. 1. ,i.ii. -m:- -r".l- U'-JCL -") I If THE BEND BULLETIN "For every man a squnrc ileal, no less and nq more." CHAHMtS D. KOWU UDITOR SUnSCRirTlON KATH& One ftn ...,.....-..-...-...JI.J ile tneelhs ........... . . to Thitt tnoiilh...v................. .jo 'Ittfarliblr ' lvnc.) FRIDAY, AUGUST aS, iooS. , AT LAST. The one thing that Central Ore ' gon has been waiting or si long is nfout to be provided. Hnrrimnn iias bound himself by an absolute promise to build a railroad into this section in the immediate future and to begin, actual construction in a few weeks. It is well known that llnrriman has promised the same thing before and then failed to keep his promise, but there arc certain events taking place at the present time which cause one to believe that the sreat railroad magnate is sincere in his last statement to give interior Oregon relief from its rail roadless condition. There is much evidence to prove that Hill is about to build a line from the mouth of the Deschutes, up that stream, and across the state into California. The visit during the week through this section of two men who for years have beeu building railroads for Jim Hill, fur bishes cons!d:rnblc grounds for flpeculatton- From what could be learned from these men it was evi dent they were not out on a pleas ure trip. On the contrary their business was one of much import ance. The common opinion is that Hill is about to invade Central Ore gon with a railroad and these men are aware of the fact. This is the chief reason why people in this sec tion arc confident that Harriman is sincere in his -late promise. They believe that he is aware of Hill's intention and is taking steps to protect his territory. Hence the road will be built. When construction begins it will mean good times for this section. There will be a top-notch market for eyery pound of hay, grain, vegetables, butter and eggs that the country can produce. That means prosperity. Not only will there be a good market for produce but business in all lines will be brisk. Settlers and investors will begin to flock in to get here before the railroad to get in on the ground floor and there will be business, work, profit and prosperity for all. The coming of a railroad assures a development here in Central Ore gon such as the entire Northwest has seldom seeh. As an example of what is coming we would call to mind the statement of a man who has extensive timber interests in this section. He said that when n railroad tapped the Bend country he would put on the Deschutes the largest box factory in the world. And his is but one of the nn.ny mills and manufacturing plants that will follow closely the railroad. Yes, there will be a development of great magnitude. Central Ore gon has waited long for its coming. But everything iudicates that the waiting will soon be ended. Redmond Items. Kxduohd. Au(. 23. Mr. Terrell of near O'Neil was found this afternoon in the road between Itcdtuond and that place fa a badly injured condition. The 'lorsc he wis riding had evidently reared Mid fallen 011 him thia morning, an1 he ay beside the road most of the day be 'ore being found. lie was taken on to 0'Ncll, hut from all e can learn hit re- overy teem doubtful. We have to rejwrt this week the ar "ival of two Important personages, iliiJ Smith of Spokane, who will make a omevhat extended visit wltu Jier far iiita of the Hole! Smith, and Count on Mulkey, ylio(cme into the interior to look after time business. It Is thought by oome that the count is shamming unlet- a changed imme, and that it should ' Mltke, but tin's could not be de-, tertntned. Mlsa Smith Is looking quite well in spite of her recent sickness and thinks the ctluiate of this country is delightful, She says, thouj;l, she docs not want any more riding Just e, but would rithcr walk. 8tunlc ant-Richer Married Tues day evening, August I&, I90N, at the home of the bride's parents in Redmond, II. V. Jones, J. l, officiatiii).. Thus the segregation Uxes one of its tmchelors for which il Is noted, and the town loes oue of Us popular youug ladies. The couple went to housekeeping the next day at the Stttrdcxaut farm between Kcdmoml and O'Ntlt, followed by the good wishes and congratulations of a hit of friends. Surprised, Wedtiesday night. Aug. 19, Mr. and Mrs. I.on Heed, on the ee of their departure for Washington. A jolly time was enjuyed by all. H. .. Mieuck Is back again Iiom up the country. At leat Shcitek's voice is, but it's either some other man's face or Slicnck's with a lot of whiskers on it. We were not going to speak to the face last night except as to a stranger, hut the voice compelled us. Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. O'Neil stayed a while in town 1' rid ay, on their way through the country. "Of course he knows all aVout it you don't need to knock father down with a club." He did not know alt about it however, but it did not take neighbor Smith long to tumble to, the surprite oil hlmiclfvji'en he got jdto the, crowd. Friday night was the thro and Xdmwitlt and Mil-cr a was the place. Ijverybodr enjoyed thctuselres again. Mis Ullutbcth and some friends went to Hend yesterday. ThHightiiiug struck a tree and they could not come home until this morning. There have been quite a number of thunder showers lately. That is. we got the thunder and the showers fell some where clc mostly. Judging from re ports, they got their full share of the latter just the other side of the Trail Crossing on Crooked river. I'lcnty of campers still iu town, but room for more jet. E. C. Pak. Tumalo Items. TciiAto, Aug. 3s.'m. Baker is helping in'the hay harvest on the Star Ranch thin week. " Clias. Spaugk and family 0111! Mrs. Spaugh's eiothcf, X. J. Wimer ami Mr. Ilaldwin left this morning for a trip to the Valley. T. A. Jensen lias just completed a two mile lateral which will lead water on to any and all parts of bis desert claim. J. B. and Chas L. Wimer and Jcm Root spent scleral days fishing oil the upjicr Deschutes river last week. We didn't hear of any big catches, but we did hear that they bail more fuhins tackle than fish and brought back an empty grub box and fish tub. One of the hardest rains that lias ever been known here, visKcd this section last Wednesday eve, v hloh lasted one half hour. There traa ymter standing two or three inches detp ctj the ground. It was surely ftne for the late crops. Mr McCarty and family stopped here Saturday night oil their way to the Val ley. Mr. 5!cC. lias a large tract of land in what I known as Sucker I'lat near Silver take, hut owing to his wife's health they were compelled to return to returu to their ranch near Albany, Or. Postmaster Merrill and family of Ilend parsed through here Sunday Cured Hay Fever and Summer Cold A. S. Nusbaum, Patesville, Indiana, write: "I.att)tar I suffered for three months with a summer cold to dittrc ing that it interfered with my business. I had many of the symptoms of hay fever and a doctor's prescription did not reach my case, und I took several medicines which seamed only to aggravate it. I'or tuaately I Insisted upon haviutr l'oley's Honey and Tar. It quickly cured me. My wife lias since used l'oley's Ilonev and Tar with the some sucecsa," C. W. Merrill, Druggist. HILL TO TAP THIS GCTION. i 1 Continued on page t ) simply posting himself regarding future construction vork. At the time work was begun on the North Dank road, Hill nude the public statement in Portland that when that road wai finished he might have nil interesting nunouticcmriit to make as to railroad construction into Central Oregon. It is believed here that the events of the past two weeks indicate that that time hns arrived, that Hill is ready to build a road up the Deschutes river ncroNS the state into California, and that nuuouuccincut to thnt effect will soon be made. That is whv Hum- man lias shown such sudden activ ity, explains the running to and Iro of his lieutenants, nud the utttucr our conferences. It is surmi.ied that he has recently learned of Hilt's intention nud is taking step to forestall hltu. Will Have flood News. The Ihiltetiu endeavored to inter view Mr. Nelson while iu Hend but he refused to make any definite statements regarding their trip nud the Oregon Trunk Line He did say, however, that they had 11 crew working up the Deschutes checking over and cora-cting their survey, and stated ' they had but recently been notified of the acceptance by the government of the final location nwps of the Oregon Trunk survey up the river. He stated further that he expected to be" through here again in a short time when he would have some good news for the people of Central Oregon. Further than that he had nothing to say. The sir.e of the firm of Totter Bros, may be judged from the fact that they have 60 locomotives, 15 steam shovels, and 50 miles of track, besides all the accompanying paraphernalia. Mr. Nelson and Messrs. Porter conferred, while in llcnd, with Wl oAiEv isssasi mjftwwr aw VWs'" XkAkCPVVK f-W ILfcOOIJO Pjclfc llcrse Liniment Is prepared crrcly (or the nkls ol fwjemen an' rsnvtmicii. It Is a powerful ocj pent. Matin; I .ihnent, a runeJ) Inr emergen clcv A jooth.-K. cflitTowlhn (or the it liel ol pain, and the best liniment lor sprains srJ swepess. ' tncqualed lor curlx; the wounds and Injuries ol DAKUCD WIRE and lr healin cuts. abrasions, sores and tvulics. I'acillc Horse Liniment Is fully guaranteed. No other is o good or helpful In so many wi)s. II It (silt to sstWj, w c authorlic til dealers to refund the purchase price. !? itaei tgims rut, cikt ' II I H 1 llend-Sliaiiiko Livery & Stage Company J. II. NVUNA.NDVi irt.p. , V. i. Kelley, Agent, Slmnlko fIbw Covered Stages between Buuil mul Slmnlko ALSO Livery mid l:cctl Stnblcs nl Slmnlko, Mndras and Hcntl. Wo mn our rigs to plunso the public. Slngos lonvu ench wny evory tiny. Rigs lo nil pnrls of Cunlrnl Oregon. Cmoful drivers furnlaht'd Special Attention Given to Express and Baggage. WSMIItfyUMlVUM I H0VT CHtMICAL C0Y Niu,, 0 V ncoktnr w4j rum It I t' ! At It...., I , hmum, o.e. I 9 Oregon.' "- A Couiplelo Stock ol DRY Roscoe How.ud, gcuerul tnniiugi r of the I) I & I' Co nud the mnv. ing spirit iKhlnd the Central Ore gon Kailrosd; also with John Studl of the Central Oregon Develop incut Company. They spent Mon day uieht 111 llcnd nud proceeded on to Klamath Fulls early Tuesliiy morning. How to Avoid Appendicitis Most victims ol appendicitis nre thnc wlw arc luWUially i-mtlMtcHl. Pole) V Oriiw Laxative cures chronic conii tioii by sIIihhUiIi the llcr slid Iwwulu am! restore lh tutuial notion of the lionet, l'oley's 'O11110 taxMive docs not luuMMte or Mip? mid Is inikl and pleiivint to inke. KrflM! MiUtittitit, C. W. Mcnill. l)runl.t. Shoe repairing done with neat ness and dispatch by I.egat, the harncssinaker nud cobbler. At A I.. Hunter's old stnud. Rough, Surfaced mid Moulded -LUMBER- At llcnd, Oregon, All Widths, Lengths and Thicknesses yMSSEi $m JM XVlAJT'W'WCViKT'r.W w fctfk-.s &AtTMS Wfi -vssiyi wsCTvwci!Ci.'xssss ' $5 00 Reward. Ilrown inare, 1l1tte forelirad. Iiraudsd f on Itft hip hlrnyed from D. I. & I camna. fi .xircwurd for its return lo Joliu IUj;oktini, utfibovemciittoiiedraiiii -u JOHN JMU03TINI. DoritPatch Your koof With Ddllar Bills MskMuv i s . , V Every tu'larpent for pslntirr, coating or roplaelntr jour roof I a Money ltlth that you ran avoid if you uso Jf AsiliaiTOB lluOKINO which roquirw no cvating or painting to prescrvo It. J-M ASBESTOS ROOFING I mvle of ,tsWxr. on indentructiblo mineral. Cannot rot or rust. rs4t flrv ami t not nir.-t.l by frue. antb, heat or cold. It tlrat eost 14 the only cost. .That is why It i tho ,,crleapvt-per-cBr,, ltoofinjr. haaily applied by anyone. AsjuMToainu la an AiUti a Sulinjr for lHilldinc and the iiui wvnviiiKBi, uurauio nnu easily appiuti aiuing Known. Ak lor Mimplu.i unit prlcuw. H. W. Johns-Maiwille Co. 576 1st Ave. S., SEAnLE, WASHINGTON. .issmsKKS J!'. lfiTWy 1 yjii n ii 9 B w WF' Cl r INCH COMMON DIMENSION SlUVLfW RUSTIC , """ T & 0. FLOORING Reasonable . HKAUKR CHII.INO toabcr n . WINDOW J AM IIS Dcllicredil Prices WINDOW CASINO ' r .. qood HHAD HI.OCKS -i, inhere ca , o. o iiaskiioari) ad) were on (Jrndes STAIR TRKAI)S J,,c1Laindi J )ry WATI-R vfAiirji Pc J ' 4 ' . . 0. 0. HATTINS ?'',rr Slock MOUMUKCiS ' N ' N The C S. I. Co. " - P. U.v D. I'ATKNT ROOI'INO h'KNCK. 1'ICKKTS SIIINCLKS KTC, 1JTC. CUSTOM FHIJD MILL IN CONNHCTION.J APPLY TO Central Oregon DevftlnniTipnt fnmnnnv M - r A "V m- AAA mM A W 9T V-T AAA - M T I BEND, r OREGON' A Complete Stock of Dry Lumber vavi-n:mx3sxa Rough, Surfaced and Moulded Always carried in stock. I have all sizes of the following BreSvT m ran ma f mrw Jf& INCH COMMON HKAD I1L0CKS DIMENSION 0. G. BASKBOAKDS RUSTIC STAIU TRKADS SHIPLAP VA1R TABI.U T. & G. FLOORING O. O: IlATTINS WINDOW CASING MOULDINGS WINDOW JAMI1S I'KNCIS PICKUTS LATMS FOR IRKIQATINQ SPOUTS WttublnW PAfV9flrtft MVifrpni rv.v . --- :.-. v .7ff iIUI7rl 1 I fl 17 17 17 Ds V" If wr -vu. vr t.r. a. ' 1-Mm . L.tfJ W. tl. . A e.l.l ,tl V. mm mw (iHfiata, z-ixe ici oar ptrrmxuitui cuilcmir. Prize Collection -'-! ww.... flbteH4H4tHttM laK n VI fUl 4 lkMkL. J II lb llnMt I Tmnlr. T (cUoOLd i OuU., 1 bru r.tl,. OtfAUXttTKru TO J-LI.A.U. Wrllo to-day f Mention this Paper. SEND n u torn tuuf ! T"ii .ti. tliU 1irtLI. f S cuCflilatt t4 AJa buliAl ..iL.. silk m. k. i fltmnitm, l!;.lir.I,.J..4 '1. U,.l, K A Mil 13 tUl tU llMt M(rtU tt bl j.U. .14. t H. W. Eactbco, SKttJig.SL y ? n K , s, , , m . V. CJiLii. MIL kl ' 1 u..i..i; ff ill. Am I , . JH I BEND, ?E I mmFjm flf & MHMHHsiflBHHdHlBflMiaUfeBlBi BEFORE YOU BUY ELSEWHERE. I CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. jl'ST ARRIVKD' Camp Chairs and Stools Reclining; Chairs Hammocks . AND . Cots Justj the tliiiiR for the porch or Inwn. xnul especlnlly just the thing for hot weather. A LAROIJ hi l'l'I.V 01' Lime and Cement Wesfs Finrmture Store. 1 1 J. S. WILLIAMS lAr Till! IIHNUV .INSTIiR 1TANI OREGON Office with the Central Oregon Jtoilty Co. Central Oregon Realty Company inuccciiKjr tot" ji. BEND, IW.7.HKH IN AM. KINDS 01' WMIJ llrown & Co.) OREGON Central Oregon Real Estate Timber aivi Desert Lands a Specialty If We buy or sell your land 110 matter where nituutcil, Wc can iu l!y you with any class of laud nt nuy time. Call on us or write for further particulars. m'mmmmutMnmui iim. a mi uJJ. WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE, INN Tnljlo alwnyk Supplied with the bait thai tfvd tulyn affords. JJHNI), OltKf.ON 'Went and Cotiiforlnhlp Rooms, 41! ! i..j