The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 30, 1908, Image 6

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HThe Ihited Cepulchrc
X The VV Talc of O Pclcc
By Will Lf.vington Comfort
Cam ritat. J'", lr WHI tatlnctnn Cornet
CoprriihU IWT, br J. n. LtrriKCorr CoMrjktv. All rlthta reere.t
CHAPTKK VIM. fContlnned.)
Hero was another lite of Nemel. the
ww of another life through his coming
lnrk from the edge of tbe water. In I he
crush of aelf-hate. We smiled Ml the wom
an. falll n nminent ago the
wrecking work ef the wonting bad put
thought of Semnla from hi mlml. lie
had come to the shop partly to HM.rbal
his final resource hi an out-of-the-way
spot and arrange the lat line of action,
ml partly to avoid the plblllty of ar
rest for the moment In cue the Panther
hail brought an emissary of the raw. Hi
eud was a Matter of hour at bet ; hi
cruising ami his friendship with Col
We were over. Salttt llette, of the lesser
islands, wa the last nation of hi trav
eling. Purine three days he hail pawd
reany hour in the shop. What those
hours had aeeomplHthed wa dramvllcally
revealed now In the anguish of the maid
en as she waited for the answer to her
inert Inn.
"I hare been thinking a ureal deal since
jettenlay- I fsuad that I eeuhln't iW
what I tried at knt. without seeing
j on again. Souoeta." llreen ohe vague
ly. Hr bad susTMctit boiMrty not to he
(left with the force he was ikw emptey
lnr. "The future, I cannot tell yet. 1
in hate to lev Saint Pierre for
awhile, bat I shall leave my heart here,
ami If I live I will come back ! To-day
I must see my friend and tell-him that
I cannot crake farther south, with him.
She would have fallen bail he not held
lmr. hot her eye were shining. The oW
man ran for restorative, ltreen would
have (Hit the girl Into a cbalr, but she
tuag to hi hi.
"I hare waited for ymi so long, my
maker of picture," she whispered.
Pere Ilabeaut stead beside them with
i medicines. The Teneer of shop servitude
was cone from the irray oW face. The
harp black eyes were directed steadily
upon the stranger, who saw that they
were ready to soften or burst Into flame,
llreen saw, too, that he was less lu the
rtenre of the father of a Creole girl
of Martinique than the father of an old
world household.
"I am walling for you to speak, mon
sieur." said Pare Ilabeaut.
"You have not, waited Ions, air," llreen
answered. "It u Just an Instant ago
that I bad tbe "honor of bearing from
your daughter's lips that she would wait
'i for me until 1 could come back perma
nently to Saint Pierre."
"1 know you will torsive an old sol
dier of France. So many people do not
j' understand don't try to understand
- that I deemed it a prlrllese to marry the
,' mothrr of the maid In your arms not
; because a governor general of Martinique
"' was her father but because she was wor
thy tbe worship of an old soldier of
' France. Tbe sir! Is like ber mother.
"It U an honor I do not deserve, sir
tbe daughter of a country woman of Jo
sephine and a soldier of Prance," said
llreen, grateful that one of hi utter
v ance contained or covered no He. m
The bow from tbe veteran was a gra
ctous thine- He held a class to tbe lips
of hU daughter.
"I do not need It now, father," Soronla
aa'd softly.
There waa a knock at the door. Tbe
maid hastened to ber room, and Pere
Ilabeaut, once more- the master of the
Bbop, erected a gaiplne patron. llreen
was left to his thoughts. That
which he had done was unchangeable.
"Nicholas. Stembrldgr, rejoice I this Is
your wedding day !" he muttered. "What
' a lime you've had down the years! You
have lived Ions and freely, taking- what
j oil saw and darius consequence and
prattling like a defective to keep up your
rplrlts! Nick, do you recall the prime
sentence of your philosophy There Is
i nothing which Doetor Death cannot
i cure"? Isn't It a wonderful saying? So
' wonderful that It lias exceptions! No,
) Death will not put Peter and his lady out
to sea ! The police are after
you: jour llpa are hot with Ilea; you alt
In the gloom. Nick Stembridge, you are
whipped, cornered. You so out a coward
and a liar. W litre is your iaugn oi yes
terday r
And jet be smiled at the perfection
; of the prlde-bumbllns trap tbe Pate had
laid fur him this day; smiled at the words
lie bad uttered to Soronla and her father,
" who bad bristled Into a soldier of Frar.ce.
.And yet there had been no other way.
After what be had done to Constable, It
was not in him to deprive Soronla of
' - what she aeetned to need not under ber
pitiful eyes! Ills own part did not entrr.
lie conjured no golden haze as the mate
of.tbhj creature of ardor, fragrance, and
?"'"" s'or on ,,ie 0"r M'-rem'
"did hi reflect that to spend one' day
In a torrid ahop with a woman of black
blood was a fitting end for a brutalized
Ila put tbe woman out of hla mind,
and turned to the sorry bualnes 6f the
wounded friend. He must And Consta
ble and say the last words; then take the
blame from hi friend In tbe presence of
the women. If he were taken Into cus
tody on tbe way there was no help for
that. All remnanta of Justice and whlte
mansblp demanded that he set out at once.
He hurried to the court.
"Soronla," he called, "I'll have to go
pow Mr. Constable expect to leave
with his ship to-day, and I must talk
with him before be goe."
Hka appeared la the dress In which be
aanOBiJuji ajuw-uan irrn
had first seen her. There were tender
remonstrances which he scarcely heard,
hut he answered gently. 1IU mind was
with the man.
"And ywt will be hack this afternoon T'
In the hotkiw of the universe there
seemed no rraon that he could utter why
he should not be hack that afternoon.
"Ye, little fairy," he anvvered.
"And 1 shall watch from the upper
window. If the smoke clear, for your
friend's ship to sail. Ah, don't
stay long from me!"
The sun could rt shine throush the
ash-fxg which shut wit the harbor dht-tjm-es
ami shrouded the great cone, but
rohtmev of dreadful heat found the earth.
Though the Madame lay welt in the har
bor, she was Invisible now, even from the
terrace. There was no line dividing the
shore from the sea, nor tbe sen from the
sky. It was all an Illimitable mask,
whoe fabric was the tltut which had Willi
for centuries iiHn Pelee'a dynamo.
Thcns was no carriage for hire. Tbe
day had driven the ihiMIc driver to cover.
llreen walked to tb plantation houe.
Tbe servant wn Umt in answering hi
rln. Mr. Wall was In the hallway. The
fall from gut to an enemy nf the houe
nulled hard upon llreen 'a pbihoihy.
"Come In. sir." said Pncle Joey. Ill
tone wa reprrwed a he added: "Had I
known your- atldre, I should haw sent
your effects to you."
"I wasn't thinking about that, but look
ing for Mr. Constable," llreen declared.
"You are Nicholas S teethridge?"
The elder man stared at htm savagely.
"IKm't you think you have done enough
"Mure than enough. Mr. Wall; but
there remain, from my point of view, an
unfinished sentence."
"He I nor" here."
"Then I need trouble you no further."
llreen bad not the heart that Inntant
to ask to see the ladles. At the pier he
tear mil from Krntt, who had charge of
the launch, tbat Mr. Constable was not
aboard tbe ship, and bad given up the
Idea of sailing for tbe day, apparently.
At the Itoxelane, llreen found that Con
stable bad made bla way beyond toward
the Hirer Itlanch, which bad flowed black
and boiling yesterday. At the Hotel des
Palma there was definite word of M. Con
stable. American. The proprietor bore
witness that the gentleman bad stopped
at the etahlibment long enough to pro
cure fool, mules and guides the last at
great cost, since tbe natives were in dead
ly fear for a trip to the craters of Pe
Tfc mApnlnr whfoh hmVe throneh Ihe
defense of llreen, ami crumpled tbe dear
est purpose of Constable, also drew Alls
Stansbury Into tbe vortei of Intense emo
tions. Whatever dominant traits and Im
pulses she had Inherited from her mother.
It bad been her lf-lralnlng to repress.
Arole opportunity bad been afforded her
to note In her mother the career of an In
domitable mistress of affairs. Tbe result
of ber observations waa a positive distaste
for stiffness of views In any sphere, and
a conviction that the dliplay of master
fulness in womanMld not make for wom
an's happiness.
A a girl. It bad not occurred to Lara
to exert an authority counter to ber
mother'. When she became a young wom
an she carefully avoided any extremity
which might lead to the breaking of
either her own or the more visible will
of Ihe bouse.
Now, In the rohbit of painful develop
ments. It waa borne home to !.ara that
she had progressed too far In the way of
amiability; tbat she bad unconsciously
outstripped her Intention, ami mmI Into
the boundariea of self-effacement. In the
crisis of the newspaper revelations, she
had followed iter mother! Initiative with
out question. Tbe creature of Indecisions
that she had become grew more and more
odious to her a the forenoon passed, and
In her contrition she realized that the
man whose first wish was to spare her
from barm bad been repaid with a lack of
courtesy and a greater lack of courage.
Nothing tbat she had said or done, It
seemed to her now, carried the stamina of
declalon. She bad implored him not to
speak; abe had run from him, like a
frightened child to her mother, when he
bad told bis love and begged ber to seek
safety aboard his ship. In none of her
dealings had she shown Ihe strong wom
anhood which marked her Ideals; and in
singular contrast stood out hi graclous
ness and patience. Tbe thousand little
thing In which she had aubserved her
own Inclination to the maternal will bad
dulled the delicate point of tiemonallty.
without which a roan cannot stand val
iantly Ihrough the crux of harsh day.
It wa all plain now, so hideously plain.
The chief of the act abe regretted had
to do with the morning Itself. What
manner of "friendship" wa Ibis which
Mntrd a authoritative the testimony
of a newpaperV 'uplcIon? She had
done more than this, In handing Constable
the document that witnessed against him,
.. tnitttntr ilia door unon bis nosalble
defense. There was an added poignancy
in the knowieuge mai uer mouier wouia
not have tbua used one of her favorite.
ir. tltatsit for the American caused
Sir. Stansbury so readily to accept news
paper evidence a a iriumpn or. ner judg
ment. As If such thought of wntcbed-
ncs were not sufficient to start train of
vrxntlon, lira's tmnd ftnnlly added to the
Inventory of Its nilseriea by reverting to
her coutersntltm with Constable In the
rnrrlngt on the day of his nrrlval. How
she had iterated the ety!t for declar
ing that the stun of friendship stirred not
womankind! I low vigorously be had
agreed with her!
She sought her own room when the tu
mult mounted to the !nt of tears. Pres
ently she went In the door and locked It,
for the inet liable thought hd come. What
did the name of Peter Constable mean to
her? She hid felt hi strength. loug
n she had dreamed of such strength and
put the ilrenm awny. Whether or tml he
wa to he the rompieror, she knew that
mastery like hi could rme her heart.
She wn evading the sulntance of the
qnetki. llefore tbe mirror she frowned
severely at the lira there.
Tell me thl." said the woman, "do I
want him to ko awny?"
"No, w!" said the law.
"No," repented the woman; "not If ho
be Innocent ."
The Image scowled at her cotiservatlsn..
"Ymt uWrrr to suffer. You sent him
away without a tithe of jour trust, with
out a morsel of your mercy."
Standing In the upper hallway, sh
heard what med between llreen and
the planter nt the front door. Why did
not Cnrle Joey demand extenuating clr
cumtance? She wn sure that llreen
would hare dropped some hint, at least,
of ConilnWe's rt In the mysterious at
llance, had It tint leen for the lnrbed
Iron of the other's word, ltrn's palm
ached from the preire of her nail.
She did nut go downstair to luneheoi.
hut often crowd the hall, entering Con
stable's room to look nt the mountain and
Htywnrd along the smoky highway. In
one of tbee walrhe she saw the little
black rarrlage of Father lsmten ap
proaching, lie would have driven by, but
she ran below ami called to him from the
veranda :
"Come In ami ret a minute, father. It
there any good to tell?"
"Very little, Ijtrn. The gray curse U
on Saint Pierre, Indeed. I have grown
afraid for my people, ami am warning
them to seek refuge In Fort de France.
Your gttet suggested this stem "'"l ha
helped noldy with money to rare far the
people lleeiag to the capital."
She drew from him an account of hit
meeting with Constable on tbe highway
In the morning. He told her, too, how the
young man bad tent sick native mother
and their children out to the ship for
refuge from the bent and sulphur fume,
and of the large sum of money he had
volunteered for the care of the favored
few who fled to Fort de France. Ijtra
bent her head forward toward the priest.
"And what do you think of this man,
father?" she questioned suddenly.
Tbe old man' mild gaze fell before tht
glowing ejes of the girl. "I did not
think when I first met htm that be wa
gifted with such leal," he answered
"Where Is he now. Father IHrnlfn?
"That I cannot tell, dear. We have
not seen him since morning. Some say
tliat he has gone to Morne House; other
that he has ascended to tbe crater of
She sprang up, but repressed the ex
clamallon upon her lips. Her mother bad
"(lood morning. Father Damlen," Mrs.
Stansbury said pleasantly. "Is Ijtra re
hearsing private theatricals for your
Tbe priest made haste to depart, saying
that he was on the way to Fort de Franc
iriih the isoner Constable bad given, to
make the refugees there as comfortable j
as tKKslble Tbe ladies followed him to
tbe door. It happened tbat tbe old man
faced I-ara as he said:
"I hoi It may be a false rumor that
your friend has sought the craters of
Price. Such service as his we cannot
afford to do without. There Is power In
the man"
"I think 1 have felt It, father," tbe
girl answered quietly.
"What doe this mean, this talk of
friend' In connection with the confrere of
a thief?" Mr. Stansbury asked.
"I did not quibble in the use of the
word "
"Do jou count a a friend one who
would try to pot you aboard a ship whleh
Irs Ihe reputation of the Madame de
Stael? one who would bring to our house
the notorious Nicholas Stembrldgo?"
'"You were also Invited to go. remem
ber." "My dear child, you are overwrought.
I cannot believe that you are appealeil to
by this sudden interest of hi In your wel
fare; nor that you dreamed of accepting
term that would hate frightened our
Doioremy saint who braved war,'
"I do not like your talk of term, moth
er. There were no term. Mr. Constable
asked me to board hi ship, that I might
lw safe. Ill care for my welfare I not
important In tbl talk."
"Do you think you would be safe to g.
with him?"
"Safe a the sea safe a the black
jvomen and their liable now crowded up
on the terrible de Hint-It I do not care
to talk further. You have followed your
inclinations regarding Mr. Constable, and
until now I have allowed jour Inclinations
to be mine. 1 am guilty a you are of
outraging the sensibilities of a man who
deserve at least Ihe consideration of a
gentlewoman. I shall learn the truth
about these reports, and If they are a
false In substance a I believe, I shall
make up for my Inclvllltie."
Mr. Stansbury felt that here wa k
resistance no less formidable than sudden.
It must le crushed, of course, hut the
present moment wa not propitious. Bhs
laughed gently.
(To b continued.)
Tito depoalt of dew is greatly Influ
enced by color. It will bo found thick
est on a board painted yellow, but uot
at all od red and black.
'i "v .
j : - . j
r :
ii-..- i 3sSSaW.iTJf'''tf
l&'i,; -&
" - n iiTT-fi- "- - ,-- - - "
r 4i4aUa
HpS 5yt3e3SnUal 4 '
W$iSi&7r s?ro- -lir sfe?t!
MiL;& vl
T?Si f&BSBaflrttei&slJTi "iwftBtj'
bui:faloe3 rem ami-juca's national nANcir.
I Trsnsi-.r ' I "' t"r prraertaiiuii
rtie snimslt d lieu iluwa IUe rliut l tue
Irsteilag wtot.
I Tbe 1.1174111 s trstellug sskwn fr a
.ooo-ml.e Journey
X Arrltsl of I b ttttaTsloes truss the N"
Vork Koolatflral Park at the If all rsnek.
4. Tk tMffsloe KJ"lllh erads all
iffof they were released up the rafted.
. tins t the I'slted Mates UtSt kf
serves. A general view ef Iks Wlrblt
d. Part f tk herd that staekeil the sr
rsaiat raaek. Ihiffalves la tk Ntw Yvrk
Keolsgleal Park.
Total buffaloes In Iks hM S.niT
U 11,1 W4
la esatltlty I.TK
wii.i tat' x. a ?a
Wild In Canada ))
Carllrelnl' M. A I. lid
('rilr In rsnsita 471
Captlte la Knri I3HI
I'ttstefraphs by MbeplBe.
Tho Cnlted Statca govrrntnctit I In
terested In the prfcrvatbm of the buf.
n!o, nnd It tin rotnhllahrd twit rnnclira
L J U U-L' - L-JT
Vleliirla Is A flee Them lo atari Irrl
icalliin In AuslrallH.
The Invasion of the (' wheat
Ml by Amerlcnti fanners, nlwiit which
there wa o much comment two or
Hirer yearn ago, may lx diiillrntel In
Australia, aava a McHiounie (llitrHllcii
lo the Iloston Transcript. (Jeorge
Hwlnlnirne. tho minister of agrloilture
of this state, propose that nil organ
tre.1 effnrt li innilc to Imllief' American
rnrmera with n practical cxt.TlrtKt of
Irrigation to wttlo In Victoria. In till
be I seconded by l'.lwood Mead, the
American Irrlgfltlon expert, who, after
serving the United Ktatea government
and vnrloua Amerlcnti rollegc. I now
ehnlnnnn of the commission on river
and venter miily of the atnte of Vic
orla, with henilquartent In thla city.
It la nrtcucd In the commonwealth
lliat lu tlie Utillttl Ktnteti Irrigation haa
Bilvntieeil lyoml lln-ory and become n
proieniiia renllznllon, wlien-na lu Aua
tralin iliere I much to be done III edu
cating the farmer ttesldea affording him
a Htippty of water. i:iirliitenta, lec
ture and lcou In Irrlcallon are liar
Injr gocsl result here; there nre exam
pica of aiiccessful Irrigation farming
already In the commonwealth, and
since tho terrible jfenrn of dnaight
which ctilinlnated In 1W. Irrigation on
a' largo cale ha been hailed a tho
hrp nnd tlm nltn of AuMralln. nut It
la likewise tnie that nt many place In
Victoria ami New ftotith Wnle. whero
Irrlgalloti I employed, much water I
Htcl nnd the noil I Improperly tietl.
It l Mr. Hwlnburne'g Idea, therefore,
to get tho American to wltle In differ
ent part of Victoria him! nctlvely n
gago In fnrmliic no that their Austral
Ian neighbor tuny Ik) able to leant Irri
gation from them. Mr. Mead haa told
Mr. Bwlnbiirno that there nro luindreda
of farmer lu tho wcatern Pulled
Stntea who would rendjly aettlo lu Vic
toria If they know Hint tho Innd In
many pnrtri of tit In lnto wn tnoro pro
ductlvo than that of a Inrgo number
of Huoccssful Irrigation dlastrlcl In tho
United Htnlt-M. Mr. Mend Intend to
make till latter fart widely known,
and It I planned by Minister Hwl.
burnu to lmvo two or tlirco repreacnU
tlvo Amerlcnti furmeni Invited to Vlo
forla nt tbl atnte' Pipeline to eo what
It Ima to offer In tho wny of Innd mid
opportunities, mid ennblo them to ro
oort to their friend.
Should tho plan nuccd It may Im
that New South Wnlen will ndopt It
also, for that Btato la already com
mitted to what Ii known as the Darren
AstnAlw .,,afcv
ftwr-aAWh "
Mm' m
m ' lit l lit t rt UU , and tho other In
MmIiIuiiu For the latter CuiigrrM h
volttl n sum of ... Ux) of wltMi
ha bct'ti n Id to tho Klatheud Indian
for tho ground. Th rwiiulnliik" PJ.t""
will go to the exiHUiite of felH-llig Ihe
nttich, which cover twenty aquar
iiillea. Tho Wichita ranch ttiter
twolvi' rutinro iHllm. It waa stocked
from th New York gooloclml wrk
with twelve- nin U Amorlcnii buf
fahw. preseiileil by tho dlnvtor, Dr.
Ilnrnnilny. The ntilmnl niniltt Ihe JiHir
ney f !!.(XK) inllea by rail. Knvh one
una placed In n large comfortably pad
deil crate, Into which It wa driven
down n chute lending from the lnifTa
loe' Inclosure. The tiielhial Is abmrn
In the ll rs photograph. When the buf
fnlne nrrlviil, after n seven days' Jour
ney, they were sprnji-d ttllh erilde oil
mnl then rrlrnsed. Cntiada I also ea
tiihllahlng burfalo prccrvea, lllustrat
ed Iindon News.
Jaik project, which when completed
will b ono of the biggest Irrigation
plant In the world.
the itEADrwa iiAiirr.
flout I'ersnMs Who I'ertM !
Iluoba (lain I. tills lir ll.
The phrase Is n very common oim ll.
thesn day of npjeiidldly ctpilpped libra
rle mnl trnlnrd librarian, and tin
doubletlly "tho refldlna habll" may I
one of the moat rnlliabhi ossclmi
one can atijiilre: but unfortunately
thrre nre so ninny rending haMls-nl
most a many ns there are Indlvldiialt
who n-ad.
"Itoalo la uch a reader!" Iliwte's
mother Infonneil a rnller, proudly. "Hh
read everything that come out. Tin
lady up nt the library say she cnii'i
keep up with her. Sim tin three or
four htKik n week."
"What have you lMtn reading late
ly?" the culler naked, turning to Itnale.
Iloale atmiimentl and hcidtated. she
rouhl remember two or three books hut
no more. Shu wn almply making a
!evo of her little empty mind, nnd
MiiirltiK Ihe stories through n fast n
her ejea could vallow Ihe print.
The caller' thought rail back to het
own childhood, where, like lit tin Char
lotte. Yonge, she hnd Im-cii allowed a
chapter a day of "Woverley," provided
abe' first read twetite nin nf ftnl.i.
amith'a "Itome" or aome ctpinlly aolld
work. What If the "Itomo" vanished
with the year? "Wnverley," slowly
rend and eagerly iionderetl, licomii Ihe
Joy of a lifetime. Shu thought of tlm
children whose lietltlma "iHM'try hour"
with mother wa tho very heart of the
day of still another mother, who for
n whole Mummer lived with her hoy
nnd girl tho uplcndld King Arthur leg
end. What of nil Ihe alowly dlNtllled wis
dom mid delight of Uipho IreiiNiiretl
hours could oor little itnslo know,
nulling nt exprr Kfd through nil
tho "heat aellera"?
"Poor Itoalo I" kIhi idghrd. "poor lit
tie Itoslc overywhurol" Youth' Com
panion. To Nliarpsii lelasora.
Cut them rapidly on tho nock nf a
sninll kIbim bottle, or better atlll, on n
Kroiind-Kln topier. It trues tin
edge mid tunke them cut like new.
Woman's Homo Coinpiinlon.
What hint becomo of tho old-fnnh
loned homo uheru children had mo
luiui for uvery day, mid tho Jam wa
saved for Uuuditys mid company?
trjVN ykaii ron ouuiionr.3,
Those of llrrnt llrllulu l.u.i n
.ttemlier In I tlUT
I.nxt yenr whn ii lenu ,vmr fur ih
i hiinlii a, Uitli nt Imhiio mid tir.tft,i,
'Inn lliipllHt iiiiinmiiilitiiila In Ureal
llrllnln III H'OT. iicroiilliiK to I'ik Imle
pendent, wero -rJH.UTT, Wlllill wn ni
fewer limn In UKrtl. There Wire 7 1 1
inure Hlllldity aeliiMil tenrliers, lint ;i,i
fewer iil'll
Tho llrltlMti CoiigreuiitloimllMs hnvt
ntiuost held Ihelr own, hut led quits.
Their iiiwiiIhtsIiIii la IMi.isl'l fur Idi;,
n Ium nf .'7" While the Huuit'iy hoo
tiitihera Imw Im'reaar!. by 1 . ".til. ih
pupil Imte fallen on by IMKHi
The Wesleynil .Methmtlaia uleur I hi,
same im, the iiHOiiltomhlp of ...'. sid
iN'ltig ""( finter t tut ii lit the pri-tlutu
I Ive fiunller MetlnMll! tin iir,
tlon show n total lit of H.AI.l ixipii
nnd n small lot In member A in
one, the I'rhnllhe Mellmtllsla. niKift
n t-nln of I.Mxi UHHiitteni. but Hey Im.i
l.'.lVl Humlny wlnd pupil.
Ill Walia Ihe largtsl ileiMiniinit.,i
I ho Welsh CmUIiiWUj MelhiHllst (Vii.
invllon, vtlileli I Preshylerhtn In gov.
eriliut'llt. Ila inellll-ersiilp I Kit til a
1H7 7IW, n low or JttNl,
The tdal lo lu meniberslilp of I Ik
lion eoiiformlst ili'iMMulimlhui u stit
H.OHI nnd that In HimhUj' mIi.-.i t
inure than tfii' Inili-etl, one f ilw
lutil tst Ii'sImsIIi-nI slalUtb'laim le Ureal
llrllnln put the ! in ttirtu.vr In
-:itglaud mnl Wales at 17 .tl
A prlllt-ltl Crtlise of this ebb is the
sloughlnc ul of the etit-t
who Joined the chiin-hrs during th4
i- lleinelil nf the WeUli nvltal
ANiut l.'.tM.) ealltHH of bl.-. arn
HIIIIm-. Ihrollgll lltf Nitlllt lllllllKII heart
enrli )itr.
"Ttie I'nlteil Statea navy ,-..
lu the scout eruher Salem lltn fastest
warship In the world," say lite X. nu
ll tic AmerlcMti. "In tht rwiit axvirii
IllHlt stntHlartllMlrtHl trial over lli.t
measiiretl ln!li' roltrse tff IhxklalHl,
Me, thl Immtstime tee w tlrlteii
at a mnxlMUHi six til of '.tiKS knot
him! at nn average until for rive runs
tver t ho mile etmrw of 3&K hiol"
The.OllgiNTiut I one of lit il'.tUl.irct
of the nnrleiit gttdoglrHl agt- klHtwn a
Ihe Tertiary. Itervlitly the Ollgriie
ruck In tho IbiurlsHinul, PrniMv,
ylehleil two cry Interesting llllli- fit,
all, one of a sHirrow. the other of n
s-iulrrW. whleh Is iiliiit Idetitlenl In
nil It niHttntulefll eltanirleni with tho
rtHiuntm s"ulrrel of Ihe prrweut time
So 'rfivtly I Ihe fiewll prrM-m!
that tlm hairs ran atlll l wt-n ilitsih
lug theutselve In Hue 1 1 lit- ahnig Ihn
hark of the skeleton. The head Is l'k
nc Mr. Ilertha Ayrtou Im suittetl In
nMvrtnluliiglhe chihw of tin refractory
l4tav!or of tit seNrrhllghl III i-erlaln
rcxvt nnd In devising n remedy The
Hrltlsh nilintrnlty chIIiiI mi Prof Ajr
tou to lutrallgiiln Ihe trouMii luiliin
time ago. After making ninny luvi-sll-gatlou
ho turnetl tlm problem otrr to
hi wife, who I ihe only woman mem
ber nf tlm Institute of Kltvtrknl l!u
Klnerra nml who rix-ehed the only initi
al ever nwnrditl to n wommi by Ihn
Itoynl S'H'lety of Niudoii for nrlglim'
utialihtl work.
Tint iuIIIcIim which the dru'd nro
wild to have cut frtHii oak treen with
hill-hook of gold, for Ihe plant mm a
wirretl ohjett lu Ihelr rellglutl rerclnif
J tile. I Mdoiti found ihi istk at the
preaniil day, ultiough It iiIhoiimI oil
lufliiy other treoa, to which It pre
eut'o I nlwnya evtuitiinlly fnlHl Surh,
nt lenst, I the aluto of HlTiiIra In
I'm nit', lu Ihe roirloii. niicIi hh Tour
nine, that were ouro the Hpeclnl limuo
of Hut drtihlN. Nitirly JH I huh of nils
tletoo nro nnnimlly exportitl from
Frmicti lo Piiglmid, irluelHilly for uso
jut wedding.
Tho observation of Dr. I!. Muelhn
dorf coiiivrnltiK Hut effect of ehftrlc
Ity on tho nutiniil hotly ahow aome re
iiinrknhle rittulta. Mnn hna tiiTich g rent
er xiwer of realstnuco or niiuh leM
nuKccptlhlllty, than ninny other tutt
mnl. A leech placed upon it ropcr
pliilo which rests upon ii larger phi to
.of glue Im iiunhlo to crawl on on ao
j fount of the fonlilo eliflrlc iiethm ex-
eiieii iiy tlm eontaet of the tneliiiM.
llww'M ure trouhhtl by kllght ilirfir
eucea of potential. Ail ox Ireiileil for
rliimiiinllam with elwlrlclty nurcunihed
to n current iiliHolutely liiiiffeiiNlvo tu
A llooil (,'nrrliiue.
Never neglect to go tlirough noni"
dully exertlHes which will keep tho
iiuiHcles lu onler, tho head erect, tho
iliouMcrH well thrown back. Cnrrlng"
tmids yiiit In giKtil atend even lu old
Friend nro llko mi umhrellii; when
tho storm comes on, you don't stop tn
rco wliothor tho liandlo Is pretty or