HThe "Xlhited Cepulchre X The VV Talc of O Pclcc By Will Levinctok Comfort CoprrWhL 136, br WU1 Lerlnstim Comfort Coririihu tWT. br J. IL Lteriscorv Coxr.-rT. AU tUhti rft4 3HE CHAPTKIl VII. (Continued.) "I guess that'i right, too. So you had to lock up Stembrldge?" "Yes, I found It advisable on? day af ter he had tried to steal the ship white I waa ashore In San Juan." Constable explained Ingeniously. "I'm glad you came, because It will are me from taking him back. That Is, unless you decide that I'll hare to to back, too. I did play pretty rough with you, but your man had tne going strong about that time. You're cot to acknowledge that he'a an artist. Let's get out of this. What do you plan to dor "(Jo out and get Strmbrldge, and settle with you." "The word 'settle usually refers to dollars up tn the States," Constable satd delicately. "It doesn't pay to buck the detective bureau, Constable, and I'm authorised to take cash for your part this time." "How much?" "Fire thousand dollars and expenses." "It coats money to keep you off one's hip." "I'm Crusoe of the detective bureau, and I usually go where I please," was the dulcet answer. "I'll hare to go out to the ship to get so much money," Constable declared re signedly. "I'll have to go out to the ship to get 8tembridge," said Crusoe. "We'll go to gether." "Where are your men?" "I'm working alone this trip." "You can pick up a couple of gen darmes to help you. If you think you'll need help," Constable suggested. This was the galvanic Instant. Crusoe glanced at him keenly. He had been able to pick no flaw in the moment' talk. He was a ahrewd man in his line and schooled, but Constable had rung true. There Is no inclination on the part of the public at large to concede brilliance of acumen to the heir of mill ions, unless the sparkling quality has been exposed In a strong light. The suggestion concerning the gendarmes, and a last glance Into the face of the young man, vanquished Crusoe' final doubt. "I can bundle Stembrldge very tidily, having your moral support," he declared. "He's too old a bird to resist arrest when he's once cornered." "Just a you say," Constable said swiftly. 'Turn your rig about and fol low on. My launch la ahead, at the Sugar Landing." It was not until the other was behind, and the back of his own carriage shut ting off the view, that Constable realised bt had lost bis headache, and was drench ed with perspiration. It was now eight. The ladles had agreed to be ready at nine. In case Uncle Joey bad returned with (he mail by that time. His several er rands must wait. The present matter would take the entire time, and must be dons decently and in order. The driver waa commanded to make good speed to ths launch, which was in readiness. Cru soe dismissed bis rig; Constable bade bis driver wait, and the two men boarded. "Make ber buzz, Ernst," the owner said to the sailor in charge. "I'm expiring for a drink and a mouthful of clean air." Crusoe was deeply Interested in the present manifestation of Martinique's cli mate, and waa not readily diverted to the subject which challenged bis companion. Once launched, however, upon the deal ings of Nicholas 8tembrldge, alias Hay den Ilreen, be- became fluent, and Con stable learned that his guest was "the Itajah's Diamond" among the swindlers of civilisation. Stembrldge, according to Crusoe, had started a Central American revolution in order to seize a range of, rich silver hills; had made good, worked the mine, and old them, a year later, "salted to a brine," to a syndicate of New York capi talist. He bad engineered the Yarmouth-Learns oil syndicate which disor dered London financiers for a day. Of these and other interesting engagements Constable learned as the launch sped across the fouled harbor. "What does this prince of manipula tor do. with ail his money?" be asked finally. "Well, you see," Crusoe replied, "he has bis army to pay, and he must pay the men pretty well, for the rumor 1 abroad that tbey would go on the cross for blm. And then he Is a golden glory of a spendthrift. I've heard that I'arls looks for his second coming as for a Mes siah, since be has promised the Tender loin a punch from the Milky Way. Here 'we are. Perhaps you don't think I was pleased to see your craft lying here this morning when I came in on the Pan ther?" "I presume you were," Constable re plied Idly. Tbey were on the ship's ladder, Crusoe walking ahead. The sailor above, on the main deck of the Madame, caught a strange gesture from Constable's hand, and a stranger expression from the eye of his owner. The sailor did not under stand exactly, but be stood ready for anything that might occur, and accord ingly made haste to assist when Consta ble sprang forward and pinioned the newcomer about the waist. Crusoe ac cepted bia defeat nervily, but when his gun was removed and bis wrists enclosed for the time being in his own manacles he regarded hi captor with eyes of hate, In which a little reproach was mingled. Whit' your lay, Conlabla?" he In quired almost steadily. "You're smarter than I thought, and a drat more crooked." "Listen," the other said hurriedly. "I didn't like to do this, but there wasn't any nay out of it. I've got a lot on my mind thli morning, and you complicated matters. It may be that I'm saving your life. The mountain yonder looks as It he were about to blow his brains out, and I couldn't be interrupted until I got certain ladles safely aboard here from the town. As for the fascinating person you call Strmbrldge, he may be my guest, and he may not. I'll see you about that later on. He's been square as a plumb-line to me. You're a good man, Crusoe, and Ilreen la, too. Your lines are different, that's all. You'll get your five thousand that I promised to-day. Just sit tight, and call for anything you want. We'll be good friends yet, Captain Negley, have Mr. Crusoe quartered pleas antly aft, and tell Macready to serve him with anything be desires. I'll be back with the ladles In about an hour. You'll of course hare the ship keyed for a sprint to Fort de France." Constable hurried down the ladder, and an Instant later was again In the launch, which was aimed at the law-hanging pall, back of which lay the tortured city. It was now twenty-five minutes to nine. He could make the plantation house slightly after the hour. It waa but a moment from the pter to the carriage, and thru the half-strangled ponies struggled gallantly through Hue Victor Hugo and up the morne toward the plantation bouse. Uncle Joey's rig was at the gate, good evidence that the mails had been brought. Constable entered the bouse hastily at ten minutes past nine. There was a word of che-r upon his lips. No one was In the library or the music room; no one but a maid servant was on the lower .floor. She was gathering up the litter .of broken envelope and newspaper wrap ping upon the library table. Constable Imagined that the maid servant regarded him strangely. He ran to the stairway and called: "Are you almost ready, ladies?" He beard footsteps above and low voice; then a door opened and Mrs. Stansbury crossed the upper ball and appeared at the head of the stairway. Al ready he was filled with a confusion of alarms. "Pardon me for calling you, but every thing Is ready as soon as you can come." "We are not going on your yacht, Mr. Constable," the elder woman said coldly. He sprang up the stairs and faced her in the dim light. Two or three time In hi life he had become cold like this, some trait of his breed equipping blm with an outward calm, when the Issue of the moment waa won or lost, but lifted from hts hand. "What I the latest difficulty, please?" "I would rather npt discuss the mat ter, Mr. Constable." "May I speak with Miss Stansbury?" It was not given to the mother to ac cede or refuse, for the door behind her waa opened and the girt stood In the aper ture, ber anguished eyes Intent upon blm. "I returnrd to announce that every thing Is ready," he said quietly, "and your mother tells me that you are not going." "No, we are not going," she repeated in a lifeless voice. "Is it too much for me to ask why?" She did not answer at once, but seemed trying to penetrate bis brain with her eyes. "Then, you have not seen the New York paper?" he said. "You may have this. The others are below." She handed blm the front page of a daily Journal, dated three weeks before. Ills own name was there, and not in honor. When be looked up from the pa per the door was shut. Constable went below, "Where Is Mr, Wall?" he dully Inquir ed of the maid servant. "He went out to the plantation, sir, Immediately upon bringing in the malls." "Where is Mr. Ilreen?" "He went down to the city, sir." Constable left the bouse and walked rapidly out the driveway, turning toward Saint Pierre. Here the man's pride In tervened. He bad committed a folly, perhaps, but no broad evil. The state ment of the press war farcical. Lara Stansbury should not have allowed ber mother and the New York reporters to shake ber trust. With reaction piling upon blm its most bitter and tragic phase, I'eter Constable conceded bis fail ure as a lover, and turned to bis second ary paaslon I'elee. CHAPTKIl VIII. Ilreen was not wholly unconscious of danger when the large bundle of New York papers was brought with the malls into the library. The ladle bad busied themselves over a joint epistle from Mr, Stansbury, and were scanning the front pages of the journals, when a sudden exclamation from Mrs. Stansbury Inti mated the ugly truth. Ilreen was chang ed from guest to outlaw. Miss Stansbury followed her mother upstairs, the former i.A.l, 'ti imruip with her. A second account of the demoralising Incident waa not difficult to find. Ilreen read tne fol lowing hastily: "Th. fi1m it Star). Mr. Peter Con stable's splendid private yacht, cleared for West Indian ports this morning, naving on board the young millionaire-owner aid. It U alleged, Nicholas SUmbridge, the notorious revolutionist, adventurer, and swindling promoter, "The purpose In common of the capi talist and fortune hunter cannot be told, Mr. Constable has figured In the public prints on several occasions, but chiefly through his eccentric Ideas of practical philanthropy. So far as Is known, he has never before allowed himself to be sub jected to the attention of the police. It Is feared that he will lose at both ends as a result of his present atllllatinus. "Mr. Constable's frlrnd aver that the young millionaire could not have under stood the character of his companion for the voyage, and point out that Nicholas Stembrldge, at his In'st, Is a man of fasci nating manners and rre personal accom plishments. It has been added also that Mr. Constable Is of a most Impulsive tem perament, and apt to choose his compan ion from queer arteries of society. The young man's Innocent Intent, however, mtght more readily be accepted, were It not for the Important fact that Nicholas Stembrldge, who Is known to have been In hiding for several days In New York, was seen on board the de Stael shortly before she sailed; positively recognised. It is satd, by an astute and reliable mem ber of the local detective force." A sptrlted description of the episode on the Ilrooklyn pier followed; also a por tion of Nicholas Stembrldge' police rec ord. The conservative character of the paper In which the foregoing appeared led Ilreen to believe that the account which had fallen Into Mrs. Stanbury'a hand might be considerably more emblaa oned ami embellished. Ills first thought was that he had become a source of hor ror to the women, and that he must put himself out of their sight. Hreen was not a conscienceless man. A fatalist, a-spendthrift, a power that prey ed upon the powers that prey, a polished reveller all these he might be, but his blood waa clean from the taint of person al treachery. He had come to like Con stable. The friendship was guileless. He had even thought, with a trace of humor In certain moments, that It was worth being called bark from the Ilrooklyn pier for such a large and clear emotion. It I possible that he had never in his life been troubled as now, having brought a vital hurt to the man he wished only to serve. Ills face showed nothing, not even the heat of the day, as he left the houie. Ills own body had felt all, even the moral dissolution which crawls Into the brain to prepare a place for the sinister guest, sutclde. The law of cause and ef fect, unable to find any hold upon him self nor inspire any fear this side of death, had linked him with another, and made that other suffer through him. Ilreen was smitten with the ugliest pun ishment that clean fiber Is given to writhe beneath that of seeing a friend beaten to the ground by the rebounding volley of one's own sins. Half way down the Morne d'Orange, he saw Constable's launch turn shoreward from the ship. Constable waa probably aboard. Ilreen wasn't ready yet to meet the roan he had hurt- He must think. Moreover, by no means did be Ignore the possibility of the Panther bringing one of his logical enemlrs, nor was he ready to face an accumulation of consequences In the shape of a man hunter. He turn ed to the right at the base of the morne, and made his way up one of the winding paths to the terraced streets. That his step led blm to the fruit shop, where he had planned not to go again, seemed now but a paltry addition to the Incubus which bad so suddenly possessed blm. At the first terrace be turned and star ed bark through the smoke. The launch bad just touched the pier at the Sugar Landing. The tall figure of Constable stepped forth and hastened to the car riage, which was driven rapidly toward the morne, Ilreen smiled, because It waa easier for him to smile than to cry for mercy. Constable was belng driven swift ly to the plantation house, whr he would find the ugly work that had been done there. Mrs. Stansbury would not board a ship that had been a thief refuge. Hue de Illvoll was white and empty. The door of the shop waa shut but not locked, and the little round window dark ened with a cloth. Ilrren entered, slam ming the door quickly, to keep out the hot, poisoned air of the street. The dark shop was a empty of human as the thoroughfare, but a quick step sounded In the rear. Pere Itabeaut entered from the asb-qullted court. "What a day, M. Ilreen t Ths birds are dead and dying. Soronla Is III unto death " "Soronla III I" Ilreen said under bis breath. The otd man hastened away. At the rear doorway, Soronla pushed by him. Her hair was unfastened, and ths loos white garment that she wore waa open at the throat. The father stared a If shs were a specter. His lip moved, and be turned suddenly to the man (landing In front of the ihop. She moved toward the American. Her eye aroused him. The darknes had no power to divest tbem of expres sion, for the passions were burning there fear lest this was not flesh which filled ber gaze; ecstasy In that he was there at all, In life or death or dream. HI act of yesterday had wrought the ghastly pallor; the deathly illness wa heart-starvation. She touched his shoulder and hi cheek with chilling hands; there fell from her Up strange, low word of no language that he knew. Suddenly she caught hi hand to her breast, whispering that she had feared she wa dreaming. "What were you dreaming, little one?" he questioned. "I thought I wa dying when I heaid your -voice. You said you said you would come no more." "Hut did I not come, little fairy? Who could remain away from you?" She seized bl face In her cold bands, whispering, "Do you mean that you wlli tay?" (To be continued.). ttj" "jf"' BPI L G' -HMHsasHsaaxsa? ii, 'fl'T ?lf HLkMpJB MgMf's ferJ w.W- inmlQai!rt ft 1 1 rua ii (ram the Atr, A dctnllcd account of the progress of tho work now lit course of erection on tlio fulls of flio Hvnclglos nt Norvddeti, In Norway, for the separation of ntmos- pherlc nitrogen, on tho system of Messrs, pjrkelmid mid Kydc. la given In La Nature. These works are the property of n French company, mid tlio available power la stated nt .11,000 horoo-iower. A second undertaking on n far larger onlo I now In course of construction to ntnkv use of tlio falls of Itjukati, where not lesa than 250,- 000 horse power wilt bo utilized. Pho tographs ahow thnt the buildings nro now completed, ttud that much of the machinery Is In place. The factory 1 contained In two separate divisions, tlio hydro-electric generating station ami the chemical worka. Detntla of tlio revolving furnaces, with the Inter nal electrode nut tho flame arcs, are given. Women Hun Ineubalur, Please do not get the Idea Hint tho Incubator la so everlastingly automatic that you do not need to giro It nny nt tentlon. The result with the use of mi Incubator la a great deal like the re sults with the um of other tiling. They will be In pruiMirtlim to the effort you make to a grent extent. Of course I aui not personally acquainted with you. but a n long-distance proposition I would n heap Night rather you mould turn your machine over to your wife. The women folk have more, tiaturnl good Reuse In mlslng poultry, and you can bet your boot ttiey look nfter the pennies and dime tn whatever they undertnke. Wtillo n man that Is nccus tomed to dealing In big money often overlook sccmlt'gly Immaterial things thnt go to make the use of Incubators and brooders a success. M, M. John son, Nebraska. A Clover Haneher, Clover that I pastured until the middle of June and then permitted to make a second growth will escape In- Jury from the midge and usually give bsitter yield of seed. When 03 per cent of the head are a dead brown color the mower may be set to work. The Illustration shows o flnger-tlke mowing machine attachment for bunch Ins; and laying the clover out of the way of the horses. To I'revent Tunslo Hat, The disease often attacks plant that are not sprayed. It Is first noticeable as small black or brown spots on tho leaven and steins of tho plant, occur ring first on the tower nml older leaves, but with favorable weather It spreads rapidly till tho plant Is defoliated ami the spots on the stems bare coalesced Into Irregular blackish patches. If a piece of bark with these spots be ex amined under a high power mlcroAcopo Innumerable small, cresccnt-slinped bodies may bo seen. These ore the frultltiii aiwre of the fungus. Spray with Bordeaux mixture. Get Disk Harrow. Ths disk barrow is a, tool that la almost Indispensable on an up-to-date fa nn. For working land that Is Infest ed with weeds that spread from their root systems the disk barrow Is the only harrow that should be used. It cuts the roots where they lie and does not drag; them from ono part of the field and transplant them In another. With plenty of horsepower It will do the work of a plow on soma kinds of noli, especially In fruit orchards, where a plow is liable to tear up largo roots and start suckers to growing up where tho root Is cut. Halloa for Cow, i Experiment conducted last year nt the West Virginia Agricultural Station go to show that, while a ration of grain given to cow, that are on pasture may keep them In somewhat better physical condltllon and keep up their flow of milk, tlio Incrcaso In butter fat Is not sufllclcnt to pay for the cost of the grain ration. This would seem to be on the assumption of a flush pasture and that the cows would eat additional grass to take tho place of the higher priced grain ration. J"r-TS asCeVilVa Illreil MHH mill The Horse, livery iiiiin who work on a farm ought to know how to care for horse. lly "cure" It I not meant that lie should know Just enough to feed a horse, but ho must know how to take earn of n mare In foal, how to break a colt and how to feed It to the best ad vantage. He should know nil about horses' feot mid something nlniut shoo ing, too. Mmiy a limn tins dropped Into n fine and permanent Job Invnuso he knew these things. Horse are the tutwt valuable ntiliimls on the farm, of course, mid tho man who can take tho tcnt care of them Is the most valuable help. Ctinimrs In KarmlitM. Farming Is not what It was twenty years ago from u revenue standpoint. Corn and cotton were the main prod, uets from which the farmer drew hi Income, nml Hint, too, only once, n year. Now the process tins changed up. In stead of ttie ono crop, cotton, farmers have Invoked n multiplicity of crops, mid not only grow corn and cotton for revenue, but have supplemented pota toes, both Irish and sweet; peaches ami tiir. onions, melons, lierrlc, peanuts ami ribbon cane, alt of which bring money at all seasons of the year, mid there Is n continued market for what lie ha to sell. Sulphur Springs (Tex.) (nxcttc. 41ronln Hairs In Tessa, An rx-n-rlriirol date grower of Cali fornia who visited the lower llln J ramie region of Tctns two years ago discovered large numbers of date palm trees, some of them very otd but all of which were Iwirrcii. Ho proposed to Millcnlxe the tree artificially and hare In the proceeds, a proposition which was rngrrly accepted by the owners. Hundreds of these tree are now bearing delicious fruit. The poor, crippled mid sick Mexican of that sec tion regard the man as a sorcerer ami when he visits them they fall Uon their knees mid leg Mm to cure them of their Infirmities. Human Slaaahlrr nt Animals, Tho American Society for the Pre vention of Cruelty to Animals wilt shortly begin rxjs-rlments with a new method for killing animals. Henry Ilergh, tho treasurer mid former presi dent of the society, has Invented an air gun of large size, working like n pneumatic hammer. The society some time ago offered a rewnrd of ,VX) for an Improved and humane method for slaughtering purposes. Mr. Ilergh thinks hts Invention fulfills the require ments of the society for an Improved device for slaughtering animals. frail Trs-a Harare. August Is the time to look for borer. Dig the soil away around the stems of fruit trees to the depth of 3 Inches, scrape tho bsrk with a knife, and If any sawdust or exuding gum Is found It Is time to get to work. Dig out the borer and wash the uncovered parts with a mixture of soft cow dung, lime wood nshes and a little crude carbolic eld. Then return the soil. Tho quince, dwarf iK-ar and peach trees aro pir- tlcularly affected by thla peL I'oa ul Ibe (irren HuaT, Last season farmers of tho South west were greatly alarmed over tlio ap tiearanco of the wheat plant louse, com monly known as tho green bug. They caused a tremendous amount of dan age, but this year Its rarnges were much less, owing to the appearance of a parasite bee which destroys tho bug. The bee lays Its eggs on the body of the green bog, which aro shown In tlio picture on tho wheat leaf. When the eggs hatch out the larvto feed on the bug until they become bees, when they lay more eggs on the hugs, and this proc ess Is reieated over and over. Tho bees aro shown In tho picture, and farmers should become fumlllnr with them, so they may recognize them as ono of their best friend. Exchange I.aifunilnniia Crops. Nature has provided a leguminous crop for every part of tho earth whoro it was Intended that man should farm. Cow peas, soy beans and Japan clover In the South, crimson clover In the Kastern slope, roil clover In tho Cen tral states, alfalfa In the West, and Canada peas In tho North show how thoroughly the distribution has been effected. TKLlU'IlONEa MOVINO TRAINS Knuliieer's Cnh ('-iniiretril lir Al imrnliis will HIsiiHlebrr'a Oltlee. It bus long been rcoognlred thnt minm menus by which telephone communing Hon could be held by trnlti In motion would be of grent nilvmitiiKi' us mi ad junct tu the block hi Mem, 0u of tin most recent suggestions along this lino is mi npiNtrnluM liueuteil by nn iown limn, the detnlls of which lire shown In the iiccouipiiujliig Illustration. A horizontal bur of metal extends from the side of Hie tender for lis en tiro length. This bar droi close to m2&r iroi'iinME i caii or tMiimc. the outer rait, making ehvtrlcnt con nection with metal standards set In tho ties beside Hie track. The distance lx tweeii these standard Is a little I cos than the length of the tar, so that thn latter ts always In contact with nt least one of Hutu, A telephone Is mounted In the call of tho locomotive mid con nected through the locomotive wheels ami the rails to the dispatcher's sta tion, blocKtimis" or other oliit. It will tx- seen therefore that communication mar ! had with the train nt all tlnt nlnug the track where Hie standards srn locnteit, These can la' placed at the a ginning and end of blocks, or nt oHmt points wlire It would tx- of ndvnnlsgn to hold communication with the mov ing train. Tho man who Is always paying com pliments to wisiien may txt nn awful - liar, but he doesn't need any affidavits) I In that ImslncM. When a girl can love an old man It's a sign she can fool him Into thinking It's real. Kvcryliody Is Intolerant of other pco I ite's bad habits when he has different ones of his own, A pleosant thing atxnit exptvllng money Is nil you ran plan to do with It until It comes mid your family gets It It's the easiest thing tn tho world for a woman tn make a man think he la In lirvo with her unless they nro married. If a man had all thn money there la In thn world he would blame tils luck because there wasn't more. The thing a woman ndmlrrs nl-out her husband's business sagacity Is how nearly successful It sometimes Is. The reason n woman snys her pray ers so faithfully Is so Hint If anything goes wrong It won't Im her fault. A girl who freckles feels Just a phil osophical nlxnit them ns n man, docs) about being In a stock market panic. Now York Press. rrahlblllan In Mrslro, Is the prohibition sentiment spread ing even to Mexico? The State of Mnr ella ban Just enacted n law prohibiting the sale of liquor by thn glass to Im drunk In tho place where It Is bounlit. Liquor may be bought and sold by tho bottle only and must bo curried away. Many of tho states have largely uv pressed gambling of the worst sort by stringent laws and faithful enforce ment. High license prevails nearly ev erywhere In cities, and tho number of saloons In tlio various states has bivn greatly curtailed within tho last few years. Pollco regulations nro nil the time being made more strict. Tho stnto of Chlhtmhtm enforces -cry close regu lations. Oovernor Creel's views on the subject of Intcui'icraucu nro well known. It Is due mnliily to his Initia tive thnt tlio stnto Is ono of tho most orderly In tho republic. The Hnlooim nro well regulntcd mid closed nt ren 1 . z 52 U?nS' ren ' up-V sur- sounblo hours; gambling Is either mi p. pressed or carried on under closo sur vclllnnco, and recently tho governor even put a stop to tlio bull fights at thn stnto cnpltal owing to thn disorders ac companying them. Kl Pnno Hornld. You may think you linvu a great many friends; how many would stick to you, and euro for you. If you had, smallpox? One? r ( .1