The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 09, 1908, Image 7

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IIOWAIII) It. nUrllOrl nam aM ChamUt.
laailVllla, I'aliilxlik hwlriln I'lllMI liulil,
Hll w, I kI, II iiiil. nllwiifc i (mid, loi rinau)
tilnkli Iranlila tt-al. Ulllliinlupi ml
IMIl l"lr ll't u SIM llratliin. ami Vltl-
iaimua, iminui'
t.iraira aulkllad.
llalaiauval t'arbouaia Na
Uuuai nana.
ri.tsstrrlliiu hnusehnhl remedy U inoal
attccesWully iiimrfllint fur n "wotld of
troubles," 1'or ilcruuKciiient of llio ill
Kctlvc organ It U n natural corrective,
owrnllii directly ukhi the liver ami nil.
menlnry canal, urn'''' lint pcrslttcully
stlmuUtlnir, it dentil., ut activity. It
txuefkliil liilHlellca extends, however, to
every rlliii of the system, aiding In the
Iiroceasc of illu,ctluii mid imlinllatlim of
ool, irouiiititiK n wholesome, tiaturnl
ietlte. correcting nour ttiminch, hail
liirntli, irrrKulurilh; of the, bowel, con.
tlintloti ami the Ioiik llt of trouble
directly traceable (o those titiwholcotuc
condition. Kairlllu (llcl tlrowl
lie, headache, backache nml i1cmiiii1
ency due to Inactivity of the liver,
kidney nml dlf-ritlve tract. It in
IrciiKtheiilMK tonic of the hlhet value
If It full to aallafy we nuthorlie all
denier to refund the iurchne tirlce,
HovT Ciihhicai, Co. Portland, Oregon
C. Gee Wo
Boot and Herb
Km la. la a Ufa .loir ot
ll.rfa an.t ti.fl-. M I In laa
Ila-Jr iratr-l aa I. air.
naioilta mU tu awaoar
tut taa-adlM
No Mtrtu'r. I'alaon e Dim Uaad HmCutrt
W.l Haul Oatratlan. a Vllthout tha Alii af a Knit
flU miulM l.i lp laiattN, Aalkaia, Ina.
l-n-ai. liha-tmaiL-a Naii-a ftaMliif,
... I i-af Hlaaar lr-u. Ir. aiwil.wl Maal!.
aa)a naaianaaa.1 All lil-.ia In......
iul Hcoltfd fram 1'aal". China-Sal. Sue
r tot AiiKAr.ur rij. ixi.vt nuuT.
lifiaVa AliK littliiMtulln
Umaaaaetaall atllafi-r ( ar4mlakkaaatna
lB -' ...kM iirhHoi'iiiiojiirMrriii'iKKti.
BUilMm .IVir Motiiaia, Krllaaa, Onaua,
Uaallaa Tkta lar.
t. aval laoalk alwltar la aar aa, la Ika atnaf II
ak, ao aa4 la aaar a wol4.lf aaaaatla rtlal (lata
rlllnlllaa. aidlaari 1.1 W. a aura lla III N
ajalaat ar
?a raaall af tl ara iilt Ikaaaaaaynf
laalaalaa laalk la Ika aoalk laalk la rart. laalk la
aalaraara, laatk la rkaa faar rn.l 4ia, aaml
414 aa tar aalaral aaaa Oar fof laaaitraaa
.a4 a raa 4u tear aatlta rrita I.fl4aanr ilala
aafk la a 4r U aaramrr IWIIIlalr Mlal al
taallaa Oalr Mafe-cla, arlaalllla wufk
tlr , Ml., M.aaaar .(Iraarala IVfltaalt
nl)l.-. talliaa llailaiaa lk.rl al Mak
iaala airaala. OS I , II lair M Haa
).. Itnir M l.ll. (iliarllaa. k llalaa.
Kit I koara A aa4 Mam 3a
Tliry ara Traliml fur Ui.lnraa In a builnau-llla war.
Sliy Iwl anrvll In a xliuul tbat Uc all of IU araJuataal
K C Baldng Powder will do It! Get
n cnn. l ry it lor your luvoritc cxikc. If
It dpesn't raise better, more evenly, higher,
if It Isn't daintier, more delicate In flavor,
we return your money. Everybody
agrees K C has no equal.
Pure, Wholesome,
B'a. -. ,u
Hon Gcorue V Honey, National
Chaplain U V U , ex ChapUln loiirtli
Uiiconmn Cavalry, ex Trcamircr
Sine of Wlti'iiisin, nnd ex Cjiurlcr
m.iklcr Cieneral Stale nf Texai (', A
I: sritei lr.un Willi Iirtl St, N. li,
V.ilunlon, I) C. an follow:
"I cannot too Iniclily recommend
your preparation for the relief ol
catarrhal troubles In their varloui
form, Some member of my own
family have turd It with moit uratl
f)iiiK rctiill When other reiucdiei
failed, I'cruna proved moit eflicacloui
and I cheerfully certify to in curative
excellence "
Mr I'rcd I.. Ilcbard, for nine yean
a leading tihotoKrapher of Kantai
City, Mo, located at the norlhcait
comer of Uth and Grand Ave,
theerfully Ket the following tca.ll
uiony "It it a proven fact that I'c
runa will cure catarrh and la crlppc,
and ai a tonic It liai no equal. Urti'c
KUli have tried to make me take
louiethiui; clie jut an kooiI,' hut I'c
runa it kooiI enough for me "
I'e-ru-na in Tablet 1'orm.
For two year Dr. Hartman and
hit altanl have iticcxantly la
bored to create I'cruna in tablet form,
and their itrenuout labor have Jmt
been crowned with tucce People
who object to liquid medicine can
now necurc I'cruna tablets, which rep
reteut the o)id medicinal hiRrcdicnts
of I'crtuia,
The dcancat.
Ilnhtest. and
most comfortable
ot the same time
cheapest In the
end dccousc It
wears longest
3QP &crjwhefc
Cvtry (jormanl quor.
anltrd wattiptvol
Caloloq fit
f Ur-Wl.-tTZ .li Uw. ...
A I'lavorintf. It make a
ayrup better tlun Maple.
Sold by tfrocer
i 1 1 1
farmer 8eo Nclly of dotting Out
of Old Hut.
Ilr W.'I). i'Mtrr. Kitunin fltata Kiptrl
htaitt I arm. I ullih.. j. Waah
All up tO'ihitn furnmr nuwadiiy mii't
tudy tliu pruhli-ni fiut confront him.
C'uukvquuiitly tliura iuut be n niovlntj
out of the old rut, and the adoption of
Improved and new inctlmd.
In tlio eulrrii part of WaahlnRlon
llio KroivlriK of wheat I nn nliiioul ox
rlunlva fiirmliiK luduitry, but I holieva
llio pruni'iit itata of nllulrt In till ro
pect irlll In the future become merely
u memory of llio pnt. There will bo
clntiiKt'. Tlio youtiKr Rcnoratlon of
farmor that la urowiuj: up nrounil u
will niauredly adopt dilToroDl ruetbod.
If I can road tlio i(ii" f tlio time
correctly, I believe I can nafely pre :
diet that tlio alato of Wiiliiton wHI
In tlio iinor future, become a Kroat dnlry
atato. liven now the firmer who hn n
few kimmI " "" '"tend to bul
ne'' U nover bankrupt. He lm In III
poelon n certain producer of vulue.
Willi milk and butter he can k to
market twlrn n wiek, lntid of onee n
year, nnd In many reipeet hn l free
from Hi" nnnoyniirii thot liaroi the , i.rnwnra. Hut there nro (Mino
lliltiK" ho mut attend to If ho would
Many people there are, Indeed, who
would not make even a bare living
luindllnK envm. To uo n familiar ex
prclon, "They ro not built that
wny." Ncvcrthele, It I certainly
true Hint no matter how the farmer 1
built, the cow ! built to yield valuo
quite material In kind.
Unck of paiturage li an objection
In dairying In many part of caitern
Wanlilngtnn, of eourne, but where al
falfa or clover will grow till hind
rance can be overtime. And theio
two vnlunble forage plant would grow
In many plaee where they are
not found at preient, If the land
w properly fitted to receive the iced.
On the experiment atatlon farm we
have two field of clover that have
ylven plemlld return. Doth alfalfa
anil elover are valuable for feeding
rarlglitl dairymen now recognize
the fact that there 1 a tatter method of
feeding dairy cattle than by pasturing,
eieelnlly In region nhern land I a
valuable' a it I in Wellington. Thl
I by the proper ue of olllng crop,
and llo. A very indifferent mnthe
matlelan can figure tlint one acre of
land well tilled mid needed to ome kind
of a nlllng crop will equal two nrd
one-half acre of the bet kind of pa
ture land or feeding dairy cow
Therefore, even If one ha enough land
to aturo a large herd of cow, It
would bo unvtlto to do o. Kery ue
eeful dairyman wtalie hi cow to do
the beat nnd yield the lieit return o
nit let In rnnMilerntlnn of the amount of
feed columned nnd earn given. The
mw nuut have favorable aurroundlng
Mho mut not bo permltte to roam all
day in eareh of food, even If requiring
only that neceninry for a living. aldo
from the production of milk. To give
a largo amount of milk nt uight would
be contrary to nature.
The quicker you can get the cow
"fillwl up." the ooner he will lie
down nnd maatientp her food. I ven
ture to nanert that when milking timo
cornea, If you have the right kind of a
cow, and nre the right kind of a ma
ter, he will not disappoint you.
There are ninny different kind of
crop that can bo grown for "oiling
purKc. Winter rye, oat, Iwrley and
oata mixed, pea nnd oata, clover, and
velch are omi of them A few will
miffice. Care, however, mint be taken
not to aow too much at one time, with
the exception of corn. That can bo
planted in abundance, beenuo n It ap
proache maturity It continues to make
good feed.
Wn have grown at the college farm
tnn nnd ono half acre nf pens nnd oata,
which are unnii on n north dope, the
teepet, perhaps, on the farm, and from
this plot have hnrvestod flvo and one-
hair ton or hay, In addition to having
pastured on tlm same plot for flvo
week u lauall herd of tlio experimental
farm cattle. This is nn example of
wlmt run be grown on n small tract
carefully tilled.
The farmer who undertakes to man
age n herd of cows under this system
must innko nmplo provisions. One no
eesiity, of eoure, Is n good stable.
This, without elaborate surrounding,
cnn bo built nt a moderate cost. It
should bo planned In n wny whlnh will
ennbla the farmer to feed ten ncroa of
good pasture to start off with In the
spring. Ills intention should be to uso
tills teu ucro trnct for night pasturo
after ho has commenced to feed tlio
cows in the stable. He will nlso need
n mower and n horse rako In tlio field
to lesson tho labor of cutting and
1'or tho purpose of winter dairying,
nn up to-dato man would bo without n
silo. In this prt of tho stato corn is
past tho exparlmentnl stngo. It nlways
mature on tho eollego farm. Tho cons
nro fed tho year around, and do well,
nlways having nn nbundnnco of silage.
This process, in my opinion, largely
solve tho pasture problem-.
Naturally, questions nrlso relative to
tho oxpenso connected with the feed
ing of soiling crops. Over In Ontario,
which 1 without doubt a dairy coun
try, soiling nnd the silo go hand in
hand. Kvorv farmer thoro will tell you
Hint it would not bo posulblo to keep
up tho flow of milk In his herd without
resorting to these methods. If tho silo
nnd soiling crops nre nocosM.iry In n
country whore, ns n rulo, they Iiavo
plenty of rainfall, how much greater Is
(he necesltv for their uso lit parts of
tho I'aclfle Northwest whero rainfall Is
not alwnys sufficient T
Tho time Is nt hand when n radical
ehnngo of methods in farming Is neces
sary, KspocInliV I this truo In the
caso of tho rancher who does not own
a large nerenge, since ho cannot erow
wheat enough to make more than a bare
living, The dairy cow open the way
to n more lucrative pursuit. Trained
effort, however, Is required to hnndlo
this opportunity to the best ndvantage,
and there mint he concentrated and
conscientious effort on tho part of the
dairyman and tvtry member of hi
It Is not my Intention to ay whnt
kind of n cow Ik the beat for dairy
purpoaes. That I a uroblem which
dairymen should dccldo for themselves,
but, as a rule, the row to keep I the
one which you fancy most and is best
suited to the surroundings you have to
oder, I'edjgrco will not mako a cow
give milk, but pure bred sires nro ncc
eiry In on'er to have high clas
grndes. Therefore, It Is neceary to
keep a pure bred sire at the head of
tho herd anil also to be very careful In
the matter of (election.
Inslit that the tnnltary condition!,
around your liable nre the best po
ilble. lie prompt at milking time. (live
the herd the hot of care In the matter
of feed, salt and nater. Keep the cow
clean, nnd permit no one to use rough
metlio Is or use obscene langungo In your
cow barn. Hate a great big heart for
your "Job." Your work mint be dono
rk'htj and asturedly, the farmer who I
willing to ndnpt himself to tho require
ment demanded by the country will be
n lucccsaful dairyman,
Professor Thornber Tells How to
Procure Dest Results,
From WahlnrUn HUt Callexc, Pullman.
In response to an Inquiry from Sher
lock, I'rofeasor W. A. Thornber gave
the following; discussion of pruning:
"When trees produco too much
wood, and not enough fruit, or no fruit
nt till, It is well to prune them very
severely in the summer time, say
about June; alto cut them back at
Hint time. This Is to give the trees a
check, and make them produce fruit
buds, rather than wood. Here at the
atatlon, In the cnae of young trees, we
do considerable early spring, or winter
pruning, in order to make the trres
produce large quantities of wood. Wo
nre thoroughly convinced that it la
well for a young tree to produce large
quantities of wood, even though you
have to cut it out the following spring.
This extra growth gives a splendid
root development, and this Is necessary
beforo you can secure a good tree. In
the caso of trees that have been graft
ed, I would recommend that you re
move the suckers just as fast as tho
scions seem able to take caro of tho
entlro food supply. In cases whero
the tree is a very rank grower, I fre
quently leave a few suckers around tho
graft, so that the graft may become
hnnlened, and not mako such a soft
"Another good plan, at times fca
Ible, is to kep an orchard in grass,
and check the growth somewhat in
that way. The western soils and an
excess of molsturo nro very conducive
to a heavy growth of wood; therefore
It is somewhat advisable to grow grass
In the orchard, with the Idea of check
ing tho growth in this way. Some of
our most successful anplcgrowcrs west
of tho Cascades, mako a practice of
growing grass in thnlr orchards to pre
vent tho growth. The station docs
not advlso you to mako use of any
kind of fertilircr whatever. A small
amount of potash would servo the pur
pose to mako tho trees more fruitful,
but under no conditions do wo advise
tho use of barnyard manure, or nitro
gen, since this would only exhilarate
the growth. In your locality, I think
you could grow the Gravcnsteln, North
ern Spy, Hhodo Island Greening, Jona
than, nnd probably tho Golden Kussets
very successfully. Tho station now
has specimens of theso apples from
your locality, and they certainly show
up well."
A farmer residing near Larnno In
quired about tho "common sorrel."
I'rofessor Ilenttto replied:
"This Is not nn extremely serious
weed, although sometimes it does dam
age. If tho sorrel has u tendency to
choke out tho crop, it is an indication
thnt the land is rather deficient in
available plant food. You could Im
prove tho condition of your region by
growing somo crop of alfalfu, clover,
vetch or peas, nnd plow such crops un
der, ns this would put humus In tho
soil, nnd improve its condition. On
tho West side, this weed Is very abund
ant in tho worn-out soils, nnd tho farm
ers find it desirable to Mlmo' the soil,
to mako moro available plant food."
From Uio Washington Stato college,
OUrf Salad.
One boiled egs. ono raw ess. one ta
blcopoonful salad oil, ouo teaspoonful
whlto sugar, one saltspoouful suit, ono
saltnpoouful PWr, four tablespoon
tula vlnefur. one tcaspoonful ruado
mustard. Cut the celery Into bits half
an Inch long and season. Kat nt once,
beforo the Tluegar Injures tho crlspness
of the vosetnblo,
Itulaaara Cnke.
One cup of molasses; one-half cup ot
brown stisnr; one-half cup of shorten
ing creamed with the sugar nnd mo
Inssea; two well-beaten eggs! ouo tea
spoonful of baking soda dissolved In
n half-cup of sour milk; ono tcaspoon
ful of glnjer; two cups of Hour. Dake
In a sheet In a shallow pan, well greas
td. In a slow .
Swollen glands about the neck, weak eves, pale, waxy complexions,
running norca and ulcers, skin diseases, nncf general poor health, are the
usual ways In which Scrofula Is manifested. The disease being deeply
intrenched in the blood often attacks the bonw, resulting in White Swelling,
or hip disease, nnd the scrofulous nnd tubercular matter so thoroughly
destroys the healthful properties of the blood tbat Scrofula sometimes
terminates in consumption, an incurable disease. The entire circulation
being contaminated, the only way to cure the trouble is to thoroughly
purify the blood nnd restore the circulation to a strong, healthy state,
S. S. S. is the very best treatment for Scrofula ; it renovates the entire
blood supply and if rives out the scrofulous and tubcrculardcposit. S S S.
is the greatest of nil blood purifiers, nnd it not only goes right down to the
very bottom of the trouble and removes the cause, but it supplies the weak,
diseased blood with the healthful properties it is in need of, and in this way
builds up weftU, frail, scrofulous persons and makes them strong and healthy.
S. S, S. is a gentle, safe, vegetable preparation nnd is suited for persons of
nny nge. JJook on the blood containing information about Scrofula and any
medical advice free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA 3A.
Tb lion was nr-rlnc at the awkward,
ancouth, and gencratl Ufly appearance
f tii tlepliant.
"I may not be as graceful aa you' are."
baarved the tlepliant, "but I'm nearer
akin to the human family (ban you are.
The knee of my lilnd lejs bend forward,
as a man's les do, while yours beoU back
ward, the same a a hyena's, or a box's,
er a skunk's. You belonc to a lower order
of creation, and I'd rather not associate
with you on term of equality If It' all
the ame to you."
Whereat Uic lion, obstrrlnc that tbt
lephant wa waring hi trunk threaten
tally, wrnt back aroonc tbt wolre and
coyote, wbtr be itlll retained some prt
tic. l Care Whlla You Walk. '
Allen's Foot-Eaaa I a certain cure for hot,
wrtlnr,eallua,anlwollen,arbln(lrt. Bold
by all UruffUU. I'rleaXe. lon"t accent any
uUtltute. Trial rarkar FllLK. Adtlrea
Allen B. OlnuleU, Laltoy, N. Y.
When the Wind niona nishf.
Stranger How far I It to the stock
yards? Natlre Uight bare. Can't yoo tell by
your nor
Stranger No; been smelling Just like
this tier since I came In sight ot tbt
town. Chicago Tribune.
On) Itenaon.
Bella What do they want to tils
corer the north wle for?
Stella What for? Why, for lbs
sake of getting sonic picture postcard
from there, of course. I'lcU-Mc-Up.
Clrenlar Ambition.
Slocum Curious fad that Iloxley. the
6acball plU'her, haa taken up, isn't It?
lie' building an airship.
Oofast No; it'a perfectly natural. lie
thinks be can make one that will de
scribe a shorter curie than anybody tlse'a
How's Thbr
VfeofftrOn Hundred Dollar Reward Inranr
eate ol Catarrh that cannot bs cured by Ua.1
Catarrh Curt.
We. tha underlined, hara kniwn F, J.
Cheney lor thslaitU) ear, and be Here him
MrlM-tly honorable In ah bultnea traniaetlon
and financially able lo carry out any obliga
tion tnad by hl firm.
W hole-alo Druntit. Toledo.O
Hall' Catarrah Cur I aktn Internally, act
ing illreellr upon tha blood and mueou ur
(area ol the Tttera Tcatlraonlalr aent lira,
rricaneenttpcrbntlla. Bold by all IrugsUU.
TUa Hall' Family tills lor Conniption.
Unrla Allen.
"I ee the government I going Into the
airship business," said Uncle Allen
Sparks. "Sooner or later the airship will
get Into politics, and then we'll have ma
chine politicians and flying machine poli
ticians." An Unfurtunate Mlaunderalnndlnsr.
"I had to lenre my last situation be
cause the missus snld they were going
to lead tha sinful life, nnd they wouldn't
want any servants about tho place."
'in,. iritt.i v., i. li,..-.. Aiiiiivd
turo of Clias. II. Fletcher, nnd lias been miulo uuiler lila
perMiiml supervision for over ilO yours. Allow no ono
to (leoolvo yon iu this. Counterfeits, Imitations nnd
Jlt8t-nB-rood,, nro but Experiments, and cmtnuper the
licalth of Children lixpcrlenco against Experiment.
Cnstorlu is a, harmless substlttito for Castor Oil, larc
Rorle, Drops nnd Soothlnir Syrups. It is Pleasant, It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xarcotlo
Bttlistaneo. Its niro is Its fruiimutco. It destroys "VYorins
nnd allays Feverlsliness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind.
Colic. It relieves Toothing Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomaeh nnd Dowels, (rlvlup; healthy unci natunvl alooba
Tho Children's Fanaccn Tho Mother's Friend.
The KM You Ha? e Always Bought
Soars tlio
In Use For Over 30 Years.
THCacaraua com,n, atuaaav atacrr, Hivtvaaaait.
Aa n Safetr V!-.
"Scorcbley doesn't have any more of
thou terrible epileptic fit h used to
bare, does he?"
"No;" whenerer he feels one of them
coming on be goes and takes a spin In bis
Mother win And Mr. TVIntlrr Soothing
Pyruii tha b.' ramedr to uo tot thlrch.'U(a
luring tb UathUig ttrd.
So Object.
"How," wrote Anxious Querltt, "do yoa
dlitlnguUb the muthroom from tb poison
ous toaditool?"
"Here." wrote the Information editor
of rbe agricultural paper. In response, "w
bare an Interesting example of the ue
le question that come to thla office ev
ery day of tbe week. Our answer to this
query Is lbs! we don't. All we ever do
along that line Is to distinguish the pol
sonou toadstool from tbe muihroom."
CTTC Vltaa Oaaea aa mu tniiani aama
rilJa.aUr nn W Or. .laa'a Oraal Marta Ka.
atorar. Ha4 ror ratz tt aa trial tottUaa4 Inatlaa.
Dr. U. U- Kllaa. 14.. VI Arth 8U rhUadalahla, Fa.
The amoker who nt directly cpposlta
bad put his foot on the edge of the seat
occupied by tbe profesaor.
It was encased In one of those tay
going, hygienic shoes that look Ilk a cas
tas covtrtd bam.
"My friend," said the professor, sylng
It disapprovingly, "obllgt me by removing
tbat thing from my seat. It'a bad form."
Chicago Tribune.
"20-Mule-Team" Bora tends to stop
the development of blight and mildew, and
dcu-os paras tical Insects. Stall, young:
leaves and buds affected should be caro
fuHV sprinkled with Boras solution, end
"20-Mu!e-T(am" Borax should be used
freely around the wainscoting and floors
of buildings to protect from insects.
A modern Itivtncttl
A moderate price I Is 30
per cent, more ciDdcnt
than Trust" or Crtim-ol-TarUr
product sod
absolutely' tree from the
heiub-racklog RochcOc
Silti residue Invariably
axcotnpiaying their use.
Get it from your Grocer
25o "FULL POUND -25o
No. 4008
JIIKN writing- toatlTcrtliaraploau
nianiinn mi papar.
H...W.1..- i... i...... ... t
Signaturo of