The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 21, 1908, Image 1

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V0! VI
NO. 23
lsIarrliiiuial)iit to linilcl
Into Central Oregon?
Wizard Invites (lovcrnor Chamber
lain and V, S. Stanley to a Con
enca nt I'cllcan Hy.
Is Hiitriman itboiit to begin con
struction 01' 11 rnihoad Into Central
Oregon? Ami will a few weeks sec
work on that lung delayed road ac
tually lgim? These arc two ipies
tions that liavc been lot1icrIiiK the
minds of nearly everyone in tills
K'Ctlon miicu last .Sattirtlay, wlien
(.ovcrmir Chamberlain, J. 1
O'llftrii ami I'. S. Stanley arrived
in Ilcml in an automobile 011 their
way to visit the great Harriimm at
his Pelican Hay lodge. They were
going 111 irKiimc to mi invitation
from the Wall Street wizard, and
the genera belief in that they were
Invited there to discutri railrojd
matters with the great railroad
The general sentiment in tlti-
Miction ii that this move of llnrri
man in inviting thse men to a con
fctcucc it the most significant thing
that hnn taken place in the railroad
game for koim- time. It in believed
that the activity of other lines to
tap thl .section and the move taken
to build the Central Oregon by lo
cal Kole, hnn ut lant convinced
Jlnrrinini that lt. mutt build into
thl part of the slate if he in longer
to hold till territory an his own.
The Portland Journal has the fol
lowing to say regarding this matter'
Hdvvatd II. IlarriuiRii, railroad
niflicimlc, wants to talk about the
long (U-ln)td extension of his sys
tem into and through Central Ore
gon. Therefore he has invited
Oowiior George K. ChamlerUln,
1'. S. Stanley, head man of the
ItawhitleM Irrigation & Power com
Mity aud promoter of an independ
ent rod into the Central Oregon
country, and J nine 1. O'llrieu,
general manager of the Ilarrimau
lined, to make a trip to Pelican Iwy
to talk the matter over. The three
men will leave l'riday, will go to
Shauiko by ttniiniiid from there to'
Pelican Day on Klamath lake by
General, Manager O'llrieu re
ceived r tcA'graiu yesterday from
Mr. llarrjuiau asking that invi
tations he extended to Governor"
Chamberlain ami Mr,. Stanley to
accompany hiiu ou the visit to
Pelican Day. In accordance with
this it is now planned to start tin
Mr. O'Urien claims that there is
nothing of particular interest at
taching to the trip. He does not.
know, he says, what is going to be
talked nlxnit when the party resell-'
es the Milliliter home of Mr. Harri
man out in the electric-lighted
wilds of Klamath county.
Governor Doubtful.
Governor Chamberlain says that
white at any time he would le most
pleased to accept an invitation to
visit Mr. Ilarrimau ut his camp 011
Pelican Hay, yet just at this time
the business of his office would pre
Vent his acceptance unless it were
that he considered his trip would
give him an opportunity to attempt
to neciiie good results for the peo
ple of the state, particularly of those
transpoitatioulcss residents of the
central portion of the state.
"I expect to discuss the con
struction of the Central Oregon
road aud of the Crater J.akc road
vith Mr. Ilarrimau," the governor
said this mottling. "Other than
that, I do not know what will be
the subject of conversation, and of
totirse I do i6 know what will Ix?
the result of the trip. I expect it
' iWiiiitMiirtininiM'i n 1'
will take me about seven days to
go there and return."
Although none of the parties to
the trip will discuss their journey
and its object, it is 'considered that
there is much significance in the
fact that Mr. .Ilarrimau has sent
for the three men ut this time. It
is known that General Manager
O'llrieu believes in the construction
of a Central Oregon road aud in the
oH.'iiIug of the interior of the state
to railroad transportation. It Is the
general impression that if left to his
own initiative Mr. O'llrieu would
put a railroad into the interior in
short order.
Mr. Stanley is the vice-president
of the Deschutes Irrigation S: Power
company, which coloration now
lias some 300,000 acres under water
near ISeud. Railroad transportation
is vital, therefore, to the full de
velopment of his property. At the
present time Mr. Stanley is also the
proiuntcr of a luie of road extend
ing from Ilcnd to Madras and 011
thiough the Cascades to Portland
by way of Cazadeto. "The survey
(ColltlllllP'l (Ml HlgC H. )
Ail Enthusiastic Knllroad Alcctlng nt
I'rlne.lllo Lost Saturday County
Scat Will Do Its Share.
While there is more or less ex
citement this week due to the visit
of Governor Chamberlain, J. P.
O'llrieu and P. S. Stanley to Mr.
Marriiiiiiu at Pelican Hay, yet work
011 our own local road, the Central
Oregon, is going forward steadily.
Pruicville held an enthusiastic rail
load meeting last Saturday aud tip
(minted a local executive committee
to look after the matter of raising
subscriptions for the road. C. M.
Klkitis was appointed chairman of
this committee. Thete will be an
other meeting nt Piiueville next
Saliitday to urrauge plans more
lully, nt which meeting Koscoe
Howard will be present. Priue
villc is taking hold of the railroad
ptopotitiou with zeal, and will do
Its share.
II. P. Gault is in Hend this week
having returned from working with
the crew of surveyors 'that is run
ning the line for the Central Ore
gon road. Hugiuecr Gault reports
that the crew is now working north
of Madras on the way to Shauiko
and ts seeming n very good line.
The old Columbia Southern survey
hud a grade of about 1 6 between
ilcml and Madras. This has al
ready been 1 educed to 1.5, aud Mr.
Gault says he believes they will be
able to reduce it to 1 4 when final
location is made. The crew aver
ages about 2j miles of preliminary
Hue a day.
Do Away will) lond Matters.
Petitions are boiug circulated over
the county for .signatures asking
that the county -court abolish the
oflice, of road master, and that, in
place thereof, - n competent road
Mipcryi$or be' elected for each ore
cinct at the' general election. The
petition JoIIowBi,
To the Hoiioraliie 'County Court, County
o Croult'tui'l State ( OrcKon:
We, tl'c iiml(irvi!K'd voter and free
holders of tj'c rmiuly of Crook, Unit nU
though tliv statutes of Oregon, See, 4N,V).'v
provide for the appointment of n road
itiaMcr, u respectfully ctliloii your
llntiontbtc Hod J" nt the next regular sc.
Ion of the county court to ntvollsh ihn
iiDDolntiiiciil of aiiv toad itlatlcr in Crook
county; that we licllcvc It to be n better,
Imcttinciil tor tlic county to spcml tlic
iiinucv iKii.l n nilnrv to tlic ronit mailer
011 the county roads nud bridge, in nil
dilloii to the regular roud taxes and ro.ul
uotk now poorly done; and tuni nt tlic
general election thcie tic elected in cacti
precinct. n provided in Sec. .(814, Stnt
utct of Oregon, n competent road super
visor to attend to nil roud work In his
How to Avoid Appendicitis
Most victims of npcudicitls nre those
who nre hnhltuitlly constipated. I'oley's
Oriiio I,aalive cures chronic constipa
tion t)v Mluuilatliiu the Iher nud taweW
uud restores the natural nctiou of the
Ikiwcih. I'oley's Orluo I.nxfctlve does
tint tuiUKcntc or grlne nud it mild and
pleasant to take. Refuse substitutes,
C. W. Merrill, DniKgltt.
Shoe repairing done with neat
ness and dispatch by I.egat, the
harncssmaker and cobbler. At A:
J4, Hunter's old stand.
Crop In Hnrney County Is
a Complete Failure.
Intcrcstlni: Particulars About Survey
Itclnic Hun lor Central Oregon
Railroad Other Note.
Harney county has met with . a
misfortune that will re-act to the
benefit of the farmers of Crook
county. The wlicuc crop in liar
uey has been burned up diiriut: the
past two or three weeks, ami Hnr
ney county tK-ople are already Ik
ginning to haul wheat from Priue
villc. The Review says:
"A freighting outfit is now on
the way to Priuevillc from Hums to
buy aud trausort 3.000 sacks of
Crook county wheat to Harney
county, the wheat crop of which is
this year teporled to be a total fail
ure, having burned to a frazzl in
the last two weeks. This wheat
will be taken from the Prineville
Flouring Mills Coinwuy's supply,
and later the Agency Plains will he
tapped. While Harney county de
serves sympathy, this county will
not lie the loser by the disaster to
its neighbor."
(tunning a New Line.
The surveyors of the Central Or
egon railroad moved their camp to
Culver the first of the week, am'
are running a line southwest
from Madras, through the Opal
Prairie country, to a crossiim on
Crooked river about Trail Crossing.
This survey is being run to see
what kind of a line could be secured
by that route.
When this work i- completed,
which will probably 1 bv the first
of next week, the surveyor will re
turn to Madras and from here it is
expected that the survey will go on
to Shauiko, following the old
.HA rwrss Tins .
Columbia Southern survey There
has been some discussion of a line
down I ml Inn creek and through
Anl'dope, and a survev of that
route may be made The chief ob
jection is the additional mileage, as
it would increase the length ot the
road several miles. It is believed,
however, that a good grade could
be secured by that route, and some
of the heavy work avoided which
the Ward's creek route would make
necessary. Pioneer
Laldlaw l:He Demurrer.
W. A. I.nidlmv has filed a demur
rer to the comprint in the case of
Gcrking vs. I.aidhiw in which
Gcrkiug asks for $16,000 damages
I.nidlaw, by his attorucv, Judno
Smith, hecks to bar the action by
pleading the statute of limitation
Judge Duftir, who is associated
with W. P. Myers us counsel for
Mr Gcrkiug, will present thcargu
incut for thq pl.iiutilTnud thinks he
will have but little trouble in get
ting the demurrer overruled by the
Court. Chronicle.
Old Plrm tetls Out. .
Wurzweiler & Company have
sold their business at Priuevillc to
Lively, Jordan & I,untus, Iucor
jxirated. This is 11 new firm com
jnsed of men cll known 111 Prine
ville, two of them having been em
ployed as clerks by Wurzweiler &
Company for several venrs. Mr
wurzweiler will devote his tune to
managing the Dlack liuttc Irriga
tion Company's ranch, in which he
is financially interested.
Swine at State Pair.
The present swine building on
the Oregon State Pair grounds at
Salem has a cacity for .showing
200 head of fancy porkers, but it is
learned that additional room will
have to lie provided for the in
creased number of iiorkcrs thut will
be on display ut the fair during the
week commencing September 14,
next. Hetiide.s the former exhibit-
or, tliere will I several new ones
three from Washington with a
carload of Ikrksuires aud Poland
Chinas and the exhibit of swine
will certainly surpass any previous
attempt of this kind ou the fair
An Article Descriptive of
Educational System.
An Interesting lilt of School History
Woven In wlili Pacts Concerning
Present Illxh-CUs Facilities.
Having CHlled attention tolicnd's
excellent location for school pur
tHjseu in The Uulletiii of July 17,
we will take up tile next subject in
importance for. a successful school,
namely the school p.itrou, or voter.
It matters very little how favor
able the locution or how numerous
uud bright the children may be in
a vicinity, if the school's patrons,
or voters, are unwilling to support
and maintain a good school system,
then it will fail and 111 tins con
nection the pitron may justly be
called file foundation, a position of
such iiHtortauce that when con
sidered from an architectural view
is at once app.iraot
Aj the school voter directly se
lects the location for the school
.site, provides funds for buildings
aud maintenance of property Slid
school, elects the board, and indi-,
recti) through the board manage-'
the school system, these are nil sub
jects for consideration under this
One of the great surprises to
educators from the Atlantic coast
wot. tliat the general school ex
hibits ut the fairs at Chicago, St.
Louis aud Portland from the thinly
settled states of the West greatly
surpassed those from their own, but
thoo of us who sec the carefully
selected school sites, the well vetiti
lated and splendidly furnished
school buildings throughout the.
West are not surprised m the least
when we remember the stuffy little
and poorly furnished school rooms
imiiiiiuiuUmun l jiLaj.jtig
into which we used to be crowded
on the Atlantic coast. Nor are wi
surprised when considering the dif
ference in school management, for
farmers on the Atlantic coast can
barely make .1 living on their land
their property continually depre
ciatcs and their sous and daughter
are attracted by the allurements o,
city life, while throughout the Pa
cific states men of all profession
are attracted to the farm from which
enormous profits spring and lands
that were waste a few years ago arr
now worth lu some localities from
$t,ooo to Si, 500 per acre.
The school patrons being com
posed of the school voters their
willingness to supply and maintain
a good school can only be surmised
from the past.
Our knowledge of the Bend school
voters began with our arrival in
toco Imagine our surprise when
we learned that with only three or
four scholars, a school was main
tained here for a term fully as long
and in a building almost as large
as the one into which about ninety
(Continued -ou page 4.)
Report from Fire Southeast of Bend
States that Not Much Damage Was
Done to Mature Timber.
A note received by The Bulletin
from the scene of the forest fire
southeast of Bend says that on Aug
ust 19 the fire was burning in sec
lions 1, ii, 30 and 31, township 21,
range 15; sections 34, 35 and y,
townships 21, range 14; and sec
tions 1 and 12, township 22, rangr.
14. The latter numbers arc rather
badly burned especially where any
of the land runs to a buttc, other
wise the other matured timber Ir
not hurt much, but it has damaged
considerably a goodly portion of the
young growth. The fire fighter
arc now masters of the situation.
Redmond Kerns.
Rruuond, Aug. 16. If no fun ty
lag a bachelor, at the best. One a
we know it is by the tone of loioi in
which the others say, "Ah lit, you'n
having your turn at it now. Good for
you." Then we know it, too, from ex
perieuce, II r. Park having been gout
three years ami seventeen ee' 1
actual count. However, as we arc fixco
tlwt way, we are glad that we hae beer
n reporter ami have talc en occasion t
say some irieaMut things in print about
the way the houewiv 011 thU segre
Ration cool:. It's tKinuitH; to coot'
back with iutcrtnt, or tomrfthiiig of that
kind. Mm. tamle aim! Mr. Muuu
Imve our tiMiiku for culinary favors re
ccived, ami Mm. Kedmoud for a batcii
of uews note last week.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. V. J. llucklc)
August 10, a sou. Uveryboily tloinj;
Mr. Mcl'arUtml and family of Spoknu -pasted
through here Monday going t.
ward Sisters, looking for a location.
IM Lauderback is back agaiu, canipe
north of town.
Mr. Lilly wa. uiiabft,to .he -Ritli u
today owing to an accitv-nt to one of hi
horc. He expects to preach tons uci
Sunday night, August 3j.
While engaged in hauling hay for 1
T. Kadiuoml to the I). I. .V- IV Kir., re
cently, A. 15. Andenrou met with rmlte u
Kt uk-iiucui uy uaving a large power
hay fork catch him in the rib,. We ut
deratund he is coming along quite nicelv
C. R. McLallhi and wife were recent
Priuevjlla visitor.
I.ou "Reed expects to Ieae with hi
family the middle of this week for Oka
nogan couuty, Washington, where he
h.u a chance at some ditch construction
We found quite au outfit of campers
in town when we weut iulas,t night.
Our vflodtlnntcttt nni t..f. r.A... .1...
mountains at various times the nt
,;,. ... "i'l y cHioyauie uiiie
Robbie ljhret held his papa5 "bear ul
for uS to see as they weut by.
II. M. Smith l-vtvrta in ili,l r.-. A
iko tomorrow to meet Miss Olive, on her
way irom npoKane,
The D. I. & V. ditch campers broke
up and came iu on WVdiieMiay, Some
went up to Hall' for work there, others
to Ilend and still others quit altogether
Klmer CVivort im ilifM, r!.1r ....,t.
during Mr. McGufGe's absence in the
Among those who have goue to fight
lire lu the timber are Joe McClay, Mr
Allen. Mr. McCaulW. Mr Ail-I,.., ,,.(
Mr. Stywart. E. C. Pa4,
,' .fljunu iirwunmjt -i-UJ