' T , , ,..,.. . . . -- - P- "TT " T " i '" - - ---- , The Stcanding and Irrevocable Policy of I THE BIG STORE ON THE CO 9J ,.. M.MMMMM.M. - .- ) 16 shall always bo my aim to ho known as a thoroughly reliable Vftcrchantj -that my goods shall bo known as absolutely dependable . -ft . that, my prices shall be known as just. To that end I say to all my patrons, present and prospective: If at any time, Tor any rson wh&tloever', yq& are dissatisfied With a purchase made at my sWre, return the goods iA khe same condition you received them art! I will exchange them oi refund purchase price. A. M. LARA, Proprietor of The Big Store on the Corner. That my goods ARE depondumo and my prices just I ask you to look over the following lists: j il ! ifiwMiiiwmi mm iiiiiniinniiimuniiiiiniiiiin inimmni nitntnimui m wiihiiim miwinuiiiinii iukiiiiiiii Tin I DRY GOODS AND FURNISHINGS OUTING I'l.AXN'KI. 3j in. wide, ex- ft tra heavy, .io dill patterns, pr yd vC CM. ICOKS. standard cloth, Indioes, guis. i ImctM. light blue. ( 1 "$ per yard SivC SIl.KOI.IIk .tfiin. wide, plain color- nml luncy print, jukt the thin; for ij'j I cotnfortcri, per yard w H "&C CAMBRIC DRHSS LIMING, kill finish brnnn, blue, drnb. blnqk-ppcr yatd. LAIHIvS UNDIiRtt KAK. V.wa til), (?;u hruvv noft fleece, Mrr garment .J? I.iMMlvH UNDKRWKAR. same a tJ lUjvc but .inttch heavier, per garment-. "Jv J DI Ktf JJNDKRWKAR, jetsey 1 1 C lit V -' r ..) 5c K00d 20c 30c rib, light weight wool, pcrgnrm' LADIKS IIOS1C, fl:ecc lined, nml heuvy, all Nicj. jwr pjir . I.ADIHS IIOSK, scatulcvt cashmere, not too heavy hut warm jk.t jwir ... COATS' TIIKKAI) nil iijwj. black Vn uud white .j sMah for 'JC COTTON III.ANKKTS. Gernirui J.nv3k 2X7H luetic, white, rny or tun, fr ? i j t .-rfycr pilr .,..." lA)53, !isr 1" aft wmtTmw GROCERIES. 'Iho following prices are I'liutcil from the 'r.!Riieit nml beat grocery deport inentiln tb county. "I'lli-PHK'NIH) STOCK" IS All SOLU IliUV Till; Itl-ST CANNIil) (101)1)15 OW 11112 MAKKliT AND OUAUANt Jili.) SOLID PACK. Preferred Stock Apru-ot 40c " lUttlctt Tear .we " " MiiKtit Grapcti 30c " Strawberries 30c ' Yellow Peaches "5c SuceatfCsh 2?c " Sujierfinc 1'cnn fiSc vtnivi .mv(iim - .. " 'Lorn romatcv. K.Uu Jundard Apricots " " Pears " Uuspberrici I'eachci " " Toiuatoe (. Irltlutf Com Si'Klr '. "' ''"' c.ixwl Colfii'.jtcr Jl IIikIi r.rmlc ColIc iwr Hi. luliun t'runr ixtlli. II Utl lc, lb. 15c Hrled IVjcIim ISc I)tll l'cim. ir Id. 15c Himl Aprieut 1 IIm. lot .15c FOR THE MEf. I 50c 11V 25c 30c 25c 30c 25c 2oc 15c 11.00 lie .15c 10; hnlAl , vtt.'Mnalts UNDKUWKAIt. heavy lib fleeced, a rtRti- lur (toe Knrmeiit, my price is only cr xarmeut UNI)KKWKAK, Ifyinc lseccc lined, ex tra heavy, worth 75c, tny price per n garment, only QUk UNKRVnAn. Sanitary Wool. . t lc medium weight, per arwent pilO COTTON SOX. extra licavy, blue nrd Rray mixed, the never- - p f v 9Cr wear-out kind S. TO! Z,OC CASII.MKR1S HOSU, soft and warm. Oxford or camels hair, per pair.. . CASII.MKRI? UOSIi same as alwvc j( full fashioned, "the bht," jier pair.... OUC PANTS, heavy cottouadc, n good 4 rf work pant, splendid value, per pair Pi.Uv PANTS, same as above but better t o--fpislity and worth the money pcrpr. Pl.JO GI.OVHS, genuine pit: &kin, extra licayy and well !cwcd, an excellent glove for frfl rough work, jer jwir OUC GI.OVHS, Salamander tan, a good -ft driving glove, tough and durahlc.prrjpr. 20c 60c tuttm ttya4rifcJMriA'rwM'iMjwffcTiMfT tmMwm Special for Sat-urday, Monday. and Tuesday Only 1 GOOD HEAVY WORK SHIRT, fancy cheviots and drill, all iizes and n large line of pattern to select from. The regular priie of thce shirts H 50 ,uid 60c. On SATlUPA, MONDAY find TUESDAY ONLY I will nvll these fhirts for ... . m ch MiMmnutuiuk'uiiiiiMiiuUUnuiuuuuiuuHiuuYAuuiimniniuwn4MKiiuwnnniiunntnuuuiuiiiuiu.u Come in ami look around get aciuaiutel unit my Mock and m prun Ytti will receive tourUous treatment whether you buy or not. A M .i; 7 ' , -mtmri Try rTU'ifcn''aJMXX&V'ilVMl&VlVft.AV1Vn'IVll'V& . 6END, OREGON ,. AT A LITTLE LESS." rA -M'''' ''' . tH'MM'liHl'.M'' I ft MM MM LOCAL 1JITS. ' ' tlcoiifc Q'Nei) hucut a few days in Ueud durhiK lit week. J. A. lloyd has accepted a potl (ton in the A. M. Lara ktore. 1 II. V. Jones of Redmond trans n:tcd business in lleml Vtineday. TowiiHhip plats fur tale at this aiTi'.Ht, two hlxeu, 3; ' and( C Inchw 8imrc. Perhaps your ndvertittug would bi "good" entufgh if it wre er KiUeut enough. Pilot also Imucmndc mtucc meat. 3.V3& Two tons of coajaml foot warm ers at John Legal'... Jut the thing for driving in cold wontuar. Mr. and Mis'.'iuunk West wei'e callers! - it Htiul Tucday ami Wednesday fio:u their ranch on the Upjicr river. Now is the tiitie to lay In your tViiitcr'a supply bf apple.!. We have them four varietio at $2.75 n box Khm.jcv iSc AMUMIKiK. 3Jlf luoah bread for mile at the lluttu Inn, baked xivcry dayi To know what are the best. lr.; Kniiim to lie had In the stoics of lleiid this week as yon may know by reading the u!. to knowledge worth having. Mrs. G. WIlall was a vitor in town Wedneaday from their farm at Pleasant Ridge. While hetchhe wan the Kttttft of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. I.nwaon. W. M. llotiiton was in'jown TueMlay from his ranch asjt of Ikiul. Mr. lioustou la a recent comer to these parts wlio hau come to stay ritli us and make his home here. , The ladies of Uei;d cleared an even $52.23 at their wild duck din ner last Tuesday. This will' be spent in installing gas lights in the church, and in purchasing new .song book, ' iI am now agent fev, the Del.aval crsum separator, ana nave one 01 these machines in Moc'r Sup in onU examine it. They ate n great convenience and money saver for the dairyman. 15. A. Satiii'k. attf ' ft, I). Pcrcival has moved intg j will move into it with his family 1.1... r.... ..f .1... ...... n. Tiin....r ft lie lliny ui iiiw iiiuiiiii 1 iuiicci Arthqr Page came down from lkuif last Priday atteritoon, and is spciKiiu,; several, diy in Madras with Robert iRea. -Mr. Page was trausitmaiv in the? Central Oregon surveying m-.ty which ran the line between this rlace and llend. Malras Pioneer. mm i KM sty B KffM,i8,.(KtOtlJnL. k' A C. I.ticas left for Shaniko J his. new house in Madras oddition, Monday wheic lit wont to mcctjMn. M. H, Percival's cottace, Mrs. I.ucas, who is returning from .which ho has been occupying, has 1 visit to the old home in NebrasknJbccn rcited to I'rank Jilair, who nv KSx. tff casTO'J tOjB Nellie II Ltr!.Jt-,l U rr.-?jrJ tfn$ny lor i icj.ioii:.irciiicnani ranchmen. It is a powerful ami pcr.c (rllng liniment, a rcmsJy Icrcmeutn ik. A roo(l)fn)? ci.;' rocrthn lor t!. .!ltl ol pjln. nJ the bat tl.V.mer.t fur ipralni nJ soreness.' UncqicU'd lor ciuinz nt ot.Js nj usuries 01 BARIIOD WIRE aril lur liealmx cuts, nbra3loii3, sorcj and bruhes I'sc'llc Horse Liniment i fully r.ucrcntcei). No other Is 0 cnod cr helpful la so ninny wo) s, II It Mils to sntisly, w c aulhorlto all dealers to relunJ the p:ircn.-.e price. Mrs. Will Mates is enjoying a visit from her father, K. W. Taj lor, and h sinter, who arrived from Mitchell last Sunday. Th!s is Mr. Taylor's first vUit to Usui! and he is very well pleawd with our coun try and bclicxes we b.-.ve a great future before us. The bo,of the town played the nsu.'.l pranks S.iUmUy night Hal lowceu. WlnU .a st of their fun was of the harmless, nature, yet some ptoperty was datuttged. That's bad. Uoys will be Loya and must 1 have their fun, but boys should also respect the propertyof others. Steve Stcidl met with au accident on the night of Halloween that has made a cripple ot hiin for a few days. While out having the usual fun with the boys he felt" onto a log in such n manner as to nearly tear the knee cap from his left kuee. As the result he has a terribly stiff leg. Next Sunday is the one regular ly assigned to Rev. Mitchell to preach in Bend, but he has kindly given way to the Methodists in or der that they may hold services v cit uui .ami tint ccnti HOYT Chcmical Co. PenTHAe, Cue x'iu ' IKUU ''nookicr COStVjvj Mr and Mrs. J. A. Boyd have moved into the rooms in the Chap man building. Some people who have never been m your store before will visit it this week if your ad. is right. Mr. and Mrs. A. I). Morrill hate moved to "fiend from their Powell Buttcfi ranch in order that the chil dren may attend school. Mr. and Mrs. 15. A Griflltij arc enjoying a visit from Mrs. Griffin's cousin, A. I". Sliirematin and his wife, of Victor, Idaho. Mrs. C. M. kcdfield who is here on a visit with her parents, is re covering from a severe attack of loiisilitis. Mrs. Kcdfield was con fined to her bed for ten days. Condon Times. Quarterly conference of the M. Ii. church will be held in Bend on Saturday at 7:30 p. rtt.., with Pre siding Hlder Skiptvorth presiding A number of Redmond people will be present for whom the Bend peo ple will furnish entertainment. ' The I.adics' Annex has bought r. large library of standard fiction'! and installed it in the P. A. A. C. reception room. The library con sists of nearly 100 volumes of choice literature that will aid many club members to while away a tedious hour occasionally. The list of oooks will be printed next week. Princville Review. Mrs. A. M. Lara started this morning to drive to. Shaniko accom panied by Muy Mariau Myers and Miss Iva Wca't. MisJ Myers will return to her home al San Francisco- and Mis West will go to Portland to continue her musical studies Mrs. Lara will be accompanied home by Mr. Lara's father of Seattle, who will make a short visit in Bend. S. C. Graves, editor of she Bo nanza Bulletin, and Ed. Need j passed through Bend Saturday on their way to Princville. These men were taking a trip through these parts chiefly to sec what kind of a country we have, and they were well plbaled with what they saw. Mr. Graces is a brother of Chas. Graves, of CrccceM, and vis ited with his brother for a short lime on his way north. The Bul letin acknowledges a pleasant call from these gentlemen. ! r lends and neighbors to the number of about fifteen gathered, on their owa invitation at the home of Mr, and Mrs. K. W. R'ch ardsou cast of Bend last Friday, and tendered their host and host ess a most pleasant surnrise in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Richardson's 25th wedding anniversary. The evening was pleasantly spent in various forms of amusement, Mr. and Mrs.. Richardson were duely reminded that they had reached the 55th mile stouc since they had be gun to travel the journey of life to gether, and, as usual, everyone en joyed n very pleasant eveniug. t Ramsey Beusou, a brother of our townsman, Attorney C. S. Benson, has recently written a novel entitled, "A Lord oi Lauds," which is a very interesting story. It pictures the experiences of 1 j families who weie living in a city ami just bare ly making a llviug. Finally one of them thought of a plan whereby these people qhould buy a section of laud near at gpbdly sized city, divide it between' tlicm, and take up farm life. .This, fhey did. Their houses wers built in the center of the section, end with each house five acres were reserved to be used as a garden, for yards, etc , the re maining 35 acres of each farm to be devoted to general farming. This made n miniature town, and helped impart a rarm toftm;,, fault and puihto It a ptrftct an to baut. fratfttci, tallowncit ana tmrtrftet tlpntef lh. ,kln? . a d"tnf, met so ct ocirT rmt at duomt HortCHCMicALCo , Portland. on- grcatly to do away with the loue someness of farni life. The stcry pictures the ups and downs of this band of city farmers, but they hid pluck and nerve and finally nvon out and paid off (lie mortgages on their farms. And their ll.es were so much fuller and better than they would have been in the crowded dirty city. We Thank You. ? The ladies who had in charge the "came dinner" if last Tuesday arc very much gratified with the pat ronage afforded them. We espec iatly wish to thank the business men of Bend for their liberal dona tions and also the numerous ladies of the town who contributed so "onerously end who wcrlied so faithfully to made the event a suc cess. The public in general dif serves our thank's for ib patronage as does Mr. G. W. Triplett for the manner in which he so freely helper" the ladies. We also appreciate the action of the Ladies' Ltbrcry CttiL in surrendering the day to us afrei: they had planned to serve didner on that day. Committkii. Raw Lungs. When the lilll'js are hare nml Itillimnl while their nresidluir elder. Rev. 1 'he uernu of imciimoula ami conNUiup- Wfll-nn Qt-ir....r..n. .'., .-. .1 . tioa Uuil It-HiKtneiit onil multiply Foley's Walton bUpworth, js ill these Honey and Tar kill tue cough genus, ports. Hence there will be services curV!-1t',e most obstinate rackiiig cough, XSay nml Rev kipworl', SSu tAvtix&t Wllipuacu. iyuckui-e. C W Merrill, Bruggut. Winter blasts causing preutnaqm pleurisy ami cousumptlpn wrill- toon lx here. Oi-r unit nt:''' .notr,- ai fttlC.ll .. . .1 c 1 k,,o- i and Tar. lJo iui .,. -h-.tin,. tlK win ter with weak Inns;, when. Foley Hor ry ami Tar will cure the most obstinate couyhs ami coUis, ami prevent scnot. results. c W. ilernll, druggist. Housekeeping "the biggest bus iness in the world" -is easier for ad. answerers than for other people. For Sale. Fine, easy pacing saddle horse safe for woman or child. Weight 950. Price S80.00. Address Max G. Richardson, Bend, Or. 3334 Found. A sorrel marc, with white face ami white snots 011 side. aniLmordaiin' brand on right shoulder, left byV-Eie untaiow party in my pasture near Bend. Ownc en have the mare by ravin-- pastoral. t ami for this adertisemeut. L. I). Wibst I J, The Pioneer Telegraph and Telephone Company Telegrams Forwarded to Any Fart of Hit World. . Direct Telephone Comniunlcatlon with Portland, Priueville and all 1'aciGc Coast cities. Public Pay Stations in Bank Unldini; at Send, ct Laid lavr and Powell Itnttes. Messenger service to auy part of Crook Coasty south of Crooked Riwr. S5rriV' ''ifcTJi'i j ."jVlAt 4BHlk Jt M , JOHIS LEGAT DRAMtft JN Harness and Salfdlery Trunks and Valises Repaired Sl -T Registered Siock H Poland h 0 Chinas 0 Q Duroc Q S Jerseys S Ulnck Langshan Chlckyns , EC. PARK, Redmond, Ore.