The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 16, 1908, Image 2

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Situation in Balkans Complicated
by Action of Crete.
Turkish Government Sends Note to
Powers Protesting Against Action
of Seceding Dependencies.
The ooplo on the island of Crete,
stirred by the events In southeastern
Europe, the Independence of Itulgnrla
hihI the annexation of Itosnla nml Her
zcgovina by Austria, havo arisen and
proclaimed union with Orecee.
Tlio Turkish government has sent to
the power a. circular protesting against
the Itulgarian proclamation and asking
the powers what steps they mean to
take looking to tho re-establishment of
order in Hulgaria and tho maintenance
of Turkey's interests, which were guar
anteed by tho treaty of llcrlin.
Oreat Ilritnln, in reply to tho notifi
cation of Austria-Hungary's proposed
annexation of Hosnia and Herzegovina,
has refused its sanction to this action
nml has practically requested tho Aus-
tro Hungarian government to recon
sider it.
lloth I'reniicr Asquith and Foreign
Secretary Orey in public addresses
touchetl upon the Balkan question, tho
former asserting that tho llritish gov
ernment would not stand alone among
tbo powers In its present attitude, tho
latter expressing tho belief that noth
ing has happened thus far that would
lead to a breach of the peace.
In Scrvia thcro is popular clamor for
war against Austria-Hungary, ana the
Servian government has issued an ap
peal to tbo powers, requesting them to
restore tho status quo or clso to grant
Scrvia compensation.
Italy, through Signor Tittoni, the
foreign minister, has demanded that in
addition to tho cvneuntion of Novi
1 nzar, 'Austria renouneo tho protec
torates which she has exercised over
Montenegro under the llcrlin treaty.
Italy is ono with Great Ilritnln, France
and Itussia in counseling tho holding
of a conference of tho powers for tho
purposo of examining tho complications
that have arisen, anil, if necessary, re
vising tbo treaty of llcrlin.
Favorable Laws or No New Railroads
or Improvements.
San Francisco, Oct. 8. An ultimatum
from E. If. Harrlman, delivered by J.
C. Stubbs, his personal director of nT.I
Ilurriman lines, made at yesterday
morning's session of the Trans-Mississippi
congress, is ono of tbo most sensa
tional events in tbo history of that or
ganization. Harriman's message came llko a
He told the Trans-Mississippi con
gress, in effect, that if it did not work
to prevent the enactment of legislation
which had a tendency to discourage the
confideneo of the money markets in
railroads as investments, not a milo of
track in Harrlman territory would bo
built or improved.
Stubbs compared the great undertak
ings of tho United States government
with those of Harrlman, and predicted
regretfully as n notable exnmplo that
ino t'anama canal, -iu years niter its
completion, would prove a failure as a
financial investment.
Prize of $10,000 and Gold Cup for
Successful Aeronaut.
Lo Mans, France, Oct. 8 Ten thou
sand dollars and a gold cup worth $860
now await the first aviator who crosses
tho English channel In an airship of
nny kind heavier than nir. Part of tho
$10,000 Is offered by the London Daily
Mail and part by n big French eham
pagno firm. Tho Aeroplane Society of
fern tho cup.
Now that Wilbur Wright' perform
ance in carrying a passenger 42 mllos
in ono flight has finally accomplished
tho last of Lazaro Wciller's conditions,
bo snya that probably ho will soon try
a flight over tho channel by the way
of Dover and Calais. Threo other aero
nauts', declares N. Hloriott, aro ready
tor tbo same test. All will begin their
Vermont to Elect Senator.
Iiurlington, Vt., Oct. 8Tho Vcr
roont legislature convened yesterday for
its regular biennial session. Uno of tho
most important duties of the session
will bo to elect a United States senator
a successor to tho Into Itedfield Proc
tor, Mr. Stewart now holding tho placo
ad interim by appointment of the gov
ernor. There appears to bo a strong
popular sentiment that tho honor should
bo conferred on former Governor Car
roll S. I'ago. Tho names of Governor
Fletcher I'roctor and Congressman D.
J. Foster also aro mentioned in connec
tion with tho senatorship.
Wonder of Wireless.
Honolulu, Oct. 8. Tho local wircloss
station yesterday overheard a messago
from tbo station lit Tatoosh, located at
tho mouth of Puget Sound, to tho army
transport Thomas, which sailed from
San Francisco October 0, L6und for Manila.
Trnns-Misslsilppi Congress! Favors
Ship Subsidy, However.
San Francisco, Oct. 0. Assembling
after half a day of recreation, the del
cgates to the nineteenth session of the
Trans-Mississippi Commercial con
gress devoted yesterday afternoon and
evening to practical addresses on the
development of the West and brief
speeches explanatory of resolutions
under consideration by the various
committees. Hereafter one half of
each day Is to be taken up by enter
tainment provided by the commercial
bodies of San Francisco and of the
1200 delegates who are registered as
attending the congress, fully one-third
participated yesterday in an excursion
by steamer to many points of interest
on the bay.
A new flood of resolutions deluged
the secretary's desk after the dele
gates returned. Hccausc of the ex
tended debates that have occurred in
the sessions of the committee on reso
lutions, it is probable that the action
upon many of the important measures
lor winch approval lias been asked
will be retarded.
The committee has decided to re
commend. in modified form, the reso
lution urging the necessity of provid
ing for a rejuvenated merchant ma
rine, and after a bitter debate of sev
eral hours, determined to report ad
versely the resolution commending the
attitude of Postmaster General Meyer
on the subject of a parcels post. The
latter topic is expected to furnish the
basis of a lively contest on the floor
of the congress.
People of Servia Renew Demands on
King Peter.
Belgrade, Oct. 0. Great crowds
again surrounded the palace last
night, shouting for war and calling for
the king to appear. Finally King
Peter, accompanied by the Crown
Prince, came to the balcony and im
plored the people not to cause a dis
turbance lie said:
"Trust me ami my government;
both will do their duty."
The crowd cheered the king, but
continued to shout, "War with Aus
tria." The report of the resignation of the
ministers was premature, but the rad
icals arc trying to bring this about,
charging them witli inactivity in the
present critical situation, and it is
feared that a cabinet crisis may be
The report, spread yesterday that
the crown prince had announced his
desire to lead an army into Hosnia
This was received with popular ac
claim, and he was given an ovation
while driving in his motor car in the
afternoon. Thousands of people pro
cceded into the country to meet the
troops returning from maneuvers, and
escorted them into the town singing
war songs.
New York Building Authorities De
cide on 300 Feet.
New York, Oct. 0. The committee
on public buildings of the board of
aldermen has announced a public hear
ing on the proposal to limit the height
of all buildings in New York. If the
aldermen should adopt the proposal,
after the hearing it must go to the
board of estimates, and the mayor
will have the final decision.
It is proposed to limit the height of
buildings to 300 feet, with the excep
tion of buildings that front on a park,
square or plaza, for which the limit
is proposed at 330 feet.
The proposition was made by the
building code revision committee,
which nude its reports after investi
gating the width of the streets in the
city. Where the width of a street is
less than 45 feet, a height of 13 J feet
only will be permitted. A general
limit of ISO feet is proposed for all
stores, lofts, warehouses, restaurants,
markets, refrigerator plants, stables,
factories, workshops, garages and
other structures of a similar nature
Office buildings, grain elevators and
observatories are to be the only build
ings to be allowed to rite higher.
It is expected that considerable op
position to the new plan will develop.
Colonize Dig Ranch.
Red Illuff, Cal , Oct. 0. One of the
largest sales of land ever recorded in
northern California was closed here
yesterday, when the Herbert Kraft
company sold the Capay Kancho, in
the southern portion of Tehama coun
ty and the northern part of Glenn
county, to the Metropolis Trust com
pany of San Francisco. The ranch
consists of 1000 acres of fertile land,
and is to be subdivided into colony
tracts. The figures have not been
made public, but it is stated here that
the San Francisco concern paid $250,
000 for the land.
Riot Leaders Go Free.
Springfield, III., Oct. 0. The jury
in the case of Abe Kaymcr, alleged
mob leader, charged with destruction
of property during the recent riots,
returned a verdict of not Kuilty yes
terday. Kaymcr had previously been
acquitted of murder in connection
with the lynching of William Donne
Kan. an accd ncuro. This acnuittal
is taken to mean that convictions can-
not be obtained in the remaining riot
- - -
Hood River Apple Growers' Union
Dispose of Crop,
Hood Hlver. Hy disposing of 30 cars
of Spitzvuhergs Inst week tho directors
of tho Hood Itlvcr Apple Urowcrs'
union Imvo successfully nmrketod two
thirds of tho crop which will bo han
dled by them thl year. Tho apples
sold nro tho name sizes that Inst year
tundo tho world's record for high
prices, and nro said bv tho directors
to lmvo been ngnlii sold this year at
the union's own figure. Tho purchasers
nro tho Steinhnrt Kelloy company of
New York, who bought .SO cnrK In the
first dcfl. getting nil tho Nowtowns,
mid for which It is said they have since
been offered n bonus of 110,000 to turn
over to another firm mid have refused
to do so.
Tho ileal was mndo with tho Hteln
hart .V Kelley people by mall, after a
representative of tho firm who was
hero somo tlmo ago reached New York,
mid include nil the four-tier Spltzen
bergs nml larger, tho four nnd one half
tier having been bought by them In a
previous ileal. Altogether, tho union
has now sold 140 cars of npides at its
own figure!, tho balance of its part
of tho Hood lliver crop amounting to
nbout GO cars.
Its disposal of the, high priced Spitz,
cnbergs has been watched with Interest
by buyers, who have claimed that they
would not bo sold to ono firm this year,
and were waiting to see them split tin
and sold In small lots to various firms
to supply their fnncy trado in the big
eastern cities. Heretofore the Stein
hart & Kelley company ho bought its
Hood lilvor Spitzonberg In this way,
but this year will bo tho seller to other
firms instead of tho purchaser.
Wlntor . apple picking commenced
Monday, and the largest pocking erews
which Imvo ever been put in tho field
lien- will commence (tacking the fruit
fur shipment this week.
Get Water From McKenzle.
Eugene The MeKcnsio Valley Ir
rigation A Power eomony has elected
tho following officers: J, A. Youn-
green, president; N. Needhnm, vice
president; II. Phcllnplaec, secretary,
nnd W. A. l'latt, treasurer. Engineer
MeArlhur will start the preliminary
survey for tho proposed irrigation
canal at once. The water will be tnken
from tho west sldo of tho McKenzio
near Hendricks' ferry. At this point
tho river is walled with solid rock,
which will have to bo blasted out. Tho
canal will furnish water to Irrigate the
rarms between the McKenzio nml
Willamctto rivers west of Springfield.
Break New Law,
Salem A largo number of state of
fleers ami employes were surprised to
learn that they havo violated the now
corrupt practices act by contributing to
campaign lumis. Tho act was adoptei'
by the people Inst June and its terms
were published lwth before nnd after
election. .Moreover, copies of that nod
all other acts submitted were mailed to
nil registered voters. Hut public nffl
ccrtf overlooked or forgot tho provisions
roruKiding tiiem to mnko contribution!
and many of the in hnva "dug up" al
ready in this campaign.
Will Have Summer Home.
Mnrihficld. Illshop Scadding, of the
Western uregon ilioeeso or the Kpis
copal church, who has been visiting In
Coos liny, has decided to establish a
summer homo at Handon. Ho ha pur
chased two lots and has given the eon
tract for ereeting n residence. Ho will
spend four months of on oh year at his
lianuon nemo doing missionary work
on the const between Ilnndon and (Sold
lienrh and will reside In Portland tho
other eight months of tho year.
Take Ten Fruit Prize.
Grants Puss. Josophlno county fruit
growers nro highly pleased over roeelv
ing tho news from tho fnir in Med ford
that this county hail taken ten prizes
upon apples out of an oxhlblt of cloven
varieties, sovnn of which wero first pro
mliims. Of this Inst class tho following
nro Hpltzenhorg, Ilnldwin. Homo Heou-
ty, Arkansas Illack, King, I.nwyoi nnd
lien Davis. It is also reported that
first prlzo was awarded for best dis
play of Tokay grapes.
Plan Walnut Institute.
MeMfnnvillo.Tho Walnut Club, of
McMinnvillo, held n business meeting
Inst week, and decided to hold a wnl
nut institutu in HiIk city during the
early winter, nt which lectures would
l.n given rclntlvo to walnut cult urn,
harvesting and marketing, and u gen
ernl school of instruction inaugurated
d urine tho threo or four day of the
Score of Men Put to Work.
Oregon City. After a shutdown of
nix weeks, tho four paper machines In
Mill C, of tho WUhimotto Pulp &
Paper company, hnvo boon started, pro
viding employment to scores of men
who hnvo been idle Tho machines
wero in nood of cxtcnaivo ropnlrs nnd
tho water has been low, so that tho
power from tho falls was insufficient.
Send Nine to College,
Hood lilvor, Hood lilvor this year
will goad nlno high school graduntcs
to tho hlchor educational institutions
of the state.
Irrigation for 00 Acre of KUmath
Foothill Land.
Ktnmnth FallsFred Mo'inio will
put In a pumping plant to irrigatu 00
acres of land on the foothills ens. of
this city. This land, with 8.000 other
acres, Is above the government ritual,
and Is practically worthless, as not a
drop of water can bo put on it. With
irrigation it will bo the finest fruit
land In tho valley, worth over ciiOO an
The government has surveyed n ditch
through this hill land, to le used after
its pumping plant Is established. Mr.
Molhaso will use this survey and Inter
turn his plant our to the government,
lie will secure electric power from the
Mooro electric plant.
Eastland Secures Scholarship.
University of Oregon, Kugene. Her
bert llnstland, n university graduate of
'flfi, has been granted the full scholar
ship offered by tho University of Ore
gon medical college In Portland to the
graduates of the University of Oregon.
Knstlnud took his major work under
Professor Sweeter in the biological tie
part men t. The scholarship amounts to
all tho tuition and foe that nro charged
nt tho medical school. No decisions
hnvo yet been made In regird to the
two half scholarships awarded each
Revive Malheur Project.
Ontario. A msctlng of the Ontario
Commercial club was held recently to
take action looking to the revival of
tho Malheur project. It Is known that
the reclamation department Is now
looking for an irrigation propeet in
this state, nnd that there Is money
available for that purpose. The Mai
heur project was considered one of the
most feasible In the state of Oregau,
and if the matter is brought before Ihe
go eminent pruperly it is thought fa
vurable action will be tnken.
Tasting Oysters at Coos.
University of Oregon, Kugene. The
biological deartinsnt is gathering stn
tistics from tho Coos liny country with
a view to raising oysters for commercial
purposes. Professor Hwceter nnd tho
members of his detriment have don
ronsldornbln work along this line dur
ing tho summer, nnd If tho statistics
obtained prove tho raising of ousters
is possible nnd a paying proposition,
oyster nous win pronaiiiy no iusinllei
at various points on tho co.nt within
the next four years.
Postal Receipts Increase,
Albany. Albany instoffirn receipts
during tho past quarter show a big
gain over tho similar period last year.
The receipts for the quarter endlag
September 30 were 1.1313.03, while the
same period In 11)07 yielded only
$2710.71, a gain of tSOXtb.
Wheat Illiiestem, Me; club, 8Se;
fife, RSe; red Russian, H0c; 40 fold,
Olej Valley. 00.
Ibirley Peed. M0 per ton; rolled,
27.ft028.M; brewing, Ifl.flO.
OatsNo. 1 white, S 1(3 1. SO per
ton; gray, 130300.
Hay timothy, Willanietn Valley,
14 per ton; Willamette Valley, nrdl
nary, $11; Kastern Oregon, jlil.ftQi
mixed, $13; rlover, l; nlfalfa, til;
alfalfa meal, 120.
Fruit- Apples, new, 0flR;fl.R0 per
box; peaches, Il6ft85e wr lioxs HMrs,
0ejil.2fi ,r Itfix; plums, OOctfiJl per
box; grapes, (Vf)c(JiJI 8fi pr crate; Con
fords, 2f;i22tye .r bosket; buckle
berries, 0Hl0r per lb.; quinces, 1.25
per Ijox; crntiherrios, $10 per barrel;
prunes, 'it. per lb.
Potatoes SOOOe per hundred;
sweet potatoes, 2e per lb.
Melons -Cantaloupes, liJiL.IO per
ernio; watermelons, ;c por lis.; enia
bits, 1.7W7I2 per doz.
Vegetables Turnips. I.2Ji per sack!
carrots, 8ISe; pursuit, 1.8J5; beets,; ariieiinKOM, one per iloz.; beans
firffTIOc per lb.; cabbage, 2f()2',io par
lb.; cauliflower, f0eRtl.2o' per dor..;
relery, ".irtjfifle per doz.; corn, OOeffB
1.15 per sack; cucumbers, liWT20e per
floz.; egg plant, $1.36 per crate; let
tueo, "ficftiil per box; parsley. 1A per
doz.; peas, Oe per lb.; peppers, HffJIOe
por in.; pumpkins, HiQlftn pur lb.)
radishes, 12 lie per doz.; spinach, 2c
per Hi.; sprouts, Oo per lb.; squnsh,
lc per lb,; tomntoos, BOffJflOc,
Mutter City eroomery, oxtras, 3214
tfMIc; fancy outside creamery, 30
32j0 por lb,; storo, 1R.
Kggs Oregon nxtrns, 31fl)32l4o!
firsts, 27(?D30cj second, 2320c; Fast-
crn, snaiSHii por doz.
Poultry Hens, ll12e por lb.;
prlnu. llrti)12c! durks. old. 12T)
spring, UPQKiC) geese, old, 0c; young,
10(7()llc turkeys, old, 17ffll8c; young,
Vonl Fxtrn, Dc por lb.; ordinary,
7(T07',ic; heavy, fie.
I'ork Fancy, 8!4c por lb.; ordinary,
Oc; largo, fie.
Hops Oregon, 1008, 7tfJ7'jo por lb,;
1007, 2Vi(TOIc; 1000, VAGt)c.
Wool-- Fnstorn Oregon, nvorngo best
10ft)in4c por lb., nrcording to shrink
ago; valley, lOJB'ic
Aionair unoico, JBJH'jO por lb.
Willing to Yield lo Conierenco, but
Waul Uulgarla Disciplined.
1 Constantinople, Oct. 7. Tho council
of ministers held a long session yester
day morning to consider tho action of
llulgarla In deflating her Independence
of Turkoy at Tlrnovo. It was decided
that It was Impossible to accept any
proceedings Mint violated eslslliig
treaties and that Turkey should ml
dress n circular nolo to tho powers
pointing out the necessity of Inking
measures to enforco respect for the
treaty of llcrlin.
Replying to the terms sent to tho
Turkish government by Prince Ferdi
nand, In which he said in declaring the
Independence of llulgarla ho had been
compelled to respect tho voice of the
nation nnd espressed the hope that the
friendly relations between tho two
countries would continue, Turkey says
she has Invited tho imwers to confer on
tho situation nnd ns her rights nre
guaranteed by tho powers she will look
to them for their defense. Tho Venal
(Insetle, the organ of tho grand vizier,
said vosterdnyt
"V nro ready to defend our tights
with all our strength. As tho artlen
of llulgarla is not only directed ngaltist
us, but against nil tho iwers we
should ask the (Hiwers to defend their
interests nnd protect tho provisions of
tho treaty of Herlln."
Affording to this same Journal, An
trlrt Hungary has Informed the wiwers
of her Intention of withdrawing her
troops from tho Hanjak of Navlbaiar.
Nineteenth Session of TranfMlssls
slppl Congress Opens.
Hnn Francisco, Oct. 7 Assembled to
promote tho commou Interests of near
ly a score of states comprising the west,
several hundred delegates In attend
ance iihiii the opening session of the
Nineteenth Trans Mississippi .Commer
cial Congress yesterday listened to
gratifying assurance of eo operatloa
and supwrt friim tke national admin
istration, from tke representative of SO
republics of the western continent, who
are interested la the pending delilrern
lions, from the two lending candidates
for the presidency of the United States
nnA from tke lending cltliens of Ike
states nnd territories comprising their
own organisations.
Reserving for tho succeeding days of
tho congress the spirited doliates
promised on the conservation of nnt
oral resources nnd kindred topics, the
visitors yesleniny itasknl in ino
warmth of a welcome extended by
practically every official teprrseota
tivo of the state ami city honored by
their coming, and In the afternoon re.
eolved with enthusiastic delight the of
flelal assurances of two speakers who
promised a splendid fulfillment of west
ern holies nnd wrstern Ideals.
r.nt tho least striking feature of Ilia
session was tho astonishment n
pressed by delegates who witnessed for
Ihe first time Ihe rapid rebuilding of
Han Francisco. A doten speakers do
flared that tho marvelous restoration
of the rlty destrnye.t less than three
years ago would prove the inspiration
of the congress.
Tugboat Found Responsible for Los
of Star of Oangal.
Hnn Francisco, Oct. 7. Federal In
vestigation Into tho loss of tho Itark
Star of Hungnl with III lives en Cor
onation Island, Heptemlter 30, has re
suited in the filing of direct charges
of reoiislhllliy for the tragedy
against Captain Patrick Hamilton, of
the tug Kayak, nnd Captain Farrar, of
the Wattle Oage.
Supervising Inspector Itermlnghain
has not yet decided whether these
charges will be tried here, at Seattle
or Juneau, Alaska. In the event that
the accused skippers are found utility
as charged. Information will bo filed
with tho United States attorney in
Alaska, and they will bo brought bo-
rore n grand Jury on n felony charge.
Captain Nicholas Wanner, master of
the Star of liengHl; Victor .lolinnsnn,
ins nrst male, nnd two or tho seamen
who testified at tho Investigation, madn
to nsccrtain Captain Wagner's respon
sibility for tho loss of tho bark, madn
a stniement under oath yesleniny to
tho Unltod States officials In which
thoy chnrgo Captains Hamilton and
i-nrrnr wiiii cowardice nml neglect In
deserting tho bark when she was in a
critical position,
Ravenna I Greater.
Now York, Oct, 7. Tho report of
tho Northern Pnclfle for tho year nnd
Ing Juno HO shown an Increase In rev
uniio over tho year beforo, but a de
crease in net Incomo. In 1Q07 tho road
en rued in tho passenger department
I0,.120.801, while In 1008 It increase,!
to 418,1:13,2.18, In tho freight depart
ment tho earnings wero 17,fl.'0,3()( in
1007, whllo In 11)08 thny totnllod only
10,12:1,8.1(1. Tho decrenso In net In
como was duo to incronso In operating
expenses find nn Incronso of over !'..
000.000 in Interest, nnd commissions
pain on now slock subscriptions.
Castro Reported III,
Wlllomstnd. Oct. 7 It is ronorlnd
hero from Venezuela thnt President
Castro is seriously ill and thnt tho gov
ornmont of Vonozucla probably soon
will hnvo to bo turned over to tlm
vicoprosidont of tho ropubllo.
Scrvlnn .'(ioplc Dciiinni! War Willi
Austria or Abdication.
mmm josmi is i'iiitakid
Could Pisco Ono Hundred and I'ltly
Thousand Man In Servia In
Twenty Four Hours.
I.ntiilnn. Oct III -In spite of warn
iugt to KIiik IVtrr from Ureal lint
sin and l'r.mcc that the people "f
.Srrvi.i be kept in rheck, the p.ipu'jc.
of Itrtltrsdr lield driiinnstMlioiis y-
terdsy sud demanded Ihe rrslxiun-u
of the rsbinrt and also the abilu alK'n
of King I'rtrr unless be dcrhrrd m
against Austria HiiiiKary, width hi
refused to accept ScrvU's pritrt
auainsi the mine xsllnii id llmsiiia and
llrrf KuWii
Two thousand Austro Hhhk-i" "
IriHips are garrisoned along tlr
limit rltrr between llnsnl.i an I
ServU, ready for eventualities, .m.l
it is said Ilit.'HHi men esn he thrown
into Servian trrtiinry in 31 hours
M Iswolsky. the Russian tMinisvr
of furriKU ll'tirs. siiUrd in l.otid n
List night and will have a roiifrrrn. r
today with Sir I'.dward (irry, llruli
secretary fur foreign alfuirs. rtinrrm
ing the railing luMcther if ihe w
crs signatory to the treaty of tlrrtm
in an endeavor to bring sIhhiI ordr
in Ihe llalkatis
I'linrc I'ffdlnand, czar of llulgaria.
entered Phllippopolis yesterday jn I
received H enthusiastic greeting -it
the hands of the troops and the popu
At Csndis, the lrest nlv in Crrie,
the militia yesterday followed ilir
example of their compatriot .it
Canra, the capital, and took the 041I1
of loyally lo Greece
A llritish fleet of two battleship.,
two rruisrrs and two toi pcdolxisl !
stroyrts is today well on lis way Ir.-in
Mall lo the Arrn sea
'Ihe fori on the llosprwirus yrs
Irttlay lirrd blank shots across the
Ihihs nf slranirr flying the new
Utilitarian royal flag as it attempted
to pass tbrm
A remarkable feature of the situa
tion is the self-control of the Turki,
who are actinic practically under the
direction of $ir Hdward Grry the
Hrillsli secretary of foreign alTairs,
who Is supposed to hate written
note to Austria-Hungary, which was
published Unlay.
TrancMlsslsslppI Congress May Fight
Roosevelt's Policy,
San I'rancisro, Oct hi Tlie ses
lion nf the Trans Mississippi Coin
mcrrul Congress held yesterday wa
devoted largely to addresses coveting
a wide variety of subjects, 10 the dc
liberations f 1 he committee on rro
luilons. which took action upon ;i
number of important questions, and
to entertainment of the delegates 111
the form of automobile tour of the
Practically all of the contests be
fore the committee on resolutions af
feet, directly or indirectly, the t
pressed tollcy of the national adunu
ittralion uhih maltrrs relating to
conservation of resources and 111 in
iustsiKcs it is expected that the "it
ttovetsic will be carried to the flor
of the coimrrss this morning, w In n
the drla)fd report of the committer
is presented for consideration
Our of the most important of tin -related
to the disposal nf w itrr
right suitable for power drv.dp
ment. and a resolution introdmrd by
Prank Short, of I'rrsiio, dealing Willi
the subject, was so amended Inf -r'
the committee as to a pi"
posal to grant to the originators (
jiower project the rights nnd pnv
liege that are now accorded irrigi
tiouiai ICx Governor George '
Pardee, of California, a meinlicr of
the national commission 011 mixer
vatiou of resources, opposed Mr
Short in the hearing, and it
agreed that the resolution should li"t
indorse the granting of pcrpctiul
rights, whether located in or out of
forest reserves, and should md con
fcr the right of disposal uiinu the
state in which they were located.
Coal Suit Com; romlied,
Pueblo, Colo., Oct. 10 The fa
mous suit of the United States
against 1 lie Ute Coal & Coke com
pany, of Diiraiigo, Colo., in which tho
government sonant to recover $rta.
000 for coal alleged lo have Ineii
taken from government binds Illegally
was compromised in the federal court
here yesterday. The coal company
is to pay the government,
The case was tried here in loon, ami
the government was awarded judg
ment in the sum of $ft,12.V but Imme
diately took an nppcnl. The case was
reversed nml remanded for trial.
Sought Triple Alliance,
Hongkong, Oct. 10. It Is learned
here from reliable sources that tho
real reason of Sir Hubert Hart' re
cent visit to Hiiglntid was lo brink
about 1111 alliance between China, the
United States nml Great Ilritnln to
conserve the Interests of the three
nation in the Far hast.