A Pew FACTS to Remember: JL.iiii.. HIWT HTOKIt. ( Tii'if the or ices nt this mie JLLltLh Kw'l' STORK 8i ninny un low (he goad cmii lw told for, quality con- sdcted. Th'H '' " One MIJS'I Store JLLili". hwhUJ not be the !Ie-.t Store If it tiki not ttent yon v licit t Ht nil times. () That Hit One DIJSr Store xlU tor tilth and dor not have to figure a log wtcentMite for bad Wll. .L.Li:.- riiMMl frultJ in tight boxt. under k'bm away fioui all dm mid tlut. T. ,, t The One MUST Store lor i. to do, fat quart uud $i.,(5 dot. lor ' ', gallon. TU ,. 4 1 lie One MUST Store ...... .:... m lie complete line of I'KKIMiK K li I) STOCK canned goads, mtt llieie nr the very brat that ran K produced. (J Th ' ,l,c 0nc m"ST s,ore JL.JLiiA. charge no mom for the I'icierrcil Slock Rood than others charge for the tegular atatidard quality. Tlvii ,hc"c w s,orc .'......,. want your trade ntitl will ttat ou rntht nt all time. ') A. M. LARA The BEND M l - .UKcUUi3l.,r- , ONE isT STORE! XT LOCAL HITS. If yon lire loilnj; your Mile liavc it limited liy I.bkiiI, l'e Miufc iiltiu. Mr lr. 0. Miiinr wiimlou'ii from the hoiiiratcuil Saturday nml Hun lity. Ikim, lo Mr unit Mr. I'red U'wIIhc of 1. Hid law on Tttwday lM, it r;irl. Mr. Miid Mr, il'mer Mtrrhl were iliiwn front tlieir houwalcad went of Uotdattd the first of the week. The UHe' Library Club will erve ice c tea til Saturday evening in thtt library lOfliil wild on the Kowe lawn. The Johnston collage on the river from haa been given A coat of (jietn Miut, which greatly improve UN MtK-ilailC. County Judge Kills and II. J. 0ertnrf were over to Sudera the liral of the week attending to tele phone matter. Mt C. A Jotiea tiuil Mit Cole wait drove over to the HighUmer Smith mill at tJiat So urdny on a i ut unit picking expedition. Mra. Clarence l'arker nml child ten rtturuvd to Iknd from the Vnl ley with .Mr. and Mrt. John Kever and will visit hereabout for a ( waeki. I.'. A. Wyitu waa over to Surfer the fitkt of tlie week aolidting aub- criptton for the Central Oregon Railroad. A uaual, he met with a very favorable reception. I'oreat Hanger 1'. 1. I'etit Wted that hr purchaard $500 worth of aupplic for the fire fighters when in llenil Monday. It waa a reil letter dv for the merchants. Wc have a couple of snap in ir rigated farms, jmrlly under culti vation, at price of raw land. See us before buying. it-: Mi-.kmim 4k Wll.KINMJK. hall house cleaning .will mwii lie here owl nu will want Mine new wall Wicr. The .Merrill Company has just gotten in a new stock of the latest style, .iuclndiuK ioo rolbi. 2 1 if It in re(Krtcd that iiuite a heavy ruin fell hi Redmond im! vicinity WeducMlny eeeniiiK. The wattr ran in streame in the streets and rands for n short time, .so heavy wns the shower. Jack Kcllcynml A. A. Aldtidge have lHiHiht pool and billinrd table and will open np for business in the Mutrig building. They will uImi hntulte cigar.t, cMiidies, fruits and Mift drinks. The Indie of the M. H. church hud n very succckcful ruu of bust ucMi nt their food Mile last Saturday afternoon. They clotirixl 33.90, which .111111 will be applied on the uiiuititcr'H salary. The llulletiu wns in error Inst Jwcck when it stated that A. 11 'liHtubcuct had succeeded in raising bail and was at liberty. The amount of the bail wuit . reduced to 1:50, but he was utmblti'to raise it, Clark Kudo received the sad news Monday of the dcatls of his young est daughter, Olive, who passed away at Cleveland, Ohio, on Satur day lust. Mr. Rude left at once for the fiusl. 4 The deceased was a years of nRc.' Agent for Champion Hinders Mowers and Rakes, Hinder Twine, llarbed Wire, Chicken Netting, Mitchell, Haiti and Winona, Wrfg' ou9, Syracuse I'lows and Ilarrjivs. v.yiiiu uni nvc inc. iv. t, iAimi(i(, I19H4', OiCBOrv ;7tf Mfyj I.cla StK'iiccr of Antelope arrived itv Hend yesterdny for an extended visit with her brother1, iv n. . . li r... .!!. PI. . - k. opencer mm iiiuuiy. one came A Booh to'CllMrly Poople ' "' Miltil uldeflv' icqd e.liiivc wnne klJitVv orlitatldcrrtlMirdcyliit U lioth Ajiiful mid daiigcrons. I'.cJoy'H Kltlacy lVni. edy lihs praten )oWi to iimiiy VltVly jvcople as it ntlunilatcj tliiMirliinn'OMiia ronVcta Im'K'ilnriti nml tonrt r the Kldrtey Keifttdy nt Ollce mid hi v Kor ou. -C. W, Wcrrllt; ttniinl3t. I I up with Dr. A. Iv. King of Antel. o(e who is spending a few days fishing on the Deschutes. You will have an excellent as sortment to choose from out of those 2100 rolls of wall pajwr just gotten in by the Merrill Company. Cull and look them over. . , I nm now agent for the Del.avul cream aejmrntor, and have one. of these machines in stock. Step in and examine it. They are a gret convenience mid money saver for theiUiryuisu. P.. A. SATiiKK.Jttf The yield ol clover hay on the old' exrimeut fariu turned out quite it little heavier than was at first expected. The first cutting gave about three tons to the acre. When they began to cut the crop it was thought It would not exceed two and a half tons ier acre. Tcatimony was taken Saturday hefbic Mrs. II. P.stelle Kllis as ref ureu in the matter of the receiver ship of the Heud Livestock and Produce Company. The testimony will be submitted to Judgt: Hrnd shitvv for his consideration at the fall term of court, and the receiver shipcloKil up. R. A. Puctt ha received wonl that the decision of the General Land Office, in the eon! eat brought against his homestead by Mrs. W. P. Myers of I.ahllaw, is in his favor.. Mr. Puett won in the local laud office, whereupon Mrs. Mvets apo!ed to the General f.aud Office, with the result that the decision of The Dalles officials was affirmed. Quite an important real estate triuction was closed during the week in the sale of the II. It. Reed ami Chas. Ming places near Sisters to two Spokane men. The two places are situated about a half mile east of Sisters. The Iteed farm contains x.o acres and Mild for $5.Soo. It is said to have the tiesl water right on Sptaw creek. The King place, containing 160 acres, sold lor $4,000. The pur chasers will take up residence 011 their laud at once, and will proceed to put the farms under cultivation. AN01MIIK MAI) POKtiST HUH. 1 Continued frwm page 1.) passed through towtihhlM it, ;: and a short dUtance into 33, all in ranges 13, i. and 15 and a short diMauce into ift. They wi.ll undoubtedly soou have the fire Under control as it will not spread to aiy extent since ths late rains. A bout 115 men have been sent tit to f gut this fire. Mr Petit lielieves this fiie was set by the Indians. Ilis reasons for so tlihilf ijig are becnu: tile fire broke out almost instantly on its entire length of 15 miles, and be cause it is set in such a manner as Advertisements Like Clocks Should Be Kept Running A store's advertisements tell the people what is "doing" at .that store what is uew, hat is inviting, why tcxluy is a Rood time to visit the store. I eople look for the ads. to tell tietn these things just as nat urally as they would look at a clock to tell the time. . I II Sometimes n clock docs not rim sometimes a score's ad. docs not. A "run.-djnvu" clock or ml. are aboutw equally unsatisfactory, unserviceable) misleading. ''' ,1 Curious thipfJi almoin it, is that n merchant ylio w.qttld think ,it, ,njxird to liayc n "rnrt-down',' ,or ,out-of-ropair clock will, jowefimes, tlelibet ately let Jla pd.,atop runuig. It's not w!.k, nor "gootj busi ness," n,oc defctisiblc on any known grounds but, it's mTd.TKiilMntf"V "Y ) r- J UWUI1IVV MVIIWI I .1 V . tvVWV 1 Ml 1 I I I I I - II -. . I .1 ' to drive tile deer out over an 'ojxm sand flat where they would fidl1 an easy prey to the Indians' rifles. He snyu the deer arc very thhk in that section and that one day he heard Ave or six rifle shots in the distance, but did not have time to investigate. While the forest officials rcort that these fires are doing much damage to the limber, it is denied bv men who have lived in this sec tion for years. They admit fliat the yoKng trees will be damaged and killed, but are firm in .statement thai comparatively f,.,.. of the Iuikc vellow tiinen will s-.tler'ull of just such people who lrng. at nil. Tin v slate- that thev Have frt iteutly seen just as heavy tun through the limler here. fires The tree trunks would be thoroughly , blackened, but the Iwrk soon scaled , off, a new bark was formed and in a few mouths aflei wards you would 1 not know there had ever been a I fire in the timber. The forest offi-, cisls are iialurallu concerned about saving the oung growth, audi everyone admits that the tire are a serious thing in that resoect. .Tuesday afternoon the crew that j had been lighting the forfeit file in I township 19, range 9 ami 10. west of Spritig river, succeeded in grt uug it under control and. all of them returned to town except , six men who were left to watch the fire that it did not break out again. A strip had been cleared entirely, aiound the fire and three or four 1 iurrows plowed for the greater pa it of the distance. They thus have' that fire securely corralled. J. X. 1 Hunter says it bunted over about J five sections. It was not, however, all yellow pine, about a third of the territory burned being covered j only with jack pine. 0 ROSSI. Y RXAOUHUATKD. Kcporls to City Capers ns to the Loss ' Pioin Porcst Plres, In IJrror, A siwial to the Oregoniau from ------ Priucville, date! Aug. y, states that "6oco acres west of Spring river have been totally denuded of titn- Im. 1Iim rilnurti tfictiinnt,. ihn'iiiiili.r will burn for months unlet a heavy rain falls." Vnthln.T riill 1- .nnrti Urilipr from the truth than the above re turn. Th. fire buriit-d over ontv , . i ir .t .- . i ttlwut half the acreage mentioned above, ami the fighters had it uu-, dcr control before the rain came, i Instead of this tract being "totally denuded of timber," the loss has been very insignificant indeed. J. X. Hunter, an experienced timber man of Deud, who took a promi nent Mrt fighting this fire, says the ' damage to mature timber is only a j very small per ceiit. The belt of timber through this ' section Jiua borne the reputation of I being one of the safest from fire, of ; any timber in the world. It is uu-. fortunate that such silly and ex aggerated reports should get spread as to the damage from these tires. Ol course, the young pine is in jured, but the merchantable, ma ture timber will escape with very little damage. l'ilv's Kidney Hetuvdv will cure any ca ol kidney or bladder trouble that not beyond the reach of medicine, No : medicine can do more. C, I iniggltt. Merfill, AS OlUllN'ANClJ to amend Section l'oiir of an Ordlrsnc wititled "An Or- ilm.inof IMxing the t'omm-iiwttiii and I Homl ol tlic Ke rleriil I'vamng III Dutien." Ik- it or cil of the City of Itentl That mhI Sieetion Pour be amemled so a to rruil at follow o: "Sec. 4. The Recortler lutikt iuv all hcoiiM'i. authonml liy the eitv orU- tiuiict't, ukhi delivery to hitn of the re-1 eclpt'of ttic TreaMirer for the amount of , money liiirel (or1 urh liceiiM-, Pro VIHKi. lMweer, tlmt'the Hecorder 1mI1 ' ikkuv no Ik-ente fir 'on.ltn'tinK aliilllJrd. ' iMLXti'llr or jhk1 talrtr ot lo linn alley : or for the le of ety:r, tobacco, 'ib'in( Mft ilrmkijor otner mrrciiatumc In con iii'cDou wltl a, card or billiard ro"in or UiwlitiR alley uuleM w ntteii application therefor la- tint made ti the Common Council .uni aaid applic.Ulou be eninttd tiy a majority ote thereof. All ordl tunc.', ami pirtD of kirdtiiautK iucoti M.tcut hciewith ate herein repealed. proei Mimi-t uu 19c t IUt II Ctllis, liUO DuosYrkikh's, 1 It corler ctiun Mnvor, -as- W Pitfjtitfal Liquid Ar Peuftlar. Imparl i'rirtf lottnui, fcauy anil mice 80 ere. Hasaur ffittky nuaiuV Subscribe for The Dulledu. ig ittiicatv 50 .tnt mm. wjthcuxn in. vIlMiftr'frjflf.fc ptrfttt anfiji' beauty. hMt Itllmlnatt'fan, iUnburn, r'lff,HK'iownai airt imperfect (! n I'UAj jMn . . Pott wn.a y o In f y '.njl'i.T .PiTtJflH"r M WN. 1 - i-i Fool Mother. Hit t ihutmnn A murder was committed In Port land this week by a mere lad, and in no editorial comment the Ort gouinti says: "That Guild's I.ski murder came about ns usual, through the circumstance of hsv ill); a loaded pistol handy about the house." What about the "cir urn stance" of the mother being aiv.ij from home attending a meeting 'if fanatic' Probably the crime would not have been committed were slic 'tbellhe faithful mother that she should ibe. Portland, like other cities, 1 Icliilureii into the world for no other ' purpos? than to swell the prison ' population. FOK SALE. LL the Personal Property of the Three Sisters ill Ranch Company, con sisting of nine work horses, farming imple ments of all kinds, 80 tons of hay in the stack, and household goods. Terms, cash or bank able paper. M. C. MILLER., Supto. Agricultural L ricuidira! College Connllls", Oregon. Offers collegiate courses in Agri culture, including Agronomy, Hor ticulture, Animal Husbandry. Dairy Uusbamiry, etc.; Forestry; Iomes tic Science ami Art; Civil, Hlectri- - e 1 ! f " K1n' Rnn ;"linK l'W i """r1 '"":. ""c)- . Offers elementary courses in Agri culture, Forestry, Domestic Science and Art, Commerce, and Mechanic Art, including forge work, cabinet , mak,i:,K ste?m 'nf- P"bmg. . mscmne worn, eic. 1 Strong faculty, modern equip , ment- free tuition, opens Sent. 25. llturatd cstaloavc wuh fall larucmatMMi wn ..ppiMrnaa iuis Krnt. in. Every Farmer , Why? . Because: YoX'v money tlllJT V licit. Your check debt it pays. It gives you a better standing with business men. ' Money in the bank, strengthens your credit. A bank account ' teaches, helps and eucottr ages you to save. This bank does all the bookkeeping. Your bauk book is a record 6f your business. To those desiring Banking Connections with a well established Bank, we extend our services. the Cefctj;a! Oregon Banking (2 Trust Company jiS-r c ' t.. , DIRECTORS: John Stektk .c Lumberman alul Til'nber Owner. U. C. C001 , l'hj-aleiSti AmJ Surgeon. H. P. d. McDonald , MHyor of Ilend. iE.-AM-Athei:- rt?,...,. .'J- Q. Heyburn...i...vf vM Bakery aiid Restkurant SOLICITS THM PATRONAGE OV llll? 'PUBUC. t ." 'ifiomo iYlJsde Bread for Saje Pies, Cakes, CooKies., Douglinuti; Also jthlngjihe Bakery Llne.i Restaurant will Ive meals'nl all hours between 6 n- m. and to p. c? SUNDAY DINNERS A SPECIALTY. . 33$&0 Ptclfic (toft llfiuecKi 1 frp trr;-'! for t.ic neeJs l tw tn n . raflchmm. It u a fW-AfrV, r J r 1 If Jl.ni l-n mn, a rcrcJ ' " r ft f ,cti A 'ootlmf irrb.-o.. 1. 1 t t relief of pun. tnd Hie bttt lin.mc'i I . tprtlns ni Mrtnes.' Iiktjj!1 ,r cMrisf lhe hmsI snl injuries tl Ji fUkllEO UlKC eni for hcalini cuts, E afcrsjlom. sorts n4 tririjM I't'.Ui H.sc Unhncnt K fsHjr (ssrsnttcd. N Sn oihtr'Hioifitxl or Mflulln to mzr.j N w) fit(alhil6MlMy,ea!ilhbrlre s .sil rf3lr to retiHhJ the perdiaie price. 2 fit uni (otuei Kf ciNta Horr cmcviwu co, pj fcft.n . r ucrrZ'Tor - JVhen You Paint buildings, inside or ct side, if you desire the very best results at the least expense you should use The Sherwin-Williams Paiht Call for -- color cards E. A. SATHER . A Pull Line of Groceries, Dr Goods and Hardware always or Hand. -u, ot I, 1 V ""' T tf2tSSs7 mcc' $ ' ' -- .! a ! aapiaai i t V 'afrmt-Wiutms Fix ') As well as every business man should have 4 bank account ls er the tank than CI3C.f Paying your bills by check is the simplest and roost convenient method. becomes u voucher for the ........i.iwii.r... Mereluut i,. ."lv,er n m . tnwaO m vw tthd Everv - - ' -?