r IPlL-'.. .,"', -Z . , , ' J Z ", "Tr IZZIZIoai-tJ juiwininni iiiiriniMiMirtnMiiiiii 1 1 mm tf SECURE a LOCATION NOW l . : i 1 QE ?s w nm C. S. IgNStptN ATTORNEY AT LAW X BKXD, OfiGON U(. C.COE, T. Bhlcipn. and. Surgeon OFPIC8 OVER BANK PVJLMbt tJcttpbcnc, Connection IUV THUUMIONK NO. 21 JlPfP' '' Oregon THE fifst National Bank ofPrineville. Kttablialied 1S67.- Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, 5100.000.00 B. Y. Mm WtllWa nW ., ... . , prekvieol K-rrH)em Catlilcr AaMat Catbicl t. V. - ILHRrtoTi A. E. PETPRSON, Antelope, Ore. Matchmaker nn&3evelet I'rfi'iiiinnl Seml-I'rectou Stone Set mid ewclry,of all kinds nude to or.; r ..n I Repaired. Work first clawt an-! iiHrnntrrl I.-. -. r.ett HiHi W!p)i Hpcaccr. Bulletin Ah r H'-i1 r f n direct to nie ( A ulclope. Registered Stock H. Poland H 0 Chinas 0 Duroc G Jerseys S G S UlackLansImn Chickens. E. C. PARK,. Iledmond, Ore. -T-UJ- Is Your Froperjy For Sale? Wr ar romttMfr fectM'ac laeulilcf frra u Mm of it UiknJ Suit, for Parol, VlatTtia1' ttU"T Clef Jkime, wi Iho rwlflc Com. runt r-n-ptrty If lot mJ wt ki 11 Jx lfl la flan ll Miiutllrf tlJlnltatnUjI... . iuimiJ.M . tfllk TOWN COUMTriV JOV.MNM. PU. CO, J e .acarttttr.. m n Uirciaeo. cat. IN OR NEAR BEND, OREGON; We Have Residence and Business Property, Timber, fcarm Desert Lands, Water Power and Manufacturing; Sites. R.edstfnaMe Terms or Generous Discount for Full Thh Central Oregon Development Co. ----- -i- COMMENT BY OTHER, PAIEKS Wise and Sane. The Ditln Opllmltt. No person can look at the pres ent condition of the country and compare it with a like date during any recent presidential year, with out seeing that the business of, the country has npt been affected as usual by the-fear of change in poli cies, such as nust be looked for by the overthrow of the party in. power. Bryan's nomination had no effect whatever in financial circles, and why? Because no man of sense thinks that he has- the slightest chance of election. If a majority, or even a respectable minority, of the people of the country supposed that there is a chance of the defeat of Taft, and the consequent change of policies, tinkering with the tar iff, discharge of thousands and tens of thousands of government officials-, and great uncertainty as to our foreign, insular and other policies, there would be at the present mo ment a stagnation iu business such as we had twelve and sixteen years ago. On the other hand there is a dan ger that we hold Bryan and his pretentions to cheaply. His only snow lies in tuc drousincss ol our party. If we get the republican voters out, he will be the worst whipped candidate of the gener ation, but if we all consider that he it already beaten, and remain in large numbers away from the polls, he may be elected. General apathy can defeat us, and nothing else can, unless some fool arises as in the Blaine campaign with the cry of "Rum, Romanism and Rebellion," or some such idiotic nonsense. Those four words defeated Blaine, which goes to show what thin ice we arc walking on at all timta dur ing a campaign. The country today, thanks to the policies of the republican party is in splendid shape. We were never more prosperous. The Jinan Will Interest Many livery jkhoii should knoiV thM good health I impossible if the kidneys arc deranged 1'oley's Kidney Remedy w ill cure Kidney and IjlnddcTiliscase in every form, mid vtilltmild up and strengthen tliCM. organs so they will jivrforiii their functions property. No (lunger of llnuht'fc DUeatc or Diabetes If Foley's Kidney Kemcdy is takelt in time, C V. Merrill, druggist. BEND, CROOk cial flurry of last fall was but a rip ple, and its effects have passed away. Mow we arc on solid foot in(j, and will remain so for years if tke voters are wise and sane. flood Doctrine. Hbcrmtn County OUrrr Three or four gangs of reclama tion buttcriuskys have bcctii gopher ing along Deschutes river banks, above The Villa this wok, hunt ing for a base for a dam ioo feet high. It sounds to us like the Male old story, and seems more like con fusion of probable railroad projects. The press of Central Oregon should say "get out of the way" to these reclamation dam fallows Iwoausc, without the railroads the country. tsu t worth a dam. When Trifles Become Troubles. ; If any t'rwn MtcU that their kid qey utf deranged they ImhiUI take l'ol ry s Kidney lUmrdy .it oner ihI i wit risk Iiavmk Ilrigjit's iliMktt or ditt. Delay give the ilieM! a Mroiiftvr foot hold and you should not delay taking l'uley's Kiilney HeUMtly. C. V. Mer rill, ilruKKist. $5.00 Reward. Drown nwre, white forehead, branded f mi left hip. Strayed from I). I. Sc V. ramp . f5.u reward for its relnrn to John DaxMni, atalKjvementiuuudcnmp. 32-tf . JOHN DACOSri.fl. XOTICK FOR I'UIUilCATIOX. stm ccmi rmi. lnrMiitiMnt of the liilerlw. I . X Uwi OWx at The IMlltt, Orttoti. Auk'UH lllh, lv Notkt ! herebr ln that Miry 1'. Wllholt, ol IKwl, llitgbn, whu, on IlKtiitUr ijth..i' uiadc llumratmil Unity No luu (StlUI ". ), jr l ' NI5 )i. hW Nl! W. hi'. U 'W Hc. u. T. lH., k. I I!., IV XI. Ii filrtl nu lice (if liilrnlioii to nuVe final commutnlluii proof to eutllli claim to the Uml aliuve ilr. rrltai, Uktf II. C llllli. t'nilcil HUlci Com mlMloiitr at hi office, at lieml, Jrrjcuti. on the Mil day of October, pA. Claimant tunica aa wltneaKa. ('.Irii" Ir. HUck, Andrew T. Moore. William I. McflillvraV ami William Arnold, all ol llcnd, Oregon artoi C. U . iKXJKIJ, Ht (rl. NOTICE FOR I'msijIOATION. NotCoaJljiiv Ucpartuicut of the lutcr'iir, . I', K, Mud Office at The I)llt, (reen, AvkwI ;rti, 19"' Notice It hereby lta that ; Ire4 J . Mwler. oflicnd, Oreirou, wlotoii Auyinl )tli', iyi8, made Timber and hlone Ilntry No. oV. for'NW ',', HW !i KC ll, Tp mH,i 10 I'., W, St , haa filrd notice of liilriillmi'V) make fluat tlqibrr and atone urool. to ratauliah claim to the Uiul ul,ova iltucrlUtl, Ixforc I' C lilli". I nlled Ktatra Com iiiiMionrr, ai imriiyvm neno, uicruu, on ir; . IlldayorocIubcl'ilV''. Claimant liaintl ft Mitncf aea. Ilinar J. Mtt rill or Moalaiul, Ojfiion, W Ray WilUnrtn, JcmruliN lluuler1' t William II. titaata, all ol bend, Oregon. aai-oaj C, W, WOOHH, KenUter, COUNTY, OREGON The Pioneer Telegrapli and Telephone Company Telesrams I'orwwded to Any I'srt .of the WqrJ4, Direct Telephone Communication vtltli Portland. I'rtneville ami all aclfic; Cot ciiea. Public Pay Stations in Itatik Iluldlnu at Hand, at I.nid InwatHl PoMell Utitta. JIeciij;er Service to any (Mtt of Crook County south of Crooked River. HENRY L. WHITSETT Horse Shoeing and General Iilacksmithing WAtlON AND PLOW WORK First Class Work (lunrantccd. I.qrated In the old Sheldon shop, JOHN LEO AT I1IM1.KIL IN Harness and Saddlery Trunks arid Valises Rcprilred litjccessor to A. IjIunter. SAW FILING. HKf.T WORK oUaUANTHI'.D. t Trices fronrrc to f i.eo. t I.mvc saws at I lhc,Tree Store. J D. HAIA'ORSO.S'r ' lIRNii, OkKOOK e.-nfT. V - ,1U ia Thtfre's news lu The Ilulletiu, Payment. V NOTICE FOR I'UHMCATION. .Vol 0l MmI. IxpMlmcMtoMhf liitefMT t h I.awl OfTne M Te IHlt. Ofet'H. )vlyMb. 1 N4Ke heiebv n l AeI IHryer. ff ImhI. Oretvfl. Imi. imi Mjr ,Sk t. 1lr , UumfM't Itnlir N irViB. (PrSl fm ! M ! In '. h W Ml U.h ' NW V( l Tp ll . K 1 1 It V U.lui 6M MlU rf iHleatMM t 1 iuU AhI Rt f uwf, la 1 SaMlak cUim In ; Ike Uh.1 loreiWt.rlU. WS It V tJlu I . lMMilfcm'r. kt M w4t a HHd Inwttn. rtilSe ilhivifltMlf, tf IJU4M ham at ,ltitt luatel lift- i ClMlt HuH. I'lnl AMtflMMl a4 NMkul I tmllh allaineH4.iteiM a- I. W illKfl. MMrr NOTICE FOR I'UHIilCATIO.N SU CmI Ijiw4. . Ieliea altlie lt.I.H V. a l,4t(imat The AW. Ortga rHMSt 4lh. tr P4tae U Iwlebr lcn that WlHtifM C CJiiaU, iiTHeHrf, Otui. wh, M jHae it 1 Ml. lawve iIuwmIm4 KHtrr Ny. taSwr, (KetUI N ai) tt lHllu lo make Who! rwitHo Iiim(, W tiUMwa culm lu m, mm tiant eM?iiiri, be mi II C IfUSa. llnHeil Mate CiMHwlnlgner. at KKuftireal JuikI, lli(roii, on Ike h Af B IKMiMI, lyt Claimant namea ai wlMrM Min4 ii Malph H llMim. luiurll I Lowell a Ml William A llalea. all ut liepJ, (fi; alio- C W. JKXJKIl. He.Mef NOTICE FOR IMJIililCATiON. Not Coal Uml llfpaitNieHlufthc Inlefk'i. V.H lwKIItwrll lAltftew, Oieauw. AmWI, ,yu Nutle i henty ' IHat KUtii 1-altK iflknJ.Orfitfln.wlia. nil May 11, ln, made TimlieraiHl Mane Kkliy. tiu. 41m lueiwt N. i;i. 'orH',HlHi(an.W'j( "UK, ate. j). Tli. ik U 11 I'.. W M . hat fTlrd Hoike ol iulii lion In wake I'lnal Tim If r It Mwh trwt. Is t laMuh claim la the UihI llic ilertlUl, ktkxe II I Mill, I'mtnl Matra CMHtHUt4wtitr, at liia olbte, at Html, OttaoH on Die vt h liay of lie. l'iir, i' Claimant namraaa wilneaxa Chalk llunl, illililoil lira 11 Jotcph II, lluclholt, frank II. lav and lohn II Wciiaixly, all of llrHt,()tuii, and liana )i la)UHI of l.aullaw, OiriiHii l-i J V. WATHON, llrnliler notice ToRTumnoAnoN. Noi Coal Irnd. Ixiailiuriil of the Interior. I S Land OHiteotTlic llallii, ureit'ill, Jlylh. iy4 Notice It lititliv jilwn Hint Henry llctlget, of lieml. Oregon, mIioOii Inly l,h l., made Tlmln-rSHil hloue Itntry, No. ox-, for Nil t v ii. NW 'l hit ), Hit y HW MJrke to. Tp i H , M ir. , w M haanlcd uoilie of Intenlloii 10 male trtial limber and Hone. mouf. la niiMliii claim lothe tamlatKiie lracillit, Ufbie II c I'.lllt. I lilted nlatea I oniniUaloner at Ala olf-c at lieml, Orcauii, on the mIi day (,f (ktcUr, ik.1 Claimant liamea aa nilnraieaa W, Hay Wll klnxjti II tallica Otcilurf. Mlclinel ! Mi,,,lu, and U II I la m i, Vandcicrl, all of llcnd, Oirgon, ios , C y ipillti,KfUlcr t M.WfliT?pr- A lliialhMa II rtctury iry or rarli cliv. .i. ar.u vi las A Hilton, ihl 'lllaJte fn Orcuuti uml )nton, kltlne u UtacilpllV rimtili of eaili plao. lAHtitiou, Hhljiilr r'acllitU and u Clui. Jl-aUJlricrJ of each I)j,ln ttiiu rTurotvion. . . H, L. r.M.K "Cd.la j l'!i.1"-. and a NOTICE FOR PUIUilCATION. Sotc'Ml Mmt. krMiitil of the ln.t. , I I..rt4 Orrr at Thr lle. !, AM(im .11 ..f Vatlf M kttaay iitoa ll Aifcirty V. HrMea. h) rHartUaa. (ci, tw. Aa( "' Mate llaalatr aa4 Mane aitfy Ma ti ia W ,- .Wa ,t. T pKk.K 1. I , M kM Mm4 urn, f mlatiMaw Itmk, ajtatiimU, t4 ilaiir aiaiil laeHaMK claim la II.- retitl'1. Nilutt Uraalrt aa4 l .. UMMttt Malaa Ual flJSta al Thr I-. i:.. . fwa i ItrMkiii uMantml( ' , CSalaaaal aaaj aja oilaeao II' 1. ' " lei wl rtiartllW IMtfaa tfttaieT M I" - IWlUira, IHejaa. HiUuw II XmIi I -V N. Ilaatjae af rW4, lMeia c Mvoki.k ,uii NOTICE FOR PUIUsKWriON'. IkrsaHaieal of it laleti -I? a Ua4 WSVa l Tilt IfcaUtt ''! " al Nail' K ktrtay gim Ikal - aattvater I. auala f rWml. ClouV CoWMtr. Mea !.. ' I aM. mailr TiwWr m4 Mmm apt,li..i .. n ' (WaKKatr 1 Tei 4a X i.l-a.i '. ' MaeWaiM laaa alt I Matm ut iHltali.-i. "' asat limbtt and nam cjal lu ti' '"" la lm- lamt atmiw ilanlM. utlut, ll ' ' I' h Com ami ua re. al k' nkn at p. '' t'namtr. Orttaai.aM tkt ik 4a .1 '-i"" krf. lHI Cttlmtal aaMkt aa aiiataara 1 1 ' x llaalo. wmum P. Va4ttf I n. v" leeert, William It Maat. ail ul Mta ,,( lukH HkMaul . Ortaaw J4l i C W HIMlWI K-, "' NOTICE FOR J'UllMCATI'1"- liepadHital of ibt laltrlui I' k. I .and oflkN at Lake, (' k a Juar 11 1 '. Nolkr lhrirl.r given thai Hulk I.. krU al aaial. Or t gats, rlm, u ltay 4 iy ! it urn 1 "' Ur Ji4 atone alill4MUal' Kn i.e. NKkfrtwtkm a. Van 11 a. u 11 1 u M h ) natkr al,ilMlm.l t mat e filial H' '" ""'' lull raaiM la IM ktH.1 atane tttM-rii ' II C. Illllt, r. a rimmlltui at In- K"' fceai, iMtaaM. UH lilt llh tU ( .. ,.!, ml'- Ctalmanl ntlnir a v,lutat l-i1' lluulte, UIMkHi II. Maata. WltllaiH I' "' veil, Wallace II. tvrlUia. all of llcnd iiik"h llai; J. N. WATMiN. Krgi". UbTlE FORTUlililCATION. 1 I I.otCiwI l.aud. leiiUem nf he Interior 1 K JjHjOmetThclllea, Oi.g". Aiul'lli ' Noll.c U hrttbv giicn Dial . ; OcoritcA June IIAU at-tewaa aiaaaaa (aviui'iaiaii1'" . a ojlal.Hal. a-l.l... S SI.. I. ...I .lu... .I.rtllartl. ! nauiiiii viaiiu u iiir mini t(fr '"' , lurt II C I'.IIia. United Hlalrt Coiumlumii''. ' hl olnce, al llcnd, (lireon, oil the ill '' tober, i dalinant nniiira at iitucea (.roue l'-"'j I'.ll, Mlilhr r A lun.a mid I , I llrlll"! " of A..nit,Otc(Oii at 01 c.W MOOrilCK'S"" Deschutes Lodge No. 103 KiilKlits of Pythias Hi.Rlil.ir liieetliiK tile second ami imr,'f Wt'ililesilnya of eiiclt muii'li. Mvi'" k til phis alwuvs yc1coiiic. , U. C C0K, C -. nf flel'tl. flra-wltiu twlitilnu lulir If.lll ll lloiiietirud nufy Nri ijji, (Herial No " " HUM JW U,'mU'. and Nil ", Mli V "", Til. wb., k II It .V M haa dla.1 noiW 'j Z Ixiillini lt anal a Irltial f .ihiiiiu -al lisll l'litafl, , ! ULia, U, HoWi; K, R, & B. "