y j-w T,,.'ff(lR ," Nothing ! Ate I Agreed With Me fHPjT yAA-X'. - flytft ti$i& IW M'S. L NORA UODtNMAMtR Mrs. Lcnora Hodcnhsmcr. It. F. D. 1, Box 99, Kerncravillc, N. C, wr'tcs: "I suffered with stomach t-ouble and indigestion for some time, and nothing that I ate afpvod with me. I was very nervous and experienced a continual feellnjf of uneasiness and tnr. I took medicine from the doctor, but it did me no good. "I found in one of your I'cruna books description of my symptoms. I then wrote to Dr. Hartman for advice. He said I had catarrh of the stomach. I took Peruna and Manalin and followed h s directions and can now say that ! feel as well as I ever did. "I hope that all who are afflicted with the same symptoms will take Pe runa, as it has certainly currd me." The above is only one of hundreds who have written similar letter to Dr. Hartman. Just one such case as this entitles Peruna to the candid con sideration of ever' one similarly afflict ed. If this be true of the testimony of one person what ought to be the tea timony of hundreds, yes thousands, of honest, sincere people. We have in oir flies a great many other testimo nials. A Coo I Inn rboBbl, What make one man warm makes another cool. During the hottest week last summer a gentleman walked luto the country store to get his mall. An old "darky" was sitting In the blazing sun. In a rocking chair, on the piazza of the store, looking "a comfortable as a chocolate Ice cream." The white man sank Into another chair and fanned himself with Ills limp handker chief. "Well, Unde Jeb," he said. "I must wy that you seem pretty comfortable. How Io you manage to keep so on n day like thlr "Massa." said the negro, "' think In' dat de sun what's makln' dls yere heatnesa Is asmllln' down on all de watermllllons In (,'eorgla. an" makln dera Jest so red an rlie dat my mouf moat cayn't keep from swallerln'. I Jaon't njln' de hentnetoj when I spec' te on dem watermllllons." SITt? at. TUna" Uaaea a4 ersoos mass sotss- ll-JasaUr 4 br IT. I ls. OrslNrisll. Urrr. R4 for nil It 0 ttiiluxllaass trsslln. . u. a. siu. Ld.. su tnh hu. noiuiphu. r. A representative of the French govern cent has been Investigating lhe clothing eanufacturing Industry of tbe l'olte-1 Itatcs. He aay f exrel in the art. anil aartirularly In the ready-made branch. Mothers wttt Cat Mr. TTlniloVa Bnothtog Tropin Xxwi rsmedr to OMlorUiclrclt.'4rra urlng Ih WaUUag par-txi. Had a llrasnn. "Well. Sagebrush Sam baa bad hit rlih. He always wsnted to die with bli ool on." "Yes; but they didn't know why until bay took bis boots off. lit didn't wer ny socks.' Coald Ilellrsr Thai. Dloward I hesitate to tell you what that automobllt coat me. You wouldn't tellers It. I paid a fabulous price for tbs machine, though, I can tell you. Kohlfax I don't doubt it. What I rant to know Is tbs real price you paid for It. Shake luto Your Shoos 1 Ibi'i rnoLEiu. nowdrr for tha feet. It rarea painful, swollen, amarting, awsatlng fret. Make new aboaa caar. Sold br all DnipgtsU and 8ho Hlotm. TVm, nft in, suulltutA. .ii Bampla FIlEJi. Address A. 8. Olmsted. La Koy, N. Y. Would Not I'ar C'bara-ea. He was an Impecunious nobleman with air caatlea In riunny Franca. After much deliberation ho sent tbe following note to the pretty heiress : "Dear Miss: I lovo you, but do nol know how to express myself. How would you advise? Count De Rust." And the heiress penned tbe follow ing: "Dear Count: Express yourself any way you wish except C O. D., as 7011 re. not worth tne cnargca. " ss nrhe JL inc B Y V I L L L liVINGTON C O M 1? 0 K T C.pttljM. 1A bf Will testation Cnmkx-t CopfrijM. 117. bf J. Ik t.trrixcorr Compinv. All rlihla resersnt J& CII.VlTr.lt XII. (Continued.) Hreen was da its I by Hie altered iihxmI of the wmtmti t'ntil the priKeiit lnlnnt of their wall. Iif luul N-en ivntrm pin tins a wrt'th nu to a U) of tmwt brutal U--ClmiliDj!.. The, rre on the eminence of the Morne d'Omtik'e. lVltv a n lmle fill rhniiiclng Jewel In the hlm-K north. Hreen heanl the woiiMit'ii bmtthliiK. lie had no pity for her. He bad spoken with rivtilliig Kriitl.Mii. hut It wn fnrvnl. In the same olrv he wtitliiiu-il, bIiut 1h did not vpeak "You eoulU not walk to Kort de Kranee. and there l neither N)Ut nor i-ttrrlnge tonight I thought you were going to ft him he happy again." "Did he end joii to meV "He die not know that I am here, Mi Stanatmry." Hreen replied. "Aa we nnir in irom uie mountain, 1 pegged III 111 to come to you to-ulglit, tnit be aald that If there were any hope of hia waving your life, you would bne xhowti him aome aign thla iiiornlng, inatrad " She felt herself eallnl to her own de fene. "Could he not ee that the news paper brought a ahoek to me?" ilie quea tioueil pitifully. "The ho-k waa Jnat aa great, 11 ml the iwttter contained in the neurapipeni Jmt aa new. to him." he said. "Io you atip Hie he would hare Introdtired me to you If he hnd underatuxl all iilxMit nte? 1 atu all to blame, not our good I'eter. Iteenuae I brought all this trouble Umii him. I ninie to-night to undo the tragedy of your Mug away from him, and yet 10 rhwe to the oleano." "And you went with him to the crater to-day?" "lo you think I would let hiiu kill himself?" "Oh, no! hut you aatd you atwke alxmt riding back with him from the crater." ahe returned baatlly. The man'a unyielding poaltion wrought upon her itrnngely. aomrtlniea atartled, aometluira ateadled, her. "I hearil that he Imil gone up the mountain, and followed. I found him at the aumtult in a faint, lying at the ery rim of dUiater." "You Mini him from death?" "A ery rxientlal prwrediug, alnre I ent him there." "Oh, what do you mean?" "It waa my preiu-nce that prevented yon both from Mng out at a to-night. It waa a ery little thing to bring him haik from the cratrr, .MIm Stanabury, but a big acrompllahraent to make blra glad that I brought him buik." "J)ld he Intend to kill hlnwlf by going here? l)o you mean that I I ?" Ilreen felt that ahe deaeried vividly to apprehend her failure of performance. "No, MIm Htanabury. but he waa dated with punl.hment. That a doubt could ex- lat In your mind, regarding hl Integrity. pulled him out of hia orbit, ao to apeak. "Hut It was all ao intricate and mya lerloua," abe pleadeil. "I didn't wean to do wrong, but you muat aec that a wom an who can only wait, and never be told bings may not know wbat la beat !" Ilia heart kindled to her now, but he waa not building for tbe moment. "It me tell you about I'eter Conatable," he aald gently "I waa hunted to a corner in New York. I am all that the pniert nay, and much bealde which they hate overlooked. Only, I have never robbed the poor, nor wldowa and orpbana, and I never have betrayed a friend until to day, when my biatory aroae In its wrath and man-bandied poor I'eter. All ni) 0M-ratlnna were over when be found me- all my farces and strategies. I had loit my wool-cap, and the lamba would no longer play with me. They droe m to the water front. I waa at the edge of the end when I'eter Conatable called, Come, Mlaa Klanabury, let ua walk on to Hard the launch." Ilreen bad Judged well the Inatant in makn thla auggeetton. Though afraid that ahe would turn bark, he spoke brlak ly, lightly, aa If ahe had merely patiaed to aurvey the night, rihe obeyed, ami, aa he talked on, their atepn grew faater and faater down the morne toward the edge of tbe silent, atrlrktn city. Hreen related how his friend bad put aalde for her the century-rare opportunity of study ing I'elee In the throes. Of the volcano Itaelf, be spoke familiarly, trenchantly, a only one could do who had peered Into tbe roaring sink of chaoa that day. He pictured at lajt the man with whom he bad ridden, their last ride together, the gameneM which men love, and In tints 'Imoat ethereal the brooding romance, Hhe wait thrilled by this stranger who bad played with men and lived to pray for one, Hy hia own word, world-weary and u skeptic of human character, he had discovered his I'topla in a friend, Be cause she burned to bellete all Hreen said, bis word rang true. Higher la her heart than be had reached In any of the day's fluctuations, Conatable was upralaed now and held. Hhe did not call It love she did not call It anything; but it was a valiant presence to cling to, as she entered with this stranger, bunted of men, the smothered lane which Hue Victor Hugo bad become, "You are a prince of defenders," she whispered, "A man less white would not need a friend to champion bis cause," he replied. "Where Is I'eter Constable now'" "I will put you In the care of Krnst In tbe launch, and then bring blta to you," be said. Whited Qepulchre Talc of O Pclcc "Where la Mr Conatable?" ahe demand ed luiperioualy. "In n little shop up In the Hue de Hlioll" She did not fall In thla Mat pltlleaa nv ault, though the dreadful Hnnl sentence of her mother mine Imek. Thla night waa krt niwut In her life for the h-aruliu of the truth. "I shall tint wall at the launch. I shall go to Mm there tip In the terrace. Why not?" "It la the far better way." Hreen an swered atendlly. "I only thought In sau you from the climb." The horrid lualnuntlona could Hud 110 hold In her brain. They holered afar off, like navlo crippled In the rood-ten I. Hreen's ready auawer una a sterling de fense. "Let ua hurry," she ivautcd. They turned and faced the empty cliff To the left waa an oen iloor. and the form of n wonvin was carved In the light. The woman In the doorway sioke o- warmed and vltnllsed from her very heart, mid Hreen answered and took her In hia arms. Iira brushed pant the two and Into the ahop. The huge Hgure hunched forward upon the table bad not moved. Iarn stepped forward and touched his shoulder. He stirred uneasily, muttered as If in pain. ImU did not lift hia head. She prnmxl her band more heavily upon his soiled IIHlt. "Yea, ye what ta It?" he said In a lukk, frightened way. lhe haggard face turned up to her. The jow dropped n little. His jrs, tltougti fixed upon her own, seemed to haie hM their direction, lie gullied bis feet slow ly, clutching the table with his bands. "I haic come to go with .1011 10 your ship!" she declared brokenly. "Ilreen, come here to me," he called, brushing bl face roughly with hia baud. "It' not a dream, I'eter," Ilreen an swered cheerfully. "I found her waiting for you at the plantation house.'' "No. It la I Ural" He put hia hand forth to touch her. She caught it In her own. I'ere Habeaut entered the rear door. "And now," Ilreen waa utyl.ir, "you two mutt not forget that I'elee Is still alive, and that my !art la still undone while you are here eien tho uh togeth er." He spoke In Kngllah, A'hkn neither Soronla nor her father iinitrrsl.xxl. "Hut are you not going?" Tira naked. "Oh. no, .Miss Stanshury. I'eter un derstands. I have told In in that Nicholas Stembrldge cenv-s to compromise him nf ler this night. It really la the better, the only way." He turned to I'ere IlalMsaut and added lightly in French : "Our guesta are going. Irf-t u all start a last sunrise, of Hper nay." "Hut you know tint I do not feel aa the others do, but aa your friend does Ileally. I am not afraid of you," ahe said unsteadily. There were tears In her eyes. "It la a Ix-auliful ending," Ilreen an swered. "1 want you (o know that 1 shall al ways reinemlx-r your coming your words when I would have failed !" ahe finished. There waa a moment In which Ilreen and Constable stood close together. Mra and Soronla were whispering, and strange It waa, hut out of their wblapers wna evoked a kiss. "Ixik, I'eter the Illy and the tiger Illy bend together," said Hreen. 'Hie door waa shut behind them. They faced the harbor and started down the sloping way. "Hut you ?" she whiapered. CIIAITKH XIII. Constable's mind waa alow to Inform thla great concept. The day bad left Ixt hind In bla brain a crowd of unaaslmilat ed acta, and Into this dull, formless com pany swept the climacteric Joy. Figura tively speaking, he had to grope about until lantern and matches were brought together, before be could adjust and meas ure and prox)rtlon. He halted at last In the empty street, seized the girl by her shoulders, saying, as one would evoke the heart out of a miracle: "I.sra Htanabury I I-ara Htanabury!" "Yea, Hir I'eter!" "Don't laugh at me; don't grow Impa tient for I must aak questions." "Hegin, I shall be very good," "Are you the little girl who handed me a newspaper Ibis morning?" "1 am that little girl grown up, sir." Hhe revelled In tho Joy she waa giving Id in, and thrilled under the tightening pressure of bis bands upon her shoulders, "And when you grew up you came to me?" "I'leaae, sir, you said you would take me sailing." "f.ara, as I looked down the fiery throat of that dragon to-day, everything grew black and still like a vacuum. I thought It was death then. Till me, did I come bark, or are we 'two hurrying shape in twilight land In no man's land"" "I'm sure you must have come back, sir, because I didn't die to-day, and we can't be talking together on different plane with your fingers Impaling my shoulders!" "!.ara Htanabury are you mine?" The bugs fellow was lost In bis laby rinth of happiness, Tbe doubts that bad smothered her answer were lifted now, and be beard his victory without a breath n I of It express j had iludUntod ipresalou hampered. I'he ahnp d her during With nil the I'ligeriiesa of brimming womanhood, which bursts the Ixiuda of repression for the Drat time, slie gnie Mm her heart of heart , She was like a queen who suiiinxms a j man of her people lulu her Inner sanc tuary and bids him rule herself mid her kingdom. Keslsiless, trembling, whisper I lug. she wit drawn Into his units "To think I didn't know 1011 when you llrsli-nme!" she whs i)lng faintly. "Hut when wa a little girl I knew, 0.1 iimx to lie frightened Ixi-hum' joii were so lilg Always then I knew yon would cvmie si.me time to lake me away for )our lady, mid I thoushl I would cry when you came, Iwau I would le mi happy. Tltat irt dldn'l come true. dM It. SlrongheHrt? They were all dream, lx.b, dream, as I i left oier (ram ;.;;; y ;; . ;:;; ,,,;;.".. sir .v,;;: 1 m iiaunmni, nun ii iifrtit 11 n 11 j 11 11 other baby thoughts and thing! uu aJ.-...l -as.. I ....a !.... s... .. Il. Ah, listen to old I'elee !" The uilcano had lost his tnoiisthms rhythm and was ripping forth Irregnhir crashes. Hue Victor Hugo was alive with voice, aroustxl by the hideous rat- I tl It III II. M lll.lu.1 l.f ll.H lll.lllHl.lll 'llu. old dread fell again upon Consiahle. He drew the girl forward. alro rtiiinlng. "I lx-g of yoii-ihm'l hiek back!" he milt- tertxl. "The laiiliih Is Just ahead" "Hello. Ijniat! I bale kept you wait- Ing long,' he called aa they neareil the ... 1 . ,i . 1 . mmi 1 . .1 tii end of the pier, "lop speed to the Mad- IIHl Tlie Mis of Saint I'lerre rang the hMir of two. The launch was speeding a.rms the smoky harbor, riding down little Isles of HoasaiH, ilead birds from the sky, and uameles mysteries from tbe rvlhsj ll of the harb.tr The wind wa hot in ineir inc-, use n siofc-nooi iimsi, rfii.u t. l....! u t.i .1.. 1.. ,i. . .. .. . .. ,lT jzz'7 ."'7-7:" : . ".;:rj krt Ir.. A Nrtilwg elmler fell iix. his band. .1 nteeacr from I'elee, and clear- ed the soiinv of the sounds, lie Jerked o(f Ms owl and tosaed It abtiut Her aboul- iters, which the filmy sfcawl nml the .111- eate fabric of Iter wai.t freely pro- tecleil 1 .smut not reel flre tonight. Her fore In the lantern-ray enchanted blm. I., H.lngle.1 abyne and e,iaa, be took It between hi bamls. He otuld m.t speak for tits- marvel of the thing that mm, sa sigrani, mi neaiiiiiui, was inr him to kiss and worship and keep bright, Her cheeks were a. Mlfl as a Hower. her eyes gb, Ing with the ardor whlen the trople alotie can inspire in Bower and woman. In the atrange light, he ga.,,1 with the raptaeas of e who xtl. In ixnetrate the mystery of Mug -aa If It were any clearer In a woman's eye than in a Nile night, a Venetian song, or In the tlow of gasoline to the spark, whh4i Hllrsl the contemplation of Hrnst. "Hehivcd," he whlspernl at last, "I will tell you how much 1 Ime you at our golden wedding." He heard the swift blinking of her breath with the peculiar tremble which follows tears. The launch waa swinging around to the Madante'a ladder Wherever the ship light fell. Hie sheeting of ash could I seeii-iixu mast and railing ami ..T" ii. ii ... . . , "Are yuu frightened, dearest?" be wkls- lx-n-d "You will not go hark to Saint I'lerre!" "We need not think of that iww. We are going together Wrst out Into deep water and ocean air!" lie waa helping ber up tbe ladder. When they reached the main deck he ea l n. ( .plain Neg. bllward. rap.aln-a ibtsen mile. If ee- eaasry. and quhk aa you can." Tliey had scarcely reached lhe bridge before the anchor chain l-gan to grind, Three minute later the .Madame' screw were kicking llu ugly barlxir tide. 'Iliey watrhe.1, until only the dull reil of I'elee pierce.) the thick veil behind : until a star, and another, prlcke-l the blue vault ahead. ml the lr blew ., fragrant a, wine from the rolling ( arlbbean. "How weet life la to me!" Con.lai.1. said softly. "(Jrand old I'elee-lie lias Ix-en true blllel He made me bis heir, and waitisl for me to carry hi fairest daughter out Into these reviving winds. Illnw, old Vtlhun, now ! '.Splash at a ten league canvas with brushes of comets' hair!' And you, gorgeous girl, hate you any charity for a man who grows Inco herent from sheer Joy nui sneer joy "Yes. even though he forget the city," she anawered. Captain Nrgley npprnachrd theru, "We're about a doien miles out now, sir," he aald. "Cruise around until daylight, captain: then draw In until you can find bottom to hitch to. but not any clo.er than .even or eight miles." Very well air. Tjira and ("onalslile leaned over the aft railing of the bridge. The main deck below swarmed with women of Halnt I'lerre. They could not slay below, now that the defiled harbor wn. behind Many were bumming the old French billable lo their little one Hood food and cool air had brought back the songs of pence and summer to tho lowly heart. "Lara, do you think If I went baik to your mother now, or, rntlier, after day- light, I could persuade her to Join ua" your iricuu iu-iiijiii i nu win 001 ;uni ,, "I am going back to try, Urn. I think I can guea something that you passed , , , . 1 t .1 1 ,1 through before leaving the house," "Oh, no, you cannot I I could not suf- fer you to bear the words she uttered. It was like thn wrath of I'elee only tuiHalaiMai a iwl urlttifiiir iva nil n i " causeless and without warning. (To be continued.) London's not municipal debt amounts to 1223,101,330, "I knew it would tome in ll.ni. n diivlci-a nf evilly illspimcil xiriiiiN prmio said, with a shudder. "I have been try- , w,(.k 10W,r ,,y 0,v ,, .,., Ing to iut It off. Can't you gues that I . ,, . f ... , had a bitter price lo pay before following ,""'"t ""' ., , . , ' ..1 1 ... ii.. in tn 1..1" over, with llin legend Ih not mnro Hum SOMETHING FOR E I.I.YIIOI1Y Sixty ImiKiiitgi'H. tit In I'lcrydtiy itso III I'lil'loMII, HIiti 11 l.cilllC. Kiigliiiid'H tin blue licet ulriiidy In i'IiiiIi'h sixty-two nurxlilw iiml furty- four Wwolri nf tlu nicrt-lliUit tlliirlui' i;ttt1. sllicr unit lend inliieei are. It , ,,, ,( ,, vwrH(M, , Ul ( .. ,., , , , "' Wk 01. rl.l of liiiiWiimwi. .., 11 " ,,f lWl. Ilil"id, .n.-ihx.kliig tho AtlaiiHi'. Ttmv iiiuiicu ucro Htnoiig tho idglity- uh,,. upplliiinta wlm li-tviitly lix tho ,.HlllllMltl.ili for xxul cli'lk Mt llilf ,,, .,.,, -(lM ,ft . W), "-' ? w '" ' Mir 1MU.T!I IIIMMH tllllFI Hl'IU P1I11 mmi Ills mily A T will uf the men nttseil. Alrn. Uiutso WiiIhiiiihii Caiiieiilcr of HrmtKllm.. Maw., has Jiist pa.c.l her one hundred mid mxtiih! blrtliilay. Slio whs Ixiru nt Wnrulik. It. I., mid I 11 ,"m' dcMX-mlciit of linger llllimis, s"" " l"',Ml hiiillh ami nctlu ciioiuli K't alxnit inmsslstisl ami until tliusi H'HM Hgn felt Ho lu-isl fur gill""- ,jlr ,,. j.l)1(, , itf w n,,lWM, .. ,1M ..,.,, ,, ..,, . . . ,, iHalllull. slicll as tin' luulliliirl I Jacket, .... . . ' ..' sasiireii nnir Mini 1111 niljitlllllH" ,m"" ''rsildery. but Uh- wearllig of ' biltlolia ihi the timt or Jacket U 11 ",- hbH. illiklmwii In the liwiiy. 'I1e I'llllieso wisjir theee tile lilillnns tu r- mind them of the Hit- iu.nl ilrtiif H,,, wero rcssuiiins'iidnl by Ciuifiieliia. ritt-m are: Humanity, Justice, order, " i!-,.. ,'l"" WuMen l'r.Ngrrslt. AwhkIu- "'Hi "r -'W' Snlltll Wwli-s bils mill alwl It coHshlei a grevit Victory. Tlirev llliMlreil HhhiwiihI ilidlMro ImiI Ih-.- n.n 0 Imrenw the Mlarle of the ,,,!,,, f (h. ,HWk hHw4. The men letii'lier. If report are true, Irbxt 'aiaa. hmimImim ,h, .11 .- ii..u,.i,i -w" " W '" xvtn.ltomkl "" - "l'l ' 'Hr'1- lb') ftmgJit lh point and won. ; ,"ee ixHtixi I III, t I Hibln ItHllnll, at- (racteil cimblerahb- attiiillou H in I Hon- ,fc.r Mt ,. ,1Ki, .,,M, ,lrlH Sltt. ,m, , Hl,, ,,,, ,, , ,,,.,. .. ,,, . ,, , . "" ' fr"" m""r '" '", '""" He lHt the ..hi ll.mwM . Nmi York, W.hiIit Van 'Pw liter, ubn waa ft fi-et " Inches tall and ll feet ft Inch)) nrountl.. This I tut In it Is ft feet 7 Incln-s (nil mid 7 fis't ft IiicIhxs iiruuml. Ilo I "it years old und weighs ikl pniiiuU Watnngu (Okln.) Herald. "Iirge ur Kiunll game?" nukisl the Kiik'IMiiimn lutlteit by n NVw Yorker ' K" hunting nn 11x1 Island. "You don't ixxct In Hud linn ntid tiger uti I Uhii; Island, iu you?" answered tho New Ynrki-r. "Hardly." nnmndcd tho' irllM , rtMB,. "inn like n spliv ' "f ibuigcr In my huiitliig." "If that's .. . ,. ., ,.,. '. answered tho other, "I nt ",lr "w"' H" r,lcl"- ,',,, " ,l",, ' i "''' ,,,1 "I my brntlwr-lll-lnv III j the. letf." j Hlr Wlllbtin HaliHaiy's .letlHratliin as1 , ,, prnlwblo li.-nr nclileiHiient of i ,h(. ,,,, f uwtnU iH UM Illmv of th,. way tu.xlen. N-lemv Is to i-MahlWiliig what only n Kliort tllll.i "K" """ dlslulsenl n ll'rlllliHi. In J n l-Mik only fifty yeur nld n writer iIomtIInis h folly the modioli prm-llist nf (he nilildle nges nf putting hiiiiiIIxix tent ti-litM In it rwl riNiiu, ilniMil with , ,Kp,. ciirluliiH hiiiI nil Ml- l)tlrK Vl,, , ((l ()f ,., um , ,,. ,,.. ,.,. urk(H, J ,, . .... ,. ,, ''- "'"llH"t wih m lenllnetilly dlseiner- '''I ' '' ""r" "K" 'V Mliaeli, f Hie Violet light TO) fHlllf. Olio nf the miwt siimwifiil hnaxist of history was the 11111-11111111141 tin play- or nil Ii nhlcli Hanoi Khiih'ii of oktoIiiix diintly tixm ihelurr ami all lltiiigiiry, iistuulsliiit l'iiroo nlxuit tint mrntary cuuul, Kciilly but persistently ywtr 17im. Till was HjMireiitly H tig- lire cniilrnllisl by iiieeliniiliiil deiliea, "' ' ". ;" Hlnl xilili'h was uble. notliltlixtillidllig the fact tllltt Hpiri'llll) tin llltelllgelliii mhh ciilui'rni'il In Ua liiiiVclueiltM Hint decision, gencrillly lit lHt II human ruitiigoiilst, Tho tiildiii't cuiiiiiitid . , ,l(, t,Mi.iitoii npaircd entirely ' . , ,,, , ..,,. I'l,....,,. ,, ","111 ' ' " " l"','l"n 'I"1'"'' And jet ll did cnnn.nl 11 mail 11 ho was "" ' l '"'"" poiyn. no nn 11 I'ollwi patriot who IhiiI l(t both of Ills legs. This mini, Wnroptiby by iiiiiih', wns nil expert player. Willi blm In thn cabinet Hit) rest wns itisy. ,, ,,,, , ,. , , ., , , , , . , ,, "", "" " "11,,'1m"?" 8""1 ". " att ' ''"" xxtHl. 'Ih llrst rirordcd hlnl of Ha vitality Is ghen In tho sixth ivii- tuny ulnry uf "riienphlliiH." 'Clint Ntory nulled tho i-nrly Clirlsllnim In llielr of- turt In Hlnliip nut Hut liecroluillicliig ,, , ' .. , ,,,,,. . . - 1IH) yenrn old. Tim likeliest irolotyxi I f ll i"-"h'rii FnilMt Ih io limit ot tlm H1111111 liniuo who III Crilt'OW boldly pro- I , , , , 1 i . . I claimed hllilHi'lf II profcnHor uf lllilglc, ' l tho sixteenth century Morlr Hidwi , f Troy wiim bcstoiiixl by MephlHtoplio-' ,,.H ,, FHHt ,, , , , , , , . ..... I dlo of tlm eljfhti'i'iitli century ihxm tlicro nppeiir 11 Hlindnivy Miirgiirnl, In tho form of n "beautiful but poor Klrl" who afterword ilovclopH Into thu Mur Kurct of Oootliu. fTtaht lloetne llnlr. An nptanil ilortor hsa a liasr Idea, Ha praellro at night only lis found that e many night raeen coming nn the top of bla elllr hours and vlalta worn him out, m bs itelrrndiiNt to mi bis ensrgy for the right work, whlrh paid bst all) way. lis fjs ha flints patients prefer having s dnetnr who la frexh anil wide awake In (trail of one who la tired out after a ttt' work. New York Nun. II f War " lilieoiiraueiaeiii, "May I aik how you earned your (Irst dollar)" queried the reporter, "I earned It, young man," slid (lis financial magnate, "msuy yeara ago by lifting Juat what too are doing now, as my first assignment on a iiewtiMper I want mil to Interview a man, ei It mar Interest you 10 know that I cot a gid ileal Ittnr Information out of lilm ttian ? - ' - lit'uns- The Saiiiil railway from Idlnbarh to Walilenbiirg la to lw one of the Mrsi (Irr. IlKII roods to b cluilfed fiuiil aleNI to eleilrl.llT. One of tho Essentials of thn happy homes nf In day la a vast fund of Information as to tho boat methods of prtuiHitliiK health and hnppltioaa and rlfibt living; and kniw ledgn of the world's best product I'rnducts of actual nxrellenrn and ronainiablo claims truthfully pnscntrd and which have attained to woriil- wld aeeeplnnce through the nppn.ini of lhe Well Itiforttiixl nf thn WirM. not 11 f Indlvldnala only, but of tl,n tnany who have the happy faculty f selecting and oblaltilui: thn best thn world afford. One of th prtHluetsj of that class, of known component ari. an l.'lhr al remmly, appmieil by physicians and World n a valuable and wh :i mf) . ,., ,h w,.,, ,, Hyrup of Fig and l.llxlr nf Henna T . Rwl (, ,rrlonclal effects always b ir i ttr genuine manufactured by tho California Ilic Hyrup Co. only, and fur salu by all leading druggists, Get a Watch Ring or Pin FREE "20-M.lt-Tiiin" Born Prtittli. Hen.1 Ii trt-r.ss CslsUa ( IllO ValusMs Trv tetils ilvs t're fse Tms h4 Wfsir frtwn xMl.T" lUtss ptidueu Yixi -III fln.1 mssr ankles r tmthili simI rsil um Ihsl tM ran i.kaln AIIHOl.l'TI I.Y rill'K All r- hs UdaliluMAVhTOPMIIIt WIIAP. IT.IW A.Ml. I'Actric cn.w nouAX ro. o.iisj, Cat Tu dcnnc.it, ltnhti'st nntl most comfortable SLICKER At lhe aamc time cheapest In (he end Dccflusc it Mors longest 3Q9 berrvhere Cvtry qarrxssl quof, onlstd wa'efprool Caiakx) fn f l.,f"?l:J'J.'!l,f,.nS,lfit-., KASPARILLA Tl.laaterliiiK household remedy I moat surccMfiilly irrM rilied fur 11 'world nf trouble " rurilrraiiKriurnt ( tlm ill L'ffttlle fireatla It is u luiltiml i-,irrii IIh sumuiaiinjr. 11 liraltlilul actiilly Its l""'! influence cxtetnU, however, to l.lF,t.lHii,ii ,.r n,. ..... .1.1. n.. ,'' nl . ':-'"" " , :.,i!,.V.,. V.i ()(Ml. tirunuitiiiie a wbolnuioir nainr.it sietlte. currrcllliii; sour aliiumcli, bad breath, IncKulsrttlcs o( tho bowels, con- Uwtloo ami the louyf list of troubles dirr?J.lfr ,rablc lo the tinwliolrsoino condition Kasparllla illtpels drowsi- ness, IichUc'ic, luckache and ilrsiii. cncy ,uu to Inactivity of the liver, aninrys nun uicsiivc irsci. II la strciiL'thcuillK n"ic ( 'be holiest value If it fail to satisfy wo authnrire all dealers tu refund tbe purchase price, H0VTC11KMICAI.C0, l'ortlaud, Oregon C. Gee Wo Tl !! known rtitt CHINESE Root mil lltrb DOCTOR It iss.U a III siuJr.ot ?SrwfarUnS1( Vl' uinnste.i ana la air. ljtjHJiJ'mi'Ti if " ""1 "" w"j.i No M.rcury, I'al.ons ."e Siluss' ui.d M.Curaa' rVdhoul Oaarsllon, ,nr Wllhouiihc Aider aKnl( Jl ausraiilswi tn Duls IVlarrli, Aslliaia, Luna, rtiKisf. Iiii.iiumtlini, Jfrni..(it. Nri.1.1.. filiTli, r.1.hi.'Jf"AiW ,!-. ! nwn it.i IH1K Al Ju.t llact A SUHE CANCEH CUHE Ivcd front Peking, China Sala, Sur Slid I lieoauia. irYon litUVaAllKliArlut.iutin. HKIAY CONHULTA'I'ION lUUt"t I tt rou osouol call, xillo for srmHon blsak sJ lre Ml'UlniSi., Cor XloirUou, l'niil.Bd, Onm. V)u Usalloa Tkla l'stM 3&' .? m A v &rzrM.ti f