i $ (t fcZjQ' k m O'EO .Sdich mil I'leer are luIliMtloui 0111 cliculiiliuti lint h-iouiu Infciled wild genua ami poisons which me Ik-Iiii: I'lllHlntillv Iiflnir,:iit Into I ho open place to Itillitlc the delunte nerves lim-H unit Hiirroiiti'litttc Hctli mid keep the note. In u m.ile of liill.imiuutlim 1 u i usciite wiieuier mesc mi nirtiici in me blood me the tcsult of noiiiu tlcliilltitliiiKHlckniiw, mi old liihit fmin u former disease, or whether it In lieredltmy laid hi I, theie In hut one wiiy to cine hoi en mid ulccis, mid that s to pin Uy the blood. W'uahca, salve. IoIIoiih, etc., me often hemfiiiiil hcciume of their clemi-tlug. Hiitlseptlc effect, hut nolhnig applied to the Kin face ciiii leneli the blixsl, wheie the renl cause I, mid then-fine emiuot cuiu. H. 8. 8. In the trilled)- for ante mid ulccis of every kind. It -.'ctndown to the very IkiUoiii of the tmuhl-j unit tcinovefl cvciy tmre of impurity or jMilwiii. mid make n lasting erne. 8. 8. 8 changes Ihe quiilily of the circu lation, mi thai In-dead of feeding the diseased parts with iiupimtlc. it iiHUtlHlie-t and heals the Imtalcd. Iiillniucd lleali nod canned the nicer to fill In with healthy tissue l.y HiipiilvhiK II with pme. lich bltxal. lloole on Son mid Ulccia and utiy nieilic-if advice desired Bent flee tmiM who write THU SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA. olirMiM Ilia liHinltrc Hlonl). hIiihmI rrirn-atlally, the yotifijt rWttfuimn tihu nni taking lili llr.1 Ul ariuM Ihe Atlnlitle bnMrd till brail orr I'm ifwl'i mil. Till ilolhf Ihla," he IMIIttrrrO villi pais lt-, "III if.-.m-.. lu au lar-aia1 proai'it Ini " Thririini tho tit lifts draw awaj In il Imcr mnl Iff l lil in mmniiiiiiMi with Hit fttitl ilfri. t'lilitnn Trlbuur. Thrrt la mi ltr anriny In Itrooalyn rutin. i-1 tif nlfhl ..MirMin -J-fc ufHf In" loiilrihota rrilalti amount rriy nnnili hIiIiIi ). fr Mrlit. mnl flnwiia a an altar ii f .rtrtiial mluratlun. Holntual Constipation ni ii i i ii) (iilIH,ritminllj iKrrnNHt'li ivr jllSMXWll i'((iiit. Villi llic nsMsuitue Hk- imh' Irnly bi'iu-jinijl Imi'tiu' miiuiI), r)iuii i-j lif niuUmri4'tt Ii it-n i'iiulilt' one in jikiii nuliir uiliits idiil) vitlmt OHmJoikv tu iki mil iimiv In-tiiilim'lj (lii.KMiilk,illi V.IM1I no IHIJJT lUVllCIl lOllllMHMOl IVIIHMIll-S.lilllll nilllllt'll. IIIIMll tM nutii n n mi im4 fit niimHimt lite iititur. ol mii luais. wlui ii ii,n ili'jhiiil iilli niiltel) upon kohi' ooiiriMiiiiiMit, llltkHI' tlllll'l.lliul Ikllt IlL tll4 l-IU'nJIi. lofv it li('ni'iiiiil 'i' lis wUiUs i Ini) (In jViHiini' I v) rum Rfts LlixirvScuna I. iiHiuuluml th California Fio Sti'i Co. only SOLO UVALL LCADINC DRUCCISTS uw nvmUf, u-J'inui iiui' U) rt lluiiiu. CRESCENT EGCPHOSPHATE BAKING POWDER ! A moittn IrAvrnrr At ntovfrrAtr pic I II 30 prr Cf nt. inure rlllclrnl lluu "Trwf'of OcAin. ol-Tjilif pruJucti Aivl Abaolutdy frre from the lirallliriciliig Kochrlle Si III rrtUiic Inviilibly jccooifunylni; llirlr w, Get it from your Grocer 25o --FULL POUND -25o 'llm Kind mi lluxo AIwids turo iil'Clias. II. I'lctclier, unit Juts lu-cii iiuuln under liU iiiMxiiuil hiipcrvlsltin fur ocr :t() venrs. Allow no mm in ilccolvo yon In tills. CiuintcrfcltH, Iinltat Iiimh itml iltiHt-iiH-nuoil" nrn lint. I'crliiu'iitM, iiikI I'lidiingcr tho Iieiiltli nt' Children Kxpcilcneo ii;iiliist JUpcrlincut. What is CASTOR I A Cnstoilii la u Imriiilc.NM xnlistlhito tor Cnstnr Oil, l'nro liiirii'. Drops unit .sootlilntr Nyrups. It Is 1'lcit.mtnt. It coiitnliiH nolt hoc Opium, JWorphlno nnr ntlior Turcot Id Hiilistnncc. Its nun is Its K,mr,l,1,,'l, ' 'lcstioj'H AVorins mnl iiIIuvh Vovci'IsIiiii'ns. Jt. vines Ohirrliu-u mnl AVlnd ('oll. It ndlcvcs '1'cotlilnir Troiililcs. euros Const Iputlou mnl P'liitiilonoy. It iiNalinihitcH tint Fooil, roKiilatcs tho Htoiniicli mnl llnwcN, Ktvlnir licnltliy mnl natural uloup. 'i'lio Clilldicn'H l'aniicoii Tho Itlothcr's rrluml. The Kind You Hare Always Bought TJortrs tho wis In Use For Over 30 Years. tm aiNtaua iomnhIi tt uuaatT aracar, niw oa citr. HEALS 0 xJVttluJ imi3 ULL&ttD of Impure Idood of tin tut rt lilduil Tln-v uli,ii- iii.ii ii... ('ii In mi I km In TrHillllnn. "t'ni-lr." i tin- linlr rlrl from lln city, ffflliig ihAl oliwtliiiiif of Ihr kind aa rijwlrd Itiim hr. "whlth In tin- trr I In I (lima Ihr lefll IntilV Hiving Kino Kimjillial wllli (In- nmrrn- lloniilllln (Old mini Ihr uminl artlroa iiir.llM. Ilin I tt 1 1 (Irl f r.n.1 llir rlljr ran w.. u lr ,,,,. H.IWI UIB rnr.111111 Mirrrl, rntil cnllui.t.l lil in ill oir Iba lirliftilinrHMKi, riTC HI !(' II... ..i lllin.iri wf IllJ.i.tl, hi. 4 I.I lr I Ih (llnl N.fi ll. h-.r Hmi4 (.1 rill II M lllallXII..K. MI 111. Ik II. Ml... IA , 1 Alih M , l'UIJ.I.LU. 14. Ill Hrnl 'IIiIuk. "Thrro are nu lllerninre uriiiilnr m (till aiie. Wliite (In )im Hud luiwa. tiny Itie iiril. that ImriiT" "In Ihr iMMika of nirxiratlniia Mtien iraiileil on the wltin-ia aland." 11111 luoto American. to IW..I In Naw ShM. Alritiiln .Uii'. I'.wi i;.i, iiwilff. II miw hm, lo.ttin, achliia, .llt.n trrt. tll'irolli., lH(i..li( u.lla aint buliluiK Al illilt'H(lt mJ .hua l.i, v I).. til arrakt iniiul.lll.il.. Mi.lniaalrHI.K. AiMiru A IU H. olwil4, m Haf, a. V. lltlilnlliril. "TkJ' ihm'l eaie fur tiptna hare." i lil iba r.tular auanuar hoardrr at ll auwiwr rowirt kolel. "Wka yu call (or letMfflatl tky (lie ywi a talk or I wo uf HMi-nHHil Milk II laalMd uf a atrawr." Ml .. a t.a at k unUalha iJ.a.a.1 it. new 'lir. Mur a -. -7 tl.U ImIimI maiiiriiMl laalea alruntly of Uhw Julre" Chliato Trlbnar. XMh.M Mill Unit Ml. WlniloWi rWnlhlot rilK. lot' t.mwlr l u. I.I lliallch Ul'il lullUK lb IrallilUf ll.ol. llr llrfMutl. "IKica ymir kuabaad etrr pralaa ymir cwkltlg. llrrtbaT" aided til jiHIIig wlfo'a rklrfly anal. ". , ladaod, aiiatle? "What da he aay when he iIimm!" "Well er -lt HWaa't aay much, ymi Vnnw, Uil I ran alwaya tell wttea Ih enwVlac ilaaa hlw. II Uvwa'I awcar at II." I Cntitfih Cannot he Cored Milk UM.I. All'1.11 TliiNH,M Ibrr rannnl 1 IMrhllirM,illlii-iiM.M ('.(flhl.a bio,.) I ( pxn.llliiiloi.al l rw, m In enl.f in rule il y .u in... I u. iniat al IrntMllra. Il.lr. i .unlit .ul. lakan imarHal y, auilarlnll. lly li-i Hi. I.I.nI awl InuroiM .uilarw. 1111 a I aiaiih I nr. la ...taiivk Mtolle iw. II vnai ilr. illwl h, lw lt i r U.I 4ll.lr alia III llllK'Ulliai lil, IMii mil U ilaLul., ,.. ril.iuii. II la rim.ifl ol thr Uai inaln kiinw ,r mliliwl .. iai ..:..Vi- it ') iir -n ihr wiinui. ami.rr.. The i-ini iiinii.ii.aiiKiinl Ih.tHii Inyiilmtala hi at t.n,Ta .i,rti Mniiitrrlul mulia In cut-Ins-1 at aim .nil for Iral wmilala lira b.,1 f i !.UrVy Ai' J'ir..Tla.lo. O. la. Italia Family I'UUlur rcofiitlpallon. rn.lilnn. Ilrtrr.nl, MaM -How dn )imi like my nut Cdiin KraiidniamiiMT (iraiiiiinaiiiiiM- -I ilmi'i. n my iliy rirla n-rr one btlltnli glorra ami rowin tiilltuiii-il up lo the tin k Now thry wmr mii lulinii goHiia and gloie buttoned up to tin- link Jii'Ur. lloimlit has homo tlio hIitiiii- Signaturo of &C. 1 .1 "3?"VA: i !teITOJMl : U j& '& mv& ijfcox ,.. ; SSVirjt'3, " A Nirt Cnl4f I'Ih' two inttlii pliiTn in the frnmc nf lint Nwirp an iiihiIi- of 14 ly 4 liwh pint- ix'niitllrif; : (liy are II! fi-cl Uuit mnl iiIhiiu 'jo liii'lii-n niiiirl. Tin- tii-lli lire nmile of 1 liy I IimIi iu'iiiiIIIiik. Mini are l fiel lulu, I lie; Hfi' lifilcd on the Inner niile to Kllile oter inieten unminl. Tin Mniix for IiIIi'IiIiik tin' wlillllc lr" ( nlmillil project hIhmiI i feet 0 llirhea mw . MJ f , ,,W,V,; 1W, Br. inaite of U by .'. Iih'Ii nturr. The cnl'l'' arum alamlil he tl feet long hy JV4 hy .1 hirlifa. I5ncli Iihn al.iut a foot of ellHln ii Ith a ring on the iihI In fimleii to the tireant atrap uf the lirin-i. Tin' hnjr Kiuinl ean Ih imnlc of 'J liy 3 tiik (iwrrr RAXii Iim'Ii Muff; till la ralMil alxiut a fxit almve the mieep lo ktt'P the hay fruoi alhllliK liavk tiNi far oer the mvivp. It alanilil lie liracrd nlnit four fi-el from Nieh mhI. The heU are IS Inehen In dlam elrr; ami a piece of IikIi Kan plx uhi fur an axle. It la daitiMd to the teeth, two lilua with wanliera UdliK " "' "-'.' . -"W .,"""")" """ niooiiig hkhiik'i '"' i'" rite piwv priijiviing ai ine tmcn under the autvp xIhmiM exteml aUmt tno feet; It in licteliil like a alelgli runner; It la to keip the tei'th from rnlalng too high where riding on the "ttlpty aneep. Ill hitching nortH-a to a awirp that nave inner li'H uaiil on one n i'raiii Jean get Inwt reaiilta liy tying the halter tdiauk to the end of the gulde-aruiH and making txilh llnea the Minte length on Ihe harm; then fanton one line to each ring of the hit. When tt In dcidrrd to turn Ihe lain to the right, almply lnWil the olT lione hack, and drive tlw nigh one ahead, ami he will naturally "ullig around to the right In drawing a nweep load of hay on to the Ntaeker draw It ait far ahead aa (MHwilde, then hark the horara ami ralae ernlx of teclh, and drive ahead again; (hi will aek Hie hay on the n I inker "aim i oi u nn inn i t . ... I. I.. -.. ... ..II I...aI !... gnunal when iH-lug raiixsl to the Black The mot cianculeut site of stack to build I it) feet wide by about '2S feet long. Montreal Slur. liiiilit lluu Tr.lrr. The average eron evidently Imag ine Hint It la liuNlhle iV.r the dealer to distinguish between Imd egg mid good egg, Thl sup IMwItlou Ih natural. Iiiamuuehna mi many itr of iiietlonahle itirlty reach the din ner table. If Ihe denier donlrcd he could riwdlly ilia card ejrg of doubt fill age, a .here are numerous dovhv One of the moat re i i.o TisiT.it. for testing Ihiini. cent I Nhowii In the iuvouimuylug II lustration, paloiiU-d by u Mlnnceotn farmer. II consists of n wiaaieii fnunn or caning neniaa the top of which I a leather aupiatrt for the egg, the latter resting lu tlexlble nporturea. In the bottom of the easing la nu Inclined mir ror. Mounted on the upxr part of the frame la n llght-rctlcctlug hood In which I placed u lump or other xuttiiblc lllutnhmnt. In ocrtitlon egg nre platil over the nurture, mid the light fulling on the egg will cast a aluiilow iinm tho mirror If they are unsound. Tho soundness of the egg I Indicated by llm clearness of tho light that fulls through them upon the mirror. nrnillenlliiu Wild Muatiinl, Olio of tho most pestiferous weeda Is tho wild mustard, but recent experl inenta lu Wisconsin seem to give prom ise that It may lai quite easily and cheaply exterminated, It haa lnvn known for aovernl jnra Hint spraying u Held with blue vitriol would kill mus tard without Injuring tho grain which la growing. Hut tho attendant uipcnso litis been tho chief objection to u wide use. Tho Wisconsin station haa been making Homo testa with copperas, tr Iron Hittphutc, that ludlrato that It Is Uiiltu ua effectlvo ua thu hluestono, mil 1 . j - A4rijii I H ffii liiiiMT ita (Vi ci'iilH ulll fiirnlah enough to treul an arre. Kllllliar miceMiflll ex I'irliiieiita hate hecll Innile with eopi-r-iin hy the Coniell atallon. Koine Uhvh jenra aso the California Rtatlon trlitl Kprayliic with hlue vitriol to hold In chirk milliard on Ita cereal planting at Vntin Cy mnl came to the anine cont-liialiitm an did the Wlaeolialn nta Hon. At I u via (luring Ihe preiwnt 'fi "win exMTlini'iitH In a limited way wure trlol with cijiijmtuk, lait (iwlng to th lack of facllltlca fur projmrly applying the mmjKMiiiil renlilta were not nallnfac tury. The work will Ih reiieatcd anoth er time with the iiumiI approved appll aurca. l-rarn lliiiv In Hrll, Alont the farmer haa mi more rhtn'i with the market eumlilue than a raMd' haa with a hungry bulldog. ColIwtUo ly he may hold hla own and gel n fan price for hla produce. Figure a hit. The ci'iita a bilahel milled to the prlci' of wheat mealiN n gain of $1 to 1-V r acre. One-half a cent er hiiiihI luenna a gain of f." Ill every l."l lniiiila of beef or jairk or mutton. Co iiarallou lu aelllng will bring thca advanci-a and more. Twenty-live ccnU a buahel adiletl to the a Meet (Mitato crop hi four jnira haa rulixil the grower of Tidewater County, Virginia, from v erly to nonviable wealth. Kmitheni cotton growura hae made 3,000,( a jear dear profit above the average by tlrklug together. Orgaulr.atlon la the "big at Irk" of commerce and It la time for farmer to learn to uae It. I.Klliilt llm.jr Tliulirra, When It Ix-ciftiie necemary for one man lo handle a heavy weight. uch aa a log or barn timber which mint be lifted. It ran N done wltlaMit a atraln by making uh nf the trlek ahovvn In the aki'tch. t'alng Mnall block, build a crib utaler the center of the log by lifting up one end, allowing the lug -a25 THKK IN TIMItra IIAMHIMI. to balance near Ihe center. When lifted at shown lu dottol outline place an other tlnili'r under Ihe long oihI. bimI then ri-jieat the ojieratlou. Farm am) Home. Toitinlora from lintjr. Tomatoes are luiMirtnl lu Increasl-ig (luantlllea iaeh yiwr from Italy. The quality of tlieco tomatics htnteil to tie good ami the prlcva low. Large (inutilities of eamiisl toiimtm-s are also sJilpjved imiw each season from Italy M the eastern part of the Culled States, and the American shipments to Italy are much smaller than formerly. It 1 suggested by one of the lending Import ers lu l.lveriNMil that the American to matoes nre. frequently packed liefotv they nre fully ripe, and that this pr.ic. tliv renders them undesirable for jm The Italian tiHnat(Ka are carcfuly k tivted, mid are only packed after they lme attaluoil u rla and rich odor. Are We crnli I'nriurraf We are all apt to practlco aoruh metlMsIs of farming. I'or lhalaiuv, we allow tho winter to pass without mak ing tho uoci-saary pre-wrathm for wprlm; work. Wo plow annual bimiw ami big stones year after yisir: we plo.v Ihrough mudholea tual harvest u crop of weeds when n few tiles mid a little, labor would cause tlusu to grow ihe beat crops on tho farm. We do not mow our roadsides mid wo allow our grtwi U- become ovorrlo before we cut It. Hia'su't pay. Keep llluulini In Ilia ('urn I'lrlil. Some ambitious fanners are anxious to lay by tho corn Held very early; hut It Is not wise, for tho grtn-a mid weeds are always more forward to grow nlmut this smisoii than any other, mid the ground will Ihhmiuo very foul where tho corn Is too curly laid by mnl, more than this, n great proistrtlon of thu nourish ment of tho crop Is derived from tho nlr mid dow conveyed to tho roots. Thla can bo dono only when tho surface U free, from weeds. 1nrat In n Sirn-rr, No farm work pit) a better than spruylng tho trivs, lasrry bushes mid grajM vines. Attention to this mutter ut tho proper tlmu ussures luuuuutty from Insect enemies and good crops of perfect fruit nro tho results. Don't spray fruit tree while tho bhHun la on, for that kills beva mid beca aro valuable m-slstnuta lu polleulzlug fruits. A spraying outtlt for tho fiirui need not bo large and costly, mid will have 1U owu vuluo tho first year it Is used r7 Jnlin Una Heroine it Hlahlarrr. I "Jnliii Chliiaiiuiu, ii h a m(v, haa ho. come llred with imml'-liml real," anlil a New Yorker who liken lo watdi Ihe alghtaeeliig wagon. "Alao John haa lieeamo financially reklemi. Keveral tlinea thla aprhig I have an 'ruhlM-r-nceka' go hy with two or naire China men among the iwammgcra. 1 don't re-' memher ever to have aeeij that phc liinuenoli until lliln aeaium, except, of rotirav, In the cane of traveling Orien tal:. Hut tin- alghlaeeliig Chlneae that I have noticed lately are realilenta of New York out for the flrat time In their Uvea prohahly to aee aoniptlilng of tb town they live In." j ."Mo lllrrrrrnrr. I I.lttl Willie IVopI talk of tia "milk" , la the ermianut. j Mr. Clllwan UVII? ' Mttl Willie Why do they any "milk"? It doean't look Ilk anylhlnx hut nnli-r. Mr. f'lllman Well? 1'blladalplila 1'flM. A Hfiurlliia; IJvrnl. Mr. I'eck Henry, do you nee nny thing lu the i or nlxiut Illluker run ning out hi molher-lu law? Mr. I'eck Not yet. I haven't come to the ajKirtlng new. Puck. HOW A no I., ill' K ION -AKirw a-; ctrnne IMt.nl.. C'4ofM hMini rrvil: 0. L wlr,l a4.lt. oii,HII.r,I jOM.W .Ziocoi l.t'lr. II. Cyaaula iMla. MaiHacrarMap.. in4 rwllroUtlniou apblallofi. CvntrMaoill'iii Mft.Mk aicllvd. IUi.i.sk.i CaltiO&aU Sm Uouil liuilu KASPARILLA Tl.lt aterlint; household remedy if most (ucccMfully jjrescnled for n "world of troubles," I'or deranKcmenU of the di Keitive organ it is natural corrective, operating directly upon the liver and ali mentary canal, gently but pcrsUtcnlly timulatini; a healthful activity. Its beneficial influence extendi, however, to every portion of the syitem, aiding in the tirocestcs of digestion and auimiUtion of lool, promoting a wholesome, natural appetite, correcting sour stomach, bad breath, IrrcKulantic of the bowels, con ttipation and the Ion list of troubles directly traceable to those unwholesome conditions. KatparilU dUiiets drowsi neas, headache, backache and despond ency due to inactivity of the lucr, kidneva and digestive tract. It is a strengthening tome of the highest value If it fads to satisfy we authoriie all dealers to refund the purchase price, IIuvt Ciiuuical Co. Portland, Oregon IS OUR MOTTO Said an Hmploycr: "Stick to quality. It will win out In the end." We do "stick to quality." That is the reason our graduates are o thorough and in such demand. Investigate our claims to superiority. Catalogue, business forms and penwork free. Call, phone or wnte. Portland Hiikiiicnh College Tenth anJ Morrison, PorllanJ, Orrcon A. P. ARMSTKONC. LU. n PRINCIPAL BUSINESS UiltTLANIi, (MuJliAv BEHNKE-WALKER STUDENTS SUCCEED. WHY? Thry ara TralnrJ for builnraa In bu.lnrM-IIV. way. Why not rntvU In a irputabla Mbool that plaara aB of Ita erajuatca? I. M, VA WJ.KII. Pn. SEND rOR MULE TISAA BORAX Sterlllies Clothing. Is Antiseptic and prevents Odor from Persplrolloa. S.-..t. Hdfts. 1WI.I.I anl lco (Vntfti C-. dr. tn, lu- rl 1 .U II II' COAST I 01UX CO UallaaO. Ckl Mm Stands for Quality Economy Pupitv feSSy InprovIdingUiefamily'smeals.don't dc sausnea wiui Dcst. iv u is'gunran teea perfec tion nt a moderate price. It makes everything- better. -lUtl IJANl'6' Try and te"?.Sii,r j: v For Thin, Poor Blood You can trust a medicine icstcd CO years ! Sixty years of experience, think of that I Experience with Aycr's Sar- saparilla; the original Sarsa- parina; tnc strongest barsapa rilla; the Sarsaparilla the doc tors endorse for thin blood, weak nerves, Ecneral debility. nalTi(tilrraai1ftti1iB4lrlna Hanoi .to III bll w nk If II.. Uf.r la In.cllia ana lha Iviweli runtl-i atiJ. rr ih b.itMilbl. ia- aiti,7ouitnMMtikaUiaUiaan.t.rArar'a MIL MH tikint ii aa.ri.Mrtll. Tba lia wiUijowk T IttpuiiiJ, an4 lo alii U.. Uiw.U. A lladabrJ C ArwCa.Irfiw.n.lcaaa. JO, aim mwrturtra ar A-VL - , BI8 Vl(iO A. J'tt' O citEasr itaouL. rcsscent fflapIeinE tesic 2HDTTlt 35LTS.ATAU WfflCm WHEN YOU GOME TO PORTLAND AKKANGK TO STOP AT THE CORNELIUS PARK AND ALDER 8TS. A Krw and Malrrn Eumpran HauL ratrrinf partleularlr to Stat, pmpla. A raflnrj plata for lad r. t aiUac Iba rltr. clwa to th. abopplnc cmUr. Ivatra rraaonabla. rraa Baa. . c. cuiu. (btt it nnust riM) Mr. C. Gee Wo CHINESE Boot ind Kerb DOCTOR Ufa fit. at aaa la UN a4 I. air. buwoadatr No Mercury, Pcvtorit or DiuriUlrd-It Currs rV.lhaut Optralian.orWilhouilhAldolaKnlfa l!a cu.rai i... to C'i ra lai.rib. Arthauu Laa, rbrwu Hl.ruak.li.-ri. N.rtaar N.nfu. IVhtlllr. Siofa-M-I. I . rr Kt ta.f lro-'i Ir. .Uo LrrM AlaabooJ. tairwla W. kii.Mii'1 All I'rt.dta vutia. A iURE CANCETl CURE Jul Rcccicd Irom Pakinr. LUna-Safc. Sarrt and Reliable ; ,rYosrvarA,-iEriJA,:s(,.t"T- CONSiUUTATtON WiGO tt yea raaart call wTliarr.TBi4oabl.iiJiajulclj llr la-l.- 4 -rai.ta .aita. Titr P. "ii-ilwo ntiSMk-jfoiiTXECX-. K3 l-i f 'mi to ,cvr Moiiimsb. ronUad. Oraim. (aa. UMlioa Thl. Pairr. vuv No. 36-CS w IIIIN wrltlnc to silrrrtltara plaaaa Hiriiiinn una tatrr. COLLEGE OKI. OS CATALOGUE O. A. BOSSEKMAN. Src Jaqucs Mfg. Co. Chicago. POWDER nnyining put the see. mPerkct r or Money back. I I i r5xS J hfR'iiiSPa- a "- a Ur fa.t-Y-&M iwv.aa.1 nrnw,