The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 07, 1908, Image 7

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ADVlSlil) IMt-KU-NA.
UIH, OriiulliiHIiH'K.Hl. I,tnil, Mo.,
write I "I'uriiim la (In) bent friend u
ainh mnll can have.
"A few limiit lift ik) I pniiiH lir In n
wretched I'linillMoii, ICapuaiirt) nml
lUnipiiiupt hml ruined my ihk'h mliiiat
health. I IihiI cnlnrihnl nfftiilliiii of
lliahriiiiliUI tiilitM, nml fur n llinw there
wmi h ilnnlii an In my recovery.
"My i;ihI lioncat uhl iliM'lnr nihlniHi
tun to taku I'ituum, which I illil mill In
k (hurt Hum my health Imkii In Im
prm veiy rapidly, Urn lirunehhtl
Iroulilii Kradunlly dlnppn'irHl, nml In
thrin mouth my health wa fully nn
"Accept n grateful tiian'M thanks fur
111 tiMiiiirutliiii to mr(iHil health."
I'r-fil Hit fur III I'utlrntft.
A. V. I'lirrln, M. It. H., l! llsliwy
fit., Ilrookl) ll, N. Y., anyat
"I mil lining ymir 1'iTiiim myaelf, nml
mil riM'iimiiiriiilliiii It In my palladia III
nil cam nf catarrh, mul tint I It In 11
miirx limn ymi represent. IVrmu enn
Ira had imw uf nil ilniUKM In thin fl
tlnu. At IIih tlniM 1 Unjau tullltt M, II
wu unit hum ii."
I'rr.iuirt An Orttllit,
"I lint flit heard uf )ul K'llliK "Ht (
Htibiiuir to dinner laitly"
"No, hi nayn I can't (In Ihnl nliy
more "
"Why, I HhhisIi yuli were bin rloawal
friend wimi'n tin- inattcrr
"I li (I'll inn tlieir tiMik diMwii't lite
llli'" I'll t tHita-l t'tlltl I'ri'M.
I.lllln Mm Hunter hml heard
ninny Joke about t tin lirlil.-n who
couldn't market nwcfully Hint nbe
ninitii up Iiit mlii'l Hint tln Mm I re-qin-at
b made of 11m market man
Wlttlttt allow IllT t" la' H miltlllrtll
hotiwwIfV "Kend me. ilrMi," ht
A lit. "Ihii I'rfiii'ti rlmf. Mini win hull
drill fcrreli pen"- Jink.
mirer irp.
"One uJ.Ject l.m in jour mrm." M Iht
.lil.r. (Inn. lor tbrmifb lb nMBUvrlpt.
"I thai Wlnltlrr unre wrote nm ran
twltm iiUMniialljr ik mum- 14."
"! tmi in. it In My. lr," fbundfel
IV mi r.i culler, "tal I " j
inn yii'i naie imiraveH tan mem. m) air." h.lll) lutrrto.ed febe editor 1
")ui h Improved on bM mnntt,)y.w
I'll aljr I iiia imi thlhV thnt If fnu
ha. I lie rriililnc nf Ih unlnrrx- ymi
r ill inaka -iiu lmiriaanta oh Hit
I"'"'" '"" ".", 'ot" .
.iHml.l Itka in Lav !. . nrranaMl
Dial nhi-ri a mmm U iMtlnj n i.l !!.
Ih itaa Mimlit irrM l an !' In
atxail uf nuli-Vljr. I'm Uit lu M.a i
ai-aiiin "
llritlimltraa I'rmr.
"I illil Hiluli." Nidi CfeuMy KitntitMTly,
"of K"iii( In fr imIIHi. hut I n
rfrnhl I wniiUlii't kwiw Jwt bor t
trfi'nt my liifiTluiK. ilnn'l y' knm;.M
"YiMir Ihfrrliirnr rrinarnnl tilmrtw.
"Oh. )"ii Hniililirt !" llkvly In mnt
auv nf thttu" l'bllaiUlibli l'ra.
Ttit auto larr.l fnm tba nlS, rv
Why, aarvn't yi brartl at.' iwfui
Cn I'Ihvi nf la nrr 0MC ft.)
ll Un4il oh a rnw ralwry I
-('bii-ntm Trllniaa.
I'riiml l'nii'a Otitrrtnltitn.
"Il'n linnl tn maliu huh' hhI ft
iiii'HiImt." nahl tin- tlrtHHiinn InIW,
"ItiHt thi'y liint tHit 'IihiU a Klft hiirBf
III lM IIH'lltll' "
"Yin." Iiilnrriiitl rth'y, "Intt I'll
Im'I Il'n Mill hmuVr tn iiihUi' nur Imliy
rrnn-uilMT that III lllllMll't HII II iclft
ImriHi In liU iiiimiHi. rtillHtlnltthhi
.Nil llnliutT.
"VliHtfiT hi ii. ihitr," T.rtitn the
niilnt hniT, "ilmi't nlmw my lellurn to
on to uiiy nun."
"Mini' imi fir, ilwtrit," rntno tl
ri-ply, "I'm Jut iniich nalinunil uf
Ih'iii iih ymi ar."
Ami, ulth Hint. Hid I'litJilKriilunt lx
rami' it inrttt'T nf hintnrv JihIki'.
' ' i
nets fjontly yot prompt
ly onllio oowcls.L'loansos
i1c system ejjcrjhuilly,
;assibts ono in overcoming
habitual constipation,
'nonnanovmy. To got its.
jjoncjicial eccts buy
the iemuue.
NonujncUii'cd y to
Vol till llrVn hull In rinded,
'I'll" lninlliitf rin!i hmd to n iiilt
1 I'lii'.
I Vinl I'Mrj' imrlillinl ihim'iiii llwr ha ri'i'l
I Our nulnler )ear, at Imri
Muiln n In mill, nml wear) at III rni",
cnre lin iiHtrr h Im liiwn ih" wIhi !n
Ah, lint till nil llif Iml of lift mx-iim m-l
'IIih ih. nf Ufa 1-fUllW,
To lull fur mily fiiini',
IIninlcliiiiiHt ;nl tin (Milt r"t" ''
I'nr ilnrti tir 1iht ur kiiIiI to xllil n nnnm
Alnor lilt' Kmil wlli-ti'lil
All mlU ullt hrliitf iw, w It) Iimm our
V, mi mIhhm- mrn jnutli'a ph.iik Iwll
Iibk tilll,
III hlimliiK ImiIiIiIimi, mhi Ha ijillilrm ilo,
I'lirKHlliiK wf i:rtf iM.
Kill tliK Hiirht Mlilit wlifil
Hm-li bM uf trivial irnln Itwit mini u
llriikm itmoH imr rWMtHl'i liy. fur
V hii Ih wlf-wntrtl (
Ami mnll nmaoltM hi mitnbwi-J, nut thi-rr
l'tm ti fnmi lh ! nml wIhiIImm
'llitiari plmn r tkHltila htint nm iitiln ttir
What alnra ntf In Ilia lilclit.
His Lon Way Round
"Wlmt'n H' inn Hit Mllll Jiilir I'hll
lil' linhnl aiiiU'liiiHily.
Iltr mitialii hml Kft-t'lMl Inn- wllli n
(Mitt uf txalHlh' IfHHili'Uiwt that wllwl
flH l'llMIIMlllll.
At Iter iiimlliti Ih mmln nit iiotititn
tli'iw ifTnrt in rHurn to iirth. "I'Jtll,"
! imiiiI ilrvHiiilly, "I'm kuk K't
If Im hml liijil to nurirl Iht trH
tniM wa fuillf. A tiiurh M Khiftnw,
t-lrnylii Itmlf Ih hi cj tw. h( Iht im
Urr tfuahl.
My titmr l(Hwrt '." alve rrlnl rattltnt-
lly. "liPNllj ! Ilim i'ii-llll! Uu It'll
w wn b U!"
llf llirl rolhiT ill4ltailuli-illy. "I
ilmi'l tilliiw," 1m- mIi. "I'm Jtfat n
I'hlliHiN'a cji'tirmn n nllKlilly
rttv at tlw ahrWa .f tutir r
'. "Oh. no; I mm. i'r.Mlrw.
'" "I' " 11-aHll
Itlm hmlikwl llltiMHtlr. "Vr
aliily iml! Idm rowfcl I HbH I ilwi't
V:io- jwt whn II 'a to beV
"oih rau r a ijar,M miirwurfMl
l'lillliva, "aial nil lu Ih Ham aflfr
HanU. yuu krniw.
Uf loukml at hr with i Ileal An 1 rf
firtNub. "I'hrt an mi tmnjMMMilM." h
liifiinmii bar. TtMy aw ibolr rttarai-
I'hlllHM ntaml. TblrtiJ W'touwr
Tbf Rlrln In wbni ll ttuubt m
ilbln fr in irnMMti.'
"Oh!" bnathiil I'IiIIIhni, ami liumt
ovt IW lalili- Hltb lutTtt. "Wliat il
yuu HMMttf
"OraiibiOuffy," lt miIi). "Yihi ihm'. I
'ifl a lilt iM'n'oua about rbutmliMC "
"4'tHKMilMltr rlHilwl ltlllltM.
"Ob, wHI," Imi aitlbtal. "iif tHMirm' I
' kuiiM Ih may rvtm m, Imt l'r xi
lu ilwliW ublrh lu aak, any-ay. Iwm- i't
I "()li f Miiirw." mirwl l'hlllii
'"Ami imi mwlil lima' iiTtnln, iiHihlu't
jihi. hy ImtiliiK a mmiiiwI In nwrw?
Ymi kmiH' tin- wiri nf HiIiik ilraiHTx
iut im tbclr MittTiin. 'In makliiK a
fhulc wf rjHN'tfullj lic funtiHui're to
i-i'lwt (ho it ttinii itwlRim, tn hmiIiI
llaaM)i "
I "Oh. If yiMi Mini It hi funny." In- hnIO
illHHiiliilly, ami nwit tlw iiaftTi I'll
ii lu'Hi.
... ...... ...!.... ... I...I.. H ....I. I ..1 1.1.
I i nun iiiims in nfi(i, nniu am" nun
, liwllaiiatlim.
Uf wum with illitlfiilty Imliii'l to pro
iihhI. "WVIl, l Hiit my mtiHlwrltliiK to
n KrHiihiihwInt, ami ami whiu Klrln'
UltllTM "
"I low im'Hiil" tlaalinl l'hllliKi.
"I'urlliiiiH uf tifrH,H lu tiirrfoti'il
ultli dlKiilty. "Ami jiftfiilny I pit
HiitMi from lht iiihii." lin Imlloatml the
y H' rtttrn hlwHH.
rhllli'H inrkhil. "You'll let mi' mh
thi'iuV fhi' I'Mtiititi'il, nml run Iiit tin
Ki'in IhruiiKh thi nikim. "Hon- ininyt
I'lvi') Oh, hut Hint diii'V yuiirn. Well,
four ulrlH otiiiht to hi iilnuly. U't'n
M'o (iiTiihllmi llmt- 'Kumiinhiit lli'klo lu
your nlliii'him'iiU ' "
"You will nilinll," ho lutrrruiiti'il ciilih
ly, "Hint (ItTiililliu) In out of (ho ijut'H.
I'lilllpim Inhl Iuth on tlio tnlili', not
without ht'Mlliitlon. 'Tim other limy ho
tturci'," Htm mtiHitl. "Wlio'n thin? Oh,
lli'ilhn I'nwl'i. 'Of n Hoinuwliiit tiihl
mul cuU'iiliitliiu imturi'.' Yea; hIik nl
wiijh U'Ih tun puy for uycrylliliiK wlii'it
wi k'o 't tom'thiT. 'Not mui'li loo for
chlhliru or iuiIiimIh- ' " I'lillliin
loolii'il up III HiHiio illHiuny. "Hut this Ih
ilri'iulful I HIk hIio ninurri to ln hv
fi'otly oillmin, 1,1't'H hmi wtmt hu nuyn
iihout Ollvln. 'Wry itmliltloiin: muio
hut tho lilulieiit nonltloii would ' "
llilllla uuh(!tfltatlngly obiiuduuvd
mYA iw
r J Inbi ii(( feSfcJ QfcrJ! I
Wlii-ii I'rralih lit IliMMU'lt ri'tlna from otllc In- wiyn ho "III co to Africa
to miiki' hl Miri'iiiinmi " rnninuity filt ntmiiiK Hi hlu khiik- of that initl
ni'iit. lin Hiiiintiii' i-n Hint It In IiIh iiiulilll'iii to Nt'tirf lth liln mvii rlllc a
nHami'ii of i in h mtIiii of AfrliHH IiIk' fnilim. 'I'hU la an aliihlll'MH iroJiH't
ami will Im' ilitrli'iilt tu i-arry out.
I'aiiHHiM hiiiili-ra hare kihh' to tin' nmall ti'rrllory whf tlm nknil hr
III the nUHIiim lu thf ilarkliHaa al'it lihlun III ilnw Ihlrkftn hi Iht' hoiin uf liny
IlKlit, hut try fiw hnc Ixiii wi lorllimiti' an to Wit um of tln-M ulualr;
la Ihi' l'r--l1iMil wiiikuIih' that In will hrlmc Ii'iiik Hi1 kln uf a wlilt.'
rhliHiiTim? TIh fact that mw Man kllhtt rm'iitly wan tlMHtukt wurth tch
KrNihlHK all hmt ihi' vi or hi. a than a ntilury nan tm Hhltc rhliMKiTiH
wan IhlriK In Inrai- mimlHTw fpmi KhiIIi Afrh-a lu tln Haliara, Imt ilwailva
Ihih claii' nllhuut uiii U'Ihk kllhil.
'I hiri' t nut a kmi liiirii of white rhltHH-rrM In many of tin- larxrat mil
M'llliin If Mr ltiHH'ilt can hrlmc liln i(wliinii Ihiiiii' alhc It "III In uorth
n nmall fi Till I if to hlln.
'i' linn- mui'li to Iwrn ynt nhnut many of th linMirtnnt aulmaln of
Africa iHiuhtii'Mi Hurt ari nut a few of which wi lmi' licwr hi-Hnl.
A aiiiaatlim wan muwil lu loint ymra hy llif illmicry uf thf okapl, n
hoNiitlful anliiial with Miuif uf tin phjclrnl chnmcli rlntlm Inith of Hit' hornf
ami (Tirade Wlini Ituyd AIcxhihIit rriHwd MkitIh ami Urn Htnlnu hftwu-n
tlm MkiT ami Hit' Nllr, Hint' ymra aipi, lit iIImihitii! clKhtii-li nim-lmi'iiH of
liiamiiiollit that witc Imw tu tMlfttv' rVhlllltipn, In th iitiTlnintfil ri'i;hlin
of llrttMi nml (IiTinnil Itant Africa, linn fimiiil m'tcml lwli- unknown till
Ih hmtHtht tlicm to Unlit. TIuti will mure auch iIImiimtIiii.
Mr l(iaHHiclt jiri'jK'i'i-n to hunt lu thf rfinarkahlc Kanw iiwntry uf the
llrltMi IMMt Africa Tn(iiturnlf. from Momlwatta to fKamtn. In Mie uf thf
frlk'hlful ntaiictilfr In thin riThm Ufuri the umiiic lawn wmit Into forrc, It In
Mill uic of tlw hhmI wiawlfrful ftVhl uf Krrnt jaa)t In the wurhl.
Olhla-a ilfttrcvailriK iimimcitt tin the
nutiicrlcMl nirfiigth uf lirr tviwln'n
wt-wkiniM ill.
"Hut IhiTf'H iwly Mhm MlTtHi Mt
ihiw," nbf mid antloiy. "tllft fur'--
Mliat'a thf wurtl? 'NurflmtT Ou. I'M
nri' that'n nut lnt."
"Ami If It wcrr." Ititwrt ilfnitirr-!.
"I ilim't want alwayn to l 111. yuti
kimw. Ami 'v Rut to rnuotM? ."
Tlify rt'tVm'tnl "WVIl." aalit 1'blllp
in at lant. itftnn-ralfly. "ym'f Mhl
your jfimy. ami youM lifttcr "
"It wamn't a iHtuiy," ho luti'rruHint
KkMtmlly. "llH'n a try vjtlal
xratibuluclat ami 1m cbarnfn rtf 4illl
ItiKa ioh."
"Hut HifM" fHir uinhrtial wlttw," uV
iHctttl 'blllifa. "an all wi iMtfful at
leant, wIhhi Ihcy'r Kralaliifflail. I
really think araithcr fhf atillllnxn wmihl
"WHAT A I'lTV Ol Hl'11.1. W IUIILY."
In n JuHtinahlc outlay." .Slw ijmU n
tilth' alwM'iitly ; nht wan Klam'liiK
HirniiKh the iyniw rlttwi vliarHt-tcr of
ltllhTt hluiKnlf nml lit' wnti'hiil her
with a hint of linn ilmt !. A nuNluoil
llicht lu htr uyiii hh alio liHkiil up
tttiiihlml It 1 tn.
"I'm afraid I lie re it re a phmI ninny
lillmnkm lu It," he nilhl tmnluMtly.
I'hlllpim rcllivtiil. "Did you huvu to
puy oxlrH for jotirHl" alio doummU'd,
"Wlint forlf" lie naUiil mutually.
"Tho wlillt'WHitli," nnhl rhlllppii, with
lllllH'lllV' cjex,
lit' lookitl nt lmr with Kontlu w
"1 ihouKht youra porfwt," ho wild.
"Yea." Ilo Drnri'liiit lu Ilia ockot
Imok. "I winded to know youra. hut.
of mil mo, I didn't put It with tho
oIIiith, iih yon am not nvullaldo."
"Hu, dear, what a lot of trotthlo you
look. Do you really think all tlioao nltv
thliiKH (if ioV
"I Junt wrolo down what I tlMUtrlit
of you," ho iMUfc8iil. "Hut how on
imrth did you kuohh! tyiHtwrltltiB tolla
no tali'H,"
Her lips quivered. "You nnhl I wiih
nliu'ero lu my attavliinouta, Hit."
"So you are."
"And that you woro attached to a
country life."
".So I am."
Hliv laiiKlied Kuddenly, "What a pity
you Bvell no hutlly, ltu I"
Hu wau puzxled. "All great uicn spoil
laully," Ihi aamiretl Iht. "Wliafn that
t tu ilo with Itr
Hh IniiMal tuwnnl hlw. "I rwitznlafii
your Hmcb. Itu. Yuii alwayn dltl m)I
'attach' with Ihrt fa." Umduii
I aril h llic slmiHl l'iiri In lllrrcl
Inu Ullllur liinrii rr.
"Ill the Weat and Suuthwcat, wherr
tbfft' ar lutix atretflwa of uuhrokcii
wire fcucaM, tlMHit) wlrm an friututly
tfil tu ctnitey ltlfNHiiH' ntctataMMt frowi
mm puliit to amitiHT." aald ("apt. John
(i. Somter, uf San Anlimln. 'IVx.. Iwrti
ihi huaiiitfa iM'fum lb ilciwrtuieutn, ao
cordluic lu tb WaabiiiKtou 1'uat.
"In Hum liM-allOcs the Mf wire,
art (XMiM-rtnl lulu rvrmlar teliiiliutMt
lliiff. with iN'ruwiMHit tiiilimtait fur
lirai'ttcal tn: Tbi-f line are ufitw
fnau ten tu thirty miIUm lutue. and are
a jtreut itMiteiileucf tu ifol of tb
'The I'lilleil Slain nltrual rurM Ii
vu'll triilueil lu lb ua uf wlr frarrti
fer ti-li pliiMie punaawK. In thf mili
tary imiieutera that lake tlare lu the
in mh tVKl'Hi the almial curtM playa all
imiHirtaiit jwrt In dlrtvtlua the iimve
meiit of the trvnjtai hy luipnivWd tele.
"In niiim' liH-alltliK where the coun
try In ruuith or htiatlly wimhIwI It In Im
IHNutlhlt' to tiiiey the hlpitaln fruiu one
pitlut to another hy the iiHial uiethU
of llaua or othT Whim I Htmiala. It In
then the telephone Ih hroueht Into play.
1 it Ii ttflNi'hnietit uf Msual eorim
men Ih MulpMtl with a Held telephone
NttachUH'iit. It retilreH the work of
hut a minute or two to connect tliln at
tachment with a femv wire ami to cot
Into direct communication with heml
tpiarterH. 'The iim uf tlw femv wire for tele
Idiom' etHiimiiuli'Mtttm olivlateH the lie
cewtlty of coUHtructluic temurHry tleltl
telci'liuiii' linen hy the alKiial corM.
It Himetlmea Ihhjkhk that a little tllltl
culty Ih imvouutertNl lu iixlnu the wlrtti
mi aettmiit of MHoe Mur eoiuiectlnii or
hreak, hut It uaually doea not take
hhik to dlaeover and remme tho chuho
of the truuhle.
"On aomo of the IiIk ranches ntralsht
linen of wire fence fifty to t-eventy-tlve
mile loni; an fretptently found. These
afford excellent umairtiinlt)' for mili
tary tleltl horvloo.
"Ah a matter of neeenHlty all ranch
fencea immt he kept In pod roiwlr. To
do till femv rhlem are countautly em
ploy itl.
Ilia Mi.llOl I'llll.
A certain town wuncll after n prt
trite I ed Hlttluu waa ileal rims of ad
Jorirulm: for Inueheoti. Tho proinwl
lion wiih opiHwetl hy tho mayor, who
thoiiKht that If Ida fellow cuunellora
felt tho ntlmuliis of htuiKer tho din
patch of IiuhIuchh would Ih much fa
cilitated. At hint an llllleruto mourber got up
and exclaimed :
"I ham astonished, ( ham Rurprlacd.
I ham amazed, Mr. Mayor, that you
will not let uh ki to lunch I"
"I'm Hiirprlsed," exclaimed ono of liU
colleasuea, "thut n gentleman who Ma
got o much 'hum' In his mouth wantf
any lunch at all I" Iomlon Scrl.
Uurr Ihf Dlrl I'll nl Panama,
UiMitciiiiiit-Oiloni.'l (iivirxtt Oeotlinln,
ch.ilrinnn and chief ciiKlnctr of the
Inthmlnn canal cummWiluu, told I'rml
dent It'Kmcvelt lain In January that
before January 1, 1!H', the ditch whhh
Ih tu hlMi-t the vertebrae of tho Anitrl
can continent will be completed and
thut all will be In rcadlm-M for the
flrnt trip to inako the little plenmire
Journey from the Atlantic to the I'm
clllc, mi write Hoy Crnndnll In the
Technical World Mngnzliic, Innniniich
aa the colonel la notetl for coriMTTutlmn
mul caution, It In believed thut he feel
drip down In liln own heart that at
leant a year will bo cut from that call
Una Her lloilllla,
"I know ihrr are uh thins rnln
mnkcra," aliliMl Mra, Cftarcwntrr, looking
tlirourh lh wlmlot nt Hi iIibaI proa
rrt outnlrff : "ImjI I don't bllevf thf re la
really any audi thlnr in a rnln chwk. Or,
If tli'rf la, tbrre'a aolxiIy that knowa bow
to u It."
CniiaM uf tho Truiililf.
The VlaltlH-; panwill wan huiiillng con
tlci No. )31 itjunolatlon lu tnsall
'Jim fin
"Tou nhould not complain, my ml
rultUil frJeml." he hhIiL "It In letter
ii take I him:, an you find them."
"Yoiiw In tm tin wrotijc track, parnnn."
rcplletl the prlmiliiT. "It wnn practlclu'
dat theory dat K'it me pinched."
CtTO " VUa Iiaiifa aid alt Krrpa T)U
lllo trmotlr tairM l.r I'r. KliiHa Ur
Sttyimimnt. Hi1 rr lltKK ItllrliJ 1-rttUa-!
mauafc tn. IL ILIillur. I,L.tll Arrti rL, ltk,l'a.
Omltalona nf IINlori.
Tlif war corrfpornb-ntn were compll
mmtinr l'It., Molly I'ttcbrr on tin- con
apirtioua cotirar' nb bad il.attltywl at tha
battle uf Moumoutb,
"It waa notblnr." be I1. "I tartly
wantKl to abow that my otbir name lin't
For, Vfrilr. true bravery, unlike rrnlut,
v&uatetb not Ittelf, la not puffed up.
)tothr will flnil Mrt. TTtm1w F ithtnc
'Trui'tli- ut roina-lr u uotnrititlrii.'Ui-n
Suilcg lb Uatlilu; tmrxl.
jlutunl llrlHrlnnrr.
"Here I tay eal, tnailam, but candor
eoatMla me to y that I think you are
a a well able to Hani) an I a a."
"I'otlleaaM compel me to ujr Thank
jou. tlr." Cbliajro Trlaaae.
IOn'Von ihiT. mulc hall ami con
rert hall iriv.iie oaiin( accouimoUtiua
fir Sl'T.OOO .le.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hava Always Bought
Beam tho
Blumitaru of
Aa lie Lititerluitil It.
It wnn IHrfcy'n 8tX day at Sunday
reboot, and be waa llha: blx atotber
nhottt it.
'TVey nunc tbe funnieat bamiuet tos; I
ever beard," be aaid.
"What mm ilT" lw aaheil.
"'Hold w Port; Pritn) Ham Cera
State si Ohio. City of Toledo I
Uw County. J
Frank J. rkir oalli that beUroater
patiner of Ut) (la el P J. ('baser ft Co.. ttoluc
koalnaa t H I baCli r of Talxla. CoaniT and Out
afotoaalil. ami ibai aaltl arm will ur Ilia inn I
ol (INK HrxnkKIl HOlUH (or Mk an.
everjreateoll'atarib tlial rtaiwlUi eurvd br
IIM u of Haifa Catarrh Cure. i
Fworn to Iwfnrome ami (iibM-rllanJ Inmri rea
ciK,lblMuuay uf UeewtatAte A 0 l!i.
sl ' A. W. QL. AMIS',
1 ' NoUrrl'uMlr.
Haifa Catarrh Cure I taken luier nallr, b1
artiillrerllr uuon IbeMtwt ami uro'.aaur-
!poaol iheiTilem, elll iorlmilaioiilala free.
o... ... l-J-t'KXBYCO.i1oloil,0.
Pol.t by all it'ual.l.. 7fte.
lake Hail' family 1111 far ooutllpaltetu
Too Moiltitoiioua.
"Yra," wild Slaniwy. "I tramped
throUKh Swltaerlaml limit,"
"I'oiim off!" oxclttlined Dawtor, "You
never did!"
"ure I did; on the level."
'Tlwt prtvti you're lyliiR. It'a
nlmply lniniMilble to tramp thrtntch
Swltierlniul on the level." Tho Catho
lic Standard and Times.
Khcutuntism is caused by an excess of uric ncid in the blood, which is
carried through the circulation to all portions of the system. IJvcry muscle,
nerve, bone and joint nbsorbs the acrid, pain-producing poison, causing
ache, inflammation, stillness and other well known symptoms of the disease.
Permanent relief from the pains and discomfort of Rheumatism cannot Ixj
expected from the use of liniments, plasters, and other external treatment
which docs not reach the blood, where the cause is located. Such measures
pive temporary relief, but in order to cure Rheumatism the uric acid and
inflammatory poison must be expelled from the blood. S. -S. S. cures
Rheumatism because it is a perfect blood purifier. It rocs down into tho
circulation, neutralizes the uric ncid and drives it from the blood. S. S S.
expels the irritating, inflammatory matter which is causing the pain, swell
ing and other discomfort, enriches the weak, sour blood, and permanently
cures Rheumatism. In all forms of Rheumatism, whether ncute or chronic,
S. S. S. will be found n safe, vegetable remedy, possessing the properties
needed to cure, ami nt the same Unit) a medicine that builds up the entire
system by its fine tonic effects. Book on Rheumatism and any medical advice
'reo to all who write. xhjj SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA,
Valuable Housohold and Fancy Articles FREE, in exchange for Carton
Tops nnd Soap Wrappers from "20 Mule Team" Borax and "20 Mulo
Team" Borax Products. Send postcard for particulars and 40-I'ago
Illustrated Catalogue. Address
. Local agaoU wastad. Writ for monay makls pkta.
Is It Your
Own Hair?
Do you pin your hat co your
own hair? Can't do It?
Haven't enough hair? It must
be you do not know Aycr's
Hair Vigor! Here's an Intro
duction! May the acquaint
ance result In a heavy growth
ofrIch,thick,Rlossyhalr! And
we know you'll never be gray.
"IIilnVihIAff'ntrV1ieirli m
wftfc4rl'i hairaruwar lint I
! oin ii r-ir xHna llm anil Iraniralh
lal'T T llitt I am riOf .lnM olth IL I
ch-rfiiMy r r fi,- nA ll a plmftAA rrtpa-raUun."-
Mia V tlaix a. W'ajUMl, Jlltli.
Zli&lb-rJ C Afrro , LtrwU, 21a.
a.3 uaauteaiarrra Qi
ciilbry rtaotuu
nuvrril raO. ' . rwi, wr , . u i
(4pfr,L t ftMi) . t. Matlilflf - Otr-"4
fU Jf clttaVp; 30 Ut ,irtfrn. C-OfltfM ftntl I 'T - 1 ..a ll a .. I Mli.a . tL.ll tb. Tl., .M
A Km and K tjrm European Hot!, rattrln
tarticutarly to Fla i-upU. A raAnnl pUca fc4
U4ia UIUra th elir cax to lh aboppins
nlr, ItatM rraauTAUa. Vtm Da.
X. IL CUXU. (U!t If tttini Rill!) Up.
St. Helen's Hall, Portland, Or.
Resident and Day School for Girl.
Cat a ogue on Kequeat.
Better each year, and larger. We now
ha-c two floors &x 100 fceti Thorough
work toll the atory. It counts in the
ctul, and wc admittedly lead tn this re.
pect. Get our catalo;ae, penwork, etc.,
theu judgefor yoursejf as to quality.
A. P. ARMSTRONG. LL.H., I'rtnclixl
Tenth an J McMritoa PortlinJ. Orrcoa
No. 3i-oa
HKH irrtlli'i loiilTrrtleraplcavo
iiini,ii itiia paper.
Can urti llilns llet
"O. Jobnnv. Johnny!" aiaheil Mr.
IipIIdc. "You're o awfully hard on
tboe. Thla l the second pair I've liouchl
you aince we bad tkat equiuuptial vtora
in March!"
Cllntnllp I'ruittunltfr.
"I am older than I look." an Id the mat
ron at ho bouae tbe aewm: circle haj
met. "More than forty winters have
pawed ever my bead."
"Then on haten't livetl lone In thli
climate. If that's all," obaerved tbe elderly
iiiv.lrr. "I've aotwtlnie eo as many
as forty winters here In one iprini"