NEWS OF THE WEEK III n Condonseil rnrm for Iiusy Headers, Our HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS A Hotumo of Ilia Loss Important but Nut Lost Interesting Events of thn Past Weak. A steamer burned on l.nko Winning. Eight llvi'ii were lost. More Turkish iiilnlntiTit linvo been distiilimed iiihI arretted. A heavy rainstorm nl llimtnii Hooded tlu street, doing much diuniigit. A Philadelphia wiitiitin provided in her will for llm rare of her ruin mid parrots. Much timber lit being diwlrnyeif mid mining nunim threiiU-iiod by forest II red in .Montana. Nkw '.eiilnnd In making extensive preparation for tlm reception of tliu battleship licit. KtxHievelt ha assumed nil n'nMiiin lilllty for tlm discharge of tlm negro trtNiM nt Brownsville. (oihIihi In denning bouse nnd linn Jjiit succeeded In convicting '" inunlc lwl olllriTu of grafting. A Snn I'mnclwo mnn lived IK hours nflur breaking hlit neck nnd wns eon ncliMiN n xtrl of tlm time. Thaw htiN filed n bankruptcy xitltlon, claiming ll"' doctors' fe nnd rout of IiIn trial havo left him without nny- wiing. A mnn nt Virtnrln, II. C, who had iM'iit nix ilnyN of n ten-day rritinc In Jail hi-cniimi ho did (Hit Imvu thn iiMjn.iy to my tin- lino in heir to f 100, 000. I'oni Piu ha Just celebrated liU llfth anniversary ns ope. A woman Imlloonlnt In Wisconsin fell 000 feet and will livf. A strike of electrician In Pnrl linn plfccwl thn city In darkness. Tlm New Vork betting law doe not forhld bets between individual. Honduras refuse to restore exe quaturs of Amerlciin nnd other con miln. The Canadian Pacific railway I lm ortlng strikebreaker from the United State. A wholo detnehment of Japanso tniM ha been mnasacrcd by Con-an insurgent. A Japanese sealing schooner ha been enptured in Bering sen by n Itu Ian cruiser. Germans nro raising n great fuml to build n new Zeppelin airship to replace the ono destroyed. A vlniluct nt Cinclnnntl wna dyna mited nnd 15 htihiiw hurt. Tlm dam age la placed nt 110,000. A whist Ktitiui linn Just been pliiycd In I.on Angeles for n $ IT., 000 fruit crop which wna in dispute. Krlckseu, tlm Danish explorer, nnd two conipnnionii, Imvu perished In the Ice olf thn Greenland count. CnMrn accuses Ilollnndof barbarism nnd savagery. Ilrorwon Howard, tho great plny Wright, la iluiiil, llnrrinnin ban started for tlm I'aclflc count, atill talking of higlmr freight rat en. One hundred sheep wore killed by n niiiKlu bolt of IlKhtnlnK near llrid'o Mirt, Oil, , Hnilroitd presldenta will confer with nhlppera on rates. Tliu mcutiiiK will bo held nut Chicago. Thu knlser hun rownnlcd n soldier who dhl not recognize him with pro motion for strict attention (o duty. A number of enrthnunko ahocka havo occurred In Algerln, (iolni; much dam iK'u to property nnd causing aoinu loss of life. A Cnnnrctirut mnn murdered Ida wlfo nnd Knindchlld, but was killed by lilri son buforo koIuu; further with tilts butchery. A atriko of mnchlnlsta on thu Cana dian 1'iiuillc ia on nnd it In uxocted other men will bu niructed and thu road tied up, A (icrinan Inventor ban n dlriKlblo balloon In which lm iniulo u succeuiiful IllKlit of 24 hourn, returning to thu utnrtiiiK point. Thu (Trent 1'nriH Htrlko Iiiih ended in n fnlluro. Wheat la booming In CIiIcuk'o nnd hna Kono ubovo thu $1 murk, Kmployua of nil tho paper trust's inllla huvu koiiu on n atriko. Grcat preparations nro bolng tnndu ed dead this afternoon with hla four for tho reception of tho battleship Hoot mules, killed by tho heat in tho tun at Auckland, nol's depths, MANY FAMILIE8 SEPARATED. Properly Lent nt Fiirnln Not Leia Tlinn $2,000,000. Spokane, Wash., Auk, 4.- A special from Fernle, II, (J., to tho KiMkeinnn. Itevliiw, nuvh: It In feared that tho loita of life will rench beyond 100, but them nro so iniiny llvlnj; peoplu without homua or ahelter or foot I to bo looked lifter thnt U to tlm preaent no eUort him been mtido to uncertain tlm number of thomt who lout their Uvea. In tlm district awept by tho llnmen therii In eatliiintcil to Imvu been hoiiim 7,000 people. Two thouannd of thi'o jieopln Imvu been aent Witt to Cnin lirook nnd Klko, homio l.fiUO (led from tlm lliiiima to tho iKirlhwnnl nnd reach d Horner nnd other plncea nlunjr tho lliie. Thn (ireat Northern train took nil tlm peoiilo It could carry un tlm line. riKhtlnx Ita way through aheeta of llnmea beforo renchliiK n plnco of anfety, Hcorwi of fniulllea wero aepnrnU-!, hunhnnda not knowing whero their wivea nnd children were, nnd in aoinu ItiKtmiccH it wna iiHcerlnlned thU morn IriK thnt niembera of tlm aumo family wero in Crnnbrook, I'ernlo nnd Iloa iner. Tlm lowest entlmati'ji of thn nmoimt of tlm lomi In placed nl $L',fiOO,000, nnd an nearly na can lm nxcertiilniil tho In Hiiranco rnrrled will amount t xinic think' Ilk" 1 1, 600,000. Of tliu 7,000 Nijpn who hiul been houm-d yinttenlny, 11,000 Imvu been taken away. It, In ea iimnieii iy tint rominlltei) npiHilntiil thnt there will bo a.ftOO who will have to lm furnlnhwl with tmKirnry almlter ami fond. DEATH LIST QnOWS. SeventyFour Said to Have PerUhed In Destruction of Fnrnle. Wlnnle;, Mnnltobn, Au. 4. -Aa n mult of IiunIi fire tlm town of Fornle, II. C, la wIihhI olf tlm mnn na n child cleans n slate. Michel, II mllea ilia taut, la In llnmea nnd tlm fate of Una- rner nwl SpnrwiMid, IntervutiitiK towns, la In doubt, they helm? ml ..IT from ueinj: cuion irom '"Iff. communication. Over 100 live nro known to have been lost, 71 of them in I-Vroiu. A territory of 100 iuuare mllea Is n seething ninaa of llumea. ThroUKh It nrr scattered hundreds of lumbermen nnd proKwctorii, no thnt thu actual loss of Ufa will not b known for days. llie protiertlea of thu Cnnmllnn I'n clfic and (Sreat Northern railways nro (I..Mtf..('.wl fV... I.l.l....a H...I r..1ll.. .....i. burne.1 ao thnt It Is impossible to enter I or leave tlm burnlnj: area. I Thero Is no Ksslbllity of cstlmntlnK the losa of life and property which will ...i. r... ii... ii....... -. i... - tnuit wi Mil' IIHIMia V MIIIVII IJ il half kbIu, making It luipoaaibtu to iut up n HKhl aKlnsl their ndvnnce, Tho contlnL-rntlon is tho irrentest which has ever reached Canada nnd rnnka only with tho Kan Francisco dla- nsler. For thu past month forest fires havo been raiflnir in tho mountains of F.Ik river valley country, but they have not been considered serious. Sntunlay mornltiK n heavy wind sprnnjr up from thu west niKl early in the afternoon thu llnmea npiienrcd over tho crest of the mountains to the weat of Fernle, This r..n .1...... .i, ....! .i.i.. ....i before n fire gunnl could bo organized hnd entered tho town. FLEET PASSES 1UTUILIA. Natives Gaza on Great Datlleihtpt at Clotn Range, Suvln, FIJI Islnmls, Aug. I. Tho United Stnton Atlantic Hoot nt 8 p. in. Sntunlay was in hititudu 15:43 mmth, longitude 17:21 west, being distant from Auckland 1,500 mllva. At 0:80 o'clock in the morning tho fleet chang ed ita formation from lino of squadron tn ainglo column, nnd nt 7 o'clock imssisl tho end of eastern end of Tutu ilin Islam!, Samoa, nnd ntenmed close In along the const, giving tho people of tho Inland nn excellent view of tho ships. Tlm station ship Annum lis unused close to the licet olf Pago I'n go. Thu usual honora wero rendered. At 0 o'clock tho licet resumed its course for Auckland In line of amiudron formntlon. It hnd reduced its speed to nlno knota. Tho weather la lino, though hot. Tho collier AJux arrived nt Suvin todny. Dutch Mall Is Uariecl Out. Wlllemstnd, Aug. 4. Tho Dutch cruiser (lolderlnnd arrived hero todny from I. ii tiiilrn, Venezuela. Her com mander dcclnroH thnt ho Kent n boat ashore nt l.n flulru with nn olllcur nnd was refused communication with tho shore. Tho nuthoritleH thero, ho anyH, I declined to accept the letter bnga nnd nn ofllcinl comimmlciitioii to tho Gor mnn minister who lalncbnrgoof Dutch Intel esta in Curncas. Ho reporta also I thnt Venezuela In iirepnrlng her forces 1 for n defense of tho country. It In believed Holland will take Homo action. Dlo of.Hent In Mine. Virginia City, Nov., Aug. 4. Half , u iiiiiu uvnuiivii iiiu puiiuiu in inu enrin nnd 8,000 foot from tho mouth of tho Sutro tunnol. C. Pucllllnl wnsdlscovor- i ' i ; rrzz:- , , , NEWS ITEMS FROM WASHINGTON, D. C.1 STATE QUAUANTY ILLEGAL. National Unnki Cannot Accept Terms of Oklahoma Law. WnnhhiKton, Auf. 4. In n forrnnl opinion rendered by Attorney (leneral Ilonupnrti) nt tho reucnt of Secrt'lnry of tlm Trenaury CorUdyou, it ia bold to bo Illegal for nny national bank to cnuT inui it contrnct or other nrrnn tmint with alnt olllclnla for tho pur pono of crctttlmr n Kunrntity fund out of tlm bnnk a depoxlta or capital atock to bo umsl in paylnj; tho deKNltora of nny hank lnclude within tlm tennii of ii atnto atntute, nny doficiency thero may bo In tlm amount to bo received by them from uaaeta of audi hunk in the event of ita fnllure. Mr, Cortelyou rcUeite! tho nttorney Ketiernl'a opinion "na tj tho le'nl rljrht of national banka in tho atnto of Okla homa to contributo townrd tho Kuar nrity fund or to nvnll themaelvea of tlm other prlvlle'ea of the. atutu bnnk InKncL" DlflT FLIES ON ISTHMUS, Total of Earth flemoved Increatet Month by Month. WnahltiKton, Au. 8. - Month by month tlm total excavation on the Ith- mian canal la lncreanlni'. A cablegram recelviil yoatenlny from (Lionel Cum- UhiIn, chief engineer on tho Iithrnua, nIiown that the excavation for July wna conalderably urt-nter thnn for Junu, al though tliu Intter wna nlmoHt n reconl ill tlm cnnnl Work. Tho total exrnvn. ! tlon for July wna 3,108,0 10 cubic ynnl, nntilnat 3,050,070 cubic ynnla for June, nnd, 1,087,408 cubic ynnla for July a yunr uro. In thu corrc niMrHliriK' montlm thin iiliow nn increnao of 2,001,902 cubic ynnla. Thu nverniro dally out rait for Julv. I00H, wna 121, 104 cubic ynnla, njrainat Ill ( (.1 ...1.1. .. I. 1..I.. ...AM '' ' '" lul,,c 1"" "' '"U.. in , i ,,f ,,,,,. i 0.7 IT-. -..1.1- yanln of material ., . ...... j.., .,U.I,IIU -UUK wero removal by ateani shovels. Roosevelt Praises Dead. Oyster Hay, N. Y Au. 7. I'resl dent ItiMisevelt todny sent n teletrrnm to thu lnt Senator Altison'a secretary, na miiows: "Am Inexpressibly shocked nnd con cerned nl tho news. The wholo coun- ,ry , T" , Tn krr,own, ,;rn" ln ,lhe mmt yi"' "t public service, " mn'!' , ft.u "f hl" cxI,cr't,"cc tlnl nbll Ity, was one of the moat effectlvu aids in mnkinir iroot . . . .... f"w'rn"',,,nl t.lJ1 wo haVc ,n our cou"- try. (Slimed) "THF.ODOUK ItOOSKVKLT." Perkins on Naval Committee. Washington. Aug. 7. As n result of the denth of Senator Allison, of Iowa, Smntor Perkins, of California, will be advanced to the chairmanship of the committee on naval nlTnirs. Next to Senator Unit, tho California senntor ia the ranking member of thnt committee nnd na Halo is thu ranking member of thu committee on aniironrinllona he will bo rolled upon to take Allison's ;,nco " c'nlr""n, leaving tho chair of ... ii..., iiiihiio kumiiiiiiw u mj iiuel by Perkins. Packers Kick on Overcharge Washington, Aug. 7. Tho Cnrstens Packing company, of Tncomn, hns IIUhI n complaint with tho Intoratnte Coir- merco commlsaion ngninst the Oregon hlMirt Line, tho Oregon Hnllrond & Navigation company and tho Northern Pacific, in which it uska repartition of $252 on 1 1 cars of stock hipHd to '1 ncoma from Nhiiiiw, Idaho, and On tnrlo, Or. It Is nllegiHl it wna over- chiirgtsl ami that tho enr were routwl by ii more exHinsivo route thnn nccoa- sh ry. Young Commandant nt Washington, Aug. 8. Mare Island. Cnptnin Lu clen Young is to be the new command ant nt Mnro Island navy yard, San Francisco, according to advices given out by tho Navy department. Ho will succeed Captain J. II, Milton, who hna been transferred to command of tho re cruiting ship Independence, now at Mnro Island. Commodore J. M. Rob inson who hna been In command of tro Independence, is relieved nnd hna re turned to Ida homo. Give Consult Refuge, Wnshlngton, Aug. 4.- Wonl of tho arrival of tho gunboat Mnrietnttn nt Ceilm, Honduras, Captain Mnxwoll commanding, baa been received nt tho Navy department. Captain Maxwell will glvo rofugo abonnl his vessel to tho foroigd consuls at Coibn, whoso exeiuaturs havo been cancelled by President Davlln, of Honduras, if con ditions mnko it expedient for them to rutiru from tho city. Saya Kormlt Did Not Talk. Oyster Hay, Aug, 7. Tho president, through Acting Secrutnry Foster, yes tonlny denounced ns being entirely fic titious nn alleged interview with his son, Kormlt, regnnling tho African hunt of next year which Is bolng given publicity. Mr. Foster said tho story was un nbsoluto fabrication and the president was desirous of rofuting It. TALK WITH SCOTT FIRST. Roosevelt Not Ready to Act on West Point Hazers. Oyster Hny, Aue;. 0.- Secretary of Wnr Wright hna aent word to Presi dent Itooauvi-lt thnt he desires thu proa Ident U see. Colonel Scott nnd talk with Mm regarding thu Undines nnd recom inenilatlorm mndij by n board of inouirv nnd ImlurwK by Colonel Scott In tho cnau of tho ausiiended ciulcta. Colonol Scott undoubtJilly will l received nt Oyster Hay by tho president on his wny to West Point from WnshlnRUm. Tho president's naalsUint in-cretary, Itudolph Foster, this afternoon made u atnlement snyln tho president hnd not received thu final decision of the Wnr department. Tho statement ndds : "Thu proaident, of course, will coinu to no firm! decision until hu hears from Genernl Wrlj;ht." Debt Ii $20,077,414 More. Wnshlnjiton, Auk. 5. Thu monthly statement of the public dubt ahowa that nl the close of busineaa July 31, 1008, the debt, less cash in tho trena ury, nmounted to $968,809,823, which ia nn Increase for thu month of 120.- 077,414. Thu cash In the treasury Is $1,701,0.18,029, nKninst which thero nru demnnd liabilities outstanding nmountimt to $1,437,409,8CC, which leaves n cash balance of $303,038,173. Tho apparent increase in tho public debl is uccountvd for by tho loss of ensh in the trenaury, which, during juiy nmounieu io nearly $30,000,000. This loss wna occasioned by thu larjru also by tho redemption of tho notes of failed nnd llauiilatlnir national banka nnd tho reducing of circulation, of na- nonni names. Law Will be Given Test. Washington, Aug. 0. -Thu constitu tionality of tho Federal law prohibit ing thu Imtiortntlon of women from foreign countries for immoral purposes is involved In the cases of Altihonsc and Dufour, which aro docketed today in the Supreme Court of tho United States. Six indictment were returned against each in tho United States Circuit court sitting in Chicago, on tho charge of violating tho immi gration laws, nnd Judgo Land Is refus ed to release them on tho writs of habeas corpus. They took an appeal to the Supreme court. The maximum punishment is five years imprisonment nnd u fine of $5,300 in each count. Opium Users In New York. Washington, Aug. 4. At least 5,000 whlto persons in New York city nro slaves to thcoplum habit, nccording to tho statement made today by Dr. Wright, ono of tho three representa tives of America on tho international commission which is investigating tho opium traffic throughout the world. He snid tho investigations havo led also to the esthnnto tbn there nro from COO to 1,000 Chinese residents of New York who nro nddictod to tho drug. Tho commission intends to extend its activities to nil tho mnln cities of tho country, to determine tho extent of tho no or drugs in tho United States. Deepen Mare Island Straits. oshington, Aug. 4. Tho board of civil engineers of the army nnd nnvy upponlted to suggest some methods of Improving tho approaches to tho Mnro Islnnd nnvy ynnl, has decided on tho employment of hydraulics in tho Mnro Island straits, lly this means it will lie joible to provide nn ndon,unto depth of tho channel nt Mnre Islnnd to accommodate the largest war vessels. The project is said to be fenslblo nnd can be maintained, whon onco it IsJJn stalled, for $26,000 a year. Roosevelt Entortalnt Guests. Oyster Hay, Aug. 0. -Secretary of the Treasury Cortelyou and Thomas J. O'Urion, American ambassador nt To kio, wero guests of President Hoose velt nt Sngamoro Hill todny, Secretary Cortelyou driving over from his home ut Hnlesite, near Huntington. Other guests of the president today wero: W. C. Forbes, vice governor of tho Philip pines; It. It. Hogere, general counsel of tho Isthmian Canal commission; Hobert J. Collier, Norman Hnpgood and Mr. nnd Mrs. Mark Sullivan. Treasury Department Is Upheld. Washington, Aug. 5, Tho nttorney genernl has upheld tho Treasury de partment in its view of thnt pneknges by tho distilled spirits produced nt dis tilleries not affected by restraining or- ders must bo marked in ncconlnnco with tho regulations which took effect July 1. A circular letter is soon to bo issued to tho internal revenue collect ors instructing tnem In ncconlnnco with this vlow. Send Leonard to Toklo Fair. Washington, Aug. 5. Major Henry F, Leonard, of tho Mnrlno corps, hns been designated ns naval nttncho to tho Toklo Exposition commission tn ro sponso to tho request of Commissioner (enoral Loomls, Major Leonnls con vionorni Lioomm, junior L,eonni s con- SeNrmtrCr,",M,n Wi" bgin I about September 1. I HEADY FOR FIGHT. Slsnnnrd May Not bo Ablo to Slip Out of Landis' Decision. Chicago, Aug 3. United States At torney Sim and Special Consul Kcl log and Wilkcrson today drafted a petition to the United States circuit court for a rehearing of the Standard Oil case, in which the appellate court recently reversed Judge Landis. Judge Groucup and his asioctatcs will be asked to reverse themielvci on the itround that tlicv erred in de claring that Judge Laniii erred lh petition will aver that the circuit court misinterpreted til testimony, mitrcau juuge i-andis' obiter dictum and did not understand the leical premises on which he based hi im portant decision. The three points railed by the court will be met smiarely. Th! first U that Judge Landis attempted to im pose a fine upon the New Jersey Standard Oil company for the of femes of the Indiana corporation. This ii to be flatly denied and the record Io be died to confirm the claim that the court did not read the decision of the lower court as it applied to the evidence. The lecond point, that the whole offemes were in settlement and not in each shipment, and that ignorance of existing rates excused the accept ance of rebates, will be respectfully -naracicrizeu as misapplication oi tnr law and a ruling contrary to its knuwn maxims. The third point, that Ihe fine of 139. 210,000 is excessive and confiscatory, to be met by the contention that the corporation ii a chronic offender nd eainrd many times the amount nl Ihe fine by alleged rebating methods i iic iiiiaiiciai statements ot tne com pany, showing net gains of more than $40,000,000 since the rebating be gan, the government regards as elo quent argumenti. STARTED FROM BRUSH FIRE. Destruction of Fernle Said to Have Cost Number of Lives. Vancouver, B. C, Aug. 3 The city 01 rerme was nearly all burned Sat urday night by fire which caught from a bush fire which had raced all the afternoon among the timber on the opposite lide of hlk river from the city. The sawmill plant of the hlk Kiver Lumber company was the first to catch in the citv of Fernie. ana ironi mere tne lire spread to the main omccs 01 the Lrows .Nest Coal company. Iniide of an hour hun dreds of cottage of miners had been uurned and the main business sec tion of the city were swept away. Fernie has a population of about S000. and two-third of the people arc homeless One or two death oc curred during the fire. Special traini are being rushed from nearly all towns to assist the homeless people. The total loss i said to be about $2,000,000. HEAT KILLS OFF BABIES. Great Increase In July Death Rate Over Former Years. Chicago, Aug. 3. Enormous in crease in the death rate among ba bies last week put city health officials m the anxious seat, and unless the weather turns cooler a still higher point is expected in the weeks to come. A total of 200 children under 1 vear of age an average of more than 29 a day died, according to the statis tics of the department. In the 22 pre ceding days of the month the average rate was 18 babies. In comparison with this total of 200 is an average of 101 for the week ending August 3 of last year and 139 for the week ending August 4, 1000. An official explanation of the in crease will probably be made public tomorrow, but, generally speaking. lack ot proper care during the Hot weather was given today as the cause. Growing Too Many Hops. New York. Aug. 3. Raron Louis von Horn of Coburg. Germany, who has large hop interests iu California, was a passenger on the steamer St Paul, which arrived here tonight. Speaking of the situation in the in dustry, he said that the trouble is overproduction and that as a result the small hop farmer has been iu se vere straits during the past two years. The prohibition movement in the south and west and the licensing bill iu England and Germany have cut down the demand, he says, with the result that there has been a falling in prices. Pettlbono Cannot Livo. Denver, Col , Aug. 3. An operation performed today at St. Joseph's hos pital, in this city, on George A. Tctti bone, formerly a member of the execu tive board of the Western Federation of Miners, showed that he is suffer 'ng from cancer, anil the physicians in attendance agreed that his life could not lip saved. Pettihone be came sick ( while in prison in Idaho awaiting Ins trial for alleged complic ity In the murder of former Governor Frank Steunenbcrg, which resulted iu his acquittal, Cross Land by Balloon, Chicago, Aug. 3. A transcontinen tal balloon race, starting from cither Los Angeles or San Francisco with the Atlantic seaboard as the objective point, is being planned by the Fed eration ot American Aeronauts, ac ":ii ," "-..-... .. r thctoarurdo !T oT hemo , xatlon here tonight. by ortranl- THIRD INJTRENGTH Japanese Navy Will De Greatly Increased by 1911, MANY NEW SHIPS ARE BUILDING German Navy League Dlic6vers Largo Addition to Program Soon Have 21 Battleships. Berlin, Aug. 4. Tho Japanese navy will tako third place In 1D11, according to the bulletin made by the German Navy League in ita August report. "Notwithstanding tho assertions of Japan's bad financial position," tho article says, "the so-called program of 1907 appears to provide for consider able more construction than has been reported. From a fully wcP Informed quarter it is affirmed that Japan, bc- ides building the three battleship. aki, "A, anu "u, and the four ar mored criuscrs, Kurama, IbukI and "E" nnd "F," has appropriated money for four additional battleships, each of 12,800 tons, and for five armored cruisers of 18,500 tons. Through these increases Japan will push forward Jn 1910-1911 to third place in the world's navies, Japan's position withjgreat ships now being: Heady, 14 battleships with a tonnage, of 191,400, and 12 large cruisers with a tonnage of 113,000; building, thrco battleships with a tonnage of 00,800, nnd four cruisers with a tonnage of 00,900, to which must be added thosa vessels embraced In tho latcstjinformm tion, namely, four battleships with a total of 83,200 and and five cruisers with a tonnage of 92,600." HEAT RECORD SMASHED. Temperature tn Chicago Registers Highest In Eight Years. Chicago, Aug. 4. August heat re cords for the past eight years were smashed at 10 a. m. today, when the mercury reached the 94 degree marie, which it hod not attained since August 5, 1900. Having reached this mark, the liquid metal rested for a time, be ing at the same mark at 2 p. m., but started up the tube later, determined to break allrecords for the year 96 degrees, made July 23 the hottest day since July 21, 1901, when a mark of 103 degrees was set. In spite of tho high mark reached by the mercury, there was less suffering in the city than there was on some of the days last week when the temperatures were In the 80s. Then, however, there waa great humidity. Today it waa dry and a 15-mile wind waa blowing from tbo southwest. This kept tho number of deaths and prostrations down. tour deaths and 26 serious cases of prostration had been reported un to 10 o'clock. Tonight a cooling breezo came off the lake, which lowered tho temperature to 87 degrees. Tho police, killed 24 unmuzzled dogs. LEARN LANGUAGE FIRST. Foreigners Ignorant of English Ar Dented Final Citizenship. Denver, Colo., Aug. 4. A sensation was created in the Federal court today when Judge Lewis, in throwing out half a dozen naturalization cases, held that n foreign-born person must speak the English languago before ho can secure citizenship. "I cannot allow final papers to bo given," said tho court, "whero tho party seeking the same is unable to speak the English language. Ho can not understand the laws of this coun try, its constitution or any of the acts that go to prove his citizenship. He may havo homesteaded upon land, but ho must read and writo English before ho can secure his final papers and como before the court with a native citizen who can swear he has known the sub ject for a period of five years." Wheat Elevator Burned. Chicag.oAug. 4. Fire which was so hot that the firemen could not get within a block of it, and which mado it necessary to play streams of water on buildings threo and four squares away, this afternoon destroyed tho Burlington elevators "E" and "P," tho Hock Island transfer warehouse of that road and either burned or rendered useless 500 box cars. Tho loss on tho grain in the two elevators is placed by Armor & Co., who owned it, at $700,000. Tho total loss is placed at $1,000,000. Robbers' Swag Fifty Thousand. Chicago, Aug. 4. Terrorizing the postmasters of Northern Michigan for ten years nnd stealing more than $50.- 000 from tho government, Georgo Rosa and Frank Roach are under arrest to dny. The bandits wero captured by Postal Inspectors Frasler nnd Clark In a hut in the woods near Escansba. When they were captured Ross and Roach had $10,000 worth ot Jnmf-rt and postal orders in thrir ponndm. '