The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 04, 1908, Image 7

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    Is Pc-ru-na Useful
for Catarrh?
Mhould n lint n( llm Innriillcliln of I'n
ruun Ihi submitted (n any inedloal iix
pert, of whatever aehool or nationality,
tin would Ixi iiIiIIki'iI to niliull without
iraervn Itutt tlm inedlnllial herbarium
poalnit IVruna nr uf two kind. J'lnl,
standard mill well tried nalarrh renin
itln, Him'oiiiI, well Uiidwii miiI Kciiinf
nliy ai'kllowlisluml lolill rultlmllo",
Tlit III on or llm other nf thean uar
they linvn aloud llm iitat of many yoara
'irlimi'n liy phyalrlaua of different
school. Tlii'rui'Aii Ih no il la pti to shout
Hi Id, whatever. I'uruuit la coUhiiihI of
miino of Him moat Hllrnnlmts mul mil
Miranlly tiaed herbal rumedlc for on
tarrhntdlaeaapa.amt for au-li condition,
of Ih" human nynioni a riulrn a tuin.
ltaeh niio of Hi" principal liiKrodlmit
of IVrtllin 1 1 an a riiltutloll of It own
III lliu euro of hoiiih imiH) of ualarrh or
KK II Inula inedleln.
Tim fart la, flhroulo nalarrh la a illa
rati) wlih-li ! very prevaluiit. Many
tliollaamt poopln know they liavn
chnmloealnrrh. Tliy liavn vlallnliloo
lor ovvr mnt ovrr Kln, ami been lolil
that their caao I a ono of ohroulo catarrh.
Il may tx of llm lioae, tliroil, lung.,
stomach or some other Internal organ.
Thtifo la mi ilotiht na to llm naliirn of
llm illaeaari. 'J'lio only trouble la llm
remedy. Thla doetor tiaa irloil to euro
them. That dtoliir liaa tried to pre
arilbo (or them.
No ollmr tmuaxliotil remedy to mil-
Vvfaally Rilverllatit C'artlra UMMI tlm
laliel llm prllii'lpal aelivnrxiuatltuaul,
aliowlnit that reruns Invite tho full
luapvotloUut tho critic.
ailll Had Tbam,
Th woman of Ilia bouae ! blm sus-
"Yini been here Ufor. haven't you?"
alia aakrd.
"Nut lalaly. ma'am." nnawernl U'sre
ham t "You prob'lr rraii'nlr tnt
rlollira. TWa la an fdd ailll ' )r till-1
I.--.!. . ...... LI. ..i -1. -i-.. ....'
iotii.i in. wna auni rrrniK. in i
when I wm trra in year nro."
Ila.ierl lemailr.
"It nnyn herv," Ih-cuii the lady who
roulit i1o more talklnc In one day tlinti
lit phoiHKrnpha mul tlr (xtrrota com
bined, "that after a balloon tin ascend'
lit to tin height of all tllllra It i.vil
(wnts ilnn- not open tliclr mouths"
"Will you pi tip. Mnrlr. If I luiy n
UitliHiiiJ" naked tier husband, leH'r
ately. CASTOR I A
For Infnnti nnd Children.
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought
loixr tho
Olgtmturo of
To you think Mnra la Inhnhltiiir
akiil tlm iM-riitinc ta-raoll.
"I nnlly mn't aay that I run1 niurli '
wholliiT It l or not," anawi-riil Mln
('i)ruui'. "Thorv nri' nlroaily i'IioukIi
noliitilxir to talk nlmut." YViintiliigtoii
Ptato ol Ohio, Cllf of Tula.lo I ..
I.tlraa tuillilr. I "
nana J. iiaiiar inaaaa naumial naltaanlnf
VII in if J nipvi'v
Sworn to Ufi la a and au Unload In ih 1 rr.
euca.llilieili.tajr of llaceiuUr A II IfM.
lhal.) "' ObrASOS,
.. ... . - loiaiT I'UUlie.
tlall'aCatariliCura latakan Inianiallr.aiid
la.llaH.ilaf ......a. I. .!.... . ... ..
aru.llrnrulKm lb blwkl ari-l I tutirVma'atVr-1
o.aotiliaajit.iti. rHiifuriraiiifloiiiiafiiNi, '
Hold br all d,ul.'..,7.K AU'"Tu""lo''
lata llall' fauilly i'lll for ountllloii.
Ilaa I'oliti aplllrU.
"And now, Cryjitouieria," anld th
young man, ailll hobllng lirr hnnd, but
with a not of anility In hla voire,
"Mlirre alinll we go for our wadding Jour
ney)" "Horn iulrt little plae In the country,
not far auay, Orrald," ahr aiiawrred,
"will u It in a great deal twttr than a
long ami ipna trip,"
"Wo are golnt to be very happy, dear I"
aald Herald, with a algli of relief.
Syrup tffigs
Clfmisos tliuvSyAtom Efftsct-
U(IUV,1JisimLs Lo (lsntttLIltiful-
"lilKS (ll
ctfMUKS duo i(i LottsttimTtou;
A..K. .. W II 4. J 1 '
u;ia ittuut'duy.ucis It'tilyus
i Ijtixativo.
Dwt oi'Munmpn nntl Cltiltl
mt-youn out! Old.
Alwnvs Wltlio boimino ulticlt
luisMlio jull name qf llic Com
t E& Syrup Co. ,
by vahom it it monufactured.prinleil onlhe
i sliu onjy, regular pr 50kIoIII
paitnarnf tb firm of r ) ri.niajr A Co ..lolna flip, the new Imarder? HIIhh lie's
.ter,vn.v:r.Vi3oiV,5iv.T;!.Vi'v.:,: t ni-m My m.. miu n..r -.
ZWPZAfflm&lXUr "-; iHrl.. .m m.n her
III uaaul Haifa Calarrli t'uie. I llllllllni1. Itoaloll I raiOHT lit.
C "frr 3ir
"Hn )oii ttrro ainiitiafiii m your llrat
C'ltdo, ilnvlnrT" "llr yi'H. Jitt ; till IT
- WlltllW Mlllt Hill lll."Tllll Tutlcr.
Clitiri'li- Dhl )ou cut work for n
nillnmil iiuiiiHiiy (lotlmiu WVII.yra;
fvn lrlit to ojx-n I ho cht mIihIowm, -Yotlkcra
l.ltllo Wife UrHliiMml, ulint luiiki'ii
n tin Imjh kIio a wiHimii n itlinuoinl
otiUiiKi'iuont rniK? (irnnilfnthiT Tint
ioiiuiii, llilliiili'lililn i:uiulriT.
Wlfo- 'u III 1 1 iil olio nf my ulu
Im'u to IIiiiht lo you imIimU Mum
tNtmt Mind! Hhmii'Iih. mil I iilivnya
loio to hwhh-IhIo wllli lucky nnili -
I. If.-
I'Minlly Konloi Ami how olil uroyoti
how. KoMiloJ IIihM.U. I'm not oht rtt
Nil, lllM'tor. Nil IIINII M Olll 1111(11 III
iwiii Hn nil j!iiin, unit liri' I'm K'tiliii(
h now wt.
Auntlo- l'.ir lloli! )Ma your toolh
di'lio )rt? If 'twi-ro inliio, itonr. IM
Imto II out nt onro nlHl U ilono Willi
II KoliUli-. If 'tHiro joura! UVII,
Hlllltlo, ll HOIlht 1.
"Wlmt wimlit ymi ito, itonr, If I with
to ilmf Hkoil .Mra. llHrlry, fomlly.
"I ilon'l know," milliil )rliy tlioiiKlit
fully "Wlilcti la )imr 'IhiIo litirlnl
or oromnllonr-TIIIIIIh.
"t'tip! Wlint Ih n imiitoinlmor' "A
imniotiiliiio la n iliii In which no otui
ajM-nka." "I ahotiMn't think et plwii
wllli ihi wihiihi In II wihiIiI l' luti'ri'at.
Ini!"- Yonkora Ktmitmmi.
"Itoyou wnnt imiloyiiHitT" "Mily,"
nuawnrnl I'M-WInk I'otn, "jmi inomia
ll, Iritt yon mn't iimko work aoiunl
nuy iihto luvllln' hy iialii" onla of
thrtv a)llHlli'a." WhhIiImicIoii Htiir.
I'Irat lMiHi-)iir iww Mnlor tiiuat
Ixi n trd'tMrlrin Havoml )ooiiVliy
ito vu think fJ I "trait lifHoitt -Thorn
iiifiii't nn to In' miy MiHt In III ar.
IIHOia I'hllntMplllN I'lllille IiIot.
Ulan Tin' iai!Mr any Hint tho lirhlrt
win tiiiftltrtMliil. Hlolhi -Tlmt notlro
wn wrltti'ii ihi In mlrmtn of tin wcl
ill Ilk', hut It wna n kmm1 kiiiihi; tho
jrMi'crootn fnlloil to alniw up. I'urk.
Mm. till 1 ilon't tako any Mock lit
tlioio fnltli on ret tirousht hUmii hy tho
liiylliK on of IihihU. Mrx. HU Well,
.n. nmt wHy,
I ili; I curiil my lllllo In.y of tho rlcur-
Now Y'ork (IIoIm.
"You oh 1 1 thla h wiiiiiiw'r rowirt.
Ihovi'," aaht lln wirrtiatlp vlallnr. "I
mil tiunwaro of any plmv in whlrh auiii
iiiit n-tori moro ntculnrly." rvlnrniil
tho rhllaiMphlmi atlllly. I'hllnilolphln
"Hut," imiloalt tho wnywanl mi
"you ahoiiht mnko nllownmi for tho
rolii of youth." "Huh!" Kniwlol tlm
ohl mnii. "If It w aau't for tho allow,
nmv you p't thiTo woiilil Ih Iiwi folly."
fhlciiK I tatty Ntm-H.
lllrHin Wtm U that little runt that
Uolll ll III II hUUICy WMBilll to MH .MIm
"IttidiTt liudert" shrlekeil tin- del
egitm. "(leutlHmwi," proliitlod the pre
siding olllivr, H en n nMiiro you thitt
""' iwi'hhuiim'iii oi iuono
liwir laii'l ii marker to the
ll.ellt of tho- who l,.--l'
l'lllillc Uilger.
the dlMipolulmeut of IIiono who enu't
MnmiiiH Itobblo, Iwvo you iwrnehi,
dour) Itobblo Nn, mnmimi. Mnmuiii
The why do you put cotton In It?
Itobblo 'C'tttiso you told me that I
learn so little, 'riittm) what gooa In ono
ear goes out tho oilier, nml so 1'vu
(iluggtil the other up.
"Old you write to piiim, (IwrgoT
"Asking for your ImmlT" "Of courxo."
"Vis, I wrole." 'Tlmt's slnuige. I sup
poacd pnp.i would Ihi terribly angry.
Voil know he doesn't like you," "Ves,
I know. Hut I llxed It nil right. I I
didn't sign llm letter." t'luviiuiid
IMnlll Denier.
rttbllitin And liuw do you like King
imlrrled, JohuV John Don't like It nt
nil, rublli'iin Why, whut'ri tho mutter
wt' she, John? John Well, tlmt thing
In llm morning It's money, when I gooes
'(lino to my dinner I I'm money iigulii,
nml nt supper It'ri thohiiino thing. Noth
ing hut money, money, money 1 l'ubll
run Well, 1 never I Whnt do hIiv do
wl' nil Hint money? John I duuiio. I
nln't given her uuy yet.
Hint Never Alel llefore.
They Imd Just btvii Introditood.
"Itenlly," Hlu siild, timidly. "Vottr
furo Hoeimi bo fiinilllur to mo 1 think
wi tniiHt liuw met before."
"lmposHlble," ho tilgliod. "If wo luu
over mnt beforu I Hhoiild either bo en
gnged to you, married to you or dond
of n broken heart vro thin."
No wonder sho iiHlail him If ho
wouldn't like to wear hur collego pin
for n wltllol
Tho women should nhvnyu admlrr
wotuou nioro that) tho men.
Buy Hair
at Auction?
Ac any rate, you scan to be
".cuing rid of It on auction-sale
principles: "colnu, ".olni;,
U-o-n-cl" Stop flic auction
with Aycr's Hair Vigor. It
checks falling Imlr, and always
restores color to gray hair. A
splendid dressing also. Sold
for over sixty years.
M Ml tiatr rama mil l.nll; noilr nl II
all I l(4 liaalil an tnurh aUial atar'a llatr
Vlanr I lliaaahl I "oulil alia II a trial, I die
a ami II r.intllalr aluj a4 lit falllDV afnl
ma.laiat lull biiio tart iaLi4lr "- iSikt II.
nam, .N.jiil.rT.i.1, n...
U A Mt.labr J.O, 7Oo . I-ll. Maaa.
I wft
ao uajjufMlurara mt
I 1 101Q
I raaaMajaan6aKaxaaiaBBH
nttrry, lull
"numtxilt ami I hare niadr a tn-t anil
acrml to Uava It In you, lis aaya a
itiuwnltic man eta tila lunta full of
wattr, ami t aay li ilw-an't. WlikJi of
ua la rltiit)"
"What ari tli tfrma of Ih waKcrT"'
"Th lprr la to jaiy for a illnnrr foe
thf tlirr of ua."
"Il'in I nrr knw (tiimholt to y
i twt. You loa." (.'Iilraro Trlbunr.
alit" I. labia nn IWajr.
Koott ra wrltlnf t!i "Iiily of tba
"If you trr to trlt Ih tnith ahont
bar," ha aalil. "I hu!i1 aay that the It
awfully amalrt, hut niia-rt to frtl lf
ler wtirn tin" txiat irrta lo Ht. Jo."
Thl) a It la. In all ajta, that tli H-t
haa to alnk tfi Itral lu tha Ueal. CM
ato TrlbumN
l.ltiillrit KniovlrUarf.
Taw, liana )oti rtr lrn raat?"
"Vm; I ipriit a yar In Nrw Yoi
City whrn I waa cuuaMrralily youticfl
than t am now."
"VII, what la thf Vaatrni ijllratlnnT
"Th only on I rrar limrJ wat, 'How
much I ht worth?' " Ctitraio Trlbuua.
Ilvr Ida.
"fitooka wi-ro alt ilown n frw point
tolay," rrmnrkiil the hrnkrr.
"Thi. Iilrnl" oxrlnlmnl h! wlf. "tt'i
womlrr they ilhl.Vt niHiTtle It n a
hnrisalu dny." Catholic Stnmlanl nml
A llrfurl lllarourlvolia,
A ymms Inity full of kM ilcnla mv
tlrvnl tli) toninii nf n lionu titiMNllos?
' I- Dial with a im of tochnlral torma too
Ilttlo appri-clutol said to the rnbtiy,
"Cabby, your horse has hemorrhage."
"It's 'I tongue's too largo for hla
mouth," said the cabby nnd added sen
teutlously, "Uko some young ladles."
Umdon OloU'.
Same Station.
The Oook linte, mn'atn, 01 wnnt t
(lo yet notice. Ol'm golu' to' tnj mar
ried ulxt month.
Mrs, Huburti Well, Jane, I'll te sor
ry to lost you, but I hope you will he.
happy. I suptHme you nre going to wed
to n man of your own station, ami not
below It?
The Cok Indnde 01 nm, mn'nm.
Ol'm goln' t' I married to Olnnls Mc
Oulre, who Uvea nt Iltxby's Htatlon,
whero mo folks live, mn'nm.
Ilanuer Alirail,
"floottdiy, old nmn," said Wllklns nt
tho chttreh fentlvnl, "I guess I nm seo
Miy llnlsh."
"Whnt's upr' queried Hllkliw.
"Why, I'm to Judge tho prettiest tin by
nt the show."
"Oh, that's easy. Von should Imvo
my Job."
"And whnt nre you going to do?"
"Why, I nm nt tho fortune-telllnn
booth and have to guess girls nges."
t-r-ret vuu.
Chlropodlat Yej that' a corn, all
Col. Oore What I a corn, anyhow?
Chlropodlat It'a a thickening of th
kin, uaually cnuaed by pressure. In o I li
ar word, It I nature' protrat against
tight lioi.
Col. (lore (getting hot undrr the cob
lar) Illank d.iah It protest I I haven't
worn a tight shoo far two month, nml
that Infernal com know It I Yank tin
dnh blank thing out I
Sumaltituu Hnvetl.
"Wsa everything In your hou doitroy
ed hy th flrr'
"Krarytblux but th go mrter. Who.
we got down to that we found It click
log away, apparently uninjured."
The Old, Old Slora-.
ln Old you over see Hioho delight
ful old prints that represent the co
loulnl belles winding yard around tiuii
beam' liiimls?
Jack Yes, nml It nhvnys reminds m
very forcibly of ono thing.
Kvn And whnt Is that?
Jnck Why, even In those dnys tht
girls know how to string tho mcu.
l'raotlea v I'rcaohtiiii,
Iteturned Btuteanmn Ymt can't dony
anyhow, that I linvo alwny been In favx
of comtrvlug our natural resources.
Constituent- Have jou? In all thl
yrar you have been lu Washington yoi
.haven't dou anything hut spout uatura'
cm Into th atmoaphoie-
tthilliarli Alariimlmlr.
Tour pound rhulmrh, I nranstca,
Juliii of nil. ai- of 1!, 4 KMimtN aiiKiir, I
l moil, '2 poumla rnlNliiN. I 'it nnd (tit
tho rhulmrh Into lialMiirli jihtt-a Pro
tuiro tho orniiiioa hy ("iiaor.liiir out Juice
nml iixikliiic tho jmi'I In wnlor till
ti'iuliT. Drnln mul aTiipo out while1
nld n. I.'xtnict tho Julio of the li-mon.
I'ut tho rhubarb Into n Krmilto prowr--lue
kettle, heat It alowly to bolllm;.
took flflifii iiilnutiii. then nihl th
uicnr, ormiKi' Jiilii- ami hiI, lemon
Juice mnt nilaliiN, ami cook alonly until
Jtk'k. TIiIm In ilcliflouM frmh, nml u
jwrthm may lai aenleil for futuro uno.
Apille I'uitillliK.
I'mi r cup Hour, 1 level Uhikiioou salt,
(1 level tiwapoon baklni; powder, 4 level
tnhleajKHina butler. 1' eupa milk, 2 eut
tlnoly cIioiimmI njiple, one-half cup hut'
ut. 2 ctijia auicar, Wi itmrta water.
Hlft together tho Hour, salt ami bak
IllK imwiler. Work lu the butter with
the ilncem nml mbl the milk. .Mix well,
tuni onto llotired larard, roll out oiu
half Inch thick, cover with the apple
ntxt roll uii like n Jelly roll. I'rewi the
cm! together mid irvM ilown the shies
Ut keep the applo In, Place lu n but
tered tin n and adil the butter, sugar ami
water. Hake. In a moderate, oven for
ono aiul ono-hnlf hours.
frlr.t CtilcUrn.
Clean ami Joint two amnfl "fryers."
I'ut two tnMexmn ich of butter ami
Inrit lu n baking iwii nml melt Itoll
tho chlokon In Hour that ban Urn well
H-naomil with salt nml pcpinr nml lay
lu the jmn, making only one layer.
I'lam tho pan In the oven nml when
the chicken I brown on one able turn
It ocr. When ilotie remove to n plat
ter, garni)) with twraley nml nerve
with Rrnty maile lu the Jkiii. Thl
snvea the illMvutfort of frying In n
skillet ami al Imiureii a well cooked
t.'rrnin aniil Spliiarli Snap.
Wash nml look over thoroughly two
iunria of Milunch. then cook lu n little
Ixilllng aalteil water until soft enough
to rub through n cidauder. Heat to
the seHhllng point In n double boiler
n quart of milk and thicken with n
lahleiqhMiufiil of Hour, nibKil smooth
"lib a tNhloNoourtll butter. Add the
splmtch, season to taste, and lu'tid to
the tnhlo -Mith a toouful of whlpinsl
rniii on each pinto. 8ervo with crou
toi. llutler Cake.
To make It ono creams one table-
stioonful of butter. Then mid n cup of
sugar, two eggs, seiwrntoly, stirring1
Muivn each addition; two-thirds of ,
a cup of milk, one and a Imlf cups of ,
tlou mlxeil with one toasjioon baking
jam-dor. "When nenrly dono twur
plenty of molted butter over." sprinkle
with tmwdered sugar nml bake until n
good brown.
This sounds well worth trying, nnd
ono Is willing to bellovo It delicious.
('liter Cup,
Ono qttnrt of elder, two Nittles of
soda witter, one bottle lemonade, ono
hooping tiiblesKaiufiil nf grtinulatiM
sugar, a sprig of mint nml - Iticlu-ii of
Cut tho cueumlier Into slices without
HHllng it. linco It lu n pitcher with
(lie sugar, elder nnd mint. Allow It to
stand, on loo If possible, for two houm.
Then ndd tho lemonade nnd soda
witter nnd n few pieces of Ice, remov
ing tho mint.
Spiced Clierrlra.
Tills makes n nice sutioo to servo
with nitst dtu'k or piuio. Klone nnd
tew the cherries down to n ulp nml
then ndd sugar, vinegar, ground clunii
moil, cloves nnd nllsplco to tnsto mul
nlso n Ilttlo lemon Julco; cook until
ptlto thick, nnd when cold put In J urn
mil tie up with wtucd mper.
fulled llreud.
Tear away tho crust from a lonf ntM ,
pull tho crtimti upitrt lit long strip
from top to bottom. TVnr tho lonf tlrst
into hnlvw, then Into quarters nml thou
Into eighths, to Insure uniform slxo In
tho strips. I'ut lu nu oeii oven for nn
hour, then closo tho door nnd lot tho
bread color slowly to n light browu.
"Drapeptlo l'lo Crust.'
Ono quart Hour. Ono tciuqioon soda.
Two tvasiwoiis creum of tartar, Two
Inrgo siKioim lard or butter, Itoll thin,
ns It rises.
Short SuKKvallou.
In choosing n grnpo fruit seo that It
Is heavy lu proportion to tho size, A
dry fruit Is very llgbt.
To polish n looking glass first rub
It with n dustor wrung out of cold
water and dipped lu whiting and theu
ooitalt with a dry cloth.
Mnlnrln In due to iintittritics In the blood which destroy the rich,
healthful fittnllticti of the circulation, nnd reduce it to n weak, watery fluid.
'J'hclwdy lit then deprived of its ttccowary nottrinhment nnd alrcnRth, and in
u untile to rcsint the counties, disorder, that asanll it, and the general system
Buffers in consequence. The appetite fails, digestion is weakened, chills
nnd slight fever nre frequent, while the sufferer loses energy nnd ambition,
llolls, skin eruptions, and some times sores and ulcers follow when the
blood becomes deeply polluted with the malarial germs. Itoth a tonic
nnd blood purifier arc needed to cure Malaria, and S. 9. S. is best fitted for
this work. It is the most perfect of all blood purifiers and at the same time
nn invigorating, healthful tonic. S. S. S, goes down into the circulation,
nnd removes every trace of impurity or poison, nnd gives to the blood the
health-sustaining qualities it needs. It cures Malaria thoroughly nnd per
manently because It removes from the blood the germs nnd poisons which
produce the disease, nnd while doing this tones up nnd strengthens every
part of the system. Hook with information about Malaria and any medical
ndvicc furnished free to all who write.
liooil I'.noiitfii tnr film.
City Niece Why. uncle. I'm iiurpr!
iil to fee you tt raring uch n rusty
looking tint when you come to tiwn.
Uncle lti'tilx-n It'a tli' hat I alters
wear tew home.
City Niece Yea, but that's different.
KreryUxly knows you there.
Uncle Itoubon Wall, nobody don't
kncr. ,no here, so I nln't worryln. b
trass 1
Mothan will tint Mr. WlnaloW Bnnthln:
'Xiup tha lit rm4r V na lui ibaU cli.'14ra ,
.urlu( Ida Uathlna; atlod. I
Karir Hlaa. j
"William." a Id the head of the firm,
looklnjt at hla watch, "I bare builaeaa out
of town thl afttrooon, ami may d
taloatl irrrral hour. If anybody ahould
call "
'Tbr ain't no hall fam to-day, Mr.
Bpotcaah." Intfrruptad th office boy. (
"I aald nothlmc about bait ninra. Wil
liam," rrjolnrd hla tinployar, tying blm
taruly. "Ilowrtrr, my btulnras I auch
tii at It can wait until tome otlirr day.
That will b all Juat now, William."
CTC SI. Vllaa IHat and myi lm a, 1 1 af
IllJa.aUr br Ui.l'lH'iOml.1.nalU.
avrrr. Kaa4 far rail It M Inal Ixttl aa4 lrll .
Ut, IL II. Kllaa. LL. Bl Arth St., IlOJaJ.hU. l'a.
Turiilnir m Tfiflit Srrrrr.
Any one who haa attempted to re
move n very tight icrew knows what
n very dlltlcult buslm-M It Is. After
strntulng ami twisting for a con
siderable time the ojierator frequent
ly ends by losing his temper ami de
stroying the bite of the screw, which
remain fixed as tightly as ever. With
the aid of a pair of pinchers, however,
the nffnlr Is quite a simple one. Place.
the screwdriver In oltlon and then
catch hold of the blnde with the pln.-h
era Just nbove the hend of the screw
l'refw the screwdriver (Irmly nnd nt
the same time twist round the blndo
with the pinchers. The tightest screw
will yield linmedlntoly to this sort of
What a Poultry Man Says About
20-Mule Tram lloraa.
As I nm in tho poultry business, I had
ten whito chicks to wnah nnd prepare ,
lor a show. I used "20-MuIo Team"
Soap for wnshinj: tho birds, nnd I can
" from yenrs of oxporienco wn'hinj;
white birds, never before hnvo I found
B onP or nrox tnat cleaned my birds
fine nrol pasy- ' ""J fwt deal of
comment on my birds being so whito
J- A- Dinwiddle, Newmnrket, Tcnn,
lAvtti aw-aAU wattlaU. W rite far ttoaar luaklaaT pta I
Klutl Deed.
At a meeting of a Hand of Mercy class
In a small town near Denver rauh child
relates the kind deed he or he ba rc
ceutly done. One day the teacher aaii-d
little Kmlly to relate the kind deed she
had done. She quickly rose and ald:
"I took off a tin can tied to a little
dog' tail."
Th trarber naked, "Did you know who
tie.1 It on?"
"Yes," replied Kmlly, with hesitation.
"I didn't know any kind deed to report,
so I tied It on so that I could Ink It
ff." llilladelphla ledger.
Said nn Uuiploycr: ''Stick to quality,
It will wiu out In the end." We do
"stick to quality." That is the reason
our graduates are so thorough and in
such demand. Investigate our claims to
superiority. Catalogue, business forms
aud peuwork free. Call, phone or write,
Portltuitl Business Gullejlo
Tenth and Morrlton, Portland, Oregon
Thar are Trained for txulnea In a bualnoaa.Uk war.
Whr net well In a mmUUa actool that place all cf Its vraduataa?
'-" - -
niTldlnir Line at Cap) Ilalteraa.
Cjio Hattrras Is the true dlrldlni
line between the North and the Houth.
North of It there Is not a trace of thf
palmetto ami other forms of vegetation
which, subtropical In character, cenw
there also. Mason and Dixon's line n
an Imaginary sort of a thing In tb
North, hut Hattern Is the outer mark
of the real dividing line and It afford!
a fine opportunity for study. Forest
and Stream.
HOWAltD C nCllTO.t -Aaurrr a,-S Cbatn'at.
!44vi1Ib, Ckaaa hparimal Prkrtl OwiJ,
Bllr.r, IaJ, j 1 1 (mul. HIlT.r, Jv 1 iKvtl. a 1 71 do or
(tlr,(l. CraaMa Ua a. Maillec antalop-a aa4
full ptMm IHI anloaapvn4lon. Control anl'n
plrawnrk acllcltad. liafartDcat Cafbooal a
Uuoai llaak.
.map I
A Krw and MoJarn Curopaan IIoUL catartofc,
partatulartr to State futU. A rrflnavl place far
Udlta Tlaltlns' tb cttr. clcae to tha ahoppln
canur. I ta raaaonabia. Frea Bui.
L K. CUUE, (Uti if hrtuJ Bald) Up.
V. I- nnucia malir and aella more
men'a H3.O0 and SUO ahora than anjr
ollirr inannfartitrer In the
rauaa I her hold their ahape, rtt better,
autd wear longer than any other make.
Shoit AU Price, for Enrt Uimbar of tt
f imJr, llta, igytVWjaua, Ulutti CWJfia
WJ.r-.ylta II IImIIIM 001 Iln n taiaa
ViuM.lurHK Lllull.Hul
0 ateM an Ua Vart U Ua M
Vi CaUr ryUf Vt rlu,llr.
f-'liil.. .a Hub.lllMlr. IV. L. lluailaa
tun. aral prv-a la aumpw oa tolloao. boU
vrtrytKra. Sboaa maiKra from factory to aay
part 9t 0 world. CataJotB frt
U.L. IOIXUAS. IM Seark Si., ttmltaa. Mm.
a 0
A mo&ra (c4vmrr at
a moderate price Is 30
per cent, more elfldect
than Trust" or Creim products and
absolutely free from the
health-racking Rochelk
Salts residue Invariably
accompanying their use.
Get if from your Grocer
25c - FULL POUND 25o
No. 33-OS
"IXTIIKN wrlllns to advertlaar pleaaa
luonl Imii tht paper.
- '
0. A. BOSSF.UMAM. Sea.
E3Ffi 1 iRi ; ft af.3k; 1 1
wmmrni J