1 fi a THE BEND BULLETIN I "For every man a square deal, (ess mid no more." CHARMtS I). ROW1J. ..UDITOR SirftSCRUTlON RATltfe: Djit:, Tknc umtttn....... 1 , v 'InrtriaMr In di -. . -IQOS. FRIDAY, AUGUST 14 - yiiu pa4ja.mou.nt issuu. , 'here isjfvidwitly goiuR.to be ivonJrftjl tirrioR of (lend bones in (he United States senate. And a few of those honored senators who have been representing everything but the people, arc going to be re ared to the joys of the simple life; they arc going to be sent home to stay. In fact, this movement is already under way. Joseph I. Ikistow has defeated Senator Ches ter I. Long of Kansas. Uristow is the man who unearthed the postal frauds .1 few yer$ ago in the post- office department. He stands stead lastly for good government. Long is known-., a corporation senator. &cuator Allison of Iowa has just closed his long public career in answer to the call of death. While the senator has always had a cleau reputation aud has kept himself free from the suspicious and dirty tricks of the average politician, yet Sue bos been one of the most pro nounced standpatters aud has in variably stood with that faction of kis party which sided with the privileged interests. The senator belonged to the old school. Appar ently he was not in sympathy with the late movement in political life fed by Roosevelt, Lal'ollctte, Hughes and Folk. Senator Allison will be succeeded undoubtedly by Gov Cummins, a stalwart man, a pro gressive reformer, and one who stands for just laws. It is hoped that able men will be chosen to represent New York in the place of the senile, corruot and disgusting Piatt and Depew. And one of the most pleasing features of this apparent house cleaning of the senate is the fact that it is very probable Governor Folk of 'Missouri will succeed Sena tor William J. Stone. The nation is acquainted with Folk. He was one of the first to take up the fight of recent years against corruption and graft iu public life. And he has always won. Governor Folk is one of the men to whom the na tion can point with pride. It is to be sincerely hoped that Missouri will send him to the senate and will retire Stone, who has the reputa tion of being one of those senators who were elected simply to repre sent the corporations. Yes, there is going to be a house cleaning in the senate. The voters are disgusted with the tactics and records of many of the men who now occupy scats in that body. It is a hopeful iign, an indication that there is enough virile strength and energy in the nation to purge itself of a clique of corrupt law makers, even when those same cor ruptiouists have succeeded in get ting control of the lawmaking branch of the government. Let the good work go on, aud let other honest men be elected to succeed such as Aldrich, Klkius, Paine, Fairbanks, Foraker, and others of that ilk. state will do well to elect such man to the senate. If the republi- no can incumbent is known ns n cor- rnptionist, if he stands brnxenty and openly for those moneyed in terests that are constantly seeking special privileges to the hatm of the ft.ya 1 nation, 11 in snuri 11c miNtjiu-K-uis the people, then any state will do well to ictire such a man and elect an honest democrat iu his place. The old-time clinging to twrty is dead. The voters of the nation will no longer respond to the crv, "Stand by your party," "Don't be a deserter," "Do net betray the grand old party," aud such trash. What they demand now -are clean and upright men to represent them. If they can not flud them iu their own party tuev will turn to ome other party if that party is so fortu nate as to have such a candidate. Aud the result will be that the na tion will be better governed. What true American would not rather have such men iu the scuate as Folk of Missouri, Johnson of Minnesota, aud Chamberlain of Oregon rail democrats in the place of Klkitts, Aldrich, Foraker, Piatt, Depew aud others of that stripe. Folk, Johnson aud Cham berlain would represent the people The othtrs are notorious for the records they have made iu repre senting the corporations. And jet according to the waitings of some republican papers, it would be a siu aud a trrime to elect a good democrat in the place of a corrupt republican. Why, you know, the democrat's party principles are not sound. The corrupt republican party principles may be sound enough but he forgets them so easily waen it comes to voting in congress. M I dent farmer who is acquainted witli .summer fallow methods tu W,li mgiou says that field will never Ik cleaned of the weeds until it i thoroughly summer fallowed for .1 season One nutuier in ut.. h tin weeds steal a march on ilu ,mt 1 fainter is the fact that ihe cim their sd much mHiticr tli.tn is 1 n endly supposed. Hence tlie sliou! be fought with vigor, rU-ur.i-d win when young and not allowed to p tu seed. The weed nuiatke i quite a serious problem in ..out' sections of the West. Far tin is n the Hetid country should le ott tin alert and not let them get a foot iug here. Keep the fence cornets and unused land free from weeds. SEEDS BeciBEB'sur.usjtxctr.oi SPECIALOFFER: fyitu wo iw.ikm. A ttuitilil lufcka ui our ttmAiitul ciuiuuitrr rilic comaim su;s.,rJ5MJ2: Umi I -.Ut Nil. M v.n.ll,. UlftU, ut nik.srru.ro n.i , Write tiytlay: Mention this Paper. WWNAAAAAAAAAMAAAWSA SEND 10 CENTS IMMMtWI l t-trl J f Ik I ftil1 iMMtw nr wva ipaia. ftnr aiin r a tr(luS iitaniuui ri4 I'lsmi im LMiiutkMUWHiHtiiMp( t, now H.W. Bjclits. ), ftUCKVIt ST !VtAIVkU COMMl.NI u orm-u .Manliing llchliul." j Hi. IVtll0.IHIlitl The tiatuiual forest officials should i u sl i,s Tllc Optimist has nl wavs sum. tno opinion iiiig taken front "The Old Man's" experience the denuKrut'C wrty always gts be highlv commeuded fur the tiiau ner in which they have been fight ing the forest fires of the past two right on all ipiesHotii after the re weeks. Not only have tliey fought publicans have proven them correct the fires that were bmniue iu kuv- "m" ""v "'" onaml taken up rntmnt limhr. 1.... tl,..vl.v .In,,- oilier issues ami question all in their jtovver, aud have, em- The democratic practically Mauds party of today wliere the re ploveilmen aud spent much money publican twrtv stood 50 years ago. to conquer tlte fires that wert burn-las witness the plank in the late ihp in tirivatH timU.r. Th.i- v...-1 platform proiniihiaUd at Denver. , . , . ..... . . I We refer to the one flet sii.iwu n v.iiiiiuciiiinuic .sjniu, iwve saved much valuable property, and have done good work. The forest service is a good thing. Cured Hay Fevur am) Summtr Ookl A. S. Nul,auni. ilatrMtllr, In itnt. writ.-. "I.at yrar I u1fvrv lorlhirr tuoalh th a tumtwr euM o .litic,v inn Uift it iiitctfcrtvtl Hitti my bu.incu. t h.wt friNy of the ymMtiuu( hoy (ever itul a .loctor mrcritlUn lnt not teach my ciavc, rni.I I t.k wvcwl Mfsltctne whicl. ms?ii.I onlv to KxrvMr it l-'o--tuuaK'ly I itML'.l tiix.ii haviuic l'olr)' liotity ili.l Tar It qui.-Kh . re' Hie Mr hi h iner um-1 I''olc llnii.-v iinl Tir Kith the umc niv.c C W. Merrill, PruKK'-t LADIKS' You should h..vc your calling car.!s printed ut The nullettn oftice. The latest stilt.- There is one issue before the na tion today that is paramount to all others. It is not the question cf protective tariff or free trade, tt is not whether we shall retain the Philippines or give them their in dependence; it is not the question of free coinage of silver at the sacred ratio of 16 to 1; nor is it the Wis dom or unwisdom of a large navy The one issue of paramouut im portance is whether the nation shall continue to stand by the reforms inaugurated by Roosevelt whether it shall demand honest and iust laws; whether it shall be ruled by the people or whether it shall fall into the hands of a plu tocracy; whether it shall be a gov ernment for and by the people, or tor anu by a lavoretl few. That is the issue in which the American people arc most interested arid on that issue they will elect their law makers, If the republican 'party can not produce a candidste in sympathy with this issue, then a democrat will be elected. The question will not be what is a man's party, but rather what sort of a man is he. At the present the nation needs men of integrity. Whether they are republicans or democrats is of secondary importance. ' K . T'iS!VV?lBIrfJTv'lBrS rTvr ROW:. T &&&?& St S wmfflmmM 1 US?' mls&itf W 3 1 Nv '&Ar y v vsvo v .vVam. aeekiuc to com memnrate the tooth Hiiuivetsary of I.iucolu's death' Lincoln, the man kitted, muidcrcd by that rty, the man who receiveil more abuse from the democrats than auy iiihii who ever lived! During tlte war he was a "butcher," a"traiit, Vkuave," he "trampled the constitution un der his feet" ami was "leading his country nil to anarchy, disaster, ruin and oblivion!" And now the saute old twrtv, and some of the ( very same men. are pr.titing linn us one of the great men of the world' Is it possible that such cheap claptrap, six It absolute contempt ami .ibandnniiunl ot their old iews, will .ais.Ii oUs We ver much ilout.t that otcrs will be loo let 1 by sm.lt cheap trickery. KjK!!Jv,rr43ippf; T ALSO MM r J ; THE. NtW TCMPCRANCE liKUW ' fit AKANTIXI) olToxATl'o "T ttsi-il to tliiuk a immI inmiiitii niliiitf Iit'T tMiulil not In; Hindi lint M ALTON A lertainlv U IT" SN&PPYI OUIDUTFUl! Y r mIo i.' n'l let.llnx truiM-ratiLc ilriiil. taii il NORTH PACIFIC BREWING CO. ASTORIA, OnCCON For Salt by ?' t - A Complete Stock of Dry Lumber Should a republican state elect a democrat to the seuate? That is a questiou that is mightily worrying a large number of editors and poli ticians of Oregon. They are mak ing a mountain out of a mole hill. Should 1 republican state elect a democrat to the seuate? That de pends. If by so doing a state can secure a man of proper calibre, one Attention, Asthma Suffereril Foley's Ilonev and Tar uill i-Iie tm. mediate relief to aithma sufferer and has cured iqany cases tluttljad refused to yield t other treatment, l'olev'a .- .. .. . . iiouey annuaris tue rrJt remedy loci cougus, ro's ami all throat and lung trouble, fsntafm tm lirmf-.l ,lnif,c.a iateresU of the nation, then any c. W, Mer.ill, Druggist. of undoubted integrity, and one who will always stand for the best Farmers in the Bend country should begin to fight the. weeds. Taken in time they can be easily controlled, and now is the time for this section. There afe several species of weeds that grow amaz ingly well here. One of these is the common pig weed. It multl plies with great rapidity and, when given a chance through careless ness or indifference, soon becomes a pest. There is 0$; field not far from Bend that has been poorly tended in which the pig weeds have taken entire possession. A resi- Rough, Surfaced and Moulded Always carried in stock. I have, all sizes of the following INCH COMMON IIKAD BLOCKS DIMENSION O. G. IIASKUOAKDS KUSTIC STAIR .TjtfjlVDS SHIl'I.AP WATIJR TA.Br: T. & G. FLOORING O. G. HATTINS WINDOW CASING MOULDINGS WINDOW JAMBS FKNCIJ I'ICKKTS LATHS FOR IRNMATINO SPOUTS SEE ME BEFORE YOU BUV ELSEWHERE, f CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. X S. WILLIAMS ,- 'AT Till: II1C.VKV UNSTICK STAND BEND, - - OREGON . . Office wltli the Central Oregon RcaltyCoi "TMl " " 1 k Jn I m Hfiffl i.im:rs b Ucml-Shaniko Livery & Slagc Company .1, II. WHNANDV, ITop. W. P. KellKy, Agwiit. aiit'lso Now Covered SUircs between I5entl ftml ShauiUo ALSO Livery ami Peed Stithies nl SliimiU, Ahttlnifi 21 tut llcml. We run our rigs lo pltutae thu public, Stngos lonvo rch way overy tiny. Rigs to All parts of Coutrul Orogon. Cum ful tlrlvurs fiin.it.1 . .1 Special Attention Given to Express nnd Bnggago. IIMW.I...1WHWM.M.W..W T. nrtliaV'"w"-"TKM-JS"'," m.iiiijinimiii -.j..,.. A Complete Stock of 8 At ikuiJ, Oregon. DRY Rough, Stir faced nntl .Moulded -LUMBER At lieml, Oregon. All Widths, Lengths nnd ThickuuMcs 1NCII COMMON DIMKNSION SI II FLAP RUSTIC T. fi C. FI.OORINO Kcasonablc KADKI CHii.iNG I.amber .. . - WINDOW J AM Ml li,II,r ni I'rlCCS.; WINDOW CASING ! (ood i UKAl) BLOCKS . ,,0l WM n , X O. 0. BASKMOAKI) tott oil Orades stair TKKA D8 The Lands of Dry WATKR TAIU.R Il,c '.' & '' ' , O. V.. BATriNS r, J;0-' ,r . 5loclc . Mon.DlNOS ' rbeCAI. Co. V. II. II. l'ATT.NT KOOFINO I'liNCK FICKUTS SHINOLliS HTC. IJTC. . CUSTOM I'l'.l't) .MILL IN CONNIICTION.J APPLY TO Central Oregon Development Company BEND, - ORI-QON1 ,j6 infH ! TtMiill "WS r ARim i,D Camp Chairs and Stools Reclining: Chairs Hammocks ' AND Cots .JU3t the thins 'for the porch or lawn, and especially just the thing for hot weather. A I.AKt.l. St t't'1, ofl Lime and Cemeht West's Furniture Store. uy Lj Central Oregon Realty Company BEND, .. OREGON nAi.F.n.' ik am. kind.1 or Central Qxeon Real Estate Timber and Desert Lands a Specialty 1 We buy or sell your !afl,K matt :r where alttiated. We can sup ply you with any clasa of, Innu at tiny time. Call on us or write for further particulars. rV' WHI&r5('IN' BEN.U STOI AT Tiig Piityr BurrE inn Tb!oali.ipPejl v,lth Iho bs q.at lhsjjgya .ffru Neat anU Cdrtifoi-rabVe RooMts-. , n.VI1 n, Bund, OlOiC.oK Jg