W 1 HThe 1 luted Oepulcl JL The V V Talc of vy l'clee By Will Levingtos Comfort CjprrirM. IX r n Larlatlm Cmrt CocrritM. !. br J. B. Ltei i-K. ClIArTKIt IX. (CealtatNsU "I confess 1 cannot uaderstaad yoa dear, she said. "What eoasideratioo fe dae a cratlomaa who b readtrtd speech less by tbe accasatioa of a newspaper1 What depth is there to his freHnc for year welfare when be raabes away band lr aad remains thrtathiat the ty. white jou are, here at the foot of a harstlac to! MHO. a he pdoted eat. Yoa wM and that I am rick. Lara. Mr. Constable b not ereo a worthy actoaspsVa ta the tal sled SteaahrMce. II' It althoat tfieech or vmter. What remain kM a bu I neither brain nor hroteV Her s Ice bad not been raised, and Mr. Staoabary left the library before Ira formal as aa wer. The tertariac boar. tnwW by. The gray after-tees tnraed to datk. aad the dnsk to nlcht. Ta north wa mWeoed br Pelee's firetR cone, which the thick npor dimmed aad Marred. Tbe rata Wine were constant Lars was saSVrta to fight eat her battle altee. She asked so saorc tbaa this. A tboasand titan- she paced am, her rosm : ssrea of tWti she sV to Constable's window, strxiaJac her eye northward, alone the read throats the day aad darknrw. to the end of alt thtar tbe awaataia Code Joey came to plead with her. bof. (he brjzrd him to e away. Her brain wa a Xdd track of -ykne. tattle ajoale. la the ermtet the iateraiueat rjilar pirr araj- to a crewttox. emutaBt tod to mstM. It ara uKi Mead stream of heat? refcMe ta iooilaaj or a Hood en bridce. There was a Jaj Jo eaeh jvkie of the soaater. idaee the moa had Cee bo aao that red roar. It was ear If sMoUht when the Ctrl m the aaoer -tm heard a step f the renooi. -Uncle Jeer. he railed at the ohurt rr's door, "make haste; there is soaae bodrbelavr The Bomeats of waitis; amatted the rerjr roota of her rnwa. The rohre that he heard at last vas Dreea's. "I bee that jobTI forrfre me. Mr. Watt. for aroesias joa at this hoar, bat k U Berrsnrr for toe to hare a fro words with Miss Suatbsrr " -Sir." the piaster reoMed. -aajthtec whieh roacrma jorx4 is ot do msanat to ills Staatbarr. I! joar menase b from Mr. Coasuhte. joa ear ted him to corse hlsseif or seed a rulii.- "I disUt to appear insistent. Mr. WiH,- Breen replied, without irriutiaa. Tat I cssoot coast ay erraad acevwo plished BBtM I hare heard from Mlu Staasborr. If she thoaid refose to see "I aa cosies daws. Mr. Brera. Lara called orer the balester. "Caoi Joey. show Mr. Oreea to a sear. I'M be there a a taotDcat.- She truoed to re-etlter her room for a faraeat. Her mother'a Scare barred the opea doorway. ciur-ran x. Ceastalale had bees physically "ahort Is. his thirty years, and the exerdoot of the past four days had worn Nttie taore than the potash from his TfcaNty. Is atead of reiixiac I" the crisis of the sews paper rerelatioa. his body rishttd Bttder the whip of pride, asd be strode daws into the ctty as o&e who has sMTfwd a borden. He had bees beaten ia a battle with a woman. Dncher had come to Mrs. Suiubory's aid at the Uu mo meat. ia the shape of newspapers from the north. From Lara, howeser. sad not the mother, had com the most uipalisu: Mow of aa It was Lara who had handed him the newspaper. She did not wait, nor ash. Arewsd this stem. CotMtaMe hnik a (foom-strsetare of baronial proportions. His attiende toward Ilreea was Tory aimpiX He woaki not bsaray his root for al the sewsfinpors and police aa Chrfslendam, Harms waieod Itreon's offer ta deuH the partievUrs of hat paot. daria: the Srst nizht of aooaaintinfo. Constable certainly eooM not reproach the other for astsrepresemrjac UmsetC It was tea-thirty ia the moraans when be sent a messare oat to Captain Nesiey. CDontermaadiBX caiUex orders, sad foefan isx a eheerfol cote to Crssor. easuinin; a draft for the stipulated amoaat. At the bask he also left a second sam for Fath er Damien. and procured eoasiderab'.e ear rent paper for his own asea. His mand sored ia a fcbr, irrespanssUe Ushioa. It was as if he were obsessed at oniric in terra!, o&e after another, by mad kins who dared anytbter. and whom no one dared rrfaj. HU brain kept the rreat sorrow ia the Uckrroaad, and oerapsed itseif wkh strfkiar aninees. While aware that ia fotio: MUs Staashary and the pririlece of proteetinr her. the meaning and direction of his Hie was cone. sJU Constable did not yet sense the faMness of the rUiution. His was not a woand to beal by first intention: and in bad bans Pla assumes commaad leisarely and ia order. He planted isto a crowd la the market place, and besan to talk to the attires whimsically, bat to the purpose of start Ins tbera toward Kort de France, addts; that Father Damiea would care for them rrneroesly there. "I do not say that thu is tho last day of Saint I"ierre," he ax claimed ia French, "bot I declare to yon that if erer a planet looked aa if she were about to sprinr a kak. Mother Earth baa the symptoms localized in I'eJee" Constable's eye bad fixed upon a car rlare msslor aionr the edx of the crowd. Now he mored toward It qolti-l ire rorr Cowr-r. A rU&t ly and seired the bridle. IVtptte the pr etations of the drirer. he led the rrhleae into the reed rtew of aiL Ills fore was ed with the heat and tMse with atacn rer and perspiratioa. Alarm and merri seat miarled ia the nstiee throne. AH eye followed the tsneerfoc ftcare of the Vmeriran. now bowed Vefore the twiactnc door of the earritr and M. Mondet. This, dear friends, ConMahte rranf ed. as one weahl pre dace a raaait from a silk hat -this. ya aU perretee, l roar MttV editor of Let Cassnlot. Is he not brirht aad cfoaa and pretty? He eery fond of Ameriraa hamor. Sec how the ttttle edrtor laochsr The Frenchman was realty afraid. Ills tmBe was yeDowish-cray and of sickly ontoar. lib attMe reUriie to the Amer ran appnlrd to him now, entirely strip ped of the hamor with which K was fraarwt yesterday, as he compmed It In the hwer of inner office. This dnwn f mckUnr French and rrfl' Kia4 waahl stop at asthmr. M. Mondet pte tarrd hiauNdf besar picked ap for dead presently. As the blew did not fall kv taataneoay, he amended the pirtare with the sorry thoncht that he was la be played with before Wave despatched. This is the Ihtle man who tests yoa hat Saint Fterrr is in no dosvrer who scoffs at these who hare already te." Constable Informed his hearers, sow hold '.C ap the Frenchman's arm, at a referee anrafee the xbip of a wiaasac nchter "He says there is no more peril from Tetee than from aa old man shaksar ash at of Us pipe. Yesterday I pese .1 to wacvr my snip afaint M. MoaaVt's rolled- top) desk that he was wrone. bat there was a dWcaky la the ay. IV yoa not see. dear friends, that if I won the warer. I shoohl not be able to dMhrwaish be tween M. Meadet's roOrd-top dek tnd M. Mandi't's cat arftte ee la the ratsss of Saint llerrr? Yoa woahl not think that sach a imitl white peetoa roahl contain so marh paisoa. There had been a steady rrewfoar from the meant! in. -Ahr Constable saddenly eicialmed. -reice speaks tjaia! lto, cet la therer CoastabtVs trrstatfoa aralnst the entire tribe of edstorisl apinl'Q breeders mast hare foand aa instant rent at irst, M. Mesdet was chocked Mke a Urre soft handle lata the seat of bis csrrlire aad the door slammed foreJaty. corkiax the rials of his wrath. Ia any of the red blooded aones, a stranser who performed sach tatirs at the exfnse of a portly and respected eJtin srwaai hare ncoaa tered a oaietat oatrk aad bUstiax. bat the people of Marrmltac are not swift to taxer nor forward at reprisals. -Comer Constable yetted, tat a roire which jerked ap his hearers. Vho has ne for aty offer? Who roes ta Fort de France TT A few came forward, perhaps a dosen in ast, oat of the arty or sixty who had listened. Half m. aaer. half in admira tion, which he dad not seek to ondentaad. he ran his eye a last time over the dasty. hacrd. stated crowd which he had failed ta From their eyes, saBea. startled aad pstiioi. he i It need beyond so the place where old Vostaa lay. maturing his as oeees. The sifht wpliled the fireast of readtnr Taataxr. made him thick of Lara. With facie teal he a-tppli I the work at hand, forced his way oat of the crowd. cconid the Kosetaae and harried toward the Hotel des Palms. Ills phpsstsU en ercy aa iam iri tan, hat the aamham of hi scalp was a procnaat warnitkr xmtt the perils of boat. The city was isieat easoach ta act lAe a rase toandinc board. Yoseos ranched him from far bshind. from the harbor front to the Isft, from shot ehops and hsane ussyhsis. At the hotei. after mach asmralty. he proenred (Btdes aad a fill oattst for the araiy ta the sum ait of the miantam. It was after mid day whoa the party rode nsao Morn Koapt. The na banc raiJry was behtnd, and Constable drank dispAy of the dean oast aind from the Atioafir. There was a rash of bsttomeM, too. W raase Lara was not sharsss the prswdo rohtmes of san-lit rtattny. AH the im petas of his mad enterprise was nmied now to tara the tasM of breasem-nc aad force it Into the bachrrinnl tjala. The party poshed throash Ajaapa KoasV lion to the rrre of the I'tittM. the north wtrd bank of srhkh marked the chilli trail to the nmmit. And now they mooed npward ia the midst of the oof clary of MittWox. The brisk Trades htowwc esessiy in the bateau wiped the oastora saope of the nmaasuin dear of Utai dait and whinswd the bias of larphar down into the rsjley toward the shore. Ore takes of cane ftfled the TtBeys lehiad. and craves of emoa-paim. so distant and so orderly that they looked Hke a city tardea set with hen and chick ens. Northward, throach the rifts, cttstened the sas, tlerl loae and aoat Before them arose the bore, rrnoi tiid mas of the moaauln. hs corona dim with smoke and lathed by storm. Down la the soathwest Uy the chastly iaH, the hiddec, tortared dty. tranced nnder the eobrt-bead of the monster and already laved in ha poison. The trail became fery steep at two thousand feet, aad thu fart, tocethe r with the bark-thresh of the sssmtt durarb aace, forced Constable to abtndoa the inimtlt. It trasspirtd that fear of the sciea cttirea frit it their daty, at tiis ! potat. ta stay beb'nd with the tuqSa. A little Uter wfcea tbe c"st!.jic fna tht prone urturoed face of tbe treat beatt . saddeaty nw to a rr that twisted tht aesh aad wtlraced tbe peases ot tut, ! the American Vokrd back and twond that ! only one natue a fatterlnc behind, in stead of three. Fascsaatioa for tbe djtac Thiac Iwi hold of him now, and drew him oa. Con stable was roasdoas of no fear for his life, bat of a ated terror )rt he shoald prore physirallr anobto to co oa ta the end. He foand hiassett tearbsc ap a haadkerchlef and sraasne the shreds In a eon. ta aiaoin ine nasi at Ttaraisoav Ita the line renatiatnr. be nUed bis Many pat sVT svtlc the brwM f-ws ""i ".IC.M '" I - !. ' irhlrh they nee ftr nndlns nett year tarssneT ' " t"' tM or Mrht at brol "TaTtTtaadc dasoesW nlaeoaod Was ... i15 ,,,JX Wl V ,, " "" He reeelbT-1 H KrlM " thne. He did not realise that he wa "!v " 'fe1 J M,V alone, bat knew well from tbe rontoar "11 ' wal rwd breeaor I bdlee of the sosfw. teamed mtimaKdy ia past ' krTC Tr al. the okl sows which TiUts, that be was neartac the Ic de ,aaT proTetl x mothers aasl wbe llmMs. which marled the Msaaait leret fl3 are thrifty. N U "o'11 which Vet chance, tiotint Chans!. . were etocy (iac his llttt r deslntWe breler. erideared. The ihuamtr of ine in was saseored with a crast of crtstshydrT-hlrwS: . "! '" Piayiau apoa tbe paste formed of stone- ,? ! T- T.vtT -, and ci.ii. I Meaas, Tbe dtrklnc I trl sowis. and the chicken oat whir. Hke the dtp of m. heard at "" rnT old w tkrtt Is rclly katerraK arraanted for the scars, llosahs r ttmhor Many of thee oW -hti of rock were beinc barled from the creat wH.b? slowtt ta almost ,! at! bow. labe. JKat m Mac that they hare cirea their That be was ia the ranee of a raklac llttrtu a mlcaty rm) start, ami rl Twirana are tM not impresv this islf, a tMr ttHm ra omditiiwi dinrkai : ta the board ofa dan, t'trti,. TW seievtion of Ihe ywsne r.'"?.' JlJl3ri-Tj ml .""" - M",r proWom t net "TT.TT A!, TTLi LsT 3 ptrk for -battor-balls.- TWy d- of the msnilir. Oat of the oM bvke eossr 1 . . .. . i the fanoas towr of steam and rock-da "' kWer, and wharh ma.htw.m.d in hlch air. IRe the '' ""' '- " " primal nehssbe from which the worlds I" adltloav Take the rather srere made. Iocke of en exploded la -at. thrifty ones, cnatrnc from Me the beitnt. roamsne the periphery as the Ihtrn aasl from mothers which yoa tsv seil of the n mal i was reat. Only this lend to Letav I. C. H ia the InvltnsM to see. bat sossasis not meant far the ears tartaer. of man, I mndi sraich nsnwd ta saw his I etroli in twain the thaasWrinc eacinsi rr mA IVa lor n. of the patssot. j The otra I aW easily hansUe.) by The rocky rim of the lobe was hot la mltlSK with a earn btnsler and slnc a his baasis aad knee, bat be roahl not r sflassr eat tor of a latlHwit r-ity t back. A thincht fat his brain held him trr44 tbe aece-wtty of cwttlmr barel. ttaere wtta taruitnc tants,--tne some ' , . 1 tifi TTT!I!ai .iTL JTT lassocsK wasra be stood at iZiL. - -- -s- liiMTZll - ' - ISm. I w.. .al. m mI, w. lms.-o.stj. -Hid eeor a maa dac a lire TaltaaaT IMd eeer sabjoitl iiaiai coo- ceiee of corraptinc sach ma-Hy of force with his prcmy parposer The Irreeereat aairy rsehted the halanres. There he lay. sprawled at the ede at the aaieersal msstery. at the secret en - trance ta the chamber of ana's d-nt- mo. The odje of the pit ook with the Z.r2Z? bomb, of roek canted oat from sheer weteat aad fell behind bom. That which he ttmtriihalfi aitnoach bis eyes saw only the cray thanderia: eatactysai-wst never before inu lined m tbe mind of man. The cray bUrkeaed. The roar dwln ated. and hi senses reeled. With a rash of salrra the Mnen dropped from his opea atooTa. s.ooesawe w. pr- ! .w was a capiat ta ,k"n- ' " eoahl feel the air bsowia: in aad oat. cold and colder. He tried la Wt ha haasit ta roeer the oetMstiee woand. bat they rrofd in rain for hi bead. With the key draachts of air. he seemed la bear, fatncly. his name folHac apoa the bared raarima. -I'eter! Teter Onttahier He strained his face toward the soana. Tbe lower part of hi body woald not nsoee. He was aacnapliJ. Hke a beast whsw spine Is broke-a. -Fotor! Oh. I'etor Constable T he heard a taaa. I To he csartaa'l.) llasllsk lloe .Noose. Honsv owner are intsigtlmit rather aatfartjssmtw la their siectiooi of nasnes far tttatr ahnloa. awl ha imhssrbia hoow naminac Is ora4olly raUwr ladirrott. Thms Tho Map- hns mrrer a ana pia siaasr. TW Ko-ary" only extet it Imarlrimt n "SaTawyrsatW- it tho smeK dtproi itoc rina rrtleww. nasi hoasxt aamtil actor ta Kawihth kaa. a snow imisiiiT Its laka aastrvct than FleiK tifwot jwb tfcw HoUtbr HoaJasrn TW Atado-ion srorsl -hryrst. ts nifytnc a forswt or wood, has Itcoaar -Ismrst' in hoax ominc. aad -wawd" tnd -hair hare the soase m maras. AH hoox aaasos oasstas with Usc leraai aatsens are pretty aad awt ansafc to It la tarioai ta ante that la Hastteja. aad SC Isaaratt ssMc a a ami r of hoosMrs haw tynieaily Saxoa aaavrs, perisapa ta ,. usirotc tar ert-at .ai oa tMs-ar of waach the aaawe llnsOaj It Poles of the north. The drcfo of the oarth's sWDj raw Hon lit axis i-dar the ensatwst at Use maniac, the tusni ' natal siwat ac tion tborc of the taavtrtf asai farcr dar ia; the period whoa tar earth wot a tieatWas nna art da cm! a bstlsiar swat ' the sasrfocc la th esasorlal rrjion, with a unam-anaf aatloalaf at the frtsW, Taa we aarr aa adriabe sphe roid, with the foaxia of the ail of the jot tMK tweaty-rtc aad a half alJ lets taaa the eaatriil dtaawetrr. Leek Mlsht Qoollllea. Mr. HU Mra. Jabe strike aa as Uiax wstfrr etfae tt a Mra. Dix Te. laVl Why. ertTT tfc&e tbe hat an arhe or Jt!n tint asakrt aa ruora fata aboet It a a mxa woc-i aiti Wtxkl I select lirw4 s.vi. S-nse s-te lltti r lock Haralna awl m iiiMr i ---- Ar wfcr ,, ,, e,ny tnfeselesl II mnfa'.ns nest rorn s lany tns-seiei nrnii tn f"""0 ,rT "' lot" whon the ears are fuMr rfaaesl ' la matatilr the " ,,l-L Keewcw. of the ct fsf te flllC "ore kept by the Illinois xpertmeW station on tra dlffermt farm asnl the c-t was foatwl to ranee rrosn 40 to T reals a ton. the arerace Seine M rents a ton. 1 -rfeat tllac shosjW V"-ep well the corn 4,,, pot ,, rM, , mntt of tWf krr Btft an. tltIr,, twi ,f Mp, ' " --M sarie.gy etHl to I"- V Cam r-esns ta t the &- slncfo crop for the sll. ami by nitnbitiiac It wllb row pra or s.y beaas the fcesUac rarae Is cmttrr ton for ton than of crn alone Of 373 JMHararlnns m4r belwtra sllac and 'aon-slttce tnltk. rtJ per rent were te fjiror ,, th, ,Wtrr ijj. ;., ,,r pj . ,. flTOf ,, mtm.a!r:r tml u p.r -rat tedirated no preferrarr. tleslratale rBllrr llaa.e. One of the best arrancementa for ac-sts whk-ti caa W ofe wttht est- Is line the retnalninc aussse It shown la the pirtare. The nest J a directly tat the haylne bed aad a tleht lid oltl t-p Iheta Jwrfectly dry In all ttatli of woothor. I'aras mmmri lllaker. One talnj that wuj rut cssashforsvake tee la the tbr an 1' Ulan : Tao asna srno hat beoa staslylae tho buoks aad jpm.4 farm pa-r. aad kept ap with the prtf-lna ia arw way of doiac thiaxs rW aad that he hat a bettor crip aa bit eb thaa the taaa who hat aot. Maay a asaa has kept Ma fmi tfoa been ate ho hot taken an latorcst la hit work aad hat leanteal how ta farm acoordtne t malera tBethott whea other men emsld hare been hired hi hi place for oao-talrd lesa wap Thore is a doafct that the tuadanl of farm labor l swttlas lata a hlcaor notch eeery year, aad we hare rot ta battle aad Para aboat thtssc by reavd tae bushs. med farm tstptsr aad at lomliae the lastltatoa. Cot the IssWfior 'or rtsndiac. Uryt. Core tr eep Killer, Aa Ohio fortnor. after sawftlac the Joet af an his neichWr of kllMas Ut ihera. aaaUy ditaoTereJ that tae mar lerer wm aU awa prize callie. At tbe laiasal it very s-alaahle the farmer ! 1M aot kiM btsa, bat aabected bim to rnaliamtnr which he Udleres hat thoroachlr rami bim of his kiltlae tcvfttaUU. BTery -aoralae the doj it ftUrrd la a tread mill which oper ttrs the farai rh-ars. wash-la asarhlaa aad wber tiiillUra, with a tbp pelt banc direct." !a frost of biro, and be Is c;Ucl to work all day leer la tnit I HUl' MT O.f THE Ot-TSlr. I rsltln. rV krt-n l tl A' crl'l over lli punishment llutt lie lnw! ami i-r'r hrn he I p)iioM In the j tmitmlil. and It l mivry U nMiflii him wrefBlly t prctnit hi nimiiMt nway. Oar day he was set tn wrl. and the sheen pVdt was owltlrst Th iW was so oterjosol that he shmtnl etery wsnlfrstatiwt f Heasviro l worknl Tlrrnsly all day. Imt nn the next day when he went to w-wrk ami fotsMd bis itsM ratddnc tlie ell y crirf ws Hacssntrolhibl't. ! at feeJIna. From etretre of feeder at lb' eipetlmesU stations the H lrne with crfo wvl ttol'l '"'" " obi. whew It has reached the maximum After that the cli rtrHrf a ltrr amoaBt of crala rl3ce a Hron amossnt nf pork, and I bey idstttsM be fsttrsenl and dHst of Oae bwshW of rm ma.lc thlrletm and one-third mmi of rk at sonalh nhi. at malb tdd ntw baswoi mode ULX poansis, ar.1 nt S mottlk-s ostl one basbei made lid lusunls, Whlie there are rarylnc CMswlitbia that hate their laaaetwr' spw I be amoaat nf rain matK It U a restertl principle that after d or rawMttb the a motto t of cola from a btuhel of nr l s decrssasinc scale, awl It has hewn domwcsstraliol srala and train that the arrt handred pntsatlt rusts less than be secosMt. and the third ks than the foarth handrtil. and that to prod the fasHth hsMsdresI Ism often csst dtsttbte as mah at the serosal haa 4ml. Mteel leeM fr liar. The pirtare ."saw a new style ot frame for bonis. It Is mode entirely aia.t ratui or siut of strrl Meaty .,snks are a!tnl . n j t the frarur-s, roi wh'eb arv nailed tbe txf aad smIiDX as la ordinary barna. i;learala .Ymusrr la Plaal 1.1 fa. One acre of suit of amllam fertility take to depth of H laebes, wvtjld welch abutit WsMss rsansls, ami enutn nltroeiat. a) raHtnds; potash. Un) potinil. There Is enoach nltrocra ta prorMe for ten rrxps of cwrn. sixty bashels fa the acre, while the phut ptmric adl anil potash wsNttd It it mach lancer There are foartma cte mcatt nemaary ta plant life, and of throe cartas, hyilrorea. Rltroeea. oxy cen, plssnrii, swlphar. ebbsrine. tll enn. eaMaat. Iran, macaestata. rasta slam and ssadiam are deritrd from the 4I. thoach seTcral are also la part tterlml from the air. TV Ileal :. There Is a etsitantly crwwiac de matal for ere that are tutb uniform la In- and raVir. Sach essa. while not drasandeil. arc reaerally the first sc lertrd tail, all other thlar brine rvra. they will il more readily AUmt the oaly way one ran Jadce of rexs offhand Is by their aptwranrr, and If all are anlfnrm la rulor aad site they will be arore likely ta oisnotaod a better price. Take a ay , tna. It's; a iPJ plan to stretch oat tot the or tho eras at auta aad take a nap. If It Is only flea or afteea mln-ats-t It will roaat btc m the A? work. I. yoar adehhor rash oat l tho add If he cat; ywj wUI beat aha aa the son' work by takiac care of yaar atraasth. .Kale frnat tae llatry, IU4 eroam will bevr make rtl batter. Creara left am the mNk too Urns will ret hitttT ami raarhl Aa a rate ehuralac It pat off too lane I " winter tltae. In the perfect creamery the anlmtl heat ami odor are cot rM of at s..i at poMihie. The s,'.ner milk It set la a'rsail place ready for the cream ta rise the mre rrram there will be. .Not oaly tbe ftaror. but the keetdnc fsaallty of batter It lajrl by kivp Use the crwtm aattl lis ret rcry sur L'te oaly salt that 1 flae In qaalliy aad crtla for batter. If the Mil it txt wdl mlxM throueti the bailor It will crystallite on tbe (Hit tide ami probably make tho batter ttreakfsL MUk pan J PaU all the better far a cood taith la a tweet, airy pUc after harkte bcea watheil, tcald c) aad drloL Th crcaw it thould hare Ita con tcttt ttlrrcd etery day at Icatt. atI Trry time nx rrcam it added. Tblt lurarea an cren rlpenloz and better duality of batter. !i 1 Olaatalts aiaakloil oa Ik laeraata, C(itUtlitloll of (Ictrettr Iticrrsse,! largely In the I tillttl Htnlrs Uiirluc t'i, last flst-al fwr riiiUil June 3U, I; us, acevrillnc to the irellinliiry aiinutl tatntient of Internal rereinie rc.-elitv Tobsrm reienucs irnerally frll oj ln publlr siimkUic fewer rlctra llian r prrtrdluc year, ttklnc leaa antif? tb rhewltic tesa Hut wore cigarettes gf II kinds wet tiseit. Ia tdrlts were used than In In;, th heaviest falling off being In tht spirit dlttllleil from grain, the rere. Due n which declined nrer lli,isl.(rt. This would Imilrato large decline 'a whisky consumption. The lvr bail, tiess, lioweter, cotlnuel ta grow Ut spite of the drprribn The total decrea In Internal res, rue. tt rnmpareit with the prercdlii( Oical yetr. w mini 072 Orlala al the (aalaea, ljmetMa I doa'l car UMch for ( RMbile ridtag Oaradalfti I sappese Ml. lb rit.f. fewr rsa't nuasc lb assrhlas oiik sat land. Caaeeralaa Mrs. Mrs. 04solWbst Miulsrtkfl Ui Mft. Jj derite flow lr aw salsrno Mlef I esier see bar rkiiot In It Ml Capsicum- She Isn't derltlag ia; sstlsfsrtloa from H now Th Hooodln ban UMcht t aaar oo. t'laaa saarlr. The followlne extrort from a irttrr of thanks Is rbertsbot by Its rrvlflefll Tbe beaatlfnl Hrwk yutt seat us rataa la perfect cumin fow. ami Is In the parlor oa top of the bk sbeltra, where we hope la see ni .n tn. yar hatbaad, also. If be can mtv It rwatralent. Taa Allraellie. tr. JeaiM-r I )-- -tleitiat resdy la met nla Why. yoa last ate ahea yoa ranted Ibeae sptrtssants Ibtt Ibey lb most desirable bsj tier orapisd. Mrs. Halldaas. Holme Ye, they trs lb together loo deaietbla Tby hate b-a eateted by barrsttt lie litses sine as moid MMo Ihem. Tfcs Hnala'a llpllark. The two llltie grand daachters of Ir . Weir Mltchetl were showing a new Cniernest their treasare of boose and Cardrn, llehlnd a but hedc they paused. This Is the pl re where our btrdt tr burled.- nM one of the rhtldrea At the head of a tiny trs wtt pll ed t white Nll I'rlalesi oo It la r rrraltr chtrartert with a letd pocV were tbeae wordt 'Here II our Itoblm. on t auk old. ooo only tu ege " Llpp" rott't ."lest la Orsler. "We matt do tametbia ta prrrt th tr-rsr" exdalmeil the tiHnmer Utrder "U'Jt " amawa..! I',na, t,rlnal wete been prserrln tomatiw an I waieiuinui riaua an i nrijinicij else I don't see why we bMiM draw th lis at trr-." Wtthifcctoa Httr larsalaaiaJ. "U.t tlBM I hH sbaat Kit Stlts Bwrhorn k ast fi4 lo a yoasg ana sk M II I aka resort lis lt( did lb eatsgaaseat IsstT Threa dty. I betiss T.a lit yootg a-a Vra to laiii oo their satrrjlst" -WBr -WU. It wst Bear lbs tad af Ikt ts son. tod th nsrrlrd him." Aa Osarra lJ Phllasaoher. "Aeiap cnuldu't bat boeo to try wIm after all." -Nor -Of ewtirs nat If he bid been bt oner woahl hat ttd his birtbrlxbt for that u of pottac." Kaastt Cliy Time. neeeads, Cta a m got a rood btrcala la t firm la tblt noighhorhoodr "Want to bay ooit" -Yes. "Know taytblBc tboat th ftrsw tronsd ktiiT -No." -Cta yoa pty ttthTT "Yes." -Welt, yoa ran ft some tplmdld btr galai If yoall offer Jt alaxit eae-tblrd af lbs price ikM'tl ak yoa." Habitual Constipation piVSOiwt effort Sltll lllO OSMstiUKO of llw w Iruly bi'iirjinnl lo)Tut irmrtK, LS)rui 'i4 Ti oivl Uuir VA vsliirTi t'tiiidleK oiiiatu(iwm nR' liulit-i tidily so tlait QSS.trtncA to no turu inoy (Jo rxultmljt tliixitclanUi vlicn itoloiijViT hcvhIwI o.Uiclostof atnlcs,ttluii nijaiivit, atvto asMst noTun1 tin J not to iumJnnt tin? notur. liincttonilsa)ui')i must t.jtvnJ wlti llUttclw iiikmi tv-niior tauris.nnuMU. jlojM iti liouojicial cjjocls, Ola0 ' Jll' I III.- 'Illlllll- bwupFflLluirSctuia L wijiturl j the California Pig Syrup Co. ohiy sou) by all leading j3ruqcists en iut only, rvgutor pnot 50f f iiottU., i t jr&snrsKbZaJ i