The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 21, 1908, Image 5

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Til 12
I Iwt v u JiiHt received my new
of (lie alien o well Known linwul
of lint nnil Cnp.1.
01' JIA'ltf AND CAl'S SOLI)
SI'LITTKUS, y,i inch brim,
53 oo, oo. 5 oo.
Tiii.iiscoi'iis for young ,
in KfV. tnn, macaroon mwl
Imowiih, at tli unlfonii price
of $ so.
I.I!ATIII!KS, with crnvinette
brima, atrittly waterproof, jiikt
the lltii'K fur fall, fi 75.
Caps for the Little Folks
Caps or the UIk Folks
Twenty (lifl'creiit styles and col
of, ull fioiu vc to 51.7s.
Rev. Mitchell will proncli next
Sunday, both morning nnil evening.
If you nre loaiug your sqIc have
it icKiireil ly Legal, the shoe man.
William Arnold was n Liulne
viki(ornl 1'rineville the first of the
Horn, to Mr. nml Mrs, J. II. Hoy
hut 11. 011 ThuiMliiy morniiiKi ft
baby boy,
A. M. Lnrn tells you nil nbotit
lints in his ml. this week. Look it
tip mid rend it.
The Lndic.' Library Chili cleared
nlxiut $10 nt their ice cream koeial
Saturday night lutt.
Judge Hills drove over to Print
vlllc Wcdnuhdny to attend to busi
tiesH nt tlic county sent.
General Manager H. J. Ovcrturf
wns nt Paulina during the week nt
Jrndlug to telephone mutters.
L A. Chnpuinu Is improving the
))pKMirniice of his htore building
greatly by giving it new coats of,
paint inside mid out,
I. II, Ileybtiru has filed on n
homestead nenr the V. P. Viitidc
volt much nt the Meadows. He
nluns to tnkc up residence thereon
Sit 11 few weeks.
IC. A. Smith left Wednesday
morning for Pot Hand where he will
remain indefinitely. "Smithy" hns
n large circle of friends hcie who
tcgret to see him leave.
M. J. Morrison returned Sunday
from his trip north to see nbout
home Canadian timber, He spent
wim time in Portland attending to
other business mutters,
I- - J
Miss Caldwell passed the
recent leathern' examination held
nt Prlnevllle, and has been elected
teacher for the third grade of the
Prmevllle public schools,
We Imve n couple of simps in lr-
tig.ited farms, partly under culti
vation, nt pi ice of law laud. See
us before buying, ai-i.i.
Mxkuim. ik Wilkinson.
Miss Klcliiinlsou, whom the Hcnd
school board has eugnged ns otic of
its teachers for the coming school
year, was at Priucvillc Inst week
taking the teachero' examination.
Agent for Champion Minders,
Moweisiuid Knke, Hinder Twine,
Harbed Wire, Chicken Netting,
Mitchell, Haiti mid Winona Wag
oiix, Svincusc Plows and Harrows
Come and see inc. H. A. Satiiuk,
Hcnd, Oregon. tj.(
I am now agent for the DcLnvnl
cieam separator. Mid have one of
these machines in stock. Step In
and examine it They nre n great
convenience and money saver for
the dairyman. 1J. A. SA'riiitx.a ttf
Miss I vii Ilooth of l'llueville nnil
Miss Augusta Ilooth of Salem were
visiting in Hcnd this week with
their aunt, Mrs. W. H. Stunts. At
Inst Sunday evening's church ser
vices Mis Augusta gave a rending
that wns much enjoyed by those
The prize list nod race program
for the fourth annual meeting of
the Central Oregon Livestock and
Agricultural Association nre now
be1 tig distributed. The meeting is
to be held nt Priucvillc on Oct. 13
to 17, and promises to be n very
succcaaful one.
Prank Orcutl made The Htilletiu
u ptcMtit of n fine bunch of carrots
the other day that arc certainly
prize taker. They nre large and
firm and have an excellent llavor.
Prank cm not only rata- carrots,
but he is also having good iticcess
with all of his gulden stuff.
Rev. J. T. Moore, Ilnptist preach
er at Priucvillc, will hold services
in Html lath morning and even
lug on Sunday, Aug. 30. Html
people who have heard Kev. Moore
state that he is n splendid sjitaker
mid are anxious that n Urge con
(legation greet him when he comes.
A MiUtciibcr writing to The Mul
let in from Washington hays: "Yes,
1 thoroughly enjo)cd my stay in
the Deschutes valley, and especially
ilid I apptcciatc my freedom from
the feeling of fatigue. I think I
never felt better physically in
my life. Shall be glad to go back
sgaiii next ,Mitnmcr ."
If. J. Alex Meyer of Portland
was in Mend the latter part of Inst
week to adjust the insurance on the
I.iustcr mill, and alao to investigate
in regard to the liMebcuet file. It
w ttiMleutood he recommended the
Ntyuitiil of the Litisttr los, but
will report to his company regard
ing the lintcbcnet fires.
The laud company that bought
the military road laud grant through
tht southern twtt of the Mate have
divided it into farms ranging from
10 to 1,000 acres, nud nre disposing
ut it 111 unite a unique manner,
Mrs. C. A. Jones hns secured the
agtncy for the couiuy for Central
Otegou, nud Lns ait ad. in another
A. M. Drake has scut n postal
card to The Hulletin from Switzer
land of the .souvenir order that de
picts the forces of good government
at rayed against the absinthe evil,
nud fighting n desptinte battle.
Mr. Drake writes: "This is cam
paign literature in Swiss nuti-nb
sittthe war. Not unlike your re
cent dry vote."
L, H , McCautt has had very
good success with grain this year
on lus liomcktcim in io-ij. His
Hluu Stem nud corn wheat have
done very well, especially the corn
wheat, litis wheat has heads on
it five inches long nud heavy with
large well filled kernels. Mr. Mc-
Cnun'.s farming is entirely on the
dry fnrining system.
V. J. O'Connor has resigned his
position as cashier of the I). I, &
P, Co. , to take effect the 15th of
next mouth. He will be succeeded
by M, C. Miller, who, for the past
year and 11 half has been superin
tendent of the Three Sisters Ranch
Company, Vic and n brother in
Portland arc planning to engage
cither in business or fruit farming
IC11 mil I Illinium, frntti fettlnm trim
tile, io just remember Unit l'oiey Kid-
ney iveiiicuy win awn utv irr(?H,1",'l,ica
unit cure any case of kMncy or bladder
irouuic nun nt 1101 uuyoiui mc reocu 01
Hieilclne,-C, V, Merrill, Urusultt.
Howard Splning Informs The
Hulletin that his little home nursery
Is doing nl'dy, ninny of his npplc
trees being now two feel high, nud
n few nearly three feet. Not as
imiiiy of the grafts lived as he an
ticipated, owing to the lack of
knowledge of soil and climate, yet
In; will have several hundred to
sell to his neighbors. Avoidance
of long .shipments moans half the
price of the trees.
Clint Vandevcrt was down from
their ranch at the Meadows Thurs
day, and reports that there nre n
lot of campers tip in that nick of
the woods. A few Sundays ngo
they hnd 35 for dinner at the ranch
and last Sunday nbout 18. The
Vnndtvcrts have corrnled some of
the campers nud hnvu put them to
work In the hay field. The Hul
letin gives due warning to nil camp
cts to light shy of the Vnudevert
much during haying time.
Hdward A Heals, district fore
caster of the l S weather bureau,
writes to The Hulletin from Port
land as followst "I would like to
have the weather recoid kept up lit
Hcnd if possible, nud am writing to
ask if you can recommend someone
to carry on the work. We do not
pay anything to the observer, but
we furnish all the instruments,
blanks nud postage. A great many
Hasten) coolc are interested in the
climate of Central Oregon, and the
reports from Hcnd were consulted
quite frequently in the past." This
work is important nud someone
should sec that it is continued.
New Hooka fur Library.
A party who docs iyot wish her
name meplioticd has donated to the
public library the following books:
Mob llatmtoii of I'lacr i'arritli
MUlerHlll I.jtm
The MuHr from HrR-Keg ....Tinting
((arrack Koutti I Mil It Kipling
Hllintf Tom 11 1111 IU llktf l.toyti
Tin- I'lflh String 5otta
The Mytltry Wliita niwl Adam.
A Year (turn a IU"iter'n Not
Hook IMU
Koiiiniit-c i( Two WuthU Corel),
Mnale Sttly in Germany . . . .' Pay
Marvlml and Mtuie Marcla-M
AitRrki Stcruc
Ollitli SlMkct)-are
A set of Dickens In 15 volume
has been purchased and me now on
the shelve of the library ready for
the borrowers.
Anxious to Come Hack In the States.
AK. about Deschutes Land.
The Hulletin receives inquiries
very frequently regarding this sec
tion, and n number have been found
in our mail during the past week.
One of these shows how jieoplc who
have gone to Canada arc disap
pointed 111 the country and arc
nnxious to gtt back to the states
The letter reads:
'(KKKNWOOD. II. C, AUi- la, I90H.
Tint Kml MulNllii, Itttl, Oregon. 0i-
tlciHell KIlHlly Kill) UIB H MHipU W)V
of h rt-c nt iMi ( your iwwjf: nti
any iletcriptive litrinturt- mhj may have
fsxirtruliig the DtMlititehlrrigAtcd utv
land ,
I win natlxc of Michigan and cr
dlwali.ficd with the romlitioii iKtc in
CaiMilu. I mil aiixloini to get Wk to
the ntntes nud buy n ranch. Tlierv are
cernl fmniliei of 11 lierc who nre par
ticularly interested In the frult-grouiiig
and stuck raining litndit.
Tliankuig you in advance for comply
lue with llif above reqnett nd for uuy
Inlarinntioii yoi limy tupply cotiMniing
llie Diwvlmtes v-lfcy project, I mil,
Very truly your,
$5.00 Reward.
Drown mare, while forehead, branded
f 011 left hip. Strnytyl from 1) I. .S: 1'
camp 3. 5 urctnrd for it return to
John Dngostiul, ntnloi-im'iilloiicd imp
aj-lf John Dm.ostini
4fe s&Jfe'
Dandruff and
are but outward signs ol the oil
done In secret by myriads ol dan.
Jrull germs sapping the life blood
ot the hair. Micro kills the para
site, soothes the Itching scalp,
gives lustre to the hair and stops
It falling out. A single amplication
gives relict and proves Its worth.
Save your hair before, too late.
Micro prevents baldness. It Is a
delightful dressing for the hair,
free from grease and" sticky oils,
Ask your druggist for free booklet,
I ItfiMrAiTsJ !
ivlllllV) Jjiutr Ha
Pleafinnt KIUkc Menu. '
Not inn Ji iIoiiik in tile fiini'icffll way
but ierybt)dy M III fr 11 inp
( Inii'le M'Cmilli-y U rtiiuiiiiK " (mill
for. c of men till wick 111 coi.itru I oil
of the Dnvld Miller Intern). I
Mr Hall and dalixlitiT, Mb I'eru.
welt' itlt M-eliig In the county CApitol
the (oie tmrtof Ut week. Tin- Infer
will lull In n n'toil lmrt- of Die tunc
writing for the teaelierV cxaiiilimtiou
wlildi l now taking pUre.
llHiliel Creenlmliih, Jr., U inulint; '
llatid Miller In theclearllitf of 11 lialih
of ground prentr4tory to the f.d. mm d
Itltf Ol HllPRl.
Mr. ( lie!rr 1ih n InrRe iKirliou of liH I
fiirin climeil und ell Mirded ti ilonti
Hlld iiKitlfil.
Mli Clarn Vkh entertained n f w
of her litlKlil"'i .ind friend Htit.'l iv fvf
iliiiuer. ptevlou to tlie Swihih)- mihkI
Hint linintlllly lolloweil UV ' m
J. C, Thorp mid n Hilly patscd
throtiKli our vicinity Monday eiiroule to
A number of our Kldeellt nre Micitd
lunail otitllig up the l)sehuti-i, fitliinj;
and K'llheriiiK tiuckleberric up at Crane
Tunialo Iteiiia.
TuiiAin Aiu iS. Sonw thunder nlld
a little mill vUHiiig u tixlay.
Ktcnoui- in tbeur twrtanre bunv liny
lug nnil all lepart n U-tler yield tlian
with cxiwcuii. .'iniiy mi iicmi,iiK i-
tlirculi a y,f ileal.
C. II Spatieli nnil fnmlly cxix.-ct to
ilnrt for a at, their old home near
ItoscburK, dr., next week.
J II. and Clu. I.. Wlmcr and Jew
lf.ui, mrm .WI., tit. .1 Uwtf'i Mhtllllt,
trip oil the upjK-r DcVclmtet toon. Wt
exiicct to hear of tonic ll; "catchca,"
NcwtU like heii'it teeth till week, M)
will tell ou all SlHlt il next week
Attention, Atthma Sufferertl
I'olry'i Money and Tar will Kl-e im
mediate relief to million wirTererk and
Ita cMidit many r that had refund
to yield to othef treatment. l'oiey'
Money awl Tar it the lt lemwly lor
coukIm, coliU and all throat ami lung
trouble. Contain ito ltarinful drug.
C. W. Merrill, UrttKRi.t.
l'Rl'IT I'ARM 1'OR ton.
The opening f the old Oregon Mili
tary Koa.1 Land Ornl throtn;li lower
Lake and Mariiey eountie la tlirowuiK
Upon the market ill tl ami cheajie!
land in Oitfcott. It Is ih- oiiporluuity
of a lifetime for Oregon ieoitle. There
nre I i,yj (arm for alc, in tract of 10,
m, jit, 8ti, IU, 640 and l.ti nere. the
.mail Iraet suitable fur fruit ami tann
ine, tile Urge tratt for rrarimr. 1'rad
the follow 1 iiu extract from a letter from
(.dirge Conn, lite lint I'liitnl Stale
Inid Office Receiver at Ikevictr.
Mtkev lew, Oickoii, June 17, lOf '
Oregon Valley Und Co. f.eiltlcmen
III IM5 1 came to 141.C roaiity, aim am,
therefore, one of the otdet ptonefrs.
The road w-a ci.tabli.rasl through the
bt ttortinii jf4 Soiilhcrn Oregon, and
even ill 1S65 I recall that the Kraut wa,
in many (tiaevc. literally covered with
w ild plum, and, with rare exceptions,
tlloe iiattir! fruit hnve Ixirnn fruit
every year tiiicv. riot f fpak of the
planted and cultivated frultl, nliieli ikh-n-v
n rematkable llavor and hare tllrl.'ii
quite a Micccfully. Of late yenr icr
hatM, the rnn;e, especially atoov; the
Military Koad, Ita been unwed too
clowly, till, if fenced, il icpro.lucf
very rapidly, ami conttiltite a country
which, even if uot a in the put, cuiHiy
for tock, enable Uuhc who follow- tliat
tmkiiiek to Iwcome indeiwndeiit ill a
luirt tune. Of course, at that OHrly
tlale, anil until alaHtt 185, the natural
KM were over knte-tleep and covered
llw great tank ot tlie ttntiu. ami 11 pro
tectetl, this wme coudiliou would return.
Your truly, George Conn.
Don't 111U the opportunity to become
a niece 01 eooti ureeou lami.
Vou won't have to mk-iiiI n lifetime crub-
bini; ktituiM
Hjt Chamber of Commerce, Portland
C. A JON ICS, lleud. Oregon,
AKcnt for Ccntrnt Oregon.
Kocontl Enlarged
25,000 New Words
Now Gnsottoar cf tho World
v mii'ijt u.i a ji.JvJtUuedontbo
lUU-t O..L.II.1 ixtiu.i w
NowUtocraphlcal Dictionary
1 iiitalntiiu 1110111111114 or over HVtOO uottxt
m una, Cilo ut lilrili, 1U1UI1, He.
I' uioJbl.uotCo.iuuUtk.iK'ror UilucaUoii.
300 Quarto Pages
' wltit.t, rJ lUu tntlM. IIUI lUtJUnc
Noodorl in 3Svz'y Homo
,U-ju Wctwttr'aCollJRlatc Dklluitary
r us.-ri. licit luwmikw.
KtgviUr i:iiitlan;:)iiitLu. siujuh.
1jL aCJuiant'.u ,u', it. iVutMrivu
I, l' hrut J ls r, I ktir 1 t....ll.K
1 llbtV lll'U;Yt MilM,"IUiitt.lvd)vu(ll.'U.
J'ubllnltar. UprlngUold, Mam,
wiaiiaii itmmmmmamjmmmmmmmmml
tuuctrsmuis tvaum '
' M.J. I. k.lM N.w A 1
f trl.1 Kill rn.ka im itn.injpt t-
rinnr Mtl.(.fto irurtl or fint
SouTenlr MUtihnVJ.JZXZ.
h,.Hr r1 .nilAil,
r rtw Mm I . li iiU f M'
F J T ' !. 1 .'!'-" uli IZ auiAjl Pauk M,a
I .. . ti.ii-. .lk. i - kv-4 A -". a4
rr f mPm"" ls T if tn . tf, f mWm4 1
M"wir.7iri17.V,. ... ..
U. AIIAll.l.i' ' -r.
- -
Vmi '' 1 i '!'' r . t ifwi 1
., ... n .It.. 177) 10CI1IHT
n, n, ducucs cciroto, ill.
LL the Personal
Property of the
Three Sisters
Ranch Company, con
sisting of nine work
horses, farming imple
ments of all kinds, 80
tons of hay in the stack,
and household goods.
Terms, cash or bank
able paper.
Agricultural L
griciiliiiral College
Corvnllls, Oregon.
Offers collegiate courses in Agri
culture, including Agronomy, Hor
ticulture, Animal Husbandry, Dairy
Husbandry, etc.; Forestry; Domes
tic Science and Art: Civil, Klectri
cal, Mechanical, and Mining Engi
neering; Commerce; Pharmacy.
Offers elementary courses in Agri
culture, Forestry, Domestic Science
and Art, Commerce and Mechanic
Arts, including forge work, cabinet
making, it earn fitting, plumbing,
machine work, etc.
Strong faculty, modern equip
ment free tuition; opens Sept. 25.
Iltmtrttn! e.l.lojiK' with fall In for nt .twit 00
applk-Alioti lo the KeKUtrtr. lift.
Every Farmer
As well as every business man shoulcj
have a bank account.
Because: our money 's saer 'n ie k tnan
anywhere else. .
Paying your hills by check is the
simplest and most convenient method.
Your check becomes a voucher for the
debt it pays.
It gives you a better standing with business
Money in the bank strengthens your credit.
A bank account teaches, helps and encour
ages you to save.
This bank docs all the bookkeeping.
Your bank book is a record of your business.
To those desiring Banking Connections with a well
established Bank, we extend our services.
The Central Oregon Banking (
Trust Company
John Stetdl Lumberman and Timber Owner.
U. C. Coe Physician and Surgeon.
H. P. J. McDonald Mayor of Hcnd.
E. A. Sather Merchant.
J. D. Heyburn Cashier.
The M. W. of A.
Bakery and Restaurant
Home Made Bread for Sale.
Also Pies, Cakes, Cookies, Doughnuts and Every
tiling in tho Bakery Line.
Restaurant will give meals at all hours between 6 a. in, and to p. ot
Inkllnjc at (Hit.
iiif 17 Johtuik
III Mi o
rlllf.. 1 1 W f jT 'lie Jlnlo!!.
j'yiti 'i.iiic I irtic i I icre Irou ila.
on a I ! Ik- r limit
Mr. i Cndwill .card the i.IiojI i,
f,l t tin -.i lUr, de oflirmMocoiuuuiici.
i!k f.rt Monday in October.
'initt a Diitnlx-r in thi MelihVjr1nK'
'wiillhri'h ttieir K''" crop, which l
(" r tlian w cxpicU 1 t
O-txrnc l.dward ban bottght hilli '
.buedriviiiK learn. Me went to Will"
I ville Saturday toptirclMe hugR) Ml
now Kirl d t it low. U'lu will I .
uie iir-i i'j ri'ic in toe ra 'hhx
Mr. Stackley went up lo the !!
pitch yesterday after jwlea fw fencnif
l'otmaterOil will cut the Mrcit
crop of clow r in a ttn day. Me a
Ihe necond crop wlttbe lettr than il .
Mim Ida Htacklcy vMud lotlay w,il
Mr Cha. Wiley near GUI. i
Master Vcrii 011 lm returnetl twu
Crooked riter, where lie Iiail been work,
lng In the hay field.
I'rank rnokl and wife went lo I'rine
ville today on buineH.
IADiHS"' Yon should lmc
your callitig cards printed nt TI.u
Hulletin ofiice. The latest styles.
JVlicn You Paint
buildings, inside or out
side, if you desire the
very best results at the
least expense you
should use
Call for
color cards
A Full Line of Groceries, Dry
Goods and Hardware always ctt
Hand. '