IIJl'ZTgaBHaBBWKflWMWHIlf-.lij,. rsr .-: .-.. Strong and Steady By HORATIO CtlAl'TKU XXI. Though Walter wa In room on the ccond floor, the distance to the Rround tiu not so treat lit thnt he couM easily tinnc (row the window sill and Jump with out Injury. Hcfore followhu: him In hi fllcht, we will pan to Inquire how th robber, unexpectedly taken captive, fared. Nothing could have surprised Jack more than this sudden turning of the ta ble. Hut a minute since Walter wn completely In his power. Now, through the boy' coolness and nerve, hi thlevlh Intentions were tattled, and he was plac ed in the humiliating position of a pri oner In his own house. "Open the door, or I'll murder you!" he roared, kicking It violently. There was no reply, for Walter was already half wny out of the window, and did not think It bet to answer. Walter tad proceeded half a mile when he stop m1 to rest. Two or three times he had tripped over projecting roots which the darkness prevented his seeing In time to nrotd. "I'll rest a few minuted, and then push on," he thought. It was late, but the excitement of his petition prevented him from feeling sleepy- He wished to get out of the moods Into some road or open field, where he would be In low danger of encounter ing Jack, and where perhaps he might fiud assistance against him. He was leaning against an Immense tree, one of the largest and oMest In the forest. Walter began to examine It. He discovered, by feeling, that It was hollow inside He ascertained that the Interior was eaten out by gradual decay, making a large hollow space Inside. "I shouldn't wonder If I could get In," he said to himself. He made the attempt, and found that he was correct In his supposition. He could easily stand erect inside. "That Is curious," thought Walter. The tree must be very old." He emerged from the trunk, and once more threw himself down beside It. Kite minutes later and his attention was drawn by a sound of approaching foot step. Jack had tripped over a root, and was picking himself up In no very good humor. The enemy, it appeared, was close upon hlui. Walter started to his feet In dismay. Ills first thought was Immediate Sight. but If be were heard by Jack, the latter would no doubt be able to run blm down. "What shall I dor thought Walter, In alarm. Quickly the hollow trunk occurred to him. With as little delay as possible he concealed hlmsrlf in the Interior. He was just in time, for Jack was by this time only a few rods distant. Walter counted upon his passing on; but on reaching the old tree Jack paused, and aid aloud, "Where can the young rascal be? I wonder If I hare passed him? I'll rest here fire minutes. He may straggle long." .With these words he sank upon the round. In the ery same place where Walter had been reclining two minutes before. He was so near that our hero could hare put out bis hand and touched blm. It was certainly a very uncomfortable situation for Walter. He hardly dared to breathe or to stir lest his enemy should hear him. "He's led me a pretty tramp," mut tered Jack, "but I'm bound to get bold of him to-night. If I do, I'll half kill blm." "Then I boiw ou won't get Iwld of film," Walter ejaculated. Inwardly. He began to Wi ta tad ran on In stead of swklug tbU concealment. In lb firs esuM. the darkueaai of the night would tare favored blm. and even if Jack tad Iteard him It waa by no mean certain tbat be would tare caught blm. Now an unlueky movement or a cough would be tray liU biding place, and there would be. no chance of escape. He began to few! his constrained poltln IrksoitM, but did not dare to see relief by change of i. ure. "I wish he'd go," thought our taro. Hut Jack was In no hurry. He ap pared to wish to waylay Walter, and wui constantly listening to catch the sound of his approach. At length Wal .ter waa relieved to bear blm ay, "Well, I shan't catch blm by stopping here, that's sure." Then he started, and Walter, listening Intently, beard the sound of his receding steps. When sufficient time tad elapswl, lit ventured out from his concealment, and stopped to consider the situation. What should he do? It was hardly prudent to go on, for it would only bring film nearer the enemy, If lie ventured back, he would be farther away from the edgo of the wood, and might encounter Meg, who might also be In pursuit. He did not feel In danger of rapture from this quarter, but the woman mlght-flnd means of communicating with her hus band. On the whole, It rned saft, for the present, at least, to stick to the friend ly tree which had proved so good a pro tector. Ho stool beside It, watching carefully, Intending, whenever peril threatened, to take Instant refuge Inside, This wns not particularly satisfactory, but he hoped Jack would mhmi tire of the pursuit, and retrace his steps, to ward the cabin. If he should do that, he would tbeii bo safe In continuing bis flight. Jack; pushed on, believing, that our hero traa lu advance. It bad been a fatiguing ALOCR. JR. day, and this made his present midnight ramp more disagreeable. Ills tapes tit overtaking Walter been me fainter anil fainter, and nature began to awert her rights. A drow sines which he found It hard to combat availed him, and he knew he must yield to It for a time at leat. "1 wlh'l wa at home, and In bed." he muttered. "I'll lie down ami take n hort nap, and then start again." He threw himelf on the ground, and in five minute his senses were locked In a deep slumber, which, instead of a short nap, continued for seteral hour. While he I steeping we will go back to Walter. He, too, wa sleepy, nnd would gladly have lain down nnd slept if he had dared. Hut he felt the peril of his position too sensibty to glie nay to hi feeling. He watched vigilantly for an hour, but nothing could be eeu of Jack. That hour seemed to him to creep with snail-like pace. "I cant stand thl matching till morn ing." be said to himself. "I will find orae out-of-the-way place, and try to sleep a little." Searching about he found such a place as he desired. He lay down, nnd wa oon fat asleep. So pursuer and pur sued bad yielded to the spell of the same enchantress, and halt a mile dltant from each other were enjoying welcome re pose. Home hour patted nway. The sun rose, nnd Its rnys lighted up the dim re tses of the forest. When Walter open ed bit eye ta could not at first remem ber where he was. He lifted his head from his corpetbag. which he bad ued as a pillow, and looked around him In surprise; but recollection quickly came to his aid. "I must have been sleeping several hours." he said to himself, "for It Is now morning. I wonder If the nun who was after me has gone tame?" He decided that this Mas probable, and resolved to make an attempt to reach the edge of the forest. He wanted to get Into the region of civilisation again. If for no other reason, because be felt hun gry and was likely to remain so as long as he continued In tho forest. He now felt fresh and strong, and prepared to start on his journey. Hut he had scarce ly taken a doxen steps when a female figure stepped out from a covert, and he found blmtelf face to face with Meg. Not knowing but that her husband might be close behind, he started back In alarm and hesitation. She observed this, and said, "You needn't be afraid, boy. I don't want to harm you." "Is your husband with you?" asked Walter, on his guanl. "No, he Isn't. lie started out after you before midnight, and hasn't been back since. Tbat made me uneasy, and I came out to look for him." "I have seen blm." said Walter. "Where aud when?" a iked the woman. eagerly. It was strange that such a coarse brute should have Inspired any woman with lote, but Meg dM certainly love her hus band. In spite of bis frequent bad treat ment. "Did be see youJ" "No, I was hidden." "How long did he stay?" "Only a few minute, to get rested, I suppose. Then ta went on." "In wtat direction?" "That way." "I'm glad he did not barm you. He was so angry when ta started that I was afraid of wtat would hapjmn If ta mat jou. You must kesfi out of hi way." "Ttat Is wtat I mean to do if I pun." said Walter. "Can you tell me the start eat way out of tta wood'" "(in In tbat direction." said tta wom an, iiolntlng, "and half a mile will bring you out." "It is rather hard to follow n straight path in the wood. If you will act as my guide, I will give )ou a dollar." "If my husband should find out that I hilped you to escape, lie would ta very angry." "Why need he know? You needn't tell him you met me." Tta woman hesitated. Finally lore of money prevailed', "I'll do it," she said, abruptly. "I'ol low me." She took the lead, and Walter follow ed closely In her steps. Keinembcrlng the night before, be was not wholly assured of her good faith, and resolved to keep liU ')i'i open, and make his tscapo In stantly if he should see any signs of treachery. I'owlbly Meg might Intend to lead him Into n trap, nnd deliver hi in up to tar husband. He was naturally fruit ful, but bis ndventtirea In the cabin tuuzht him a Iwwm of distrust. CIIAITKIt XXII. Walter followed Meg through the woods. He felt Mire ttat he would not have far to go to reach the open fields, He bad Immmi delayed heretofore, not by the distance, but by not knowing In vthat direction to go. Kew words were spoken between him and Meg. ltomernbcrlng what had hap pened at the cabin, and that even now he waa fleeing from her husband, lie did not feel Inclined to ta soclablo, and her thoughts wero divided between the money she was to be paid as the price for her services, and her husband, for whoso pro longed absence she could pot account. After walking for fifteen minutes, they came to the edge of the forest, Skirting It was a itieanovc, wet in pans, tor tne surf ar) was low, "Where It the wad?" "You'll hno lu ero thl nmnlow, and jon'll come ot It. It l-s'iit mor'n ipmrter if n tulle. You'll find j our wny well itiough without mo." Walter felt relict ed nt the prospect of speedy return tn the region of elvlllm iioii. It seemed to blm nt It he had oassed the prevlem night for awiy In some wild frontier cabin. Instead nf lu the enter of n populous hjiiI thrltlng neigh lood, within n few mile of seiernl llmit shlng village. Ife drew out n dollar bill ind olTcred It to Meg, "Thl Is the money I agreed to pay 'on," he said. "Thank yon. beside." "I henr my husband's tew." she enld, hurriedly. "Fly or It will ta the worse for iV "Think j mi for the cnutlou," said Wal ter, routing to the necowlty for Immed iate action, "Don't stop to thank me, do!" she aid. stumping her foot Impatiently. He obejed nt once, and started on ft run acre the meadow. A minute later. Jack came In sight. "Why, Meg. are jou here?" he said. In surprise. "Hate jou seen tta boy?" He did not vTTilt for an answer, for, looking nertn the meadow, he s-w the Hying figure of our hero. "There he !, now," he etrlalmcd. In a tone of fierce satlafactlim. "Let him go, Jnrk," pleaded Me, who. In spite of herelf, felt a sympathy for the Imy who, like herself, had U-eu un fortunate. He threw off the hand which she tad placed upon hi arm. and dashed oil In IKirsnlt of Walter Walter tail the start, and hid already succeeded In placing two hundred yanl bttween himself and hi vuriirr. Hut Jack wn lining and athletic, and eouM run fatter than n hoy uf ritteeo, ami the distance between the two constantly ill mliilsbed. Walter looked tack mer his rhouhlr, as he ran, and. brave it ta was. there came a sickening sensation of fear at he met the fierce, triumphant glance of hit enemy. "Stop!" called nut Jack, tatrvdy. Waller did not answer, neither dhl he obey. Only a few rod In advance was a deep ditch, at leat Iwelte feet wide, over which a single plank uns thrown as a bridge for foot pa-tsenger. Wilier sped like a deer forward and over the brhlge, when, stooping down, he tastily pilll.il It over after him. thus culllnt off his enemi's ndinncc, "I'ut tack ttat plank." roared Jack. "I would rather not." said Walter. "You'll ta sorry for It, then," said Jack, fiercely. He had walked back about fifty feel, and then faced round. Ills Intention was clear enough. He meant to Jump over the ditch. Our hero look the plank and (Hit it over hi shoulder, moving with It farther down the edge. An Wen had oc curred lo him, which had not yet sug gested Itself lo Jock, or the latter might have been less confident of succett. Jark stood still for a moment, and then, gathering up hi strength, daihrd forward. Arrived at the brink, he made a spring, but the soft tank yh-ldcd him no support. He fell short of the opposite tank by nt least two feet, and. lo his an ger nnd disgust, landed In the water and slime at ih bottom of the ditch. He scrambled out, landing at last, but with the lest of one boot, which tad taen drawn off by the clinging mud In which It tad become firmly planted. Still he was on ihe same side with Walter, and the Utter was now In his power. This was wtat he thought; hut an Instant later he saw bis mistake. Waiter tad stretched the plank over tta ditch a few rvd further up, nnd wn pasting over It In safety- (To ta continued.) Wlir lie Kleknl. "Some ptplo nro cliruiHe klckem," growled Urn iHiltd clnrk, "mill It'a no im tryl'W l Mtlufy tlioni." i "WlmtV tlw trtmhlo now?" ipmrlil IIm- reiMtrtor. "You naw that hoIhiiii looking chap innhlui; a girt-away ii )u coino In?" . ri'Joliieil tlm limn MiIihI tin tcn-titrat Hfmrkbtr. "WWI, bo rMtUtwul nlniut half nil Ikiiit hko nihI wan lown to lilts rni. Now vbnt do )hi mipph Iihiv- Kllll?" "I pftw," Hfild the pond I pusher. "A fuw inlmitim Inter," cuntlmiitl tho key Juggler, "lio rm-liol buck to llio otllcv, mm! iih ii March linrc, nnd Jump- iil nil over mi fl -iirnllvidir mionkliit. ' It HctMiiH Unit Im.' Iind come hero Mr tliu (lurpoto of lining tlm stilHilu net by ttinilntf on tlio (,'s and I niHlgnn! him to n room llf,'htfl by electricity." I'arl of Hi Treatment, "So you bcllovo In charging heavy fee?" "Yen," nnKwored tho phyHlctnn, "but only for thu pntlcnt's own K'"l- If you cull iiuiko him feel tli.it ho linn nn Investment with yini ho Ih moro likely to follow luatriictloiiH iiirofully lu or dor to net Ida iiiotiny'H worth." WiihIi Ington Ktnr. In n (liiiiinliiry, Hrolher Yon, I llko Jitck well cnmish, Init how did you ever Imjuhm to lnnrry a mini n hum! Hhorlur thiiti you nro 7 i Sinter I Iind to cliooso between it lit tle mini with a IiIk Hilary nnd n bl inuii wltha lltllu Hiilury. Useless rlneririce. IMyth It'H too bud thnt.Clnrn wn't) In love, with Jnrk when ho proposed to me. I feel Hurry for tho poor islrl. Mnyiuu Why, olio Ih In lovo with Tom. She never cured for Jnck. Kdyih Oh, denrl I novcr woulj bavo accepted blm bad I knowu that AT k KAN nr Tiir? unit E CNII i9 JTATC , , iv. rc tnnjwnr Tho CtioelMM nuil I lilebntuvts. 'IVgether when history dawned Ui the tiiiitliu'tit, tngetlicr when tint white limn drove tlietu piitt tho MUslMlppI, nnd together In tho twilight of the .tribe. I bu CliiH'invtN mid tho I'hlekn- sows nro pinsliig Into the Uxly Milltte nnd the cltltc nshlp of Oklnhnnui able b) .side. These two trlln'-iiiivv 70 iht tvtit 'of mlxeil blood, mid nenrly nil ns cnpnhlo n set of eltltetm n their wlille neighbor t-nn luirdly bo denll with In iflriito utorle. Tlie rhlekiisHwn nnd Cluu-tnw. ImiIIi of Mobllliiu atiH'k, lletl III .M Ish1wIiI .when IH' Soto iiuirvlHil nero the Iniid nml the ClilckHNtHs guve him some ler rlrle tmtllet. When the I'lviieli rttr Into mwer lu IMtlslmiii, Ibe (win tribe illsMgreed. The CIiik'Iiiwn fnttght for the Kronen mid the I'hleknsuwH IhiIiIIj wlthtiKMl the luiiider. Seienil Kreiich eHilltloiia were defeitteil, it timutar of Kti'tiehtilllivrawert' burned nt the atnke nnd the I'hlckiitjiwa, nllleil with Ihe iNutclieg, threnteiuil New Orleans, Only the eoitnigo uf the colonist mid tne ntlstnmv of the OiiH'tiiMa aatttl Lou isiana. In later jeart the trlta grew friend ly again, rvfrnlntHl from trouble with the whites nlul eteli fought tlm Creek nnd SeiuliHtle for the palefittv Intruder Tliitillil mit save thorn from exile, hihI, nlNiut Heieuty yeam ngo. the two trlta totaling about '.ii.ii. were taken to liiitlati territory. Then' they nourished nnd grew rich, only to be land, i wealth mid slave during tta Civil War jSlmv that time tliey have HIiiiIhiI ateadlly up ngnlu, it ml hnve lutvrmtxeil coutlliunlly with the white. I When the roll were prejmred for nl lotmelit Inst year, the Cliivtnw hud ntxtiit lli.tsxl full mid mlxeil-bliNNl mem Ikiih, nud tho Chickasaw ntnit H,ul. Theso roll must Imie Int-ii glorloutly w elicit somehow-, for the Stnte census of Oklnhotun shown only nhout IT.' Imllnti.t In the counties that unci' com 1111 the ChiH'tnw and ChlckaMw na tion v Nearly H.i negri- nnd -,'-l" Intermnrrleil whites) wero nlo liieludiil III tho nllotmeula. With the Chlrkn snw mid. It Is Mid, retaining to the last their "tin worship nud other strange Altec rite, live tho remnant of the Natchex. crhap :us) soul. It hn N'eti rcj-ntiilly ascrtnl by nrtny olllivnt who have sorvrd In lith Indian territory oim! tho I'lilllpplne that the liiugtingn of the Igurrotr I Idcntlcnt with Hint of the Moblllnn In dians, which would Indicate that them' trlt- enme from tho orient counties ngit gone by. There nre inmiy trltM-s on the t'aclllc ciiat bearing the unmis takable stamp of Chlncno mid JnMine extriietlon, nnd others which hnve nis limit, totem mid tattooing metliiMl similar to thu trlta of the I'aclrle IhIcx, POLITENESS IK WASIUNOTON. A Cllr f l.rlsnrrlr War and I'rouil Vrl Conrlrous .tlamirrs, Washington I IhiuihIhI on tho eilt by the Ciiiltol nnd on tint west by the White lliuise. Itctwceli iem How n rimtleMt streoin of lghtsiir. There may ho other illstrlrl of the iintlomit eiilillnl wortli mi'liig, but only n Wash ItiKtonlmi ktiowa It. Tho tourist Iih time nud strength only lo hit Ihe high place. , , In New York there re protahly a many tourist n In Wnslilugtou, but with tliU illffereiMv, live New Yorker doort not mind mixing with Ihe tourlMt cIhs. In fact, If the tourist hnve money mnl n fondue for HroHilwny and coiitlKllotl reaoria, tho New Yorker la more tliiin willing, so Mr. Tourist I'luergca Ida Identity with tlm New York "push. " WnahlngtonlntiH never let you forget you nre n tourist. Ileal dent women slightly rnlo their skirt with nn IndeHcrllmhle yet elonuent nlr when thoy hiii'U to nrh clhowH with a mere tourist of the amno oux In n hotel or department store elevator. A WafthliiKtoulnii looks straight nhead nt nothluic; thu tourist I known by tho ntigle nt which etho crook her neck, Itcdent Wiishlugtoii I (llvldeil Into three dlNtluct iu'Ih HihI fiimllleM, (qilo with money mid jieojilo without money, ThoKu without money work hunt to keep up npiK'urmiroH with thomi who hnve money. Those with money work hiird to Hociirn mocIiiI riH-ogultloii from thu old fiinillle. The old fnmllle uro Imlirrereiit irpinlly to thoxo with nionoy nuil thoHo without. Tho hiinlost-work-t'd cIiihh of nil nro thoKo who, having accepted public olllco mid removed their In re mid pcmitcH to tho uiitlomil cniltnl, Mud that tho wilnry will not pity for tho gnme. You know their women folk by tho fact that they wenr romly-iundo sown. Y'our real WiihIi liigtoiilnii coiiHlilerH tho weiirlng of fnc-tory-mndo KormentH eipilvnlunt to sink ing to tho lowest mirtorliil depth, WnBhliiKtoiilnii do not hurry homo from work. If you arn anybody nt nil la Washington you must bo leisure!. i Mm T 'msm r 1 i 'Vityv Only n. n tonrlut do you hurry, nn nfler n conductor hn held you nt nrin'i length when jou nro Iini hnly lr iMitnllng or linitlmt u vnr jou lelt to alow down, Iimi, Them I no ruk hour lu Washington, mid there nre eitri enough to go nrountl. Likewise jou tut ciiw the alreet nt any ilut nlong I In block without iliingur of being rut down, jt'lletl ill or told to "atep IUely'1 I'ollteuo atvma really coiuinou it Washington, mid courtesy jHilble evei In tpiiilidhir it week clerk. Drop Ititc ii real estiite oitltv. The joutig mat It'liliul the counter not only Inforuit jou liow easily )ou imiiIiI rent mi upnrt liient In the hme occupied by Mli' llngtier, Mr. lliNHeir wk-IhI "'ro turj, but he niHIe )ou as to eindoy , ment ngi'ltfle. And he stand up long n )ou ure lu Ihe otllctv lu New York, tlm would I' tenant, mmi oi womitu, ntntiit up mid the ngeut slti down with hi feet on a table If It ll good renting weather, mid It I mutti Hie mime In other cltle. Science Hvention Aetnuut of twenty two wnterniti noted on nine Swls take liaie tt'i: iillivtnl by I'rof. J. l'rtilt. That ol June ll. Ht on l-ako .ug, was ImiI LM ynnt lu dlmni'ter, nud It stirred ii the lake oter n rmllil of perhap H yanl. Seternl pluitogrnplis wete nirin!, The whirling ciduuiu morr Hutu half n mile high wa hollow bu' it left ImiHh'l liHitloii himI tnueteil cast want at Ihe rale of it llltlo more Hint set ell mile mi hour. No linpurtiilit ev IdiiM-e wa fotintl tlwt any of iliee wn torspout were irilucoil by Ibe meet lug of oHmto wlmtt. C. l. Hate of the I'liltcd State I'or est SenU-e lia fiMiml lu wi-tern Ar knna n swvle of hickory. It-itll) kmiwii n "bull," or "alligator." hbk ory, which exhibit remarkable .resist ami' to the effect of drought, n wel a to forest lire. It small, thick skinned I en ie are assigned a a (irlti elktl cause of II drought defying iw em. Like other hlckorle. It also s.-udi down Into the Mil n long, strong tup root. Mr. Hate Niigget that this ire would t useful for planting lu pralrlf Stall- nnd tn dry situation In other lo cnlllle. When lire rrcipicntly ivur the nlllgator hickory I the de sun vltor. In n riti-nt lik on 'The Kvolutloti of Dress," W. M. Webb show thai ninny detail of uii!uru dres, geiu-r nlly rcgarditl a inliict of caprice 01 accident, or of tlm Intention of tailors and milliner, are trmvahlo to prlliil tlie form, and that fashion lu costume I the result of a procv of evolution lu which early Idea continually crop out. The carllcHt form of dres stviui to have Ix-eii the shawl, or wra'r, mid fringe iIhIo back to the first tauo. Thr hnttatid I trniitl lo Ibe original fast mime of the Drat cloth taaitdr, I'ut ti are n old aa Mymeiuo. A inyster) yet uiievplnliiiNl I tlie sowing of tb button 0:1 Hie rlght-lmiHl utile of a iiihii'm i-oat mid the left-hand side of woman's. A tald mid Interesting gcncrnllxu lion concerning tho vnt effect whlih iiiHlnrlii may Imte iriNtueeil on the hi lory of griKit mid fHinoti iinllou mid MplcM Iih reei'iitly HtiiM-Hriit In I n kIhik! In the form of n lHik by W II ' S. June, supplemented with mi Int.)' ililctioii by MhJ. Iloimld Hoe. It I Mimtettci! tllHt tho IIKHMpiItu ha Im-cii largely remlble for the dn line of eeiinlll UHtloiis, hn, for llislniiee. (i recce, In the character of win we o ' (do liUtorUtm Imve recorded it great elmnge during the fourth century In fo re tho Christian era. Major Itimw InveKtlgiilloiiH aiiggiHit Unit miilnrlii may have been Introduced Into (ireisv nt that lime. Tlio ihiucIunIoii I also drawn Hint miilnrlii did not exist lu Italy much taforo "00 II. (V, mid tho HiiggcHtloii I miido that Hannibal' iirmy Inlrodiircil It. "Mnlnrln," mj M, Join, "nindo the (Jreek wi-ok nud lueniclciit; It turned tho sterner Un man Into n bbwiltlilrsiy hruto utrn bill Hindu It victim innn." 'Hid mornt seem to li Hint nation, like Imllvdu nl, Hhould buwuru of inompiltoea. Ksplnlitcil, 'Pllll At-iiil Alieliip III, n. II.a I..-1 IIhIi I cmighUwero n jiroper blj( 'tin, mi'i no uilMluku. Thu lmiulrltig Atmler Indeed? Wbv didn't you Imve It HtunVd? Tho Aged Angler We II. von ce. i weren't moro nor u hid lit tho tlmo Tlm Sketch. Tlm I'lreiiiiisiiinres, "That rich helrcs let mo hold her liniid IiihI night." "Don't tell mo Hitch ynrnal" "Knctl At tho bridge tnblc, wlillo alio numvitrcil n phono cull." l'hllndol. phln Inntilrvr. Yes, Imlruit, "Yea, ho Is worth n million, nnd hn mndo every penny of it honestly." "iiov oia-ruiiiioiiod I" Houston Tost. My Hair is Scraggly Do you llko it? Then why bo contented with It? Have to ho? Oh, not Just put on Aycr'a llulr Vlur nnd have loim, thick hair; aoft, even hnlr; bcauilful hair, without n single crny Hue In It. I lave a little pride. Keep younu Just ns lonu as you can, A M4v4(r J Arj. -H.Mm. ! suiirf r . HBurAmtu. iers mix cniKur rrcioiiL Falrrlt nl Islllsallua. "You hme 'riiailiil the tndlnu to give up hi plrlurcU headdress and blanket and wear Iwl and trous.'rs,M aald the sardonic 'ron. "Yi-aj In the Interest of cMIUnttHi" "And I silpo It I also lu the In terest of rlvllliatlon tbat we jNty lilgh prlre for these cast orf garmeiit of the Indian uud llsa them fr wall dei ratlol'" mi BAIIT rn siuia 4riut. all lit ai m4 ! i-.a..l l,'.,ir I. m Is 4si4 f - m. iImiui I m s4 m.9tt f l.ftfl SUt Ivllvml I-,, I iK ! sl l (..4 ! laiMta aailltlaa. ft Iks. - ts4 tm .! lttf 1 wlil,i IkM. I M kfr l , ! ll.4 lu S MSOUI ISMI1S, III t.IUl A. , SlMllfS. r, WHEN YOU GOME TO PORTLAND AllltAW.i: TO NrtH' AT THE CORNELIUS I'AIIK ANHAI.Hr.ll HT. A Urw sn.1 Mulna rum-ot IMI. (( rsitkuUilf l Hll -ntU A l1l l'U f. LwlU UltO IK cllr l Iks K-f .l i.nltr. Itst rnfiU. Ir Itui. i l. tuuj. (uti it rfB.M mtit) Mp, A Rare Bargain Douulaa County Kann In tlm heart ol tho famous Shoestring Valley, Sixty acres -l.r acre clcainl, lf acres (lr timber, soil rich and mel low; no rocks, schixillwuso I mile; on county road, running water; well; over 300 liearmi: fruit trcca; o-room lot: house, bam and other out-hulldlnK, two inllca of fence; full aasorttnriit farm .inptcmenta; all house funllshlnt's; nil rnipa. Must soil, I'rlru fur everything, U,U0. A.Mress MltS. O. A. DrAHINf. Room 419, Corhctt llldg,, I'ortland, Oft C. Gee Wo 11. ..II lMtt.ll.kU CHINESE BmI lit! Herb DOCTOR 7, 11. ! a lira .lair I, Vll ' '' I "'-. an) IslkM M If ltiY ., rr.l an4 la fin In.ima ,k t,Mv-Ur I llsa-- I m No Ucrrurr, I'nUunt e lliuft IHtil lis fures Wilhuut Opcrallon. nt HKI.omiIIh AnUI K( II" a-.flanla I I fn l,.rti AMhs-a, I .14 numt llb.tai.iu. i .N.n ... N.. ...Tm . Ill,, ('"tli I' -r K Oar l ' In a'- I , UaklM.4. lMMlaWaaluM.au I All In .hIiwim a sunn cancek cunc Juil llccclvcd from I'salnr, (.Mm 5al, Sun and Hfllsbl. .IKMVH AUK I'lSiil fjl CONMUI.TATIO.N I'Ultlt lloNr.at ,. iiia r,iraai4najl.aKa aajaln IQIJlllrtHl , (Sir ll..in.h. h.ill.oJ, Or-vav, I'laaaa llaslla llila I'al.r. BORAX IN THE DAIRY" Tlia fruUnnnt Varflns awal all lha utenilW u.t In rnnllin with milk ami rrawm aalllnf and liutlar nuking ha ln asatluo wis Mllb ! farmer. Ha has nana lu rrallra that lha illfhtrat Isblt er hint uf suUnaaa l.lt In ran, (In vt churn mar ruin what uutiiul. that lha Islnl that la Ml Is In form nf Ucli-il. which sniw an.l multlilyln milk i.r hutlrr, intulngillautnui reaulta. Ilia fannar ha barnnl Ihal hoi walcr wim't rlnaa swar Ilia nriaay rraklua In ilslry utroalla, Ha lias bwrnnl Ihal loap lesvel a rttlilus ' ll own whWh k If BNithlHa- worts llian Ih milk nr rrram rvalue, ami th'ta has Ufii r-,n-slant clamor fur a dairy claaiuvr stul awrclrnar Ihal wrlll iiinI mulrm rr-iulrrmriits, Afewnf iho largeat rraainrry rstai.tlahmi'nU falli-l niierla Into ronaultalh.ii nn Ihla ,r-lil"o-atHl Ihnaa sclmllrie ahlailacklail unanlmoualyuiKm a produil of nslurs vihkh aistlly tills the. hill -1I0IIAX. Kclanllals hsV long known lorss aa a tlran.tr, aawaclaiitr ami an anllaiMlo ilralrnyrrnf I'e Irrla ami narm srnwlha that ilvatrny all that I haimful, (irxaarvra frrahnaaa, twmlnpas ami pur lly, arul rcllavea lha ilalryiuan ami dairy hou.awlfa uf druduary ami of nmllaas work ami worry. Wtlla Patina Cnaal llorss (., N.w York City, fur "Nurtcaaful Dslrylng," Iwlng vslusM Infor inatlon nn the must proniabta laloctlon uf rows, Ihalr frallnir ami car, lha hamlllntr nf milk Ui ylttl tha hluhrat fries irluct, and Ihs irulo tlon ami preaarvallon of thaaa nrialucta from da tarloratlonl with arllola on dlaaaia of rows, anil rcclpa for Ihalr cur. Tha book U rltKK. Vawal ssaau aat4. Will, ter iMasy soaklai Ua "l sm nrir Mit nl.t, snil until i. rtnltr I'"' - '! '; ""1 xli l' Mtlr M.oe ifUi. ll. i.lui.l fulur la In I litll w iki" Iksis I. Iwl ntlr U ! iii" J W IUs.es, It.m.l. i I'lHk, l .1 a aaaa&lLL3aA EifcZtt WBWM