The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 25, 1908, Image 8

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If you will send $1.50 for a year'6 subscription to THE BEND BULLETIN cash with order, we will give you, absolutely
"free, a full paid-up year's subscription to
Desciipttti'of the
Picf tires
Tl.t tbfte bttu'ilul j:
tunwlu are r.Btrl with.
1 jrra asd Pinna It and The
I -ji I Havtetia if yotir '
Tti'ttov irreirci pnmtpt
l- jre the tB4crtrvee u
me oJAinertea foremast
artivl. They are rrallr att
yrooU and- caeh ooll rt
ill w art store! trow c
to l m. Each pctiir
r.nxttccil'iii all th-Leao i
':' rotors ( the onprul
ram'inav on fine upreaJrii
ilarrl stock, all ready to
rut ii in .?&r hqm TIk
lrrttr Out tMcwrr 9S
ll" iehe: the ttntei ju
fare ij titwbe, and lh
Lincoln picture. ij'j
These tbrec wctuir wilt
be furnithed wjth Farm and
Fireside ami. The Knllvtin
only if you subscribe feavforc
December IS. 190$. Tbey
are sent postpaid.
It U not enough Out Farm ami Fireside hi stood in the front rank of farm rajr for the lat tliirty jnw it it
not enough that it baa barred atl qutlimMc advertisements from it column and juarntcct every adveMHemmt it
accepta: farm and Fireside has got to Io more than that, ami tt i Rom lu iUi tu; mute than that, it is RoiHtf tu fih c
tr the farmer ad hU family the very i-tt t practical and helpful material that Hwwey can Uiy. If it U about boUiIhk
more important tlun a pott driver, it's Roiaj; to be toM by a nan who can make a xt drircr tetter than he can do
any one other thing, we are s?ioj; to carry UiU utility idea through the whole farm and Into the kitchen dour, where
the farmer's wife needs labor-uviuii help and practical fagxesttoos JMt n much at the men folks.
Remember $1.50
Sunday School Workers Are Helped
by Their Meettor at Prlnevllle.
The third annual Sunday school
convention for Crook county was
cld in Princville November i3-5t
with delegates from the three Crook
comity districts, for the purpose of
making Sunday school effort more
effective la the supreme work of the
salvation of souls.
It will surprise many to learn
the strength of the Crook county
schools, there being , some thirty,
with a membership slightly in ex
cess of a thousand. The state or
ganization was represented by the
field secretary, Kev. Chas. A.
phipps of Princville.
The Princville .workers set out
the best in the land for the enter
tainment of the out-of-town dele
cater, Mrs. Ilelknap, vice-president
pf the Princville district, having
made, prior to the convention, ar
rangements for .all visitors.
The first afternoon was devoted
to the "Problems of the Rural
Scltopl," Jed by Mr. Lawrence A.
Hunt of Madras, and in the even
ing Mr. Phipps lectured on the
seven devils of the Sundav school.
?. (i) ynpreparedness lack of
preparation pn an nanus ror tue
work. (2) Tardiness. (3; Prosy
ness everything being done in the
same qld sing-song way Sunday
after Sunday. (4; Laziness no
flup willing to do anything that can
be shoved off on borne one else.
(5) Inattention. (6) Ineffective
ness a school which is not winning
souls for Christ is not fulfilling its
nii.'Hion. (7) Poverty patrons set
that public schools have splendid
equipment for all purposes but jer
rait the Sunday schools, to which
in many cases arc entrusted the sole
responsibility of caring for the spir
itual welfare of those who have no
religious instruction at home, to
drag along without, appropriate
maps, blackboards, helps, and other
equipment essential to the success
of a school.
On Saturday the following offi
cers were elected for the ensuing
year; President, J. B. Shipp; vice
nrotiitioir. Tf. If. Sherwood; secre
tary, -Mrs. C. I. WJuuek; treasurer,
Mr. HorrJgau.
In the evening Mr, Phipps pre-onti-rl
the other side of the (lues-
ttou in au iatcrcstiug and iuajruc-j
Pays for a Full Year's Subscription to Both Papers and Gives You the Three Superb Color
Pictures Above if You Subscribe Before December 15th
BULLETIN, -r- Bend, Oregon
tire address on the "Seven Ele
ments of Success of the Sunday
School," viz- Organization, grad
ing, cradle role, home department,
teacher training, passion for souls,
adult movement.
The next annual convention will
be held at Redmond.
A government inspector of sur
veys has been at Madras inspecting
a number of recent surveys of gov
ernment land. Several small tracts
in that section arc held by men un
der a "squatter's right," but they
cannot file upon the land until the
surveys are accepted by the govern
ment. If you suffer from constipation and
liter trouble Foley's Onuo I,axaiiVe will
cure you permanently by stimulating the
ililCUtheorKsril y they will act natur
ally. Foley's Clrlno. I.axaiive 'does not
Kri, it pleasant to take ilid yoii do not
hate to take laxatlva continually after
taking Orino. Why oontliine to Ik the
slave of tiillt and tablets. C. W. Mer
rill, ilruyKitt.
Township plats for sale at this
office, two sizes, yj and 6 inches
Registered Stock
H ' Poland H
0 Chinas 0
G Duroc G
S Jerseys S
Black Langshan Chickens.
E. C. PARK, Redmond, Ore.
The Pioneer Telegraph
and Telephone Company
Telegrams Forwarded to Any I'urt
of the World.
Direct .
Telephone Communication
with Portland, Princville and all
Pacific Coast cities.
Public Pay Stations
lu Dank Huhling at lleiiil, at Iaid.
law and Powell Duties.
Messenger service to any part of
Crook County south of Crooked
Kiver. ...
is Farm
Will Your Store Stand the Test of
Real Advertiser?
The sort of advertising that really
focuses attention on a store, or on
an enterprise, a venture of any
kind that puts it squarely in the
"spot lizht," and holds it there
that sort of advertising is a tiu.t
i'.ntkri-kisi:. And it's a hard test,
A merchant vho is "doubtful"
about hi store, bad better put
things right before he gets into the
white light. For real publicity will
uncover defects, as well as empha
size merits, in goods, in service, in
any phaze of store-keeping.
The stores that have thrived on
big advertising have passed the
severest tests. They have not been
found wanting. That they continue
to be big advertisers is proof of
their having "won out" under the
When you store is ready for the
test, make it boldly. To win is to
be aligned with the big stores. Not
to try is to never emerge from the
ranks of the little fellows.
Arc you a little fellow?
tHpartmenl of tjje Interior,
V H Mrf) Office st Tlic Uallti, Drcron.
KortmUr 17U1, iA.
Notice U l)trPy zlven lf)at
Cora A. tiguton,
of fltti'l, Oregon, who, on lime ruOi iv5, nisdr
llomrttd I'.uiry (KrrUI No ci6J), No. lVn,
Ike A. Tli. A rt.. K. 1, l'.,. Jt., hai nttd notice
tA Inirnlloii to maLr Wual Commutation Woof.
lo otaUnh claim In the land alorr tlKcrilxil,
before II C l'.l!l, I'nltcil Male CoiiunlMioiier,
at hi office, al llcntl, imguii, on Hie JMh day ot
Jfccmlrr, iA,
I'lalmanl nainraMrittirMi Arthur fl. I'.ly
William J, IWMUwy, U'lllam Aruoli amlolin
t'trjuwm, all of llii(f, Orrn'in.
n the District Court of (lie Hailed Stales
Ill the Matter of A. II, F.STF.IIF.NF.T,
Notice Is liertby uht-ii that 011 the 16th
day of NrnFiler A. I). j8, A. II. I'.S
TF.IIUN14T oflic ml, Ort-Kon, was duly
adjudicated lianlcrunt; ami that the first
meeting of Ills creditors will be held nt
Kooms 301-5 l'ciiton IIill()K, Portland,
Oregon, on the ail'l iloy ol December,
ux, nt 10 A. M.j at whlcli time llc niIiI
credit'jrs may Httvntl, prove their plulmsf
Appoint a trusU'v, tvamliie the bnik
rnjit and transact such fithef Inialnpss oa
may properly coiiiu Miorc siiph meeting.
The schedule 'filed displospH aic(s
auiouutiiiK tofyjo.(x).
uatcii ov. 31, 1908.
J'fltC'rfill l fflD1llll'
V, ' ... ., . I ,
Kcftrcc lu Uaukruutcyi
and Fireside?
Around tin. practical wotkiiiv piojoilini, carrieil out oft a totally new Une, t thall ! aletkl 4 itilrrr!
and entertaintMent. which farm ppei heretofore liae ml Into the "can't afford" elan.
I'arm and I'llet'le ha tele to AlteeH detMitmeNts covrlU erv i4mc ut fatl and lioiiif li(. Akwouf them
are Lite Stock ami Iteiry, OarileHlHC. I'mtltry, I'tuit drvwiHie. CnklMK,l'aitioM. Vmx lrn4. utr. It (Mini In
l pate each iHte. We can afford the toil. 'Impiy heaatike we belkrc the farmer will pay for thr brtt, mow thai wr
hare ilemointMlcd our aUltitr to k.c it to 111 in.
You will find I'arm and I'irrstdc better than it has ever been thought possible to Make a fatM ami family paper.
Ivflmmt of live lUitr
I it Uxl OAee tt The lMllea, (M (w
. (kloUr jj. 1 i
Nvtlec li hntby tttw lhl
l'4l J. Ilflllc
fltrtul Orecen, who. hes4emhrr lth Kr;.
nude llumnind Klry IHetlal !) .
ityt.hx ll'.NHU. ' nit1,' W m Tp. WlHMMh
Hatr " Vt'WaiMllr lM4(l. lu- Md
Motxe of HHelkm U hmVc tl emMliH
pruf. to MiUMIl eUlM la Ike taitd ilnn de
wtli. b-fcrr II C mil-, l'M4t Maui lam KUafTiee al htd. Ui(tni on the
lUh day f lKcrf . f.
(tea lutra. cseu. A. Jonct, I' O Mnwr, all of
ixno, irrffVH.
nii-dll C H IOOKI' Kealtler.
Ueruttmrnt of the Interior,
V, ft. Land Office at Tbe (Jaltea, Oregon,
October v, 19A.
Notice it hcitUy llrtn that
Martha A. Illadmaa
of rHtra, Oregon, who, on hptrmlr nth, lyA,
made rtmlier ami Hlnnr Apolleatloa No. -.M.
for riHJfHI!'.' See 1, an I I't SIHf. XVHfiHH
Nrc it. Top i Ninth K m ,!, wilUiutlle
MerldUn,ha Aled notice of Inlcnllon lu make
final llintrr and atone proof, lo ratabll.h claim
to lh laud aboTe draaltd, iMforc II. C 1'IIU.
I' rt, CoraraiMloiier. al hia orricc at lie ml, Ore
gon, on the lythdayof January, !'.
CUImant namet at wlinruei Leoan 1'eUl.Ve,
John 1.. Kerer, both of IKnd, Oleguu. JrMe
Will, Chailet J, lllndniau, both of hlitcri, Ore
gon, n'jjij C W. MnOKi:,i(rgllcr.
l)eituitiit of the Interior
U. H. Und Oflicc at The llallei, Oregon.
November nth, .
Jfollce l hereby given that
(Itriin II rdacl.
of Itend, Oregon, who, oil Aiigmt ijrd, inr.madr
llomritliad Knlry(rterial No, oil). No, lil. for
h), NHJ.NWJf NHi, NH! Nlijfhee ,Ti l
H..K. II I! W. l.,haa Bled notice of Intention
lo make final Commutation I'runf, to titabll.h
claim lo the land above dracrlbeil, Uforr II, C
lillla, I'nltol tilalea Cominlaaloner, at hi office
at IK lid, Oregon, on the und day of December,
Claimant namea aa MltueaHa Andrew T
Moore. I'.rnr.i liarrett, J. Xcllllluay
and John h I'arinluter. allof lleiid, Oregon,
iiiShIi6 C. W MOOKIi, KrgUKr
Dtjftintiit of Hie liittrh'
V, S, r.atfd Ofllce at The D.ill", Oregon,
.Voieuiber nth, ial.
Notice la lirrpby giien Dial
J.lile If. rtcohcM,
mid atone I'loof, lo eatabli.h claim lo the land
above Jcacnbed, lief'ite II, C I'.llla, I'ulleil rtlalea
Comralwioiier, al till ulhce, at llcnd, Oregon, on
Die jrt day of January, i'O-
I'talmant nanic4uawilmau-a oaeiliN,llutil
rr, William II rttnata, I van l Hcoflctd, Charlra
l, llrown and I'.liilcr Nlawougcr, all of lleud,
niHJj) C V, MOOUI!, Kegliler
sorrel niarp. with white face mid
white spots on aide, n:nl moccasin brnud
011 rinlit slioiildcr. left by some unknown
irty in my pasture iivur lleud, Oituer
can Intvu tha marc liv tmvlni; natlurauc
him) fur tills lulvcrtibcuiciit, l V, Wikst,
of lleud. Oiegnn, ,ho, on iKtolier iCIh, ',
inadeTlmlier aiid htouc Alipllnitlou' No. 01 w,
for M, hlili KWifhec 1 and IM 1 and Nl'.ll
XW,', Hec. I'tp. I7H.K, U l . W SI., Ima
fdrd uolln- of Inlcnllon tu make I'lnal timber
V rt U4 Otfcee. TW IhIIm, CHgtm.
November a
A (alDrlml roati.t afTVIx-K tvarlng ln tlet
lalhiawiaee by Mary Y Keiahait, cinlriakl,
aealnal bomcatMd (trvul N, !!,) enliy
Will, mik Mafih l. ly f" HWfcNI li H
NWy VW-UHItH.NI'VrtH ' l. 1p "
U 11 H w it tt Jamev I1 lfat-. elri'v
IHohHhlt KatWsed I Ml kl Jaw.- Ibapeaa
baa nevtr eMaMuheil oe malnuieil a Ihmia Sic
Ir-M-mrnu hM liact laitd, thai be bat
1.H0II1 ahakd,med Mid liaet o( bwl fuc lame
ttiaa Ma twwulha la.l bail andibw-a nt naa le
Me ItHteaw Ibat aahl allegnt iUok-hm!
abie labia emplorment In llie army navy, oe
ntaline eK of the t'nlted Slates lu time aar
nabl parilra are hereby aoHtett anMar le
ainwl awl fir evidence tewchlHC ubl atleir
lion at luii iurk a m on Derrml! - r.
Uf.r II t. hlili. ill rt IwnmiMMir. al hu
ortwe lu Iwnd. Oregon, "n. that Anal heullac
will lie held at h o'clock a m on IkeamlMr t.
ItfA, f,we the UrglUer ami Mrrelver at Ibe
I'nlted Malta '.and at The lialle. Oitgon
The mW conlr.Unt having, In a proper atlda
lt fdnl NoveiuUes.lV". a forth facta vehwfa
how thai afttr due dlllgrnce rMiial aervMe of
tli la nolle can not be made. It la hereby mdcted
and dlreclxl thai audi notice be gtreu by due
and proper publication.
Iiljdll C W. MOOHI'. Urgi.ler
Department of Hie lutcilue,
I' H. Ijinl OlXee, The Italic. IMrcofi,
November 7, f. .
A anlficlent eofilnt affidavit having been fibril
In IhU oilier by lleorge A Jonet, ruiilttaiil.
agalnd houietlead (berlal No, Mw) eutiy Ha
lirti, made NovemUr 1 l. fur W nh'i,
KKifHWi,,hec M, NWNI(i( bee n. Ti 1 rt,
K. IJ I! W l . by Albert W l-ow, ilreeaMd.
ennteatee, In nblcn II ! alleged Dial mM All-It
W. l-ope. on or about rteplcniUr II. im7, 1I111I at
I'liiievllle, Oleguu. leaving mit of kill and In tia
A W Poie, vvliliiiv of deleaved enll)man, ad
dicta unknown, and William l'oe, inluue xm
In charge of the lioya and IlliU Aid rtovtely,
Portland, Olccon- that awbl tract baa mil Iwen
lealded iikii or cultivated by uM Krauu or
cither of them, or by any prraari or ihimiii
whomaoever, elnce Ine ilrntti ol the cnlrvman.
that oald tract la bow and li Uen I11 morr
lhau all inonlha wholly abaiidoneil that uld al
leged alnence hii not due lurinplotiiieiil In the
anny, navy or marine colpa of lite lnltetl hijica
In lime of war
rtald partita are hereby iiotlAed to nptirar, le
pond andorTcr evidence touching ealdallccatluii
at I'lu'cloek a. 111 on llecemla-r IH, m, Wlute
II, C I'.lll., a T H niruiululoncr at hl offtre In
llcnd, Oregon, and that filial hearing will be
held at in u clock a, in, on Ikiember , ln,
Uforr thr KcgUlcr and Kereleer al the Undid
hlatea Mud (I Mice III The llallea, Oiigoii,
The aald coiilealaul having, In a mr uffnU
ill filed Novemlier ;, ium, atl forth facta uliltli
almw that alter due diligence pcroiial Mivtrrof
llilv nniire can noi ne mane, l la iieteby onieiid
and directed that audi notice lie glren by iIik
and prupcr pubtlcatiuti
III dll C W. MOOHII, KruUlcr
Department of the Interior.
1 H, I.nnd ORlcc at Tlir DalltaOregnu,
OctoUr u, tti.
Notice la hereby alien tint
Duncan Lawaori McKay
'Portland, Oregon, who mi Keptrmbrr .III,
ml, made Tlml-er und rttiiur'Aupllcnlion No,
ill.forH'jrtli!,, rtW!Jrtl'!J . a ami XI (
Ol 14
JVl'4 ntVf ii, inji. ...nciiHM, iv, 11 i,u-i, viiii.1111
cttc Meridian, Ima riled notice of I'ltenlloii to
iiiaLv final tlinbrr unit alulie firiwir In ikial.ll.i.
claim lu the laud above ilractllied, before II 1
1 Ilia, v n. wiiiiiiia-iuiir,, ii ,i( iiiiii f pi iiruu,
Oregon, 011 Hit I Itli day of January, I'xm,
tLiaimaui .lameaaa wnueuea j n itiiiiirr
W II rtlanta.J . MvKny, V 'alnltscil,ali
uflund, Orrgou,
Uli-J C W nooju; lUtUw,
Facts Aboul
Tiic Henri Bulletin
It K"c "" "Mite '" ' r
anuney than air oltin i r- V
county paper.
It hat w?t.!y new lllr
(nnn ItnlttKtnd. I'l-a. 1
Mtdf. PttweM ItulM. Turn
aln, (list ami Xiaa'amd
It ( A I.I. thr lettt i.(
Wealem Crunk tvunii
lrnlr the hHMl au.t r .mi
It trw it has teach re!.
C i I at ale litta a t"K"
ut national riewa. ii.titaliiiiiu;
a lull irt'nunl e( what k
III oil at Wellington. l I
N lirlMllnwnl llvi,tr. bi
I t in and farm. r and
an Interesting wnal lt-it
in IIiIKii tit tin vrnrfal
wnlld l.ra. whlrli i .n
in a niileiitil ("tin. .No
iilher rountf HaKr rn-,ii,
iit in roar rctmn iniiii
lull thew ImtMHtaat frit
turn. Thr HvllrtlN gltr
)ou i;h( nmew l trading
HMlttr, wktiir (be lliei
only Krr yoti four.
Iiepailmenl "f hr Ihrm
t "la, nil r Inn. . li'ft,Mi
(t'WUi ,l 1 lvw
NMlee lahettLr gi'tnltmt
John W I ber,
of Send thrt wS.i, h Aua4 loth it.
made Timhil aod Maw Hm Male
ami aerial Naoibee a-u. fnf Ibe It 1,
bV W W S M . - r 4 Tp H M
a II , W M . baa filed Hotlee at IhI.hIium i
make )inl Ttmb-i aiot Mowe ITmti. ta aauMiaii
otalm la Ibe Und alme lUxrtbavl, tafcee II V
l9Wa. t'aMaat mi C-inmli iMian. al bw .
al Head. (Hvfaw.Mi h l4b aVlj of IKvrmlm
CtelHMNl name aa "..' Ihh K mHh
WillumJ t'aiief . feed A aiamaarH and frank
O Miimm all of Hemt, Of egsm
Hu C W. MIKtMl'. Regltlec
italltmrnl of I he lutrrlor
f H t-awdOITWealTbe H.IW-.. IHec'ii.
IwM 11, !.
Natlee U Iteiibv given that
. WatUrUliralte)
ofMUlaw, Orejou, who, on Apill lUh, i.
imwlr Tlqilwr awl htour aprilleatwii rSn. .
Irwiial 1 yl4) f.r nw !,' Nil h a, rp -b
, M 11 I' . W M , baa bfad nolwe ol iHleiillun
la make t-lnal llmlr and None l'n,f, la
labll.h (Ulni lu the land alMe dnulbeil. b rot.
II I IUIU. I ullnl autea CaniHilubxitt al hlv
office al lierl. Hit gii, wi the nth da of De
vtmbvr. I-A.
Claimant natuea ai wltnraaea I'lanL I'
liiowu. I'reil A. ItHnnell, lituirr Mawuuger and
VbailtaD. IHown. alt of lleud, tllt.wH
oel C. W llOHK, Me.l.ter.
f Ijirl OUiee. The lllr,XreaHi,
(Ktlxr .i, 10
Notice i hereby iiUen,iht Mute m
OrcKOii hat filed lu litis. iiiTiec its nppli
calliin, .Serial No, 11 In telcct under tin
ptuvitioua. o( (he AciAif Ciiiinrttof Auk
uat 1 1, HtK, mid tin- i'U
thereto, the NV '(. SV 1 Sic 17, Si
' NK '' It . HI! ', Sec, IS Tp. y ,s.
It. It !:., W. M. '
Any rtttd all peraona ctnlinliiK itiUcrae
ly the lamia di'acrilMil, or ilralrint! to ol.
Jcct Iiccmum: of the niliitial character nl
the laml, or for any oilier re.tkon. to thr
'li'lxiNl lo appllcftnt, thottld file their
nflnlavlla nf i.tiiiii.i (., il.l ..n:,... ,
.-,.. "-- -'-".. ,(! IflllVV, W,l VI
licfore the Hth tiny of January, raj.
nil C. W MOOKI'. Htklvter
Department of the Inltilor,
f H. Und Offlte al The Ikilltt, Oiegou,
OvulT i. ly
Notice Ulicrtl.y given Hint
Wllllalll I tlnvtihl,.
of llcnd. Oregon, who, on April it, not, made
llomeHtad liiitry Irt-tlal Nil. orljj) Nn, uur.
fur t HWIt, li'MdVIJ. heillori j, T.iwii.liip
irHKaiiKc 11 l(aai. W'lllumttlr Merldkiii, Iih
lilnl noliirof hi. luleullnii (o make final llvv
year I'loor.luealabllihilnlui lu the land almic
diacrllied.lKfoiell. C.I Ilia, t'ullid Hlatra Com
mivaloiicr.alhtatiftireal Helid, nitunn, on the
atliitiiy ofDeitmber, l'vH,
Claimant iiamraaa wlliieaaea Peter Itelutoi
fer, Auguat Driver, Nlcholiw Hlmlli, Italpli I
l.civla, all olllctul, Orrgnil.
f"l C WiMOOIti;, lleijliter
V II,,.. I, ., ItlH ... .... ......
'1.1.11 imd MtUiru 111 tJieiu. iinl
Wiifliliik.vvii, giving it
Hluti'li nt null plica, ,ui hiI.iii,
Hliinplnv ruillltlta and u flntfal.
fli'd Dliailnrv of t,i h Uualuati
u 11 i'r.iive.ii'in
II, I- I'OI U X CO., Inc.
MHHIIP, 11 11.11.
iir -"