a inMMtiimninjTi-ti n'iiv-xtiU itr iqtf&)ilvmmMNammi.i:ii r I" TThe X The By Will Luvington Comfort Corrrl-M, HA bf Will Lr-lneum ComA-et CocrrlihU tn. br J. IU Lireixcorr CoMr-.iv- All rlthts reserved CHAPTI.lt IV. (Continued.) That Instant, under the spell of no ft music, Peter Constable knelt as In a drritm In drink At thr fountain of In spiration. The dinner call aroused him. The mule crnrd. anil he was again the faltering tinman lover. The path hail teen Illumined only long enough to show him that there waa a shorter way. It seemed tlurlnv dinner that I-ara hail something to say which the presence of the other forhade. Mr. Stansbury went upstair. Ilrcen and the planter engaged la a smoky dlscuulou of the lit erary peregrinations of one Herman Mel ville. The other two set out for the ranlens. "I hart wanted to tell you since morn Ing how sorry I am." she said quietly. "I want you to know that. In spite of mother's decision. I thank you for your kindness and believe In your- deeper know ledge of our danger." "It's good of yon to ay that," h an swered. "I neer tried to penuade, any body to do anything before. I may M-.e 1'elee too seriously, but t can't help It, .with you folks here." She laughed. "And I thought that nothing short of an actual erjpi.oi conk! disturb your eqitanlnilty." "Did you eer read The .Story or th (JadsbyV?" he asked. "Yes." "There Is a big fragment of truth bark of that. Do you think I would hare played upon your Imagination and nerves. nd made a me of things. If 'I hadn't been afraid?" "Afraid of the mountain? That's not like you. Are we about to see you down lielow In the dtj. warning the people, like Cassandra in the streets of Troy)" "I hare a dearer service before going down Into the city," he answered. It was as If Ilrren and the day's contempla tion bad made this moment Inevitable. "That done, I could take up the work there with sleeves rolled up and burst ing with anthems." "What service?" she asked bravely, though the trend of his words waa as black on white. She was startled, un ready. "To put you out t)f the range of Pelee" guns!" he said, with sudden vehemence. She bad scarcely divined that there lived a lorer In this man. She frit futile beside blrn, and yet fused by bis penetrat ing vitality. To ber, It waa the signal moment In which the woman discovers a giant besieger at ber gates. "They will hear you 5" she found her elf saying, in a ulf-ttlfled tone. "Let them bear me. I want you to b safe. 1'elee is no study to me now, but a grim warning because you are here! I .can t keep my eyes from the volcano, nor my tbougbta from you. Don't you know don't you know that you crept into the very heart of me a bit of a girl, telling me how to live ray life? Yes terday, when I found the mountain awake, all that I bad erer don and thought and felt turned to nothln-r i-oni-pared to your life. No matfr wDat you think or say to me I am afraid for your 'The bead bending towarl her fare jeetned huge In the dark, and his (jarer-d voice charged with poHrr. "Hut we will go to sea when the Pan ther com-s." she said hu-kily. "Lara 1" The voice was from Mrs. Stansbury, In the upwr aindo'V of th Wine that calm, fateful voice. "I must go!" "Listen. I cannot bear to wait until the I'anther cornea!" he went or. Impetu ously. "I want tq put you stf-iy nsjore. in Dominica this night or Fort d-t Trance, or even on shipboard anj I will mf bark here. Do this for m. Lady!" "Lara!" was called again. "Yes, mother. No, I could not go alone! There would never be a borne here again. I must 0 to mother oh, I cannot speak now !" lie stood alone In the dirk. A llxard that had hearkened attentively, began to croak his comment to the MA1130 iree. CHAPTKH V. rJleepIenaneM ranged through Consta ble's brain again, and be gave the night to the old work of watching the moun tain, and keeping the woman at band. From time to time, before midnight, be beard tha voice of Mrs. Stansbury. The girl waa with her, but seemed to make no answer. The house was all bis own. Through the lower hall to the music room; out to the veranda, the garden path and drives; from the window that faced the north, In lilt own room, to the uuunlt of the Morne d'Orange and the shadowy lawns; through ash-fog and windless moonlight he trod the night away. The hours fell asleep In passing; the moon drowsed for ages In the cloud --aniens; the stars dimmed, disappeared, mid trembled forth again, a they bad berti. It seemed left entirely to him that time passed; he bad to grapple with the minutes one by one, tmd fight each back into the past. At the side of the great bouse to the north there was a trellis heavily burdened with lianas. Within, he found the orifice of nn old cistern, partially covered by unfixed planking. lie lifted the boards, mid the moonlight shining through the foliage reflected In the water far below. A heavy wooden bar crossed the rim and waa set stoutly In the masonry. Consta ble lit a match. Ills mind keenly grasped cb detail. A rusty - ""1 from Whited Qepulchre Tale of O Pclee the thick crosiplcce. Slabs of stone from th,e side walls were scattered over the bottom of the ci-tcrn. He dropped sev eral Ignited mntchr Into the chamber, and determined to examine the place more thoroughly by daylight. From the native cabins came the sound of a dog barking. A shutter clicked In one of the upper windows of the plantation house. "There's be no doubt about It now," he thought grimly. "They'll proceed at once to shut me up for being mentally Ir reclaimable." That waa a parched but brilliant dawn ing. The blinding charge from the east changed the dew to steam before It touch ed the ground. The more delicate blos soms were withered In the hectic burning when the sun was but an hour high, lira's face was ashen and darkly lined under the eyes. The ntaht had been an rll one to her, evil with a struggle as yet unfinished. "Peter, you're pulling yourself down," said Uncle Joey after breakfast. "Don't take I'elee quite so seriously. (10 to bed for a day, or, better still, steam the Madame out for a day's run and get some rest uuder the breeiy awnings." "What sort of a graven Image do you think your sister's boy Is, uncle?" Con stable Inquired. "I'll get you folks out of the war tone, or stay here until I'elee Is owl or a billion tons lighter." "Hut don't you overestimate the chance of an eruption. Peter?" "I haven't finished my mathematical calculations, my dear relative. Holy nu tlals and capitals of bell! I've been alt over this before. Take ray word for It, and get set for a start when the malls come in to-morrow morning. You are all foolish virgins. I'm going down below to see how yo.ir city flourishes In this furnace of a day. Who is thr smug au thority on Les Colonies, who undertakes to tell Saint Pierre editorially- that there Is no danger?" 'M. Mondet la the editor." "I should relish considerably the pleas ure of calking up the throat of M. Mondet with several sheets of bis political con spiracies. I believe' I shall call upon him." "We look up to Le Colonies here, Pe ter. Itemember this Is not Montana." "The tropics have enervated you, un cle. You nerd to be born again." The hottest morning Saint Pierre had known for years! The portruses were gone from the highways. Hue Victor Hugo, the principal thoroughfare, was deserted at ten In the morning. Shop door were closed, the street vender silent. . Vol canic ash lay In all the crevices, and min gled with the turf. Ilehlnd the shut doors children walled. The tough little mutes, some In their panniers and with no one to lead them, hugged the east walls for shade. From the byways came faintly the smell of death. In the office of Le Colonic Constable found a breath of coolness, for the outer air was admit ted as little as possible. M. Mondet wel comed tie caller. Constable explained his purpose, proffered a card, and apolo gized for his French. M. Mondet was a tuhby little man. Ills band were white, soft, tapering, ringed. If you saw them alone, you would promptly uncover, as is customary In the proximity of a woman. M. Mondet did not forget his bands. "I'elee ha a bad look, monsieur," Con stable began. "I believe you could clear the city of ten thousand people If you printed a vigorous warning against the mountain; if you ordered the natives to take no chances, but to flee, rrgardles of their coats, chickens, coals, coins, or their next city fathers. To be Instrumsntal In saving the lite of ten thousand people U not a service given to all men, mon sieur." Constable spoke slowly, and was anger ed by the reply of the editor: "Hut, my dear 31. Constable, there I no danger no danger, I assure you !'' "Sir, thl I tragedy black, rumbling, naked tragedy! I say there la need for a glaut here, who would paint the possibili ties of that monster In living fire. A man might die In the foulest gutter, cursed by the demons of drink and disease, but with a chant on hi lip and 'vine leave In hi hair,' it the memory of such a service a may be your were with him at the last !" The French editor found himself look ing Into a lean, tanned face that Hushed and paled in turn. Moreover, be was uneasy on account of a pair of lean, tanned bands which lay lightly and rest truly upon the knee of the man before him. These band seemed to be the po tent embodiment of bate and wiftnut. The manner of their low leaping created the Impression that their leashes. were In secure, and the Immaculate cravat of M, Mondet felt tight upon bit throbbing throat. "Perhaps It la well that you called," he said with haste, leading out his caller with the delicacy bred of the fear of dynamite. Constable left, unsatisfied. The clock In the Hospital i'Mllltalr struck the hour of eleven. Constable slowly made hi way to the water front and back to the Hugar Landing. Ills launch waa still watting there at the atone pier. He had sent out word to Captain Negley for steam to be kept up night and day, A small crowd was gathering on the shore, slightly to the north of the Hugar Land ing. Constable burnt- tbltber, A black woman bad fallen, from the sun. Her burdens lay together on the burning sand -a tray of cakes from her head, a naked babe (mm her arm. Constable had the stricken creature placed In the Inmtrh and taken out to tils ship for care, sending a nallu doctor after her. The negroes regarded htm with curious adulation. Tha water front would know hi in when he came again, "Oh. 1 say, friends of mine," tie an nounoed In French, "If any of you have slik wins or little one, send litem out to the ship ' under, and they will be cared fur. No, It Is not a ho-pltal, where fees are charged Just a temporary refuge from the heat for the wuuirti and little ones. Tell your neighbor. Here Is money to hire boats. I cnu crowd two hundred babe and mother on board." The thought o( a brenth o( cwtiie turned his step to IV re Uahcaut's little atone shop In the Hue de ltloll. Light headed from the heat, and the root of each hair prickling Its Individual warn ing, he ascended the terriu-es niul satik down In the il-rktin-- at latt, In bis old seat under the round window, Thr shop was quite deserted. Moments paed, as he fanned himself with his limp straw bat. A large pliv of canlUunl lay upon the table, lie turned It over Idly. A peu ell sketch adorned the side which had lain against the wood. The rralliatlon was Instantaneous that no common hand had wrought this work. The figure was that of a grown girl Soroula atid the attitude of expectancy brought out qileerly the graceful and ar dent line of ber figure. A wr-itk of blos-oius waa entwined In her hair, and an otd French urn hung from her hand. The sketch seemed to lx;a series of happy after-thoughts, with not a line too unit. ti. As he studlnl It, with Interest and curi osity, Constable tx-came conscious of low olera In the court behind. He arose, with no Idea of stealth, and stepped to the rear door. Soronla and Hayden Ilrren were stand' Ing close tpgether In the denser shade at the far end of the court. The song bird were stilled In the torrid noon. 'The girl's profile, a bewitching thing wrought of animated gold, was upturned to the ejes of Ilrren. and she was listening with soulful Intent. Shy Soronla, mlstrrss of the shadows, was called from her hiding place at last to hearken unto the wills- per ng. of an American. Her heart - m - ed to wait uiwn his words, A smile crept oer the face of Ih. watcher. Ills feeling were strange In- deed. There was a nobility In the figure of Hreen. standing there among the huge banana leave! The watcher wllbdrrw. The sketch upon the table reminded him that Soronla had revived the art. long burltl. Perhaps the vivid maiden bad revive, a. we,, ""'"""- worio-jsun, unr. vuiiemuir ivii in. The sky had become overcast. Prler's cone was not visible from the streets. A sharp detonation cleaved the darkening air, and from the shut houses the answer Is-ued, an answer partly stifled, but vib rant with fright thr quavering crle of age and childhood, sharp, low screams from the mothers, the sullen undertone of men. A subdued drumming came from the north now, completing the tossing currents of sound In the streets. All this was rubbed out Instantaneously by a se ries of thunder crashe. A deluge of ash complicated the shroud of noonday, and the curse of sulphur pressed down. The highways tilled magically with a crying, crouching, gray-lipped throng. Thr American was running through the burned, poisoned air. A woman stretched out hrr bands to htm as be pawd. A mulatto youth fell In at his heels. Other f.ll.w.l Til., uriilt-) rrvtin I, n u IIim biiI. . Ilmailon'of lllcht. Down the terraces to thr Hue Victor Hugo the runnrr mad their way, augmented ns an avalanche gain weight and Impetus. At thr main thoroughfarr. thr seemingly maddened leader turned toward thr Morne d'Orange, and staggered up the slope toward the plantation house. (To be continued.) An Apt (''Minrlao-i, When Al dot llnkk wh ioor lie wns orw dny traveling ncro 11 wery plnln, ) tlio nuthor of "I. Iff In Morocco,' mid wnx wry htitiKry. So he 1111110 to tlio Iioiiho of tho Widow .Nldiiti, who wna nlso jMxir; but when ho niiulu known lit wiiut she net before, him two linrd-lK)lltil 'KS. nil the (inl tlicro wu In her liouao. Ijiter, wlifii Alt del Hnkk llvol In Mnrnkmli and win very rich, Meltidl, tin) lawyer, dlallkliiB him, Mnuuill tlio Widow Znldiili to mho I1I111 for tho egg; but not for tho egga ntone, for they would have become, two clilckeiiH, which In tlini) would linvt no liiultlplltil that the whole fortuno of Ab del Hnkk would not now pay for them. When tho cane en mo to trlnl tlio rich mnn wnv not In court. "Why la demanded manded tho Judge. I "My Ion!," nld til nttorney, "he I gone to bow boiled benili." "Hollwt lienn?'' "Hollwl lienna, my lord." '18 ho muiir "Ho Is wry wlae, my lord." "Thou mockiiitl" "Surely, my lord, If tuird-bolled eggs- can bo hatched, boiled bcnnn will grow." Tho suit waa promptly dlHmUaed, wth coat to the plaintiff. A Cmual lllumler. Doctor Yen, mndnin, your two sons nro getting on very nicely. Tlio elder stood tlio ojieratlon for tho rcinovul of tho appendix exceedingly well. Mother Oh, good graclotm, doctor! That' the wrong one. IIu'h tho measly one. H' tho other 0110 that has op. piuidlcltt. Holtluioro American. MJrr k x , ri sv 1 1CV V .iJsV fl ,--, J., iiz&&hvrJ. m& "0:r-X? -S .' -wv -aTa-s ''H' f "" -sew--eeNeee tlark Cover, TI10 nftvmpmi) lug HluMnitlon show client! device for ciivorliitr it HtiicU T clover liny, wlicn tlicro Is no almil.il Knts lit tmtul to put on t- III niiiklui: this oner common Nmnls may U used fnun IS lo tit feet tutu;, u font or mom wide, puttlnc one on top of the stuck tlrst, tlicn sllpplm: one 011 eiuii aide iilider (lie top one, ntxiiit two Inchm Hiid fastening by driving u omnium fence stnple in it n smooth wire Just nt the edge of the upier Umrd, mi na to make n slmr"1 ,"l In the wlm oer the edge, niul w on down na far ns wnntcd. Six or elxlit iKntnt on cmii aide will gi'iientlly be tauttUient; then fnsten a t. stone or BIACK COVM. weight of Mine kind nt tli end of tlio wln-a mid the thing la done. Till ar rniiifeiiieiit nliwi anvil the trouble of putting ,111 hanger n It anwrra III" Mmo ,mr,t,. Tttl) wirw to each length f , , , f frm , 1 ' . l"' " iT "I " ' "mini for the length of atnek. putting He middle aiitloii on Inst ultli the ends lapping over the. next one. I all tho material that Is needed. In using the hay n section of this cover may tut tnkon off by draw lint out the stnptc-i n,, , Mack (im, N, , ,.nr t,t. cover on III,) rv.l.nlllder, The same board en 11 he used over niul over ngaln for a iiumbqr of yearn. (let Afler Ih Kir, File are one of the moat aggravat ing iHtita wo have on the farm. If we ttlve them a lirenthliig K'II the xxir cow, cnlve and horsea havo to suffer and the supply of- milk will run short. It I cither "fight or Ue." Ir I not sutikieiit to Just pray the mil mala with n rty-ri-pelllng mixture. In the morning and then turn theiu out to pasture. A few houm later, when 1 go to look after Ihem In tlio pnsture, they are often covered with blood sucking flle-i iignln. so I take n hand sprayer loaded with n liquid of which kcrosono form n large irtlm ulong and spray thl "' l tile fill on enrh nnlmnl The cowa imxiii Icnrn that spraying mean relief nml they will hold still while you sprny. The file quickly let go of their hold nml (nil to the ground when tint kerosene touchca ihem, VI King the nnlmnl onco or twin- n dny In thl milliner I 11 great help lo them during the tly sou son. 1 It. Johnson, Illinois. (Juliln for Urns I-ik. A very simple iinilii-I by which one limn can mnnlpulale 11 drag hhw to rut down tree Iiiin been devlseil by n "TZ-; 1 Weatern timber mnn. In using tlunu saws two men hnvo herrto foru tH'en nece wiry, (mo nt ench end of tho snw, Tho arrangement of tho ilrng'Sinv guldo la shown In tlio Illustration. ouinr Tilt haw. IteHtlng ngulnat tho treo l a rod, from which I u ix'iulcd n cont. At tho end of thu cord la nn ndjuatnhlo clnitp, to which 0110 end of tho tutw la m-ciirol. At tho .!-. ami 0 ltJK HrtUi Its A lia il.lt. Ill " .. .... '...., end opposite tlio linmllo Is nupportcd by tho cord In tho aiimij ixmltlon n If oiicrnted by linnd. With the employ ment of thl guldo thu iicccttalty of nn extra mnn to mniingo onu cud of the ww Is elltnlnnteiL - I'armtiiu 011 Arid I.J 11 it, Huccifutful farming on arid land with out nrtlltcinl watering hna Ufn brought to tho notice of tho Agricultur al Society of (Jerninny, with an expla nation of tho method. In Syria and I'nleatlne, with practically no rain ftom April to Octnber, the fields In July hnvo a flourishing abundance of watermelons, cuciimburs, tmnatoc and other products, and pinnt continue I green and thriving until autumn, Tho secret ilea In so plowing tlmt tho win ter rnlim ore absorbed and rotnlncd In tho subHoll, Tho plowing Is shallow, I averaging only to 0 inches In depth, 'liTvU'.' 1 gJ 1 - rr j r - 4.ri mt.3ffiM8&ti. xmMmj&mm&m , mid after the full hnnrat It follow ench heiivy ruin 11 a sHeiiti n the Kroiinit begins to dry, the piirtoi being to keep 11 loose mid (rliiblo NtirfiH-o lo dike up the witter from the siilisnll. In the spring the I11111I Is pluwnl to it depth of iilxiut tl Inehiit. The soil I droplet by Hie plow iimiii the nmlst mihsolt niul It I covered by the closing up of the loomi soil. Protected by the loose cov ering, the siilixill (iirulalii'4 siillleh'lit moisture (or plant growth during I he elitlm dry season. Ilc-tro-Inn Wrrtls, III dcMtrntliitf nlililiiil weeds 010 method Is to disk Hie stubble tlrlds, eiiualiiit the wn-l se- In germinate, nfler which they can le killed by sub. sequent niltlwitlou or by (mat. Alintti' er method la to turn live stis'k, cspe dally brrp Into llics-i atnbble fli'ld to cut tip the Uiiita nml wi-tl seeds, ilia mine of ctilllvntcd crops, rotittltnia and slimmer follow a I nlso ill-.uot. The errtitlcntloii of pv-rniiUls la mum dllllcult than In Hh case of minimis. For these Ihey tried smuttier enqm. bare (allow, chemical and tar pcr. For mimll arena of quack grasa, oivrr Ing with tar mmt wa found effivtlve, but wn (no ctwtly hr flrbt appllo" lion. A qunck graM la similar to Iter tiitida grass In' Its habit of sprcmtlug. and It equally MTs(eiil, this nnlliol may l- of In I crest o llio. who wish to kill miinll areas of Ilermuda A Help In t-rtall I'lrUlna, In commercial orcharding It Is grud ernlly must economical to have pick ing mid packing work going on concur rently. Thl save putting the nppli- on the ground and having to handle them agnlu, A portable sorting table iihiii which picker can empty their Ikiit I plaeiil on low truck wheel and a single horse can more It lo any de sired liit as the work proceed. It should Itr made large enough to hold lint le than two barrel of fruit. The rear Isilsier I higher than Hint at the "rii end, so that the mils can be rolled nut. A long, heavy plank Is plnccd on tlio gtound on each side of thl table on which tho barrel are sot for filling. The cull are allow rd to roll Into n title (mm the luwrr end of Hie grading (able. Thr linear' Trrth at Mm Ver. At nine year the mark-In the corner teeth of the upM-r Jnw I clearly de fined: the mnrk t still visible In tha middle tit'lli, but hna almost ill.ie H-nrcd (nun tho nlpcrs. A side view o( upixT Jnw nt lillio yeir. The i-dnt D I the Indentation usually aeeii In corner tooth, Nolr- Almnl Ilia 1'arm, The liens ought lo lumi 11 little grain every dny all during (ho Niimmor. Feeding tienvlly on nliolo com tin a tendency to Imliicu liens to Im-coiiio tirooily. Try to arrange to glvo each horso on tho (arm a thrro weeks' vacation 011 grim. Keep tho -iialiUti and tho yard clean, mi Hint file mid Insects havo no breed ing place. HeotH or mangel wtirxel mako flno (ikhI (or Dmitry. They should bo clioppol fine, ( Sen that nil tho hog hnvo plenty o( (renti, clean water to drink, c-qicclally during hot, dry day. , Do not put nwny tlio wliltnwnalt brush ,ln tho atimmer tluio. Keep It going summer and winter. - Do not (all to provide a shelter tin. der which tho young chicks cnu scurry In en so of sudden storm. Ilolled eggs should inner bo fed to very young chicks mid should nover bo fed moro than twlco n week. Tho iwor cow Bccms to bo continual' ly with 11. Oct rid of her mid thus reduce tho cost of production. If tho horso ting, nml his leg be come unsteady, unhitch nt onco. put cold wntcr on his head and on tho hack of his neck and rub with coarso cloths. ir near n orug storo inject forty or moro grains of qulnlno, Hpongo hbj mouth with cold water. w a--amsrNrtir'a,aa "There are a iiniple of awful Ihih- at in)' club." "ludeeitt Who I n, other?" Child -'Kik,cuitiit quick, the uiirwryk nil ret Cook- What go 011 In th nursery I no iifTnlr o( mine, ivil the gm enieM. Iiiulliiily You mnko mi nivful homi oltli Hint Mute. I loonier Well, I'm sorry to hear It, triiudliidy --So' er. erytsiily elms "I not l.o Hint 'on always ll at )our wife's left, Mr Meg-." "Ves." frank ly replleil Mr. MetlK; "Unit's the aid her gin e'o I oil." 1'nliilld Friend Yon will have ti, work hunt In will Hie helre. uivt. tilu Om -I'll hnve lo work a jolly sight hunter If I don't. Poet -Well.ltiepuMI-liersliuve dim II; noi'ptiil one of my hmiis. Vtui Friend- Out of gratitude you mirtt .never to submit llntn n not her. Nell--Ine dm-su't se-iu lo agrro with Mitude. She 1 thinner by twenty Mitllid than all aii o hi llrllr Hhe ha loviil nml b-st. eh 'lllltltt, "SllpMMi I lend yon Hie muney )ik want, how do I know that I slmll err siv It again?" "I Ihe word of mi Inn est man vmrlh an) thing?" "Oh, uf ouiriM'l Hrlug him to mm!" I law roil- The fnrtal feature plainly ludlrMte ebnrmter and dlsMMi,Mi In seltvtlng your wife, were you goirn-ril by her i-lilu? Spi'iibiw - .No. hot t bar In-hi ever since we marrleil. First MtHllnily - I itMitagv- to keej. ,uy Isxirder longer than )oii do. t-w. ihhI liiidlMil) -i). I don't kiHiw Yoii kei) thrill so tliln Hint Hiey look toiigrr tliHii they really am.- Til lilt. Mr. NeylMire I txHighl a new plr-i I of uiikIc for my daughter to play, and I tlilliK alien liiasler It soi She Hat trying all afternoon .Mia I'-tj-r She was, trry ! Penrsoir Weekly "Mis Itlihly," pleaded the klM-ellnj youth, "tell me, Is them any hoM- for llier "I enn't say," replleil the sh-I- cnl girl; "you might rotisiilt mi liisanliy exert, however." Ilalllinore New. The llnnlener (letslrrlng his rrslt nnt loii) "No, sir. It' the missus I can't abide. She' got Inter the 'ablt ' talklli' ter me Ji-at wot she ib --- ler you. She fergll I en 11 Iimvci when I want ler" Skrtih. It-rilo I hear "iMir bouse was brokrii Into thr other night mid lots of silver pinto and Jewelry stolen SIh-M Y,1; Iml Ihe manil entirely mrr liMiknl he leu loos of chiI III Ihe c--l lar. in ton TrwiH-crlpt "Ah." he sighed. " was lia.lr when I waa uof" "Well." lit)- alf swernl t-otdly, "It I nlwa) (sHwlhla for a imili to lui-imie ror Nttulu." HhI somehow the Idea dhl Hot mviii lo Im tires him fntornbty. CtlleNgo Post Civil servln exuuitlier (very alernly to llrnstu Smith, oilorr-l, who Hplrei to Hie oillco of mall carrier) "How far I It from Hie en rlh to the iii's-iiV Crnstus (In turn)- "(lolly, hm. if v gwlue ler put me on dat route I don't want d Joli!" "Paw, would It l-c uiigraininiilb it b say, 'I seen )ihi wlieti )oii tt t I n un der Ihe tHin-all?"" "Vi-a. -mmi. U1M1 nil grauimalleNl and dHiigeroits Wluu )u am In doubt on sinli hiIiiIs niwnia come to me, mid inner go to your in-tli er." ClneliiiinH Trlliillie. Who wit the Mrs 1 man, Hobby? sho nskeil. "(lisirge Waslilngtoii,' ai.swer' til the )oung ihtlrlot, proiupll) ' Why. no, Hobby; It wn Adam" "Oh, well." said Hubby, who inner full lo prnvo himself right, "I wasn't rouutlng fur elgncrs." New York Press. "I observe that you luvarlnbly prnl your rlvnl," snld one neim. "Yr," niNwcreil tho other. "It's the wisest thing to do. It sound iiiaguniiliiioiii mid nlso rmivf)s the linprcs-loii that you do not consider Ihem worth Mug lealoiw of." Wnstiliiglon Slur, (laylmy A fellow can't Ikj tint rnre fill about Ills letters to women, lien jieek That right. A woman got lhna letter from ine onco that lime kept mo In hot water over since. (Iiiylw)' -You don't mean It? Ilenpeck Fnil They were Ye. Phllndelplla Pn. "Wlmt 11 nlcu llltlu iMiyl" said tin minister, who was making 11 '"". "Won't you coiiiu mid shuko 11111111", i"' son?" "Nnwl" siioipett tho tilco llttlo Ixiy. "My gracloiiNl Don't you H mo?" "Nnwl I had ler git me lint'l an' farorwitHlicd Jlst beennso you coiiie." -l'lillnilelphlii Presi. Iler lnck-r"I met your wl(o yeste day, "How well shu Is looking." "V Wo havo been expeellng her rich ''' to visit tut tills summer," "Ah I" "0' course I don't mean t hat oxpectliil. I(,f mint lias inadu my wlfo look o well, but It tins kept her f roni going nywhern for u rest." Chicago Itecordr Usrald.