The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 31, 1908, Image 5

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T -fc
A Resolution
To give my customers ev
ery possible consideration as begets good service.
To carry a3 large and va
ried a stock at all times as possible.
To see that all orders are
filled promptly and carefully.
To charge the lowest prices
possible consistent with the quality of the goods
And by these and other
considerations to retain my customers as friends
in every sense of the word.
Yours for the Best,
"The B
ig Store on the Corner"
S'S&e&S SG
. ... t. "v
(scut to look up q timber proposition) A party cf D. 1. & I', men ar-
in vaiisaa lor n i.ii.Muer 01 jj-ii'I rivet: t:i Jiena iiiursdiy cm;
men, writes from Tacoma that tlje consisting of i'. 3, Stanley, H. D.
Canadian i;ovcrumciit lm with- Turner, Alfred l'iies, Messrs. Buck-
drawn all its timber front entry, ley and Hill,
which naturally puts an end to the!
plana of the local men to increase
their timber holdings.
Wallace Trill, representing the
Pacific Monthly, satif; very pleas
iiikIv "The Holy City" at church
ncrvicrn Iat Sunday evening. Mr.
Trill ha a fine bass voice and bis
solo wai much enjoyed. He in a
graduate of Willamette University
and renewed acquaintances with
several Willamette students whi.e
in Heud.
Agent fur Champion Hinder
Mowers ami Rakes, llitnler Twine,
IJarWtl Wire. Chicken Netting.
Mitchell, Ham ami Winona Wag
ons, Syracuse Plows and Harrows.
Come and see me. K. A. Satiikk,
Bend, Oregon. 17'tf
Joe Hunter, Jim lireeu and Jim
Overton went out into the timber
)clctday afternoon to fight fires
that are burning just south of lieu
ham Fall on the west side of the
river. They were to be joined hst
evening by John Ryan ami two of
his men. The fires two of them
arc burning iu timber owned try
the Shcvlin company and the Des
chutes Lumber Cotujiany.
Already work has been bejun on
Mrs. W. 1'. Kine, Missel Fay
and Bertha Baldwin and Harold
Ualdwin were over from Prineville
lait Saturday to visit with friends
and to meet Mrs. I'. V. Smith and
Claude Smith, who were iu from
the mill. Miss Pearl High tower
was also down from Kosland. That
evening the visitors, iu company
with some of Bend's young tieoplc,
gathered in the I.ara hall for a
social dauoe and a general good
time. Sunday Miss Hiplitower
and the visitors from Prineville
drove out with Mrs. Smith for a
visit of a few days as her guests at
the mill residence.
For Sale.
Homestead location on Deschutes
river. Some meadow and plenty
of jack pine. Address C, care of
Kulletiu. so 2 1
War Against Consumption
All ualiottt are cwlfftrrtring to 1 hr 1c
tbc ravage o( cooHsmpti'm, tbc ''ln't
plague" that claim do many ie''tii-
txrh year. Foley' llpntr and Tar ur. -
coagh ami coll perfectly and v.n -In
no danger of coMMdiptioa. I, s..
ruk your Health by taking i-.
known preparation when Polev'a Ii 1
and Tar ia aafe anil certain in ri-u !
C. W. Merrill. DruggUt.
I.ADIKS! Yon should 1. u,
JVhcn You Paint
buildings, Inside or out
side, if you desire the
very best results at tiu
least expense you
should use , '
Call for
color cards
A Full Line of Groceries, lit,
Ooods und Hardware always 01
.1 tj . ufiiii iii 1 your calling cards printed at T
the new Unster-Williams sawmill. Uuelin . The latest Mk ,
IMjiu have been nf-t nn-hai
and a temporary mill will wrt '-I
built, tbc permanent otie being put
Kev. Mitchell mil take a busi
ness trip to I'rutcvitlt next week.
If you at losing your sole have
it letwittd by Ugst, the shoe maw.
Sho: repairing done with meat
ness and dispatch by Legal, the
harnesainakcr and cobbler. At A.
I.. 1 1 unlet 'sold stand.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Sellers and
son Kouald left Thursday morniiiK
for a vikit of several weeks et the
old home iu Wisconsin.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Stnatsdruve
over to Prineville the first of the
week where Mr. Staats had busi
ness matters to attend tt.
Tne Itdwn' league of the Pres
byterian church will serve ice cream
iu the MuUig building next Satur
day afternoon 11ml cveniug.
0. II. Merlin and daughter Marie
will return to Demi iu a day or two
fiom 11 trip to Omnha. Mr. Jleiliu
writes that Central Oregon is Rood
enough for him. ,
Anyone uishiug to buy a gentle; Kricksoti started Wednesday on a
horse and new buggy and new sin-lcampiug trip into the mounuius.
gle barnem, see Win. Stephen,
Bend. $lo lakes the outfit. .
Miss Iiiga Sather returned to
Hend Tuesday evening after an
outing of a week or two camping
on the Matoles with a par'y of
IrinetSlk- friends.
Henry Tweet writes from White
Salmon. Wash., and asks 10 hare
The Hulletin forwarded to him at
thai pluec. He stales that he is
feeling muck better at White Sal
mon. The C. O. D. Co. has moved in
to the old office, the rebuilding of
which line been completed. The
office makes a very 11 wit apearance
with it new paint and new paper
Nick Smith has beRUtt the car
penter work on some iraproverrieuU
HI the nights of Pythias hall.
When the improvements are com
pleted the Knit'ats will have the
liest lodge hall in town.
.Mr. George Hutotf ntid Mr, Lola
Every Non-Progressive Merchant,
., - Becomes
Your Competitor
When You Ccc&o to- Adverthe Aggressivciyi
XlIIvN n merchant "slows up" in his advertising Had con
vy eludes-to i".Hayc 11 liltje money" iu that direction, then
the murchnut'who never had the courage and forctfglit to adver
iImj ndiHiitniely HKCQM15S A KKAI, COM1M5TITOH. 1?vcn
the liK-rcliiiiit who never advertises at all reaps ii cettalh amount
of profit frotii,'t)i,c "nloving up" process of the live store.'
Nut mAny melchauts, of course, vho have nt nny time set
the pace for progresplve advertising, will lie content to take a
a backward pipage into ,tlnr company of the iKn-rlrayrc.ssles, of
the little nicrcbnnts,( the pasily satisfied ones, the un-iuvnUes1 Hut
that is just what the "live one." docs when he iniarine:i that his
advertising is costing too much, and thai its cttt;tn)tn,c:itt( means
"bttvlnfe." ' ' "" j, A ',''. ' t,
If btlsliiess conditions ever tutgf' retrenchmtfnt.(Uv adver
tising, the merchant knows tinUUhb should be iut,ctpcted
as u signal for "hill speed ahead," for" Redoubled eitotls io YvlN
tho buMneuatliat'docrnot coBjerso.caaJly ns'trvrnr,'
- i, "-
Thcy will probably visit at Sweet
Home on the west side where Mrs.
Hricksou's parents live.
Some one had a fine idea yester
day morning. Several members of
the fire company took ont the fire
bote anil thoroughly soaked the
strecU through the business par
tion. It settled the dtttt iu great
Agent for Champion Hinders,
Mowers and Rakes, Hinder Twine,
Ikubed Wire. Chicken .Vetting,
Mitchell, Haiti ami Winona Wag
ons, Syracuse Mows and Harrows.
Come aud sec me. It. A. Satiikk,
Ileml, Oregon. i;tf
Frank West wiw down from his
ranch at the Meadows vesterday.
He reports that haying will soon
commence up there, and that while
the .season has been rather dry for
meadow hay, the yield of grain
hay will be very good.
Mrs. C. A..Jques has returnid
to llcud aud taken up re&idenre iu
her home in the eastern part of the
city. She recently made commu
tation proof on her homestead and
received receipt tlicrefor within 10
days after making proof. ,
Next Wednesday at 3:30 p. in.
the regular monthly business meet
ing of the Ladies Aid ofthe M. Ii.
church will be held at the home of
Mrs. S. C. Caldwell. All mem-
oer. aim menus inwresitu 111 uii.n
work arc invUcd to bc.preaent.
Authout Ahlstrom, who owns
ditch laud between Laidlaw and
Uedmoud, and who has been on
his ranch makinj improvements
for the past few mouths, writes
from Wrenthatn, Oregon, to have
his DullbtiirV'iit to that addiesa.
Mrs. li, K, Sweet came in from
balem Monday evening and spent
Tuesday and Wctlucsdnv in
with Iiqo brother, Chas. D ftowc
aud wife. She came to make proot
on a tiuiber claim, Mts. Sweet
ttow has a position wijli the state
liurcau of Labor at Salem. '
up at once. The workmen are now
blasting out a canal six feet deep
and 16 feet wide that will run the
entire- length of -the old lumber
yard and deliver water at the north
end of the yard, where the new
mill will stand. This canal will
also be used for a log jnd. Two
water wheels will be used, one for
the planer, and otic for the saw.
liend people were aroused from
their beds again last Friday night
by the alarru of fire, the city jail
aud a small shack a few feet north
of it being ou fire. Two lines of
hose were laid aud the fire soon put
out. While the firemen were thus
engaged someone announced that
the lvstebencl cellar was again ou
fire, but .1 few buckets of water
soon put an end to that. These
fires were plainly of iuceudiary ori
gin and interesting developments
may be expected ere long. The
three tires were all put out before
much damage was done.
Dan Heteiiig has bought the Lee
Cover rauch ou the Matoles, con
sisting of 1 60 acres of timber aud
meadow laud. He paid for it
?.Vi50 " cash, winch includes nine
head of milch cows aud about 120
tons of standing hay. The rauch
has So acres iu to clover and timo
thy aud So acres of timber. It is
locMed at the foot of lilack Uutte
at the source of the Matoles1 river.
The Matoles is peculiar in' that it
gUhhes forth front beneath the buttc
111 a number oi huge springs.
These springs are ou (he laud
bought by Mr. Hcisiug. Mr. Heis-
in,; is very well pleased with his;
purchase, and says 'it will make
one of the finest dairy farms iu the
country, and it undoubtedly will.
It is ideally located for that pur
pose with an abundance of pasture
aud hay laud, and as the country
develops n profitable iudustry can
be built up iu that line. Mr. Hcis
iug will go over soon to harvest the j
jjend : bay crop. . A
i.ils ii- ii-ii 1 a 1 . Ma '
AMtlope, Ore.
anD Jeweler
I'rcciuu ami Semi-i'recioua St.. in -Set
and lenrlry ( all kind made '.
order and KeiMircd. Work firt cias
and guarant at.
Lnr unlet lh tUlph peor. Ku'.Mitt
ifltar nHl, or KiMldirrvt to total Aaioopt
Spcr.J more fur a her ini
August than tu-r Lcforv j.
more business thu At-.ust
ever before.
mrwqOTCTmm Kim wwun mi
! fcMmnym
Every Farmer
As well as every business mlki sho'ilu
have a bank account.
1 :n
iff 5r!!.Tl C&
Because; yr money is && jn tne Dank $
rtnywhere else.
Paying your bills by check is tlk
simplest und most convenient methoJ.
Your chdck becomes a voucher for tlu
debt it pays; . ' '' !
It gives you a better atandiug with business
men. V
Moncy in thi bank strengthens your credit
A bank account tsaclies, helps and eucovi
. ages yoit to save.
yiiis baijli does'all the bookkeeping.
Your bank book is a record of your business
to tho6o "desiftng Banking Connections toith a wall
established BanH, we extend our services,
Th Central Oregon Banking (Sb
Trust Company
John Stoldl ',,,, liumbexruaii unit Titnber Ownn
0. C. Coe.... Physician and Surgeon
H. P. J. McDonald , Mayor of ileud.
E, A. Bather ..Vt.C !...'-. .Merehsnt
J. 0. HerburnA...wfl?: N.'..TCoAIUu.
""""" ' ""OPfY ''
t w vjiu',.irHi t,iuiu rncr JYiivuirr
Mike Morrison.;, who and been mRW rar 0n, traMty,amt
11 w w mrtm irsnaptiin-'i
"lK H,i
- -iWi-JC--' I vl.tht,
Thb Inaction of ttiDfc!..uevsls to i.tritiii 1 r',,Wn.'f
.it.theWimtrlUes'ef'the blootl Uiich ?rnJiZ'
,. ...-. ....!, : 1..' ... ... i'-. ---.
is cuiunnmiy
Polcy,.. JiUi
. Mm . A. ..., .l. ..
Ins (Aa ruviit', 0 auri.'cWnd
out' I
Ellmtnatf o. luiibiirn.
MltllnitmmMM nttri tMnimt-
piSjtllft tlliouglt tllcm. I tlum at tht tkin, VnfJiuyi a dulnt
tey Hewiedy uiaKc.t Uie M "r vciuiieir. .
.iiy. 'flu-'V will stt tin out i r'wibe eapTs. aooiiiTiif,Toau(oiTa
alVvas4 matter fiomxhe blood. TnUei HnxxpCM.ct Co., Pc rtano.Oat.
I'oieys -niey ucniwy uittt it ltl
kidneys $,c
inuko y
v well.C. lS' Mt-iiI Juij,
Read The Bulletin
.uews, all of it.
rind get the
Baki-y nd ttiabraiit
H3$w Made Urend for Sale.
Also., pjes, fkes, .Cookies, Doughnuts and JSvcrv
. Miinrr In flip- Tnlofir I Ifist
tauranvill give raealaU hours .betwee p&' Vml w v. ui