The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 09, 1908, Image 5

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mimnfnirrniifimM mmimmh i
, .
lie fash Ctore
:::C R 0 OK C 0 U N T Y:::
lndlgocs, light blues,
els. Km,, gui glut tits, ut
k.i y.iiil.
7 1-2&S.
(WNOHAMS. n pro n
clucks. Mil colors, all
iic check, nt tier yard,
10 d:s.
all colors, 27 inches wide.
14 good heavy lluiiucl, at
I kt yard,
10 efts.
HOr.SK I.I KING. licmy
the best wrmle fu the
money- dd by the piece
on))', nt thin price per yd,
5 3-4 &s.
l-ORTlvRS, plain colors
and fancy prints, 30 in,
wide, nt per yard,
12 1-2 ds.
Men's t -lb ttb fleeced underwear Shirts 34 to 40,
drawers 2 to 10 You never bought this garment
lor less than ( cts C .- . MM.AMx
belore. my price only UC per garment
Aly entire stock is marked on the same close
margin and 1 can do it because
Your ensh will give yon better values hercjltiu it
any other store in Crook county
A. M. LARA Bend, Oregon
The wonmii who roads the mis.
show bUNiuoiR ubllity.
Wnntod: Four tons of nlfnlfn
hay. Impute ut Hullctiu ofllce.
Remember the food salo nt Odd
well's store tomorrow afternoon.
W. J. McGillvrny Is planning to
take a trip over to the Vulloy after
Mr. nml Mrs. John Ryan wore in I
from their much nt the Titles yes
Tpwuship pints for sale nt this
P.fftcc, two size, 3)i nud 6 inches
Taken look nt The Iiulletin's
township pints before you buy
two sires.
S.J. Spencer has returned to
Ucud nfter a trip to the old home
n,t LnGrnnde.
Perry lams was n plchsnut caller
in Beud last Friday from, his home
ot Powell Uuttcs,
while. gray or tan, extra
henvy fleece, nsMirted lnr
Icr, 72Z7H In-, jwr "xilr,
LlNJvl) HOSK. henvy
lib, compare these with
any ?sc hose in town, all
" 20 as.
heavy cheviot and drills,
all colors, 30 dliT .styles
to Mrlect fsciti, only
50 cts.
inc pig .skin, the kind
that wont wear out, per
vpnir, only
50 cts.
HOSK, medium weight,
camels hair or oxford, all
sites, )cr pair,
20 cts.
Rev. Mitchell will hold regular
services in Hcntl morning nml even
ing 011 next Sunday, the nth.
George A. Jones made coniimi
tation proof 011 his homestead be
fore Commissioner Kills this week.
Milk and cream for sale; first
house east of Mrs. 0. A. Joucs'
residence. W. R. I'im.ui'rt. 3033
Mr. and Mrs. George Uliidmnn
were Iiciul callers Wednesday from
their home in the vicinity of Sisters.
Mrs. Carlyle Triplett Is enjoying
n visit with her mother, Mrs. Mar
tin, who is here from r.cnolr, N. C,
You pride yourself on your own
enterprise why buy of jwoplc who
have not enough enterprise to ad
"My threc-yonr-old loy was limlly con
fitltwU'il, had n high fever and vn iu mi
awful condition, I gnve lilm two dosen
of I'oley'H Orluo. Laxative mid the next
morning the fuvcr win (out! mnl liu wan
entirely well, t'olcy'n Orlna I.nxntlvo
ruived his life." A. Wolktuh, Ciuimer,
WU.-C. W. Merrill, druj-glst.
Poultry dressed or alive always
on hand Iiying hous niicl pullets
about to lay, for Hale. Wm. Down
INO, Hend, Or. a8tf
Nick Welder who has' been in
Portland the past few months re
turned to Ixcud TiicmIuv to remain
through the winter.
The Indies of the M. H. church
will give another of their opular
food sales Saturday afternoon nt
S C. Caldwell's store
Harney Lewis mid wife have re
turned to their homestead after
sendiug several weeks viiiting
ivliitivt-s at Jefferson, Or.
The messages from the mer
chants are Hlways Interesting and
usually affect the "state of your
purse." Read their nds. Heisiug now gets his mail
at Sisters, having moved onto the
ranch which he recently purchased
nt the foot of Hlock Untie.
One of the finest lines of choco
I ites ever gotten Into Hend is now,
011 Mile at the Kellcy & Aldridge
stand. Kresh just arrived.
If you like fresh chocolates and
the very finest mudc you should
step into Kelly & Aldridgc's. They
have a fine Hue, just arrived.
Clins. Herrald of Lenoir, N C,
is in Hend visiting with the Trip
Ictts and other friends who former
ly lived at his home in the South.
This fall season is going to be
the best In the history of your store
or the worst. Is your advertising
going to be the best, or the worst?
Rev. Mitchell tins been making n
Mibstautial improvement on his
homestead in the form of a buggy
shed, root cellar and wood shed all
under otic roof.
J. T. Gcmmcl is one of the re
cent comers who has settled on laud
east of Hend. He recently had a
house built 011 his land, George
I'.rostcrhous doing the work.
Yearling, home grown fruit trees
for sale, at ranch three miles from
Hend 011 PrmcviJle road sign of
ted barn. Will be nt ranch Nov. 2
to 15. HOWAKI' bl'INJNO, Hend,
Rig stores arc not built by luck,
or accident any more thair rail
roads or steamboats. The greatest
man iu the world could not build n
big store, otic really successful,
without advertising.
The numerous new buildings
going up in Hend and the surround
ing country are making quite a de
mand for lumber, and the hum of
tic pinner at the sawmill is heard n
good share of the time these days.
I am now agent for the DeLaval
cream separator, and have one of
these machines iu stock. Step iu
mid examine it. They nrc a great
convenience mid money saver for
the dairyman. IJ.A. S.vriiim. 2ttf
A letter from headquarters says
that they arc selling contracts for
hind iu the Golden Goose . Lake
Valley In bunches, and warns me
to get my orders In or my people
will get left. Don't delay but come
iu nud get a contract. C. A. Jonics.
Kok SAM' tooncrcs. Host ranch
in the Sisters country. 60 ncres iu
clover, n million feet of yellow pine
on the other So. Good water right
Corvallis & Kasterti survey near.
House and barn. $2,000 cash, time
on balance. This is n snap. C,
A. Jonhs.
J. I, West reaches the 65th mile
stone iu the journey of life todny,
and iu honor of the event has iu
vited in, to dinner, a number of
"young" people of his uge. It is
needless to say they will enjoy
themselves and will duly celebrate
the happy occasion.
Timber Claims Wanted.
Parties having timber claims sit
tinted south of Hcud ndjoiuiug or
within n few miles of the Deschutes
river nrc requested to write to the
undersigned if the claims ore for
sale, J. D, IIpnkvman,
Behd, Or.
P, 1
Pacific Itorv Liniment Is prepared
eT! ttr Iht needt ul lir.rcn:tn ami
r'lichmtn. II U a powrlul tod pene
irallflj liniment, a remedy lor iwncrxcn
clen. A toalliln; cnibrotslhn Inr Ihe
reiki of pel.i, and Ihe bett liniment (or
tptan ind torcncM. Uncqualed lor
curing the wound and Injuries of
DAKllCU Willi: and for licalb cuts,
uLTSslons, tores and bruises Pacific
1 1 one l.lnlmenl Is fully tuerinieed.
No other is so good or liefpful In so many
vj). If it falls to sillily, eauthorlic
cll dealers to refund flic purchase price.
u-n otrn urn cinrt
.. rr. f
cooKtcr rjdr&s rpco
Strayed, from the vicinity of
Odell lkc-. iron gray marc four
years old, small scar 011 right hind
leg, not Iraudcd. Hay horse, old,
branded 7, on right shoulder, indis
tinct brand on left shoulder. Hoth
have saddle and harness marks.
Liberal reward far information that
will secure their return. Notify
tins ollice. 2931
R. K. and G. II. Grimes have
taken charge of a large ranch east
of Hend owned by parties at Salem,
and will proceed to put it under
cultivation. lid Uroslcrhous is now
putting up a house for them mens
urine 24x28 with ofoot posts, and
a temporary barn has already been
built. Messrs. Grimes bought the
horses formerly owned by the Three
Sisters Ranch Company.
A. C. Lucas has leased the Pilot
Hutte Inn to C. H. Turner, who
will take possession on the 16th.
The Inn has been one of the most
popular hoitelrics in Central Ore-
gou and has always enjoyed a good
patronage. Mr. Turner has had
much experience in hotel work,
and The Hullctiu bespeaks for him
a like profitable business. Mr,
Lucas and family will remain at
Dr. A. A. Ilurris writes from
Lebanon to The Bulletin as follows:
"Unclosed you will find P. O
money order lor f.2.00. Please
crcdid same on my subscription. I
can't think of Hying to get along
without The Hullctiu. I have
greater faith in Bend's future than
ever and expect to move onto my
place just cast of Hend next spring
and help what I can iu the develop
ment of that country.
Mrs. C. A. Jones went out to the
Johnston ranch Monday to take
depositions iu the final proofs of six
parties who own tracts of land lu
that large holding. The parlies
who made proofs were Mrs. Ada
R. Johnston, Miss Helen Johnston,
Mrs. Johnston's mother, Mrs. Mary
Rowlee, J. A. Hoyd, Mrs. Jessie M.
Hoyd, nud Samuel Johnston. Later
Mrs. Johnston will move into Hend
and occupy her residence here dur
ing the winter.
The people who are served by
the Tumalo mid Gist postoffiecs nre
quite dissatisfied with one feature
of their mail service. They would
prefer to linvc the mail leave Laid
law 011 Saturday instead of on Mou
thy, as nt present. Under the
present plan their county papers
are obliged to lay over at Lnidlaw
from two to three days, whereas, if
the mail went out on Saturday,
there would be practically no lay
over and the subscribers in the Gist
and Tumalo districts would get
their papers much more promptly.
The department should order the
mail to be carried on Saturday iu-
stead of Monday,
Vnrious reports have been sent
to the Portlaud papers regarding
the case of smallpox at Bend, nud
these reports have related a much.
worse condition of affairs than ac
tually exists.' The patient is net
Winer nlmtrv ttrt it'ill ntwf 1tittt..
'ft ,f ?- MliV . SIMVHIt
only a very light attack of the dis
ease. He is now on the road to
recovery and when the quarantine
1 has expired he will be iu his usual
I good health. No new cases have
developed, nud none arc expected
to. School is in session, people arc
coming in and leaving town, and
business In nil lines is progressing
in the usual manner. There Is no
cause for alarm, and nt Hend there
Is 110 alarm.
George H. Pulllam, a farmer liv
ing iu the vicinity of Tumalo, died
last Tuesday morning at about 1
o'clock at the Hotel JJcnd, where
he had been brought in order that
he might be given better medical
attention. Mr. Pulliam had been
ill for a week or 10 days and was
threatened with typhoid fever. He
had lost much blood from hemor
rhages from the nose and lungs,
and was in such n weakened con
dition that his system could not
withstand the strain, and he passed
away as above stated, Icavinjr a
wife and three children to mourn
his loss. Mr. Pulliam was high!,
respected by all who knew him.
and his taking away is a real lost,
to the community in which he re
sided. The remains were taken to
Wqsco, the family's former home,
for interment.
.Mrs. A. At. Lara Hntertafns In Honor
of Atlas Alnrlan Alyers.
One of the plcasantcst social
events or the season was that ten
dered the ladies of Hend this after
noon by Mrs. .A. M. Lara at her
pleasant home. Guests to the num
ber of forty-five gathered at
2 o'clock to spend the afternoon in
various ways, the aim and purpose
of which were the having of a good
time, and, of course, they were not
Kach lady was given a needle
with a red thread and a piece of
cloth mid requested to "work" on
the cloth an image of a cat. This
task naturally aroused the ambi
tions of the Indies and ull were
anxious to demonstrate their ability
with the needle. Much pleasant
chattering and merriment were evi
dent while the ladies were so en
gaged. Later refreshments were served
nml the ladies in the absence of
their "better halves" were paired
off into partners. This was done iu
a unique manner. Pajwr "cats"
had been cut iu two and the parts
Every Farmer
, As well as every business, man sJkmM .
have a bank account,
' Why?
BQCtUlSe: Yur money is safer .in the bank than
anywhere else.
Paying your bills by. check is the
simplest nnd most convenient methoJ.
Y01"" check becomes, n yojjcher for the
cjeltf it puys. '
It gives you a better standing with business
Money in the bank strengtheus your credit.
A bank account teaches, helps, aud encour
ages you to save.
This bank does all the bookkeeping.
Your bank book is n record of your busittess,
-.... -"
To those desiring Banking Connections with 0 well"
established Bank, we extend our services.
The Central Oregon Banking (R
Trust Company
Oohn Stotdl. .,,.., ,,...,,.., Lumberman and Timber Owner.
U. C, Coo.. 1. m ,,u,. ........ Physician nnd Surgeon.
H. P. d. McDonald,,
E. A. Satlier.,..,,,
V.J. O'Connor.,,..,,.,,.,,
Hi b n- 1 1 I
were distributed among the gtic -
The ladies who had tire two j.nt
of the severed animal that mate'
were partners, and the one u
held the larger half was require ,
serve the other.
The hostess was assisted iu s
ing refreshments by the Missc Iv
West, Pearl Hightower, IK l i
Johnston and Dorothy School. ,
and during the afternoon she
assisted by Mrs. V. V. Smith
Mrs, R. D. Wilson.
This pleasant event was glvut ,
honor of Miss Marian Myers. '
will leave soon for her boraC li. ' '
(Continued from pace r
Young's nrc headed this way, '1
rati a line up Trout creek, and t
surveyed a line up Sage Br
spring to the flat. Parties in M
ras from Youngs the first of 1
week report that the survc.
were running a line up JVj
Spring canyon.
C. R, Kluser, The Jeweler, t'6c '
t;iiiia Ate., Iiidianapolfs, Ind . u
"I wa mi weak from kidney trcu'jlr
t could lurdly walk nhmulrcd feet 1
bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy cl r
mr complexion, cured my txlclcaclic
Ihe irregularitfe iltwippenrcd, a rut 1
now attend to huiiuf m every day
recommend l'oley's Kidney Rented;
all suflcrcr. xi it cured tne after the
tor and other remedies had faded J
W. Merrill. druKRist,
New subscribers added to Ti
Bulletin list each week. You're tic i
When You Pain:
buildings, inside or out
side, if you desire the
very best results at the
least expense yon
should use
Call for
color cards
Full Line of Groceries, U
Goods and Hardware always i
out. 1
der, I
,ii 1, J.
,,., .....Cashier,
1 ,