The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 04, 1908, Image 6

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TThe Tl "hited Qepulchre
X The VV Talc of O Pelcc
Levincton Comfort
OerrtiM. m bf Wilt Lelto CvnWt
Cnnrrlitvu lK. br i. Ik Lirrmcorr Contact All rlshta trfTJ
W i
jiv-k. " - .
feS'IIIS is a serial of great power and interest,
Jl and will not soon be forgotten by those
? xvhn Ini-n rttfi litnrn 1 11 1. '"Clin Wltifnfl
Sepulchre" is Tiik Story op Mont
A Pklkk, and is a graphic, natural narration
vSi4'- nf that treat disaster which thrilled and
shocked the civilized world. The word-
,VS" painting is vivid and inspiring, the inci-
dents powerful and exciting, the characters
stronglv delineated.
Will Levington Comfort, the author, is well
known for his superior literary talent, and in the present
instance he has selected a theme admitting of intense de
1 neation. No story of recent years has covered a theme
more interesting than that of the eruption of Mont Pelee.
The serial has ah the coloring and charm of the beautiful
surroundings of Saint Pierre, and there are touches of
peifection in the descriptions of scenery and incidents.
Peter Constable and Hayden Breen, young Americans, visit
Saint Pierre just before the Pelec volcano scattered death
and destruct on over the ill-fated island. The hero of the
story, Constable, saves the life of the beautiful Lara Stans
bury at the time of the eruption, and the scenes on that
occasion are thrillingly described.
Ail through the story are incidents of the most fascin
ating character. They include a touching love romance of
Hayden and the girl to whom he is devoted, and the horror
and fate that reigned at the moment when the island was
engulfed in doom and disaster. This brilliant and mas
terly narrative of the crash at Martinique with a man
and woman standing clear against the sequence of events
rivals "The Last Da)s of Pompeii" in pictorial and dra
matic power. The story should have a very cordial recep
tion, it will intere:t all readers, oung and old, and may be
classed among the very best tcrials of its class that have
been written in recent years.
IVter Constable tat forward on the
main deck of hW own yacht, the Madame
de Stael, which had Just been hitched to
the bottom of Saint Pierre' harbor. His
alnrle guest for the cruise. Hayden Ilreen,
was back In the cabin, with a book and a
lone, thin glass. Three weeks prevhrnaly,
early la April, Constable bad met Ilreen
for I be flrst time. Ami of that meeting
jou lasMt bear.
It cane about some ilxtjr boon before
the Madame cleared from New York har
bor, a tx J a queer ulght for both men.
Constable had been pacing the deck akme,
Vbe he beard a soft atep below on the
Ilreoklyu pW. lie bent over the railing,
and pereeived that a atranger waa about
o threw himself Into the water.
Constable called sharply. Tlie 6guTt
, at the pier edge stiffened, and a face
jwung upward. The two parleyed tor a
laement. and the voice that wax borne
to Constable Mai that of a gentleman.
The, Man below keeltated considered
then accepted with a laugh an Imitation
te mm aboard. 1'resently In the cabin
the owner of the MaiUme fared an Indl
vidua), tastefully, even freshly attired,
and we whose manner betrajred no Ilaw.
TTt face waa pale, Imposing; a reckless
fast, but not devastated though the eyes,
perhaps, bad a look of having seen too
nweh. Kor two bourn the pair talked
about book, picture, dollar, the tropica,
and iwlofcle. At the etui. Constable waa
to strongly Impressed that be invited the
ttrancer to le his gueet for the cruise.
llreen glanced at him whimsically. "I
wonder If I really dl drop off the dock,
and tbtn if the antral 4anc," he mused.
"This la the edge of Ilrooklyn, and I
, am serious," Constable said.
'Till la the edge of Ilrooklyn, and I
am aaloniahed,'' Ilreen replied.
"Ho far aa I know, jou would be toy
only guest."
"Had you better not wait until to-morrow?
Think again."
"I ahould profer that you aay 'yea'
"Iletter hear more about me first. I
have oken only In generalities. My past
i At your disposal," llreeo warned.
"I should like to hear raueh about you,
but not In the light of your decialon. Will
fyou'RO with me'"
"Where do you Intend to stay to
night" 'ft'oii altered my only plan, you will
remember, Mr, Conatable."
"I'll have a berth made up for you
at once. I'm glad you hare found It pos
alblo to look up tho trople again," the
owner finished.
Ilreen appeared content, and accepted
the various offices from his boat with a
fine, half-humorous appreciation. Con
stable found, In their early Intercourse,
not the slightest cause to regret his Im
pulsive Invitation. That the other did
not harry him with rcferencca to his kind
ness was, to Constable's way of thinking,
th severest test of t thoroughbred. Ureen
did not leave the ship, and seldom the
cabin, during the entire period of prepara
tion, lie aat In a reclining chair ami
read the essayists, mildly spirited. What
ever had been hi attitude before, be ac
cepted what life offered him now In calm
neax. He still had the Jaded human's
laat resource, when this unexpected but
pleasant portion of life waa at an end.
Such seemed to be the philosophy of this
creature who bad passed the death sen
tence upon himself.
Constable slept aboard the last nlsht
before tailing, and waa at breakfast with
his guest about eight In the morning,
when a servant entered the saloon to an
nounce that a gentleman on the pier
wanted to speak with "Mr. Constable's
friend." Ilreen set bis toffee cup down
slowly, and hU eyes met hi liost's.
"Mr. Constable," In- said, "you have
noted, no doubt, that I have remained
under cover rather elosely since our In
teresting meeting. There Is no one In
New York whom I enre to see, but the
twrson out yonder feels differently to
ward me. In fact, be I wry much ab
sorbed In my movements. I happen) to
step to the railing a few minutes More
breakfast, and caught hla eye. The truth
is, If I see him now, be will persuade
me to go with bint, and I would much
rather accompany you,"
"What would you advise';" Constable
asked quickly.
"With jour interests at heart, I ean
only advise jou to bid me good-by and
allow we to thank you for many genulue
courtesies. Perhaps )ou remember that
I offered to outline my past, aud you de
terred me for the time lieing."
"I want i to go, of course. What Is
the simplest way to manage this''
"I low soon do you sail'"
Constable went to the speaking tube
and called Captajn XvgJey. A moment
later he turned to Ilreen with the In
formation that the Madame was Just
ready to clear, and would be put off aa
quietly and quickly as possible, 'ilie ser
vant entered with the word that the vis
itor Insbited upon seeing "Mr. Constable's
There was a passage of 11 Is from the
bridge to the engine room, and the Mad
ame came to life. Constable climbed to
the bridge. The stranger Mow on the
pier was in a furious state of mind, and
was trying to force his way aboard. It
was plain that Ilreen was badly wanted.
and equally plelu to Constable that he
was running Into the danger of entang
ling himself In the meshes of the law;
but he was stoutly disinclined to give up
an admirable companion for the voyage.
The progress of .clearing went on quick
ly. The Madame' prow was turned out
into the harbor, and the signal given to
free the aft cable.
At this point the Insistent stranger
raised his voice and struggled with tho
dockman to prevent him from slipping the
rope. Constable stepped to the railing of
the bridge and Invoked the assistance of
two men on the pier bead.
Take that fellow in hand," he ordered
"He seems to be InUi-Ing under n Oelu
slon. That's good, men '"
The stranger was overpowered, nud tin
cable ctit off. Ilnrsh fragment of ipocd
were carried upward, but no sentrurei
that cohered sulntienlly for Countable1!
(titeltlcfiuv. until the ery Inst, when, hi
the ship swung free, he heard plnlnl)
"I'll get j oil tilth. If I hate (u follow
j on aiMintd the world!"
"1 don't know but what you will," tin
man on the bridge muttered to hlmilf
"You seem moved by n rather cmpluitli
That night. In his oil skins. CoiMtnhl.
paoed the hurricane deek. Ills mind wni
serene, and lie was inclined to regard tin
affair of the morning n n far-off tlilni
wlikh illilnt ilttnir.v. Wbat bad placed
Ilreen In the fugitive lists he did Hot
care" to know, lie was Jtut enough not
to forget that then are regrettable trans
action in every man's st - a blavk bun
die of perversities which some men desig
nate their "chamber of horrors," and oth
ers call their "iet frailties" (Vnoabli
felt that he was railed uniii to Judge n
man. He liked Ilreen, and did not waul
his liking attend, save for the better
lie i-ould not imagine Ilreen doing t
cowardly thing: and anything civ did no'
greatly mailer.
The spray swept In giuts over th
Mndame's dipping prow. The bare masts
tipM with lUSts, swung with a giant
sweep from port to stnrlnrd and hart
to port again, lingering the block heavcm
for the bloivn-out stars. Coustnblt
couldn't Ik half-mlerable out there ot
the tossing tlmir of the Atlantic.
Mr. lK.igh, the new third oltteer. seem
ed at the last moment to take the plart
of Mr. Halt, who was III, was on tht,
urioge now. ttccNstonniiy in I He glow ol
rugh a cigar Constable could see the fae
of the seaman.
less ami rubbed
man who could
through a rav
midnight when Constable went below
Ilreen was still reading. j
"How does It happen, I'eter, thai a
man of jour substance Its us (o lie out
here In a sumjKuous jarht with only on
piest and that an accidental oneT" Hrver
"I have few friends, and little aptnes
far entertaining." Constable said. "I
wouldn't know what to do with a shlf
load of gueits. 1 took out a party once
The members of this party pla)ed poktr
I would rush down to the rnblu door
calling, 'Come en deck quickly, my frlnilt
An obi socker of a whale Is snoring ttd
our port bowl' 'All right, l'eler,' some
body would say: 'bring it rlg'it III. It'i
t-niir .I..I llUVU' 1 1. ... .it .i. I "M '
nunar fln.ll' .ml ,),,, tl. ..,. ..... J1"'' ',' l""1
"Men men," sab! Ilreen; "but womer
go down to sea In other men's boats."
"I don't know any women up there,"
Constable declared. "Ily 'up there' I
IlliilitlitU I'riill Trees,
It Is sometime desirable to bud or
rlmnl trees nt n time when cleft grnft
lug enn not b iloiio. The work vtm bo
ilono In lute August, Scptciulcr nud
t illy October. Tho inintoiio of budding
trees Is very much tlio imino us Hint
of I'i'iiilltig. Tho upple. plum and roso
tmli imrtlculrtrly, may bo operated ti
iii to ndviiiiliigo nud with ckhI results.
The work of budding cuti be douo by
n i-linr!, round pointed kulfo and a
piece nf yarn, t'stmlly the beet results
folloiv by selecting n plaeo where the
bnineti Is from -S to Inch In illatiu
ter. niiil where the bark Is smooth and
1'iHiltliy With the roillided mrt of
the Knife cut lengthwise of tho brunch.
Just tbioiigli the hnrk, n silt about I Mi
IihIiis long, nud nt the top of this
slit rut across nlxiut li, Inch, as slunvii
nt n. Next remove from n hrnnch
of the same sonson's gniwth of the de
slrvd vnrloty one of the strong, healthy
out Urn imliit with tiiiiuiti and niigvr,
nud soon lirntH'tiM will emiut out nlong
tho en no, Increasing tho number to Ink"
root, ntul nddliig lo tho productiveness
of tho plant tho next season, l-envo
tlio bearing euiie In Its place until fall
Later, when It Is time for the tips to
nl tiuli tlh'iuselvea to the soil, tho root
ing iiin 1 facilitated by n slight cov
ivfi K1
II illJ.'VII J . 'VtiAfii jyji
1 1 1 1 rfx -sisvr m - mm -
JlTfcsfl Vr- jlmiicf
mm. src.
'' sw4i-V-l. FvV ' x
f i I'
1'Iiim.i who t III it k Jlmt liivinii,!, ,
HliriMI'lllllg lln llnill" would .1,, ,,.
. . ...,. r... if,., - -
eruig or tun. hi pri-iiriiiii j niiWiIer Ills met mnlcl by ,M i,ri,
crop In frlng head In the branches to ,,, M mmn.rny u this sulije.t n,i
.i...... .u.t ...wii-.llm. tit tlnilr , . .
inn in iiinv ii-i-i, ... a ' tlio licfil leuviioiin uism ikii Irufcinit
to the isir IIKHO llliltl olio ) i M1,
naiidtli of tho energy that it mm,,,,
fhHll the lino Alllimigh there U
Nonstable "ould see the facv ' ini
it. It seemed small, colorj sA?
ieil imiI not the face of Al'j
bl bring a ship up to port k
vlng gale. It was nearlyl 4ij
.y.v for irxKIa
ff M vf R?7
tletllos n Slnrl s Hit Kherp.
Win. ii tlio fin-mem In tho corn nm
gnus stulos reach the point where tliey "" I" lcli " "Mihl wish u. nM
liavo their Held a" feneod hog light. loletdnto vv.mhl trMii-iiill l., rlr.
they should not delay for any consider- llwu imiro. jet. serbuml). It is ,nlli.
ublo length of time getting n start In llt I" liniHitnrs, us well as hii in.
sheep, says Wallaco's I Mriiior. It Is
not ucccssar) l have a large Itock. It
Is a gmsl ilel letter not to have It for
two or Hirsts reasons: One Is that shi-eji
do not do well with lingst and cattle.
This Is tho reason vvliy so few sIhis are
kent lii the hog mid cattle country.
Another reason Is that Humo wthi Iimvo,!,,,, ,ni in the limit
Tilt stirs i.x ntwuMo.
bints by cutting from Mow the bud up
nml under It. Start absuit I Inch Inf
low the bud nml ii mic out again 1 Inch
ntxivo the bud. as nt b. Cut deep
I'lHtiigh Into the vvshnI so aa not to In-
nud cut It so as not to
I ave ii iiiurli vyimnI under the bud.
Then place the bud. c, on the end of
the knife mid push down Into the silt,
as above ilewcrllxi!. rush securely In
hud i ejx'rletHi In ln-vp would do
vvsdl in advance slowly, and. If iisssl ls
retrsnt rMpldly. Twsnt) the owess and
a gissl buck are as many as the Inet
pcrlencssl farnier should start with Tht
etpeuso of these Is iiHIIwratlvely small,
the lNMslhlo loss therefore iHit griist In
ease the mail sliould prsivo mil to I a
lit man to tmnstlc shii-p. There are some
men of this kind. The eham-c of ot.
iMivvevcr. are very snwll where the
farmer has any kind of sIisnis gumption
about him.
TesllliM Use tleallli nl ass AmIimI,
The uls of a hot when at nt
Nats forty times psr minute; of an
ot fnm fifty to fifty the; of a sheep
and n ilg abolitsi'veiity to elviity.
The wlse may be felt whersner a
Idg artery cris,Ti n Uhw It Is gener
ally eiamlneil in the home s the rorsl
which hsms over the bone of the lower
Jaw In front "f Its enrvnt posltlim, or
In the bony rMge above the eye; attsl
In cattle ssver the middle of the first
rib; In sheep by placing the ban. I shh
the left able, where Hoi Istttlng of the
heart may I felt.
Any material variations of the psilss
fnsni the figures glvixji aUsve may be
illctmelit or llllllsmi lliellli'leli. j ntirti
an liislriimetit of such unlvrrsiii w, 1 1.
y Is allowesl to rsHimln mi pr-Umi
I he Immetise mlvMlices risviiin ,,,,1,
In the piwer ami ii f trans i i u,ne
sttstllHlllM have mil )et. In II. i ,,!),,
bui of J J. O'.Nolll, n S.iiih .kii, r.
place, so that the bud Is nbotit 1 Inch
refer la general to the States and Can-1 below the iiiiiht cut. Then wrap enro-
Bila. I shouldn't know wlut to dj with fully with ynni. aa nt si. In two or
women here. Iheyil tie sick. IIieyM thm, wmL-s .intnltw. nml an. If the tnnl
talk about things they didn't knoy aUwt.
put on rakish raps, look frowsy when
the wind was on. and whsn they bad
sprung all their changes of raiment,
they'd want to go home."
I'eter, you are on the taik
bus grow 11 fast nud so that tho yarn
Is not injuring it. Shoiihl tho yarn
bo loose, retle. The hud should start
to grow the following spring.
Slicccea largely depends upon vvhetll
There are rich men's turns who can c," h" Msiok Is growing vigorously or
to sea without poker or brMgj; ami fi mi
ni ne aristocrats who know no sensb-k-nets,
and who hsok ah)rabb In rakish
yachting caps and blowing hair. Komi
time you'll nml one "
Ilreen halted. The other star lot
hard into the prism of glass 0,1 th'
buffet staring ami smiling.
"I belkeve you are Jockeying me Into
delivering platitudes, I'eter," Kii-fli r)n
"I have an uncle In Martinique, Ilrrsi
a line obi enap whom you'll he gbt I U
know. Tnl urvcle has a partner in the
fruit ami sugar buslnnss. They are keen,
kindly men, both partners In the higher
sense of the word. My uncle is a bach
elor, held sweet by a pflt, lb jond old
whether the laid Is lionlthy. Tho bud
servis the Mine ptiriNiso as the scion
In grafting. 1'rinii It sirlngs n limb
which wilt priHluce the kind nf fruit
iHirtitf by the tree from which tlio bud
was taken. W. II. Uiidurwood, In
I'a rm nml Home.
rrstlerl the Hints.
The farmer Is llttlde to forget his
bin I friend. I wish to toll music
nf my fanner friends what I have done
this spring, In regard to our quail.
When our HissettMir omne uroniHl I
gave In some itmlls, us well as d-
lilts llHitltltlbHI of Kllgllieers HI..I Nlilp.
builders III Hssiilniisl. Mr iiSsu t,
that the lengths of the present vv ,ts
warrniit the belief that greater .srt
I'M II Ni ibtallseil with the Mine iIIum
slim, the present sfietsls vv lib liifl,f
lengths. IlivestlgHtloti shows Hint (a
variations of form Involve n-iiuvrly
small imlit. and Mr n'Nelli thitiks iht
If the same is 1 1 est I bill had Imi-h .1. nrfnl
til the tleVelsiMiiet of the screw ro
ller that has been given to ih,- funu
,.( lewwb crenter aslvatiiagss, w.njij
have been ses'nreil
I'nif. Joel MeWMns ami I'n.f I'. (,
Itrosvn have menily ismsiru. ltd 1
stnnll selenlMiM red, wblih. whin vasMtst
In the ft.-vs of a lMe4veiiH'h rs rrsserfckf
teteesjs. nttfM meassirahli. .1. itnilNM
of the heeslle of n gait ati.Hns-ti r ta re
s(iiise lis the lmMO't nf ilglii nrs
front Imlh blunt stnrs. I'be Hsi-et Mm
gave a iletlts'lltHM of tithe iiililaHfrt,
the star AlsWsarals a ilenWn.1,1 f J,
mllllmeterfi, nml even a fmirtii HMgnl
imle star, ilsmma Artel u. raus-nl a vis
ible thsrleetbrtt It bs hl. Hint bf the
n ivf a l-tlally net wit Is r g Is also
met er Ibis metres I may be gr.-tir Int.
proves), ami that If certain disiurMitg
imsldersil as n slgi. of dlseas. If nfnsirei, particularly trmi-raiur
mpbl. hard ami full It Is an Imllcn- ebaiige. ean I Wlmlnalrsl. a.. urate
..I..,. -- ... ,..rt.u.. .1 1 .
sin sii oiKii irirr sir 11111nm1.m11.n1, ttteMssUettsenl sif slarllglll bl means
rapid, small nml weak. low fever, loss
of Idsssl or weakness If slow the s
sllillltlns .ilnt to brain disease, ami If
Irregular to heart trouble.
Cnrlsln I'riml I'liiillrr linns.
The style of curtain front house
shown Is of the shanty roof tyt H fret
il Inches high nt the front and 4 feet it
Inches at the rear. The width of this
CUUTAIN lltO.M llll'ITNT lllll'sr.
u( selHllum cells will IwisMiie ..M,
C. H. (lager pfesettl In the Journal
of the New ork lUitalihsl lisrslefl
some Interesting facta al.oit the ti-lf
pruning of trees, a nt.servts in the gar
den. Ill OctoUir the alliig .i).lsr
litter the ground nlsHit them with
ItraiH'hes, most of vvhb"li are two years
obi ami hssvr winter lisel. 'the catslin,
the nllantus, the horse rheslnut the
sslm, the lilac, the mulberry, the mnbb
nml sevistlreiiorelgbtresi olher vsrietlH
ssf tree hate this Italdt of s-lf primlafc
With fHiHi, as the maples, it .uis In
sirlnj sir sirlr summer: with ihrrs.
In the autumn. I'bi pun"' aiia-sre b
be to get rlsl of turrlilHi hrsiHtte.
The branches thn etlnilusts-l are net
stead o heclti with, but die aa a r.-salt
of I be iminllig prncesM. whbli ts-ta
by the foniialboi of an "nttsx-li-.ts la
er," sir n brittle nine, nt Hie buse of
the branch.
tmHtlc fowls for luxation, na 1 knew
.....' iiu ........ 1J....I. ..-.! nbout Ifow many we had on our fiitm
nuii fir. w.,ii.v., .rwnc.v,, nw. , ......
ami ilaughter.
whiHi winter waa over. Home will sijr
that you could twit tell how many
birds you liave, Ih-chumi I bey will lx
) rn your farm mm day. mid on
relgliUir's Hit) next. While that Is
true, 'tin not otir ibmussHc fowls go
over on our nelghbor'a place, nbei.
"ITo-y all live together In a grand o''i
plantation bouse on the bin If s south of
lb Morue d'Orauge, Saint I'lerre. Mrs.
Hunsbury, the wife of my uncle's part
ner it Is Important that )ou get Ibis -1.
. . .- ..b..b.i.i. .......... ......t
I It ivij immi.iim. nanwii. irmem .. ... .....
like a I)m.i.bla..ornamen.ilaVtbslf ',M! "' """" "Wwrluulty to .1
vat of A bainlira. This 1 escr ollon li.B'" " """ "'"" I""!"" "" """
not extempore. I have sMnt years think
ing it out. I am proud of it, A splendid
Frenchwoman, this mother, with in-'slle
yes, ami some strange Insight which
leads her to dislike me soulfully, and th
tuff of Jsstnna d'Arc In lo-r brain nnd
band. Site's not quite adjustable to
word. You are faseltinled, yet afraid of
her. At least, I am. She lire me with
a childish leal to show the best wares I
have. The result It, I play circus befora
"Most entrancing lady," said Ilreen.
"The daughter I more like tho beloved
Josephine," Constablo resumed lightly
"brave and true and tender. At bait,
from my pilgrimages and meditations, I
should say that Mbsa Stausbury resem
bled the empress morn than the Sword-
Handed Jeanne. And to think that ones
ahe graced these very decks! That wnt
a marvelous day, old man, a Caribbean
day of blue and gobl. The maiden lin-
prove-I It ny poiiHWB out 10 me now ui- of ,mr rrln,.rK nr0 dolng.-J. II. T
terly worthless I am in the vvorld-'Juil ,.. ,,.
sailing 'round.'
(To be continued.)
Which most iHsopIo do that I
know nf. Hut do they not isuue back
homo every evening to rosHitV It Is
the name wlib tho qimll, and ho will
roost 011 tho farm whero ho vviin bred
mid liiitched, provlilliig ho Is unmolest
ed by hunters, hawks, etc. If you
were to chase your domestic fowls
with dug ami gun iiiio-teiith lis much
n you ilo this poor llttlo quail, In tli
fall of this year, do you think Hint
there would Ih many chickens on tho
roost In your chicken house nt night?
Thn writer tiaa known coveys that
after Mug chimed mid shot nt nil
day, would I i whistling tho rull Just
nt dusk, mid after gelling back to
pi'thcr would fly to roost.
I think Hint anything Hint la na
valuable ns the quail mid stnya with
you through audi circumstances,
Miould bo protected better than nirist
tho Iiidlmui Fnnncr,
oi ny of the houmts may ls varied to
suit the iHilbler. The front of tuts
lnsHse cottMsts of n curtain on a frame
hinged In such n way U it may u
ssviiug to the rsssf to allow Hie sumuilne , ,, ur ,,,,, , . n
In s..ter. I he plans of the rurtnlu ,(f MMm,, f ,M mwllieni Afrh-a
iiinii iniiKi-s icimi tlli'lincives to tlie
iiumt riiil bui of mi etii'biel house by
using IiiiiiImt Instead of eottou.
'I'he rsswts. litwl botes, ilrisji leiarsts
ami In furl all Interior Nxturesi. should
lc cinislrueliil met put up In soch n
i.NTiuinu nxTUiits.
The IllncU llnspherri',
Tho black raspberry haa Its pocullnrl
lien, mid among them Is that of tho
miniinl trawl to now noil by inemm nf
tho Him. HtiH'kH from tho hill uro coin
llovv to lliltiille 11 lloir,
Rcrntch IiIh back and tickle him im
dor tho holly. You c-nii lend him nny.
vvhuro. TJiIh iipjdloa . flfftirntlvoly linnitlvcly vvortliliiss for now tilnntn
upeuklng n well to tho litiman hwIiio tloimj mill growcrH of valuiiblu varieties
nu to tho members of tho ilravo that must obtain their plants from tlio tips
had tho novon duvlls. Hogs huvo souse, of tlio preiwint ycnr'H growth. Tho first
and don't you forget It. An old ruzzcr- f jiort of July, If It linn not been attend"
hnrk sow bus mora brains than nil tb oil In snmme. u'hnti Mm in-multii. niiiuiu
cattlo ami horses on tho plautatlou. I Jiave reached tho height of 4 feet, nip
I'lt.tlnil nl African llame.
I'tsr tw ceMlssrfst Htere lis been
-a imt
Mow mme laws exist, nml with He'ir
euforevsHsent It Is ox(ertti that tin- sue
ply of gallte ran le kept up and Hist
some of the old hllllllug KroUlids may 1st
Minis are Milt plentiful over Urtw
nreas, ami even In the mining di"M
of ItlMalealH. l3e4innlN are Ims-..iiiUi
senrw. being wrlUiilarly extinct "i
of the amlMfsl. excejit oil I he ssist .-t
nml In a few purls of Hhsslisiln They
ln wm strictly protis'tssl, to aiive llnin
'rum oxtlnrtlirii.
The rliliiss-eriMi la rare, except In lha
I'ortugiiiiwi country soulli of the "
lessl. The llliw.HltMIUIIS Is lo las f"'""'
only In Ornnge river, the strsmns if
'iiliilmul, nml In the portitgiuste river.
Olio of tho relllHrkllbli'' nattves In
King Khiiiim. Tho liiHiilqiiorlers of Mi
trllsi la Kerowe, n town of .iM"" n,r"
nud In nil his dominion ho bus iil-'b
Ishesl Kuropssiii liquors, nud Hiclr mini
iluciloii or use Is follovvctl by ss'vcro
iiinlsliiiuiit. Ilo luia auppressssil witch
craft, mid w eiicoiirmti'sl cducnlbui that
uost of hi iM-oplii can rend
Thn MiiKlioiiHlaml plateau I" I"!-'1"'
liliiK tu llll H Willi nitwiHitii fiiriner
With lis .erfect cllmnlo nud fcrllbi
liiml, It kyiiwh every Mud of" '
Ihe toiiiHrnlt nuio, mid Hid fanmrn
are already looking forward In riiHi'K
eiiougli to Nitiily tins vvlinlo of IHi" I'"1'!;
TlitiH throughout tho "Dark Csiiitliiciil"
In whatever direction thorn are 'vl
ilenciM nf 11 rnpldlygrowliiK clvlllwilbni.
Indianapolis. Ncwh.
I'nper .llnhlnu In .Vnrmiy.
I,.. I.,.. i... aimiiii iin.iasi tons r paper uro
Mlmicfiotu fariuunt huvo found ,jHj' turned nut nt Sv , Norwnyi. i"
way that they may be easily removed
for cleaning mid disinfection. The dia
gram Illustrates how they limy las r.
ranged with advantage In any house.
Tho roosts ahould rest In sockets, nnd
tho drop iMKird should not bo nailed
In place, hut simply rest oil tho cleat
at tho ends.
Vnlue of Humus,
That Mills need liiilnils Is nIiowii by
tho recent teat at tho Went Virginia
station. The hhIi of stable manure,
even when applied with hihIIuiii nitrate,
did not show iih largo rulunm iih vvlu'n
'aliihlo iiiu 11 11 rts alone vviin applied. In
a number of ciikch It la decaying hu
mus nml not Intent plant food ele
ments that Hie fanner's soil nco. See
that tho mill In rich In organic mailer
llrst, then If It fall to produce, apply
tho plant fond elcineiilM In tho prepared
m)uiii1h of timothy, 15 pounds of whlio
clover, .'I ixiunij of Kentucky bluo khihh
nud 1 pound of nil-top seed pur ucru
to bo 1111 excellent mlxturo for pan.
turcii. If tho ground la Inclined to ho
wet, tlio nil-top will taku tho nluco of
Hid timothy,
lalsirera, l.fKKi III number, rccelvn only
10 ceulM to $1.10 per day.
Tubes 'Km Uissy,
"Does alio run nfler tho men 7"
"No, alio (liM-Mii't huvo to. Hho win
In u wnllt." Uluvelund Leader.