The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 02, 1908, Image 3

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Newsy Items Gallicrcd from All
Paris of tlio World.
Lou Important but Not Lei Inter
oiling Happening from Points
Outildo tho State.
I cllc Carter, nnc-tlmc cnpltnJUl
ami iromoler of Chicago, it dead,
Cholera in Manila will prevent the
reccptlim to I lie licet a planned.
Fire nl Oakland, Cat . destroyed al
most an entitr block, entailing a lot
The wind lia lieil down ami dan
ger from the Kurrka, Oil, forest fire
iin greatly abated
J !' W Clark, an Alaikau, in on a
visit to Pacific c(ki cllle ami ha
Jut seen hit llrst trolley car.
The eplilemic of cholera at Manila
rem to he miller control The daily
average o( new case ha (alien be
low 3d
Roosevelt hat refuted In grant a
petition to top Sunday ImscImII In the
army, declaring that the game it line
exercise (or the men.
A couibiiullnn ha been formed by
Pacific ami Atlanlle steamship com
panies to tecure Ituropeau trade in
toiupeiilioii with the transcontinental
Representative from tlir principal
iti o( ihr Paelhc al have Marled
on a Irm to Japan to cultivate the
friendly relation o( tlie brown hu
inrsi men ami olltet aiitl-Japanete
Thaw hat been summoned to Pitts
Jntrg (or contempt in connection with
hi bankruptcy proceeding Tin ll
ild to be a iMirt of the Khemc to
liberate him
Charges of brdery arc being made
in mluiu' local option fight
nkefeller had a narrow escape
from injury in an automobile acci
dent Eastern Oregon h Iwd it fjrt
mow Only a (lurry lotting a few
mmuict fell
Portland I to dote up it red light
district, and estra police have been
provided (or the purpose
A (Ire believed to be o( incendiary
origin destroyed $iuo,ono worth of
property at Redding. Cat.
Wu Ting Fang. Chincte minister
to the United Stale, i to be replaced
in November Chung Men ew i to
lie hi lucccnor
The French bark Vendee, from
Portland for the United Kingdom.
ban one anhore off the California
.mi, and may be a total l. She
arnrd wheat
General Hell, while in the Yellow
stone park, rode WW mile on hortc
back. averaging UK) mile a day, tint
proving hi (itneit, according to the
Roosevelt test.
A tpeclal officer were about to
mid 4 counterfeiter' dtu near Seattle,
the building took (Ire am burned
One man was caught with bar metal
on bU peron.
Ity the explosion o( a biih at Tou
lon n French tailors were killed and
4 cruiser badly damaged
I leant may run (or governor of
New York on the Independent ticket
A thousand small firet surround
Lakes Superior ami Huron and the
itortncrn part "I " M'sh'Kau
Many settlement are cut off from
communication and their fate i in
Authorities believe that the vigor
m method employed have checked
the prcad Of cholera in the Philip
pine. Fire dctroyed the plant of the
Portland Mill A Fixture company at
Portland. cntalliiiK a lo of $33,000,
The IcgUlallvo hall, of Indiana
wa the cene of a imall riot unlit
' liolicc Interferrcd. Local option wai
the trouble.
Charlei Oliver, special detective,
lias been lent to Jail for two days for
approaching a Juror In one of the
Kuef cases.
Germany objects to France recclv
iug preference over any other power
iirclcrcncc over
lornccau affairs.
in .Ml
a .....i. ... in r.ilnh fl.i . banned
. ... ... ... . i ",
a negro who nsiaultcd an officer.
Rah ha greatly cleared the atmos
phere at Chicago, and It is hpped will
check the numerous forest (ires.
Mrs. Howard Could, In her suit for
divorce, asks a year alimony
Wilbur Wright has broken all air
whip records by his latest flights In
Sonic of the Pennsylvania coal
mine have closed because of a lack
of water.
Pickpockets following lluffalo Bill's
show secured fully $1000 at Helling
am, Wash.
Star of Uongnl Loins HO of Crow and
Ulg Salmon Cargo.
.Seattle, Wash, Sept 23 Advices
last night from Alaska by the United
State signal corp say that 110 men,
Including nine whites, were drowned
In the wreck of the American bark
Star of 1Iciik.iI, on Coronation itlaud,
west of the Prince of Wales nrchl
(tela go
Twcnly-iccn of the veticl's crew
ami passengers were saved. The Star
of lleugnl belonged to the Alaska
Packers' nsiociatlon, ami was on her
way lo Sin Pranclico with a cargo
of 64 ooi) cases of salmon
In addition to her crew she carried
lou Chinese and Japanese who were
employed in the canneries of the
company and taken aboard at Port
The Star of llengal took aboard
cargo at Port WraiiKcl, coiitltiiug of
canned almou, and started down
Summer strait in tow of the tug
llattie Gage and Kayak As the ve
cl neared the open sea, where the
sailing craft would have sea room to
work off shore, the wind was stead
Hy frethcnlng, blowing on shore The
tiiKs struggled valiantly tokcep the
ship clear of the rocks, hut the wind
drove it down on the rocks Imlng the
shore of Coronation itlaud, which tic
at the mouth of Iphigema bay, and
to sate themselves from destruction
the steam vessels were forced to cast
off the lines and head out lo sea
The Star of llengal went onto the
rocks in such a position that the tugt
could not get near enough to give any
astltlaure, and (he Gage headed for
Fort Wrangcl with news of the dis
Odlclal Reports Don't Account for All
Cholera Victims.
Si Petersburg, Sept 23 Up to
mmu yesterday the municipal hos
pital reported for the preceding 21
hours 417 cholera cases ami 170 dentin.
There I a total of 1187 patients in
the various hntpitaU
That the municipal rtatittlcs are in
complete li coiicIimIvcI)' proved by
the number, of interments At one.
cemelery they aggregated 41 for the
last three days, or within 30 of the
total number of death reported.
I'he cholera dead arc being Interred
at Preohraihcmknc, which is about
one hour ditlancc on the railroad A
trahi of several coaches, carrying the
mourners and a dozen freight cars
with the dead in rude coffin, uocs
daily to the place The scene are
heart rending in the chapel, where
service i conducted uninterruptedly
night and day
the scarcity of urateibuuer hai
canted a painful delay in the pait few
days, ISO coffins containing bodies
now tiring ttorcd in tlie adjoining
wondthed Sonic of the mourners
Imve been wailim: their turn for scv
cral days.
Pennsylvania Fires Checked.
Pittsburg, Pa, Sept. 28 Reports
received yesterday from Ashtola, near
Johnston, where a foret fire has been
raging (or several days are to the ef
fect that the fire Is now under con
trol At Ashtola 10.000,000 feet of
logs were burned, and at Arrow, near
by, 0,000,000 feet were destroyed Yes
terday heavy clouds of smoke hung
over Windbcr, Johnstown and inter
mediate points.
Late last night another fire started
in the llaydeu wood, near Greens
burg Yculrrday the flames were
spreading rapidly
In practically all the churches Sun
day special prayers were offered up
that tlie drouth in western Peuusvl
vanla, eastern Ohio and West Vir
ginia might be ended.
Forgets Jungle Story.
Chicago, Sept S3 For the first
time since the apnearaucc of Upton
l..i1 nr' imi-Ldiv liniitr rvimcr. 'The
Jungle," the Hritith got eminent yes-
tenlay contracted tor an orncr in
American meat, closing a contract
with Libby. McNeil & Libby, packers,
(or 5,000,000 pounds o( (resh bce(
According to the contract, which was
made through Thomas Arskinc. Hrit
ish consul at Chicago, the price to
be paid for the consignment of meat
is J500.O00. F.rskiue requested the
submission of bids for several million
pounds of canned meals
Adirondack Towns In Peril
V..... 'n.l- C.i.l nn .Alirin U frit
11GW ! .l.M " ".. - ...
I., niniu oKiIniK nl ilic tt.-ilr tiecnuse
of the rapid spread of the big forest
fires tliat nave ncen imrnmg lor many
days in the Adirondack, According
to dispatches received by the Associ
ated Press nere last mgni, uangcruu
r:..- I. ..v. .Itii In tnmr xc-nre nf
places, and a number of small towns
and summer rcsoris arc tnrcaicncu.
Cholera on Transport.
San Francisco. Sept. 23. Cable dis
patches from Manila report that a
....... ..r -linlcr-. lirnlip nut Oil the
l.iov ,, v..".. .....- ----
transport Sheridan shortly after her
departure from tnat port on acpicm
ber 18, The vessel put back to port
and Is now In quarantine.
Captain of Revenue Cutler Uear So
Declares In Report.
Washington. Sept 20 That Cana
dian fishermen have been engaged
during tlie p.itt summer in seal poach
ing in Alaskan water In violation ol
the agreement between the United
States and Great llrilain, is the sub
stance of a report of Captain Hcr
tholf, of the United Stales revenue
cutler Rear, to the treasury depart
ment )clcrday Captain Hcrtholf
mvutioiis the schooner Thomas II
ll.' n the alleged offender in this
report, and an investigation has been
According to Cautaiu Hcrtholf's re
port, the information was obtained
from fishrrmen at Sanborn Harbor,
Alaka Th.-y allege that the Ilny.ird
had 2H seal skin aboard in July of
this year
Captain Hrrtholf has hecu patrol
iug the sealiuu waters with the Hear
all summer He catnurcd about so
Japanese a few weeks ago for alleged
seal poacmug in American waters
Hi report wa made the tubicct of a
ronfercuce between the member of
tlie state and treasury department!
yesterday, and it U likely that Great
iiriiaiu win lie called upon to take
Ceneral Electric Company Not Sub
ject of Federal Inquiry.
Washington, Sept 22 When a re
port that the government was into
tigatlug the General P.lectric com
pany a a trim was brought to the
attention of the department of Justice
Saturday, it was slated that it is a
fact that Inquiry was being made into
certain comparatively small electrical
material dealers who arc charged with
commuting a trust
Nnthiiiit has been heard from anv
nf the department subordinates about
tlie ucueral hlcctric Company being
connected with the matter Regret
was expressed at the department that
reports should be published on the
subject at this tunc, as it was de
clared no proceedings of any kind
may be taken.
'I he inquiry was yet unfinUhcd, and
it was feared that a premature pub
lication may impede its progress.
Lecture Tank Examiners.
WahiiiKton. Sept 23 "I say to
you emphatically that your work mutt
he improved Kmbczzlcmcnt have
failed of discovery, defalcations 'and
dithnneslv have been concealed from
you, and in many cases you hive failed
to correctly or ctcu approximately
estimate the alue of the paper and
securities held liy the banks nils
was the declaration made yesterday
by Controller of the Currency Law
rence U Murray in addressing the
conference of national hank exam,
iners. representing practically all of
the territory east of Ohio
Guard Fleet From Cholera,
Washington, Sept. 20 Secretary
Mclealf sent today the followim; dis
patch to the naval station at Cawtc,
lo bo delivered lo Admiral Sperry
when the battlesliln fleet reaches that
place "'the cholera has appiarcd in
the rmuppmcv it you mm it ap
proaching epidemic or danger of get
ting it aboard ship, restrict visiting
ihc ship, except on huxiucss, or pro
hibit altogether the officers ami men.
and permit no visitor aboard while
at .Manila or Uivitc until return from
Yokohama "
Will Experiment In Forestry.
Washington, Sept. 22 Forest ex
periment stations will soon be estab
lished in a number of the national
forest states of the west, according to
plans which have just been completed
l)v the national forestry service. An
experiment station has already been
established on the Cococine national
forest, in the southwest, with head
quarters at Flagstaff, Ariz.
Minnesota's Loss Heavy.
Washington, Sept 20 R W. Pull-
man, the government expert, who lias
been devoting much of his time re
ccnly to an investigation of losses
growing out of forest fires, declared
today the losses in Minnesota alone
Will lie annul iii.uuu.uuu. ifK lias
made no renort on fires in other parts
of the country.
Lost Is $1,000,000 Dally.
Washington, Sept. 24. Dr. W. J.
McGce, of the federal survey, who has
returned to this city from the Adiron
dack, snys jlic damage being done in
that section hy the forest fires Is
$1,000,000 a day
Wright Still Improving.
Washington, Sept. 23 Orvillc
Wricrht. who was seriously injured
Thursday in the aeroplane accident,
which caused the ucatn ot i.ieutcnaui
Thomas E. Sclfridge, continues to improve.
Mining Expert 8iyt Philippines Are
Rich In Gold.
Washington, Scut 81 The Philip
pines may surpass Alaska in gold pro
duction within the next few years.
"There is a surprise in store for thoie
disposed to look upoiLthc Philippines
as a 'useless acquiiltion " says A
Hcise, a mining engineer of Manila,
who is now in Washington "Ilefore
the Spanish conquest gold dust in
considerable quantities was exported
from the Philippines lo China, and
since American occupation the work
of prospecting has made wonderful
strides Next year gold to the value
of $1,000,000 will be taken out, and
the installation of improved machin
ery will soon make poitihle a produc
tion of at lent $5,000,000 annually
"Ore bodies now in sight will yield
$IO),Oiio,000 There is every reason
to believe that as mining operation!
progress greater and richer deposits
of the precious metal will be uncov
cred It will not be long before the
Philippines will take a leading po
sition in gold producing."
Ready for Launching.
Washington, Sept. 2.1 According
to reports received at the navy de
partment yesterday, work on the
North Dakota, the new battleship
now under construction at Fore
River, Mass, is Hearing comple
tion, and will be ready for launching
within the next two months. The
North Dakota is designed to be one
of the speediest battleships afloat, and
will he surpassed by few war vessels
of the world.
Pacific Fleet It Scattered.
Washington, Sept. 24. The cruiser
California, of Admiral Swinburne's
Pacific fleet, is expected at Suava,
Java island, today Near Pago Pago
the cruiter Tennessee, in command of
Rear Admiral Sebrcc, and the de
stroyers Waip. Whipple and Hopkins
will leave the fleet for a visit to Apia
for two days, in response to an invi
tation from the German authorities
tlu re
May Try to Save Aeon.
Washington, Sept 23 The captain
of the American transport Solace,
which is to go from Samoa to rescue
the shipwrecked crew and passengers
of the Hritith ship Aeon, has been
instructed by Secretary Mctcalf to
make an inquiry regarding the possi
bility of saving the vessel. This
course is taken at the request of the
insurance underwriters in England
through their agent at Baltimore.
Gather for Tuberculosis Congress
Washington, Sent 23 The de'e
gate who arc gathering here for the
international congress on tuberculo
sis whose sessions begin on Monday
next, arc taking great interest in the
exhibits which arc open to the public
at the National museum. All day yes
terday there were demonstrations by
those in charge of the different state
exhibit These were accompanied
by moving pictures and lectures!
Torpedo Practice Ended.
Washington, Sept. 32. The navy
department has ordered the torpedo
boats Goldsborough, Rowan, Fox and
Davis to hold target practice in
Drakes bay. near San Francisco The
vessels will then proceed to San
Diego, arriving there not later than
October 24, and then joining the Pa
cific fleet for a cruise to the south
ward. Cholern May Spoil Reception.
Washington, Sept. 23 Communica
tion between shore and the esiels ot
Admiral Sncrry's fleet when they
reach Manila will be governed entire
ly by cholera situation If it is be
lieved that serious danger of commu
nicating exists, shore leave for the
men will be prohibited.
Wright Still Improving.
Washington, Sept. 23. Orville
Wright, the acroplanist, who has been
at the Fort Mycr Hospital since the
aeroplane accident, in which he was
injured and Lieutenant Sclfridge
killed, continues to improve.
Approves Newberg Bank Change.
Washington, Sept. 22. The con
troller of the currency has approved
the conversion of the Hank of New
berg. Or., into the United States Na
tional Hank of Newberg, with $30,000
New Postmaster at Enterprise.
Washington. Sent. 23. Hen Weth
ers has been appointed postmaster at
Enterprise, Or., to succeed W T
Hell, resigned. This is a presidential
New Rural Carrier at Hood River
Washington. Sept. 25. William H
!. I..I,...., Iim Ii.aii nnnt... aI am.1-.
Mary A Raichew substitute, rural
carrier, route no. u, at uoou tuver.
China Laying Up Trouble for Future,
Says Critic.
Shanghai, Sept 21 A writer in the
North China Herald protests against
the. ruin which is being allowed to
overtake the great triumph of engi
neering, the Grand Canal of China
The government, he points out ,1 al
lowing the canal to go to decay. The
lower stretches have within the past
few months been allowed to become
the habitat of organized and aggres
sive river pirates, who fire into steam
launches and plunder passenger boats
and cargo boats indiscriminately. In
the upper regions of the canal there
li, on the other hand, a constant
shortage of water, or so much that it
cannot be utilized. A more perfect
provision by nature of vast naturnl
dams in the great lakes of southwest
Shantung and northern Kalngstt It
would be difficult to find anywhere,
but they are cither unused or mis
used. The writer goes on to allude to the
silling-up of the erratic Yellow river,
which Is now in many places as much
above the level of all the surrounding
country as the second story of a houie
above the ground Those who know
best, he says, predict another tre
mendous calamity from this source in
the not distant future. Then there
will be exclamations of surprise that
it did not come sooner, and howls for
funds for "relief." Millions of Chi
ne jc will be impoverished, hundred!
of thnsands of them will be rendered
homeless, and tens of thousands of
them drowned and starved.
Federal Court Strikes at Evasion of
Prohibition Law.
Davenport, la , Sept. 21. According
to a decision rendered Saturday by
Judge Smith McPherson, of the
United States circuit court, the Iowa
mulct law system, under which sa
loons are now operating, is illegal.
Judge McPherson further declares the
Iowa mulct law is no license system
and that there has been no license
system in Iowa for the last quarter
of a century, and for that time there
has never been a lawful sale of liquor
as a beverage within the state of
Iowa. He further holds that no per
son under any circumstances, can
lawfully sell liquor as a beverage in
Iowa. The decision was made in a
suit of the United Ureweries Com
panies of Chicago vs. the r:ie Fed
eration of Davenport The complain
ants charged the federation with a
conspiracy, and sought to cnioin them
from abating property on which a sa
loon had been closed, Judge McPher
son denied the application for a writ
of injunction Under the mulct law
Iowa saloonkeepers have been paying
$600 annually as a tax. with the un
derstanding that it legalized their sale
of intoxicating liquors and gave them
relief from the old probationary law,
which is still on the statute books.
Sleep Almost Impossible to Citizens
During Military Maneuvtrs.
Paris, Sept, 21. Sleep In Paris has
been almost out of the question these
last nights, and Parisians and their
American and other foreign visitors
arc getting a very good idea of what
it feels like to be in a besieged city
The French military maneuvers this
)car arc on a larger -scale than ever
before, more than 100,000 men taking
part in them, and every effort has
been made to keep the conditions as
nearly as possible to those of actual
warfare A supposed German army
is endeavoring to repeat what the
Prussians did in 1870-71, while a
French army is defending the city
with bulldog-like tenacity.
This is why you drink your absinthe
amidst the thunder of guns which
roar and belch fire from every fort in
the triple line of defenses which sur
rounds Paris like a wall of steel, and
fond though the French arc of mili
tary display and the smell of powder,
they begin to wish it was all over,
that they might cat and sleep in peace
Plan Present for Kaiser.
Berlin, Sept. 21 The rumors pre
vailing regarding the existence of
profitable diamond fields in German
Southwest and Southeast Africa are
about to receive confirmation. The
colonial secretary, Herr von Dern-
burg, will on his return irom Africa
present the kaiser with a golden cas
ket full of rough diamonds from the
German colonies. The casket, which
has been manufactured by a Cape
Town Jeweler, is five inches long and
two Inches wide. The ltd of the box
is inset with seven large diamonds,
Heads Off Hill's Road.
Winnipeg. Sept. 21. By the pur
chase of the Alberta Irrigation com
pany's line in South Alberta for $20,
000,000, the Canadian Pacific railroad
intends making the Crow's Nest Pass
the main line to the Pacific coast to
head off the Great Northern, which
road, it is said, has been trying to gel
control of this railway for years.
Cholera Epidemic in Cities Is
Killing Hundreds.
Rigid Inspection Discovers Many Con
cealed Cases Army Fighting
Disease In Philippines.
Washington, Sept. 22. Reports to
the public health service show that
cholera is epidemic in Amoy and
Hankow, China, claiming at the latter
place 00 victims per day. The disease
ii alio prevalent at Shanghai, Su
chow, Nungchow, Ningpo and Nan
kin. Governor General Smith, of the
Philippines, sent the following dis
patch to the bureau of insular af
fairs under today's date:
"For the 24 hours beginning 8 A.
M. September 19, 43 cases of cholera:
on September 20, 39 cases It is be
lieved increase was due to outtinu on
200 inspectors, who discovered hidden
cases. Cold rains also served to in
crease the number of cases Have
whole police force of Manila now on
house to-houje canvass. Tomorrow
200 constabulary will be put to work,
if necessary. Increased inspection to
day and cold rains may result in large
number ot cases.
"At 6 P. M. today we had 35 cases."
Marine hospital service advices show
that during the past month cholera
has appeared in various orovinccs.
cases and deaths occurring in Santa
liarabara, Jarov, Port of lloilo, liaro
taz and Dumangas.
Mail advices sav that the disease is
clearing up rapidly in the provinces
which were first affected. The cases
in the provinces affected later remain
about stationary.
President's Partisans Start Movement
to Prolong His Rule.
Caracas, via Witlcmstead, Curacoa.
Sept. 22 Partisans of President Cas
tro in recent speeches have initiated
a movement to proclaim Castro pres
ident of Venezuela for life.
Baron Zieckendorff, German minis
ter, presented the answer of the Neth
erlands government to the last Ven
ezuelan note to Foreign Minister Paul,
three days ago. Yesterday the minis
ter took it to Valencia and delivered
it to President Castro, who is still
enjoying himself with banquets and
balls in the inland city. The con
tents of this last Dutch note are care
fully guarded, but there is good rea
son to believe that it is not an ulti
matum. Baron Zieckendorff. who has acted
diplomatically for the Netherlands
since the rupture with Venezuela, will
attempt to persuade President Castro
to yield sufficiently to avoid a con-
iiici, as ucrminy, u is nciu nere, ue
sires that the Venezuelan status quo
be maintained.
Monarchist Party In Portugal Storing
Arms In Convents.
Lisbon, Sept 22 Insistent declara
tions that a revolutionary outbreak in
Portugal is impending continue to
make their appearance in the local
newspapers, and a new feature of
these reports is the statement that
the monarchlal extremists, realizing;
that the Republicans arc arming for a
revolt, are making ready for their de
fense by storing secretly large quan
tities of arms in the convents of Lis
bon, where the authorities dare not
The movement is said to be sup
ported actively by the clerical party.
One of the monarchial organs says
that 17,000 persons have enlisted for
the purpose of attacking and destroy
ing the offices of the 'Republican
newspapers, and the Republicans de
clare if this is done they will retaliate
by starting a general riot and revolu
tion. City at Mercy of Disease.
St. Petersburg, Sept. 22 The chol
era continues to increase rapidly in
St. Petersburg. The efforts of the
authorities to stop the sale of liquor
between Saturday and Monday and
the other preventive measures taken
have had but little if any effect in
checking the spread of the epidemic.
Between noon of Sunday and noon of
Monday the municipal hospitals re
ported 380 cases and 135, deaths, and
the addition of the statistics from the
military and suburban hospitals for
this same period will swell this total
to truly formidable proportions.
Fear Fuel Famine.
Reno, Nev., Sept. 23. Fuel mer
chants throughout the state are pre
paring to lay in a supply of coal and
wood to prevent the possibility of a
fuel famine such as was experienced
last year. The Southern Pacific com
pany has sent out a warning.