fcjy ! V ( y. ( c i ! I Wf 4 (fi ( (' ( c ( (p Ob Bargains in Remnants and White Wash Waists Do not fail to hcc our remnants of "(HiiKluim" WaistliiKS etc., just the thing for clilklrou's scliool dresses and waists. I have a few White Wash Waists left, all good values at regular prices, that I will sell for just half price imtll dosed out. A Ui WAIST I'OK $1.45 ( A A A A A A A A 3.63 3. '5 5.00 '75 1.6$ 1.50 95 it 11 n it it ii 5 : 0 O Rouietulwr there arc only 'SSSSt u ft (d It u ' ir. "JjEf' Uidies, BbAR. in mind that we have a nice line Children's BEAR SKIN LOA. 1 O hi white and tan, at, each.... ' I and : ALSO THK WHITE AND (JREV REAR KIN CLOTH RVTHE YARD, si INCHES WIM PER VAIU) &2.50 ROOTEES. KNIT I.EC.OINS, A NEW UN'E OF SHOES, SOIH' SOLUS AND STRAP SUPPERS I'OR THK RARY. AM. OK THESE THINGS AT T!C (0 (0 V (0 S ( (0 ( Where you get RICIIIT (1()()I)S nt RIGHT I'RKIUS Always. THAT IS A. M. LARA'S (X8Sv22SS'5 LOCAL BITS. G. J. Spencer lias recently pur chasd four lots in block 39, city of Hcml, Tukeu look nt The Bulletin's jowuship pints before you buy twd Utoa. 'Mr. nnd Mrs. Chns Eriekson wetc In lleml during the week from their much on Rear Creek. ' Joint S. Pnrmenter wno released from quarantine Tuesday, having recovered from the .smallpox. ' j! N. Hunter ami W. II. Staats returned from n two weeks trip to L'o Aland last Friday evening. I A social dance will be Riven in I.arn's hall Saturday evening to which all arc cordially invited. Max Richardson, who is with the Central Oregon Railroad sur veyors, was in lleml last Sunday. , Milk uud cream for sale; first 'house east of Mrs. C. A. Jones' residence, W, H. Piiillu'H. 30'33 1.35 1.10 1.00 .85 .80 .75 .65 .50 0 0 1 J ) ) 0) 0 ) 0j 5 few, so come early. flA9J J ash Ctore V"$) For Mile: Three-year-old mare broke to ride hud drive, with sad die and bridle, 50. Call at this office. Dr. Coe reports thut n 9 lb. boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. J A. Drown at Redmond last Friday nlRht. Poultry dressed or alive always on hand. I.ayiufc hens and pullets about to lay, for sale. Wji, Down ims, lleiulj Or. 28tf We will have in 20 boxes of Hood River peaches next week. These will be the last of the season, so get In your orders early. Kkllky it Ar.DKUK'.K. it Attorney V. l'.( Myqrs nd "Uncte 'iVank,'f Nichols were up froinXaldfnv Monday evening to attend the speech delivered by Senator Fulton, During the past week Millard Tripled has been building n house In the eastern part of town for V R. Phlllipj. The structure meas ures 16x76 with nine-foot posts. Mr. and Mrs. V. J. O'Connor left Tuesday afternoon for Port land. They went over the moun tains with W. J. McGillvray, who will bring back n load of fruit with him. The Ladies' Library Club will serve waffles at the Steele building all day Saturday, beginning at 7:30 in the morning With the waffles they will wrvc either coffee or cocoa. II. F,. Allen is now ncting cashier for the Central Oregon nankin- & Trust Company, and M. O. Cue has tcmjKirarily taken Mr. Allen's place in the C. 0. D. oflicc. Yearling, home grown fruit trees for sale, at rnnch three miles from Rend on Priueville road sign of ted born. Will be nt ranch Nov. 2 to 15. Howaui) SriNiNO, IJend, Oregon. The how house has been moved to the city's new lot south and cast of the Aunc hotel, and the hose curls and alt other fire fighting (Kiraphernnlia will be found there in case of fire. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Chapman left Tuesday afternoon for Eugene, driving over the mountains with their private rig. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman will spend the winter at different points in the Valley. I am now-agent for the DcLnval cream M-jwrntor. and have one of these machines in stock. Step in and examine it. Tiny are a great convenience ami money saver for the dairyman. IJ.A. Sathkx. artf The forestry service has esti mators at work in the timber south east of lleml that was burned last summer, and will advertise the titular on the burned tract for sale as soon as the estimates arc com pleted. For Salh 160 acres. Rest ranch in the Sisters country. So acres in clover, a million feet of yellow pine on the other So. Good water right. Corvallis ft Eastern survey near. Houm! and bnru. $2,000 cab It, time on balance. This is a snap. C. A. J0.VK8. If you like fresh chocolates and the very finest made you should step into Kelly & AldridR's. They nave a tine line, just arrived. William Rcuiolds of I. nG ramie. Or., was recently in Heud and bought ditch laud. He will return here in about three mouths and be gin developing his property. In the meantime The Rullcttn will keep him osted regarding the news in this scctioh. As we go to press word reaches The Hulletiu that W. J. McGili vray, Mr. and Mrs. V. J. O'Cott nor, and Mr. and Mrs. Chapman were unable to cross the mountains and turned back at Sisters. Mr. and Mrs. O'Connor will take the stage at Redmond, and Mr. and Mrs. Chapman will drive through to The Dalles. Deep snow fell in the moutaius during the recent heavy htorm. DANDRUFF AND FAUINCrHAlR ore but outward signs ol the oil done in secret by m rlads ol dan Jrull germs sapping the life blood of the hair. Micro Kills the para site, sooth;s the Itchlog scalp, elves lustre to the hair and stops It (ailing out. A single application elves relief aod proves Its worth. 1 Save your hair before too late Micro prevents uawncis. it is a dcllghtfuli dressing for the hair, free front grease and" sticky oils. Ask your druggist for free booklet HOYT CHEMICAL CO, J9STHBP, ?5tN T .? D. L. McKay of Portland and E. C. Mueller of Davenport, Iowa., of the Mueller Lumber Company, arc spending a few days in IJend this week looking after the company's Interest's in this section. The Muel ler company owns a large tract of timber along the Deschutes, I have returned from Portland with 400 samples of wall paper ranging from 7c up. As I stated before, there is no letter booster for any community than a good painter with a brush in his hands, so If you want either papering or painting done, call on me. N. P. WitiDiat. 31 tf Kd. Halvorstn is making some .substantial improvements on his dcMjit claim these days. He is building a two-wire fence around the entire tract, with the posts set eight feet apart. He will nlso clear quite a little laud, and by spring plans to have about 25 acres ready for the plow. . Fred Ilunnell returned to Rend Tuesday after .spending the sum mer nt the old home in Nebraska. He was accompanied by his broth-' cr, W. II. Ilunnell and family, and by a nephew, Fred Van Matre. These latter gentlemen will locate in these parts and W. II. will un doubtedly buy ditch laud. The DeMoss Lyric Hards, a fam ily of vocal and instrumental musi cians that has been belore the pub lic for years and has toured Amer ica many times aud liurope at least once, will give their entertainment in Rend on Oct. 27, under the au spices of the Ladies' Aid of the M. Iv. church. Watch next week's issue for further announcements. Mrs Win. Orcutt had a runaway Wednesday, but fortunately no serious damage was done. As she was driving along near the J. I. Wes,t place in Lytle, a singletree came looc aud struck one of the horses on the heels as it fell. They started to run, but Mrs. Orcutt suc ceeded in heading them into a juni per before any damage was done. A. Koeuig of Tacoma, Wash., has been spending the week in Rend, having come to look after some ditch land which he recently purchased. This is Mr. Koenig's first trip to Rend and he is very much pleased with the country in general, and thinks it has a bright future. He says he will probably move here in about a year and de velop his laud. The Woodmen of Rend partici pated in a Very pleasant little gath ering last Saturday evening. L, P. Rounds, deputy head consul for Hastcrn Oregon, was present aud delivered a lecture to the lodge, af ter which refreshments were served In the hall, aud later those who wished in&aged m dancing. There was a good attendance aud nil had an enjoyable time. The D. I. & P. Co. have put on a construction crew cast of Rend which will be kept busy during the winter building laterals in that sec tion. The crew comprises some 35 or o men nnd about 15 teams. Most ol the land lying cast of Reu$ for several miles has been sold and the company is anxious to get It' all under water as soon, as possible that is, get the laterals built to each tract. The geological surveyors have finished their work in these1 parts and have returned tox Ashland.. They found the elevation at Priue ville to be 2872 feet. Several years ago another crew of surveyors ran a line into Priueville from the di rection of Rums, aud this later crew that worked jn from Ashland came 8AVED MIS UOY'S LIFE. "My thrtc-year-oM boy was Ixiilly con stiputcil, bail .1 high fever and uu In mi iwvful condition. I t"vc lilm two doses of l'oley'h Orino T.nxativc and tlic next morning tlic fever was K'e al,d be was entirely well. 1'oley's Qnna I.nxuthc wived til life." A. Wolkiuli, Cat inter, Wls-C. W. Merrill, druggist, within less than a foot of the alti tude of tli3 former crew. At Powell Ruttcs station the altitude is 3275 feet, nnd nt the cross roads not far from the station ft is 3251. Millard Tripled has bought the furniture stock and business of J I. West, and will conduct that busi ness hereafter. Mr. Triplett plans to install a small manufacturing plant in a few weeks in the rear of the furniture store, and will order a gasoline engine, turning lathe, and baud saw. Thus equipped he will be able to manufacture moat of hut cheaper, rougher furniture, and ul so intends to turn out porch pillar's, brackets, aud similar work. Mr Triplett has had years ol exper ience in a furniture factory in the South, and will give Rend aud vicinity a first-class furniture store A cabin recently built by the national forest men in these parts was put up in compliance with plans that had been scut out from Wash ington, and it is wonderful to be hold. The walls of the cabin arc only one thickness of light boards, while the roof is a heavy concern, so heavy that the walls bulged aud it was necessary to prop tbctn up with jack pine poles. Rut the strangest and most ridiculous part of all is that through the center of the buildlng.thcrc is an open lobby large enough to lead a horse through, with the kitchen on one side and the living room on the other. The men are wondering what dolt made such plans for a rangers' cabin. It might be all right in southern California, but is somewhat amiss for Central Oregon A fair sized audience greeted Senator Clias. W. Fulton in Rend last Monday evening, when the Senator appeared here to deliver a political address in behalf of the republican party ami of the candi dacy of William H. Taft for presi dent of the United States. No preliminary program had been pre pared, and' after the introduction of the speaker Senator Fulton took the platform and delivered a stirring address of an hour aud a half at tacking the policies of the demo- Timber Claims Wanted. Patties having timber claims sit uated south of Rend adjoining or wttlitu a few miles of tue Deschutes river are requested to write to the undersigned if the claims arc for sale. J. D. Honkyma.v, Rend, Or. Every Farmer Why? Because! our ny's safer 'n tne Dan tnan anywhere else, - Paying' your bills by check is the simplest and most convenient method. Your check becomes a voucher for the debt it pays. It gives you a better standing with business meu. .. Moucy iu the bank strengthens your credit. A bank account teaches, helps aud encour ages you to save. This bank does all the bookkeeping, Your bank book is n record Of your business. To those desiring Banking'Coitaoctioiis with a well established Bank, we extend cur services. The Central Oregon Banking 2k Trust Conipany 1' . ' DIRECTORS: dohr) Steldl.n...., Lumberman ami Timber Owner. Xl.-C.JCoe 1'hysician and Surgeon 1J. P. J. McDonald..,...,....,., Merchant E. AsSAther.......,., Merchant H, t. Allen , Cashier. crat p.ntv and arguing In favor of th se of hi own pWrtjv He pre faced his nddriss with a few re m.irks complimentary to litis sec lion 1 f the state and then launched into his argument. The speaker commanded the close attention of his audience for about an hour nut' a half, and advanced several sounc' arguments why the voters should stand by the republican party and elect William H. Taft to the presi dency. The Senator's address Is considered more fully in our cdt torial columns. Tuesday morning Senator Fulton was taken to PitnC ville in the D. I". &. P Co.'s autd mobile, where he spoke that even nit: He was accompanied to the ouiity tat by Dr Coe While lit Rend the bsuator was tlic guest ol Mr. aud Mrs. Ro.scoc Howard. Married Man In Trouble. A Hurried limn who penults any mem ber of the family In Ukc Anything execs " I'uley'a Honey and Tar, forcoutl, t ' unit futiK trouble, i Kuilty of nested NotnliiK clc u as 1:00a lornuptiimonar) trouble. The t-etiuine I'olev Hone and Tar contain no opiate and U in a yellow pacVae. C w Merrill, dragiit. For Sale. t(o-ncre liomotcnd with .10 acre ditch land adjoining; abundance of wood and water; all fenceu, 35 acres cleared; 30 acres under cultivation on ditch land; some seeded to alfal fa; young orchard and other im provements. Inquire of C. H. Elms, Priueville, Or. . M'Simm-WtiwaPm GkWMWL mm mam. When You Paint buildings, Inside or out side, if you desire the very best results at the least expense you should use The Shehwin-Williams Paint Call for color cards E. A. SATHER A Pull Line of aroccrics, Dry Goods and Hardware always en Hand. As well as every business man should have a bank account.