K THE 0BND HH IB i n i i i ii i "LJI-rLI 1 Il VOI,. VI IIKNI). OKI-CON. WEDNESDAY DKUi.MllEK 2, 1008 NO. 3S TOWNS(JpyERTS (j i fl. DIIAP Tjje Rcfcnt Pnnjc Wit Cause of Default In Payments. SI'IIAKS WliLL OF MR. STI-IDI. l)ciwrca I'rntae lor Atanqcr In Which Ho Stood tiy Monk Diirliix'i'anlc. IJcst of Peeling llclwcch Air. l)mltf ami C. 0. I). Co. After standing a couple cf yccks in IJcnil, A. M. Drake left JJundny illuming for Portland, accompanied by Rpjrcoc Howard, general mnn agcr of flic I). I. Jfc J. jL'p. fii' n'ti interview 'with Tile IJtillctiu junt bp fore leaving, Mr. Drake said thnt flic reconveyance of the Haul town Mtc liuil been made to the Pilot lluttc Dcvclapiji -tit Cqmpany aud that in nil the adjustments there had been the best of fcclitiK Iwlwccn the officials of the Central Oregon I)evloimeiit ComiKiny mid him iJelf. Mr. Drake expressed him self nt nppriciutlug very much the iihI and coocrutfoii of Mr. John Steidl mid the C. 0. I). Co. lie fm (her Mated that the lailmc of I lie Inttci company to curry out the pitrcha!e of the lowusitc was large ly due to the fiuatici.il d.sturbaiicc ist fall, which upset everybody's, calculations and made the success fill currying out of the purchase iiiK).vslblc. Speaking of the fact that new capital hail been interested iu the Jlcnd bankThc Central Oregon Hanking Si Trust Company Mi. Drake said" that Mr. $icitl was en titled to the greatest praUe fqr the manner in which he stood bv the hank In the time qf the panic mid brought it out or it complication. Mr. Drake sad (hot uy yet he was not able tq ay 9?iythjtj: qs to ftjttrc plaps, am) (hat much de pended' upon how fast the railroud operations were prosecuted. Mr. jlruke take the stand t)at it rail road for Central Qregpn is a cer tainty, and n tp,chiug future plans for the city, he sad; "Ve wjlj keep )p with oil that, he ultuutiqu vyar rants." TKVI.INU ON A V()UK. Vjuiiu Scotchman yiils (Ipnd on Trip , rorji Hi" World, A young man by the name of Mack McDonoiigh wan iu jleud last Saturday on an iiitcrcstliij mission. Jle is traveling from Pretoria, South Africa, to San l'rauclsco on n wnger, the conditions of the wager being that he must visit all the principal countries on the globe within five years from date of Marting, and that he must "hobo" his way over the entire distance. The amount of the purse wagered U $21,000, In every incorporated town that Mr. McDouotigh visits he hccllres a signed statement either from the mayor or recorder to the effect that lie was there 011 such a date. These lie mails to Pretoria as proof that he is living up to the stipulations of the wager dud has visited the different places. It is reported that he is obliged to leave every town "broke." He was being carried through thehc parts free of charge by the Cornell Stage Company, mid was given his meals while iu licud by C. 11. Turner of llic Pilot Hutte Inn. He has been In every state in the Union, has visited nil the huge cities, and possesses n large bundle of letters slped by different muyors and clfy olhcinls. He has been out a little over three yearn and when he reaches Sim Francisco will have completed his part of the contract and won the wager, except that he has six months of sheep herding to do. While here he stated that he lind written to Pretoria asking to be relic v.'d from that part of Ills W7.-i contract. lie will return home by way' or London and Paris, ua he cayu'f.e'hus a desire to M'c tip;c cities hg'iiu. ' Mcponoiigh Is a Scotchman but was born in Pretoria, lie' claims that he can speuk ami write ro different lungtiugcs Ah he goes along he is "writing up" his trip for the London Times, the Trans, vnnl Times, Liverpool Ciicttc and Paris Journal, lie fouuht in the llocr war, Is between 3$ and 30 years of nge mid is quia- nil inter esting character He cluiimd to have "hnboei! ii" ever Min-i- he stinted on the trip, 'and said he would be ftlad whop (t was ended as he was getting r.illior tired of it A (1001) SIZIJI) UKCIIAKI) Joe IliickhoU Will Soon Have SOU Ap ple Trees Planted. Joe Iliicliholz is expecting n ship incut of 500 fruit trees to arrive in Jlcnd iu 11 few days, which he will set nut nt once 011 his place cast of Jovvn. Ticp trees are mostly ap ple trees ntid u hen they nre planted mid growing Mr. Hitckholz will have an orchard ol 600 trees, as lie now has 100 set out. The trees weie bought from The Dalles Nursery. Mr. Iluckholz has great faith in the lleud country ns a producer of winter apples, and is proving bin faith by invrstiug quite n little sum of money in young trees. He is confident that when the trees come into bearing he will derive a very ncm income from the fruit sold Am) Mr. Iluckholr. is not the only farmer lierculxints who has fcith iu fruit growing Iu the Mend country Mr. Wicst, the liend mirserynun, Is selling 11 largo number of berry bushes and strawberry plants this fall, and nearly every farmer is set ting out fruit trees shipped iu from outside nurseries, Posting Sign for I). I. & I'. Co. It. J. McCann, the sign painter, left thir. morning for Cow canyon and will place n number of small signs bttwecu Trail Crossing am) fhat point, fqr the p. I. & I). o. Jincb .sign will (;ive the distance from where it is set up to the com pany's segregation, besides other information. Large signs will be pAjntcd nt Madra; and other points pit the main traveled roads. We wrjuj yoiir subscription. One Moment, Please ! Who's the Town Buster? 'I lc riticn who muht l In own town, Tin c'iiuen who belittles locnl en ti'rprUos. The oil lion who jcoffs nt lioine im- proivnicntt. ' Tho cilUon who buys, his )ioiit'linld goods by mail, TI10 (illen ho pel iU job print liitf done outride. Tlial man's TIIK TOV. Hl'STKH, f I",,j,,,i iu I jgtK orders! O'BRIEN SAYS WILL BUILD ROAD SOON l-slimafcs o; the Central Oregon Line Forvyurtkd to Chicago. WORK I0ULI1 Bl-QIN BV JAJ. I first t.lrt; of the IJrte Up the I)e chutes "Vjjl ' Cot $1,000,000. ' Usllinatcs llclween AlaUrcs onJ item) llelng Prrpnrcd. Central Jant;er O'lliicti of tin liar ilinmi Unci In tin Pacific N'orthvn.t, ha furuardri) rulnipte fot the roiil ruction ol the tit J Kjclimi of the Ccntrnl 6rt,4iii lir'l'iijrter ol llic ltnrfimnn MUriil 'lijtlnj.' tlr pst wtck. The cttliiimcs rail for 111 rxCHlliuc of 5t.t.t1.! for tmlMliig the firt ix uillciDf lli DinhiHe line. Till will vtiiiitrticl the tni far wmth m Mil r. tupjtlliK the trig Centnil Orroii plain tint l cxpcclcl to filriii.ll R Mill tiHflic (luring the cuiuiui! fevv jcmn. "I think Mitty njijroiil of thf plan for llic Ccnlr.tl Otcn'm line nmy he px ectc(l." mIi General Manager O'llrlcn. "ThU ulil mean the early licxitinliiK on the road Into the interior of the Ktate, folloniug up the Dclmtc Kler ciioi. fruiu Its mouth. A mjoii amte)i and fic.uticu lie preMret for the construc tion of the Hue Miuth from Ma'lrai. they wllllc forunnlcil fur ppronl of he Chlcdgo omcUU of the nyttcm." The Hue tn Miidril, the fjrt unif of the Central Oregon liic, will djaip tle big interior plaint oil ttoili idti of (he DeKlnitci cauyuu of ti;cr wljel. cattle and oilier product. J'lacticijl crailet hac Ifefii foLim for the pioped line, ami conttfiictioii lll be unuiually diflicul:. I'pr Mmlf-ai, the road will le built noulll to lieud, opening up the new ir rigation ilUtrlct Mirrouudlug th.M place, quit reaching the whole eatiru ulupc of the Caw.ulc to the center of the state, the dittrict that lw waited mj long for trantportalion facilitiua. Tlie early aiproval of the cttimatei jutt .cut forwnnl will mean that con- tructiou force will be KMeuiWcl niul work Hurled within the nett few week. Plant are already being made by the engineering department of the Harri- man Illicit for Ih-kIiiiiIux uii the Central (Ucguu Hue, and by the opening of the new year it It cxpcolcd deration will be under way. The coiihtry uud cli mate nre iiicli Hint work call lie prose cuted throughout the winter months, OrcKoiiliiii. Powell llutteii Notes. Winter is here and we arc won dcring what we have done all sum mer. Mrs. Ntswongcr gave a Thanks giving dinner to several friends. Twenty-seven iu all dined and nil enjoyed n good time. Among the guests were C. D. llrowu and the Davidsons, of iknd. Mr. Karnst has bought himself a team and wagon front the J,aicluw country and will now U'i;iii to im urovc his laud. A new road petition u being cir culated to run u road from the Ikud and Princvillc road jip the west side of the river bud cud along the main canal across the Johnston ranch to the Hear Creek road. Several are hauling lumber from the Ilightower-Smith mill to Powell Unties Mation. Lumber will be fur sale nt the station hereafter. There wllL. be an entertainment at the Sheplierd. school hottji: next Friday night si'kjj pop. George Klliott was out to the station last Sunday to visit the peo ple or part of them. The . slush ice, nftcr forming through the .stave flume, (tatuiuqtl tho ditch, causing the water to break over mid do considerable damage on the K. K, Haltcrman ranch, Mr. Moore, the ditch rider, (s ti work with five teams repair- i.iiic ii I lie pMiiuie rntt, iiuin a own ii'ectjon nili tlP (). P.. N. at it' mouth. 'iaftf ol thp ntw line' nni i ptolMblc ooft 'were Kilt foittilnl to the Clncayo iiiu the Ire.ik He was sweating and it u.ik not :i mhl sweat cither. Keilmiiml Itrmn. HliDJIn.vii, Nov. The U-ual nuni ler of foriiii)t ilhlurr iwillei rt given on Tliur-wlrty. PllloWlug the firil Thnnkv giving leruiHir (Uat'hm bn pleached here. " ' W. II. O.iVm i another one who In hhkiiik n 1111; rooi lenar, iuxai leci in tide lie h a cittern rUaniuil alto and lm ccm-'iil fur tltc tame a.rca'ly. Ilrowria Mill move In jo their new houte witt of town llil week.' We might have mcutlnnftd, the iium erciii railrowl turveja that have Iwmi made thruiigli this ncij(hb rhpoil. If wr finally get a railmud, it ill U under tlood that unc) have len nmle. If Ixith rondt that are nir(eyeil through M, Kulcwir place arc built, they, with the main cnunl and the waeon road, will cut hit place into nttoul Cue rtrips which will le loo uairnw fur ery much farm lu The rest of in though will be very Klad to tec both roadt built. A very pleiiMiit and printab1eme(.tliiK of the l.iic' Aid wnt held I'riilay lth Mr. CliaMi)n. Quite a larv'e uiiinber were In attendance, nit elck'nnt rrpatt was tervtsl and a Urge uumticrof CfiHit mm lg wrat made. Tlie net mceiins wilt lit held iu two wevkt with llr. Norwvw!. Jloirt AikiiiMMi, Ileuiley and (irctn haljeti were recent liitors to the Qpat Prairie eountry for grain. Considerable lutiiU'r it ttll enmlng to Redmond and iciuity. .'lay Arief and Ilcri NichoU wt-re atnotji; (jtlicn who have made recent ttjH jo the tiiillt. 1'rauk JlcCaflcry hitold his rcttdence property In town to Mr. Wright of near Sittert ami Mac n the Prank Gtast building boll) a rc,al cate oflcc ami resilience. Mr. rl arrived 0,11 'eiln.cvjay'a ttage looking Ijearty after having been gone nearly a jear. Iter mativ friends will be plcate to tee lcr avalu. Carl JJhrct hat tqh) Ilt tqwn property am) wilt build 011 the farm joining the ton utile. Chris lxiusht the place and told hit own to II. V. Joiie, who will mate till week. A "Itutterny" toclal will t held Tlmrvlay nijlit at the hatch It. M. Kby ami K. C Park went for grain recently to the Haystack country and found fall seeded grain looking fine. At the close of SUmlay achool today Mrs. Davidtou and Mrs. I'inlt Woods Kavc recitationt that were ap)ropri.ste to the day, thit ticing a national temper a nee day. Mr. Lilly was attUted ttxlay by n. I'. Ilnrpcr, formerly of I'rliicllle but now engaged iu mitiouary aud Sunday school work. He takes the place of Mr. louuMiit, wlio It uualilc to be Willi us this fall. Mr. Harper preached a very good sermon anil will continue tcrice through the week, preaching this cen ing on a temperance topic. H. C. Time. Tumato Items. Ti'Mlo, Sov. 39. J. It. Kdwsrds of C.iit was ih Titumlo today. C. I). Ilrown nnd Mr. Triplet; of fiend patted through here yesterday. Ales Dnyit aud another gtmlliunau of Silver Lake stopped over njght iu Tutu alo I'riilay night, returning home from taking beef cattle to l'ortlaiu, Robert Itros, of Sitters am again haul, ing li.iy to Itend with n si-horte team and two waijons. They haul about five tout to lliv trip. The work on the new tg ad between Kcd1110r.1l and Ilend is rcrsirted to be progressing uicclv. Mr. Dayton of I.aidlaw whs in Tuiualo yestenlay 011 business. John 1-M wards aud two other gentle men spent several days Isiar huuting west of here. John wa uceeful iu Itaeglug one black hear. Mrs. McRanoy's Experience. Mrs. M, McKauey, Vituit!, MIm , writei.- "I was confined to uir bed for three mouth with kidney and bladder trouble, and wh treated hv two imvsl- rinus hut failed to gut relief. No human touguo can tell how I aulTcied, and 1 Iml given up hope of ever getting well until I began tnkiug Foley's Kidney Hcmcdy. After taking two bottles I felt like a new person, and feel It mv duty to tell suffer ing women whut Tolcy's Kidney Rem edy did for me," C. W. Mr.KKiu., muggut. Township plats for sale at this office, two sizes, 3," J and 6 iuciies square. FINE ANIAIAL HEADS CROOK COUNTY HERP ouglif by . H. Gray, a Ranch " gr LJjng Nca Post RAR0-p flRlVE NEAR ijADRAS Rabbits Are Doing much Darnage and Parnie'ra Will Endeavor to Kill Then. Off-Olher Items of (Icncral Interest to All, J. U Gray, proprietor of Bonny View stock farm just west of Host, who is now living- in Princville, last Thursday brought from Shan'j ko the registered Hereford ball calf Fulfillment, which this fall won many first prizes at the state and county fairs held in tho Northwest. The Journal says it cost Mr. Gray ulwut ?4oo to get the animal to Princville, express charges in cluded Mr. Gray first saw the calf at the state fair at Salem iu September, where it was listed for sale at $500. He at once opened negotiations for its purchase, telling the owner he was willing to pay a reasonable price but ndt $500. At first the original owner would uot sell for less than that figure, and shipped the cajftq Spokane, where it was exhibited at the Spokane county stqck show, and was given first hotiors. .Then a sale was effected and the calf was shipped to Sham ko by express. Had the Crook county rancher not purchased the animal just when be did it would have been shipped to Chicago for the International stock show, aud Its new home here is a distirict acquisition in the stock line of this section. The calf was born in January, and will be used for breeding pur poses next spring. Andrew iob!c of Prinevillc and other experts who have seen and examined the calf say it is the finest animal they have ever seen. Rabbit Drive on Acency Plains. Tho first rabbit drive ever made on Agency Plains will be under taken by the farmers of tint sec tion December 14 and preparations arc ucing rnaue to insure tne suc cess of the drive. A lafrgc killing corral will be built with wings ex tending a quurtcrof a mile on each .side of the cpfral so that the rab bits can be driven into the corral, 2-foot wire netting being used for the wings and 4-foot netting for the corral. The drivers will assemble early Monday morning, December 14, at A. Monucr's farm, and the drive will start at the north end of Agcncy Plains and cover a large territory south and east of that point. No dogs or guus will be allowed. The Pioneer-says that the rabbits have become more num erous in that section thau they have been in a number of years. Sever al years ago the rabbits were almost exterminated bv a disease which made great ravages in their ranks. . Experts from the government bio- logical department were sent to prohibition law makes such actio Madras to investigate the disease, Hlecal aud even a "judicial sale with a view to utilizing it for rid- caunot be made iu a dry countj ding other sections of the rabbit 1 The liquor will probably be. n. Cest by inoculation, but the disease moved to some uon-prohibitioa tow allied the experts and the matter J and sold there, was not pursued further. The dis A decision has been rcceutly ret case seems, however, to have spent dered in the Federal court at Port its force aud in the past two years .laud favorable to the owners of the there has been an alarming increase well-known Oregon King mine at iu the number of rabbits. Iu the 1 Ashwood. Suit was brought b past year many farmers in the more I Richard Mcllaney for a four sparcely settled districts have com- sevenths interest in the m.ue, on plained that tlieir crops were en- tirely destroyed by the rabbits, whlle(all have complained of some damage from these pests., It is this condition of affairs which has aroused the farmers ,to action and an effort will be made to rid the, country of rabbits by, a series of drives. , It is cxpectctlthat in the first drive od Agency Plains several thousand rabbits will be corralled and kjltcd. Fortunately the rab bits do' not bother the farmers 111 the" Ucnd cotintr'yl 1 Will Try Campbell System. Robert Oiborn was in town Mon day from his rancli near Culver Mr. Oaborri has subscribed for CaropbelL's Scientific Farmer, whic.i is deyotcd largely to the cxplo. tation of the famous "Campbell sy. tern" of dry land farming, and hr expects to make a carefuj study o' tne system witn a view to applmg it in the cultivation of us laud. Ii. had remarkable success with a por tion or his crop this year, which h attributed to the care with wliici he eultfvated the land upon which this crop was grown. He expect to follow up this success with a pore extensive application of ap proved methods of dry laud farm ing iu the coming year. Pioneer. . . . . A Goad Jake on the Preacher. Rev. J. T. Moore is still puzzling over the mysterious transforrnatio . of his double seated buggy, thoni'. the defect was remedied almost $oon as it it became: known to flu Uaptist preacher. t'pon Mr Moore's return from Ucnd Monda his attention was called by sevca citizens to the fact that the smallc wheels of the vehicle were both on the whip side, while the larger wheels adorned but did not improve the opposite or larboard side. Be tug a true son of old Missotjn, Mr Moore had to be "shown," apd m this he was readily accommodated He quickly perceived the dropsical appearance of the rig, and this in a "dry" county. Mr Moore thinks the wheels became mixed as long ago as Hallowe'en, or maybe it was when Taft defeated Uryan, but that's a long time. Princville Jour nal. Shorter Items of Interest. Editor Hamaker of the Bonanza Bulletin has secured a franchise t install a telephone exchange at Bonanza. The Lake County Examiner saj s that it is reported that the narrow gauge railroad will be extended from Alturas to Lakeview. The Princville Water, Iight A. Power Gompany has struck an ap parently inexhaustible supply o. water in its new 7o-foot well, sa, th,e Review. " While tied to the rear eud of a wagon a horse belonging to J. II. Palmer, of Laidlaw, cut out one o its eyes on the end-gate rod, saj-. the Chronicle. Engineer Rankin has established headquarters at Klamath Falls an ' has begun the permanent location of the Oregon Eastern Railroad from Klamath Faltsto Natron. t is now slated that the Recla mation Service will soon take u the Malheur project, covering trior than 1 00,000 acres along the line pursued in Idaho, says the Va.. Qriano. Fire recently destroyed the stag' station at Heisler's, scarcely a thin,, being saved from the buildintr. Th cause of the fire was an overheate I stove iu the second story. No tr surance was carried. The station is being rebuilt as rapidly as pos siblc. Sheriff Elkins will not sell a auction nt Prinevillc the Estebenc i...l nt liniinK tr cnt.cf.. m ..! siui.k v 4Ujuut tu auwsi u -uu, nieut against Kstebsnet. Attorne General Crawford, holds that th the grouuds that he had as h claimed, "grub-staked'' the locat ors of the mine. This mine is on, of the most valuable in. the state. Foley's Orino Laxative eurs rhroi coustigatiou and stimulate t" - hvk Oriuo reuulates the bowels so they w act natuhdly and you do not have 1 1 take 'purgatives continuously,-C, MiUvRlU, Druggist.