r THE BEND BULLETIN "For ovcry roan a square deal, no less and no mare." CHARU5S D. ROW1S 1501TOR SUnSCRtl'TlOK RAT1.S: One jtsr , ..J.S .So .jo tx months..,. ,...M.tf ...,.,.. ihrcc month.....,.'., 'InrarUblf In siItsikt.) WEDNHSDAY, NOV. 25. 1 90S. -ti 'r-trr. t COYOTES STEAL CHICKENS. ,V si: Prove Quitan Nuisance to Farmers In j'lcasant Ridge Neighborhood. TtKASANT Ridok, Nov. i.-The coy tes arc reported as doing much dunuiHc bout chicken houses- of late During he nights, xxheu al.is tilli they quietly .tid successfully tttenoi-e1 to dig under 1 he chicied.liousVs4nnH lwlpiheniclvc to the fattest 'chickens. The fanners who have thus been troubled arc Slier- wood Ilros., Clint Wood and Dan Green .alh. If strychnine Is properly used we think his trouble will soon lie it thlnt of the ast, and It would be a wist tlliiiR lo rc .irt to this remedy. Nt much doing .it Hie Uidge thi week; everybody is snorting with the jld. At the Sunday scltool last Sunday iicrv was quite a large attendance, and vcrv interesting lcvu.i oti Solomon x. as discussed. Mr. and Mrs. Msrion I'lle of Red- aond stopped over night at Sherwood 'ros.' farm Monday. Inklings at Gist. Gut, Nov iy Everybody Is busy In his neighborhood plowing. Chas Carson, of the Clovcrdale court t-y, is building himself a tine barn. 1' rank Arnold, who lias lived for the j ast year on the Tmlcy place1 near Gist, 1 10 veil last week onto his own place in l'ie Clovcrdale country. ! ' ll Clyde and I.c-Ur GUI went oxr to t aidlaxr last week to work on the new rtad Itetn'tintlend ami tatdlaxx. 'C I,, ft'.jt went over to taidlaty last Wednesday on the stage. He (reports Id Be tie roans iu goou sliape, atul ys Jir. Vimer of Tunialo has a line stand of heat, settled tlili fall. Mr. Stadium Is busy these days build ing flues with the brick he made near Cist. "The deUting society at Gist will hold 1 itir meetings the 11 ret and third Salur 'ays in s&eh tndnll. Come out and haxc rb; a time. Johnie More hat moved onto the Tur y place for the winter. Messrs. Stacklcy and ntukbard will go .cr to Madras the first of tlie week to v their winder's flour. T Tumalo Items. I Ti maI), Ko ;:, We liave been lv g solne xvet weeiher lately. - Ji, t . 'x-xs. Spaugh and I. K. Wlntor xvere Au l-iness in the Gist neighborhood xl-y. G. M. Couch passed through here yes nlay xvith lumber for 1'. V. Smith's xvltousc at Ileud. t Tl)oj(fxraschool is progressing nicely v4rt'vr thcdifectioit of Miss Slwry of aiii'.r'V, antVha a gooil attendance. W. V-. Claik got a bad fall I'riday ii:!c unloading a load of baited hay on s place north U here. J SI. Couch had a liorte badly cut in rb wire last xvcul:. , Crivcr I'ulllaur r.nd CnarUs THcru- v. uite took n Joad oi hogs to the Jieud ..rict la'stk. " 1' ".evtrrciMf was hauling hay to 1 ?tu; last xrcek. 1 Geo. W. WijKxir & Son are prxpMing butcher wjujc fiit l.eef which tliev ill e,1l to ,-ties by either the quarter t'y -piece.;, , M it eve-.yone In tttsssi parts is wmrk g on the new, .oad froui Iiiltaw to I'. I. Snrnl: paaaed Uirongh Jier gf g to IIcikTouc day last week, p. h. Gist, postmaster at GUt, was in 'i umalo last Wet'iiestlay .aoing . to MiJ I iv. I Win, Ilakcr aw) -family -Iww moxcdj 1 - tck to their homestead from the Jeu 11 place, which hc'faruMti tills year. Hveryone has flniiihetl threshing itir lese parts and very fair yiolds ore re 1 jrtcd, although belov. the yield of last ar. Someone rang the k'1"1- cU " r.niers' line recently and fiflet to en -cr it. winch cats e I 1 ousiderablc un xrsiucssaiuouu t'i :;.! wng haxx , i JOiien, as the grit r, 1 r 'I is 1 nly to Ije ied in case ol (ll'tr's rum-OK not 10 ( ' used as 0 joke iu ui ut .., I"" ., Rostand Items. There v.illlie a dance In the new hall over J. S. Ilogne & Co's. xxnrchonc on Thanksgiving eve. Kxcryonc Is Invited to conic uud help in.ikc the eculug cu joyable. Wm. Msyfield purchased I.cc Cnld well's cattlc(lat Monday. Win. and Mike Msyiield mid Alev Davis have been cotiipcllc,iJh feed their beef battle neat Shnniko .t,. there it no mIc tyr beef. They drove from Klamath uiiirsh. Claude Vatidevert was up to the mill after a large load of lumber Wednesday evening. .' , (.'io. Roycc has 'returned to hl home at CrcsrVjtt after a visit of n tew days to Roslandbud llig Muidotxs, Cat! Wie mid Arthur Ynlor haxc gone to Klamntli Murali with Wm. May field on his Celtic drlx-c. ' ' C. W. Richie has opened a general store at Roslmid and ns the opening stock xxiis bought ftom A. Mi l.nra the stock as well as the prices xxill be right Geo. T. Sly has liecii duliig sonic hustliilg In the Hue of loading ihinng the pasl couple o xxV&s mid. Iwi s.ic ccssfully located Kvcral ptrties during that tin!?. Carl It. Wise i very much pleased with the notice which he rrceixed from the l.akex'iexv land office iu his favor. The land contested adjoins tovx 11 011 the north ami is what is known as ditch land. Powell tluttcs Notes. It. R. llaltvrman 1ms k11 1iIo;(j acres of irrigated lauil lyiug in the eM rixer led to a Mr. May from Washington. Mr. My and Mr. llatterman weae neighlwr. in Wahintfton. The transfer xxas made by Howard Jones of Redmond. An entertainment at the Shepherd school house uct I'ridiy ti'ght. l.xiry body invited. The Powell Ruttes Grange Iws rented the George IIoWi. lion re fo a lull until they can do better. It. A. Hussctt is getting ready to uwve his house doxvn eu his ditch forty aero. the canal, having made proof on his homestead. Quite an amount of clearing is being lone in these parts this fall. New com ers are coming in ami are beginning to MiupnAc their land. Itlmcr Niswonger was out from ItciiJ Sunday night and went on to I'rincx illc Monday. School xvns clocd twxi dn)s last week in ore to do repair work cu the school house. It Kruworctl tliat J. A. tilliotl has rented ttie Johnston ranch. If yoli wnnt a nice gf nllfe pony, com ing three year old, will make i good family horse, call on C. II. Itllis, price only fy. Redmond Items. Carl Hhrct sax-s if Muma's cistern is mentioned iu the news note that he wants attention mid to hU also. lie iws enlarged tin; exenvation for his tank cis tern mihI lias it cet11cnt.1l ami now luu a tine v larrtl Itisnred cuter 11. Also mm come the uWiiiitous Jim ami tells altout his cistern. The I). I. & I'. Co uave it to him and Ikr lias it lilured on the ditch bank where it i namly to fill. It is a staxe cist-rn already (nil together and holds exactly one barrel of water. The ImrliiiKhauM of Gateway. Mon tana, are late arrivals a brother of Mrs. II. M. Smith, with hi family. They will probably locate here. TIh- Mays. McCIlIUiih. Kimball and Mi-Ikmald with other, are al:.i late ar rival. Mr. May, win lias bought the Ilalteriuau place near Powell Dutte. i an 1 'lit resilient tit (hit own IX coun I v. Iowa. Mr. MclJonald. from tome nlactr lin Washington, is in the ..ilhspie house norineasi 01 town, anl Jlctlellan ami Kimball, we believe, are camped down the ditch 011 the Sisters road. 1 rnisy we notwert soma nexx comers camped and usirtg the shack which Messrs Itaran ami SliuwaLe stayed iu last winter. J. II. Jailsf.n and flinilV Jne mixed nit J town Irojil ttie layn fur the winter Three I.smU and tbijt 1,'j k -Iieep trad. a trip 'oJ' H.'sotiek rountrx for grain u Thursday ami Iri-luy. halur FOR SALE. DLOCk HOOD OR LIMB VOOU. 2-foot length, per cord i6inch wood, per cord Juniper wood, per cord - . 00 - 5-oo These prices include delivery. Leave orders at Pilot Uuttc Jnn. who 1 -j- A n A Wlwnf to -stf vKlNlKINDUi.UM. w - ' SEEDS9 BVMH'JJHMWrl SPECIAL OFFER: r UtJ I kiU W. IU.I..M. A rlt Kill ' nu Write tO'dty; Mention thlt Pttper, WWAAAAAMAMXA. SEND IO CENTS i MW4 tt ('"tM Vat tl. , L felt-Mi PC pasiNlii . w tap ig , Iirtui iiiiiBi ! - ui 11 ,, k MSM tM "! Attn --l ftsnia, rt-m ', i kH.W6cclbtt. y.&oWAlL, day DcWitt l.amb chopped M bushels of "feed with It's team mid ih.u tis tit It kept them going some. Lamb's feed store will l I 'atcd in I south of the tMiik un a let lettscd from I. R. Whitney llriug your nil imii tu Khrct llnw. uml have It lilletl nt Jjc it i-allou. l'ixe x'ul luu cans 5i-?o- J. G: Mcduffie has U-cn tenting down ids Uun, tcuiiHlcling and building it larger. Neighbor Chris. lihret mid family have mux 11I iu frnm the homestrail for the winter after Inning iMiiiumtcil 011 it. I'.htct UroV haxc new lights in their store, which mske quite tin improxv meiit. The black uiulis ate lack Neiglifair Dcl.oiiuttr gut in n xxeck pgi n.jiii from Wrshltigtnu. Ilrsuld xxc were mil to sav mix thing iu The Ilullctin this week. U e presume In meant about Ins coming to luxxu wnii a xxoinan, so xxc wilt not mention it. It xxas nut the name 1111c, though, that he found at the Ikmic when he arrived. Just ask him about her, but don't Kiy auythiiiK to the brother up in Washiugtuii about It at all II. 1'. Jones reports the sale of the Watt eighty to some of the Hrowu fam ily. We call them that for xvaut at present of 4 better name. Mr. Terry l.yle and Mr. Wiight are at xxork cleast'ui;, un the lack Cue place just U-low O'Nell. K. C. I'BK. EXCELLENT CELERY. Joe IlucMiolz, U:nJ (Jardcncr, Raises Al Quality of the Toothsome Plant. Joe Huckholz, the Utick gardener who supplies Jk-tul with the greater p.irt of its vegetables, hen demon strated one thine;, atul that is that celery will grow to perfection In this scstton. Of course, it is possible to raise celery after a fashion in most any country where anything will grow, but there is ;t great difference iu quality. There is a celery that i. tough and stnugy, green atul dis colored; and then there is the other kind crUpaud tender and juicy, devoid of "strings," and white in color. Well, that is the itialtty that Mr. Iluckholz grows in his garden. The product he sold this full to his Bend customers was the best celery they ever ate accord ing to the remarks of many. It was so crisp and tender and jtiicv that tt was indeed a pleasure to eat of that healthful plant. And the common judgtssut was Unit Mr Huckhols's celery was At quality in every ies.ject. When I.. II. Hariiiti.ni wa here two years ago he was served nt the hotel with some of Mr J'uckhol.'x celery and he remarked tlt.it it was the bast lie had ever e.uen. When the railroad comes and transporta tion is afforded, there will r.-rtitinly he a fine opportunity for IL-ml gur deners to work up an cnx i;tl.!e repu tation fur lieud celery iu the !ty markets. Ircy's lioiiry ami Th' th-Ars tlie fi"'n imK:s, slops trie irritation in tin- tt.roai. sootlls the iiiflsttic! mui'iMiK'K, ai.il the must iilisiiniitc i-Miit'i ilisnptifur. Sore Hiid iiiflsiiu-'l liiiiys iir lirnlnl anil stifiitlu'liel. Slid the rold is xielled from the f.Jleii Kefu. any l.nt the genuine iif the jelloxv eiksj't.. C. V. Merrill, -' .ikk: : Blacksmithing fj IIAVJv startei up f.ir htishi' ss Iji the ihinii Illsclisinlth Shop, uml re sjiectiijlly volii.it a share of your patriiiRK- Satis (action tjnar.. litii'd in J'.VI,R '.sTICl'I.K. Horseshoeing and General Repairing W.H.HEWES Dcnd, Ore. Cures Cohiei Prevents Pneumonia oft Ask yo grocop for tUb 3 or 5 lb. cans. Thoy Imvo tho scrow tops wtin motai handles Aro useful whon empty. "r ;. with the use of CLEVELAND'S SUPERIOR can bake delicious, healthful food. The essential cro!;cry is a pure Cream of Tartar baking powder. I -. Ss . , Z. - -i .i.J Ssog 'S 95SS& ;JSFtggg E. A. SATHER. MM III wi as anaumiwii m t'TTiyim-MiTCTiJxvixryvSMtgii.giAi BendShaniko Livery J. II. WI-NANDV, Prop. W. P. Kelley, Agent, Shanlkb New Covered Stages lietween BCtUl nild Shnhiko fsUSO , '; Livery and l-ccd Stable at Shaniko, Madras and Hcnd. Wc run our riirs to nlcnsc the nubile. hStnccs lonve each way every day. ;s to all pni-ts of Central Oregon. Careful drivers furnished Special Attention Given to Express and Baggage. ari.Mriisnnsn'rTjasxt&YSJuswii.ssssKwMTttr.tsrns-rssassstlssjMSS-siivsTa Cbss scasasxsxn ivmneussSKSauSxd Trwnks and at n ptice that is fair both to you nnd to tqc. ntUf, on a tti;-, come in nnd look over wliut I L MILLARD &ariffQ&xJ3SSSSi 3attCS3Sfc BCICjQ3ASeEQCJ WUilW IN BENlSTOP A'l THE PILOT BUTTlS INN Table always suppliod with tho best lint tho (own affords. Nenl nnd Contfortuult: Uooms. . I!i;.M), Oiti i;o:i iVI'assachusetts ,jViutual A Life Insurahce Company ANNUAL' DIVIDENDS Nearly oQO SATI3FIH0 I'ollcyholdcrs In Crook County. 30-45 P, O. MIN0K, .Resident Afccnt i s f - MSSl JV " J3x . ' I I ATy If. S I A iMl ,'?; ) fkttf J.U-V X sjr Usk. N 1 he absolute purity and wnoiesomcncss oi inc increments of CLEVELAND'S insure the hcalthfulness and superior quality of your food. You can be sure of EVQJJND5 SUPEREOS CINGRIWIKR I Made from a Superior grade of lit OLD AM) OlAKANTl.l.I) IIY Bend, Oregon & Siage Company amenmt Are you plan ning to take a journey? If you arc, yon wll want to be properly tt.i!icd wnii u traveli-r h p.ui.plier nalin. That tiifnits travel mi; irs, situ castM, ;;rips nnd trunks, I. have a fulli line of tlteae, uii:l if yon nre( in need o any of, tjictn I can mipply yottr want). A nntnlier of gcxxl. iuUlantiul Swt Cases If you ate plan have. .. TRIPLETT m I isjrm i -ox-3 lagBmrdoat; 1. kti.ttv.fca.. . . . ' y ; I Housewife BAKING POWDER requirement for pure i 8 Puri Cream of Tnttar. S. C. CALDWELL C. S. BENSONj ATTORNEY AT LAW OI'Mi: IN hfk Hi ll.!iili. lll'.MI, HKi'.t.DN U. C. COE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon 'QITIfi: OVKK HANK 7i:i siiibt Cclcpbone Comiccitctt v Ttti.r.ntorct; .so. si Hi.xi . -. OHii.'i? f '"t . Till: First Nalional Bank of Prinevllle. ).stat!tshcl is.-.;. Capital, Surplus nnd t'ndlvldod Profits, 5I00.WXMM) n k xii. ii VXitl XXMr.M.lln r si H..1.1 .. ... II IUIU. ii lit. 1. X ... I'M! ' t ..h UX4llt V'" A. I;. PliTI'KSON, Antilnpe, Ore. Mntcbmaftcv & 3-cwcIcr 'iy ..lis id. I Ss'iul I'tumiiv . i t .ii l . m l-x nt nil U in. Is in. 1. 1, i. i i-l Ki'iri.l. Wotkiiisi.t. "ii. 1 K'Mr.uiiii.l i 1. 1. "I'll Cl(.:i h,hr. , II. ill.'. . Ii. .il .i,a Ulr.vl lui.irsl Auul i il UEfjfRY L. WIUTSfiTT Horse Sfioeing add General Dlacksmifliing WAdON AND P.s-OW WORK I'trst Cldas Work fltmrantced. Lopffttil In the old .Sheldon him. k GOOD BODY S. it f.r w 00 D $4.50 Per Cord Leave orders itt or 'plume S j to the 1'ii.ot llnrTi.-itw s - I1 R. a. BOVVSRR "'''',''l'SMMilMl4Sl