The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 25, 1908, Image 1

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NO. 38
pistrlcf, ttorijey Rules In
Payor of UcjiiU.'
County Court Will Undoubtedly Turn
Over to City of llcnd SO I'or Cent
nl All Road Money.
Comity Judge I. C. Ellii 1ms re
ceived nn opinion from District At
lurncy Wilson in the matter ol llic
demand from tlic city of llonil for
it share of the roui) taxes collected
from the llcnd road district for the
pant two or three years. Thp ills,
jrlct attorney's opinion, really ig in
favor nf jlrnd, and opens (he way
for the county cotirf. 10 my the
n mo tint claimed If (l ccs fit. to do
V3. The mi in claimed by tlc' city
nniounts tq about 175.
The lay jtipnlutes that 50 per
cent of thp road tafc collected in
nny rond dijtrict shall k expended
on the roadgi ;i that district. The
Rend rond district utid the munici
pality of llcnd are one and the name
thing 111 far nu boundaric.i arc con
ccrued I hu tax has never been
paid to thin district, the county
court making the excuse that there
was no road supervisor for the llcnd
district mid hence it could not turn
over the money, as the law stipu
lated that said money must be paid
to, and cxcudcd under the dlrcc
tlon of, n road supervisor. And
yet the court refused to appoint n
supervisor for the llcnd district.
Recently Attorney Benson was
instructed by the llcnd city council
to lay before the county court the
claim of the city for .so jcr cent of
nil back taxes collected Hi the llcnd
district Tills was done and the
county court risked the district at
torney fur nn opinion as to what
should be done, He holds that in
asmuch as the llcnd road district
and tic city nrc Identical that the
money should be jwld, pud sug
gests thut the anility court npjwint
uomcone for rpud sticrvknr who
would worL in harmony with the
llcnd city council. TIo outcome
Will be that llcnd will probably be
iKiid the road money that should
have been turned over to it long
II gO.
Nclion-Portcr Party Have n Narrow
lUcape Prom Drowning.
The Nelson-Porter-Willi a msoii
party, who spent the day in Bend n
week ngo last Sunday, had nu ex
citing experience 011 the return trip
to Portland. While bowline along
nt 11 merry clip between Princville
and Hit) Creek, u Midden rainstorm
that reached the pioortions of u
cloud burst came up. The water
fell in torrents nud the rond followed
by the automobile along steep
sulehill wus suddenly washed nut,
the automobile precipitated down
the mountainside ami the party of
rnilwnv men thrown down 11 steep
hill. Luckily, no otic was hurt,
but the machine hud to be brought
back to the road with the nld of n
windlass mid nil hands had to tug
at the ropes to brine the automo
bile up the hill,
Rut sjartllng though this adven
ture proved, it was not the last to
lw encountered by the pnrtv, says
the Oicgonrati. Scudding along tit
the best possible speed in order to
reach the town of I lay Creek, the
railroaders run into a raging moun
tain torrent soon after being sent
tumbling down the mountainside.
The strcum was rising every minute
because of the tremendous down
pour of water following the cloud,
hurst and it was thought best to
plough through the stream at once
lest the water rise so high that a
crossing would be iuttMSslblc.
It was not until the automobile
and its occupants had gotten into
the middle of the torrent that It was
found the stream was already so
high as to be dangerous, The
raging water foamed into the buck
of the automobile and almost cov
ered the occupants. The railroad
men set to work to bail with their
hats and ns the water had "killed"
the engine, the machine came to 11
stop In the tnliltt of the stream that
threatened every moment to drown
the occupants of the automobile
Thrrc was nothing for it then,
but t( pull the machine by main
strength across the stream nud the
r(ilroadcri were compelled fo jump
out into the wati-r, whic rnu q
most shoulder deep, and nttjl the
machine to the other bank. Que
mini remained In the body of tin
car nud bailed with the oil cups of
the automobile lamps while "tlje
other two working with the strength
of des)cratiou, managed to pull thr
machine into shallower water on
the other side of the stream.
The men s.l! that while held in
the midst of thr stream by the
flood, they never exjweted to reach
the other bank a live.
Fortunately Bitch a thing as a
cloud burst is unknown in the llcnd
country. Thjs scctiop of tic IJcj
chutes valley has ncyer been visji.
cd, in man's recollection, by any.
thing that could be designated, by
the farthest stretch of the imagina
tion, ns u cloud burst.
Much Machinery at the Mouth of the
Deschutes and Camp Is Heine
LUtabllthcd on Moody Ranch.
A man by the name of Dorothy
who spent Thursday night in Rend,
brought the news that Winters,
Parsons & Roomer, a large railroad
contracting firm, have moved their
outfit across the Columbia from
work on the North Rank road, and
nrc unloading it at the mouth of
the Deschutes river. The outfit
consists of steam shovels, graders,
horses, nud all the paraphernalia
necessary for railroad grading.
Camp is Icitlg established on the
Moody much which lies along the
Dvschutts at its mouth.
.Mr. Dorothy saw this with his
own eyes nud says there is not the
slightest doubt that this firm will
soon bcgiucoiiMrticlion up the river.
They crniscd the Columbia with
their machinery nt nbout Arlington
nud shipped it 011 the O. R. $ N.
to the Deschutes, but their hordes
were brought over at Cclilo. Mr.
Dorothy has worked for this firm
in former years and says he expects
to learn thut they have commenced
building railroad most any day.
He is of the opinion that we will
have u railroad into Rend within
two years nt the farthest. At any
rnte it is a fact that he saw with his
own eyes, this assembling of the
Winters, Parsons & Rootmr outfit
at the mouth of the Deschutes,
Mr. Dorothy is a rancher on the
Deschutes not far from Moro. He
was greatly impressed with the de
velopment through this section, ami
said that there are many farmers
hereabouts who are evidently more
prosperous than farmers who have
lived 35 years in Sliermaii county.
He thought we had n fine country
and was enthusiastic over its future.
Mr. Dorothy, with his sous, was on
his way to Klamath Ralls 011 nu
, -
Houses for I'orest Hangers.
The forest service will soon be
gin building n house one mile north
of Roslaud for the use of the rang
ers. This structure will be 1.1x33
feet, one story high, and will be
built this fall. Two houses will be
built next spring in the Fremont
reserve, one on Long Prairie, qud
the other Just above the Roidand
sawmill, The Roslaud mill will
furnish the lumber for all three
I'oley'a Oriuo J.nx.iUc imi new ruin,
cdy, mi Imprinctin-nl 011 the laxative of
former yearn, in It docs not gripe or
iiniucnto and is plcatmit to take. It I
guaranteed. C. V. Merrill, drugging
Ulds Wanted.
To clear and plow 40 acres of
land on w6 sctf of Sec. 3, Tp. i3
south, R. is cast, W. M. Also to
make enough juniper posts to fence
37-38 Astoria, Or.
Subscribe for THU IIUl.MtTlN.
May Build Reservoirs on
Crooked River.
Reclamation Service Unglnccrs Are
Making Inycstljnjloni. Other
Items of general Interest..
Speaking of the presence in that
M-cliou of engineers oi the U S
Reclamation Service, the Madras
Pioneer says that Its story of two
weeks ago of an iiivcstiitatlon by
the government reclamation service
into thr feasibility of n project for"
irrigating the igi plateau lauds
of that tfcctjrjti, was cunfjrrjlcd by
the presence nt Madras last week of
H.J Doqjjttlc, an engineer in the
reclamation service, who is making
the investigation. Mr. Doolittlc
spent several days jn that locality
going then through, the country
south 11 nu southwest o( 11119 place,
nud then on to Rrinevillc. Jle spent
some time 011 the Mntqlcs last
mouth, walking all the way from
its .source toits mouth, nud follow
ing this jatint lie walked from the
Wurmsprlng agency down the west
bank of the Deschutes to Shcrar's
Bridge, returning then to Madras.
His presence in this immediate lo
cality was for the purpose of in
vcstigatttiK the amount of laud
which could be brought under irri
gation if the project is fcasable, for
upon the size of the irrigable area
largely dcends t)ie practicability of
the undertaking.
The project under investigation
now has in view the storage of the
flood waters of Crooked river in
reservoirs nboc Princville. This
would be released as required and
brought down the channel of the
river to n olnt near Princville,
where it would be takcu out in a
canal high enough to get it across
the divide lietween Princville and
Madras, and to eventually dis
tribute it over the irrigable laud in
that locality.
The present intcstigation is only
in the nature of n rccounaisaucc,
the reclamation service being con
stantly nt work in these investi
gations, blocking out work for
the future. When n report on the
present investigation is made, it
will be passed urou by n board of
engineers, and if the project is ap
proved by them, further invesli.
gation and surveys will be mak
And if the feasibility of the project
is demonstrated, the work will then
be taken up by the government.
Hrlcksons Acquitted of Horsestealing.
After making a round trin of
sonic 300 miles and spending u full
week on the road, after doing n
large amount of detective work as
well ns performing the functions of
his office in a creditable way, and
locating nud arresting the two de
fendants near Harrisburg, west of
the mountains, Sheriff Elklns yes
terday saw his efforts go to untight
for lack of evidence in the case
bgaiust Charles H, luicksou and
Oliver luickson, father and sou,
who were charged with horse steal
ing by Horace Biggs, the complain
ant. The mcu were brought back
in the custody of the sheriff and
John Edwards of Gist, placed on
preliminary hearing before justice
of the Peace Sharp, and discharged
after a short hearing in the office of
Prosecuting Attorney V. A. well
Wednesday morning.
The Ericksous, who live in the
Rear creek country, took their ar
rest nud the long trip back to Crook
county as a matter of course and
upon their acquittal the youugcr
merely remarked:
"Well, we hod good company
"So did I," replied the sheriff,
sotto voce.
The horses alleged to have beeu
stolen belonged to Riggs nud were
brauded S bar. The Erfcksons
pastured is, head of horses in Ed
ward's field at Gist, and the latter
was one of the witnesses. EdwardsJ
said that none of the horses he saw
cither at Gist or Harrisburg bore
the brand mentioned bv Bigg.
Kricksons took 33 head with them
to the valley recently and Sheriff
Elkfns went over there to intercept.
the stock alleged to be stolen
Pays Himself Reward.
Last week Mrs. A. Cohrs of this
city advertised in the Journal for a
purse lost on the Sliauiko road. On
Tuesday of 'this week she received
by mail from an unknown writer
in Portland' flip" two, checks which
the purer corjtajped, but the finder
coyly rctainc.4 spmc $H iu cash as
the sum of his own reward.
Offers Prize for Farm Product.
The Crook county fair manage
ment has decided to offer two special
prizes of 20 and $10 for the first
and second best collection of farm
products, including grain;, grasses
and vegetables, collected fforn a
single voting precinct iu fp county.
porter terrj of Iqfprest.
Tlic Crook pouuty ltigh school
ojcncd last Monday.
Lake county's new cqurt house
is pcaring completion. The Ex
aminer says it is a beauty.
Hon. Prank Davcy, receiver of
the laud office at Rums and editor
of the Harnpy County News, is
dangerously jl.
The Madras spboo) qpened with
an enrollment of 7p, and it is ex
pected that it will react) 100 during
the first two or tqrec weeks of
Lakcyictv s extending its water
system tq cover 171 ore of the town.
Tlic supply is secured from springs
in the mountains about five miles
from town.
Farmers about Silver Lake are
showing n commendable spirit by
bringing in samples of grasses and
grains for the Seattle exposition.
They are busy nt it there.
Jack Kitching and George McVey
nrc accused of having shot out the
valuable stained glass windows of
the M. K. church nt Princville and
have been put under $500 bonds to
appear before the grand jury.
Senator Rand of Vancouver,
Wash , arrived in Madras lust week
and n report was circulated at that
pluce that he wus securing right-of-way
for the Oregon Trunk Line.
He has had much experience in
that work.
The party of Central Oregon rail
road . surveyors who have been
camped nt Madras for several weeks,
have moved camp to Culver. They
arc locating a line from Madras to
llcnd with a crossing over Crooked
river below Trail Crossing, They
are securing a very good line.
A Lakevicw sport kicked open
the door of a Chinaman's restau
rant in the middle of the night and
the Chinaman threw red pepper in
his face. He had the Chinaman
arrested but a trial judge dismissed
the case as he claimed the China
man was justified iu throwing the
A. crew of surveyors arc running
a line down Trout creek to the Des
chutes, presumably a Harriman
crew. If Harriman builds up the
Deschutes, and inasmuch as the
Oregon Trunk Line has possession
of the Willow creek gorge, the only
thing for Harriman's men to do, is
to find another route out of the
Deschutes cnuvou onto the hich
lauds of interior Oregon. They
may find such a routo by way of
Trout creek.
Hethcl Crew Contains 17 Men.
The Madras Pioneer says there
are 17 men in the Rethel crew of
Oregon Truuk surveyor, and they
are iu charge of Mr. Craue, who
was one of the division engineers
on the North Rank road. The
party picked up the Madras eud of
the Oregon Truuk survey, com.
pletcd to this place over two years
ago, and are -locating the line from
this point down Willow creek gorge,
and presumably, 011 dowu the Des
chutes to connect with the other
surveying parties workiug along
the river.
Bend Postofflce Advanced
to Presidential Grade.
Postofflce Department Places Local
Ofljce rt a ll'ltl'er Class Salary
Of Postmaster $1000 a Year.
Postmaster Merrill has received
notification frqm the department at
Washington that oil Qcjqber 1 the
Rend postoflicc will be raised from
the fourtli to the third class. . This
places the local office in the class
commqqly designated as a "presi
dential oflice.'' The postoflicc re
ceipts in any tow'n are a good indica
tion pf the general condition of bus
iness at that place. Thus the action
of tjic postoflicc department is a
feather iu Rcnd's cap, as it shows
that business here is increasing
Fqr a year or two the business of
the Rend office has beeu running
very close to what is demanded of n
third class office, and it has now
reached that stage. Thp salary of
the Rend postmaster under the new
clqssjfjcation is placed at f,opo per
Pqstrqgstcr Merrill announces
that the office will be arrauged, as
sqqrj as possible, so that there will
oc an open ioddv, ana ims louoy
will be open night and day. A
partition will be built through the
middle of the building tie office
now occupies, and the postofficc en
closed in a room by itself. This
open lobby arrangement is not re
quired in a fourth class office, but it
is necessary in a third class. It is
a great convenience to the public
and will be much appreciated.
The only other offices in the sfatc
raised from the fourth class to the
presidential grade at this time arc
those at Arleta, Preewatcr, Weston
and Falls City.
Miss flrneo Vnndcvert Bagged a Large
Urown One Last Saturday.
It isn't every community that
can boast the possession of a young
lady bear hunter, but that s what
Rend can do and for that reason the
successful killing of a large brown
bear by Miss Grace Vnudcveit last
Saturday has been the subject of
much conversation during the past
Last Saturday Miss Grace and
her father, W. P., started out from
the home ranch at Lava in quest of
bruin, properly equipped with
horses, dogs and rifles. About two
miles from the ranch the hounds
picked up the fresh tracks of a bear,
and the chase was on. It was a
short and spirited one and after a
run of about a mile the dogs treed
bruin. Miss Grace had followed the
dogs closely through the thick of
the chase, and beat her father to
the tree in which the bear had taken
refuge. A well aimed shot from
her rifle brought the big brown
animal dowu and the sport was
To a friend who rode up to the
ranch just as they were bringing
in the game, Mtss Grace said that
she was not at all excited Oh, no,
uot a little bit. The only thing
that bothered her was that her
fingers dkl not seem to work right
and for a moment or two she had
trouble in finding the trigger,
Miss Vandevert is a student in
Rcnd's high school. It is doubtful
if there is another young lady in
the state, of her age, who has ever
hunted and killed a bear.
Of Ititercst to tho Northwest.
The Missouri river valley is one
of the most successful hog sections
of the United States, and corn has
always been the basis of this in
dustry. Today one of the most
popular stock-fatteniug foods in the
Missouri river region is a mixture
of alfalfa and sugar beet pulp, which
is produced iu Colorado. Advices
recently received from that state
show that utfinerotts new faiiUs are
being erected, and certainly the,
Pacific Northwest should give this
industry every possible encourage
ment. This is particularly truq
since the great international con
cerns like Swift & Company and
others have decided to locate upon
the Pacific Coast, and they arc now
spending millions of dollars in
building their plants at Portland.
A good reliable fattening food equal
to corn would make this section of
the United States the very richest
portion of our great republic.
Oregon Say s "Sic 'cm."
In what promises to be a titantic
struggle for control of territory be
tween Jim Hill and Ed Harriman
in this state, Oregon says "sic 'cm,"
and may they both win. The hard
er these two railroad .kings scrap
the better it will be for Oregon. It
has been evident all along that
there was more in Harriman's stay
at Pelican bay than a mere vaca
tion. We cqnfldently expect that
Hill's activity in Eastern Oregon
will triakc construction of the Na
tron branch by Harriman a tieces
sity. That will mean much to
Eugene. Register.
Oeologlcal Surveyors Are Here o Tcl
Us How 1 1 lit h Aboye Level
We Live A Few Attitudes.
A crew of government geological
surveyors have been working in
the territory south of Bend during
the past week. These men are un
der the direction of L. I Riggs and
arc establishing altitudes at various
places. A brass-topped post is set
down at these various points, and
on the brass is stamped the eleva
tion at that point.
At Rosland these engineers have
found the elevation (0 be 4, 226 feet;
at the Vandevert ranch 4,182 feet,
ou Paulina creek at the Cakhrc'l
ranch, 4,190 feet; at the Fred Shon-,
quest place 4,173 feet; and at Lav.?
Ruttc, at the highest point in the
county road as it skirts the base o.
the luitte, 4,507 feet.
Incsc men arrived m Iiend
Thursday night and continued the.r
work in this vicinity, but The Bui
letiu goes to press too early toda
to give any of the altitudes in tlvs
immediate vicinity. The engineers
will find, however, a marked drop
in the elevation as they travel north
from Lava Ruttc. The elevation
at Rend is now supposed to be
about 3,675 feet, or 833 feet lower
than the base of Lava Butte, a con
siderable drop for a distance of only
about 10 miles. It will be interest
ing to note the result of the en
gineers' work in this section, ami
The Bulletin will give a detailed
account of their findings in next
week's issue.
Total Vote of Oregon.
The official directory compiled
by Secretary of State Benson shows
that (he total number of ballots cast
at the 1908 election was 116,614.
as against 99,445 in 1906, and 99,
315 in 1904, and the population of
the state, according to the state
census of 1905 was 464,538 as com
pared to 413,536 under the federal
census of 1900. The total regis
tration for 1908, from Jauuary 1 to
May j 5, was 133,095, divided
among the several political parties
as follows: Republicans, So.oai.
Democrats, 38,788; Prohibitionists.
i.SSS; Socialists, 3,336; Populists,
59; Independents, 3,656, and those
designating no party nuiliations
numbered 3.556.
Millions ot hottleii of I'oley'a Hone
ami Tar have been Mild without any per
son ever having experienced any utlic
tlian beneficial results from its use for
coughs, colds and lung trouble. This is
liecaUM the genuine I'oley'a Honey am'
Tar in the yellow package contains 110
opiates or other harmful drugs. GuarO
your health by refusing any but the
genuine. C. Merrill, druggist.
Cow and Calf for Sale.
I have for sale a good milk cow
with spring calf, at my place six;
miles northwest of Bend. Address
Bead, Ortgee.