fl y H ! I ii Ii t Sweats ft Cough. i:. W. Wallnn, Contlr. H, V. Hy.. 717 Van Neaa Ht., Huh Antonio, Tcr , vrrllcal "liurinit llm aiimmur nnii ran of Wl, my nunuynncn from iml'ntrli rcurlii'il thntiilngn where It wna nt'lin I mWury nml dtivolnpid alarinliiK hjui Ionia, mii'li nanxeryileup.aeatcdcoti, i, night aweala, nml pallia In tlm head nml cheat, 1 (lxporlmoulcd wltli mivirnUo called reiiutllo Imfnro I llnnlly decided to tnkn a thorough cotireo of IVriinn. "Twonf my friend, had gnuo an far aa to Inform inn that llm thliiK for mo to do wae lo reelgn my pnellloii nml peek n lilulicr, incut' ciitiKolilal cllniato. livery (Hit thought I lind coimuinptloti mill 1 wn iintt'iio!lnl lollvii very lonir. "liming ir(H'iirril aomnl'eruna, I itn rlilcil to e,lvo 11 a thorough leal mul nc piled tit ! f aaahltiotialy In Ilia laak of taking It, I'cr luatrualloiia, In Hid int-allllUle. "Tim efTreta woro noon Apparent, all alarming aymploui iHaappearril ami my KKiixrnl houllhhecaino fully a.Kood aa It had ever lawn In my 1 1 f . "I havo ruaorted lo llm mm of lVSna on (wo or three, iiccaelniia iliira that timu toctiro myeelf of liiut .oliU." 'Ilia llrulrt "Wntu't )iiur wlfr afiill lunraom at that iiMiiiuinlii rraort wlill yuu trrr lirmlliig )oiir lliiii llalilng lor I rout T" "), no nbr fiMiinl a pUrt wlirr tlirro wm a nilrnillil ihIiii, ami ulir fiiJojrl imtliltK iH-tlrr limn to go lln-rr innlararr mi a mntrrilliiii will) ll hy Ilia hour." Clilrnto 'Irlbiinf, CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Thf grratnt Irnglli of Hm which any tailtl liaa hrrn known lit rftimln afloat ! Iwrnljoiir )rn A Niltlt nintalnlng a iiifiitjur, whlWi wna thrown urrrlxxiril hy an Aim-rk-nn im ra plain oil Nrw. fuiimllnnil In 1N7M, wna plrkfl lip off tli rat eo.nl uf Irrlaml rarly lu IKf.l. Tl.i fatorlte awineMwriU of Qtirn Wlllfli.i ita of llollaml are kkatlnt .ml rlillm, hut aa n rlilM hrr hohby waa lli kii-phig of iirr t TIft!fncstllolilfst and moM tomfomWc POMMEL 11 OLtlVIYlliK. 1 M the same time tnonpest in Ihc ciul biptuic it wears longest 359 Ercjfchcre Every qarmrnt, ouarAntrril walff proof Catalog frrw 4 j . t u m 1 . CRESCENT EGG-PHOSPHATE BAKING POWDER A mixlrn lravrnrr it a imxtrrile price) It 30 prf crnt. more clllcltnt Hun Trul,,or Ctttm o. Tartar products and abaotulrly lr( (rum lh li(4llliraclkliis Kchrl! SilU rnlcfue Invariably accomranylnc llwr we. Get it from your Grocer 25o-FULL P0UND-25c ..... .. ...I I, .nullir In am war lu lit al-mat If la ir u mi ii anniiRr in an, - .".'." ;','-, r M, linri.l mar . .iiMilr, unuMl.loltllal ilal. ii var . aol.l.lr, unuu urJIuaiir t'll.l.o auik .rill III hi 4 WW ,'. " .ltii ' " TEE HI WITHOUT PLATE8" Tl. tiarnli l"l SI ' nlrllcii. Ilia Haw pt irl lf Ilia Iwilll III ll muulli Iwtli In fact, twttl III liMraiiie I mill to ilmw lr hl iiion. aajou ii.iiin tour natural Dur f Mr. la mi email. I.J mo in Un inur enllt. eru. liiHa.er llala oik hiailir II iiKwaari I'nalllirlr lalnliw Itailliitf (Inlr hlali rlaaa. wlanllfla ourk, MLIUE DENTAL CO., INC. , Pfiurni lliKir, laiiina ' liuliiii Kliiclt, Olplioi if,.. fin II- at i.Tnl aa up, i'Uouea A auit ilal r.?imYiLTMvA,.xi,ar&,Mii.u.,i; laktti. Ysm m 'L w m mt 1 A 1 JK.M' I mur HI at f w&LZm. jl mm LI.' When Children Were Mud. In Rmolt. It may kiicm alriingit Hint llmro win a period in KnglMi hlatnry when Ju teilllu amoklug wiih I'tifoiivil olllclnlly, Init U iittvfrllii'li'im truo. 'I lie illnrliit lli'iirnt', In writing of tlm I'lnguo of bunion, an) at "IJtcii dillilri'ii with obliged In Niiioiik. Ainl I remember Hint I heiird formerly Turn linger, who wna jcuiimii li"uilli, any Unit when lin wna n achool lioy nt i;ton Unit cnr when tin- plngtm nnifil nil tlm Ikon of Hint aohool went obliged lo aimmk III tlm ehool every morning, nml Unit Im wim Inner lilpxi no much In Ida llfv n Im wna mm inornln.' for not union k Init." 1ti Cutiiitry'. L'mI llrr.eetl Nun. 'I'lii' lit'Ht dretwed mini In llm United Klnti-a. iitronllllg to llm heal of nil- . .. t a .. a ... ..(...1. I inorny, a -. . t.uiijr. """ ' or ITOVinci re, ll, I. iiHiujr Mmm-nnr. aonm nflyudil mill. lie a,.ya tlmt la approximately tlm nuinltcr, but really It'a im much trouble to count them, you know. Tlicro la n anlt for cnrli ilny In n month, nulla for aorlnl func tion!, fur driving, wiilklug, for nluioNt ctcry "ixrliil thing n huuiiiu U'lug fun iln. Morcorcr, It la anhl Im la con atnutly milling to hla (-olli-cUmi. iomn win una nn. iiniimr "'nml a;ruilliUatrnifilr loUHfuitlMirvlilUi'vi luiiuiiijti)ilii jilo.l. io ii. .'i. t i . !.. '"",', , , ffi . , . i ' F.u writ ng ami of tin 'rlpt of IVraln, Aruhln nml Hull.. well. o.-a but Tlia Alltlixltfl. llttlo lo Hgjrpt. It la trui- Hint lu tlm (oimtriiitlou uf thi'lr nlihnlH't tho I'hiM'nli'hiiiN maili' iim' uf (rrlnlu tiler atlc ihnrnrtcra fouinl In their trnilo ilrnlluga with Kgrpt, hut thla fnct lu no wny iletrnrta from tlm glory of tlm . Invent Ion which Mom; to thu "Ian keea of niitlipilty.M New York Aiuerl rnn. Colon h Cannot b Cured wnr. MicAi.Airi.1 ATi(ir.H,ai ihrr wiHi!'...; .. ..... , , w... ..i.ii.....i..i.i..,ii (.atamilta uimmI , uroimiliuilontl ill riur, amtln uiJtr nruta II ruu mint lake ltiln al irinrdlr. Ilitl'i Calarih I ornlt taarn Itilrrtial.i. ii.l arii .11. trrllr (ini Ida IinI an.) Muruua urlarra. Haifa lalarrlil malt nul a quark uifilr no. II iirwtllwt lijr ntinnll'.r Iwtt i.lijtlc am lllthlirHiunlajrfnrirariaii.il a trfiilar pro nlpllmi, II la nm,..i ,,( ihn ,,t ,rt kli.iw.,rml.llil wllhthv lil Mnol pilllrr.., arllHg Olrrrllfnn th mill-oili tHilim Iln lrl mmMnallnnnt lhitn lnitllfntali what nrivliiir. iiirli vrmOrrlnl rmilia liirur lllll lalarrll 'IMt (or rt mnniala ttr . . ! J ''HK'rV A i n , ITwi .Tolr.lo, O, lrtM hr llr.i.,. prlrVv Taa Halt's I'awll I'llli for rfMiitlpallon. Tlif rjunru lamp la the latrat rlrcfrle Hshllng aiiinrntua, It l n mercury r.. Nir lamp wllh n tpiarti tultc In a glaaa. flu, ami rHHmllr an arc lamp lu en iral apiaramr. u la lo f iiar.i aa a aingle lamp at 230 volln, nml haa a rnl lug of :1.N ramllpa, ponaiimllig O'J-'i watt wr enmlle rr. Ila life la gltrn at 1,() liimra. ami an nilinnlogr rla nml fur It la that It la unnanwMry lo rrplarf aur flrelrwlM. 1el, MVmi InaUtnl on our eomlng to thla hot, horrid plaiv," ahrllleit Mr. .nli)mf, I "ami 1 tit aunlHirHt till I IimV like an Apaehr Indian P "Not nl all, my lr," aald Mr. Out aome. "Your (nmileyi la a eloar, beau tlfnl light Immii." Thin did a aofl tan, air, aa It were, turu awajr wralh.Cttkneu Trlhiuir 4lllliu lu Ilia SMfTrrliiMa. Thf IKK-lor I eleetnl lo go out of i.imiii nil KalurilAr. aa itautl. lo anrnil Kiimtay with injr fnmllr lu Hie country, ' hut infeHional dutle fxrhld. The fate are agnllinl me, I 'l"h 1'rofeaaor The fates are to hlnni. are IhejT Well. Il'a natural for n weik etnler lo come to a lame coiirhiaiou I I'ncrrlnln na Yrl, I Nnggua (lllentry islllor)- Horns whhh one of the liMgailnea la going to pulillali that Init ahort alorjr of jonrat Itorua (atriucllug author) All I can tell ion alKtut Ii now, Nnggua, la tint. M'eu of Hie iiiagatluea are nut going to pulill.il It, III Hie Snrnl nl Ilia llrmr. "l'nw, I hniid ) on aay aumelhing that Miiimlml n good deal like awearlnz wlnla )ou were hoeing the wveila lu the garden it litlle while ago" "IHit )m, Itohhr) Well, that mutt hate brt'ii n jiart of the original curie." Pale, Thin, Nervous ? Then your blood must be in a very bad condition. You certainly know what to take, then tako it Aycr's Sarsa parllla. If you -.doubt, then consult your doctor. Wcknow what he will say about this grand old family medicine. Sold for over 60 years. Tlill It tha flnl quettlon yonr dpeter wouW aiki -Ai.iourlKiweltraaulart" lie knuwa that ilatlr acllon of Ilia Iwwela I. aUolu .lj .TV.i.t- ...... A. . if.imwiiiit llr Batlva Mul yimr iHiwfU irnuUf If Uklug UsklUo Uteo( Ajui'tlin. M MftdtbrJ.O. Ay tr Oo., LowjU, MU. Allfl WBUIBI VI xiiefs ItAlB viooa. AQUD CURB. cauir rtaofAU LOBOR Tlm flrat color photograph cvrr mmlo hy tlnnlillxlit linn Imhii aiiixi-aafnlly taken nt KMInKlimii, III Kor -nra i-olor i ii. .i .i. .. , l''"'"Pl.y l.n. been tlm ko.iI Hint photographer hnio la-en atrlvlng to nttiiln, nml during the pnat two or thrnt yiiira notui amviiMftil i-xpfrl-mi'iita hnu ri-aultci). Hut It wna only ilrlnii tlm liiat nx uiontha Hint thi' tlrat aiKVitoiful t-olor pholoniph hy ttnah light una tnkcu, nml tin- nvua Hint It linil Imtii ilium cnino na n ariiKnllon nt the ni-vut i-omt'iitloii of Urn Nnllonnl i..,i.,i,. ,.r iii.iIahfihlIiii I, ,.1,1 nt Aaaciclntloii or I'liotngrnplH'ra liclij lit Dolrolf, Mlrh. Ho fur no mi-tlual of prliitlng photo- 'Bripha In rolnra hna Ui-n illacmpn-il. . "' ''"- M..nnvhll,. llm ilnahllght pho- i ... ,....., . "P " '' Vr"r ""'' ' CATTLE 8TEALEH3 IN AUSTltALIA Cnnnliitf lllnrk llnarala Vho Ar M I'eal ft llnnrhmn. In Auatrnlln the ranchmen have to ronteinl wlttnintUe cattle atenlera who nn ao cunning nml skillful Hint their fnrna remit In rouatnnt loxa to the fnrmera. They 1I0 not ilrlve the rnttle nwny In ilroM-n like the olil Heottlah TAlflNJiw iffiBmJ- . mirnmneii nnii iiir irinn iiuiiii, uuii.. , ........ . -. ....m ...-... ',..,,,, .li.ntli- uti to the hi-nt nml xlnv n iiiiiiiIht iiy uirowmg nunrp ajienra Into their lleah When they hne killed set era) of the nulmiila they nit off only the pnrta they wish for Immediate nw nml leave the rnreni-M-H to rot on the fPXfSlwRCaWaTvSaaHawi a'PawPafgagtl..1 ... -w&o -TaJU&mM IIK.A ,.,1 3' a jflr a IIIwS .. akrT-2i a9'i Mwum mmzvvXi atisjrs $&m mil wmmWm AHOItltilNAI. Al STUAI.tAN I'A'iTI.IKTIUI.Il.S. plains. Next day when they want moru meat they do not scruple- to kill inoro cm l If. in mining ineir epeiirn, nuivu am from 7 to 10 feet long, thoy employ n throwing thk with n sort of sling. This ennhlea them to throw tho sienn with great forco Incredible dlstimws, driving thu npenr entirely through thu nuliuul. Thu mounted iwllco are etm stnntly on tlm lookout for thesn ma ruudorH, Our plcturo la from tho Lon don UlustTitteil News. MYSTEUV 01? LOST MEMORY. .Vol nn I'liiMiHiiuiiii llevurrriieu for I'rraona lo I'.irrfrl .Nillura, A young l'lirlsliiii net row wlm hud for wivks held tho tlllo rotu In n popular pluy, recently, It la wild, wiih, while on tho Htnge, huildenly mulcted with fur gt'lfulnens nnd wna ultiuly iitutblu to ttpcitt the lines of tho hint net, though Hho hud Hiuverwftilly piismmI through tho three pretrtllug ones, snj tho luilluu upolU Slur. It Is not im imctmunou huppculuK with atiiK'e people, lecturers nnd others, nnd neem8. more likely In owtir when the mutter tuemorUed 1ms hwn so ofteri related tlmt furgt'tfuluesa would up PHOTOORAPHS rLASHUCiiif .; flnghnm appro rn to I nltout tho Inlwt ileteloimieut lu Ilio progna of photog raphy. Tlm picture Itaelf ahowa cw nine colora, with tho vnrloua ahmlea nml Uuta ntmolutcty truo to nuture. The auhject of thu photograph, a young wumnu, la aeatrtl lu nn onk chnlr, nml even the ilcllcnte grain of tlm onk la faithfully reproduced. The young wom an wore n nil drcsa, with nil glovea. nml n jellow atrnw lint, with vnrloua kinds of flow eta, nnd the result wna na H-rfrct na though It hnd lieeu doim hy n imluter. Prof Itnymer la of tlm opinion Hint t. ...ill 1. B.it,i tltw. lu.f.ir.. tin. tiriMiia' ulll Iw. tut rwrfiTtcl na to tM-nnlt of tirlntlng tlm photographs. He atntes Hint the prlnclol illlllcully In taking Mnahllke 1r ple.un-a Is Urn Inrge' nuioiint of flnahllght itowder which i ri ...,... .t-.w. IJMlFl v lm-i. . iw IMi-ii. r'vii.Mr. thtiiMlrifi cfl notrr !p trnniiforrwl to . t .. ell wlitaa tiaw.ltftl f ftftttf . " r::,j . . .. : .' . r: : ... .i .: ft salon. (ear luixmalhle while Intel llgellcu IX' ninlued, The anme thing hnpjiena In n leaa mnrkeil nml conspicuous wny to n great number of tieople, Ita moat common manifestation bring forgetfulneaa of pmjier nnmef. A imme ordinarily fit mlllnr nml Just nlxnit to ! vpokeii will mulsh from the mind nt tlm luatnnt nml he to the one nlniut ft utter It wis 1, ,... .......... 1 ui. n,lu.i.n... graatn nt It In vnlu, nml. na It were, henta ngnlnat n htnuk wall. It la il wnya a dlangreenhle exporlemv, thla uioineutnry fnllun1 of tho memory, nml NiiiK'tlinca. extremely eiuhnrrnaalnz. Ofleu It hnpix-ra when the victim la S iilHiut to greet nn old ncipmlntance, ori wnen it i ucsiraiiie in introduce iwo men, ouch of whom he known well. Doctors do not clearly explain this occasional defect In tho mental powers, hut thiwo who cxHrlcucv It know that It occurs when they nro it-poclally weary or overworked, nnd they may therefore, iikhuiuu Hint It Is n form of bruin fag mid its rcmllly accounted for us a lameness of urius or legs. That It la moat often displayed In connection with proiHT names Is porlmps duo to the fact that theso ore each held In tho memory hy separate nnd arbitrary ac tion and not through ussoclutlon, nnd nro therefore most easily lost. Hut whatever tho cause, the multitude ot persona who forget names will have n sympathetic coiuprehenlou of the Mute of mind of tho French nctross when she helplessly sought to find tho words of her play. (Ivntri-I lleatrntut. Judge You'd bettor he careful or I shall commit you for contempt of court The Uiily bon't bo nrd ou me, yer worship, I'm n-dolu' me best ter con ceal mo fcellu's. Tho Sketch. -mW km fe2aSo kz&a Tlic entire inner portion of our lxIie.n in covered with n soft, deiicnto lining called mucous jnctulirnnc, tin is kept in healthy condition hy the nourishment nnd vital vigor it receives from the Mood. Ho Ion;; an the circulation remains pure tills membrane will le healthy, hut when the Mood becomes infected with catarrhal impurities and poisons this inner lining of the body becomes irritated and diseased, and the unpleasant and serious symptoms of Catarrh commence. There is a tight, stuffy feeling in the nose, watery eyes, hurzing noises in the cars, often Might dcafncs.1, difficult breathing, etc, The disease cannot be reachtd by external treatment, though such measures afford temporary relief in some instances. S. S, S. aires Catarrh by cleansing the Mood of all impurities and poisonn. Then as rich, pure blood circulates through the body, the inflamed, irritated membranes heal, the discharge ceases, headaches ,--; ' , , ttrnnt. calami, bcinir a Disease in affected, can only le cured by a remedy that goes to the very bottom and removes every particle of the impurity from the blood, and this is just what H. S. S. docs. Book on Catarrh and any medical advice free to all who vritc. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. A I1n' an Clrrcrrrarn. niahop Totter, at an ecclesiastical dlmivr In New York, read a Coolers' town school lHys eaxny on Clergymen. I lTnc " wIlch created much amuo - went, wna na follows: 'There- arc 3 kinds of clergymen blah- I -..4-. u.l . A A At.. ft.lt.ABBA Afl "n "" . . "" . .'" """-" ''-""'" ""' " - vuiui- in a .tin. maiin.jp.ini, iu "Mirw, .jii. - .......... , .1 .. la a .. I . al. I ..pf..,l ...... . . .. . t man but when Im la a rector he gets fuller and ran prrnch longer sermons ! gomi ,- FlTVi '" r,,M" ,,f " "v ," f" Mm. IWa4 tor fill I M Inaltilllaa4 tr-Hlw. rrho Dr. It. )L Kllaa. 14., SU Arch HL. ltlla4.l(.LU, I'a. C-T Wh ,. . General Demand While I'erll In lh. IT.al. I The "white trir la aa threatening to of tho Well-Informed of tho World has the Kaat aa the "yellow danger" la to always been for a simple, pleasant the Weat. China and Japan should agree ' and cfnclcnt ,ud laxatWo remedy df to ttou the i.nropeana and the Amerl- , , ... ... . .. . can. from wruerlng the whole of the In- known Ta,u: a ! hlch phyal duatrlal and commerrlal markets In the 'clans could sanction for family uso far Kait. The Talj-o, Toklo. Ileaenleil II. Callr (trying to be complimentary) I notice one Intereallog erulrarlly abont your little hoy. He la arflhldeitroni. Mr. Htruckoyle (with a froaty gleam In her eje) Not at all, Mr a. MlghtOme. Ilia lega are juat aa atralght aa any. body'a. llelle or III. I'nal. "So, wniiinu, you trtauro another nan's photograph?" "Don't lc foolish. Henry. This Is a portrait of yourself when you had hair." Im'.HVIIIr Omrler-JouniU. rsscEnt Hflapleints 2HD0TTIE 35CTS.ATAU. GRCCDS WHEN YOU GOME TO PORTLAND AliKANCK TO STOI AT THE CORNELIUS TAItK AND ALDCK STS. A New ami Mcalrm Europraji Hotel, eatertnc partlruUrr to State txvpl. A rtftneJ plac for Udl. Halting th. dtr. cloa. to tb. ahopplns rcnUr. Ilatcw na.on.bkb n Baa. K. L CURIE. (U!i cl Psrtuad Htttl) Mir. IS OUR MOTTO Said an Kmploycr: "Stick to quality. It will win out in the end." We do "stick to quality." That la the rcaou pur graduates arc so thorough and in such demand. IuvettiRntc our claims to superiority. Catalogue, business forms and penwork free. Call, phone or write. PoHlinul Uunuicnn Collejjo Tenth .nil Morriton, Portland, Oregon a. i akMstronc. ll, b raisciPAL (eSe!tW BUSINESS ixjktijinu. JMIM BEHNKE-WALKER STUDENTS SUCCEED. WHY? Thrjr ar TratnaJ for bualneaa In a bulnta-llk. way. W hy not enroll In a refutable hool that pUctai all of Ita graduate.? I. U. WALKKR. Prea. SEND TOR CATALOGUE O. A. DOSSERMAN. Sec PREMIUMS FOR CARTON TOPS OR SOAP WRAPPERS From "aO-MULE-TEAM" BORAX PRODUCTS "20-MULK.TEAM" Borax. i. I and Mb. Cartona. Horaxo Bath Powder. Violet Itorle Talcum rowder. llorte Sparurtee, llorle Acid. Ilorax.ld Soap Towdcr, '"JU-UULU-TEAM" Soap, Queen of llorax Soap, lloraxald Laundry Soap, '?0-MUU:-TEAM" Soap Chlpa. Send for 40-page Catalogue of 1,000 Valuable Premiums We Give Free ForTopa and Wrarp.ra from "20-MUI.K-TEAM" llorax Product!. You lll find many article, of Household and I'craonal uae that you can obtain AUSOLUTKLY t'RGK, All you have to do U to SAVE YOUIt TOrS OU WHAri'ERS. Addreaa PACIFIC COAST BORAX CO., Oakland, Cal. BEST THESTMEHT arc relieved and every symptom dis.ip ..... .. ..-...,. -r wuicii iik enure oiocxi ctrcuianon 11 Illlfrrarr In I'nllril Slalra. A stmly of the I'll I toil Htnlrti reiwirt on Illiteracy revila some Interesting Item. Iown hernia the llt with only " Illiterates to earh thousand popula Hon, inulalnun at the other rnu of this Hat with .Ts" to each thousand. No C1A4 AalAtK u. kflkfk df f JHM tlHA Z " L," X" " . "".,"" """" "" '. . " .."....: ... I fl .l .!. .-. ?. lf ! compulsory cduentlon laws hare from ill to .IS." Illiterates to each thousand I of population. i " becauso Its component parti are known to them to be wholesome and truly beneficial la effect, acccptablo to tho system and cnUc, yet prompt; In action. In supplying that demand with its excellent combination of Syrup ot Figs and Elixir of Senna, the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. proceeds alone ethical lines and relies on tho merits of tho lsuaUvo for Its remarkable , auccoss. That Is one of many reasons why Syrup of Figs and Hllxlr of Senna Is given tho preference by tho Well informed. To get Its beneficial effects always buy tho genuine manufac tured by the California FIk Syrup Co., only, and for salo by all lcadlnj druggists. Prico fifty cents per bottle. W. Im IViiiclaa tn.kea anil aetla mor. f men. eu.u nml tKIJIO alrnv. than anr utlier maiinfarturrr In III. world, Im eaua llicr imiii iiictr alianv. HI better, au.l wear longer lli.n any utlier nuke, kji st Alt Prlcti. for tr L'emt.r of fn Itmiiy, Kin, B)(,wtiMa, ilinn i ChJdrta WXOmIu i.4 ai4 U e OUt taa SWm tauat U huI- al aar raua- W L. 0.Ua tt.lt aa 1 1 tl am ata Uu bnl U Ua waiM Cal.r JW, Cml J.'rfWrvra. iir'l'.ikn h Kub.iliiii. tv, I. 1UUIA. naina a-al prlr. la aunnxU on txMiom. tll twrrwnrie. aoa mail4 Irvni lactorrto uiy naitutlnaworlU. CalllOJB-i fr. W. U OOL'UUS, IM eara St.. Cmlta. Maaa. HU No. 39-0 117I1KN wrllliiB- tunilTertlaer. pl.aa. 1 1 llfllllIU (I tli la paper. COLLEGL oia.oo.s GIVEN AWAY ?