The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 16, 1908, Image 7

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    All Humors
Aro Impure matter which llm akin, llrrr,
klilnrya ntnl other uremia cannot tnkt tnra
ot without liflp,
l'lliiploi, txilla, erreina nncl oilier rrtil.
tlom, Ima of itpiMilltn, Hint tlrrd frrllliK,
bilious turns, flla ill IllillKotlotl, (lull lirnct.
acbra mill many oilier troubles are due to
tlicui, Tlicjf are rriutiveil hjr
Hood's Sarsaparilla
In muni llijulit (iirm or In chocolated
tabletskliiiVfliasOarantnUB. HAIdoirifl.
1 li" aiuim lllil II.
"What's the mutter, old nmn; bust
ed)" 'lliited' doesn't eipris It. I'm lit'
ernlly atniiiliriiki'."
"Wlint ili you iihaiiJ"
"It witii buying n aullnlrn ring for
my Klrl Hint broku mo," - riillmtnlpliln
A moJrru Iravrncrat
a uuxirrilr pflcrl li 30
per cnt. more rllldrnl
Hun "Truil"of Grim
ol.Tjttir rtudixti and
aUolulrly Utt Iron! the
lu.liii-r.c.lnc Kochrlte
Salts rrtljuc Invariably
accutnrviayln. Ihrlr uvf.
Get it from your Grocer
25c -FULL POUND "25o
&iHldffaIr'a nm mi lf ffm owimJ
l..("J0.Ml..t.m,,ll... and 4 n(U
ttampt, mm4 mt mIU mall lllutlrattd bMkUl,
lMf manr a If "llo In th ltm. rm
and UaUr," ! IKIt Ut .tali. I) r 16
iMhf a, ilaIN rUr It khII.i, tUtt.
Mit I'.illk Catl llMat C... Oakland. Cat.
V. I lluoslaa tnaVra ntnl arlla mot-V
iiinr w.i.ihikiiii at.i.r.ii ln ilmn wny
iiIIiit limniilnrliiriT In llm miiiIiI. Ii
mikk llirjr liulil Ihrlr aliaw. Ml livllrr,
Hint nrar loo.rr IIihii noy nlhrr nialts.
ShM it All Mill, fir ir Ui-bif if tin
Wlt)lull Mm4I atailitllkn4tMl
U 4UUI ! ir Ml W L. Uail II II u4
l II ikM U Wtl l Ika (u
K.l C.lir :ytll4 I a VWual I
f ImU .N MMbxIluln, W 1. IkmiUI
hm "I HI" U auini) on l.xioi. Soil
ffrirla mm iimM Cruiii fftrtutrla aar
K1I0111--1.111. rik.u-ii-.
W I. imiilUV IM ?fik SI.. tlmkla. Mi., I
li rnur mouth ilnilUr In anr way In llta atcnal If
a.i, no iiMl 10 ir a ulllr, udumI'U partial ilata
ur III tlllaa, arJIuair bilJao noia, llta Dr. Im
ai.taw of
Tli imuIi ol Jl )r.' ni'arlaara, Ika naw war of
raflaclnc laalh In lha nioulh tralh la faol. taalh In
aia.raupa, laatU In rtiaw our lool tin, aa )o!
dlj uim lour natural imaa Our toiv lianoryan
IiihI ii van Jo jour aullra rruwit, I'llJua or ilata
oik In a lay ir nat.arr I'tialtltatr talnlaaa ai
Iraiitlua, Onlr Man. vlaaa, aolautlflii work,
Ir V. A Wlm. Manaiar . tlirara In
Haiimil Hour, Kalllna llulldjua, hlnl au.l Wu.h.
I hint au.l I
I, tu a f- 11
luati.u, a. M. lu ( tl Hun.
l.. V to I I' M. 1'alulaa. Mtraotlua, tugi l.lalaa,
laui, ilioiiMAauf MaluSuui. '
No. 41-03
:5iLaco ConlcrpiBCBg
m$fc ON CLOTH 8k
sjIvi J& Sm4
I1KN wrlllnr to u.lvortliara )oaa
luannan 101a papar.
VALUE OF WHEAT. 'worm, etc., nnd llioro will usually bo
skim milk or buttermilk, 'i'liura need
n.i mi..- ii. m..i i.u ir...iin thurcforo hu no cost tut nniuinl food,
Oootl ProHl May tin Man I y FeecllnK .,,,,,, , .livl(lt t n , ,0 c,.IlU'
to Poultry at HIrIi Prices. ,.r f,m, T, clover or urns they ent
11 Jamaa Drr-tm, I'liullrrinan. Oraa-un Aitrlcul- will liuvn llltlu mitrkutiibln vnlun. Tho
luial f-ullrne, Curvatlla dealructliill of rMsaliilicr I" "l0
The prlres (if poultry ami f1- clover mill rnln JieJds uml of bu In
low rlusely Hi ii t rcinl of whent price llm orchiird will, wlivru tlieso luaecU
nml nf rorn prlrra. tlin two atnpln piuil- mo had, olfaut luru pnrt of tliu nn
try fiMi'ln In tli ii (Ttiltrvt Htitte. The mini coat of food lor the fowl a in
tendeiipy la for poultry k'Mrn to rur- I belter crojia.
lull tli n Murk of poultry wlii'ii prlrra, I In experiment with larger breeds
of fnoil nre IiIkIi, mill to Itirri'itsn tliu the, mat of fri'illiin wua ri-ntfr. Tliu
llork when tlin prlrca of food nrii low. coat of feeding I'lymoiith Itocka nvrr
Wlii'ii tli n uruln price rlao morn poul lilted 1.10 pur fowl nml of Wyuiidutte
try urn sent to mnrket, ninl Inter on i.UU. Tina mini cual la lurnly offset
there, la ii arnrclty of both ioultry nnd vthuti tliu fowl urn riiurkolitd, tliu
villi. ) lu'Kf r liri'i'ila htiuniun unite tliuu thu
TIik niiratloii for tlin imiillrvninn nml
the riiriiirr to ronahlnr In I h It romipc
.. - .: t
tlnn l, nt wlint priri'K of Krnlu iloia
It pity tlin mriiinr to innrkrt tlin (,'rnln
rnllmr tlmii fffd It to tlin iMiultry, for
tlin liualiifaa of tlio fnntiiT la to ('' tlin poUonoua vnrifty, thu atntion rrjilltxl :
luuat out of tlin mill, wlii'tlirr It I hi In j "Tlicro nru ao iiimiy illlTcreiit ajiuUa
mw or riiiid'iitnitnl proilurta, It la n ' of muahrooiiia, nml thny nru ao nwirly
film jHiInt to ili'li'riuliii' Jual wlnT" thu llkn thu piilaoliuua vnrivtlna, that it la
profit In frmllni; poultry na wi'll m Iihjm.iIIb for mi Innspunuiicixl pvraon
otlmr llvil(H'k illaappirira In tlin up ! to ilutvct thu tlllfort'iicu. Ilotnnlata lo
wnnl tnmlciiry of tlio prict of crHlnj nut uaunlly tvfV,ttu nny illfferi'iicu lu
In otlmr wnnlH, nt wlmt Hilnt la thrro lwi'un inuahrouiiiM nml tomlatoola, Thu
n KirlhiK "f llm wnya liiitwccu n profit j ict wny la 1 1 l"rn to wonlm cur
ninl n loaaf I mil, pirpa aT cxlililu iniiahrooiiia, nven
Tim Knimrnl trmlrnry nmii fnnnnric Hi'mRli H'c nuu.l.i-r liv fw. A romiiion
la to anil tlin Kriiln, riitlmr than nil
It, on Imforn llm Kirtlii", nf thn wnya
Ima Imm'Ii rrnrhixl, nml it la n kuowlnli'u
nf thla fnrt Hint momma thu akillful
nml imralaldit fnnlnr of n profit. Tim
i pnrtmc of llm wnya roumn very aoon
In llm innliirity of frnilita, (Inn innii
limy ln li'lllnjf thn rxnrt truth wlmn
hn any tlmt hn rnu liuikii no profit In
rcniiini; anvrniy live cent wlmnl, nml
nnulhrr may Im mpinlly truthful when
ho a.iya hn enn mnkn n profit in fnml
Iiil' mm ilnllnr whnnt. Thu illffnrnnrn
In thn two mnn la n illfTnrrrten In aklll
in frciliiiK. With kimhI atork nml kikmI
rnrn thn akillful frnlrr will mnkn n
profit in frmllni; hlliprlrivl crnln, hut
mi oun rnn mnkn n jirnflt with mr
tuck nml xHr caro at nuy price for
Thn prlcn nf wknnt la liljclinr nnw
thnn it hna lnn far prolwlily tnn nr
fiftri'ii ynnra, and it la frispieHtly anlil
thnl It la too hih to fnml to cklrkena,
Twi or llirrn thlH(ja ahnuM lw run
1 Irrri In Una roHHrrlioH. Pi rat, thn
I rirra of Miultry nml nieua will rlw If
tunny c!il krna nrn mnrkntml, nml thn
f.irmi r who kma hla rkirknna will
mnkn na iniii-H profit na hn dl.l whnn
thn prl'O of wlmnt a low. That ia,
thn 1 ri''i! of Hiultry prwlucta will ml
Juat Itarlf to thn ptlr.-a of urnlli. Hte
1 ml, liiiw iiiiic h iliwa it rnally fit to
fir. I n lit' 11 for n ytuirf Duwi any 0110
In ('ipcrlmnnta mnitn hy thn writer,
coerinK anveral )pnra, In whlrh every
nuurn of fooil wna wi.l;lml, all puna
of l.cluirn hena eonaumml lurini; thn
year firtl mhihW wheat, St'il mmibiI
rorn, "0,1 pounla imta, II. Hiimla hrnn
ninl ahnrta ainl S!3C oumla aklui milk,
in mlilltlon to aniiiti nniuinl rooil. The
coat of thu total fooil per fowl for thn
year vnrlcil In different pena from HI
renta to 78 ernta, ninl nvrrniei! CO
renta. Thn wheat wna char,; ml at 1
rent n pouml, eorn nt Hi renta, nata
nt n cent, akim milk nt a fifth of n
rent nml Iran nml ahurta nt thren
flftlia of n rent. The nniuinl finul roat
from 6 to 0 renta pur funl. Thn wheat
rnnatituteil nearly n half of tlin total
Thu hena Inhl nn nvern(;e of Ml vgn
per fowl, vnliip.l nt fl.OS nt local prima
for ecija, The prlcna were from 10
renta to go renta per ilojen, much
j lower than thn prlea urn in Oregon
nt the preaent time. If wknnt hml 1hmii
worth, nay, 10 renta ninl hail liven
rhnrisl for nt tlmt rntn, nml lirnu nt
1 rent n pouml, thn coat per fowl
wouM have heen nlHiut III ennta morn,
or Ml renta limtwul of fill ennta. Hut
fKK mn nlao higher in prleuThun they
wern then.
Tiiklni; thn monthly vim ylnlil of thn
aU iena of Imghorna nml eoniputiHK
thu wilun nf thn niiua laiil ouch nuintli
nt tlin nverm;ii wholnanln prlcna nf njjui
in I'lirtUinl ilurlny thn Kit two ultra,
inn roauiia wuuiil lit) na itillowa:
l'MlCi 1'rifM
I11I1I. poriloi. Value.
N'ovumlier ... 411 ."IRe 1.17
Dueemlier ...Itt .'IBn .1.00
.Innunry H-13 .H .,0
IVIirunry ,...8.18 Stn -l.tio
March n.lil .1)0 fi.iHI
April 4t'll 0o 8..10
My 4..S 18a (l.ail
.imi 1 nt7 sou tut.
July 3 ' .00 tl.ui
AiiKtiat .tli.! fio 8..0
Heptemlicr ...3-1 Via 4 00
Octohur l7 30a LM0
In plncn nf ecu worth ft, OS pur
fowl, if their vitliiii Ixi coinputoil nt
iireaent prlcua In Portliiinl tltuy woulil
lio worth l-.SH pur fowl. In other
wonla, 011 tliu linala of prnmuit prleua,
fnoil roatlni; hO conta when fisl to lieu
proilucea iim worth f-.oS, Thin li 11
pretty kiioiI miirlii or protlt In fvoil
I ti tvx 10 runt wlmnt,
Jt limy lio anlil thnl tho nvern)u
llnck of lioiia iliii'H not lay 1 1 1 tan por
fowl. That U trim. It In nlao trim
Hint Ml c(,'K" per fowl In not phoiiom
run). Tho rlulit klml of lictin properly
ntteiiili'il nhoulil uvoniKo lliO nml well
lirml honn conaltluritlily inn re, Thu nv
oriiKa farm llnck will not nverii;u 1.3,
prohalily not 100.
In tlio no experiment nil tliu food
entou wna paid for nt market prices
mid tho coat nvornucil only 00 cents
por lion, Tlio cost would linvo ticca
only 80 cents if tlio wliout had cost DO
cents por liuslicl, Thu farmer, how
ever, who keeps fifty or 11 hundred
lions cun do hotter than tlmt, for 011
tlin nverne farm that nuiiilior of honn
may lio kept lately 011 thu wnatu pro
ducts or by products of tliu farm. They
will find tlio nnlmnl food In tlio Holds
lu tho ihuno of buys, .russhoppors,
: '" hri'txla,
In iiiianer to an Imiiiiry rclntlva to
tliu way In wlileh to tell tliu UHTorcticu
' Li'twurii tlio llblo imialiruom nml tlio
i iirlfly, kmiwit iHitnuiPully na AKnrieus
ciiniptxtrliia I.,' la no' olafliioiia, tttiil
liy thn following ilnariptluu you limy
l,d utile to rveociiiru itt
"Tim atciti la ryliiulrienl, or tnpura a
llttlo toMnril thu lower nml. Near It
upper i' ml ia n aort of collar, uaunlly
tnrinn.1 n 'rniK,' which encircle it.
Thla ia very ilnllcnte, white liku tlin
mniu, nnu oi vnry uuo, wtmi i"n.
'llm circular, rxpnmlml iliak Into which
thn atcm fit" ia ralle.1 the 'rap.' Tlio
aurfurn la aoiimtliima whltn. nltliouyh
nflitmtlitiFa lirownlah, nml uaunlly cov
t.1 liy n thin Inynr of ilnllcntu tfiremla.
Thn flesh nr inner triirtlun ia more cum
Htrt, nml li whito nlao. Ntimernua thin
dntea, or 'cilia,' nre on thn under vido
of thu rap, which radiate from near tho
ateitt to thn margin of the cap. When
thn plant ia very young thu Kills are
first white, but soon heroine n dark,
pink eolor, and In nic rhanyoa to dark
brown. Tin' nultatatice of the (tern ia
litna enniHirt nt thu center, but the stem
ia not rnnlly hollow, though mutie in
atanrea there nre alight indicntinnn nf
it. Thia iniubriMiin will I found in
iHkl, where ahade ia plentiful.
"It U probable that the room
reMinailili. for n Hinjority of the deaths
from en liny this plant la thu Amanita
lihalbililna, liy n novice, It mlulit cna
lly be taken for the Aaricua enmpea
tna. Ilonnver, thn fnnner usually oc
curs In thn wooda. while the lolible va
rlety juat deacribl occurs in open
places. Profeaanr O. P. Atkinaon, of the
Ixitnny dlvialon of thn Cornell univer
sity nurlrultural experiment ttntinn, tin
arribea the Amanita phalloldca ni fol
lows: "It ia pure white, nnd poaaeaiei ar.
nnnulua nr collar, but what ia moat
iuiMirtnnt thn base nf thn stem rest a In
n cup like envelope called tho volvn.
. . . flie plleua In thla form Is
amnoth, viacid to the touch, nnd pure
white, an ia nlao tho nnnulua, stem nnd
volvn, though the latter is nailed by
pnrtielea of earth. Thn stem la nearly
cylindrical, tapermi; ilichtly from tho
biilbnua lase. It la hollow, or stuffed
with cottony, mycelial threads. The
Rills are uaunlly pure whito, even In
nun. nnd nre nearly free from tho stem.
When deenyini; thn lilai.t emits a very
diaaureMihlfl odor. " From Washington
rilnte rollege, Pullman,
An Impilry which will bo of Interest
to fruit Kroner of southwestern Wash
ington and northwestern Oregon was
referred to the deitartmcBt of horticul
ture. It follow a;
Kindly give me some ndvleo con
corning the griming of ratphorrio and
blackberries under the conditions found
in siiiithwimterii Wushington. 1 would
liA obliged to you for Information con
cerning the growing of plums, cherries
and nppies lit this region,"
Profeawr W. H. Thnrnber replied:
"You will linvo no difficulty in
growing raspberries nnd blackberries in
your xirt of tho country, providing you
uae good Judgment In selecting yvur va
rlnlinn uml In planting. If tho low land
is well dm I nml you hint better plant
hlHckberrlos, but If tho land la not well
drained you will linvo difficulty In
growing nny form of small fruit there.
However, tho blackberry will como
nonrer to growing in poorly drained land
thnn tho raspberries will. In dimming
varieties of blackberries, uso tho Mam
moth for oxtrn early, tho Snydor for
middle early nnd tho Kver.rceii for
lain, itiispiiorrlos rcijulra n dryer nnd,
especially, well drulniHl soil, nnd with
siirh comlltloun In your part of tho
state you should bo nblu to grow re
mnrknbln crops of them Tho Cuthhert
is tho standard for commercial work on
thu west side; nlao tho Antwerp, tho
.Superlative mid tho Marlboro are excel
lent berries for growth there.
"Plums will do well upon n vorj
moist soil, nnd will stand n poorly
drained soil bolter thnn tho majority of
other fruits. Tho Peach, tho Yellow
Pgg, tho Trngody, the Wlllnrd, tho I,om
bnrd nnd other varieties almost without
mimlior will do well In tho region you
refer to. Almost nny cherry will suc
ceed there. Tho Itoynl Anns, tho Dings,
tho I.ainberln nml tho May Dukes would
bo good vnrietlei to plant. Tho vnrio
Hon of apples that will do especially
well tltoro nro nioro or less limited,
Tho Yellow Transparent, tho Duchess,
tho Oldenburg and tho (Irnvonstoln for
early npplrs, nnd tho Northern Spy,
Olympln, Daldwln, (Ultima, (lolden nnd
possibly n fow Ithodo Island Oroonlngs
for Inter vnrlotlon will do qulto well.
Other varieties, such ns ltcn Davis,
(Inno uml tho Jounthnn, do not seem to
bo entirely ndnptod to your part of
Washington. " From Wnshlogton Btato
collogo, Pullman.
rifHIntr a nirrnmlt' Onl,
Mm. Wlfkirnlmm tmd ndrertlwd for
an oximrleiHcd cwiV. Tlio first appli
cant who en inn In nnnwer to Hid ndrer
tlsutnent wnn n nlout, r'-d-bnlretl young
woninii, Mr. Wlrkerahnm propoiindcil
aorernl qiit-atlniia to her, which aim nn
nweretl lu o fairly satisfactory maimer,
Tlirti she nuked her:
"How long do you boll ten?"
"Well, iiirtn," said thn young wom
nn, "some folk M lis It longer, an' some
shorter. It's nil n mnttcr o' taste"
"Hut you do boll It, don't you?"
"Oh, yes, wrt'nly; but Pro sllus
thought that two lirmra was long
enough to bile any lea. You can .It
nil tho strrn'th out of It In that tltuo."
A Hard Caan,
"Ills wlfo nnm her own money."
"Indeed! I did Dot kuow thu was
"Oh, yen; hard nt It all tho Hint."
"What doe aim do"
"Works him to glr. It up." New
York Journal.
othrra wilt flnil Mr. TTIniloWa Boothia.
Sjrruii Ilia baa t mined r louwIorttialrcUiWrui
luring lha ttlduf yttlvi,
Tlraiill nf Ilia Oloerrmtf nn,
"Conductor," said tiie haurhty paaarl
(rr, "you ought to know by tbla tlmt tkat
1 alisayn get off at (lovthe atrtt."
"I auppoae I ought, niAilam," rrapood
rd the afreet ear conductor, touching bla
cap, "but that a where rooat popl tall
down." Chicago Tribune.
W ofTarOnn IIutidrr.1 HollarilU-ard fnr any
rw ol Catarrh Ibst cannol h turn by Hail a
Catarrh Cura.
r 1 CIIKNKYCO.,Toldo,0
V, lha nndarilirnrd, bar knian Y, 1.
Cheney Inrlba lail 11 y.ara, and betlera him
tairfn-tlf honorable In all buiioeaa lianiactloni
ami dnanclally to carry out any otllga
tlou tn uy hU flira.
W hnle.ata Ilrugfliti, Tolado.O
nan a .aiarran urw ia .nq inirrnairj, arv i
Ingdlrectlr upon tha blool an I rouroua .ur-l
(area nl lha iyilni. Tratimonlalr aent Irr-e.
rnc7rnti ir Dotitu sow by an irruggisu.
Taka lUU'a Family 1'llla for Conitlj.atlua.
Vncallona' llHrdahlpa.
On llllama Ilata a good rrat at that
aumtner rraort up north
Hfllnt I did. but It wsa pretty bard on
lb glrla, They had to walk nearly a
rail to mall tbrlr plctur poatcards.
Chicago Tribune.
lllalhlruna Kletc.
"Thn other day," aaid the caller, "I
irnt you an item to Uir affect that I bid
gone up Into Wiavonaiu on a wrtk-rnd '
"Well?" said the aoclety editor.
"Wtll." rejolne.1 the Indignant callir,
"you printed it 'weak kneed' trip."
Th tortolaa, baring woo th rara wltb
(ha har. waa bmtting of tb exploit.
"Kom day, young fallow," aald an old
lortolia, rylng th braggart wltb dla
faror, "that apeed madnra of your will
b th diath of you."
rnbllo Hatha of l,ara Clllaa.
Our prrsnt uatlonal morrmunt to
ft tb denlien of our congealed citlr
next to godllnrss I now progrcaslnf
rapidly, according to report being re
clTd by the Federal bureau of la
bor, which show that about 40 of our
blf urban centers now prorldo public
batba. Among the lloiton takes the
had with 10 public bathing beache, 12
public floating batbs and on public
pool. Next to this record of 33 public
batba rauka that of Greater New York
with 20, and then that of Philadelphia
with IS.
slrailalLi ihcHMdantlRet'tla
ncss and rVst.Cont.ilns ndiinr
Opituu Morphine nor JlacraJ.
11U 1' AI Alt IUI 11.
. . H
Anrrfcrt IWmr dV for fAmsfltJ
t Ion , Sour StonudbUlarrtoi
Worms .lomnistons jmrtsn
ncss andLoss OFSleer
rMSinitc Sijnaturt of
Exact Copy of Wrapper,
f S5t """"" JBk 3r T b hv B ft H lkff B
cir3 ii ii im in wni'i-i
y?!g!v niinranleedundfrll-,oti
O.O. o.
When the blood is pure nnd healthy, the akin will be soft, smooth, and
free from all blemishes nnd eruptions; but when some acid humor takes
root in the circulation, its presence is quickly manifested by some form of
skin dincaAc. The skin receives its necessary nourishment nnd strength
from the blood. When, however, this vital fluid becomes a humor-laden
stream, it can no longer preserve the hcalthv, natural appearance of theskin,
but by its acrid, impure nature continually irritates and inflames thedelicata
tissues and fibres and keeps the cuticle in a diseased and disfigured condition.
Kxtcrnal applications cannot reach the blood, and therefore arc beneficial
only for their ability to reduce inflammation, and assist in keeping the parts
clean. To cure any skin trouble the blood must be purified of the humors
that arc causing the trouble. S. S. S. drives out the humors from the blood
so that the skin, instead of being irritated and diseased, is nourished by a
healthy, cooling stream. S. S. S. goes down into the circulation and
removes every particle of impure matter, all acids and humors, nnd restores
the blood to its normal, pure condition, thereby curing every form of skin
disease or affection. Book on skin diseases and any medical advice free to
all who write. the SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLAHTA, GA.
Jlan'a .-r l.ld. I
There In a new belfry covering for
the uiMo-date mnn. It nrrlnil from
Pari nnd Is called the King Kdward
hat. This masculine headgear is built
.ill the linen of tho feminine flower Kit
lid nnd In blocked to resemble the hel
met that the mini who pounds thu poro
wears. The lints aro inado of the same
material as the ordinary black derby.
Instead of a ribbon bow on tho baud
a buckle clasp t. Several ieoplc who
nrrlred from Paris recently wore the
new lid. They say the King Edward
hat wn Introduced to Frauce on the
king's recent visit. 1
C1TC HI. Vital' Dallta aa4 rmna Iflnair. aanaa
ril.Ja.aUr nr4 1.7 Dr. I laa'a Oraal Narta IU.
Mor.r rWn4 far rill 110 trial UtU aa4 traall-).
Dr. U. It. Ulna, IA., U Arch St., i U4alkU. la.
"I beard Crlttlck rivnnrk that some
of th pasingc In your comedy wero
worthy of CongrcTe," said th play
wright's friend.
"My!" exclaimed the playwright
That's too bad!"
"Why, that means s compliment "
"It doesn't. It menu that he's on to
me." Philadelphia Prem.
lr at an pain 1 li I a IA! n
'&. W.I
Yrtli OUT
t T a. .a -". a...--. a -a v -i i V- nr mw 11 trm id IPIUU-- WtM
v.l l Ik o. U r-t f r !.. VaAti i lu rrt. r . ir 1 tc. rvl oqi rap
V f,r. lKt i-5 M IV U'W tm IN tot rt tf w ttr I jlrl tt !(---, Alt
fe IT nr W7Ma. IWei. Tip. Co U. t rf 4 U UrM i Mf
"'C 1ii-Hf ll trtf.UfttuIif' r iJ.ll T -f t 3 1 N4MUSM4UM
llu .-. 0r M-lil,U'la !! ftitrMlaft- ii.l lfH 'pMrfMt I.ipvmi
-L4M4rrWu4(rtH4U.lkf-rM. .lB4rMli Urwfc lVb t3 J-ll.aM4i4U.Ml-w
Tfery sra Tralnad for buatnaaa In buitnaaa-lika way.
Whr cot anroU In a rrpuubla achool that pUcaa all of Its ir-Jiutaa?
Tho l-ltid You ITavo Alwiys Bought, nnd which lins been
In uso fur over SO years, lias horuo tho slsnaturo of
jt nml has liccn ninilo under Ills pcr-
? v-V4 r B0,ml Buporvlslon slnco its Infancy.
Wtafvjfc S-Ccccx&t Allow no ono to tlccolvo you lu this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd "aTust-nu-Bood" nro hut
Kxperlineutd that trlllo "with mid endanger tlio health ot
Infants nnd Children lixncrlcuco ngulust KxpcruuentVa
Castorln, Is a harmless mtnstltuto for Castor OH, Paro
gorlc, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium. Morphlno nor other Narcotlo
fiiibstauco. Its ago Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays FoverLshness. It cures Dlnrrhcea nnd "Wind
Colic. It relievos Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It tvsslinllntcs tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach mid Dowels, giving healthy nnd natural bleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Boars tho
The Kind You toe Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
TusctHtauKoo-MNT, vr noaT mttr, NtwToaaurr.
Men who cannol stop , .
for a rainv dov.- will A
find the greatest
comforr end Ireedoi
of bodily movement
10 CJWEfr
Every gormenl bcorinc;
tte ngn of lh lih
guaranteed waterproof
Cofolog free
"So there Is a coolness between
Count Fucash and bis wife's rela
tions V
"Ye. They aay his conduct was
"Surely he didn't beat hla wife!"
"No. Hut he boat his father-In-lair
out of several hundred thousand."
Washington Ptnr
nii na i a -t. , TTat .J IT -. . -.
A Flavoring. It makes
syrup letter than Maple.
j Sola by grocers.
Signature of
t .iH
I i ..1MJ I
h if. i AJ w
m ft
H .'
.ii in
I -Sw I