The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 21, 1908, Image 3

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In a Cniii!(!iis(!(I I'orin for Our
IJusy Renders.
MlnnrillllPA nf n-tim rnin.i....n
A ttusumo of thoiLoss Important but
Nut Lou Interesting Events
of tlio Past Week.
Tlic battleship licet liiix milled from
Auckland to .Sydney,
Japan Ih pitying oir her war debt In
good alsed Installment.
The Canadian government In to me
diate In the, railroad utrlkn.
Irn I). Sniikcy, tlio eviimiolhit. In
lean, no a OH year owl.
Flro In Out lluirnlo, N. Y.. Mock
yards, burned clumt to $1,000,000 worth
or prn'rty.
Coiitrortor driving tint big 8t. I'buI
tunnel In Montana nre breaking nil
record for hhI.
Two people were killed and six In
jured by tlie expletfhm of n balloon Kt
London. A eetalor attempted to
light h cigar.
Tile Unlet of HI IwinHitM have heel)
found on mi Island In Lake of tlio
Wim. They nre believed to bit the
remain of a rty of explorer nmi
starred by Indian In 1 7. 111.
Hear Admiral Cogswell, retired, U
I I . lie wu nn officer m tlm Oregon
when that Vermel made Km famous
voyage m round tlie Ixirn to engage tlio
Jwillll Meet.
Train robber held up it Northern
Pacific train war Trout, ntn mile
WOt of MHlkHlie. The IIMtll ear wa
uiMNfUpled and run up tlm tmk. It In
not known what the rmwll of tit tmul
TurkM and Arrmonian join in cele
brating their liberty.
Taft, it new town near MImuhiIii,
Munt., ha been destroyed by fl'e.
It in bellevnl the elTect of tlm Thnw
Imnkmptry procedliig will bo liberty
for Thaw.
A Veterinary surgeon ha Junt died
In New York a the reult otif u bite
by n horse,
A (.on Atu;elei manlacc killed his
Mm nnd daughter, ntteinpted to kill bin
wife nixl himself,
A wealthy Itnlinn Iw been slain In
New York. NihtlUU it re iimhhhI to
liiwe thine tlm Work.
Tlm government bait started a tllit
In Sn l'rimclpi nKoliwt tlm brlnnltiK
of yoiuiK iflrli to thin nwntry for im
moral MrNNIMI.
Hoiive unkmtwn wron in Sun I'run-cIik-o
Nt liitTVnU Imm been throwliiK
Ink mi woimm'd exHtMive wxurlnK up
lrel, Hum rainbiK it.
JHpMii U rJolclnK ovur tlw ww
trwdemnrk trenty with tlm United
Stte. K'vtnK it m proof of frlwUhl
U'twwii tlm two iMMinlrloM.
A inoilu Vivendi Imm Ihh Mrnwjfl
W'lwreby the Newfoundland tlriedl
Mt Iwtwwvn Cirent llrltniM hihI tlm
Unlteti HtU will bo MttUml by The
lUgti tribunl. t
Senntor l Kollttn la koIiik to aUrt
n mwMmr.
Tho CMuullan l'arlfle U ImportliiK
Mtrikrbrviiker from tCurti.
ICinK lVtr, of Sorvln, U kccumhI of
oonplrry HgHlntt Mmiteimf ro,
A orvere huil him) thumU'r utorin Imu
hurt tlm Kentucky telmcco crop.
Prohibition lit to Im the nwtln Iwtio
of the Democratic ntute convtiiitlon.
I-'onwl (Iron have broken out iikiiIii In
Cmmdii mill uioru towim lire threatened
with doNtructlon,
Hxtrnviicnnt llvl"K hico tlio wnr
with lttnwln Ima chuhwI corruption in
the Jnpnncmu unity.
ICIiik lCdwunl mid KmH)ror Willlii'n
met nt Cronberjr, Cerinany, nml con
ferrixl on n naval proKriun.
Two niniikod men lumr Chlco, Cnl.,
held up lit men na they canto nloittf at,ii u'.imi Oiiklanil went to work voater-
illlToruitt tlinoa mid aoeurod $700.
Tho llvo people nrroated nt Datrolt
i Ittatnictloi! from Ilelenu nra wantml
or aafehlowinKi burglary mal forgery.
Tlm Turkish mlitlHter to tho Unltod
Stutori hna been recalled nnd will ho
rejilnceil by n reform inovuntont mini. I
llolhind aeeltu tn know tho Amurlcnn
policy in Vonoxtieln.
Ilunrat'H Iiulepamlent Iuiikuu Ih aitld
to bo abort of money.
Tlmw'fl cmlltorH miy ouat Ills re
ceiver mid nitiiio u triiHtcu,
Now York altorilT Ih accused of wink
lit); nt ruco track ki1HiK
l'rcalilont Fnllloro'a ilnuKhtor hits
mnrriud tho nrlvuto uucrutury of tho
I Vast Area Available In Wostorn Can
ada In September.
Ottawa, CiiiiiwIii. Auir. II. Next
IMIItllll will see rntlfcnl change In tlm
IiiiiiI Hillcy of tint Ciuiiiilliui govern
ment. Tim Oliver IiiiiiI net, Vrlilch goes
lulu olfcut Heptemher I. will throw
iijwn to tint public 2H,000,000 acre of
r',', ""tlI lll, III HlO odd lllllllbcred
i of west.. :.,.,.,d ti,m ra
I liberally Inleroected by a network of
,li ,, ' . .
Im In not mktil to for-Ko the ii-lvmit-
iW In wlllwl ilia Irlcta nml to K 1"'
tlw wIIiIitwm to Iliclit the hnn nitlita
of Dm pioneer. Iimtend of thin, the
new liwtnliiicnt of the Cmuulliiu leln
liituro elveii the imterprlniiiK man free
IiuhI tdUintcd near llourUhliiK townn,
oirerlnj; nil tlm mlvnntMneH and conve
lllenceo of liHleril life.
In onler to enrourftKo rnllrond hulld-
Inir in the Dotnliiluii. tlm government
ban j;iven to tlm rnllrond oimpanlo
ili'.iKiii.uou nrrea or bind durintr tlm
Innt few yearn, and nn n further Induce- '
niiiro,, im, o ..ji,ctni to ; raniiinircim cVntrnl Aiiicrlen nnd mi iirMluii of
imitketH mil HwnriiiiNK with live, hunt- oxprewted Hint It wmiM b
IHiK (uwiwhlM, with wcl uaUljIlalMNl , lnlltnlnl, in Klv...i in n cnblHKrMtn
INillru protection, inunlcliml Kovorn- r,.f).ivw 1(.r tiny by Dr. Laurie,
ment, Klwnla, churcliiMiiw! Iiialltiillone ',,,,, frni 0IHurM( frm lla. ,nn.
jm.tlnl for pruaiwrlty. Ulr f r()rt.,,,n nir,rH of h,H wwnlfy.
Wl.llo ho ' renter ' nnd tlm man Mr. ,,,., tho Amorlcnn mlnUter
with IIiiiUmI Iwm Mali I IniIiik Klven ' tlI SnlvniW, will Imivo Knlvudor for
tlm opiHirun y of ownlnu w" TeKuclKli on Auunt JHlotnkoup
fnrin, unlike tlm procedure here ofon. ,lrt,cly wh tn Hondurnn Kovni
followcd In Knintlnif free lioiniwteiula, .i. ....., ..t n... ...,., i ,.,i
ment they have been left iilHmlutoly ' tho runaiiinlileiiiHM of the pr,ojoid In
unfettered In the choice of locality aimI create of railnmd freight rated in Ala
the time of nelectlon, but recently wero bm, (Miricin, Tenneaiwe, I'lurldn and
made to nelect their IhimIh. The com- ortiixM of Sooth Carolina, in tho
imnlealmve taken full wIvnntnKe of ( aoutlmrn territory ntnl Toxwi, In the
till Henerous pruvlnliHi nwl mmle n SouUiweatern territory,
cotwtmit prnclice of lenvln their The projxHM-d Increnae In tho several
Kranta in abeyance unleaa, after cloao- HikiiImtii atatoa emhracoa practically
ly watchlnj,' the trWMl of ImmlKrutloir ex' -naive lnreaea proood through,
nnd imttlement, they could nuiku up j out tho ciaintry nt thia time. Tlm d
llmlr mimla na to wliat tracta of Innd.ctalon will Imvu an imiwrtant bvuriru;
wouhi heat wtvo their iuteruala.
Portlnn f Julep Held Prliohor In His
Own Palaca,
St. 1'eteraburi;, Aug. 11.- Slwclnl
dlKitchen received here from Teheran
ejlve n trKlc-couilc deacriptlon of the
NMiitbKi of the nhah of I'eraln, wIhi la
virtually n priiKHmr in the hand of wild
trlheamen iHimtiHined to Teheran to
protect tlm throne aKnimtt tlw revolu
tiouiata, but have become n greater
menace to the tiMHiarch than Ilia other
The trlheamen nro extrnvnKent in
their ilemaiVdn for money, which the
ahnh ia unable to u'rant, nml they
threaten to den troy the palace nnd pill-
nj-e Teheran. The fSfill.OOO aecurwl
from the ItuMlnou bank recently ua n
loan nn the crown Jcwelit of I'eraln nl
ready la oxhnunted. (Senernl l.lnkholf'a
Coaancka nm unable to make any bund
way riKnliutt the trlU-ittticn, who have
refuwil to Krmit the ahnh to leave the
camp at Hade Hhnkh for Snltnnn Hail,
where the harem la now staying.
I'amine ia reMirted to be imminent
In Southern l'mla, ntal thia promiaoa
to brliiu' nbout u criafa in ixtlltlcal
alTnlra in tlm autumn.
Former MlnUtars Ulamo Each Other
for III Luck.
CiHiatantinople, Auir. II.- Diacord
relKita rrhhik tlm Imuwr mlnlatera ami
lai'e olHclala detalimd at tlm minis
try of war. Men DoiikIi I'aalm, ex
mlnlater of tint interior, ia at loffMer-
IvhimUi with Ijihaln 1'aahn, tlm aultan'a
former awcrvUry, who reprttactwd him
with not IibvImk admted Ida advice
Ultra montha aK to aohrlt the aultan
to itrant amnesty to ixtlltlcal prisoner.
Tlm aecretary, who ia autfi-rmK from
acute melancliolia, replied ttwt it waa
lictter Ut liave died than to wltneaa the
preaent atate of alfalra.
Zeeklil 1'aaha, wln waa recently illa
miaaed aa Inatector of military achoola,
la alao remrtal to be a priaoner at tlw
minlatry of wnr, Imlf demetitetl and
conatnntly reiiUMtinK u revolver with
which to urn! hia life.
To thia reipicat tho reaivmae wna
nimUr that ho muat llvo anil render to
the nntlon mi iiccount of Ida doing.
He bna contrllmtisl J2r,000 toward n
fund to juirchnno two crulaura to bo
mimed after the horooa of tho revolu
tion. ,
Full Forco Rastored.
San Francisco. Auir. 11,- When tho
omnlovoa In tho Southern I'aclflc shoim
day they fouml that thoy were oxiwct-
nl to work nine houra Inatend of lulil
lr ;ly. 'Iltolr ty, however, w.ll bo
oil l lie iiine-nour onaiK. ivuriinf me
last 00 tlaya the railroad couiMUiy ha
IncreniHMl ita worklnir force in the Onk-
litnd ahoiat until now It la m j;reiit na It
wag hefoui thealumpof aeveral inontlw
a)!o. 'j lie increase ot woriantf noura la
nvcoaaltntiNl by tho Inrgo amount of
work on band.
Moot Death In Flnmos.
Now York, Auir. 11. Six persona
wero burned to death in n tenement
houHo at :i!)2 Knat One Hundred mid
Twelfth street, four children betweun
.l. ........ ,.t u ii... I 1') . I., f.,.,l ., q
i montiH and nn mrcd num. Other oc-
UlU IILVD k U tlllll , ..II llllllllfr u& .
cupnnta of tho tenement wero Injured
by jumping from windows.
Tiiriifo iTrxio rnniD ?ifipniiiir'rr!i! si p '
ncwo 11 Lino rnuiu wwmiiuiun, u. b,
Monihirnn Cnlilnot Mlnlttar Snnil thn
Now to Washington.
Vnli iiKt'Mi, Atitf. U. Tlm fnct
lllflt ImiIIIHi litm liiu.ti fitWtt ualijl iti
! i in'Mva linn if-vii imiij irnnnni up
vr cmul Hl (Vi,Mlt wh(HM. lx1Hllturil
' wero cnnrelled iiwIiik to their bIIokiiI
nlvTvi,m Internntlonnl nlfnlra In
Important Puling to bo Made by In'
trslAta Commlsrlon.
WniihlnKton, Atij'. ll.--I)urlnir the
I next month or nix week It Ih jioMdhle
mni me interninie uommerre commis
alon will deckle uikiii the queation of
on rat in general.
Good Job Awalls a Learned Chef.
Wahinf:toft, Au. 14. A chef ia
nculed at the government naylum for
the fnaane, nral n civil aorvice exnmin
alien waa held today to (111 the va
cancy. Nolwithatandini; the fact that
the MMition ya $1,200 n year there
waa mi over alHimlnnce of applicant
for the job. The rcftaon orhai Ilea
in the fact that the aucceaaful appli
cant muat be KMoed of a fund of
knowledge that would enable him to
lathi down n chief clerkahip in nlmoat
any of the department nnd render it
unneceaanry for him to don n cook 'a
Mystery at Oyster Oty.
Oyster liny, Aug. It. The unusual
artivity nt the government executive
olllce here, which hna been apparent
for nliiHMt n week, loth day nml night,
hna become tho subject of considerable
curioalty, Itudolph Forster, acting
srAretary to the president, and the
force of clerka under him recently have
been the hardest worked men in the
villnge. Their duties begin onrly nml
at time have continued far into the
nlht. The exitcutive olllce stall haa
bin autrmented by the nrrival of two
clerk from tho Washington executive
Maloao's PIaco rillei.
Waahinxtoo, Aug. IX. Dr. G. C.
Hants waa today apjiointed aaaiatant
treasurer of tlm United States, in
place of the late J, I, Malwie. Mr.
IlanU baa been an employe of tlm
Treasury detriment for 36 year and
recently baa filled the position of dep
uty aiUnt treasurer. William II.
(lilaMMi, assistant cashier of Urn cash
room, was promoted to lie deputy
assistant trvasorer in place of Dr.
Hants. Jatres A. Sample, now a divis
ion chief, was appointed to bo deputy
assistant treasurer.
Brgtnesrs Ssnt to Hawaii.
Washington, Aur. N. The War d
rtment ha issued orders to Company
A, First battalion of enirineers, to
leave San Francisco for Honolulu,
sailing on Novemlmr 1ft, lt08. The
First liattalion of engineer I now on
duty at Fort Maoon, Californiu. Thes
engineer are to make a survey prelim
inary for the fortillcntion In nml
around Honolulu mid nt Pearl harbor,
where the government is to conntruct n
large naval Mtntlon. After their work
nt Ifawaii, they will return to Van
couvcr barrack.
Confer About tho Hnzors.
Oyster liny, Aug. 1!, Secretary of
Wur Wright nnd Colonel Hugh I..
Seott, of the West Point academy, r
riviMl here today to discusa the West
Point basing cases with President
ltoosevolt. Secretary Wright said:
"I set n whole lot of trouble baa lieen
stirred up over these case since my
lust visit here. I hud no iden tho mat
ter was to bo made of sueh national
iinportunco." Colonel Scott refused
to make any statement whatever re
garding tlio cuon.
May Order Rectifier's Marks.
Washington, Aug. 111. Tho commis
(doner of Internal rovonuohns InformtHl
W. M. Hough, attorney of tho Nation
al Wholesale Liquor Doalera' associa
tion, that there ia ample authority of
law for the government to proscribe
tho marking of packages of spirits and
llnuora In tho lmmls of rectiflerH na In
. tho cnao of marking tho prodcuta of
Lepers From Mainland May Not Re
Sent There.
Washington, Aug. IH, Though vir
tually n Mtrt of the United .State, the
leper colony on inolat'1 Molokal, can
not recruit Its death-marked i)ila
tlon from this country. It is this fact
that make it linoasIble for govern
ment olllclali to comply with the re
quest of tho territorial authorities of
Arizona for the sH-ody removal of aged
Mr, (joiiernl Wnrwoll, whom tho ter
rible disensu has clnlmed for its vic
tim. According to Dr. II. 0. Godding,
nsalstnnt surgeon general of the public
health and marine hospital service, the
leper settlement at Molokal is strictly
n territorial enterprise. Thorn exUta
neither Inw nor precedent to warrant
tlio removal of n lewr from a atate or
territory, liowever, to the settlement.
nml I)r. Ooddlng voices the opinion of
the bureau that the Hawaiian health
nutboritlea would not approve uch a
Favors Policy of Pence.
Washington, Aug, 11. Naturally
the American government is interested
In knowing what the Dutch intend to
do In Venezuela, nml it is not surpris'
Ing therefore that the Holland govern
ment f sounding American Minister
lleaupre at The Hague as to what the
United State might do in the varying
contingencies that are likely to arise.
While the United States under cer
tain coral It Ion may be open to criti
cism regarding any prosectivo course
in Venezuela, it is not believed that
any co-oorativo Hinltlvu agreement
with any foreign nwer will be sought.
On tlm contrary an arrangement for a
M'ncefuI settlement of dilToronces
would be gladly welcomed.
Robbers Torture Women.
Washington, Aug. 13.--Three mask
ixl men entered the home of Miss Ma
ria de Garmo in n remote jmrt of the
county yesterday morning and nfter
battering down the door, bound and
gagged Miss de Garmo and her niece,
Mis I.iuie Hartmnn, tho only occu
xints of the house, nml robbed them of
their jewelry nnd a small nmount of
ensh. CurjH'U were slashed, mattress
es ripjied ojH'n and chests broken Into.
When no large sum of money was
fouml, the women were tortured until
the elder one fainted nnd the men left.
Mis Hartmnn, bleeding and cut, at
last freed herself from the roos and
released her aunt.
Hitchcock OfT to Chicago.
Washington, Aug. 16. Chairman
Frank II. Hitchcock, of the Republican
National committee, accomimnled by
his secretary, James T. Williams, Jr.,
arrived In Washington this morning
from Hot Springs, Vs., where be con
ferred with Mr. Taft yesterday. .Mr.
Hitchcock started for Chicago this
afternoon to meet Kastvrn and West
ern officials of tlm national commit
tee, who are to meet there ami opn
the Western lteadquartar. Mr. Hitch
cock IumI no political engagements here.
but closed and surrendered tlm last of
tlm room used as Mr. Tnft's precon
vention headquarters.
Alaska Wireless Station.
Washington, Aug. I'.'.- A wireless
station In Prince William Sound,
Alaska, is to bo erected by tlm Navy
department, tlm exact site Ut be se
lected shortly. Thia will be 600 mile
from the military wireless station be
ing insUlled at Fort Gibbon, ami will
form a connecting line between that
station and the naval wireleas station
at North) osd, Washington. Tlm gov
ernment will he able to maintain wire
less communication up tho Pacific
coast to the Alaska station.
Colonel Hoxle Retires.
Washington, Aug. 11. Colonol Rich
ard L. Hoxle, ono of tho votornn ofll
cent of tho corps of engineers ami who
for some time past has boon in charge
of tho fortillcntion and river harbor
work In lloltlmoro and vicinity, was
placed ott tho retired list of the army
today on account of ago. Ho Is sue
ceoded nt llultimore by Major William
IS. CrNlgltill, who until recontly was
stationed at Mobile.
Will Do Special Service.
Washington, Aug. 15. -TlmgunooaU
Albany and York town today wra de
tached from tu Pacific Meet by tits
Navy (laixirtmtnt for special service
oti tlm Pacific coast. These vessels
wore only nominally n jiart of ths Pa
cific licet, having been engaged In pro
tecting American Interests in Central
Dullots In Fins nt Tabriz.
Washington, Aug, 12. Dlspatchos
from Tnbrls today stnto ' that tho
American flog ovor tho United States
consulate was shot away yesterday.
The dispatches aro brlof, but tho au
thorities Bay they beliovo tho shooting
of tlio Hag waa accidental.
Pillsbury-Waihburna Company Needs
to be Reorganized.
Minneapolis, Aug. 10. Incident to
n reorganization certain of tho stock
holders of tho Plllsbury-Woshburn
Flour Milling company Saturday peti
tioned the Federal District court for
the appointment of receivers.
Whatever action is taken by tho
court, the business will b! continued.
The Indebtedness of the defunct
company is sot nt rnoro than $6,000,
000, without security. The book value
of tho company's property exceed
$15,000,000. Tho total secured in
debtedness covered by doljcnturc iMmls,
is $1,000,000, or n total Indebtedness
of $0,000,000. Liquid assets aro oati
maetd nt .11,500,000, to pay $6,000,000
unsecured debta.
Tho company has $800,000 of Its
products stored in 26 states outside of
The application for'rccolvcr has cre
ated surprise, but it is not expected
to cause any Hurry In milling or finan
cial circles. Tho milling Interests in
Minneapolis have en joyed nn exception
ally good year ami the conditions that
nhTectod the Pillsbury-Washburn com
pany have been pecullacrtothat organ
ization. The receivers have been appointed
with full power to operate the com
pany's manufacturing plant and with
confident expectation that this expedi
ent will be found only temporary and
that ample property, over ami above
all debts, will be ultimately left for the
holders of shares. It is proposed to
operate the mills umler receivers and
In charge of the receivers, so that labor
interests will not be seriously affected
at this time, and this is regarded as
promising good results, in. view of tho
very satisfactory condition everywhere
of the milling and grain business, no
other company engaged in similar lines
here being in any way involved.
DUILD 320,000,000 DEPOT.
Northwestern Plant Costly Structure
for Chicago.
Chicago, Aug. 10. Tho Chicago &
Northwestern railway announced yes
torday that its engineers and architects
have completed the plans for its new
Madison street passenger terminal,
which will cost when completed in the
neighborhood of $20,000,000, and
which will include facilities for hand
ling over a quarter of a million pas
sengers every 24 hours. This station
will surpass in point of ground covered
and length of trackage every railway
terminal in tho United States, it is
said, except tho South Station, In Bos
ton. Tho now terminal will occupy prac
tically four entire city blocks, bounded
by Madison street on the south, Kinzie
street on tho north, Clinton street on
the west ami Cannl street on the cast,
passing under Washington nnd Ran
dolph streets by means of brilliantly
lighted subways.
The structure will be of gray granite
of classic design, the essential features
of which is tho great colonnaded en
trance or portico, of lofty proportions
that will tower to n height of 120 feet
nlove Madison street.
Ilefore this imposing front will bo a
broad mvement or esplanade, from
which will rise tho granite columns
that guard tho inner vestibule.
Immigration Authorities Busy In De
troit After Long Chase.
Detroit, Mich., Aug. 10. Groat sec
recy is being maintained regarding five
arrests made hero today by tho local
tolice ami the local immigration au
thorities on a telegraphic request re
ceived from Helena, Mont, The pris
oners are three men ami two women of
striking apiarance, ami a small boy
ami two dog form a conspicuous feat
ure of the party.
The arrests are said to have followed
n search by United States official
which began in San Francisco in 1006
and has been carried since to Koston,
Pittsburg, Omaha, Helena, Chicago
and several other ioints. Doth tho
city polico and the local- immigration
inspectors say thoy do not know why
tho arrests wero ordered. Tho pris
oners deny that they aro identified
with any persons wanted by tho Unit
ed States.
Denied Citizen Rights.
Soattle, Aug. 10. After serving
three years in the United States army
in the Philippines nnd receiving nn
honorable discharge, lluntnro Kamagai
npplied for admission to citisenship
umler tho laws of tho United States
ami was refused his jtapers by Judge
C. II. Hanford, of tho Fodoral court,
hero today. Tho case is the first ono
of the kind to como up before a Fed
eral or State court In this country.
Kamagai has a fine army record and
was regarded as a most usoful man.
Ho speaks fine English.
New Wool Market Sets Record.
Butte, Mont., Aug. 10. Wool ship
ments nt Hakor, a now station on tho
St. Paul in Eastern Montana, for this
season, amount to 1,000,000 pounds,
Tha prlco paid is 18 cents or better,
the highest average of any market in
Texas Ilrlnys Suit Against Host
of Hallway Companies.
State Commission Appeals to Inter
state Board, Basing Complaint
on Valuation of Lines.
Washington, Aug. 11. Tho railroad
commission of Texas today filed a for
mal complaint with the Interstate
Commerce commission against 07 rail
roads and other common carriers, al
leging a conspiracy on tho part of tha
defendant through tho Southwestern
Traffic association for tho suppression
of competition and restraint of trado
in the recent action incrcasing?frcight
rates to common points in Texas. Tho
commission will forward notice of thia
complaint to all the carriers Involved
and will give them 1C days to reply,
the usual period allowed for answering
a complaint being 20 days. The com
mission will expedite this case as
much oh possible on account of ita
widespread importance.
The complaint undertakes to com
pare the alleged cost of maintenance
and operation of the railroads with tho
actual cost, and the claimed debt which
is supposed to justify tho increase,
with the actual . debt. Tho railroad
commission of Texas, it appears, haa
appraised the cost of construction and
operation of the roods as well as tha
actual debt upon which the rates may
be fairly based.
Eight freight schedules, which hnvo
recently been filed with the commis
sion, arc made the basis of the com
plaint and all aro alleged to have been
brought about by an unlawful agree
ment between tho defendant carriers
and the Southwestern Traffic associa
tion, of which they are members or
whoso members represent, through
power of attorney, those who aro not.
It declares that the increased rates
will fall primarily upon tho commod
ities of daily necessity: that they will
seriously disturb trade relations, caus
ing loss to shippers and the consuming
public, and that tho increased tax, so
far as Texas alone is concerned, will
nmount to $2,653,000.
Large Party Smuggled Over Mexican
Border Sent to China.
San Francisco, Aug. 11. Eighty
five Chinese for deportation arrived
hero today and were put aboard tho Si
beria, which soils tomorrow for tho
Orient. They were brought here from
the Southeast border in a special train
by United States Marshals Daniels, of
Tuscon; Smith, of Albuquerque, and
Warden, of tho rorthern district ot
Nino Chinese from Texas were
among the 18 recently discovered in a
sealed boxcar. The immigration agent
at El Paso became suspicious of tho
car and, upon having it opened, found
tho IS Chinese. They had provided
themselves with a cask of water and
food sufficient to lost for a week or
two. Tho Chlnoso arriving today en
tered Mexico through the port of Sa
lina Cruz, direct from tho Orient.
Bisbee, Ariz., Again Swept by Down
pour of Water.
Bisbee. Ariz., Aug. 11. For tho
second time within a week the Bisbeo
poet office was put out of commission
toiav by a cloudburst. At about tho
samo hour in tlw day as boforo a heavy
rain came up and. when a cloud burst
ovor Mulo mountain, tons of rock and
dirt slid into tho postoffice, piling
neorly ten feet high. The olllco waa
also flooded with mud and s It.
Tho general delivory section was
destroyed. Tho stamps and money
wero saved, being carried to a place of
safety as soon as tho Hood grow threat
ening. A largo forco of men with a
steam shovel is at work on tha debris
Raise Insurance Rates.
Winnipeg, Man., Aug. 11. -Word
was rcceivod here this afternoon that
the Canadian Flro Underwriters asso
ciation today In Toronto considered
seriously tho situation arising out ot
the $3,000,000 losses sustained at tho
Fornio flro and incroased rates wero
decided upon. Partly for this reason
and partly because tho association re
garded existing ratos on grain in elo
vators in tho Wostorn provinces too
low, It was decided to Increase tho
rates 33 per cent on that class or in
Buranco. Chicago Gains 20,700.
Chicago, Aug. 11. An Increase of
20,700 since last year gives 2,425,000
as tho population of Chicago, estimat
ed by the Chicago Directory company
whoso 1903 issue la now ready for dla-.
r ciuum uhl).