The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 18, 1908, Image 8

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Two Pointers for the Farmer.
In an irrigating country it is
sometimes found necessary to take
i!ovn a fence to avoid a ditch or
lateral when driving to or frost a
iield. If this road is only used n
'art of the year, or occasionally, it
Joes not pay to construct a perma
rent gate. A temporary gate,
vhich will cost only a few cents,
m be constructed in the following
oanner Loosen the wires on three
. r four posts, depending on the
htness of the wires. Then drive
vo staples about one-half inch
part parallel to the wire and to
:ch other where the staples were
t jrmerly driven in the post. Place
w spike at the bottom of each of the
two center posts. The wire can
'hen be hooked under these spikes
ud will be held close to the ground
3 it is easy to drive over. When
'ie fence is to be closed place the
, ires between the parallel staples
'id then run a nail through both
ntaples and outside of the wire.
Fasten the wires to each post in this
manner and your fence will be just
is food as it would be if the wires
vere stapled solid to the posts.
This is a cheap and very satisfac
tory way to construct a temporary
One very good way to clear land
of sagebrush, provided jou do not
..ate to use the land for a year, is
to sow rye among the brush in the
fall. The fall and spring rains will
cause the rye to grow. The rye
will ripen in the following July. In
August a fire will burn both the
rye and sagebrush. If care is taken
in sowing the rye so that the fire
will carry well from brush to brush
the ground will be left as clean as a
swept floor. Twin Falls News.
Prizes for Best Essays.
The Oregon Society of the Sons
of the American Revolution offers
prizes to the pupils of the public
schools of Oregon, for essays on
subjects connected with our War
for Independence.
Prizes of $20 00 and Siooo will
I e awarded for the first and second
best essays written by high school
pupils ou either one of the follow
ing subjects:
r. Foreign Aid in the Revolu
tionary War.
- "'Tiliinstoi!' Grca'n? In
What Did htQUSb'J
jSit.'"v juj.
' , i .. i , i
Have Residence ancj Business Property, Timber, Farm
Desert Lands, Water Power and Manufacturing Sites,
Reasonable Terms or Generous Discount for Full
The Central Oregon Development Co-.
Prizes of $io 00, $10.00 and
three of $5.00 each will be awarded
for the first, second, third, fourth
and fifth best essays, respectively,
written by grade pupils on any one
of the following subjects:
1. The Causes of the Revolu
tionary War.
2. The Hattle of Saratoga.
3. The Navy in the Revolution
ary War.
4. The Uattleof Bunker Hill.
The essays are limited to 3,000
words each, must be written in the
student's own handwriting on one
side only of the paper, and accom
panied by a certificate from the
writer's teacher, stating that the
writer is a pupil in a designated
class, and that the teacher believes
the essay to be the pupil's own un
aided work. The essays must be
signed by the writer, "giving also
his or her postofflce address. They
should be forwarded to Mr. 11. A.
Thaxter, Chairman of Committee,
443 Eleventh street, Portland, Or.,
and should reach their destination
not later than January 31, 1909.
In awarding these prizes the com
mittee will be governed by consid
eration of;
1. Originality.
2. Accuracy of statement.
3. Manner of treatment.
4. Orthography, syntax and
5. Neatness and legibility.
These prizes are offered to en
courage love of our country and
the study of its history.
A great deal of publicity would
kiii an uuwoiiuy enterprise as
surely as it would "make" a worthy
Truce Marks
CopYniQHTO 4c.
A nvotie nirlhiir a tkrlrh and de.crlpllnn nur
1 turuush
tBuitl notice, without cbtrt. la tb
SCKMiijc jwier can.
A faindiotreif IllfutrafM weetttr
riiiatlnii tf mnt rlcnlltln lournil. 'Jo
rertt elf.
orma. 13 a
fHtrt four motuU,$.. Souljfiiii hwrtiiUrf 1
nuli'kiv lurttnnm nor hihiimiii ire wiicinrr an
liiieiiOiin la irtauljr piilall, I'onimunlr.
Iloiu tirlctlr coinliteiitlal. HANDBOOK ou I'tlenit
tenure. I (Mot aiiincr furaecurin' ptltuti,
I'atanta taken turoush llunu A. Co. receive
ft t
Department of the Interior
V S, Und Or&ce. at The Iktllc. Oregon,
Octolr jj "
Notice li hereby given that
Kill J. Herring
of lie ml. Oregon, who. on Herdetnber ith. !:.
made llotncMead Itr (fcevtat 'o aiicv) No
lJToy, for li',Mft. N-.thi c 7u. .vtMWIk
kange H lt. Willamette Meridian, baa tint
Metier of Intention la make IiimI commutation
proof, to c.teblillt clalttl to the taut above uV
tcrlbe-l. b-foee II C Kill. foiled Mate Cum
mittioner. at hi. oft at Hewd, Oregon, oh utc
1Mb 'lay of Deewmher. f.
Claimant iMtnra a wilne C. A. lone.
lira. Hla. Oev. A. Jowr. I'. O. Minor, all uf
hhJii r. w. mooki: HaMn.
Department of the tateeior.
V. S. band Office at Tke Dalle. IHegon,
Oetobtr ), lea.
Notice It hereby given tlut
Maltha A. lllttdman
ofkniter, Oregon, who, on heptemtier nth, Ms),
made Timber and Mimr AppMcallon No.
lor hKKhKK He, i.anl HUNH!. NW,NK
MC 11. rwp. ithonlh. K in Kail, WMwnrll
Meridian, haa flll nutiee of Ihiciii.oh to wah
filial tlHilier awl atone f. to rlaWl.h claim
tolhlaiiitiOTcilrcilr, lielore II C. Kill.
I' H Coinnillorir. at III mlm at XeiKl.
gun, on the ivth itay uf January, luoa.
Claimant name wl:ne Iuai felaralr,
John I.. Kmr, Ixitli f IttiHt. Oregon, Jr
Wilt, ChitJ. llltwamaH, Iwlh of Mttttra. Ore
inj jli C W. nOKK, KeUlrr.
Departminl of the Interior
V. Uml OAcaat The Halle, Oregon,
Norenilier nlh, iy.
Nutiee It lirreuy glreti lhat
nienn II MaeV.,
of Heil, Oregon, who, ou Aitguat tvil, i7,mdt
llomealrad Kulry (Knr' . oia). Nu. iy for
h( N'KU. NW( NK),. NKIt Mi!.' Sec . Tu it
S., K. ii It W it .Im tM iwimv of liiltntloii
to male Hiial, Commutation I'ricif, tu eatalillth
claim luthe tawl atve ilccnll. (uie II C
lllllt. t'ultaxl Slat C'lHiml.iAlf r, at hit office
at JitnU, oreeoH, 011 Hit niul ilay of,
Claimant namet at wltiiMVf Andrew T
Muorr. Kmt iMrrrtl, WIUIhiii J. McOUIvray
tlul I nil 11 h. I'ar.uitrr, all of lleiM, Orrgwi.
nivdi C. W. M00K1!, Keglittr.
Ilrnartmeiit of the Intttli'
l'. S. Oftlee at The Dalln, Oregon,
November I.HIi, IV""
Notite It liereliy glrcn that
Mule I'. HcofltM,
pf IteiMl. Orrson, who, on Octi.Ur 1MI1, 1,
mule TlmlMr ami hlnne AlM'lieatloii No. oivio.
fur Ixit 4. hi!! rtV',' hec H ami Ut I ami Nl!!(
NU'!.' hre. H .Tu. nH . H. II I!. W. M.. Iiaa
filril notice of InUnlnni t'i make I'lnal Itlnlxr
ami atone I'roof, to ettahlltll claim In the land
aliove Jeacrilol, Ixf'jre II. C. Klllt, t'nlletl htalct
louuniuioncT. at mt omce, at JitnU, Oregon, on
the Jjnl day ol January, l'f).
rialinaiit noiilctot witlitiact' (otepli N limit
er William II. M"ata, Ivan I,. ScoDclil, ChtrUt
II llruwn ami J'.tnitr Nltivonger, all of Ikml,
lii'Jyi C W. JIO'IHK, MexliStr
' A sorrel marc, with white face nttil
white spots on alilc. and moccasin briiuil
on rlj-lit ktioiitiler, left by some unknown
pdrtv in my ,atture near llcnil, Owner
rim have tit mure liy fitylii); iiotnrj;e
ami Iortliisudxc.tlM.Jclit. J.,l, Willi,
'" " l
V H Ofnce. The liallet. OtrgnH.
S'otemtter . i a.
A iMlTeient eont'tt affUlaeit hanng k Mel
Intlntufnc liy Mary K Krtthaw. ruulcMaNt.
aealHat hotnealrail (serHll No m: ei'.fy In.
iimi. wa.te lareh u. lyM lilMS HKH
!Wh NW'Shk.NKHivS',,cc
R ill'. W M uy Jame I !( entlee
in whleh It la Ue! lhat aaiil Jamea I' Inabeau
hat never ll.ll.lil or malulalne.1 a buna atle
teatoence oh miI liact ol lawl. that he hat
wholly anHdmnl Ml tract of land f.-f muee
than hi woatha Uat oatt awl lr nui mow te
Mile lhrron thai aaM allegnl almuif wat Hot
iue lo hi eniHovMrnt In I he army, navy, ot
marine cor m ol the t Htled ftlatra mllwe of war.
aaM partlea ale herth HoUaeJ to appear, le
tenwl ami olfcr ettdence tottcblng tall a!lea
IHrti at 10 1. clm'k a m. on lKiubef ;, loo,
belore II C Kill, a I' M UimmlMtcwef . at hit
Hcr IN Ikrntl. orrgtm, awl lhat Anil harln;
will he heU at I j o clock, a. m on Iwnatar i.
ios. brfbie Ike Negttttr aad Hfeetrer at the
I Mitt Mate I J ml urtW at The Halle. (Hegon
Tb M cmtletUnt having. In a Moytr arMa
it SIcJ Novewbtf t lv. hi ft id facta whKli
ihotv that after rtne diligence peraonal tervlec of
thW nMlrV can Hot br Maa It M heeeliy oeilei etl
ami ilttvolett that tweh Hoik be giveu by due
and proper (mbllcallon.
Hii-dii C. W. JtOOWK. Meguder.
Itepartinciit of the Interior,
I', a. IiiU OWce. The Halle, Oregon,
November 7, !.
A Htlnetent conletl tfadavil hating been filetl
Ih IhU office by iiiM A Jmiet, roulttiaiil.
againt hMettrl (herlat No nj) entry No
itit. wade November " 'r Witl!l,
hliKitWW, hec m.NWI.'N'1'.K fee . Tp. 17 .
H. II I! W M . by AlUit W IV,pe, ileeeawl,
ewntealte, III v. Ilk 11 II It allegnl lhat Mid Allx-lt
V. (, on or alawl Kciltnilwr II. iv7. ed at
I'rlnetllle, Oregon, Icavliignett of kliiaml nelra
A. W. Toi, widow of deteatxl elltrywan, ail
ilreaa unknown, and William loie, mliwr ton
In charge of the Iloyt and OliU Aid rioriely.
roiltauil.Oirnon.tlitl wH tract haa not Urn
resided iimii or mltiratrd by takl croiit or
cither of them, or by any ierwn or roiii
whonwoever. lnce the iltath oltlieeiilrniaii,
that all tract la now and Imt Uen lr mule
than tU inuntht wholly abandoned. I tut tald al
legtlieii(e wat not dm to employment III the
army,.iiavyoriailiietorjofth I'mtcd Male
In time of war,
twldvartlea are hereby notlAetl In apirfar, te
itntnd and offer evidence touching ukl alltKullon
it 10 o'clock n. 111 on lleceinlicr 1, Uf. Iielore
II. c. I'.tlla. il'.S roiiikiitttttiiir, at lilt orbce In
ilend, Oregon, and lhat final hearing will I
heklat 10 o clock a. 111. 011 December rt, l,
before the Krcltttr and Kereltcr at the United
Matea Mud ORtcc 111 The Hallea.OrcEon.
The anld ronteilnnt having, In a proper nflliU
vll fileil Nolember . I'M, act forth laclt which
ihow that after due diligence craoual tcrvlie of
Ihlt notice ran not I mode, It It hereby ordered
aud directed Ihuttucli notice I gltcn by diu
and proper publication
iiljdll C W MOO" I!, Ucgltter
Department of the Interior,
V. H. I.nriil Office at The Da!U, Oregon,
Octolier J9, i,
Notice It hereby given that .
Duncan Ijihioii McKay
of roitlaml. Oregon, who on Keplemlitr Wh,
10 it, made and hlonc AppUcatloti No,
oiMt.forKI'HK!,, hW)fHHf Hcc. J i4 KI!K
NKlf Hec, n,Twp, aoboulh. It. II ltal. VVillam.
etle Meridian, ha filed notice of Intention to
make final Umber and Uoiie, proof, to rtlnbllth
claim In the land above ileacrlbed, before II. C
1'lllt, U. II, Cominlttloiicr. at hi office at llend,
Oregoii, on the lth day of January, 19;.
rtii,nl ,meaa wlliieti J N llnnler
W 11 himm. I ti McKay. W T Vjiii even all
UIJ-JU V, Vti MVUIUi, urutj,
" I '
Detuiilmeiit of the luleilor
t r l.and unite at The tttlle. otegon
Neptewlxr rtth
Nut Ice It hetel.y linn that
John XV I ther,
of rend. Oregon, who, oh Augntt rtli i
ml Tlmlwr and Wone hwmh Mj'v
Mteht nvrial Number a;i. Ir the I
lW U. W h Iti: i ie 41. rp h . .
u K , W. M , ha fchnl hotatc ot li.tnitW" W
Make Clital Timber ami Mam I'roof, to etltMMl
eUlm t the Und above detenbed, beiotr II. (.
Kill. I'mted male Ce4mltWMrf, at hit oface.
al ntHd, OecvB. un tier llh day of lweuitr.
llaltnaat nam at wtlnetae Dan It mttMh
U',.lwm J. Other, I'red A. hbstHraeat aarf rrank
U MlHtH.kMof HvHd, Otegoti.
IKaottaaeiel of Ike laleelor
IT a Ijind at The Iktlle. (Hetpw,
laaVBt SI tfMt
Notice It hereby vl'" Ikat
WaUer Whealky,
ofljklUw. (hegoa, who, on AHli lj$b, iA
uuli Timber aaal JtMe aMdlealbm No. aaoa,
(rul No vM (M W Nil r-K-. ft. Tp
H , It. 11 I'.. SI , haa nieil nvtlre or imuhiiom
to make final Ttmbtr ami Mom? Itiwl, In et
tatJUh rltlai to the land aliuve deeef ibeit. before
II. C. Ktllt. I'nllnt Mate Commttuhet. at hi
olliteal lieml, Olegon, oh the 11IH Oa) vl lie
rember. iy.
ClalmaHl name at wllnetiet Plank 1
Ikown, I red A. IIhmhcII, lllmer Nltwoiigcl ami
Chaitet II. INwmii, all of Htuil, (MeaoM.
ued C. W. MiMlHI!, lergttler.
"notice for iujiIlIcation"."
I' n Mud OfTiee, The Dalle. Oregnn,
OftaUr 41. lcjo.
Notice l liereliy i;lvrn tliat Mate of
Oregon lint filetl in llila omrv it hivll
cation, tjcrlnl No. 116 to wlect hikUt tliv
provitiont nf the Act o( Coiitfa of Aii(
list II. lK(rl, mill lliv acta wiiiliiintHry
tliereto, the NV SV .See. 17. Sit
)i NIC M lf, Kit ', See. 18 To. Hi .,
K. II It., W. Al.
Any and nil jicrMin clnlmliiK nilvrrto.
y tlic lanils ilcMfiU'il, nr ileairitiK In ob
ject Ixcaute uf tltr mineral clinrnctor ol
1 1 if luinl, or for any other rcfivm, to tlut
i1Iximi1 to iiiiillciuit, tthoitlil flic lltuir
nffitlnvita of 'rotot in thin uftlcc. on or
lcfore the Hth ilay of January, iV".
ojndt C, W MOOMIt.lliglater
Department cf the Interior,
V. H. Mud Office at The IMltet, Oieii,
October 11, ie.
Notice I hereby given lhat
William I. Downing
of llcnil. Oregon, who, 1111 Apill k, i(,m, nittlr
llomctliud linlry (H'llul No, oiiji No, uiv?,
for U'khWK. U'I,.NIVI(, hrctlou j, 'lowutliip
17H., Itniigc 11 I'atl, Willaiuclle Meridian, Ihii
filed notice of lilt lulciilloii in make final flic
yiarpioof. elalm In the laud nUist
iletcillx-il.Ufurc II. c. I'lllt, United htalct Com-
...,.ui..... .. 1.1. ..,r.. ., ,1 1 ...
iiiiMiuiivi , hi in. tuiivv i iiciiii, .iivfin, uu iue
kh day of December, 1118.
Claimant natiir at viltutitr. 1'itrr Itelftor
fer. Angutt lrccr, Nkliolu H111III1, Itulpli I
I ewlt, all of llcnil, Oregon,
116 d C U.Mnn'llt, KrgMdtr.
I'llif.l.l'llll. .
(I. ij. iiUt A- :a, Inr,
awilUe. Wiiili.'
A llun Director of each I'll), m
Toaii ami Vlllair III Uiegou nnd
Wuthlligtoii, kUIiik u Deiirljjlli
I'll i ud uf each plice, Ixitullon,
bnliinlng I'aillltlet and u f'ljul.
Hi 11
f vw
Vr ltebel
rVetvlaryof Mate
Hicntat) of Treawtiy
titulary of lole.kar . . ..
S-etetaty af War
tkccrelary of Navy . , ..
Ihretttarr of Commute.. ,
piaalmaattv tieneeal .. ..
AtlatHry Oeneral
htaiUty of Agriculture
Theodore V w vlt
Ckaile H KaiilMNkt
. . Kllhti H..-I
flttiege M i.uitelvoti
. - btaae. M- tiarmjM
Lake N Witghi
. .....C. J. kuMoaitr
tbntfl Voa I.. Meter
.Wtaiem II. Maudy
. . Jame Wltaa)
toeetitoT - Hemic K. ClwtabetialH
iMrretoryeflkktIe p. w. ain
TteaMwer U. A. )l
AHHy (VeMtat ,..A. M Crtturd
kWya. rsththr iMtraMlctt. ..J. M. AcKetkMiM
Wale IVvMft ..W. . iMMUtlway
IHIry aat f ( Commhilatttr ) W halkeV
t omwtli eHiiw of Mbat tdalMIra .. . ti p. Ibrft
( Tmt. K Camphell
Kallread CtkmmitaJatwr . . Clyde rl Attrhietm
( Otwald Weat
(lame and I'metliy H'anUn M u. ttevenion
Male lMbMI Job H l.rwlt
V. a. tlewUatt
C. W Paliuo
. Uoiarm )r.
auMewe Jadga ....
W. C. lUttttt
I W. M Idll
li. ft. kkH
A. MtH
It. Ktl
hiiviprru juniciAi. uwiTHitrr
J "J IK - - .VT. I,. Hradtkaw
. Ired W, WIImmi
Judge ,
1 1 BTtpfdga, it t.,..tttia...aak
Hebwil HowilMtiMUnt
.......WurieH IHown
I'raoL I'.ILlHt
,...... Wl'. King
,...J. II. a lNntlle
...,M. A. Totd
Hied A.KIw
I! II. lM)lel
Jawea like
Cmcvir Cot'itr - Itftl Monday U MayitWnl
Mftmlty In (ktaber.
I'miiiwi I- Coi'KT-l'Irtt Monday In each loaitli.
CoMMInaMtMHn' I'liVHT - tirtt Wedlienkly
In Jatiuary, .March, May. lalt. aeiilewUr
dud November.
Illl ftejIlNit Dlttkicr No ti.
Dliector. W&M2?
(C. W. Mctilll
Cleik ,. ,,. u ,..,
Mitt II11II1 ! livid
Mitt MaigHrct fllltlnt
MJ MiniTlc VaiHletiil
Ml.t Muriou Wletl
Mitt Nona MlrliaNla.,11
I Mli. Com I'craitton
Climlft.H. ituiH
II C Mil
It J On iiuil
Ma or
Krronler. .
Tini.urcr ....
re h, iuikoii
I Anion Anne
J J N, llnnler
I c, M lleill
lito, lirmitrliout
v- a, ruitiiir