rMB BEND BULLETIN 'Tor every nmn a sijunre deal, no ess nnd no more.' .IIAW.KS I. ROVIf UDITOR arnscrfii'TioN ratks: Ave )tf ... ..-,-... i J Mi month... - . Tttttr IfHWtht .,.......... FRIDAY, AUGUST 3t, 190S. Till! optV TROUDLIJ. J'he lhtriM 2cws (Rep ) clones nn tblc rdttoijiil on the politiCRl situa tion in bregon with the fallowing paragraphs: ju&t m Hire a the tvttr is taccd with the altertwthc of tartemter ftiR his rhtlit m a cititcti under the jtri mar ami initiative U or of Roini to owe other party to protect them, jmt Jiat wrc will a autlkiciit number take the latter clvoice ami vote against the re publican party "We reiterate once again the belief that tlie md to republican mccei lie 111 meeting iuUlliccnt popular demand miiI the vote of tlie state the pat few ear in clearly Indicative of the nature of that demand. The riht of the pco- pic to choow all their officers ami 01 the mae ol the party to eliouac- their can lklate mut bcrecojcnitcd. W'c pretl'ct that no leader in Oregon Kill ccr lead the party to ictory agnin 011 any other itrattouii." The News touches the very heart of the matter. The only trouble with the republican arty in Oregon today is that those who &tarul as its lenders arc not in touch with ad vanced public opinion. These lead ers and .1 few of the influential re publican papers of the state are ap patently blind to a forward political movement that is progressing among the people. They have placed themselves in opposition to this movement and, as is always the case when civilization takes a step forward, those who oppose it arc crushed and obliterated. Hence ,t is that the republican party in Oregon, unfortunately led by a few blind leaders, has met defeat during the past few years in the election ot some of the leading officers of the itatr. these men nnd papers ate taking l hir As n matter of fact, the fire their opposition to St.tle1m.-1U No t.jwvt corralled lust week Tuesday mill tlie n,ium tctttrueu to lie ml tlie sitiue day J N. Hunter, tut exHMieuccd tituhermnu who was on the ground until the lire was put under cottttol, say the damage to the bin merchantable timber will he only n small per cent of the totnl stand of tiuilmr. So what's the use of getting hysterical over the matter, nnd sending out .reports that are mis leadline. According to these re ports nn outsider would think this section had been almost demtdttd of timber. Cheer tip, boys, it's not nearly so bad as that There is a popular trend in Ore gon toward better government. To obtain this the people are striving to free themselves from political bosses arid tnarhitie politics. The popular judgment has decided that this can best be obtained by means of the primary law, the initiative and referendum, the recall, State ment Ko. 1. and undoubtedly other advanced laws stilt to be enacted. The only reason under the sun wk thc people demand these laws it be cause they believe such measures will enable them t) secure better lawmakers and betteroverntuent. They have been enacted oue by one, and tlie primary law, the in itiative and referendum, and State ment No. t have been tried in oper ation. The mass of the voters are heartily in favor of them. This wus detnoustraltd beyond a shadow of a doubt at the last general election when the recall, corrupt practices bill, people's senator choke, and proportional representation were all adopted by wry large votes. These measures Hare come to stay and the people will never give them up ex cept for something better. To be Mire, these laws may need amend ment and improvement in some particulars, but the underlying principle beneath thean U sound, namely, that the people shall have the supreme voice in the making of their laws. As has been said before, the trouble with certain republican lenders ntid newspapers is that they have placed themselves in bitter op position to these measures, and as u result the voters have, to a cer tain extent, turned against the one time leaders. The desire of these leaders is to lead the pa-ty back to and the election of Governor Cham bcrlaiu to the Ctiitul States senate Thev nre using all sot is of childish argument in un attempt to .show that the coventor is not the real choice of the people. And right there is where they make their serious error and show that they are trail) not in touch with the mass of vot ers. Hefore the general election The llulletiu advocated the election of the republican nominee mid did uot believe the state would elect a democrat to the United Stales sen ate. Since the election we ate fit in ly convinced that Governor Cham berlain is the choice of the people. flic is the man they want to repre sent them in congress. We have carefully felt the pulse of public opinion in this section, and Cham ucriaiu is rue cuoicc 01 n targe ma jority of the voters. And what is the reason of this? Why docs a stale that is republican by 30,000 elect n democrat to the United States senate? There is but one reason, and that is that the vot ers have lost faith in republican lenders in Oregon and prefer Cham bcrlaiu, a democrat, to the republi can nominees. They believe that Chamberlain will stand for those measures and policies that the peo ple want, .and that he will not be a tool of "the interests." And, ns The Bulletin said last week, that is the paramount it-sue today. Not whether a mail is a republican or democrat, but rather what sort of a man is he. That is the only man ner in which you can adequately explain the election of Chamberlain, a democrat, to the senate by a state strongly republican. There is promise of a bitter tight at the next legislature to defeat Chamberlain and elect a republican. ABOUT HUND'S SCHOOL. (Continued from page 1.) of us used to Iw (Nicked every win ter on the Atlantic coast. With only nil assessed valuation of f 30, two in root, the patrons voted a levy for u nine mouths school. In 1902 they unanimously authorised the hoard to erect nnd furnish a new school house, particulatly in structing the board to secure single desks. In 1905, with but one dis senting vote, the district voted bonds lor mid authorized the erec tion and furnishing of the present six room building. In February, 1906, with only nine opposing votes out of a total of about sixty, the voters instituted the district high school ami at the annual school meeting in 1907 they unanimously author ied the board to erect and lurnish a building in the Arnold viciuity. While to a certain ex tent, for progresstvettess, this rec ord speaks for itself, bend's present chool houe and high school place the school patrons of the district lar in auvaucc ot the voters ot any other district tu Oregon. The School Mouse. Located on two acres of land ing on top of a ridge overlooking the Deschutes river on oue side and the residence portion of Iiend on the I nllav a-aj-tu aHil Ska a .. I .! n This fight is belli,; maneuvered by fnrm.n ,1in, '.i,,' ,,,;. nf , most fanciful work by the landscape gardner. The building is construct ed of No. 1 material, two stories and basement, contains six school rooms each 71x30 feet, six large siied cloak rooms for the pupils, a the one-time republican leaders ami the old political machine. If they succeed they will bo over-riding the will of the people, and that is an archy. If they should succeed and we do not believe they will they will bring down upon the republi can party sure and certain defeat at the first opportunity the voters get to express their displeasure at such tactics. There is only one thing the mat ter witn tne republican party tu Oregon. Let the readers stop their insane opposition to what the peo ple waut. I.et them, on the con trary, join hands with the people aud help them to secure the ad vanced measures the voters are now demanding. If they do it, they will soon wee that republican voters will no longer vote for democratic candidates. principal s room, a library room, n school officers' room and a large ball way on both floors. In con nection with all t!te school rooms arc teachers' cloak rooms, ami book shelves. All the rooms are finished with No. r beaded ceiling and No. 1 four-inch flooring in hard oil, and the school rooms have floor and l ceiling flue ventilators. The build ing is furnished with two inch water pipes and hose for fire pur poses, the pupils' cloak rooms are furnished with porcelain basins ami when finally completed the build ing will t provided with flush loiters ana uramcu oy sceptic sew wmv our nvsTUkiCAL? Frineville papers got rather ex cited over the forest fires that were burning in this section last week, and consequently the accounts they printed of the damage done reads more like a fairy tale than anything else. The Journal says that "ordi nary business in Ilend, Redmond, O'Xcil, Hums, Powell Iluttes and other places has been temporarily shelred, while every available man has gone forward to meet the ex traordinary emergency caused by the fires." We do not know how business was affected elsewhere, but in Ilend it was the same, as though there were no fire, and not a busi ness man, farmer, or anyone else who had anything to do was affect ed in the slightest by the fire. He kept right on at his work. "Ordi nary Uusines was just as ordinary as ever except that the demand for supplies for the fire fighters made it a little better than usual. And the Review had the fire west iige The school rooms nre well lighted from tlm rear nnd left of the ilisks with Inrae windows from which tho rays of light arc ndfttHU'd with hard nmpk Venetian blinds Tho rooms are furnished with single patent desks mid scats, teitclicts' desks, large permanent blaekboardn and maps and charts in permanent wall eases. This bnildittg was erected in 1906 and nil the rooms and hall way on the first floor finished. During 1907 one school room with connecting rooms and hall way was finished 011 the second floor. This year still another room is being finished, Iheichy leaving only the fiolsliiifg of one mote school toont with con ucctitii! rooms, the sewage and lelectrie systems and the permanent heating apparatus to fully complete the building and furnishings as contemplated. In his annual report for 1907 Superintendent Diuwiddic says that this building when completed will be by far the twwt modern school building in Crook county. 1 ho High School. At a time when the district was already annually taxed for the sup jiort of what was supposed to Ire n legally conducted county high school at our county scat and when there was no law in existence to exempt our district from a tax for the support of a county high school when conducted in accordance with the laws of Oregon, the voters of the district authorized the organi zation and maintenance of n dis trict hich school, in accordance with which n high school was at once instituted in February, to'. and by the action of the directors in lune of this year the same was rained in nil repecta to the stand ard reunited by the laws of Oregon for county ItiVh schools. When considering the fact that in 1 000 what was then the ltcud .precinct (a district 18 by 40 miles) had only n population 01 st people, that the map of the town ol llend was only filed in May, 1901, ami that I'rmcvillc (our county sent) founded in 1871, and supported by the taxes of the entire county for this puro$c since 1903, did not have tiny high school as stipulated in the statutes of Oregon or as re quired in other states prior to the school year of roo7-tyoS, the pro groicncs of the llend school patron is sufficiently apparent to assure the continuance of the ad vanced state that the liend school system has attained. L. D. WtT. Cured Ha Fever and Summer Cold A. S NoatMaw, Hatearilte. Indiana, rile "I.tyer t aMHerwl for Due month with a Mtnmr cold hi ihatrvait mg lUat it intetferrol tvltu my lminraa. I Gad many of the aymptomaof Uay fritr and a dvtor' pteacnpttoN dul not teach my cae. and I took acwral medicine . bich mckmsI only to aggravate it for a IBend-Shaniko Livery & Singe Company J. II. WHNANDY, Prop. Vy. . Kelley, Agonl, Blitinlko New Cpycrcil Stupes between lieiul find Sltnulko ALSO l.ivcry and l:ccd Slalilcs nt Shiiniko, Mmlrns iiml llcml, Wo run our tltta to nlonso tltu nubile. ! Singes lonvu unch wny every tiny. . rat... in nll iini'li rf rimilrnl Ori'iron. Cni'tiftil (Irlvorn fiii-iiii.liM.i llia iw f " -.. - - - - ... Special Attention Given to Express and Baggage. IUIH II ..QW , . Innately I iaaiated tiu hanne I'olry Hoary ana Tar. It quickly rurr.1 me. My wilr haa aiocv nel Pole)' llontv and Tar with the aamc attccv " C W. Merrill. Druftxiat. Subscribe for The Bulletin. xMsas3iaesBa9asxtf A Complete Stock of Dry Lumber Rough, Surfaced and Moulded Always carried in stock. I have all siren of the following- the old couveutiou system, boss 0f Spring river still burning and de rule and the corrupt nsulu ispr.ug; .ja, , ng lhoiIMnda of feet of tim. ing therefrom. Rut the voters of . Oregon have ad vunced beyond that ,,(Ic) ., Kt, Keudj- v. ill cure any System and Will uevtr go back to It a- of kidney or Madder trouble thai is , ' nut beyond the reach of medicine. No uiciciuccautlo more C . Merrill, One of tlie most foolish stands I uruSgtt. INCH COMMON IIUAD HI.OCKS DIMUNSION O. G. IJASHDOAKDS RUSTIC STAIR TRKADS SHIPJ.AP WATICR TABLU T. & G. FLOORING O. G. I1ATTINS WINDOW CASING MOULDINGS WINDOW JAMBS PHKCK PICKRTS LATHS FOR IRRMATINf SPOUTS SEE ME BEFORE YOU BUY ELSEWHERE. I CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. BEND, J. S. WILLIAMS 'AT THIS HKNRV MXSTKK STVND OREGON Office with the Central Oregon Realty Co. aaonvnv At llend, Oregon. A Complete Stuck ol DRY KotiRli, Siirfuccd uitii (Moulded -LUMBERr- At llcml, Oregon. All Widths, LciiKths nnd Thicknesses INCH COMMON DIMUNSION SHIPLAP RUSTIC T. & 0. FLOORING BK.ADHD CKILING WINDOW JAMBS WINDOW CASING HKAD BLOCKS O. G. IIASKIIOAKD STAIR TRKADS WATKIl TAIII.lt O. G. BATTINS MOULDINGS P. B. I). PATKNT ROOl'ING PUNCH PICKUTS SI UNGUIS HTC, KTC. R c.i so liable Prices a ood 0 aides Dry Stock Lumber Dclhcrcd nt Low Cost Anvnlicrc on The Lnmls of llic D. I. I Y. Co., or Hie CS.li Co. CUSTOM PUIH) MILL IN CONNIICTION.) APPLY TO Central Oregon Development Company BEND, 0WEC10N V?V Jl'ST ARRIVHD' Camp Chairs and Stools Reclining" Chairs Hammocks AND . Cots Just the tiling for the porch or lawn, nnd especially just the thing for hot weather. A I.AKC.r St I'J'IA Ol' Lime and Cement I- I Wesfs Furniture Store. 9 JC, ' ' MffnMgwkaKiiarJMPWj aaaaaa V P ! t Vakaaar J Central Oregon Realty Company f Vine. a.jr, . I 1 l a " BEND, - OREGON Dl'AUtKR IN AM. KINDS 01' Central Oregon Real Estate Timber and Desert Lands a Specialty f We buy or sell your laud no matter where situated. We can sup. ply you with any class of land nt nuy time. Call on us or write for further particulars. WHEN IN BUND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Tablo alwaya upplid will, l,0 belt th tho town affords. fScat and Comfortable Rooms. IlKND, Oitruo.s