The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 25, 1908, Image 2

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Grand Council Impresses- New
Ideas on People.
Fourteen Banks That Wore Closed
Reopened by Government and
Deposit Being Paid.
rckln, Nov. IP. An edict Issued yea
terJay declares that the era of Pu Yl,
the Infant emperor of Chlnn, bo named
1 1 sunn Vug, moaning "proclaimed succession."
This characterization is Interpreted
ns signifying the unification of the
nation upon the reform program of the
Another edict orders a posthumous
title for Hwang Hu in recognition of
"his merits. It enlarges upon the re
form program to which tho valedictory
of the emperor committed tho throne,
and thus commits the government again
to the details set forth in tho program.
The grand council appears anxious to
impress the idea of reform upon tho
new generation of the reigning Manchu
The regent has appointed 9 A. M.,
.November 25, for tho members of tho
diplomatic corps in Pckin to appear in
tho forbidden city and express con
dolence of their respective govern
meats on the death of the emperor and
tho empress dowager. Three members
from each legation will be received.
They will bow three timed before the
coffins of the emperor and tho dowager
empress and oneo to Prince Chun, the
The dowager empress, acting on a
memorial presented to tho princes and
the ministers, has issued an edict that
the period of mourning bo reduced for
the regent and the court to 100 days
and for the people to onlr seven days.
Rumors aro rife of political jealousies
nt the palace. Considerable adverse
comment has been roused by the fact
that Prince Chun, tho regent, is ignor
ing the Chineso in announcing the com
position of the committees that aro to
bavo tho obsequies of tho late emperor
and empress in hand. The only two
Chine appointees are Yuan Shi Kai
and Lieucbun Lun. The remainder are
It is reported that Princo Chang,
president of the board of foreign af
fairs, has suffered a partial collapse on
account of his exertions and excitement
of the last few days.
Tho politieal position is precarious
and it is believed that bis career is
practically at an end.
The fourteen native banks that sus
pended payment a few days ago were
reopened yesterday and began to pay
out money from funds supplied by the
government for tbo purpose of tiding
over the panic. They are under police
supervision. The payments are to con
tinue for a period of flvo days.
Loses Fortune by Devotion to Denii
Brother's Estate.
Cleveland, Nov SO -Mayor Tom
I. Johnson, who for years lias been
credited with possessing a very large
fortune, announced yesterday that he
hid lost everything ami would he
compelled to give up his beautiful
home on Kticlid avenue and move into
smaller and less expensive quarters.
The mayor aim stated that he would
give up his automobile and other lux
uries, because he could no longer af
ford to keep them
His fortune was wrecked, the mavor
declared, by his devotion to the af
fairs of the estate of his dead brother,
Albert, who was heavily interested in
traction properties in the Fast
Alter Albert s death the question
was put up to him whether he would
rcsicn his office as mavor and take
up the management of Albert's estate
1 he mayor said
1 decided that I would not. I had
entered the fight in this city with cer
tain ideals before me I wanted to
fight privilege and special interests
and I liad already decided to gic up
working for dollars So I concluded
to stay right here and do what I could
to help my brother's children at long
"Why did I choose the course I
did? I II tell you It's not because I
am a philanthropist, for I am not I
acted from a purely selfish motive. I
wanted happiness and nothing else
when I closed up my business affairs
and took up ciwc activity."
Judge Sternly Reprimands Ach for
Wasting Time.
San Francisco, Nov. 10. The trial
of Abo Ruef for bribery was returned
yesterday, with the testimony of Jamas
li. Gallagher, ex-cbalrman of the board
of supervisors. The eourt was as
s'rongly guarded as bofore, and every
move of a spectator was watehod by
policemen. Judge Lawlor ordered the
n.lmission of any person Hucf or his
c-nsrl desired admittd. He then in
formed the jury of the shooting of V.
J Hrney on Friday, awl warned it that
this transaction, so far as it relates to
this court, tho Jury, the defendant at
bar, counsel and all Interested in this
trial, must sta&d as though they are
not concerned, and that no person is
charged with any responsibility in re
gard to it. "The entire matter should
bavo no plare in your mind, and should
cause no bias or prejudice against any
one "
Gallagher was then called and Henry
.Ach, Ituef's counsel, rosumed his c rout
examination. Mr. A eh made him tell
ngain the whole story of the nomlna
tion of the supervisors and the ar
rangements for distribution of graft
money. Ho asked novoral questions as
to whether CJaliagiier did not know Iiq
was committing a erimo, nil of the
eaiuo purport, but different In form, for
which Judge Tawlor sharply reprimand
cd him. Baying;
"You might stand tnoro for n month
if that wero permitted."
Onllaglier admitted that this was the
tenth tlmo be bad testified in tho graft
rases, anil Mr. Ach then asked him if
lio bad any agreement within the dis
trict attorney as to tbo number of times
be should testify. Gallagher nnswered
that bo bad none, other than a general
ngreomont. Mr. Ach then went Into
tbo history of the immunity contract.
Kentucky Growers Paid $14,000,000
by American Company.
Louisville. Ky. Nov 20 The biir
deal between the American Tobacco
company and the Hurley Tobacco So
ciety for the 1908 crop and part of
the 1907 crop of tobacco, which has
been hanging fire for several weeks,
was closed yesterday The price
agreed upon in the transaction, which
is said to be the largest of its kind
ever put through, is an average of 30
cents a pound for the 19o crop and 17
cents for the 1907 product The deal
involved nearly R0.000.000 pounds of
tobacco held in the pool by the Ilur
ley Tobacco society, and an outlay of
about on the part of the
American Tobacco company, virtually
all of this money being placed in cir
culation at once in central Kentucky
1 lie tobacco sold includes the
larger part of the holdings of the Hur
ley Tobacco Growers' association,
which was formed several years aco
and pooled the crops in 190(1 and 1907
.no crop was raised by the members
of the association in 1903, although a
number of independents raised large
crops ir. central Kentucky, under
guard. According to many who are
in position to know, the sate of the
pooled crop will mark the end of the
night riders in central and eastern
Kentucky, at least for the present, as
it is thought that with these crops out
of the way virtually all of the growers
win raise tobacco next year.
Hugo Enterprise Launched at Albany
by Deal dust Consummated.
Albany Tho hirgest land sale ever
mnde in Oregon of fruit, dairy and ng
rlrnltiirnl land has just been closed In
the sale of 110.000 acres In Itciitnti.niid
Lincoln counties to Minneapolis peo
pic. Tho sale win mnde through Fish
, Hodge, of this city.
A new company, the Ympiitm Vnllev
Fruit .V I .unci eomixitiv, will, through
its western representative, 'irvo these
land platted into 10, So mid 10 ncr.
tracts nnil sold for fruit, nut mid dairy
purines. Literature for extrusive mi
vertising of this xrt of Oregon is bo
ing prepared. The bond office will bo
in Minneapolis, with u brunch in Port
land, but tho husinor will all go
through this city
Thoe Itnek of the enterprise nro J.
H. Strecter S. Co., (loorge V. Taylor,
(leorge K. Admin, of .Mlnuenpolis.'aii.l
several other.
At the present time there nro iiImmiI
.100 families nrotind ft. Louis pronrltig
to come to Oregon and tnke hold of
some of this land.
Dirt Soon to Fly.
Klamath Falls Dump cars and en
gines hate arrived in Klamath Palls
and are being taken to the railroad
camp on the Hot Springs addition
They arc to be used in making the
fill over the government canal and
at the station grounds. A large force
of men will be employed all wint-r
on the cut and fill, as several acr-s
of yards and switching grounds are
to be filled and made ready fur track
laying Two steam shovels are now
working within sight of this city.
Eagle Valley Lands Booming.
Qllliam Citlxent Organize to Secure
Experimental Farm,
Condon The (iilliam County Im
provement association held us first
meeting last week, in this city The
body has liecu orgamicd fur the pur
pose of securing the location of the
experimental farm station in Gilliam
county, mid to further (he microti ol
the county.
The following persons were naiiinl as
a committee in draw up the by-laws
of the association: Hon W J Manner
George II Dukek, A Mcrcsse. II A
Tliiesscn, 1) II. Thomas ami M Fit
manner, with J A. Smith as chairman
Men from every .section of the county
were present to discuss the question o(
the experimental station m tins count)
as proposed by President Kerr, of the
Oregon Agricultural college All were
heartily m favor of securing the 3(H) or
too acres necessary for the stale an
thoritirs. and proposed that the laud
cither should be rented or bought and
given to the state to coudtM the sia
To carry the work to completion ibc
following persons were placed on the
executive committee: I) II Thomas, of
Condon precinct . J II litif f. lame Hock .
W S Wade. Rock Creek. W J Mar
iner. Illalock. Oscar Malry. Ferry Can
you. George II Dukek. Mays die and
J L. Illakxk. of Arlington, with llie
following officers: George II Dukek
president: Charles II Horner, secretary,
and 1) II Thomas, trraitirer
In order to be aide to Irate or bti)
llie laud necessary for the station, tin
orgamralmu will be incorporated under
the state laws.
liiehland Land buyers from nil parts ,. .,, r.n , ci-,1 a..
of Oregon and Washington have been in l"Pr F " Any
Kagle valley during the last few davs! or Other Dlseasos.
looking for farms. Few sales have been
made, but it id expected that several
will lie completed soon. No land is of
fered for less than (100 an acre, and
Pendleton After two weeks' work
II inspectors tinder the direction of
Dr S W McCliirc. of the federal
bureau uf animal industrv. rmort
me newer quaiuy is ncm ni :vu nnuiiiat mil one case wl stabbics or other
.T00. These figures aro rnthcr small disease has been found among Ore
tbnu large. The railroad which Is be-gou sheep Though not a single ilis
ing built down the Snako river is the eased sheep has been found so far.
prlncitxil fnetor in cnusing tbo rush for the work of inspection will be con
Court Takes Stern Action Against
Tactics of Riinf'a Lawyors.
San Francisco, Nov l The
of Abraham Uuef. interrupted bv the
shooting f Assistant Dlvtrict Altur
ney Francis J. Hcncy in the court
loom, will be returned at 0 o'clock
this morning where it was halted Inst
Friday afternoon by the bullet of the
assassin Judge William P l.avvlor
)cstrrday denied the application ol
counsel fur Kurf for a change of
venue to some other city or town in
the slate, denied also In quick tiuces
siuu the motions for a continuance
of thirty davs until public feeling tub
titled, lor the dismissal of the jury
and the cmpaurlmriil of a new one.
ami finally ruled against the defense
on the request made to interrogate
the twelve as to whether any of
them was prejudiced against the de
fense as a result of the tragedy in the
Itrustiiug aside all motion and tech
idealities interposed by llie defense
llie court announced that llie trial
would proceed this morning, anil that
it would countenance no further tic
The action of the court followed
the filing of .17 counter affidavits by
the prosecution, which in general
terms denied many of the allegation
made by Uuef am) his counsel in their
affidavits yesterday in support of
(heir .application fur a change of
venue, ami set forth that no excite
turiit or turbulence prevailed: that
neither Hucf nor his attorneys were
threatened with violence or their live
endangered, ami finally, that no con
diliou existed that would prevent the
defendant from having a fair ami im
partial trial
KILLED IN EXPLOSION WorklmjiiiQi) Caiinlit
In !)i!(!i Hole In Brooklyn,
Water Main llreaks From Foren nl
Concussion, Adding to Horror
Traffic Suspended.
land in this seetlon.
Ashland for Good Roads.
Ashland Judge John H Scott,
president of the Slate Good Roads
league, will hold a good roads con
vention at Ashland on Tuesday, No
vember S3 It P Neil is chairman,
and H. F Pohland, secretary, of a
permanent good roads organization
in this city. The executive committee
in chartrc of the arrangements for the
coming convention is composed of
llenton Dowers, I. I. Mulil. F D
Wagner, J. P. Dodge ami G. W.
Loan Fund Increased.
Pniveraity of Oregon, Kugenr.
Through the efforts of State Senator It
tinned until every band ill the stale
has been subjected to an examination
It is believed, however, that no scab
by slicett will be found, though early
in the summer there were a few i
latest case in l.ake and Douglas
counties. Thee were treated as soon
as discovered.
Though Oregon sheep were prtdi
ably the worst infested with tcahbies
of any stale in the Union two years
a no. Dr McClure stated at thai lime
that he would clean up the sheep of
the slate within two years, ami this
inspection seems to indicate that he
has kept his promise.
New Road Pleases Stockmen,
linker City Stockmen of tho John
Day and Hums country are pleased with
Obsequies to Confirms In China for
Noarly a Month,
Pekln, Nov IS An edict issued
yesterday instructs Prince Pu l.un anil
Prince Pi to proceed lo the western
tombs and select a site for the grave
of the emperor There will It con
tiniious obeiiirs at the palace for a
period ol 7 days I he obseuuies lie
gait vesterday. ami the function was
attended by Dowager I.mprrss , o-
neiiaic and repreeniativr of the va
nous governmental department
The local press is beginning to pub
tish details of the occurrences of Sat
tirdiy and Sunday Up to Ihe present
lime il has said virtually nothing ol
the events at die palace ami the pro-
miilgalion of the regency The new
Dowager F.mprrss Yohenale with
great pretence of mind arranged for
Ihc meetings of the gram! council lo
be lieltl in her private apartment!
Here the plan that already hat been
tiisctisseii ami occiiieii upon was
adopted without lost of tunc
The councillors warned Hie princes
that the regency was fiiral, and in
terms that were not open to misinter
pretation they expressed the opinion
that any opposition thereto would be
promptly met and punlilied.
Say Germany Is Despised Army and
Navy to Inspire Respect.
Merlin, Nov 50 Urging increased
taxation for the enlargement of naval
and military equipment. Chancellor
von Iluelow. who has recently been
criticised bv the reichstat; for his de
fense of IJmneror William and who I
later made himself the idol of the
German people by exacting from the
kaiser a promise that he would limit
the imperial power, yesterday made
one ol the most remarkable speeches
ever delivered in the German parlia
ment. Still bale from his long illness and
the strain of his meeting with the em
peror at Potsdam, Von Iluelow made
a vigorous address in support of hit
eight finance bills that were threat
ened with defeat in the reichstag be
cause of the dispute between the chan
cellor, the emperor and the parlia
"Germany is unpopular amnnar the
other nations of Europe." declared the
chancellor, "and the only way we can
regain our prestige is by the unbuild
ing of our naval and military forces
"Germany needs armaments and the
money with which to build them. Our
financial system is our weakest point.
It is the patriotic duty of the German
people to inaugurate new taxes "
A. Ilmitk. of KtiL-ene. IfISC hat been tho nrrnnueinent of the Hutnnter Valley I
milled to the tuieni loan lunn, ineroai rmirimn, wnien pormus sioex lo po
ing it to about ix,zuu, this tuna it siuppmt over iiint lino in Hie ruluro
loaned to deserving students at a low The first stock train was run from Aus
rate of interest, nnd is often tbo means tin to linker this ovenini;. Yards of
of keeping a needy student in tho uni-1 considerable slzo have been built n
versity. THO donori were prominent Austin mm win neeotuinrxinta llio larg
business men of Portland, who did not herds rttlsed In tho interior.
desire to have their names inentioneil.
Natural Oa In Baker.
linker City. A report reached here
from Durkee nf the dbwnvery of natural
gas while boring an artesian well for
water, a half mile above Dttrken, nn
Al!rt Hlndiiian's iirajnerty. Albert
Illinlmitii in how sinking a well on hi
home place, and is down 300 feet. It
it eutimwd that there urn oil indication
in a field h quarter (if a mile from his
O. R. & N. Construction Cost.
Portland. Arrording lo lite rurrent
(sue nf tho Railroad Age (laicttf, the
Oregon railroad eomniiMlon, which has
ben (it work Investigating the original
rust of tho (). It. i. S. nnd the f'orviillls
i. Kairn, has enmpleted its work, nnd
finds that the O. II. Ic X. cost t,107,-
hSH, and the CorvHllls & Kimterri l,
Two States Quarantined,
Huffalo, Nov. 90 The Kast Iluf-
falo stock yards arc under quarantine
Two carloads of cattle delivered in
western Pennsylvania found to be in
fected with the foot ami mouth dis
ease were traced back to Rait Huf
falo Then the state and federal
authorities placed a ban on this mar
ket. As a direct result of the condi
tions growine out of the inveatiKation
word came yesterday from the bureau
of animal industry of the department
of commerce anil labor ordering the
entire states of New York and Penn
sylvania quarantined.
Heney Improves Rapidly,
San Francisco, Nov .20 Physicians
attending F J Hcncy announce that
tney are well pleased with trie condi
tiou of the patient, who has shown re
Huge Mirror for Observatory.
Now York, Nov. JO An unpolished
golar mirror valued at 100,000 arrived markable vitality and a determination
here yesterdfiy on iuo steamer hi. ah- to get well that is helping him along
drown for tbo Wilson observatory at the road lo recovery Mr Heney
Pasadena, Cal. It was made at St. passed a quiet day pul'c and temper
Codin, Franco, and in 100 Inches In dl- aturc rennining about normal, and
nmeter. It weighs alx and one-half .the pain in his throat has almost dis
tons. appeared
Find 700 Lost Snoop,
Pendleton Seven hundred head of
ownerless sheep, valued approximate
ty at SiOOfl, have been found by II. I).
Carlilc. of Unity, Ilaker county, and
are being held for the owner. So far
no woolgrower in this vicinity can be
found who has missed that many
Cannery's Pack 10,000 Cases.
Hiuidon. Tlminons' Hit I in on ennntirv
bus cIoionI for the sahsoii, hiivlng eitnnod
about 10 000 ertsea this fall. Tho tntnl
output of thn plant Is nearly twleo what
it wrtH n year uiio. und this in thn fuee
of tho fnet that thorn was a strike nf per pound: store, 17nT'0c
Win riHliermeu in mo oiiny pari or inn
Wheat Illtieslem, 05c: club 01c:
fifr, 00c; red Russian, SHc; 10-fold,
le; valley Ole.
Ilar'ev Feed. Mr, ner ton: brew
ing. $7.
Oats No. 1 while, $3utjf3l per Ion;
gray, iwso
Hay Timothy. Willamette Valley,
ftl per ton: Willamette Vslley ordi
nary. $11; Kastrru Oregon $18Virtj!
17.50; mixed, IM; clover. $0; alfalfa,
IM- alfalfa meal, il'.i
Fruit Apples. r.icfiiJ.l per box;
pears. $ I fill J per box; uraties. SI in
(HI r,.i per crate; quinces, (I (ftl 'in per
box; cranberries, $10 sotHIK ' per
barret; cassavas, 2 per pound; Span
ish Malaga grapes, 1707. 50 per barrel
Potatoes- HitiWc per cwt ; sweet
potatoes, niwaic per pound
Onions sirtii. lo -r I on lbs.
Vegetables -Turnips, II iM per
sack; carrots, fl; parsnips, $1 S.I;
beets, liii; horseradish, 10c per
pound; artichokes, Wcaiil per dozen;
beans, tofii lie per pound; callings.
IrtT'lk ner pound; cauliflower, SOctff
$1 per dozen; celery, I0rfi75e per dor.;
cucumbers, $ per box; eggplant trc
per pound; lettuce, 7.cftj $ I per box;
parsley, .,c per dozen; peas, lOr per
notind; peppers, 10c per pound; pump
kins, Iffillc per pound; radishes die
per dozen; spinach, lie per pound;
sprouts, Oitft Hlc per pound; squash,
lWllc per pound; tomatoes, MciTitl
Mutter City creamery, extras. 3Rfi)
aoc; laucy outside creamery, .l-'l&
American Flag; Raised on Island of
St. Pierre,
St Pierre. Nov. HThe demon
stralinu against ihc authorities here,
which was begun yesterday, was con
tinued today The limited (wilier
force is unable In maintain order, but
thus far no serious damage has been
'Ihe manifestation on Ihe part of
ine populace is due largely lo the
school tiueslioti. I he nriiu e nf St
Pierre demand free school in which
reunions instruction it lmvcii
Two schoolmasters were taken Into
court, charged with having violated
the laws III conducting free sehiudi
They were convicted and ordered lo
pay a ol aoo each The author!
ties ordered llie schools closed
The action of the authorilirs in
(lamed the populace which assembled
on the streets and violently denounced
the French government. Some one
obtained an American flag during the
height of the excitement, and with it
Ihc crowd marched to the govern
ment headquarters where a uoiiy
demonstration was mnde.
Buys 1,000 Acres.
Philomitli A Portland firm ha
purchased 1000 acres of timber on
Woods creek and intends to erect n
large sawmill and flume to connect
with the-C & V. railroad, about one
mile west of Philomath.
Find Bog Iron Near Salem,
Salem What Is declared to be the
firM discovery of bog iron In the United
States has been made on the Wilson
farm, near here. There is said to be
an immense ledge, of great value.
Hkks -OrcHon selects. 37lc: Hast
en!, 37(7C3Sjc per docn.
Poultry Hens. iaJr7Ti3c per pound;
spring, I2iffr.!jc; ducks, lHWlflc;
geese, lOlfiMOjc; turkeys, 17lHc;
dressed turkeys, soaic.
Veal Kxtra, RirtTOc per pound; or
cllnarv, 7(i7kj heavy, 5c
Pork Fancy, 7c per pound; large.
ifii fie
Hops -1008, choice fiJiifltc; prime
7Wjc, medium, f.Ci0c per pound
1007 3f,i r, 1000, V Mr
Wool I- astern Oregon, avcrairc
best, lof'illc per pound, according to
shrinkage; valley, lfifqjinc
Mohair Choice, 18c per pound.
Mouth of ColumbIJRvorIDeclarod lo
Bo Part or Stale.
Washington, Nov. 17. Valuable
fishing grounds at the mouth of the
Columbia river were declared to be
part of Oregon by the United States
supreme couri yesterday, ending the
boundary line dispute which has ex
isted between that state ami Wash
ington for several years. In ion., suit
was brought by the state of Wash
ington to restrain Oregon from dis
turbing the people of Pacific county,
Washington. In t lie possession r
their laud
The territory which was In dUnm,.
comprises low lying islands or prom
ontories at the mouth of the river,
chiefly valuable for fishing purposes
For years it has been a mooted ques
tion whether this territory was sub
ject to the Washington or the Oregon
laws governing salmon fishing,
Millions Lost In Flood.
Port Flitbeth. Cane C'olnnv. Nn
17 A terrific ram storm swept this
pirt of Cape Colony nnd caused n
iii'Tyy overnovv oi ine u-nkcin river
.several lives were lost and the dim
pe amounts to more than a million
New York, Nov HI Twenty-five
persons are believed lo have lost their
lives in an explosion of gas which
lore up a great section of Gold street,
llrnoklvn. v ester. lay It Is tlefiHllsdv
known thai 14 persons were buried
under (he hundreds of tons nf earth
ami limber thrown into Ihe air, and
leu more are reported missing The
exact number of dead cannot Ik de
termined until those working to re
cover the entombed IkIii dig
through VI feel of dirt, rock and .1
taniilr of pipes and Umber
lite explosion occurred in a 56-foot
deep excavation that had been made
in Gobi strerl. between Yoik and
Front streets, where a water main w
bring I nd ihe g mam sprang n
leak recently ami in manner tin
known a spark rime into contact with
the escaping gas Immediately there
was a terrific explosion, which lifted
the surface fur half a block In Indh
directions, anil shot dirt, paving stone
ami debris Into lite alf
When Ihr smoke anil dust clearest
away it was seen that ihe street had
been opened from doorstep lo door
step over an area of nearly a block
The loosened earth and debris had
fallen into the excavation, burying the
score of laborers who were at work
when Ihe accident occurred Great
tongues cif flame shot out of the erev
tees and beside them geyser of water
leaped ml., the air from a water main
that had hern shallrred
Eapert Oontntltli Says Haas Did Not
Have Qun Long.
San Pranristto, Nov SI Chief of
i'.dicr Itiggy. whose resignation from
the department may follow Ihe out
come of the coroner's Immesl Into the
suicide of Morris Haas, who shot him
self in his rrlt at ihe county jail while
guarded by several policemeH. was
shown yesterday to have been in ter
tonal command of the men who
searched Haas
According to Patrolman Charles F.
Groti. who look the stand etterday
in the second day's session nf the in
quest, he rode to the Jail handcuff!
to Haas, in Chief HiHgy's aittomobiltt
with the chief and several detectives.
There lligy direetrd the search of
the prisoner
Should the ittry find that II s hail
(he little derringer with which ht
commuted suicide, in his shoe when
searched the fact will be taken a
cv'dence to support charges of Inef-
lirienev which Detective William J.
Mums declares will be brought against
Canlaiu Thomas 5 Duke, who ttt'de
ihe firtt search nf Haas in the court
room, produced Olio A. Itrrmcr. a
KUitamiili, s an expert to profs that
Haas did not have Ihr weapon in hi
shoe when he shot I'ranri J Heney.
Itremer testified that if Ihr derringer
had been carried (or any length of
tune in Haas' hor the barrel would
show rust The derringer showed nn
sign of rust Rnd llrrmrr declared It
could not have brsn carried neat to
Ihe skin
Standard Oil Earnings Amounted to
$1)0,000,000 In 1007.
New York Nov '.'I l'..r over five
hours yesirrdsv lohn D Rockefeller,
wiines for the defense in the aoveril-
menl suit to dissolvr Ihr Standard Oil
company, faced an urn rasing fire of
questions from ihr federal counsel.
Crank II Kellogg, and when adjourn
ment was taken until Monday lb
head of ihr oil rntnhiiie was sllll It.
im cross examined mi the charge thai
the compiny in its rnrlv .lav arrett
ed rebates to Ihe disadvantage of It
rivals. '
Mr Rockefeller's crois-exainiiiMlon
will probably put be concluded until
ale luestlay. as Mr. ICellogg mad It
known thai lie would question Mr.
Kockcfeler on every detail of tho
company's business.
The enormous earning power of the
oil combination w, ,,srply brought
out in yesterday's lu-iring. vvhrn Mr.
Rockefeller, after stating that the
hlandard had paid dividends niiiouut-
lllg In t HUMID. (Mill ill K.IIT ..I.I II l.n.l
earned as much mure, ami that till
was added to the company', surplus.
Which was staled bv llie Lfiivi.ri.iixiiilV
counsel in be j-iihi noo,o()(i. It vvas
further declared by Mr Kellogg that
Ihe company vvillilu Ihe lust eight
e;.r, ,a earned nearly half n billion
Simon Load Revolt.
l'.irli. Nov ai revolution baa
lir 'km out in South, rn II ivti Geu
iral .Simon ex louiiniinUr f the
trO'MH in (be ,1. ., .-..,,, iii
-.- .......... .-.,,,, II, ,,
mi ' d the city of 1 ci (lyes and
he nilj.ic.iit region I In- tdcgnpli
line has been cut nnd g iv nimciit
troops arc surrounded by rebels.