relucted na Plnchot's successor In tho olllco of forester, Fulton to Confer With Tatt. Washington, Nov. 27. Senator Ful ton loft for Hot Springs Thursday uvening for n conferenco with Preal. dent-elect Taft and Nntlonnl Chairman Hitchcock, Holmoi 'ppo'n'ed Washington, Nov, 20. Arthur W. Holmes has been appointed rural free delivery 'carrier on route No, 1 at Mount Angel, OPENS FINE 8UBWAY, Boston Tunnel Cost 810,000,000 And Take Cars Off Surface, lioston, Mann,, Nov. 23.-- What In claimed to tho tho most ccompleto and perfect tunnel for passenger traffic to be found nnywhero In the world has junt been completed in thin city, and will bo opened for unc during the week. It in known as the Washington street tunnel and la designed to rolievo tho congestion of tho narrow ami crooked street of Boston's business section. The tunnel will be used to carry tho trains of the Boston Klcvated railway company through tlio downtown sec tion of the city. Tho old tunnel, known an the Tromont street subway, which was thu first to bo built in America, will bu employed exclusively for the noddled surface car traffic. With both tunnel In use tho downtown streets will be practically relieved of all atreet earn. Thu new tunnel is 5,070 feet long. It in fireproof throughout. All thu steel construction la protected by con crete from rust or fire. All tho doom nnd ticket booths and escalator balus trades are escased In sheet bronze. The telephone offices and package rooms and electricians rooms have tiled walls of masonry. The signs aro of metal ami the seats am! bonches of ccmenu There Is not a bit of wood throughout me completely nreprooi structure. The tunnel was begun and finished with no disturbance to the traffic over head. lo insure agalnit tho cutting oir of the current at any time and thereby plunging the stations into darkness, three different sources of supply are arranged for, each Independent of the other, and all so arranged that should tho current be shut oil" from one source it is instantly supplied from another source automatically by an arrange mer.t of the main switches. Thu tunnol was built by tho Boston Transit commission and leased to tho Boston Elcvnted Hallway company for. 25 years from tho beginning of its use. It Is built through that section Of Bos- ton which contains tho highest priced land, with due regard for the liestfcas- iblu grade and alignment with respect to the narrowness and crookedness of thu streets. Its cost, together with me cost oi its npproacnea ana equip- ment, is estimated ntover$10,000,000. WHITE MAN UNSAFE. Ex-Naval Official Makes a Startling Statement on Japan. Ottawa. Ont.. Nov. 23. "There Is no law for tho whlto man In Japan, Tho treaty made between Japan and Great Britain counts for practically nothing since tho timo of the school trouble In San Francisco." This strong and amazing statement was made by an ex-officer of tho Brit- ish royal navy, who has been employed for some years as a civil engineer by tho Japanese government and who has just passed through way homo to England this city on hla The information which this gentle man has to give with regard to tho in dignities and inconveniences that he say are heaped upon white men in tho mikado's kingdom should provo a sur prise to those who havo been accus tomed of late years, at least, to regard the Japaneso people as being possessed of most friendly feelings toward tho people of Great Britain According to tho Information ho Is ablo to fur- nish nt first hand, no white man ia at emergency tho crisis may bring, ac all safe in the owneihip of any prop- cording to advices received today by erty in Japan unless he becomes n nat- tho British foreign office. uralized citizen of that country. BIG PLANT RESUMES. nuga steel works in Chicago to He- Open In Full Blast. Chicago, Nov. 23. All la joy in South Chieogo. Tho army of workers in tho big mills of the Illinois Steel company is to have a real Christmas this year. The exuberant nnd unrestrained gleo .. ... . ... . . . nnd thankfulness wero caused by an announcement today by oflicials of the company, which employes a largo ma- jority of thu inhabitants of thu town, that tho shops would bo running in full blast by December 1. By that time it is expected 12,000 men will bo work ing in many departments of tho im mense plant. About half of tho workers in tho mills have been unemployed for moro mosques of tho shah's proclamation than n year, nlneo many of tho depart- withdrawing thu promiso of n constitu monta shut down on account of scarcity tion for Persia. Tho clashes nro not of orders for steel mils nnd other pro- gerious, but It is feared tho unruly de ducts of tho company. Many of tho n,ent in tho population will got beyond others employed sinco n partial reopon- control before nightfall. Many Br ing Inst summer Irnvo been working on tvsti have ulroady been made. Tho a abort schedule. liberals, on account of tho failure of The re-employment of thousands of the constitution, aro in a belligerent men means much also to tho merchants mood, of tho suburb. Shots Fired by Servians, Budapest, Nov. 23. Tho Austro Ilungnrinn patrols on tho Servian fron tier nro being strengthened in conse quence of reports that Servian troops recently fired across tho Danube at n po'nt near Zomcdria on a party of Aus-triana. FEARFULTORNADOES Thirty Dead and Scores Hurt by Arkansas Storm. SEVERALTOWNS ARE DEMOLISHED Two Twisters Sweep Path Over Four Miles Wide Both Start at Same Time. Little Rock, Ark., Nov. 21.- Two tornadoes, one north and tho other south bound, swept over West Arkan sas yesterday afternoon destroying many lives am! much property. All means of communication waa cut off and only indefinite reports hnvo been received from the districts visited. From these reports it appears that at least 30 lives wero lost. The property loss will reach hundreds of thousands of dollars. Ono tornado started In the cxtremo southwestern part of tho state and traveled northward following the sec ond tier of counties from tho western . boundary lino. The other started in I the northwestern comer of tho state land went southward, to all indications following the second and third tier of counties. Tho counties through which the tor nado passed aro Lafayette, Columbia, Mi er. Pike. Howard. Hi.mnti..iri. Montgomery, Yell, Pope, Johnson, Franklin and Carroll, I According to advices received, tho storm wan nt It holaht when It nvmnt through Piney. a German settlement on tho Iron Mountain railroad, be tween Knoxvllle and London. Lato reports from Kussellvillo with which communication can be bad, aro that between 12 and 20 persons were killed. rive lives arc reported to have been lost ten miles from Mullwrrv. A report from Fort Smith states that 25 Uvea were lout in tnunsn.itj.ifln of Piney and Mulberry. This dispatch declares that the destruction of tho town of Cravens waa complete. Four persons wero killed, two were fatally Injured and eight were missing nt that place. Tho tornado, approaching from tho southwest, crossed the Arkansas river several miles south of tho settlement of Piney and proceeded in a northeast erly direction. It swept through tho towns of London. Wcllerville. Jenhro. I Lodi, Lewisville, Paterson and Barry- 1 , .. w. , , vllle and outlying portions of Mulberry. cither completely wrecking or laying waste tho larger part of these places and destroying' timber and crops throughout the intermediate country, I Advices from Lewisville, in the western portion of Lafayette county. report tho destruction of several build- Ings. Considerable property damago and injury of several persons are re- ported from 1'almos. . In response to an appeal from Piney for aid, a relief party, including threo physicians, left Knoxvllle, Ark., lata last night for that place. JAPAN PREPARED. Mikado Evidently Resolved to Over look Nothing In China. London, Nov. 24. Japan is watch- ing closely tho development of affairs in China and is preparing for whatever Despite Japanese uenlnls of Inter ference in Chineso affairs, there is every indication that the mikado ia keenly alive to tho possibilities of the Oriental situation nnd will not bo - i founa unprepared in any event Chinese messages, reaching London l) wa' of Jain. ay that Prince Chun is splitting up tho Chineso army and appointing division commanders with separate authority, as ho fears to trust to n consolidation of power under any ono general. la ia w"6" to mean that serloua dlsfTection exists in tho ranks of the "my nn Ra co to tho report that a revolution ia threatened. Persia Denied Liberty. Teheran, Nov. 2L Street fighting between tho liberals and reactionaries is going on today in all parts of tho eitv na tho result of tho nostinir in tho Colonel Zimmerman Dead. Brazil, Ind., Nov. 24.- Colonel W. II. Zimmerman, aged 72, of this city, died yesterday at Macon, Go., on a, train whllo en routo homo from Flor ida. Ho was colonel of tho regiment In which President McKinley enlisted as a private and issued tho commission of lieutenant to tho young private.