The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 21, 1908, Image 7

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    A llml llrrnU,
W'Uv W'y tllil yiiii Khc Hint plinn
OKmi'li nwny Juwt ln'forn wn with innr
rlfitf Dliln'l Mill llilnlt I rnillil iinii 111
ttiiuimiiil v iiiuir. I i'n i n ii iinv
In I, i Dmii'I urn kmiiv llml
no lioiimt In hlu Hmuith fur two Inlldnit
.Mlil nt llm liiNt rt'ixirt hit wna Mill
trylmt to miiiir liliiitH'If. Detroit I'm'
"I lit men ulio ittivolc llii'lr lime to
tin wiuilry'a ni'rvli t nhnuld Ih rf'je
llllltt," Krllll till llllll'llll.
"Wi'll," iiimtwrnt I'liriiiiT Ciiriilnniii'l,
"nuim of 'nil should niiil nthcra 'ml
iiinrn rt'jilwt If Ihny etuild tipprtiMcli
llin payroll In illamilau." Wimhlucton
I.e. a
"I'o jiiii think J our liiMiirnurfi mm.
twny In Iwliu timdurliil inoru tKimutii'
"I'm miro of II," rmawercd tlm lioim.
fill cllln'ii. "It iIihh'i mihI ino iimrly
n ninny IiIiiIIitk nid rnlmnlitra na II
umhI to."--Vnaltlita:tmi Htnr.
,Ni. Hlrnnurr ! 'I'linl.
Mr lllflimu I ai imp tlm
In jetir lib )uo alrtifa-lral with id Ml
Mr. 0aawl-O, ym I had an awful
lr f thai In 'fit. 1 Unit to tak all
klllil (if hlOIr lttlkllir Uti.te I gul II
out of my a;itrm.
Mill ullw ! Nnih.
MIh Hull"-- lie tntd inn oikii that I
wiik hiiIIk prclty.
MIm Chi'llu -Vi, tip nlmi told in
Unit you wro 111111(1 prwiy ontv.
't'lillmlilplila I'lfwt
A irrat ilHt nf lh Hlltortan rail
rnad ! prtl alotiir, tkv lllr Amur,
ami It kaa MmI wild nearly arival mi
tlic ptit of Ik trtt mlnUIrr, It l 1 1 Vo
ir lo Im r.wnlmi. mMI two up JO,.
(nm.OO), rr uf rortt land.
4 0t.ln.ntr nlTolotal.. (iiiinlr, I '
TliMik J m.Vh oath ih. tifiliMTilai
t-attitornt 1 i liana; A Cn ,4utHa;
Li.aiHiMIIa( liri.nolvl",) ..unlrakHlrMala
almaMl.t.anJ llialaal.l ti n Mill yiy lliaaaim
aal.t, an.) I
r In MM
l.l UN lHlll.tUt In lajib ...I
1 1 aiai.ti thai ran Hut t rttia.Vl'r
Ika uaa ut Haifa I atari
P ara.
ivr I t'linwi'v
Hwnttl tn U.ta raa aayl a.iraM'itia) In ray i m.
aur,l.liata4ar ul lr.U'r A It laWt.
itu.1 1 A. '. 01.. A WV.
,,!r' . - . . Notarrl'wtWIr..
llall'iPaUrrliCvia It laiafi UlotHallr. au.1
arlfUhM-llr MH IklUasI arxl Murauaaur
laraa nlthaayttam f.J Jnr laaillrtunUla llaa.
Knl't W allilrMoUtr tar,
laa rtall'i laaall; ItlU Isr i
r i i nuiv,HU .Tularfv.u,
Kataaman 'Hat. alrT Vri what kind
da yon nr4i In taali alT
CttatuMwr WVII, my wlfrt wmra a Mrr
XI U'liWir affair. If yH Lava amallilHt
that la trr riapt r(rll of It, JMJIIJ
own, tival'i wrl I aait,
HalfauMM--'I1t yrnt want a plitc hat,
nf rytiriw., with a bbk tnttvl artnittd It.
'Hwtl I Ita trMreat wa ran rowt In a
lMrrtrMUta WUtower lutt. Cbkajo
ln II t'ti.
Tnrla llvnry, Itaw Mg a tarjwfl dlJ
ywi fr ftrilT,'
"Why. Sammy, wwt I hit rfnw W a
tarpon rlttl yrral rr bartr tf
HMvt fK lati In. bra U lk rarwttl."
"I'm mil colac l try l bant trial, .Saite
tnr. I kav wily a (aw yaatra In thru, JU-t
I want lu go to baaa tomr tUy."
A I'lilBNi'lar.
Jiiiltt How man times harn you
lifu nrrt( twfnrv)
'rh"Htr - I'lus air.
JMlja Ttrirn I IihII ft! It tiijr duty
to lniHMi llm maximum Bun "
PrlarMHT Itut, yottr honor, lan't It
only fair to civ n rwliaftal rul to n'K
tilnr rutiMiM'ni JwIik.
IIiialHil (on iiiarUml train) Ymi
liinatn't Mind It, Marin, If I Ink anreml
duanr nf aplrlta during rhr ilay. fntrM mrw
on tl'a lit only tlilug thai will rut I Ida
alkali iluat ihat (-la Into one'a tkrwit.
Wif--Vihi ttuo'l bav Im do It t.iiUy,
JutiM. I'te laMt MM k I UK -irrr IrMililrkM,
nu.l I flnd w don't alrlke tk nlkall re
Clou fur fiOO mllaa jl.
The Wlar lieu,
"AfltT nil, I fa Uh wlo mmi who can
chniigo Ida niliil(in."
"Hut the wUfMt iiiwi almply can't do
"Why imtr'
"llwniiMi thKj'vo hctut tlivid for
yeiira." I'lithnllc Ktniidnrd nnd Tlimm.
Mcilicincs coiitnltiliirT Mercury nre
im coiitnliilnir Mercury nre oltcit B veil to lieraona ul crlnjr wltlt
Mood l'oinoii, nnd bo powerful Is the fiction of thin r.itf tlmt it
cuiovcR the Hyiiiptoiim in n whort while, nnd Bliuts the disease
fraiucutly rcmov
up lit tic Bynein io ho Kreiiicr imniBea
i .. ' . . - .
i '. i si'sii i i v, '".' VM-
imtiviit tlmlri thnt IiIh licnltli lina been
0 '? i" . ' "Jr2m l
limn, kiwi a .u .iki.i.t is. w, v... ,
lMvrcttry, nor nny other
cicniiHiug room aim neni.i. ii cures
the virus frnni the blood. It acnrchcH out every particle of the poison
nnd doits not leave the least truce for future outbreaks. 8. 8. 8., In
ndditloii i to curing the disease, builds up and Btrcngthens every part of the vou ,,, nmko uso of u ht,nvv mulc, but
body. Its fine tonic effects tone up the Htoui.ich nnd digestion, Improve the n onll,r to j10j t10 wfttor It is neccs
npnctlte nnd regulate the entire Bystent. Home treatment book coiitalnltm; Bftrytoilo B0, You can uso rotted
valtinble infonuiition nlwut the dlueicnt Btngca of the disease n"l "y Btrnw for this or forest leaves." -medlcul
ndvico desired sent free to nil who write. . p tho Washington State collecc,
General Demand
f tho Wtfllliifnrmud of Urn World hn
lllwnys burnt for u rdmi.lii. i.I.hihui.I
mill nlllclunl Ibiuld Inxntlvii riimmlv .if
' - i
Idiown vnliio; it Im nil vo which jihynl
ulntiH could tmnullim for fnnilly mm
ImciiiitiH Kit coiiitMiiiimt purls urn
himwti to tlimii to Im whiileacuno nml
truly htmiiflelnl la urfnot, iirciiiitnhlo
to tlio nyalcm nml Kwntln, yut pmnipl,
In notion.
In supply.,,,, that demand ..... lu
.ixenlltmt oomlilmitloii of Hyrup of
I'Ibh nmt ICIIxIr of Hmitin, thu Cnll
fnrnln l"l Hyrup Co. pnicMli nlnng
ullilcnl IIiibm mid rolluN on lint nmrlta
of tho laxntlvu for ttit rnmnrknhlu
Thnt la onn of tunny ronwina why
Hyrup of I'lHa nml lillilr of Knnn la
Klvmi tho pritfoiiuitfo hy tho Woll
Inforinwl, 'l'o llt Km hoiiHflclnl offoola
nlwnya huy tho khiiiiIiu iiiatiufno
ttirod hy tho Cnllfornln KUt Hyrup Co.,
only, nml for twin hy ull loading
ilriiKKl"!. I'rlco fifty ctmla pur hottlu.
ilia iiiir nr.
"ISIht'l," Im MhlajK-riil, "Hill jiiii mnr
ry ini'T"
"I don't know, Cliarlfa," Mm rrjilltil,
"WMI, wIiimi yon find out," he aald,
rlalne. "arnd liln word, "III yoill I
nhnll ho at Main I lllfka' until 10
o'clork. If I don't hoar from you hy
to I'm cnJnt: to nk Inr." 'lid lilt.
riTC M VHm' Itaaaaa4 ibim ll Mlax
IllJatallf aaloa Uf lit I Im lliaat Nana IU.
(tar Ma4 l.f r III II M IIU4UI.I ll.ll .
III. II II. Kllaa, IA . l I.U kl , I UI..l,Ua, I a.
A llalliloiia I'ualHril,
The nt'lMi fur thla ilcllmtit drawn
hua Iwn handml down lu my fnmlly
fur many K'iiratlrma: Into irh Indi
vidual cimlMnl nip tmt tht yolk of imt
'kV. add one lplni; tMaMHtnful of
ununr. tn Kratln.-a ttf tiutnos nml Hvo
(NlilnHMiiful of nvrifi nillk IlioirjM.
'"' '" "'", " """ ' '""" l-"
THtti tbornUKllly Htld M'l I III' ruM In It
,MM 0f lint Mlir llakv In tui.tarln
' aiiT l.aar III H IOilfair
(im until llrm U'lo-n cixil, rotor with
a lOlTltlKin'. tialliK thai whltia of tlw
for thla ptirar. ami nllow iiiid
(alil-atM.iifiil of p.iuilt.rr.1 itiKaj- to tho
whltit of tiftri, mg. Thriruith tho rrry
tlptoti of oaeli MMitry itMHind drrrji n
tiiitapooiiful of oranc) iiiaritialiido. I).
Mmhara villi fin.t Mra, WlaaWVa f-thlo
y Id Ilia bail raaaxlr lu UmIvI llialr tUJWru
Juilug Iba U-a lUlnu iUal.
Mill rirr t nit llliu Uarlr.
I It runny thliit; nlmt jour art.
('nil n wotiMtu "n hlril" nml alm'a tilwia-
til. nut on 1 1 Iht n Iimi or nu jml rruw
ami alio Ki'ta nncry.
Hhi( Nothliiic I'xHinlti'ly fttilnliia
alHiut thnt. ('nil a man "n and ill'"
nml In fnla KHt. lint cull him "n
tiilairHl4 rurMtlit hwc thlnu nml
he'll UiHH'k jtHir hwd ylT. llnatou
liiirtr tlnr nt lhr I'lrm,
AttrtitUiit (MhunrtHc him ittrmlcli tht
atrurturr) 'llila txmaa la hulll (rti Mltat '
la krrOHH a Irrr "itow fwtntalnlUm" ptatl. ,
Mr. I'm-urllrh Ah, )m; I think I
knanr Kltanim. I hat him nt Ik
rlubi Uil I kavr m-vr lunl tkv plraattra
of maiHIrag Mr. Ilualhw. Ckrrngu Trlb
II a.
HraillUn rallroada In otwratkm at tk
LaarlMulH ut laal itar Ua.l n I ..In I Imctll
of 10,7711 mll. In ail.lllluti tkorc rr .
UXU mII Mtlae coatalnictlmi atwl 4,177
mil Mmk wrt)r.l r alrwdly approved.
HWklHit Iko lutal mtbaic about ltSU
No Crura fur Alnrni,
"ImiU, i4Ik'r!" rdtmilnl tin) oxrltev
ctllnm. "Tlmt big ilrtinnut atoru Is
"What iiwken you think iV naked
tho o4Ucir, iwlnily.
"Why, don't ou ht nil tln wont
nn Hliotipcru riHtiliig diiwn thu tiro ca
wihhTm "Oh, )pa; hut thnt la not tho idgu of
llro. You , limy wtn't get (lirnusli
thu rmolvliig diHira with thoao bU
In lh Couerolai Aic.
l'lrat (loerumriit OltUrr (u few yrari
Hrennd (Jorernment Olllctr Yea; frs '
cot to to this nflcrmvon In tnke part In.
the nxthling of the corner alouo for a new
often given to ticrBoiiH milTctin with
... ... , . . .
to no ueiicnie i iienini meinoeni.
,' ", "'Vi ,Ti ' f V ' V i
injured by this powerful mineral, nnd
r. K?', ""X " I.'"'"" .." ,n":
of 8.8. S. la entirely different. It contains no
linrinful drug, but Ih mnde entirely of henllng,
. It cures Contagious Mood Poison by removing
uouuigious inooit i-oisou ny rcmnviiiK;
Oregon Farmers Ovor.como I'rnjudlcri
of Loup; Standing,
''n HlOimcwi ArtWulturiil Cll.. CufY.III,
! . Kale ' "" '.'f ,llf. '"" tlkin crop
in Oregon When the UrrK'n homier
want, lo prove that Oregon is the
liaat iluirv .l.,l. In iIim ii.ii. hi li Iita
to talk ka'e Culms he knowi what
kale will '!' to the milk bucket lie Im
not fMialifinl at a booster It ii called
llir iIhiui.iih! headed kale, ami the
hotamst know It at brassica cleracea,
lint it l (Tip plain kale of four letters
; K j-
,,. 1, , r three yearn that It
has had an audience, thouuh it i
Clearly thirty year old in the Willam
ette wtllry II hat tried to talk all
Ihutc yearn, hut the people wouldn't
linen when it nouxht recognition.
"We never heard It talk," they In
iiled, "hack iiclnwa and Kew York
Jlack there ciwi produce milk with-
( out kale, and I uueia they will have
.to here" 'I hat i tradition It took
thirty yean for kale to el an audi
I ence in tint Mate and live down tra.
1 ill lion.
The dairymen of New York under
land what k'reen ittcculent fnml
incani to the dairy cow, and they
build expensive nihil, huy expenuvr
machinery, ami ttrow fcrlilityrohlniiK
corn, which the)' Irrigate with their
weat. in order that tile inrincr dtir
iiiK Ihe long winter tuonthi may have
an cxciue inr milking hi co The
Orcrpiuiau necda no expeutive tilos
to remind the cow of the K''d old
iiimmer lime. Kale! A thotttatnl
hleitinga mi the thoUMml-hcaded
kalel It It making Oreuon Ijie
Krc.ilnt dairy Hair in the union. .
When nrown under favorable con
dilloni kale will yield 4(1 tout tier
acre of rccit feed, ami i' chief value
it at a toiling crop during the fall
and winter Splendid retults arc he
utg iccurrd hy feeding kale and vetch
hay In dairy cw, wiihout any Kraut
or mill feetf I)r Wtthycombe. of the
Agricultural College, iy tiiat IS
poumlt of vetch hay ami 40 pottudi
of kale a day it iiraclica'v a balanced
ration for a dairy cow Mr V I.
Wilton, of Hinkt. Or. av' "I re
ceived ItOr from It row in the month
of December, and fed them nothing
but kalr. Mirnirit and etch hay The
man who feeilt chop would nave to
make ItJT to clear at much at 1 do
I have not had a tpi.'k of mitt feed in
the harn all winter"
Mr llyrin Hunter, of Corvalli
ha, at attitlant agricultural of the
bureau nf tnduttry. V S depart
inenl of agnrulture. made a tpecial
ttudy of the forage crop of Weatcrn
Oregon, and In ftulletin No . pub
lithed Jointly by the Oregmt Experi
ment Station and the Departuffnt of
Agricu'ture, ha the following to ay
nlroul kale, which it timely:
"Meth.l. of Sowing -For fall and
winter ute kale ia utually town in
drillt on well prepared and drained
od at wiii after the 13th of March
at the traton will (lermit Thit fur
niihea, plant i for trantplanting in
June and July The land tited for
trantttlantlrii' it uell iitaniirr.l ari.l
plowed two or three tithet between
the firit of March and the firtt of
June With the land in perfect tilth
it it plowed again with a IJ-inch plow
about the firtt of June, and the young
kale plantt dropped into every third i
furrow about two and a half to three i
feet apart Thit places almut one
plant on every tquarr yard. The root
of the plantt are placed where the
next furrow covert them, leaving the
tons uncovered The tilanls that are
plowed in during the day in thit way
are rolled in the evening of the name
day to pack the jt round Two or
tnrce ciiltnallotu are all thnt can
mually tie ffiven, for the plant will
soon touch ut the row, if they do well
Any plant that fail to grow may Ik"
replaced by hand Some grower
prefer to plant the ;eed in hltl, in I
wlieu the plant .ire large enough linn
them to one plant in a hill Other
put ka'e out just as c.!Uac i iiouilly
transplanted. Innlrad of plowing it in
The time of transplanting muat be
determined bv the aiae of the plant
and the condition of the laud If the
land la wet and subject to overflow
the tranplnntiug may be delayed tin
til during July If Ihe land is well
drained and the plant are large
enough it may Iw done before the
flrt of June lit trattp'auting,
enough plants may be left for a stand
mi the laud where the seedlings arc
A man llvtntr nt Mnutl wnnts to know
of n wntvr wafton nnd hnrroln. l'ro-
tior Tliornbor did not favor tho plan,
"Thin would bo rather too complex.
I mil of tho opinion thnt you will flnd
It too grunt nn oxponsc, conahlerinK
tho vnluo nf n team nnd n man, to linul
thla water during; tho nummer. Tho
station would ndvlxo you to try and
conserve this moUturo by means of
culture. Thin could bo done, with good
cITcct during thu nummer months, I
hnvo had connlilernblo exp'rlenco on
Ul0 .. co cmn,ms" , imulInf.
wntcr. nml hnvo concluded, firat Uint
jt , n,prnct1cnblo to plnco wuUr
nrouml tho trco without heavy mulch
omtraw; necotul, that nothing much
j03S tjin hnrrol of water' for each
trco nt each watering, should bo given.
Thig w flonk 10 mA up flllrl;
wo , , our cnB j m m ncc(, to
., ' ,i, ,,. ,i, . .,..
wni,ir (ho trees on tho
tjwn twlco ,jurlntr tho summer I do
not know (lmt ltvlll l)0 1)oasjbio for
M(n Dtltii Stroebe, who had Cent'
fleltty lj)U lltr lltallh, Found
IxtUtftom Peruna at Once.
T),.,1 irrt...t CT O
KCdtt W Kit OJtC OClVSi
MIHH DItiXA. HTHO.Jtllt, 710 Itloh.
mom Ml., Applnlon, Win., write!
"for aiivornl yvntn I Mat lu a. tun
down romlltlnti, mid J could find no ro
ller from doctor ami mMllelma, I
could not rinjoy my mvnU, and could
notaleep nt ult;ht. I had heavy, dark
clrclr a Unit tho oyc,
".My frlumla worn tntirh nlarmcd. I
wn nil vIk d to give 1'ernna n trial, and
to my Joy I Iwgatt to Improve with tho
llrat Iwttlo. Aftur taking Mx bottle I
fultoouiplotrlyciirod, loaunotaay too
munh for l'cnnm aa n mwllelnu for
vomeii In n run-dowii romlltlnn."
Pcrutia Old Wonders.
Mr. Judge J. P. Iloycr, 1121 Sherman
Avo,, Kvniialon, III., aaya that nho lw
camo run down, could neither oat nor
aleup well, and lot Dealt and iplrl t. J'o
ruundld womlera for Imr.iinil aho thank
I'eruun fur now life ntid atreugth.
iiowahd K. Iit'ttro.f
AMatrr 1 Cbm.
I !.,. ilia, r AinfAa. fia m rvl.aal Ou.4
niit.r,,. "ia. riirai.r. f
i4. rni,i. ,..n, a .7ina.ii
taw-. II. liul.t . L M.ulritf .nva ofiwa aa4
luili'f fallal a5i iMiar k1"'1 -n Carfiir4 ai.. Vm
iarawkattcilaU. ,..iivkai t abwaiala ft
MnaJ llaak.
A Nw and Kwtrm fATfrfrat ll"tat. ralrrlne
rartlrularlr la 8tataHvpU, A rrflnal plata for
laillra vUlUna; Ilia cllr. cluaa to tha ahapin(
ranlar. Kataa irsaunaU. t'rra IUi..
. u euiu, (utt it rutin ts:f) up.
A Rare Bargain
DourIm County Pnrm In the heart
o the famou Shooatnnif Valley.
Sixty nera -IS acren c onrvd, 15
ecrM fir timber; roil rich ami mel
low; no rock a; hoothou mile;
on county road; running water;
woll; over 900 Ixmrintf fruit tree);
5-room tnjj Itoure, lm and other
out-huiMirrga; two milM of fence;
full naortinnt farm implemunU;
nil 1km4! funilahinga; nil crtiis.
Muat noil. Trice for ever'tlllnr'r
52,600. AddrM
Itoom 4 1 9, Cornell HI Jj.. I'ortlan J, Ore
No. 33-08
flllt.V MrlllnK to Bilvcrtliars i.lco40
iitriititi tin itr
A nnd r Wlil.tlr.
DM you know that n ahurt, sharp
whistle from the mouth would atop n
rabbit It surely dm. Next time you
in' little Molly Cottontail Imp from her
burrow nnd mnku off don't shoot; Just
whistle. Whether from fear or curios
ity I cniiimt tell, but ttlm will atop atlll
In her track. An niit('loi linn been
known to do llkewlsv. An Afrlrnn
hunter once nnld thnt the elephant l
tho most timid of nil Animal nnd can
lie frightened Into n cold awent by a
Dtyatorlnua iioIko - -New York I'rt-aa.
't-.-f.-urxr.u,ij7. . i .fi
Al.riiiffiir i.l-i. .....I -"
Promotes DF&s!tonfl?ttful
ncss nnd ll'irnnhln nelrtvr
bpiuntilarjihlnc iwrManL
al U a X Alt V U all".
liiytai turn
fiva " ksf
rlll lr
Ancrfctt hVmf dy for rxiHfl,"J-
linn .SniirSInBwll.I)lirrtri
Worms ,Con,ul$ions.tcTru!r
Pic5ini& SljjnaniitpT
lilti V
k.Si W
)- ,i-i
Exact Copy of Wrapper,
WnrUlnit HI I'nllenl.
Alilhnanndor Ull 'iiltg fuug wna once
It la nlhgcil, telling ntK;iit n ccrtnln
tu'lllah iollll(lnn, lie ;ill "The iim'i
! ri'iiilmla me of n docfor of Hhtmgtinl A
miiiidnrln c-iiiik to thla dor-tor for ml
the. lb. could not alcvp, had no npi.
tiff. aulTenil n good dcnl from dcprii
mIoii nml hererlhWeM wna Inking on
fnt nt nu nlnrmlng rnlc. 'WVII noou
(nit J on In condition ngaln,' anhl the
phyalnn, 'U'hitt you iifil la oxfrc-
gorxl, Inird lacrclrc. Tour time n
wifV you enn coinv here nml put lu the
morning ixdiahlng my tliMir.' 'Itut why
not my onu floora the'mnmhirln In
qulrnl. 'Mine,' aald tho jihyMclan, 'nro
A till o( Arlvtrr.
Thla la n hit of ndvlcti oiffrcd hr tho
(Junnlwm (nM-tte:
Young ;imn. If you ahoiild come
ncrooa n girl who, with n face na mill
nut na n mititlower. nnya na you npMiir
nt the door, "I will i Uiay for hnif nn
hour yet, for the tliahm nre not wnah
h," jttnt MpiHt right down on the door
atp and wait for her. iM-cnuae noun?
other clwp may chiii nloug nml aemtre
the prbe, nml right there you will hire
loat nn nnctd.
In lhr l.llrrnrr Wnrkalmp,
"llrrjok.." raid Itlrera, who had ,n
atruirllni; ilraptratrly with an idea for
more than half an hour, "el re me n rbyww
for 'ppifiinetory.' "
"flurry, old man," answered ISrooia:
"hut there Un't any."
"Daali It!" rxclalmrd Hirer.
Tbrruon he procmlrd to do It In
blankrty blank vrrae.
St. Helen's Moll, Portland, Or.
Kctidcnt and Day School for Cirla
Catalogue on Request.
Thar ara TraJnnl far baslnra In a but4naaatik war
YihT net rnrvtl ta a muutla Kboul that plwaa all of Its mJuataa?
IV , ,.-.',, .,,. ' zil
by sollrnlnd Id water, clrana Ilia akin thoroodblr. rcnons
odor at parspUalloa and rcuilora lh alia soil aaj vaKaly.
All dealers. Sample Borax. Book et and Lace Centerpiece c'cslgn on cloth
ready to work, ICc. of I'ACIFIC COAbT BRAX CO.. Oakland, Cl
Loral mirnta atantnl. Write f r morrf maklrurpUn.
urn iu -.v jjsv. ' .J-.':'.",v:-Ti.J,:
Tlio IiUiid Yon Ilavo UMTty3 Bought, nud "wltlclt lins been
in uso for over 30 years, lias Ijoruo tho elgiiatnro of
nud Itns
Xy'i f Bom
All OountcrfoUs, Imitations nnd" Jii8t-ns-jjood,'nro but
lxiierlmenta thnt trlllo Mith nnd ciulnngor tho health of
Inftuita nnd Children Erpcrlcuco nalust lixpcrlmcut.
Cnstorla is n harmless BiibstUuto for Castor Oils Paro
Korlc, Dropn nnd Sootlilnt; Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine- nor other Nureotlo
Hiibstauec. Its npo is its guarantee. It destroys 'Worms
nnd allays 1'ovcrlslincss. It cures Dinrrhcvn nnd AVlnil
Colin. It relieves Teothlnp; Troubles, cures Cottstlpatloti
nnd Flatulency. It nsslmllntcs tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach nud Dowels, irivlnt healthy nud natural sleep.
'Xho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Boars tho
The Kind You Have Always Bought
in Use For Over 30 Years
TMietrrrauaeoMMar, rr isuaua aratrr, ntwToaaerrs.
When the
Hair Falls
Then It's time to act! No time
to study, to read, to experi
ment ! You want to save your
linlr. nnrl nnvn It nrilnl-lu fnil
So make up yrur mind this U
very minute that If your hair
ever comes out you will use
Ayer's Hair Vigor. It makes
ihe scalp healthy. The hair
stays In. It cannot do any
thing else. It's nature's way.
Th. boat kind of a testimonial
"Jo.i for ovor yeora."
OUOaa-T' t Ayr in Ixnrall, Kaaa.
Ai.o taaaaalrara ar
cnoutr PtacexL.
Peep Ben Amenlllra.
Tli Oyn'er You're a gooil deal tougher
cu'ioitvr l' an I am
The Clam- That'a all right You do a
csod dml crook "It ahell name than t do.
Said an Employer: "Stick to quality.
It will win out in the end' We do
"tick to quality." That It the rcaion
our graduates are so thorough and in
.....f. .l.m.Mll - ' .
autjeriority. Catalogue, business forms
j and penwork free. Call, phone or write.
Portland Biih.iickh CoIIcjJo
i Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Orrion
JfcyiTK.7fa'W.T -' alataV.
ucon inndo under his por-
supcn - Islon shico its inflmey.
Signnturo of
is n
"WB-rf h'. ...
rat-caaiu. - - - rriiin,sai