The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 06, 1908, Image 7

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    Peculiar to itself
In selection, roportlon and combination
of Inttri'illrnlt,
In thn profra by which tlirlr jnncilliil
value nri' eitrnctrd and prrtervcd,
III tRt-vtl vctiPHfi. unrruliirnn tind trnnnmy,
Curing IIhi n Ideal tango of tll.ritars.
Doing Ihn mini good (or Ihn inmicy,
Having the mutt medicinal merit,
Ad llm grrulcal retortl of cute,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
In iiaual Iliiilil form or In ihoeolaled
talilcla known at Gn,rsnlnbs, lOUilusva tl.
iVtlt l)tnipillMe,,
(landman (Jiiiiiour, I've Iinil the offer
ef a Jol nii' I've a tlwil mlml In go In
117 mold htnrey I alvvtii knuwml llirr'
wui a jfllir alrrak In on.
f'Hiinf nml l.tYeet.
Th I m (ur Tliat la h point In (hers-Vetillt-
I ahall hate In look up. I llml I
bui crowing ruly.
'1 lir 'rtfeiir HtlalyJ Tlim there la
too iimii'Ii Irun In jour blood.
unlit n
n ilrnll
lit IllMlllXll Ml l,)t.
'Tin' Inte Ur. Morgan Ml,'
rliTjiiinn nf New York. "Iinil
wny of lightening grate subject w'lth
little humorous aaliti One,. lit-nrO
lilm addressing ii grndiintlng rlna nt n
liiiilli'iil niliuol lie ht-gnn In (Ma Hit)"
"I'toalolnglat I'll in, gentlemen. Hint
tin oliter n IM.1II crow a I tie smaller III
lirnln hot-nines. Till" explslna why tin
old limn kllnwa nothing milt tliu ) tiling
Olio etirytlllllg'"
A mi, Tiii.
l'orHllar What la Ike whale blowing
almut J
tiugtlah Oil, ht got so many notice
for tila frnt In stvslloMrlng Jonah ln'i
been blowing eter elnre. Iloatoii Trcn
. rliio,
The Mari nt Ihn Door .My little girl,
ma'niii, picked up n shnpnln' ling which
she soys aim seen nil old Indy drop -in'
I thought inn) U- It wn yours,
Tliu I.ndy In tint llnll (haughtily) -There
nrtt no old Indies here, It lan't
Anil ytt It wns hers, juat the same,
('Inrr-laud I'lnln llenlrr
Slrlcllr llnliie,
Inquiring r'rieiul- You've given a;
bnnie? I low illil yon rrr tumnion up
enough fortitude and alf denial to do
Iluitjr I paid a lilicli priced doctor
i in iii in wnni wn in limner tub .
mi, nitil (lint wai lila anl tireai-rllilloti '
My (leorge, I ronldn't effort! to wait all
that money!
Ainetiillnai tli lleelamlltiia,
"llaa your order been lakruV" akd
on of ih walitr
"Yea," aald Mr. Wclbrok. "fifteen mln
ulfi ago If It Itn'l too late, though, I'd
Ilk In chniift It "
"I'n rli.itue jour ordr, lrl"
"Yra, If jrnii don't mlml I'll chance It
to an rnlrealj,"
'I'll fifth wnhlliij annlrrraary la tit
'HIMIllrll" Hwlillll, Un truth, "tin " flf
irrnili. "cryial." twenty nfih, "allrn"
tlilrtlrtb, "pwtrl." llfiUlh, "ol.l.ujM
aotriityflftli, "dlnmond "
To l!ral In Htvr Sh.
Alw j aliakK In Allolt'n I'mi-:u, a iw.lrr.
i rumliot, wraliiiir, arnlnc millrli tr.
Ulrtci.rit., lii4iiiMliinnllkHl Ixllilitiia At
iilllilil imI iliiw inrr,kc limit rrn,
iiraiilHilinl. Adilivia
lln. Ulnnlo.1, linjr,.N. Y.
I'ruliKblr Lapirit,
"Mr. llnnkliiKiii," aald lh nintliar of
thr yoimi woman to th youth whom h
iKprrttd of an amWllmi to heroin a
iuuil,r of III family, "bar you r
ln Uiptlimn"
"Our, I llilnk," t anawrrad, hnllat-
' ? mmmmm
a u it Vitmmma'sm
7 immmm'yJm
I i i app z
arc cut on lanjff
patterns. deigned
fp give the vvearfi;
the utmost comfort
T,trrlltiK hotiarlioM rtmtdy ( moat
iticrrMfiilly jirrncrtlicil for n "world of
troiitilra." I'or ilrranncinrnla of the ill
(rathe orK"ii it ' natural corrrctltc,
oKTlln (lltcctly upon the liver and all
inriitary canal, Kr,1''y tiut (cnitatcnlly
attnitilatinK n lirallhfut activity, Ita
iK-ncficlal Influence extend, however, to
every Kirtlon if the ayateni, Billing Id the
pruccaara of iliKratlou mid aaaltiillutlon of
fiKxl, jiroinolliiK wholoKiine, natural
apllte. roirrctiii our atoumcli, luil
breath, irrr;ularitint of the bowel, con
tlMtloii and the loon Hat of troiitilra
dlrrctly traceable to thoae miwhotraotnt
roiidllfona. Knap.inllit dlacU diowal
lie, IitMilnclie, Uukaclie and drapond
ency due to inacthily of the liver
kiilnrr and djtathe tract It la
alrcnjjthcnliiK' tunic of the hlhr! value
If it fail to aatlafy c nuthorlio nil
drnlrra to refund the purclimc price
HovT ClluviiCAl, to, I'ortlami, Oregon
I ii ',iiim unr.
Knrh of Hip folloirlliK ntinrd c'l'tlf
men. iipun U'Iiik out late with the hor
lin a concoct iil n fnuioua cxciim', nml.
what la more wonderful, cot nirny with
It They are' Jonnh. I'lj , Itlp Vnn
Winkle, Itolilnann rniMw Jtide.
I'mrr IMIe,
On the third rimer of her left hand th
aweet )oulig thine Mor OMJilltlcelil aoll
"Ho you're irolnr; to marry a prince,
are you 7" ald the nereuiry ijuratlouer,
"A prince? I don't um'rrataiid."
"ITie eon of a nial kin."
"(), yra," atnllrd the aweet younj tblnx.
"I'm to t hi Cinder UU."
tVaaaU tnittiirleit.
Ho inntiy miiiiiiIh nn eaten In till
country that the nntlre aupply la not
auillrlciit for the demand and about
tn.UK) worth of the African mill wero
ImtKirtcd from Mnrwllltit In 1000 and
over ,1.1,000 worth In HK)7. Tbo vreat
Mil at of Africa product- cjuantltlra of
Inelelf llnrror,
"Oayinan, I aaw you In th ronarrw
lory tb other afternoon rmbracluc an
elderly aplnaler."
"I don't deny It, (Joodanle. I try,
Iiik to conarrrn our natural rrnourcea."
"Iteclalmltig an arid walat."
I'riiauvrllTai llualnva,
"I'll take )imr daimiKe cnie," tntd
the Inwjcr, helphiK to hli feet tho uan
uat hit by an nutoiiiohlle,
"I'hank you," rlUil the victim,
'I'm not much hurt, but I rncognUed
(tint liicnaly chnuffeur. lie may hnvo
cao for you later" I'hllndelphla
I .editor.
w HI tjt 1"'. i m Zr?W .1 .H c n UCTl " Vm '.1 1m lit
Tim Kind Vnn lliivit AlwnjM IJoiiclit lius bornu tliu nIkiiii
turo (if CliiiN, II. I'lotclii-r, mill Iiiih ln'on iiiiiiIo uiiilcr IiIh
iMTHonul MiporvlMon lor oxer .'!( yenrn. Allow no ono
to Uocolvo you lit tliln. CountiTfi'ltH, ImltutloiiH mill
(IttNl-iiN-pioil" uro liiitl'xpi'rliniMits, nml ii(lani;iT tho
health of Chlhlron Kxiiui'luiieo UKiiliist Jixiioriiiit'iit.
What is CASTOR I A
CiiKtoiiu U u liariitlc.HH Mihstltuto for Castor Oil, lnro
oilc, Drops mid Hootliliitr H.Vrnps. It Ih riemmnt. It
contultiH nolthcr Opium. Mnriihlno nor other Js'incotlo
MiliHtmuM). I(n mro Ih Hit Ktxiriintcu. It ahmtroyH AVorms
anil allays VovcrMiiicss. Jt ciiron Dlarrliu-u nml "Wind
Colic. It rcllovoH Trothliip; TroiihlcM, Mirort CotiNtlpatlou
ami I'liitulrnoy. It UHHliiilliiti'rt tho Food, roculatcri tho
Htoiiiiich and IJovvi-ls, Klvlnir hi'ultliy and natural bleup.
Tho Chlldrvti'H I'miacea -Tho lUothcr'H rrlond,
The Kind You Ha? e Always Bought
Bonrs tho Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years.
A Flavoring. It makes a
lyrup letter than Maple,
J J Sold by grocer.
HON. n. 0. THAHIN.
Hon. It. 8. Tharln, nttorney t law
ml counsel for Antl-Trunt Kcnitue,
wrlti-a from 1'ennaylvnnln Ave, N, W.,
WnxliltiKton, I). C, an follow:
"I diving Urwl I'erunu for Cnlcrrtinl
dlvirtlrrt, I nm nbln to tentify to It
errnt remedlnl rxcellrnco nml do not
hcaltnto to lvu It my emphatic en
dowment and onrncnt recommendation
to nil pcriKxii niroctcil by Hint (Unorder.
It la nlno n Ionic of ere.U uirfuhict."
Mr. T. llarmcott, West Aylirsr, On
tnrlo, Can., writti: "Last winter 1
was III with pneumonia attrr fhiv ng U
K'lpr'. I took I'crunn for two montha,
when I bccnmn qulto well, I alio in
duced a young lady, who was oil run
down nml confined to tho houne, to tnkc
I'crunn, nml nfter tnklnjf IVrunn for
three month aliu la nblo to follow her
trndo of tailoring. I n retomme nd
I'crunn f()r nil such who nro 111 nml re
julro n tonic."
I'ero-nn Tnbtrtf.
Somo people prefer to tako tablets,
rather thnti to tnke inedicinn in n fluid
form. Such x-ople can obtain 1'erunn
tablets, which represent tho rolid
riuMlicinnl Ingredient of I'onmn. Knch
tablet Is equivalent to ono average
dose of I'crunn.
Rlicutiiutism is caused by nn excess of uric acid In the blood, which is
curried through the circulation to nil portions of the Jyr'cm. Kvcry muscle,
nerve, bone and joint nbiorbi the ncrid, pain-producing poison, causing1
acnes, iuifiuiiiiniion,Biniuc4s ana omcr wen Known symptoms 01 mc disease.
Opernlrit lf (lie l-lnuee,
DurliiK the hot Htimiiicr siiison ere-j
body resorts to tho fnn to nfford torn-
Iornry relief, yet few penile rcnlUe
tnai tno o""1"" . Permanent relief from the pains nnd discomfort of Rheumatism cannot be
necceisnry to man In- tcjiectcd from the utc of liniiucnt., plastcrn, and other external treatment
ulnto n fan, fr"I'0 which docs not reach the blood, where the cause is located. Such measures
lolly on n very givc temporary relief, but in order to cure Rheumatism the uric acid and
warm dny, will, inflammatory twison must be cxnelled from the blood. S. S. S. cures
prcsplra. Rheumatism lecnusc it is a perfect blood purifier. It goes down into the
more circulation, neutralize the uric nciil nnd drives it lrotn the blood,
cause the
tlon to flow moro circulation, neutralizcB the uric acid nnd drives it from the blood, S. S. S.
rtn.1llv fliMti If flitt nvfmta ftin trrltcilmrp liiflitnttinfnrt tnntr,' tctilntt 1 ennnlnir m nfift, n.e11-
dig and other discomfort, enriches the weak, sour blood, and permanently
mi. i iiioriuiiniei7, cures Rliciitimtisiu. In all forms of Rheumatism, whether acute or chronic,
the electric fan Is . will be lounil a sale, vegetable remedy, possessing the properties
within reach of butjncC(!cd to cure, nnd nt the same time a medicine that builds up the entire
system ny us line tonic cuecu. jsook on Rheumatism and any medical advice
free to all who write. Thjj SWIFT SPECIFIC C0.f ATLANTA, GA.
n few, hut n contri
vance recently pat
ented by n Detroit
nm n, should provoi
equally n effective, r th addition of "aO-Mule-Team" floraxta
....I l- ... Iiwaterln h!h erri-ei. Uercle. automo
mill in tl procur ,Wm othr vehicle air Khd, th dirt awl
nble by CVerylKxIy, rm will Ua qukklr remored wllboutdealrue-
tlon of th arnlh. In tmeU lh varnuh will h
bmrfilM bf th prx onllnarllr.
Th cow' udder U kpt in a clean, healthr and
imwxh condition by wafhlnff It with "Jo-Mule- (
ream 1 lot an and water. Thl pmenta rovah
sj and Ktenw or crack! teata which make
nllkln tlrn a drt ad to th cow and a worn- to
The milk nail la kept free from ataleneu, allml-
Beta and If It la waihnl with "20-Mu-
Teoi" Ilorax and water one Ul'ermonfol to a
rackcrl H. 1. and 0 lu pnekaire.
As shown lu tho nccoiiipnnylni; lllutm
tlou this fnn Houiuwhnt resembles tin
electric fnn, helm; mndo of metnl and
hns similar revolt lug puddles. Tho lat
ter nrc Jollied on n shaft which Is
iitoiiiiled on n stntlonnrr hnndle. Con
netted ullli the sluift sre gear wheels
nnd a liner, tint Intter helm; In IhmI
, . ". i ream Jkiraa a
tlou to bo pushed by the thumb when tUart of water.
the hnndle I held lu the Imnd. The oc
rnslonnl oiK'rntlou of the lever cnuies
the pnddlen to revoltu continuously In
one dlnrtlon. The more quickly the
lever Is oiK-rntcd the more rapidly tho
paddle revolve, the current of nlr be
ing thus readily controlled. A jterson
rending or otherwlso occupied where
the tiae of the hntids Is not essential,
can enslly keep himself cool with this
fan with little effort on his part
C. Gee Wo
IT M know rlULt
Boot nd Herb
It tn-vt J If tmdrot
rfantnl br1, bs4 In laM
tuiy 4irotri fii It rl
trim to thm ui 14 ttU oMr
lul ririiM.
o Mercury, PoUont or DruciUird- He Cures
rV.lhout Operation, or WUhoul IUc Afd of Kntf
K9mrn la Car irrb. AMfefii,
rrrwnrm. it
rttrfMU lu nraitl'M
In III30.
"I'rlsoner," said the uisitlstrato se
verely, "you are charged with being n
intllloiialro. llovr did you uuppou to
"Your honor," responded the trem
bling ninn at th bar, "In a momriit of
ueaktivts I made book on the races."
"You'ro not Incurable," rejoined tho
rusclatrate, who at heart was not un
kind. "(Jo and reform by playing tbe
book of some other fellow. Dismissed."
Philadelphia Idi:er,
To in n I a Siiiip tt'lllinul Kloek.
8tmv tiwther for ten minutes one
on in illumine, one (inu i wni- Uih- i :: "V Tei Tmi ill
tivlelioniirill wllr mil. Inbll-StMHtnfUl rmle Hnkoeau I All l'r..l Llr
' ' . .... . .1 A OTTTJf r.ATrr!Trrj e-rrTtJt.
Hf-ee nr nlnviHt nticwtinir tentttioolirtll T k .- wwvm
pi1iK'rcorns. one ttiieMonriii cnopiHii
parsley. Ituh throtich sieve, return to
the fire nml thicken with one tnble-
spiMHiful of butter nnd one tnbleHpoon-
ful tliMir rubtil top-tiler nnd stirred In.
C'Htk flto minutes, stirring nil the time,
nml It 1 rendy to serve.
j .
1 loir ivo-ith .Imtl-r In Rf r 1 iti -T U
ms, to ael to vr .' ly. annMble pnUl Ui
or ill aninj. ordliurr krld eotk. The Ur. WU
jrttoi or
Tie rewli or II jearr1 eirer'eece. tLwfsf
re(.l.e(a teeth In Ih irovth Ifeth In rfcet, teh Im
t.eerfte. teeth In chew jomr toM u4m eeyoa
d!4 aion roer aelar) Mm Ovr tore lMonma
if 1 ea do ror entire ereea. rMi or plat
era to a dr It it 1'mlilvtlr rialet a
mln Oulf tUIl-. ae.atlSe or
Ir T. A WI- tiiif.r,aie'rlriii'lM
rlllee M1MIH4. I bin
lottRccclrcd from I'cklnf, China Safe, Sum
ir ton inr, ArMfTiJ. imvT helat.
UrovcBBBotrall. rrlielorrntiaoabUBkaA4ctrc
ntro ur.r.wu niiMufciit'DiriNncu.
CUrirrtBi . Cor llorriaw. lortUml, Orecon.
VI m, Mention Thla l'.j.r.
fcui 1 LnM rlllne M.
loeloo ruiee hanrt. A. Jt, to 1 1' M .
annl'.ir M I'i.i. nit
Ktun luualuulllilaUII,
ni Huh.
It mm-
rectiac. U pltua,
No. 44-OS
I -ITTIIIIX wrltlnt;
III tuentli.n till
to mtvsrUaora pleaao
la imper.
ptTC H VHw' ! aa4 errtnie ihmmm eeraia.
..aiU7 tsr.e ur it ! t.r- .. ,
inter. K.n.1 lot rSMUM HUllttle4 treetlw.
Dr. U. U, Kllae, L4 U Arch HI, l'hlla4alhla. l'a.
Proud rather My dsuehtrr, I stippoae,
la celling along famoualy with ber dra
matic atncllra,
I'rlnrlwil (of Ih rrhool of dratnntlc
art) I'r r; Indeed alie la. On ar
amateurs' nljlit at one of the thralrra re
cently the audience fairly went wild with
enthuataam when she atsrrrd In a little
comedy called "(letting the Hook." Chi
cago Tribune.
Mother will flrnl Mr. Wlnatovr'a RoothtDIt
yruptheUat remedr to uaolurtUalrcWWru
aurlug tho tmtlilutf rtol,
Knnimli lit AVnbo Tbetn,
"It'a wonderful," suld Dubley, "how
wldo-ntvuke the Japanese linre become
In recent years."
"Oh, If not so wonderful," nndled
thn observant man, "tthen you consider
Hint they Imvu nn earthquake i7ery
night or so In their couutry," rhlla
dulphla I'reis.
Appnllliiu llexilt.
Sadly the msriiMld regarded herself In
her mirror.
"Thla." ah asld. "Is ti penalty Im
poted by nature for the absurd effort of
my ancratrrete, age ago, to abollati
hlpa 1"
Krout which we lenrn how dncrou
It la to mr-ldle with the orderly proctaata
at evolution.
Up to Unto.
They were looking up at the latest
sk) scrapper. "Hut what ate those
things sticking out from the sides)"
asked tho upstnto friend,
"Thoso? Oh, ttionu aro tho mile
postal" answered the Now Yorker,
Jelllril Apple.
Helect tnrt niqiles. Quarter, core,
snd pare nnd sllru motlerntely tliln.
I'ut Into n baking dish In alternate
layers with granulated sugar. Cover
closely, plating n eight on top. and
bnke for thrco hours In n moderate
even. When od. turn carefully Into
n gins dish nnd chill for several hour.
Herve with n meringue on top. or with
n custnnl sauce, or with cream, n pre
ferred. Wntnul Wafer.
Two eggs, one cup brown sugar, on
fourth let el teaspoon salt, three level
tablesitoons flour, one-half level tea-
sjHxni linking powder, one cup Kngllsh
walnut in eats, broken In pieces.
Kent the egg until light, add the
sugar, then the snlt. flour, nnd biking
iowder, sifted together. Mix well nntl
ndd the nut ments, Drop from n spoon
onto buttered pans nnd bnko In a quick
t en.
fJreen Tmiinlti Sojr,
Cook together four qunrts of green
tcmntoc, six onions (tomatoes nnd
onions sliced), n quart of vlncgnr, n
pound of sugar, n half tnhlesptvinful
ench of nllsplra nnd clove nnd a tnble
sptNiuful ench of ground blnck epKr,
gnmntl mustnrd nm! salt. Stew, stirring
often, until tomntocs nnd onion nro
tender; put Into glum Jnn nnd aval.
Uetter hi two months thiin lu one.
llnnplierri- Ire.
Iloll four cupful of Writer nnd ono
nnd n half eupfuls of sugnr twenty
mlnutcx. Cixil, ndd two cupful of riuqv
berry Juice nnd two tnblenpoonfulit
lemon JuUv. Strain nnd frivze, using
thret' wirt fluoly cnishetl lev to ono
pnrt rock salt. To obtnln tho rnsp-
I lerrj' Jtthv wnsli tho berries und trt:n
through double clux-Kodoth.
I i Ifjn I 111 ul1l'ua iiill
talt'lilllJllilia D0A.V)
Get It from
your Grocer
mLi f
amf" X
2 m
rj;;; W4w, wusw -'i.A A
These splendid men's ahocs represent the best
there Is In shoe leather. Every niece of material Is of tho
olcest tannage. The workmanship Is perfect; tho styles
ore up-to-date. When It comes to service, there U nothing
that equals them In lasting qualities.
axe everything tho name implies. They nxo "built on honor."
No matter where you look, or what you pay, you will never
find anything that will outclass them In wcax, style
or comfort.
If your dealer will not supply you, wrlto to us.
Look for tho Mqycr Irada Mark on the sole.
FREE Send us tho nam of a dealer who docs not
nandlo slayer llonorbUt Shoot, and wo wuiacnd you
ireo poatpawt.a Dcautuui picture 01 ijcorge ttaaoins.
Wo alao mako Leading Ladr Shoe, 5tarths
ll'...t.l......r-.f...i.,u .M..r-t..l.ln u
. .m ,v,l .... . .... . u" u.n.
fc miun buu dpcuu eii duwvitfuv
F. Mayer Boot Cf Shoo Co.
i efM
TttairV V-f
r.VJ'rtlasW L'mw
.? YlRTCaafcaVVie-V
JertlV'.tnf .M.rrWi "m
fjff -V f m'.tTA JaF-
ni Cum U m ubjuiiJ trc
pifuy (or cough, colut, tionchiui.
Hal UWMI taaUl
hiittf uffKUont, Il goc tlil la
th k t4 th trouti k1 awietiJljr ,
tnloifhrIt)iycciftt,Ltioiii ItoiUci
c n stv ihnt chiUrcQ Wi Cur
vrtth i-wltxl coabiuc U lucu? m
Isowrii ftJ frijui from CsjtUlw.
"wyui (of UU a cMury.
At U UruggUU'. 29 cU.
Clrnpo Hotter.
fulp rlie or hnlf rlpenwl grain nnd
cook tho l'iill until soft enough to
rub through n eoluuder. Add tho skins
nml cook until tender. Add sugnr, al
lowing to ench pouihUof fruit n hnlf
jKnuid of sugar or more If tho gniiKH
nre quite greun. Cools until thick, stlr
iiig often, then can.
Plx lnrgo rlH3 tomntoes, ono largo
onion, ono green pepjxr, ono teaspoon
ful of salt, two tnblcHitoonfula of tirown
supir, one pint of vinegar; pool and
cut fine tho tomatoes, chop tluo tho
onion and iwpiwr; all snlt. sugnr nnd
vinegar; stow gently ono hour.
Short Siiuucalliiiia,
All lnrd to fry fritters and doughnuts
mus( bo Blrllug hot before putting hi
tho bntter.
Candles will burn slowly and steadily
through tho evening If they nro kept
on Ico all 'day,
To keep mold from pickles, In tho
top of each Jar or Mtle plnco n lnyer
or horse-radish roots, sliced thin.
of the
TL ll "im Quality
in the land is not
always the most costly.
28 Ounces for 23 Gents
Is the result of modern ideas. Costs
less. Does better work. You must
try it to see. Get a can on trial".
The bakingwill be vastly better,
ugnter and tastier or we pay
lor the can,
Jaques M. C.