The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 18, 1908, Image 4

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    TJW -Kfc.1
I 'Tor every man a square deal, no
Toss end no more."
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M IE WllimMMiMIHnmlltmillMI
Thtrt wonlhv.. ....-....... .....
'iMnrtoMr In !.)
WltDXltSDAY, NOV. IS. 190.
1. An Annouticcaint.
' Beginning with this number.
The Bulletin will be issued here
after on Wednesday afternoon in
lead of Friday as heretofore.
There arc many reasons that induce
us to make the change. Wo have
always liked Wednesday as a pub'
iicatiou day; and furthermore, as
mail schedules now exist, it will
enable The Bulletin to reach its
subscribers in much better time
than under a Friday publication.
It will also give our advertisers
better results, as it will allow our
readers more time to get the paper
and read the store bargains offered
before doing their Saturday's
shopping. Hence, Bulletin readers
aay look hereafter for their paper
on Wednesday afternoon.
Ths Quintessence of Foolishness.
The Bulletin is well aware that
it is a dangerous policy to discuss
religious topics, but it has had
something working iu its inner
brain cells for so long that it needs
roust give utterance to what is
bothering it. And it is about the
question of so many church organ
izatioos in Bend.
How foolish it is to attempt to
maintain three separate church or
ganizations in Bend. How much
more reasonable would it be for the
Protestant denominations to unite
en seme one man, -good and able,
and let him devote hb entire time
to the one field. As it is now we
have three the Methodist, the
Presbyterian and the BaptUt. At
stated intervals Rev. I.owther, from
his bone somewhere about Trail
crossing, drives a distance ot 25 or
30 miles in order to preach at Bend
on the Sunday alloted to him; on
another Sunday of each month Rev.
Moore likewise drives some 30 or
o miles from his homestead near
Prinev'ilfc toliold services at Bend;
and UcV. Mitchell oscillates be
tween Bend and Rusland in his en
deavor td preach the gospel at dif
ferent points.
And what is the result? Bend is
;ivcn a church service that amounts
almost to nothing as far as direct
results are concerned. With three
.nen preaching from the same pul
pit, with three separate organiza
tions endeavoring to keep up the
work," and with three preachers
UirccVng this work, how can thtre
be anything but mighty poor re
turns for the effort expended? To
accomplish results there must of
leccssitv be one mind at the head
.f the work td control and direct it.
BedU'Bas a mixture of three.
-Kd thht' is not the only trouble.
Thejt 'mm raust live. They are
Engaged iu an essential and noble
Thev " and their families
itist be supported. Not large
inou0h to contribute even what
une man ought to halt: in the way
uf salary,, Ben J is called upon to
Sive a little' dab to' each oftLc
three'!', Zealous aud ccd w'ouieu,
.n their praiseworthy endsavor to
support the three organizations
where there should be but one,,
solicit subscriptions here and there
aud tire, with their, importunities,
, some men who have no interest in
or liking for churches. Thus these
men are disgusted with the church
s on institution and a good cause
is done far more harm than good.
This condition of affairs would be
bad euough if there were much
.1 -..!:,. Tin hnw much
worse must it be when th& actual
ood accomplished is very small in-1
deed. The Bulletin docs not mean
to state that the church iu Bend is
not accomplishing good. It would
never do to step till church work
But much more uood could be ac
complished tlitm is now being done. J
Willi the thrse organizations and
with lite . work going in a sort of
"hit and miss" style, there is not
much interest manifested iu the
services by the public. The nttrtul
auce is .woefully small. Where
there should be n church lull every
Sunday listening to able and help
ful sermons, there arc now, on an
average, from half a dozen to two
dozsn persons present. Fifty peo
ple in attendance would be consid
ered a very large congregation.
There is no man statioucd at Bend
to keep the work going during the
wcvk, and the sum and substance
of it all is that we have three meu
driving long and tiresome distances
on starvation wages to preach to a
handful of indifferent people.
How utterly silly itall is. And
with what disgust mu3t the good
Lord look upon such misguided
efforts to serve Him and His cause.
How much better would it be for
the people of Bend to unite on sonic
able man, pay him a living salary,
and let him devote all his energies
to this one town 'and vicinity. We
would then have energetic church
work and well attended services;
the bt:rest would be kept aroused
aud vigorous under one man's con
stant direction; and people would
not be tired and disgusted by pn
attempt to support three organiza
tions iu a town so small that one
would be a great plenty.
Yc, that would be much better.
But The, Bulletin does not expect
to see such. a stale of affairs come
to pass. As long as human nature
is constituted as it is, the denomi
nations will continue to struggle
for a starvation existence, aud Bend
will coutiuuc to be given three or
more sickly church organizations;
at least, until the town becomes
large enough to give them a proper
A I'leasinz Innovation.
Mxlru Tteimr.
For the first time in a good many
years a county judge has paid an
official visit to this end of the coun
ty, and the interest displayed can
not but be pleasing to the residents
of a district so long neglected. This
sectiou has a right to expect to be
treated as a part of Crook county,
although long neglect had almost
weaned it from that idea Nouc
the less pleasing, however, is the
innovation inaugurated by the new
county board in making c trip
through this section fur the pur
pose of getting better acquainted
Much benefit will result from a
closer acquaintance of county offi
cials with all sections of the county.
If you suffer from eoanipation a:i'il
liver trouble I'oley' Ormo laxative will
cure you jHtriiimifiitly by tinnilatninth
Hucklive urgiui Mi they wilt aet natur
ally, l'otcy's OriiKi I.avative dos not
Urijx, i tildutnt to tkanl ynu ilu not
he to tukc !.iaiit continually after
taking Oriiw. Uliy contiuue to I I lie
lave of pill ami tablets, C. V. Mer
rill, dniK;ist.
Jt DcUghtful Liquid fact PowJor.
i -apart! a rarm toftnou, 6aufy unit
llcacy to the skin. .'Hthmgh Int
iMlbtvJt It a perftct an to btautr,
ettrutnlnx thtt ravages of sun, wind
intl tint: r.llmlnaicM tan, sunburn,
.jcWci, saltownsMi and tmpurfect
Ions of tho skin, Potasfr a dainty
illngtng odor axclml0sy ,ls nun.
'met tO Cti C EaoKicT Tvizi 7 oaueoiata
. 'fivrrAr ci Co rrTwwo Our
Tho 'Pioneer Telegraph
antilelppiione Company
Tclecrcnu Forwarded' to Any Part
of the World.
Telephone Communication
with Portland, I'rlncvitle and all
Pacific Coast cities.
Public Pay Stations
In Dank BuldinK at Bend, at Laid
Uv aud I'owell Butteg.
Messenger service to ony part of
CrooUQJliiity toutUt.c( Crooked .
River. , , . -re
ijy BvawB'iSMXjsiceuoi
11J t IIJ v tl.!or-,. ttul n
Prljp fnllrrtlnrt i.,i-u .hmm
tuii you our itiuaiKtiicaw ir.
11 it f)n t T.i. 1 fn.tM iv .(
UMiltfir'1" '"- m rnti u ftU.
4)lMtNir U TO I'M C
Write ttfttay; Mention this r.iper.
rIWfB t p-ir..' .t .i
fpWMlinu4N.l f M t " IaL.i
IMilratiitfv !!' vi r m. i-iti.
U fc.1 tA U. . 1M . . ...I., , i
1; O nictate ST.
a; ..iqiu
There are many new settlers mov
ing onto land iu this vicinity, and
almost every day you chu .vee new
faces on the streets of Bend. These
people Invariably begin at once to
build houses and barns oti their
laud, put up fences, and start
the work of clearing off the sage
brush. A drive e.ft of town for a
few miles will surprise one at the
development that is taking place, if
you have not Ivcn out there for
some time. New houses tire dot
tint.' the land here ami thtre, and a
rapid development is taking place
IS. O. Check and J J. Murray of
Silver I.nkc spent Monday night iu
Bend. Mr. Check war. on lus way
ISast for a visit and stopKd here to
cotiMtlt his attorney. C S. Benson.
concerning a contest for his hotrc
stead, which he is fighting. These
gentlemen ftom Silver Lake report
that wiltl ducks are unusually nu
merous on the marshes and lake
near their home, this season. One
evening shortly licfore they left two
hunters came into town with an ex
press wagon loaded down with
dttrks, most of them mallard drakes,
the result of one day's hunting.
Dr. P. II. Dencer has n peculiar
horse on his ranch This animal
has taken upon ibelf the care of n
cow, aud regularly each morning
drives it to pasture, and brings it
back to the barnyard each evening.
As regular as noon comes the horse
also drives the caw up to the wate--ing
place, whether Iwssy wants to
drink or not. Aud sometimes she
doesn't want to go, aud then is
when the fun begins. The cow re
bels, the horse insists, and after
mote or less of a shirmMi the cow
is always forced to surreuikr, and
is ('riven to the watering trough.
It is quite a eonvdliunce to the doc
toral he U relieved of all attention
to the cow except at milking time.
I' )' IliilMfv iiml Tr rlrr tile ir
loMt(4, tn the irritation in llu-llirool.
MMtlivt the inlWntctt iiwmlrne, nml
tlM imMt olunatc cou;li ilH Tx-.irv
Sor ami iuftainol luiix an bcaictl nnl
trnKtlii;)tl. and the colj m t-xiellrl
from the ytem. Kafui any but tin
ueiiuine in lll yellow f ickjjt. C. V.
Merrill, ilriiKKl't.
Ulsck (Jarlcy
seed for Bale. Produced 29 bttshels
to acre on my place tliU Mason
Especially adapt 1 to this soil and
climate. . Can be sold iu rui or
fall. Is hull-less aud slitUs out
like whea, Will have aljiit (u
bushels .seed for tle. I;irt ccine
first served. 1'ive cents xt pound.
O. h- I'.WTON.
3356 Madras, Ouon.
JJ HAVI! tafttil Up U,r
biikltii'M tn the iliiiin
lilickmntll Shop, ami re-lH.-ctIn)ly
Mlicit it khure
ol Votir iHitronajjo. Sitin
fac'ilrtp , ired in
I'.VI'.llV l'AKTICl'I.AK.
Horaefilioeiiix ami
Ocncral Rcptlrinjj
W.H.HE.WES Bead, Ore.
legistet'ed Stock
H Poland H
0 Chinas 0
Q Duroc Q
S - Jerseys S
Uhzwi, I-angsliai; ChIclcHsJ(' Z
EC, PARK, Redmond, Ore.
IfcW U HI tl.ll..
WW ' ' vtwww, u
Ask your grocer for tho 3 or 5 lb. cans. Thoy liavo tho scrow tope with metal
handles Ai-o useful when empty.
wmwmwvw: wwv'jswisrsysx .w.fiass:s.,N'VNi)f 'uTi'f.TBBiiVi- ,vmw
$MfcGBMmmil&m HIR8HKS: SI to'
I a
vs3 fvAiWhk SK:SoKSQiJ
ii to. iywffwi&issK jm iwbt . ; i ""s. zn
On pvciv iiomc table there may be served cverv day n nlnlc of p".re,
Ithful, delicious hot-biscuits by following the "CLEVELAND" Cook.
TM ?.. '. .. f... - I... ,.,m., A inn RiImIWI
I iicrc is no economy in saving a icw cutut.
Powder. The cheap alum baking powders work
Enjoy the purest of home cooking by using
Made from
1 O FW
BendShaniko Livery
J. It. WI-NANDV, Prop.
W. P. Kelley, AKtnl, Slunlko
New Covered Stages between Ueiul and Shnniko
Livery and Feed Slnbies nt Slianiko, Mcdrns and Bend.
Wc run our rics to plcnse the public.
Stages leave cccli wny every thy.
RiKS to all parls of Central Oregon. Careful drivers furriUlicd
Special Attention Civon to Express end Baggage
RBS "" "ft ' - JOUIiaKKWi(Ln
I iiwiy im- jnnr
Tracks and
nt a price that is fair Loth to ynu
tiitiK on a trip, come iu and look
mTTTTTKhTnTiTn ynnwM ii
H A Jil I
Table always supplied wllh llio boat thit the t itm affurdi.
rtcnt rtnd Comfortable Rooms, JlitNlJ, Oitii .0,;
iViassachusetts Jjiutual
Life Insurance Company -
NeaxJy dOO SATlSFIfiP PollcyliolderiJn Crook County.
F. 0. MINQR.
W&Bimam mp Jam
a Superior grade of Pure Cream of Tat tar.
Bend, Oregon
S Stage Company
Tii 1 rm i-xixrtLxrrDJLxgruogirrrr
1 Are you plan
niig to take a
Ifyou are, ynu will tvaut
to be prterly ciittippvtl
with a traveler parapher
ualia. That nivalis travel-
ini; Imiks, '-uit caeca, tfrips
autl trunks. I have n liill
hue of llifH', mid if you arc'
in need of tiny of thim I
can supply your wants, A
number ofKood,9'.ibtiutial
Suit Cases
mid to me.
over what I
Ifyou ate plan
OrfjM 6
kJ.XTT.TWl'gTM '
Awa rAfai
pyf. ,, .
Resident Agent
uy uamy nimn j.'"u
sure injury to the health.
til IU I! t;, HV'iK III till. ',
lli:.'!, OKMitlN
U. C. COE, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
7(11 XMjbt Cclcpbonc CCIIMCCtlOlt
ttiuiv, : OKKOon
First National Bank
of Prineville.
J'.MHT'lltlltd 1;.
Cnpltnl, Surpltifl nud Undivided
Profits. $tUU,(XK).(X)
II V Alir1
T it IkMniii
II. lul,lu...
11 frt.lilriil
1 .hl'r
AMI.tdlll i tiui
A. 12. Pin'I'KSON,
Antclop.-, Ore.
I'lc ... niwl Hrint 'n- lull', '.imiit
Sit nml livstl yi.( kiliM 111 'lr tu
oi'lt r i'ihI l(i'kiiti. Wutk lirt 1 Uut
niii) KlMmilt ml
Ir-n. 1 l.ltiow 11 ulili Mnrrr, MuIMIm
I'liif Hi 1 .1. nri,iuiit.t luMiral AaUIiM.
Horse Slioeiiig and
General Blncksmiiliiiig
IJIrst Clacs Work (lUnrhntecd
I.onilcil In tlm old liflilou Muip.
J JUUfjj up UY
$4.50 Per Cqrd
hcuvu order lit or 'nluitio
-tn t'lu 1'n.or 1 v