THE BEND BULLETIN , "For every man a square ileal, no less and no more," ciiARi.its i. kowk ...irtifirou sunscnii'TioS' Uatks: paejmr H tasnlhi.. -.. ..-. 11.5a fo Three luetntut.i tSKTr s 1 In drncw)- r Hi DAY, OCTOHHR 30. 1908. WOULD IT HU WISUV livery, voter, sltotilll bnkc, it n jwitit to be nt the polls next Tues day nnd cast hw ballot, mere should bo ho apathy in regard to this duty. Whenever a people arc given the right to vote and deter .nine the policies of a nation, they should evince enough interest in that privilege to fulfill its obligation and cast their ballots whenever op portunity is afforded. Some men go so"jarA3,to advocate that failure to vote should be made a crime. That would probably be au extreme measure, yet the right of the ballot bestowed upon American citizens is of inestimable value, and every legal voter should exercise that right next Tuesday. I low are you going to mark your ballot' .Will it be in favor of one of tLs t. gTcat parties? Will it be a vote for Taft and a continuation pf those highly important policies 30 ably Gonsrneuceil uuder Rxse veil? Will It be a vote for the brainy republican candidate and a onliguatjon of national prosperity tui ds.-;topmenl? Will it be a ,-ote for Taft ind in faVor of a man Who has devoted, th'e years of hi-. manhood to most important and dtffijcjuhwork that has been of rcat YJie to the nation? Or will you markyour ballot in favor of the jTebrasJ:a.' puc who is untried in uational work; one who shifts first from one hobby to another, always looking for a "paramount Issue" by which to lift himself into the White House; a ilian who has re peatedly prophesied the utter ruin of thP(Halion if his policies were ' $ot zdspted, and today the nation stands greater and grander than ver. In short, will your ballot be marked for a broad-minded, fair minded, brainy man who has been of real . worth td his country and ifolm kr .''rririfl root!" in evi &ho hes i''cad rrood' in every- Ml !. Jinn !ii I111 itnrlortitrpn or will it f - .!... m . . a & . . .. " T ' I !je for an unstable) mouthy talker 5f wrds? , Dp.vQ;! yary fou.r years more of prosperity, -crdo. ,yeu desire "a change?" Is Central Oregon in a position to experiment with a 'change;" with new, untried, vis- ijary policies of the Bryan parent- f? With a great development 0ist really to begin and with the country iu hourly expectation of The announcement of the beginning of railroad consttuctiou, is Central 6regon ready to gamble on the out borne and take the chance of trad ijfg four years of prosperity and de- I ttelopuieut for four years of hard fej'. W"1 nlu a e'ay f a" develop- rnenu we.tmui: not. J If you are interested in the con sumed advancement of Central Or- felfi, you should,vate for Taft. )0 VOli AI'1'ROIj'E..pP DUSINUSS ENTllJIPRJSE? J5,'erbaps there are times when '" ,u t'ct-1 that some of the busintss "ieu pC Uejd are not progressive ,iough. Ingraiued in your nature 'jau admiratipn for the "hustler," Sofihc person who does" things who improves whatever lie touches. V'Vott admin; the merchant who, I hi. brief space, take a moribund ijore nud makes it glow with life accredit to the city. VoU are sure that, 'if we had more such men, the " y would benefit amazingly. '' A careful observer once noted .he coiutideucc that most large cuies were located oh Hit banks of 'iwrs. It is easily certain that hiost large stores Unnpcu" to be tnii-nrfa!ncr advertisers. iu fact, aggressive ndvcrtlMhg is the one infallible test of enterprise in a merchant. It stamps him pro grcwlvc alive wise. All other "siiriis of life" abolit .1 store arc (Misleading if a store Is not aggres sively advertised. The merchant knows this. This editorial is to urge all those people who nii.ii;vit in progrcs Mvcncss, in cnterptise, to be con sistentto patronise the progres sive and enterprising stores. The safe test is the stored advertising. You can buy .advertised things and know that yoti arc helping to make enterprise worth whiles and know, too, that ydu arc saving money for yourself. You can buy of the non advertising merchant if you want to encourage and reward non-pro-gressiveness iu business, as well as to run the risk of securing for your self u very doubtful bargain. Pro gressive people should patrouizc progressive merchants. Ifrom the number of "drunks" that have been bothering people in Hcnd during the past week or two, it would seem that there is a good opportunity here for Sheriff Iilkius to do some good work. Somebody is disposing of liquor, and whoever it is should be attended to. The prohibition law certainly will be n failure if the citizens and officers do uot insist upon its strict enforce ment. Lives of great men all remind us, We should for the people toil; Stiek to pathways straight and . . m.t.row; Monkey not with Standard Oil. ktvt .Exchange. Roosevelt's Tribute toTaft. In a recent issue of Success Mag azine appeared au article by a prom inent writer giving an interview the writer had had with President Roosevelt in regard to Mr. Taft. During the interview the president paid a glowing tribute to Mr. Taft as a man and a statesman. Ex tracts from the interview follow: "No man finht lunler when lie think it U ueccuary; but he hates to fight mi le It l necessary." "1 sincerely believe Taft will nuke our crcatett president excepting. of course, our two stalest, Washington and Lincoln..' 1 1 -"Kndwinir tint 'the cdhtesf with the tcorporalicnj was to enrne over this !et;is- t.llnn T..l.It..l T.I. I., nl.oiiin.ll .-.I . rlatton. l visited laltltl utuciiinalt anil . nK.Jk ii.w ink auwjvt ..vvi'.j ni.ii limit ' ....if Iti.r. tlia il.t- .I...!., .ultli lit... 111 auvlce pro veil 10 be invaluable Taft really hail a hand in that first fit-lit :of mine for corporation control." .(l'lcht for franchise Tax Dill when IKooscvclt was jjovenior of New York.) ' "I wasilranu to him because he never surrendered1 his high convictions and yet lie KOtsloni'-well'wUIUlie people ot less hiiili con tiWJ. rHiIrHnjt fat to lofty iilcali, henev rtlielcssacconiulishrd tilings much worth while. We hail. I soon found, the same views of life. He tlcipioed, as I did ami do the selG'h, sordiil vleiv of life that rate everything by the money standard. He could not tolerate, any more than could I, the stock-ticker attitude of mhii;the. mere money-kini; seemed to him a poor crea ture as he is. Greed, whether realized or unrealized, seemed to hint poor and squalid He never surrendered his con viction and yet he worked succosfully wilh men In public life belter than I did ' re but outward signs of the evil done la secret by myriads of dan Jrff jerms sapplnj the life bJoc4 of lbehalriJHIcro kills tbe par. site, soothes the Itcbloz scab. gives lustre to tbe hair and stops it laiuof out. a suijie application irlves relief aid proves its worth. Save your balr before too late. Micro prevents baldness. It Is a delightful dressing for tbe balr, free from crease and sticky oils. Ask yourdrufzlstforfree booklet HOYT CHEMICAL CO, sSCrVjj. efcfc35 lutiuui iaBffiON(jHAIRr SEEDS MxiHrs stem succeed i SPCCIALOFFGR: fXtU i!U K A trill M tutk vvu oar MnnDni caiiomvr. Prirc collection rits.)furlflltUt -U ta. IIIIWIIT'' uiirtt- r- antiutlu 11 in nfn 1 Trr 1 rpinui 1 twi wn 11 iMMi, a pn in tiUAKAM-KKD TO IL.A& Write toi!yt Mention thl$ Paper, SVWVl,WANArNirAAilAAV SEND IO CENTS i Utn rtof Ml ftlkM veit IliU vtal 1 fettaxfioa v ww pimi .n"mVii R 1 7 L lrlil iHftunti mi inti run . , lUt til tkmt U IUt tf 9s moU, !. . l!.W. BucliM, r.jW.tfCMlt STRlir kVbMVV,lkb. i LOCAL BITS. C. S. Hudsoh writes from Canon City to the ilend llbVary that on account of his having, expected to come to Ucud he had ordered nil his magazines sent here, and as he would be delayed iu coining at leait "for the present," he would give these magazines to the library if the librarian desired to call for them. Of course the ladies ate only too clad to take advantage of the ofier, and they appreciate Mr. Hudson's action very much. The forest service has begun the construction of a telephone line from Sisters to the Allitigham ranch on the Matoles, a distance of about iS miles. The line will be completed in about two months when connection will immediately be made, according to General Mauager Ovcrtutf, with the Pio neer Telegraph vS: Telephone Com pany's line at Siitcrs. This will give long distance, service to the ranchers living along the Matoles. The survey for the new road be tween Laidlaw and Dend was com pleted Wednesday, and it is ex pected that work on the road will be commenced iu about two weeks. This road wjjl be just .seven miles long, or about three miles shorter than the old route. A new bridge will be built across the Deschutes about a mile this side of Laid law. Tbe new toad runs along close to the river bank tbe entire distance and the surveyors report that they have fouud an excellent route with no bad hills. W. J. McOillvray and Wta. Per guson were in town Monday after a load of lumber for flume and bridge work on the Arnold canal. Work, on this canal has been going for ward with pleasing progress dur ing the summer, and the company will soon have water flowing across the Silver Lake road where said canal crosses that toadabout five Imilcs south; of town. Prom prc.v lent indications and expectations water will bi delivered next season ;to at least q part of the land that is to be reclaimed by the Arnold canal. The entertainment given Tues day evening by the DcMoss family was a musical treat, atid they de served a much better patronage than was accorded them. Their orchestra work was especially pleas ing and demonstrated that they nrc musicians of no mean ability. The b;ll ringing, playing on musical goblets, atid other features of the program were receded by the atidi etice with evident appreciation, but, as stated before, tho best numbers wcreahcir orchestri selections. ' If the DeMosscs eve'r return to Uend they should be Riven n"ftill house" for they certainly deserve it. t i l'oley s Hln(:7 rfinl Tor cures coughs quickly, strengthen the luiius mid ox pels colds. Get the genuine iu a yellow piickaui'. C. W. Merrill, lriiKK't- NOTICE. "CHANGE 01' COKI'OIUTK NAME." The name of "The Ilaldwin I'arun," a corporation, 1ms been duly changed to "Ten Har Ranch" by the filing of supple mentary articles of incorporation for that purpoic in the office of the Sccrc- , w, mau; vi knw lull, iiav ui wiiuivi, , 1908, and in the office of the Ckrl. of I 1r 1. (,..a na 1ia alll. .I.... f Y1..I ... ' !Miiiuijii.ii .u.uii, uii 111c jyiu uuy ui October, 1908; A. 1' H11.KS, 1'. O l)0WSIN(, C I Eivrow, 33-31 Ji.sK.5 Htuaiins, Director. 3Tk your grocer for the 3 or 5 lb. cans. Thoy have the scrow tops with metal handles Aro useful whem ompty. . with the use of CLEVELAND'S SUPERIOR can bake delicious, hcnllliful food. I lib essential requirement lor pure cookery is a pure Cream of Tartar baking powder. The absolute nurilv nnd wholesomcncss of the incrcdicnts vr tuT? quality f E. A. SATHER. C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW Ofl'lCi: IN IHNK 1IUII.PINO, IllINU, OKHGON u. c. coeT m. b. Physician and Surgeon Ol'l'ICK OVItR DANK nil Wflbt Cclcpbone Connection UAT TKUtl'HO.VK NO. 31 Dknd, : Okkgon THE First.JVational Bank of PVincvJIIe.' Uitaullshcd 1687. Capital, Surplus nnd Undivided Profits, $100,000.00 n V Alien rrcsldtnl Will WuriMcllcr . -Vice lrtldnl T. M. luldNln ....... C.lilti II. tuiawln.. .. . . -VmUUuI u.tilci A. U. PfiTPRSON, Antelope, Ore. TRRatcVmahei awjeweleu l'reclotui nnd Bcinl-l'rcclous Stones Set mid leuelryofall kinds niule to order ami Repaired. Work first clam and Kuraiitccd. laoriIfi wt'li lulph BKiicr, lluUtllii office, lit lid, or kuJ illietl lumtslAuUlor HENRY L. WHlTSETr Horse Shoeing and General Blacksmilliing WAOON AND PLOW-WORK First Class Work Guaranteed. Loralnl ill tho old Sheldon shop. SAW ML1NG. lll'.ST WORK CL'AUANTI'.I'.I). 1'rlccs from 15c tofi.oo, Leave saw s at 1'lue Tree Store. l',I). HAI.VOKSON, - IlltNI), OUI'.C.ON WANTEDS UHHA1IUM UAJUunu fc m -v mm I FmrttKOI BU9lit98 Hot Dsrtlculsr tbont locsllen . -1 - . i. var Ifooi ovilfrQDir wuo ducrlutL udiui. wba ponuiioa l 10 Dorr. uir prica, can b hd. Addri MU U 1IU AIWI.I.J LDAMTtWU, KHM RmUCt. N.Y. fX.lj win laji u ". a "J f z' 7 "j StwSJ ' & of CLEVELAND'S insure the hcaltlifulness and superior of your food. You can be Cleveland's superior BAKING POWDER Made from a Superior grade of Pure Cream of Tartar. SOLD AND GUARANIKKU Bend, Oregon Bend-Shaniko Livery J. It. V bit stnffcs J. It. WHNANDV, I'rop iltey, ? re'; Covered New Covered Staprc ,'lf AUSO - , . I ,', Livery mid Peed Slnblcs at Shnniko, AlmJras and Bend. We run our rigs t6 cmq tho public. Stages tetivc etch way every day. Rigs to all parts of Conical Oregon. Careful drivers furnished Special Attention Olveh to Express and Baggage. number oiood, htibstatitial Trunks and Suit Cases at a price that is fair both to you and to iuc. If you arc plan uitig 011 a trip, come in and look over what I have. MILLARD I .- .-,.. . WIEN IN BEND STOP AT THEmPILOT BUTTE INN Table ftlrvsy luppllod l(Hio belt that tho lown nffordj. Neat xuid Comfortable Rooms. Massacnuetts Mutual Life Insurance Company i.NNUAL DIVIDENDS Wcarl J00 SATISP1ED Policyholders In Crook County. 31 a P O. A1IIS0R, 1 A - J illA .SVv oousewire BAKING POWDER sure of S. C. CALDWELL S Stage Company Agent, Shanlko iif . between Bend nnd Slinhlko "C "" ' Aryou plan ning to take a journey? If you nrc, you will want to be properly equipped with a traveler s parnplicr nnlla. That means travel iiif' baf, Milt cases, rips nnd trunks. I have n full i hue of these, nnd if you arc' iu need of nny of them I can supply your wants, A TRIPLETT IJltNI), OlUU.ON' RcaldelU Altclll lit ' , 1 V li Hi