END BULL IHu A ' 1 BV . VOL. VI HF.ND. OKF.GON, WKDNKSDAY, NOVKMHF.R 25. 9o8. NO 37 .. ..,. a. -., r ETN FINDS EXTENSIVE DEPOSIT OF GYPSUM Luetilcd lit Hair Creek Italics ly Tom S. Movers. A Vu ilr: mi: etc vi o 4 r A A Al.Ui: III- 515 IO$2.iA l(),N: UrM He lUMly Worked mvJ Will Smiw Dry Net lliwd Profit to Owner. Mertnj Attn'.litr Irrfhstry. Cimil; count) is aMittri ntiothcr industry when truiinit!iioii fatui ties me ptowrieri This wu n'mlc etitalu when Tutu S Jiov'ti dis covered, about two wet I: (, nii t'xtunslvt nuil valuable i!epps(l of Kytiin t Hur Crick lutter. Mr. Rogers wns in town Monday guri Itml with Ijjni several yti;iref of the gytiin, which ic left uboit town. He reKrti that it is tie pitta Mllclc, nuil thnt the riciKisit Is oU thut ciiii U cosily worked. .Although Mr. Rogers is n grnriu nlcof n mining scliiMil unit thorough ly understands the milling business, hvtlid not have thciipwriitus with liliti with which to make nil anuly si. of this mineral when he first found it. He therefore sent n sam ple for no analysis to tin Portland Analytical Laboratory, and received the following letter hi reply: "I'OKTMRI, Oregon. Nov. v l Tow S. Itiigrts, Hm , Henri, Or lleor Sir. Your loiter wllh teliiieii etieltMcd n rrwhvri till riwriiiiig dint In lcu n( l)e fact lint vim wlilictlmi Immediate return I went Into ilir UUirat'iry and r.111 the Minnie llumiull the riltliietle lests. I knew ttir inlneml Itv nlxlit lull I ll.ivr nlf) liimlr it n rule III tile wtt mid will continue tn 1I0 n to run the tents nml obtain the di'lrrmiiMthr re actions. The Miimle which you 'tihmlttcri was iminti to io mire gvtuin (calcium sul phite) which cimulii about S3..S r rem rnlciuiti osuk- U'litn liitrtird and Krotnul it Is r.Ocd 4n4ter nf Mri, In m)iiip inttanrnt when inixtst wild Hiitrr It licronint Imril nml M-tuMiul Id thru (itcd far the rixluc tliill ( iSt, liiiiuliU, rrliirnlf, wnllc rnxl Ilir hard fiuUli mi iull untl nl Immw. Laud iUti'r I ground jjrl1"11 o'd I mvd to enrich miIU, I liereliy.rrrtify tint the alicin otrrcct rrHirt. Vmr ery truly, I'OHIUMI AS.M.TICAI. l,.IK)H.TOHV. 'Ciyintun will hritig n price r.itK ul fiom ? 15 to $35 a ton nud when easily mined uud when the deposit is lare enough, It will hriut; much profit to the owners, as can readily Ik: ccu. All these features are combined hi the Hear Creek Hud, it IhiIiih mi extensive deposit of pure Kypsuin mid In such n coudi tiou thnt it can be cheaply worked. Mr. KoRern and C. II. Krickson have lwlli located claims there mid Mr. Holers hns done his first year's assessment work. He is now con tinning his prospecting in that "sec tion with the hope of lludiiig some thing still more valuable. While lie refused to give out nnytliloR for publication as to what he had found in the line of other minerals, he did say that The Hear Creek Unites jnvc evidcupc of licitig cxtctislvely iitucrull;;d HArUIMAN A1RANS IJUSINFiSS. P.sys $2,500 (or Right of Way Across llclslcr Ranch. It has been reported nt Madrr.s that Willis Urown of Helsler has Iwcu paid f 2,500 hy the Ilnrrlninu interests for right of wuy across his ranch. According to the Pioneer the leport has not been confirmed but isgeiieially believed, as it comes from 11 reliable source and it is known thut negotiations were pending between Mr. llrowu nud the right-of-way agent of the liar ritnan line. The Drown ranch, located several miles below the mouth of Trout creek on the Deschutes river, Is re puted to be one of the most attrac tive ranches on the river, nud it is known that Mr. Urown was very much averse to having the railroad built across his property itt the way tin line wiin ImhIuI Failure 011 his p.irt to omit 11 rite lit of way. however, would mil) have rcstiltiri in the bringing ni 11 ninriciniiiilion smi ly 1 lir t'liliiiifl company, mid Un ilu- u iiiiil(iii Is that nil unite I'Me ulUfllU'llt of tilt' damages wns j m'iveri at between the pirties in Inbicst, Iivmh; the "v. t .iy out ol it. it N not known whethur tin v ilfiil tins hern cIommI between Mr l,r""" ""'' ,,,t' O.i-teoiiTrijii'k I.I110 L.,,,,1,. I(ir tWll ( BV ' ,of ' ,IC. toiler line omt hi l.turi, hIiIioOkIi li N known that the Mirvev Idr the Orenou Tiliuk Mm' AlsnciotteH the llumn iKiit'h I'n'iii the fuel, how ever, tin. I 1 he Oicemi Trunk 10 tile .seen red prnitiiallv all ol their iie.l:t ol wny M.-vcrnl inontli.s ago, it umy lie Hntned t lit t they hue mine uiideihiuudini; with Mi. lliown. The Orem Trunk Line lioiijjbt ; H-rietit of its nnht of w.iy aloux the IX-Mhutt, and it i m m.itier of i-iimiiioti know ledjte that they wid one iiihii Chntey U'Ueti -?2.5x) for a rixht of wny nelo-w InA river much. TUmMi S OIli0SltoN. futile I'm Payers Oh)rct lo I'urchaso of 'Head of Spring (Iter. As the time for city ilectinn draws near, some op-osition is de veloping to the purchase, by the city, of the l.mtl at the head of .Spring river. Toose who are op posing the move claim: 1. That the move is premature That conditions ate too unsettled and the city too smalt to bother with this question at the present time. 3. That the city will Lc much more able to take up thii matter later, say live or 10 cnrs heme, and the new supply will not Ire needed before that. The taxable prupcrly will be much greater then and the burden would not lc so heavy as it would now. 3. That the purchase of the laud docs not give title to the wat er That title to tuc water wnulu have to Ik: secured by condemna tion, the same as will have to be done if the laud is not purchased. Hence, they argue that the pur chase of the laud would give the city no advantage. .). That this expenditure by the city would make lakes too high. They arc nlieady heavy enoiinh, and an additional burden should not be added at this time. 5. That Henri's water supply is now the best ami purest in Central Oregon nud will be so for several years. It can easily be kept pure until the needs of the city, as it grows larucr, demand an expensive gravity system. 6. That the cost of laying a pipe from the head of Spring river to Henri would bo prohibitive, and that it is an impracticable scheme. There arc the chief arguments advanced by the opposition to this move. It Is n question in which all the people of Henri arc interested, anil The Hullctiu is endeavoring to lay both sides of the question be fore the tax payers. It Is n ques tion t,hat should be carefully in vestigated bv each tax payer before he casts his ballot for or against it. Cowboys Uksoo a Hear. The latter part of the week while the ZX boys were riding after cat tle near the Chase springs, they came across a bear, , and Harve Polndcxtcr, unwinding his rlettn, soon had the bear wjith u noose around his neck, n captive. It was the intention of the toys to bring him Into Silver Lake alive, but the bear's intentions were different, for while the horseman pulled one way the bear nulled the other, ami of course this strenuous disagreement could not lost always; the bear soon lost all interest in life ami died. Leader. Hexnmalhylenatutramlno The alxivo Is the name of n (U'riiinu cheiiitciil, which In one of the iiiatiy valu able liiervdicnts of Polcy's Kidney Item ed)', liexaiiiethylem-tetriimhic is recog nised by medical text book nud author! Ilea as a uric uclri holvcnt mid luitlscpttt for the urine. Take 1'oley's Kidney Ucincih- 114 Mm 1 1 as volt uotlcu ituv ir- rcetilarltteii, and avoid n xrlous malady. V. w. 01 Merrill, drujjuUt. WILL KEEP MONEY IN THE WEST Nalionnl Porcst Rcccipjs to k Deposited in Wcsjsrn (tanks. NliW SYSTEM BlifllNS D(:C. I hereafter f'urnta (eeclvcd from flitt- iier S.stcti, (Irarlns ('res, lite. Will Nut He Snipped libit. llertaf'cr the money that Henri r.eop'e pay for timler laud, permits for Mod: grazing, etc., will Ik? ric ponitcd in hunt N'atiotrul banks in stead of being forwarded to the Hast, government nfMcials lmvc l.iuiiclicri an innovation in regard to receipts from the National Forests that will b.-of tttuch benefit to the West ami to nil parts of the coun try in which are located National Forests. They have j.ist an nounce 1 the names of six govern ment dcKsitories which arc to han dle the receipts of the Inited States Foret Servicr, after December I. when its organization for the "d iiiiuistialiou of the National Forests will be removed from Washington to six field districts in the West. The designation of Western banks to handle the moneys received from timber sales, penuits for stock graz ing and for special uses of various resources in the National Forests is an innovation which will mean that all the receipts of the Forest Service in the future will be deposited to the credit of the treasurer of the United States and made available for circulation in the trait of the country from which it is derived, within the limits of the amounts al lowed by law for government de posits, instead of being forwarded to the treasurer at Washington. The banks which hove been named and which have all consented to serve the government are located in the district headquarters of the Forest Service at Denver, Ogden, Albuquerque, Missoula, Portland and San Francisco. The bank chosen for this, the sixth, district is the First National Hank of Portland, Oregon, the sixth district including Washing- You Stand by Your Home Town ,. , , , , , When jou buy fro n a t nn wir- lllllllt. When you patronize n town iailor. When vow cmploi n town dentist. Whon ott encourage a town cntcr jiip. When you tprnk tho town's praise, When you subscribe for tho totm's ncwjpnprr. Home c-iiuviis ftil in tome of these duties A few fail In till of them. I0W AV'OUT YOU?.., rrrM rrrV m'f" L J. I ton, Oregon, u small part of north ern California, and Alaska. The wMtimated receipts from the Rational Forests for the present fis cal year will be approximately ft,' 000.000, makinu the receipts from each of the six districts range from $17,000 to Sico.ooo TJic deposi tories will receive all remittances due the government for use of the National Forests after December i rtiid deposit them to the cre'dit of the treasurer of Hie v nirca plates. According to the plan which has been approved bv the officials of luc united Mates treasury, tne Forest Service and the officers of ll.c various ilcpotiloricn, when a limber wile, stock grazing, or spec ial use application is made, the for est supervisor will fill out n letter of transmittal in ritiplicitc and tell the applicant to remit the amount directly to the national bank which is the depository for the district. Remittances will Iks in . form of a national back draft, express or post nQjii'c money order, ami vyill be payable to the bank, since foest superviifor.s are not wllowed to re ceive monev. I lie letter ot trans mittal is virtually a deposit slip lo accompany th; remittance. The duplicate copy goes to the district fiscal agent. All remittances win be assembled and checked up at the end of each day, single certificates of deposit made out by the bank and mailed to the secretary of the treasury. This simple plan which has required mouths for the treas ury officials and officers of the For sst Service to perfect, is one which will expedite business both for the users of the National Forests and for the force in the office of each district forester, and at the same time will make it possible for the government to deposit the National Forest receipts in wcs'cni batiks, and help the circulation iii that particular section of the country where it is originally spent. CITY HLUCTION DECEMBER 7. A Mayor, Tour Aldormen, and a .Mar shal Are (0 lie Elected. The annual election of the city officials of Henri will conic 011 De cember 7 this year, or otic week from next Monday. During the pjst year there have been many resignation auri appointments in the various offices held by the city dads, and it will be necessary to elect nearly the entire number. The citv council, after the last election, consisted of the following: C. fc. Hcnson. J. II. .wenandy, Anton Autie, C. M. Kedfield, A. L. Hunter and J. D. Davidson. Messrs. Hunter and Davidson re fused to qtialifv and the council ilcctcrij. N. Hunter and Chas. D. Howe to fill the vacancies. Later J. II. Wenandy resigned and Geo. Hrostcrhous was elected in his place. A few weeks ago when Mavor Mc Donald resigned, on account of his removal from the town, Alderman Kowc was elected to that office and 15. A. Sather chosen to fill the va cancy in tne nidermanic uoaro. Therefore it will be necessary to elect city officers as follows: Mavor (or one year, to fill out the mi- vsiiireri Urni of U. V. J. McDonaM. Alilermaii tor one year to siu'ocol j. .n. Hunter unexpired term i'f A. 1.. Hunter. ., Alderuun for two year to succeed 15. A. Satlu r unexpired term of J. L. I).ivldioii, who . uccecrieri by Ch.u. I), Kowc uud !', A. Sather. Mdermau lor two seam to uccceri C. S. lieiiMii term expired. Mdermau lor two years to mcceed ticorge llroter:iou expired term or J. 11. wen iiandy. Mnrl.d for one year. Aldermen Red field and Anne weru .eiceieu jor iwu years, ncnec Uiclr ternw do not e!cpIre at tb!s lUlll. While there has been no slate making as yet, as far as is known, all the retiring aldermen will be up for re-election. The present occu pant of the mayor's office. Chas. D Uowe, will not be a candidate for election. Raw Lungs. When lite lungs are sore uud inflamed, the i:i-rms of pneumonia nud consump tion find lodgment and multiply. Foley's Honey and Tar kllU the ccuih germs, cures the most obstinate racking cough, Ir-uU the lungs, nud prevents serious re sults. The genuluc is in the yellow package, C. V. Merrill, Drucglst, TO RECLAIM LARGE TRACT OF LAND I Company Will frrigac -iflP.OOO Acres Near Silver Lake. EASTER! CAPITALISTS IN IT Civil noRlneer Alnkes Investigations Around Sliver Lake and Places Flllns on Its Waters. Thcrc is promise that a large ir- rigation enterprise will be started at Silver Lake in the not distunt fu ture. IJ Ji. Forshay, a civil engi neer from Uoise, Idaho, has been at Silver Lake and surrounding coun try looking over that section with the view of inaugurating an ex tensive irrigation project. He in forms the Leader that he is highly pleaded with what he lias found, both in the way of soil, climate and water resources. Forsliay reports that he has ap propriated the waters of Silver lake and Thorn lake, and has an ap propriation sufficient to reclaim t8c. 000 acres, and that before he finishes his yprk. enough water will bc appropriated to bring the to'tal up to 400,000 acres. Mr. rorsuav siaics inar. uncx rei-omuir 10 11 is principals, he expects to return inoId ma5ds who win ackaowicjg. about two months with an cngi-thcy arc over ,5 ycars of age aT nceringcrcw, and that as soon .as cliglble0 cembcrship. the surveys are completed active , constiuction on this project will. Water was recently struck on t, Ijj,,',, homestead near Madras at a dept'j Forshay is in the emplov of M il-1 of' hundred feet, but .drilling was tor X-v.itP.nr.ilt r.nVv-riiv.nnH I continued and finally the dril' Samuel D. Hoouc of Haily, Idaho. These men are heavily interested in different irrigation projects throughout the a West, and are backed by Hasterh capitalists. A Rather Peculiar Accident. Will J. Sherlock and Mrs. Nettie Sherlock were in this city during the week, en route from Paisley north. While crossing an irriga tion ditch on the journey. Mr. alieriocir, wno is a we 11 known sheepman, was tossed out of the wagon and as a result of the acct- server. dent had his entire, right arm para- t-u r,.r..t.. 1 -it 1 r s-1..-..1 st... C.....A 1.-.1 M .i Robert McCulIy killed Con lir the driving and bate for llim until j: t .:...-: 1.1 1 i. tained here Journal. lunula, uaaiaiuuvu luuiu ltu uu- A .Magnificent Uulldtnj;. Work on the Crook county stone court house is almost completed. The stone work is finished except the stairways, and carpenters are at work on the ctfpola or dome, Which is Uiug built entirely of wood. It is a magnificent build ing, "even in its unfinished state, and when completed as it will be in a month or so, the average citizen will feel proud that he lives in such an enterprising county. Review. Doing a Ulg Business. The Priueville flouring mill is working tay and .uight to fill or orders. Last week 20,000 pounds was shipped to Harney county and on Monday, of, this , week iS.ooo pounds more left for the same desti nation. Next week 20,000 pounds will be taken to Silver Lake- Journal. Shorter Items ot Interest. A pet antelope at Hums became frightened at a dog, ran against a fcuce, and broke us neck. Joe Lister of Prineville recently delivered So head of cattle attShau- iko. 1 hey urougiu tnree ccuts a pound. The Dalles is bragging over a new library building, a new hotel, a fine city hall, aud handsome court house grounds. Roscoe Knox of Post died on Saturday, Nov. 14, aged 67 years. lie had been a resident ot Crook county many years. As a result of the "dry" w.we, Priueville will have to raise an ad ditional $3,000 for next year's ex penses, this sum having been con tribute! heretofore by the snloor The question of raising this sum l quite an interesting one. A Madras rancher delivered a lead of Ultic ijteni wheat at Th Dalles recently and received 8 cents a bushel for it The 70-foot well at Prineville lit been completed, and the Kcvicv says that if the water from it prove . to be pure other wells will be sunk. John Tuck, who lives a few milei. cast of Redmond, finds a ready sab" for a large crop of, carrots al $3 o per ton, or moru than $100 to the acre. Paisley people arc circulating a petition to be presented to th National Forest officials asking that a hunter be appointed to hunt down and kill predtitory animals. And Mill there is no end to tb? trouble.' J. H Palmer has recently filed an action in the circuit cour against Jacob N". Quiberg for $5,075 damages for malicious prosecution. One of our teachers inquired of her class the other day: "What arc the rclieions ol Asia?" and re ceived the answer, "Mohammedans and Populists." Lakcvicw Ex aminer. An experiment farm is to be es tablished near Condon and will be conducted under the auspices of the Oregon Agricultural College, co operating with the U. S. depan- j ment of agriculture. The old maids of Silver Lak; have organized a society to be ,t.nft...n -- .1,. e i-n qu,pt. a! punched the bottom out of the we1 1 and now there is no water. How ever, the work will be continue 1 until a permanent supply of water is found. X. W. Thompson has sold $400 worth of hogs off his farm this sea son, almost net profit from 15 acres of hog pasture, sown as such, anl the waste of the "run of the farm.' He will put in 700 rods more c. woven fence this winter, after which a larger net profit will accrue as 1 . side issue oa his farm. Mora 01- K"0" Knrcsday ofT,a!tw?ck oot" men living near Lakeview ing near Lakeview. Mr. Cully had put his horses .n Fiunacune's pasture, for whic 1 Fiuuacuue undertook to thrash Mc CulIy McCulIy, after asking tl. man to stop three times, pulled h s revolver and shot him. McCulIy then rode to a nearby phone an 1 phoned to the sheriff to come aud get him. The county Sunday school con vention held at Prineville was a very successful affair. The pro gram was interesting and all tho papers were good. , The Journal says that the paper read by M. W. File of Redmond was particularly good, so good tliat it , was orderei published in till . in the Optimist, the state Sunday school official paper. Mr. File was formerly a resident of Bend. .Mysterious Disease Kills Horses. A Fetulleton pper reports ibe dwi'i of a large number of horses belonging ' 1 farmers living about lo miles west i Wall Ylla. ( It is understood tkat fanners lost 160 bowl, and the cause death is still 0 mystery, though differet veterinarians lmc !een called m anl post mortem examinations have be held in a number of cases. Though has Iweii impossible to discover sytn touts of nuy of the commonly cucou tered hor$e diseases or poisons, It Is be lieved the animals are dying from the re sult of pot-wn Jukeu into the syste through the eating of stubble C.-'.l k der. It is well known that se ve-a' J ferent kind of poisonous fungi are K quently found lu stubble fields, mvl it tuoucut tuat some ot tucse must grow n the fields of the fanners who havt- bet i suffering such stwqre loss. One man I. s head of good work horses, i.uti must 01 the farmers cju.erned hu.x 1, from sis to su head. We wast your 3ubscriptioa(