The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 16, 1908, Image 3

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Items (iatlicrcri from All
Paris ol IIig World.
Lett tmportnnl but Not Lett Inter
ettliiR Happening from Points
Oulildo tlio filnlo.
The liitllrthip llfd lint left Mnil.i
fur Jjuii.
The army retiring hoard declare
Colonel Sic win I it disabled.
A 'llrilisli Cirri been tent to
Turkey to keep t lie country quiet
A conference of llir powrrt mi the
Balkan tiiutlittc depends upon (it eat
The naval tug Sntoyomo went
aground on Puget Sound during a
heavy fog.
IC. A. S. Illuke lint been' found
Kililty of attempting to Inllir a prof
petivr juror in I lie Huef rate.
A KlitMan general was VMitinileil liy
hit oh n troops during th army ma
neuver Halls became mined with
th blank shell.
The waterway cotiveiitlnn hat
pttseil a rraolutlnii asking emigres
to open a lnp ranal from the Great
Lake to the C'ihK, at the railroad
cannot hero pc with the volume of
A MCMiietU tehonl teaeher
locked, a boy in elotet for punith
went ami forKot him. The iHiy re
malHed in hit dungeon two ilayt and
H Hiicht while the teacher attended a
wedding t mflet away The teacher
It pro t ruled and the boy under a
physician's care.
Austria hat nent a warthip to Bel
grade and threaten to annex .Scrvla.
More dependenriet of Turkey
thtratrn to revolt and declare their
Seattle httikt will hark Alaska-Yu-knit-Pacific
rxpotitioit ImiiiiU to the
amount of sww.owi.
A phenomenally rich dUeovcry of
old ta hem made in the Sturgeon
Ijkc district. Canada.
Jamrt J. Mill tayt railrotdt are br
ing hampered hy many Uw. lie ad
vocatrt deep vvatrrwayt
Delegate to the National Itural
l.rltrrrarrirrt' .issoclatmn favor adop
lion of a pjrcel poit law.
An American ami tun .Spaniard
were murdered hy l-'iliiim in one of
the proviucct near Manila.
France coiitinuet to itititt that an conference it the only
dutiou for the llalkan trouble.
Iletrtt did mil annrar at Iteiio with
the Independence tprakcr. having
iteru threatened with dynamite.
A prtiimiMic freliik' prevail In
Great llrtaui with rcKard to an early
ellleiiicnt of the near Kattcru ijuct
I ion.
Itcglttratlon In New York lint fallen
off greatly from tlio figures of 11)01.
A (Irrinan millionaire hat married a
Jit. I.oult heiress, after proposing by
Mn, Jr-nn Duntmulr, who riled r
cetitly nt Virtnrin, II. C, loft an et
Into of fc000,000.
Two Iwn achnnl teachers were first
In register M O'Nidll, Noli., for, land
In Ittwwliud rrtrrvathni.
In mi nttompt to enter n house nt
fMahttdtfe, Huaaln, robbers killed 'i pee
fin. 'I he murderers vtr arrested.
Tlio jHrv Imk for tlm Intent Huef
trial it filled, but nix of tlio 12 mrn
may bo removed by peremptory chal-
Tlio Japanese government hat do
ubled to prohibit nil gambling on rneo
trnrkit mid to atrletly onforco the laws
governing r. elng.
Tlio Nntlotml lturnl Lottcrearrlera'
nasuciatlnn It (u session at Omaha,
Neb., and an elTort it bolng mado to
bold tlm noxt convention nt Portland,
Whllo Hooker T, Washington wna
uddrrsaiiig fi.OOO eoloretl people nt
Jnrkann, Minn., n gnllory foil. Over 40
pootdn were Injured, Homo of them seri
ously, I'iro nt Mnnlln dottroyod property
vnluod nt 1200,000.
Delegates nro gathering for tbo
Trnnt Mississippi courraa.
Two Americana nro nmong the new
ensos of cholera nt Mnnlln.
A confcroiiro of tlio power" It pro
posed to nvort wnr over tlio Hnlkan
Delegates from coiumorelnl bodies of
tlio principal count cities nro In toitlon
nt Rnn Francisco,
A number of women Attempted to
register In Now York for tlio coming
election, but woro refused.
Wilbur Wright, tlio Amorlcnn nero
mint in I'rnnco, carried nt n iinttoiiKor
on nno IHitJit ft man wolglilnir 10
Official rciorta show that tlio num
bor of cholera casoi In Ituwla aro de-creating.
Oloudt Looming Dark Over Balkan
State Once Mora.
London, Oct. (1. Kvciitt which threat
en to change tlio polltlrnl fnco of I'll
rupo nro rryatiilllrlng with lightning
Ilk rnnldlty. Almott over nlulit the
liurlriiii of Hid ni'iir nut, whlrli tecuied I
lrililllllll V fiHHIIIillnir II t.iirtftMflll tililwiiip.
nnee. hut becomo crowded with war
l.llf fT,
Nitwt linx renelied luirn from tovernl
on rem tluit two definite ttroket nro
on rem nun iwu iioriinio ttroket aro. , ,, . . . ,,, ;,
liniiendinif whirl, fall 1.. l.rln.,l'rn, '"''l'"to hat mado public hit re
mattcrt to n crll, iiiiJ pvrhnn force
nil imiiioiiinin wnr.
(Inn It tli (i iiroebimatloii of 1'rliire
IVrdlnaiid, of tiie Iiidi'n'lidriiee of Hill
Knrlii, wldrh will ineludn IbnuiHilln,
lukliiK for hlmt.df the titlo of cxir.
Him other It nu uiiuuiinroiiient by
Aiitirin iiuriKnry or llio prnellrnl tin
iii'tnllon of th ii priivliiciii of Komili.
mid llxrxeuovliiii 'nt npHiiiai't of tlio
Auttro lliiiiKiirliui rrowu.
Dlllior lie II n ii will ,n eipilvnlent to
Hot tMirlii( up of tlm treaty uf Merlin,
hIiIIii I'rllirn rrrdllinnd'a eourmi icnmt
nlmoat rertalri to prurlpitato a war be
tKi'en llult;arla nnd Turkey.
Ilnforn tlieae pontibllltiet tlm tpinr
rel of Hie Hntt Koiimrllnli nertioti of
tlm Uririt rnllwnv a In lit Into liialynlfl
eiuirn. Until iirmli-a nre reported to lie
ipiielly niil twiftly riiobillrlii); on the
liordrra. Ilulcorln It anld to be buying
up iiiuiiitlnna and lionet on an oxteiulvo
The Iliilt-nrlant hnvo faith In their
army, wlilrh Un rrnrlml n hfuli atnto
if nfflelHiiey. nltlmiiKli It It purlin pi
Inrklnt In offieera, and llio wnr fur
Hhieh HiilL-nrla lint urn been auaneetrHl
of priHirliiK roulil bo foiiKht with more
Hilvi.iitHKH to her now tlinu when the
Turklah Kiiverumrnt lina had tluio to
reorKnriliii Ha fnrrm, enervnlwl bv eor
ruplltin and ueuterl of (ho old recline.
Cblcat;o Policemen Enforce a Lonp
Forgotten Ordinance.
ChlenKti, Oct. U-Nearly KKH) nf our
very Iwet eltlteiia and anveral touriata
from ndjtiiiilHc eltlet ere tixlny joatleil
off the Heiith Hide boulevnrd by mn
dry tart", thick iHillremen mxl foreod
to do their aiienllng over the ordinary
treeta. Thla wna dun to the dlaeovery
by the H'tuth I'ark eonimltaionert of it
ferK'otlen ordinanre whlrli forbidt any
vehicle on the UiHlevarda which einita
amoko or any "atliiklun mlur." Con
aiHpiently many linunlity periHiiit whnao
loHrliii; ear were filllni; the ntmoa
phern with the reek of petrol were tide
tracked by the polleo nnd Invitiil to
betake their "offenaivo olora" olao
At that hutnlreda of cart ocaped for
Ihr reaaun that they wero traveltni; an
fnat the odor did not aaaait the watch
men until the inachliiea were beyond
renrh. The camo vvaa roiiiparativelv
enay while the tun wnt thlnlng, for the
rnlnt ripple or amoke could then be de
ti-ete.1, but the offirert nlmmlonoi!
their efforta when darkne'a fell. Of
the tliouatnda of peraona ordered off
the boulevard), none dliolieved. to the
elty Kaina no rovenue. '
Latt of Uncle Sam's Distributions In
Rosebud Reservation.
Dallaa. 8. I)., Oct. (1. Two hundred
thnuaand puraont will take ndvanlnn of
the opening of h20,OO0 arret of free
Kovcrnimwit Innd in Houth Dakota, to
morrow The parceling of thia vnat
tract nf farm country In the Itoaebud
Indian rcaervntion la the latt of Uncle
Htm 'a big land dlatrlbutiona. l'.very
one It to have a chance at a 100 acre
allre. Land adjoining ft it now soiling
nt t'JO to n() nu acre. It It eatimatod
that thla drawing will turpiiM all other
government npeningt In the number
who wilt take part, at leant 200,000
people being expected to regiater. The
number of Hlllncro farina It 5000. Thia
menna that only one peraon nut of every
10 enn Hwiaibly got n fnriti.
Alrendy erowdn have arrived nt the
border, nnd hnvo art up tentt prcpnrpri
to-mnko n romfurtnble ttay until after
the drnwing. The registration polntt
nre nt Dnllnt nnd Oregnry, H. 1)., on
the enat border nf the reaervntion;
Cliamberlaln nnd l'reaho, 8, I)., on the
north, and O'Neill and Valentine, Nob.,
on the aoutlw
Castro Ignores Holland.
The Ilngiie, Oct. 0. Homo concern ex
itta here over the report not yet entire
ly confirmed, Hint l'realdent Onatrn lint
rejected the eecond note of the Dutch
govormiioiiut. Mnny nro opposed to
belligerent nrtlnn on the part of Hol
land In the with that Tlio Hague, nt
the aent of the pcaco conference, bo not
connected in nny way with tlio Idea of
war. The crulaer Trecht hat been
placed under orders to proceed to the
Hntt Indies, via tlm Went Indira, When
alio arrives In Weal Indian waters there
will be four warship under the Dutch
flug assembled nt Hint station.
Greater Than Thought,
llombay, Oct. 15. Upwards of 7000
bodies nlrendy hao been extricated by
the health department of Hyderabad,
and tlio belief prevails Hint the total
death roll resulting from tlio floods Hint
devastated tlio Hydorabad nnd Deccnn
uismcis n w-cok ngo will oxceea nil
previous cttlmntea.
Russia Has Disease In Hand.
fit. l'otortburg, Oct. 0-Tlio cholera
opldomlfl is being kept woll iu hand,
considering tlio hold It had on tlio elty
before propor mcnmircs to prevent its
Mprond were tnkon. In tlio 24 hours
rrom noon Haturday until noon today,
tlio now enaoa numborod ISO and deaths
" 1iJ5i - 5 i i r. mm i
Uonaparle Tellt About Work of Hit
Wntliluuloii, (Jet. H Attorney (Jen
piy wi n ii'iier no mm receiver irom
lotcphut Danlela, clinlnnan uf tlio
Drinoeratle press comuilttco nt Chiengo,
asking for facts connected with tlio
trust proaerutlont by tho department of
justice, including tho present ttandliig
of litigation ngnintt tho trutta.
The reply givet a tummary of the
raaea prosecuted substantially at fur
..1.1....1 ... h ..ri.... ...... .....I.. ....i..iM
loniiri ii, i, irriini i rjiui , 'i,i'iii;,
a ropy of which the attorney general to .Mr. Uanlsla, Tlio nttor
ney general aiiyt that hit department
lu.a prosecuted nil cnaet under the
HIidmiiiiii antl truat or Interatnto eom
merro law a that .'nvo been brought to
Ha attention from responsible sources,
where the facts disclosed warrant such
action. Ho coiitinuet:
"It la, of rourae, needless for rno to
say that the mere fart that n corjKira
lion or nMoeiatlnn la ralle.l n 'truat
by .Mr John .Moody in hit manuni, dona
not prove or oven tend to prove that
lit organisation or Ha meiubera have
been guilty of violation of federal
laws. Neither la such guilt suggested
by the fuel t lint such organization may
do n largo and apparently profitable
Commission Surprised Ibylnjunction
Suit nt St. Paul.
Washington, Oct. 0. Considerable
urprlan vrat xpreae at the interstate
eoiiiuierre eommlMlon to-lay when newt
wat rcrcived that the Hill and Harri
man railroads had gone Into tho circuit
rourt at HI. I'aul and asked that the
eoiiiiulsliin be enjoined from enforcing
ita new ratet on lumber thlpried from
Oregon arid Washington to territory enal
of the ltoeky mountains The ratet
filed by the commission were to have
gone into effect In August, but late in
Julv the railroads asked for an oxten
ion of time, declaring it to bo iuinot
slide to prepare and publish new tclied
ule by the time stipulated.
Iliey promlsM, If the extension was
granted, to accept tho commission's
rales and put them Into effect on Octo
ber lfii nnd, furthermore, promised thnt
If thit extension wnt granted they
would not go into court and undertake
to have ratet enjoined.
It it reported unofficially, however,
that these roada, contrary to their prom
Ise, have appealed to the circuit court
for the eighth circuit at St. I'aul for
an Injunction against the commission,
nnd there it no otsihility of n decision
before the date when the compromlto
ratet were to have gono Into effect.
Will Return February 22.
Washington, Oct. 8 Tho Itinerary
nf tho return homo from Manila of the
Imttleshlp fleet hat been nnnnuneed nt
tho nnvy denrtmcnt. The fleet will
leave Manila December 1, arrive nt Co
lombo December 14, -ty there six days,
and then depart for Suez, which it It
scheduled to reach on January S. Tho
ships will past through the canal and
coal at I'ort Said nt expeditiously at
possible. They aro to spend tho month
of January nnd n few days early in
l'ebruary in tho Mediterranean, two or
three vessels going each to Yille
franehe, Marseilles, (lenoa, Leghorn,
Malta, Algiers, Negro Hay, Morocco,
tho whole fleet leaving the latter place
February tl, being tchedulod to nrrivo
in tho I lilted Stutes on l'ebruary 22.
New Quartermaster at Portland.
Washington, Oct. 1 Cnptnin Ira L
rredenhall, quartermaster, will proceed
to I'ortlnuM, Or. and assume charge of
the office of disbursing quartermaster
nt that place, nnd will also report to
the commanding general, detriment of
tho Columbia, for duty as assistant to
tho ehluf quartermaster of that denart
ment, relieving Captain Henry Clark.
Captain Clark upon being relieved will
proceed to Fort Ward, Washington, nnd
nasumo charge of construction work ut
that pott.
Rejoctt Changed Terms.
Washington. Oct. 10. Tho eontrncl
of tho Pacific Coast Construction com
pnny, of Portland, for construction or
n duin on tho Lower Yellowstone irri
gat Ion project in Montana, has been
suspctuicil and tlio reclamation service
has been nuthnrlzcri to complete, tho
work by force ncocunt. This netloii
was taken tin n result nf tho refusal of
the contractors to complete the work
hi accordance with the terms of tho
contract, largely in the matter of time.
Sockeye Pack 330,000 Cases,
Washington, Oct. 7. Consul-Gonernl
West, of Vancouver, has reported that
tho total catch for tho season of tho
sockeyo salmon was 338,000 cases nnd
tho excess of tho pack for the yenr
wna largely confined to tho canneries
on tho Prase r nud Skeenn rivers, thero
licing n noticeable railing oft In tho
pack on Ilivors Inlet.
Government Buys Silver,
Washington, Oct. (1. Tho trensury do
pnrtment today purchased 120,000
ounces of fino silver nt 51.772 cents.
Seventy flvo thousand ounces of silver
nro for delivery nt Phlladephla, nnd the
rest oi now urieans.
Cemut nln.. TlrnAmn.mi f,,- on
Years Computed.
Washington, Oct. 10.Tho Nnllonnl
riiniM-rviitliin roiinrilaslon hat caused
the first comprehensive nttemnt nt tho
eenwis of the standing 1 1 in lie r in tho
Cnlted Ktatet pver undertaken. Tho
eoiiimiaaiim neeus ine inrormniion to
help euiiiplele Ha inventory of the coun
try's natural resources which it will
include in its report to the president,
nnd allien that report It to be tub
nilttol on the firtt of next year, It
needt the information at oaee. In con-
si'ipieneo tho work on the eentus hat
been NtnrtiHl with n rush nud It now
well under way. l.'stlmalen at to the
amount of standing timber in the I'nl
teit Ktntes range all the way from k'ii,
h02,ll(KI,0lll to 2,0IM),OW),OOO,l)OO lxianl
feet, u dllTereneo of more than a trillion
fwt in the viewa of the best qualified
nuthorillet In the country.
In the opinion of tho forest servlrc,
the moat carefully prerxired estimates
yet made are those of Henry Gannett,
pulillsiie.l ny llio 12th census of J DUO,
wlilrli plnee.1 the total st u in hi go nt J.-
31K).OOO.OW),000 Inmrd feet. Mr. (Ian
liett was reeently eliosen by tho tireal
dent to eomidle nil the Information
gaUii-nil for the eommlMlon. The een
sun la expected to give an aerurntc
basis for computing how long our tim
ber supplies will Inst.
I lie consensus of opinion it that the
preaent nnnunl consumption of wood It
mIm.uI 100,000,000,000 lMHird feet, or
iniething more than that. A leading
authority lias placed it as high as 150,
OOO.OOO.iHJO lioard feet. Assuming that
stuititmge of 1,IIK),000,000,(HK) board
feet, an nnnunl use of 100,000,000,000
board feet and neglecting growth in the
calculation, the exhaustion of our tim
ber supply is Indicated in II years,
and awuming the same use and stand
with nn annua) growth of 40,000,000.000
feet, a supply for 23 years is Indicated.
Jobs Co Oegglng.
Washington, Oct. t Civil service
examinations nre to be held today and
tomorrow to secure eligiblet from which
to make appointments at examiner iu
the interstate commerce commission.
Contrary to expectations, there have
I n few applieantt for these positions,
which aro to pay from 41K00 to 13000
a year. This is due to tho fact that
the requirements outlined by tho com
mission nro difficult to meet, and the
examinations; nre verv exhaustive, in
volving expert knowledge of general
auditing, disbursements, freight, pas
senger and claims nceounts in connec
tion with steam roads nnd accounting
In connection with electric railway, ex
press service, ttcnmthip service au.l
other common carrier service.
Controller Roasts Examiners.
Washington, Oct. 7. Lawrcnco O,
Murray, comptroller of tho currency.
has declare. that tho common fault of
natlonnl bank examiners Is that they
delay loo long in closing tho banks
intrusted to their care. He add reused
sixteen examiners yesterday at a
meeting to which they had been sum
moned. The conference will last a
week. Murray warned the examiners
against extravagances, earelestnesa
and lark of judgment. The receiver
ship of national banks should be
placed on a square business basis, he
Not Much Hope for Stewart.
Washington, Oct. S. Tho medical
members of tho special retiring board
of the army havo decided against Col
onel William F. Stewart, tho famous
Fort (Irant exile, nnd sustniued tho
report of llio surgeon nt Fort Huaehuca,
Ariz., who held that Colonel Stewart
had been afflicted with serious nil
merits since KST5, when it was neces
sary for him to refrain from nctivo
service for a time. This Indicates Hint
Colonel Stowort will bo found by the
Ixinrd to bo inenpnh!o of service nnd
probably will result In his being ro
tlred on that ground.
Flih Resigns for Politics.
Washington, Oct. 7, Tho resignation
of Hamilton Fish, assistant treasurer
of tho United States at Now York, was
ncecpted yesterday by President
lioosevelt. It was announced thnt
Fish had resigned becauso ho had been
nominated for congress. This is in
accordanco with tho recent order given
out by President ltoonovclt that no
employes of tho government can par
ticlpnto in politics.
No Urouble Over Morocco.
Washington, Oct. 7. Ambassador
Juaserand, who has returned from Ills
vacation in Frnncc, declnrod yester
day Hint thoro was not tho slightest
trouble between Franco and Oormnny
over tho Moroccoan question, "Just
prior to my leaving homo," ho said,
'n most conciliatory noto was re
ceived at tho French foreign offico
from Germany, I seo no good reason
why good feeling should not continue."
Wheat Crop Again Short.
Washington, Oct. 0 With n world's
wheat crop for tho second year In sue
cession materially below tho average,
says n crop report of tho deiinrtmont of
ngrlculture, tho extent of tlio probable
l'urojicnn demand for foreign wheat is
n subject of special importance. Tho
latest estimate of tho Hungarian mln
istry of agriculture indicates a shortage
for Europo of 18,000,000 bushels.
Washington Clly Secures Meeting o
Irrigation Congress.
Albufjueruuo, N. M., Oct. C. Spokane
wh selected t the meeting place for
I great, at the cloto of the sixteenth eon
nu nurciia-vu.y iiniiuuui irrigation con
'1 ""7' ""'o wun.irew ni
tho last moment, nnd the vote wat made
Tho new governing board of tho eon
grett, created by this meeting, wat
'elected Saturday at n meeting of
' oxe,utlve committee. This board
full tiowcrt to manage tbo affairs of
the congress nnd to contlnuo Hi work
between sessions. Tho rnc rubers are:
President, U. II. Harttow, of Texas;
secretary, H. A. Fowler, of Arizona;
W. A. Heard, of California, chairman
of tho executive committee, nnd Fred
J. Klosel, of Utah; Dr. W. J. McfJce, of
Washington, 'D, C; John Dixon, of
Montana, and one other member, who
Is to be selected by tho board.
Tho closing session wat mado Inter
esting by a strong address by Congress
man Joseph K. Knnsdcll, of Louisiana,
president of the national rivers and
harbors congress, who urges' coopera
tion between his organization nnd the
natisnal irrigation congress.
That nn international congress wilt
ijo n oi il at soino ono or tho Houth Amer
ican capitals in 1UI is now fairly as
sured, although the matter will not be
determined until tho congress meets In
Tho industrial exposition will eon
tlnuo until October 10. Hetwcen $15,
OOO and 120,000 in trophies and prizes
will be awarded at the close of the ex
position. RUNS ON TIES.
Fast Passenger Makes Mile a Minute
Without Rails.
Chicago, Oct. 3. Passengers on the
Lake Shore Twentieth Century Lim
ited thought they w-crc taking break
fat in a wreck a the tender trucks
of the giant locomotive hauling the
fast tram left the tracks a half mile
west of Gary at 8 A. M yesterday.
For a mile the wheels of the tender
bumped over the ties, whiie the en
gineer sought to halt the flyer, speed
ing to Chicago at the rate of CO miles
an hour, i lie dining car and the
smoker also left the raits.
For what seemed to the passengers
three or four minutes the train dashed
ahead, but with slackening speed. Af
ter about a mile it was brought to a
stop and it was found that no one was
injured. At the point where the ac
cident occurred the tracks of the Lake
Shore are elevated so that an embank
ment of eight or ten feet descending
on either side promised a dangerous
plunge if the bouncing cars left the
The airbrake on the diner, loosened
from its fastenings, fell to the ground
This derailed the diner, the smoker
and Hie tender. An angle-bar of the
track was uprooted and tore through
the floor of the diner, causing a panic
among the passengers at breakfast.
Beats World's Record With Passenger
on Board.
Le Mans, Oct. 4 Wilbur Wright, the
American acroplanitt, who holds the
world's record for an aeroplano flight,
established another world's record yes
terday afternoon for the time and dls
lance with a passenger. With a French
journalist by his side, he remained in
the air for 55 minutes nnd 37 seconds,
circling the field 24 times and covering
a distance estimated at 53 kilometers,
or about 36 miles. His best previous
flight with a passenger was 11 minutes
33 2 5 seconds.
By his feat Mr. Wright practically
fulfills tho conditions of n contract
signed by him nnd Lazaro Weillcr, who
represents n syndicate, whereby Mr.
Wright receives 1100,000, and the syn
diento takes Iu return tho patent rights
of the Wright machlno for Franco nnd
tbo colonies, with tbo privilego of man
ufacturing aeroplanes on this model.
Tlio sun was setting when iir. Wright
nnd his passenger started, nnd the
flight was completed In tho moonlight.
When they alighted, tho Fronch jour
nalist in liis enthusiasm throw his arms
around Mr. Wright's neck, and tho
great crowd of spectators was hardly
less demonstrative in its manifestations
of delight.
Sua for Timber Value.
San Francisco, Oct. 5. Suit for the
recovery of (5174.S7, said to bo tho
vnluo of timber cut from tho govern
ment lands allotted to tho Indians of
tho Klamath tribo nnd sold by tho In
dians to the defendant corporation was
filed by tho government nttorneys horo
Saturday against tho Klamath Mill &
Transportation company. In a similar
suit somo years ngo United Slntes Dis
trict Judgo DoIIaven held that the In
dlans had no right to sell timber off
their allotments unless tho proceeds of
such sale went to tho government.
Central America Sends Gold,
San Francisco, Oct. 5. The mines rf
Salvador and Moxiro havo eantrlbuted
$108,508.70 to tho wealth of this coun
try In tho form of gold nnd silver bul
lion. It enmo up in tlio trensuro vault
of tho Pacific Hall steamship Newport.
Hall conios from tho liuttora gold mlno
in Salvador, tho remainder from widely
known mines back of Mazatlan. It Is
the largost amount of treasure brought
from the southern coast in ono consign
ment in months.
Prince Ferdinand Issoes Pfocla
niatlon of Independence.
Auttrt Hungary Also Stops In
Will Annex Two Provinces
of the Sultan.
Constantinople, Oct. 0. Hulgarla has
declared her Independence of Turkey
and is marching her troops to the fron
tier in preparation for war. Turkish
troops nre also advancing.
Austria-Hungary has given notice to
the jMiwcrt that sho intends to annex
permanently to her dominions the Tur
kish provinces of Hosnla and Herze
govina, which tbo has oecuplod and
governed under mandate of tbo great
(owcrs for 30 years.
Tho proclamation of Bulgarian inde
pendence was made by Prince Forall
nand in tho pretence of his cabinet at
Tirnova, tbo capital of the ancient
kingdom of Bulgaria. Tho cabinet met
the iirlneo nt tho frontier Yesterday
and journeyed with him to Tirnova.
Tho dlsnuto with Iiulcaria beiran In
regard to tho control of tho Orient
railroad. Diplomatic correspondence
nmoag the powers betrayed a serious
lack of harmony and encouraged Hub
garia to tako the bold step of today.
Turkey is convinced that Austria,
baeked by Germany, encouraged Bul
garia to declare her independence in
order to striko a blow at tho Kiamil
ministry and compromise tho new con
stitution. Yarna and other Bulgarian towns aro
placarded today with declarations that
the moment has now arrived to pro
claim independence, as otherwise Tur
key, on the strength of the treaty or
Berlin, will demand the restitution of
Eastern Rumelia.
Favors Annexation Scheme Advise
Turkey Against War.
Berlin, Oct. 0. The foreign office to
day declared that Germany would sup
port Austria-Hungary in the event of
the annexation of Bosnia and Herze
govina. Tho Associated Press is authorized
to state that Germany associates her
self with the mediation proposals sub
mitted by Great Britain to the Turkish
and Bulgarian governments.
It Is recognized officially that Bul
garia's proclamation gravely compli
cates the situation, and until the atti
tude of the sultan is known the German
government is unable to foreseo Its
course of action, except that in no
event will Germany bring pressure to
bear at Constantinople to influence tho
decision of tho porte.
Should the Turkish government seek
the advice of the powers regarding tho
advisability of asserting her supre
macy over Bulgaria by military force,
Germany will not be a bio to advise the
fiorto to go to war. The Turkish army
s not prepared, but the Bulgarian army
Is ready.
Servians Clamor for War.
Belgrade, Scrvla, Oct. 0. The news
of Austria-Hungary's action with re
gard to the annexation of the prov
inces of Bosnia and Herzegovina has
aroused Scrvla to the danger point.
The streets this evening aro thronged
with a wild mob, many of tho rioters
discharging their revolvers nnd de
manding war with Austria, rather than
tako annexation.
First Eastbound on New St. Paul Llna
Starts Late.
Butte, Mont., Oct. 0 The first reg
ular passenger train from Butto to Chi
cago over tho Pacific Coast extension
of the Chiengo, Milwaukee & St. Paul
railway left this city yesterday sov
oral minutes late because of a tardy
milkman who failed to get around early
enough to supply tho combination car
with cream.
This car is ono of the features of tha
St. Paul trains, and it was not In
tended that on tbo first trip out of
Butte tbo larder should go wanting.
Tho train waited for tho milk, vender.
Coal Bunkers Burn.
San Franelsco, Oct. 0. A fire smoul
dering in tho bunkers of the Pactflo
Coast Coal company at Benlo nnd Bry
ant streets burst into flame early to
day, and for two houra threatened ad
jacent warehouses and shipping. After
a flvo hours' fight tbo firemen bad tho
ldazo under control, nltliougn reuer
lines will bo manned for a week or
moro until the mass is thoroughly
drenched. Tho flames devoured 4,000
tons of coal nnd dostroyed a portion of
tlio company's offices and warehouses.
on tho Bealo atrcot wharf.
003 Miles Under Water.
Cherbourg, Oct. 0. The submarir
Emeraudo arrived hero today, aftc
mn of 81 hours, In whieh she cover
distance of 003 miles under wato
vessel maintained a Tegular sr
nine knots an hour. The '
though much fatigued, bor '
trial admirably.