The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 06, 1908, Image 3

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Newsy Items Gathered from All
Parts of tlio World.
Lett Important but Not Lou Inter
citing Hnpponlngs from Points
Outildo tho Statu.
Some of tlin mont Inlhionllnl Dutch
piiHTH urge war with Veiiojtuidn.
Tim cnr has lectured Prince George,
of Stirvli., fur making warlike lectures.
General Corhin says fool women like
Mm. Ilnlnit cnuso much trouble In thu
Tim body of ii young Gorman, half
devoured by coyotes, has been found
licnr l,os Angeles. ,
Two collier havo left New York for
Sun Francisco nrTd n 13,000-mllu nice
lit on between them.
Tim Chinese wnr Junk Whang Ho
lift Sun Priinclsco Mnrch H for Now
York nml has not been heard from
Olllcials of two large Iloitton struc
turnl steel companies hnvo paid fine
of $1,000 fitch for collusion In con
tracts. (iovi'rnor Pntllson, of Tennessee,
says It lit now known who murdered
Colomd Itnnklii mid punUlimi'nt will
Most of tho Japanese emigration
companies Imvo susHnded, It In mild
because of tho restriction on Japanese
going to America,
A sailing vessel hits just arrived nt
Victoria, 11. C, which cnino from tho
Atlantic by way of 1'mm) of Good Hoki
Imjcoiuo thu weather was loo rough to
innko It nround Cao Horn.
Tim second squadron of tho ltnttW
ship fleet has arrival nt Amoy, China.
Ono of New York's four hundred
gives as n lady's limit ono pint of
champagne nt dinner.
I ti Angeles IiIkIi school Itoy havo
Lorn nuH'tidcd for branding with acid
Initiates Into a school society.
Rockefeller declares ho will continue
tho development of his life's plans and
abhors tho idea of n vacation.
President F.llot, of Harvard univers
ity, declares hlimutlf to bo a moderate
drinker and opposes prohibition.
John Hunts, nn F.ngllsh labor lender,
hns nnKurel tho Itritllsh labor party
by comparison of Ilritlsh and American
Dan Crawford, 10 years ago ono of
tho wealthiest men In Reno, has been
convicted of being a common drunk
and vagrant.
A fire panic caused several girl cm
ploycs of olllces in a 11-story Cincin
nati building to leap to tho ground.
Ten wero Injured.
Tim North Dakota Supromo court
has decided unconstitutional tho pledge
feature of thu primary law of that
ittnto by which members of tho legisla
ture ntre liound to vote for tho senator
ial candidate receiving the highest
vote by tho people.
Holland oxkicU to blockade Vene
zuelan (tort.
One denth lint resulted in Utnh from
football tli a cniun.
The torpedo boat tlotilln hits left Snn
Diego for Mugdulutm buy.
A Yrekn., Cut., murderer locked up
Ills Jullor mid i-Hcnjicd to the hills,
Pennsylvania rnllrond official udmlt
giving tho Stuudurd Oil it secret rate,
One county In South Carolina nml
three In Ohio have voted for prohibi
tion. Tho newspapers of Japan still con
tain much comment Inudntory of tho
Amurlcan fleet.
Austrln nml Ilulgnrln havo both
mndo concessions that assure thu Bal
kan contvrence.
Lord Curzon, formerly viceroy of
India, has been reduced to poverty by
extravagance mid speculation.
One n'ght rider hns confessed to
taking part in thu Heul'oot Inku mur
der, n number of promi
nent men.
Deadly fumoa from Mexico's, great
oil well fire, (10 miles from Tamplco,
hnvu killed more than n Hcoro of work
men during tho past few dnyti. Tho
company hm spent more than f 1,000,
000 in extinguishing the flumes.
Los Angeles hns pnssed nn ordlnnnco
barring fnku fortunu tellers.
Castro Bays ho will not give In to
Netherlands nml la rendy to fight nt
any time.
A largo wharf nnd two VobboIb wero
burnod nt St. Johns, N. F, Tho Ions
is placed nt $600,000.
Russia Fears Austria Would Want
More Territory.
8t. Petersburg, Oct. 27. No nn
nouncement was rnnde today by tho
foreign olllcu its to thu progress of tho
negotiations nt llerlln between M. Is
wolsky, thu ltusslnu foreign minister,
and Prince von Ilueluw, the (ionium
chancellor, Tho conference, so far as
can be learned, hns scored no definite
results, nnd will be continued.
' Advices from llerlln, however, Inivu
In no wise lessened the confidence here
that the profaned International con
gross will ultimately bo accepted by
Germany, although negotiations lire
apt to lie continued for some time
after the return of M. Iswolsky. Tho
Invitation to take purl in tho congress
therefore, will be corrcsitondingly de
layed. M. Iswolsky, Interviewed by tho
Novcmj Vremya's llerlln corresjtondent
today, declared that Austria's action
was n blow ut vltnl Klnv Intbrests and
that the Indignation of tho Kussinn
press nnd public could easily be under
stood, but he asked the public to sus
pend judgment with regard to his ac
tivity in this connection until his re
turn to Russia, when ho hoped With
tho emperor's ormisslm to mako u
statement before tho douma. It is re
ported that the Octoberlsts In the dou
ma have decided to supfKirt the foreign
minister, but President Klsunykoir In
nn interview mid that Kuasiu sholud
refuse to reconglzo tho annexation of
llosnln nrd Herzegovina, which was n
mere prelude to further nggressiona
on the part of Austria-Hungary.
Authorities Fear Trouble at Amoy
When Fleet Arrives.
Amoy, China, Oct. 27. Discovery
of n revolutionist plot is cnuslng great
unenslness to Chinese government olll
clals. Fears are entertained that the rami
fications of this plot may Iks fnr reach
ing. The object of the rebels, It is
said, was to nssasslnnto high Chinese
olllcials during the festivities of the
forthcoming reception to the Amerlcnn
Meet, the conspirators hoping that tho
olllcials would appear in public in a
lody on that occasion.
Kxtrnnrdlnary precautions nro being
taken and will lie extended during tho
stay of tho lleet here, nnd particularly
during the functions. Viceroy Song,
of Fuklen province, who arrived here
yesterday on tho cruiser Hal Yung,
Sent tho night aboard the ship.
Order and jterfect system aro being
rapidly established at tho reception
grounds whero tho recent typhoon
wrought destruction. Ilamboo struc
tures have replaced the mined build
ings, nnd tho original plans for tho
entertainment of tho officers nnd men
of the American lleet nro likely to bo
carried out In full. It had been In
tended to install u wireless telegraph
system, but this probably will not be
done, ns there Is no exert here to
carry out tho work.
Dlteito Makes Fresh Start Among
Natives In Manila.
Manila, Oct. 27. Seven now cases
of cholera wero reported in this city
for tho day ending Sunday night.
The slight Increase In the spread of
tho disease Is ascribed by the authori
ties to the many gatherings of tho jteo
plu on Saturday night nnd Sunday,, nnd
the feasts that accompanied the assem
blies. Thu situation is not considered
to be grave, as the health department
feels that it hns thu epidemic well un
der control, expressing no alarm over
the Increase,
It is probable that tho government
will further restrict tho gntherlngs of
tho nntivca, nnd nlso tho snlo of dan
gerous foods. It Is believed that thu
cockpits located In tho suburbs of thu
city, where It is dllllcult to maintain n
strict watch over tho salo of foodstulTs,
are responsible for thu slight Increase
In tho number of cholera cases noted
nt each week-end.
Leave Sheep to Perish.
Medicine Hat, SnHkntchwnn, Oct.
27. Tho first trains Hlnco November
10 renched Medicine Hat from thu
Kust Sunday evening. Riders got In
from tho district, stretching Vo thu
United States bonier, with fearful
tnlos of hnrdships crented by tho
storm. Dounld Cameron, n shcephcrd
er, with two others, wero caught nnd
forced to lenvo their Bheep to perish
nnd Beck Bnfoty themselves. Cameron
became oxhnusted nnd died After
being GO hours without sleep or nour
ishment, tho other two reached safety.
Rovolt In Corea at End,
Toklo, Oct. 27. Thu so-called Insur
rection in Corea la practically ended.
Tho troops nru ntlll on nctlvu duty,
but tho Insurgents lmvo dwindled to
merely n disorderly clomont. Two
thirds of tho Jupanoao troops in North
China will bo withdrawn in afowdays.
Revenue Bureau Opposes American
Wines In Medicines.
Washington, Oct. 20.- -Tho Internal
revenue burenu Is strongly optioned to
tho contention of tho California grape
growers fur n reverse) of thu commit
tee's ruling of March 2, 100H, which
Inhibits the use of fortified American
sweet wines III thu manufacture of pro
prietary medicines or comounds. To
do so, In thu opinion of olllcials, would
Im to violiitu the law and to deprive thu
government of many millions in reve
nue annually. This would be accent
pUshed, It is ixilnted out, by tho gen
eral substitution In the manufacture of
proprietary medicines, etc., of non
taxable sweet wines, which have been
reinforced by tho ndditlon of a preser
vative acid, of non taxable grafie bran
dy for spirits which aro taxed $1.10
per gallon. Tito purpose of tho law
which does not require n tnx to be paid
on grape brandy when used for this
specific pur(Mso is said to have been
solely for tho encouragement of the
grnpe nnd sweet wine Industries.
Commissioner Capers has received n
letter from Senntor Perkins, of Cali
fornia, advocating the reversal, nnd
transmitting a copy of a resolution re
cently adopted by the Manufacturers'
and Producers' association of Califor
nia, nnd the Trans-Mississippi Com
mercial congress at San Francisco. It
nlso urges the reversal of thu objec
tionable ruling.
Dip Scores In Practice.
Manila, Oct. HO. -While tho scores
ami figures of tho cruiser nnd gunboat
squadron mndo in target and battle
practice, which has Just been conclud
ed, will not bo made public until they
arrive at tho Navy department at
Washington, It has been announced
that all previous records have been
broken. The Kninbow led in thu gun
boat squadron, exceeding all tho scores
made by the Wilmington, present
holder of the trophy.
Millions for Deep Channel.
Chicago, Oct. 30. Tho proposed
deep water channel in Illinois can be
constructed in nix years and fully paid
for out of its water power earnings in
11 years thereafter, according to esti
mates submitted by Kngineer Lyman
K. Cooley. If the voters approve tho
$20,000,000 bond luo next Tuesday,
he said, tho state will bo able to mako
tho best ftaying public investment that
oportunity ever offered.
Ngro Soldier In Hurry.
Washington, Oct. 30. Tho attor
neys for Oscar W. Held, ono of tho
negro soldiers who were discharged
from the nrmy on account of alleged
participation In the Brownsville alTatr,
endeavored today to have the Supreme
court advance tho hearing of his case.
Tho case was decided ngainst Hold in
tho United States Circuit court for tho
Southern district of New York.
Willet Will Dofsnd Dodd.
Mare Island Navy Yard, Cal., Oct.
31. A telegram was received hero
today from the Nnvy department nt
Washington authorizing Paymnatcr P.
J. Willet, who had been ordered to join
the Solace, to remain at tho navy yard
until tho conclusion of tho courtmnr
tiul of Lieutenant E. II. Dodd. Tito
hearing of tho case will now bo com
pleted ns rapidly ns possible.
Exceeds Contract Speed.
NewHirt, H. I., OcL 27. -The cruis
er Chester camo In from sen today
after two da; A of endurance test otT
thu const in very rough conditions.
Tito cruiser exceeded her contract
speed, mudu 23 knotH nn hour for 12
hours with tho wind blowing more than
40 miles tin hour nnd 2G knots an hour
for four hours under somewhat less
sovcru conditions.
Duffalo Loaves Bremerton.
Nnvy Yard, Pugut Sound, Wash.,
Oct. 2D. Tho auxiliary cruiser HulTn
lo, which arrived hero Snturday with
a draft of enlisted men for thu cruiser
Charleston, will leave today for Maro
Island and from there will proceed to
Panama, Thu ship makes regular trips
between Pacific coast yards nnd thu
isthmus earring service men and naval
Mining Stock Tabooed,
Washington, Oct, 20. In order to
keep thu organization freo from thu
suspicion of evasion of legal require
ments, George Otis Smith, director of
the geologlcnl survey, has issued nn
order prohibiting members of thu sur
vey from owning stock In any mining
company, tho property of which is In
thu United States or Alaska.
Cabinet Meeting Short-Handed.
WuBhlngton, Oct. 30. Today's cab
inet meeting wna of short duration,
only thu secrotnry of tho treasury bu
Ing present. Tho other seven mom
bora nru making campaign SDocchcs In
behalf of Judgu Tuft, while Secretary
Metcalf is ill.
Plea on Which Hyde and Schneider
Aik New Trial.
Wnshlngton, Oct. 31. The argu
ments for a new trial asked for by
Frederick A. Hyde and Joost H. Schnei
der, who were convicted last spring of
conspiracy in connection with land
frauds in thu West, were taken under
advisement today by Justice Stafford,,
of tho Criminal court of the District of
Counsel for thu convicted men con
sidered that thu verdict was tho result
of a compromise, some of tho jurors
who favored conviction of nil four of
the, defendants who were tried (Hyde,
Schneider, Mention and Dlmond) voting
to acquit Dlmond In exchange for the
votes of tho other jurors, who wpro In
clined to acquit all.
Tho prosecution asserted that com
promise verdicts were being rendered
daily by juries. Tho defense charged
that the court had erred in telling tho
jury that one of tho defendants might
be convicted of conspiracy.
President, fn Message, Will Aik for
Many Additions.
Washington, Oct. 27. Tho president
will ask congress in his annual mes
sage, It Is said, to grant four battle
ships annually. Ho adhers to his be
lief that this is necessary. Tho presi
dent will also urge additional appro
pi lations for tho completion of a naval
base nt Pearl harbor and of tho Ha
waiian coast defenses, and ho will
probably ask for increased facilities at
Maro island for handling naval vessels.
Another thing tho president will ask
congress for is ndequnto provision for
equipping nnd defending tho naval
base at Guantnnomo, where the Navy
department has planned great yards.
The location of this naval depot Is In
the vicinity of tho Panama canal and
Is regarded as of strategic importance.
Strict With Sailors.
Manila, OcL 28. Sailors of tho
American fleet will not be permitted
shore lenvo after 10 o'clock at night
nor allowed to drink water from native
wells during the stay of tho American
fleet here, according to a rule promul
gated to lay. The first squadron of the
lleet is expected to reach hero Novem
ber 1. The second squadron, under
Admiral Emory, which went to Amoy,
China, is expected to arrive November
8. Tho order issued today states that
although tho health officials expect to
havo the cholera stamped out complete
ly by the tlmo tho fleet arrives, they
wHI tako no chances.
Only Congress Can Reinstate.
Washington, Oct. 30. Secretary
Wright said today that nothing could
be done in the matter of reinstating
Mingo Sanders, formerly sergeant of
the Twenty-fifth infantry, who, with
his battalion, was dismissed from tho
army without honor, for alleged par
ticipation in tho Urownsvillc disorders.
Tho only way now open for his rein
statement, tho secretary said, was. by
special act of congrcs.
Wright All Right Again.
Washington, Oct. 28. Orvlllo
Wright, tho aeronaut, will leavo Fort
Meyer he pital for his home at Dayton,
Ohio, on Saturday, if his condition
continues to improve. His sister, Miss
Catherine Wright, who has nursed him
nt tho nrmy hospital, will accompany
him Mr. Wright desires to vote, even
though it may bo necessary to carry
him to tho (tolls.
Warihlps Leave Japan.
Washington, Oct. 28. A cablegram
to the Navy department from Admiral
Sperry reports tho departure of the
fleet from Yokohama. The first squad
ron of battleships will return to Ma
nila, whoro they aro duo October 31,
The second squadron is now enrouto to
Amoy, China, whoro it is oxpectod to
arrlvo next Thursday.
Frank Klgglns Dies Suddenly.
Washington, OcL 28. Frank Klg
glns, of Tennessee, chief examiner of
tho civil rcrvlco commission, died sud
denly Monday of uraemic convulsions.
John Klggins, of Vancouver, II. C, Is
n brother.
Government Buys Silver.
Washington, Oct. 27. Tho Treasury
department today bought 7,6000
ounces of silver for delivery at Now
Orleans nnd 50,000 ounces for dolivery
nt Denver nt B1.C70 cents per fine
Whistler at Fort Worden.
Wnshlngton, Oct. 28. Colonol Gar
land N. Whistler has been nsslgned to
Fort Worden, Wash., nnd In command
of tho artillery district of Pugot sound.
Rural Carriers at Oakland.
Washington, Oct. 27. K. L. Thorn
ton haa been appointed regular, Jere
miah L. Thornton substitute, rural car
rier on tho route at Oakland, Ore.
, Eleventh Annual Convention to Me
In Pittsburg.
Denver, Oct. 20. Tho executive'
committee of tho American Mining
I congress yesterday issued tno onicioi
call for the 11th annual convention to
bo held in Pittsburg December 2, 3, 4
and C, 1008. A special effort Is con
templated looking to tho final enact
ment of the bill for tho creation of a
.bureau of mines, now on tho calendar
oi vno ouiics bciiuuj iui uiuu
Particular attention I called to tho
work of congress in making Investiga
tions relating to tho protection of tho
lives of miners; proposals for tho elim
ination of fraudulent mining stock
operations; tho relations between cus
toms smelters and the oro producer;
Federal aid for mining schools and ex
periment stations; the exploitation of
the rare mineral resources of tho coun
try; tho conservation of mineral re
sources; tho timber and water supply,
and tho unification of tho mining laws
of the several states, aro the particular
subjects which will bo under discus
sion. It is announced tho convention
will bo an open forum for the discus
slon of all mining subjects.
Tho call invites tho president of tho
United States, the governors and heads
of commercial bodies to appoint dele
gates. A special feature of tho body
will bo a coal mine gas testing plant,
now in course of construction in Pitts
burg, under an appropriation made dur
ing the last session of congress, which
will then bo completed. -
Trade Loses $1,500,000 Weekly by
Cotton Lockout.
London, Oct. 2C.Thc shutting
down of COO mills as the result ouf the
cotton trade lock out has reduced tho
consumption of engine coal by 700,000
tons per week. Calculated at $2 per
ton, this represents a loss of trade
amounting to $1,500,000 a week.
Oldham, tho center of the spinning
industry, is the first of tho cotton
towns to feel the pinch of tho lockout.
Of tho 320 mills in tho town only 20
are now working. It is not tho opera
tives who have their lock out pay from
their unions to fall back on who aro
beginning to feel the pressure of tho
industrial warfare, but the shopkeep
ers, particularly at tho small shops,
who depended on tho custom of tho
mill girls.
No ono has the heart to buy anything
short of actual necessities. No new
' dresses are being mado in Oldham just
now, and dressmakers aro reducing the
, number of their workroom hands, and
the milliners' shops, of which tho fe
mals cotton operativo was tho generous
I patron, are deserted.
The situation was discussed at a
meeting of the distress committee last
night and the mayor haa summoned a
special meeting of tho council for to
night, when a deputation from the dis
tress committee will mako suggestions
for providing relief work.
Reno Votes to Continue Wide Open
Town as Before.
Reno, Ncv Oct. 26. Reno will re
main a vt ido open town for somo time
to come, according to the result of the
city election held here Saturday, when
tho gambling clement won by a major
ity of 666 votes out of a total of about
3,100 votes cost Tho election was on
a city ordinance to forbid the running
1 of gambling games under license in the
! city of Reno. Tho ordinance was put
, to the city vote upon the petition of
tho Anti-Gambling league, who mode
a red hot fight at tho polls.
The lcaguo opened headquarters
about two months ago and has worked
diligently ever since, holding mass
meetings and spreading litcraturo
broadcast and through tho malls. Tho
gambling fraternity worked quietly,
but tho result shows they worked
effectively. Tho defeat of the ordi
nance is partly duo to tho feeling that
gambling should be stopped throughout
tho state and not alone in Reno.
Tho fight will bo carried into tho
legislature at tho coming session.
Moros Battle With Laborers.
Manila, Oct. 26. Nino Filipino la
borers and their American superintend
ent wero killed in a despcrato fight
with a band of Moros on tho Shephers
sugar plantation near Ilignn on tho
island of Mindanao last week, accord
ing to news that reached here today
from tho island. Tho men wero work
ing on tho plantation and wero taken
off their guard by tho Moro warriors.
Tho laborers lost heavily beforo they
repulsed tho attacking party in a final
rally. The Moros nro reported to havo
lost 20 killed and many moro wounded,
Nicaragua Is Laid Waste.
Managua, Nicaragua, Oct 26. A
great storm haa prevailed throughout
Nlcarogua slnco yesterday morning.
Heavy losses are reported, but, as all
tho telegraph and telephone communi
cations havo been interrupted and the
railroad badly damaged, it Is impossi
ble to state how far reaching tho storm
has been.
PfCmler'S Majority Safe, TflOBflll
Slightly Reduced.
Conservatives Lose Out In Ontario,
Whero They Expected Their
Heaviest Gains.
OtUwa, OnL, Oct. 27. Elections
for tho Federal house of commons wero
held yesterday throughout Canada. Of
tho 221 constituencies in tho dominion
only two Kouvllie, Ont, and South
York, OnL returned members by ac
clamation. In all the others, with the
exception of five, which will hold their
elections later, there were contests.
The returns show that Sir Wilfrid
Lauricr, tho present ppremicr, who in
tho last house had a majority of 66,
will be returned to tho house for anoth
er five years, with a majority of be
tween 55 and 60.
French Canadian Quebec remained
loyal to tho premier, electing a mem
bership almost solidly Liberal.
Ontario, where tho Conservatives ex
pected to make their heaviest gains,
did not come up to the opposition's ex
pectations. The returns indicate an
almost evenly divided membership,
compared with 39 Liberals and- 47
Conservatives in the last house.
Nova Scotia, which at the last gen
eral elections in 1904 returned a solid
Liberal phalanx, gives the Conserva
tive party several seats.
R. L. Borden, leader of tho Conserv
ative's, was elected by a substantial
majority in Halifax, which supported
him four years ago. AH the minis
ters havo been re-elected with the ex
ception of William Templcton, of Vic
toria, B. C, minister of inland reve
nue, who lost by five votes.
Sixty-One Now Held In Connection
With Beet Foot Outrage.
Camp Reno. Reel Foot Lake, Tenn.,
Oct. 27. Fourteen prisoners wero
brought into camp today in connection
with ' recent night rider outrages in
this section. This makes a total of 61
now in custody here. Three mounted
scouting parties went out and two of
them returned, 'ihe tnird win not do
back before tomorrow night. The
detachment headed by Major R. E.
Martin is prepared to go to Obion to
night to search for tho mysterious
'masked men who were reported to
. have been seen near tnat town. After
communicating with several people
Colonel Tattom decided that the story
was without foundation and recalled
the orders.
Both Union City and Samburg, whero
the soldiers are camped, wero tho cen
ters of interest today in the night rider
troubles. A special term of the County
court convened at Union City today
and all of tho evidence in the Reel
Foot lake case was laid before tho
Decision on Star of Bengal Wreck
May (Have Serious Results.
San Francisco, Oct. 27. The inspec
tors of hulls and boilers, who have
been Investigating tho wreck of the
ship Star of Bengal, which went ashore
on the Alaskan coast some vfeeks ago,
111 lives being lost, finished taking;
testimony yesterday and took tho caso
under advisement.
Captain Wagner, of tho Bengal, has
filed charges of cowardice against tho
tut: contains for their action in cutting
i his ship loose and it is expected that
the decision oi the inspectors win near
weight in the proceedings resulting;
from theso charges. It is stated here
that the United States District attor
ney of Alaska will bring Captain Wag
ner's charges against the captains of
the Kayak and Hattie Gage before the
Federal grand jury.
Calls Will Forgery.
New York, Oct, 27. Declaring the
signature in a will disposing of about
$1,000,000 a forgery, the will being
that of Ambrose Burbank, who died in
1904, Dr. Alfred II. Hamilton, of Au
burn, N. Y., a handwriting expert,
created a sensation in the suit against
Caleb II. Burbank, a nephew of the
testator, during tho trial in tho United
States Circuit court hero today. The
nephew is executor of tho estate and
was named residuary legatee, in addi
tion to receiving a direct bequest of
Think Castro Is Bluffing.
Wlllemstad, Oct. 27. According to
letters received here, tho people of
Venezuela aro confident of a prompt
settlement of tho dispute between that
country and Holland. Tho refusal of
President Castro to revoko the decree
of May 14 is regarded as a bluff to
distract attention from the doings of
tho revolutionists.