i'l-112 RPNin RIII I RTIN vM-.,r - - , "Far every man a square deal, no less and no more." I 1 r- - ' -ppF--r - 011AKI.US I. UOWK .11UITOR SVBSCRII'TION RATBS: OncyMr . . Mx menlh .-$t J Tartc mentht.. .-.... . .-. -i lunrtabtr In 1tikt.) FRIDAY, JULY 31, 190S. 4MOTIIUR. In mi pveellent tul vcrv able sermon Inst .Sunday morning on the tonic, "Five Sparrows for a Karihinc" Rev. Mitchell made reference to an incident where Joh lones. a wealthy and prosperous stockman, took a baud of mules to market and sold them for $15,000. i tvji n hir transaction and the local paper gave it quite extended uoticc, speaking of Jones' enter prise, business energy nnd acumen. In fact Jones got a lot of free adver tising and much commendation. In the meantime Mrs. Jones, a faithful aud true mother and wife, was at home quietly performing the duties of msuding, cooking, traiuing aud nursing the children, ahd diligently working to make that most blessed of places a home. Aud the local paper never mentioned a word of praise or commendation in behalf of the faithful mother. The Bulletin must confess that the above accusation agaiust news paper is true. All true, every word of it. During the week we have been pondering the question and perhaps in the future Bulletin readers will sec notes appearing in our news columns as follows- Mrs,. John Brown has had a very busy and tiresome week. She be gan bright and early Monday morn ing to "can fruit" and so far has 40 quarts put away for next win ter's enjoyment. The tiresome port of it has been that Mrs. Brown is not a very good "banner" and several quarts have ' worked" aud "come up." or Mrs. Charley Smith was up the greater1 part of Wednesday night nursing little Johnnie. Johnnie, it seems, had filched too many greeu apples from the neighbor's orcliard and suffered from a dreadful head(?)ache. Thanks to Mrs Smith's good nursing Johnnie hat entirely recovered, or again Mrs. Frank Jones entertained a lew friends at a h o'clock dinner l&st'eveaing nnd a 'most delightful tfme was had. Everyone speaks In high praise of the "spread" with one exception. Mrs. Jones had forgotten the baking powder in the pie crust and it was tougher than sole leather, orpossibly something like this Tifesday was a day of misfortune for Mrs. John Blank. The first mishap occurred when the clothes Hnc broke and let the clothes fall into the dirt. Then when she was rinsing these out, she forgot the cake in the oven and it was burned to a brown crisp. Likewise at din ner time the kettle boiled dry and the potatoes burned. In the after noon the baby spilled a bottle of ink on the parlor carpet and about evening the neighbors carried home little Willie with a broken leg. He had'fallcn out of a hay mow. The j doctor says that with a little more Mrs. Blank would have been abed with nervous prostration. What terse and interesting read ing it would make for everyone ex cept the poor woman whom the note concerned. And she would be looking for the editor with ven gence in her eyes csd 'with the in tention of burying both hands deep in his hair and pulling with might and main. Consequently perhaps ou second thought The Bulletiu will handle with care such "news" items as the above. Nevertheless mother should receive more praise uud commendation for her untiring inhor and sacrifice. What a bless-1 jug she is and what an angel iri disguise. How cool and comfort ing is her soft hand oil the boy'd fevered brow in, the dead still quiet oftheuight when those frequent headaches occur, and how sweet nml satisfying tier numerations, Never too tired or sleepy to nne from her warm bed and mine the aufllrcr when he calls. And he al ways wauls mother. No one cUe will do. How earnestly and heart ily she enters into the boyish plans and schemes. And with what prayerful carefulncs she labors to bring her boys aud girls up into true nnd honorable manhood and womanhood. Who call tell except mother just how tiresome were the weary hours and sleepless Mights? Tiresome? Yes, indeed, but the service is always gladly given be cause of the great love that always, fills a true mother's heart. What then? Shall we drag all these little trials and twulexitie:. into the light of publicity ami make " of them a matter qf news.? We think not. By all means let us give mother her full mea.stire of praise. It repays only too poorly her labor of snerifice nud love. But let that praise come from the hearts aud lips of her children, not in the columns of a newspaper. The trials, troubles, problems, joys and pleas ures of motlicrhood an: sacred. What true .mother desires to see them proclaimed to the world a.s "news." The Oregon Commission of the AlaskH-Vukon-Pacific Exposition , . , . . r . desires very much to have au e hlbit from this sectiou of the state. Bv all means let Bend send a fine one. What could better advertio the resources of the Bend rountry The commission wriiU samples of, grains, grasses, etc. Now is the ' time to gather them. should co-operate in the matter. Let someone take the ksid. Get busy. Candidate Taft eutereil a tele phone booth and got wedged in soi tightly that a carpenter had to take the booth apart in order to let him out. If Candidate Taft should be elected will it be necessary to re model the White House? CCM.MENT UV OTHEK PAPERS' Plan Is Practicable. j A number of people were in town ' Saturday from the various districts in this end of the county, attending the railroad meeting. All of them appeared to be heartily in favor of some plan to get a railroad into Crook county, but the trouble seems to be to get them all to center on one plan, aim attempt to put mat tbrdugb. The plan which has been pro posed, to raise $'00,000 in tins county by subscription to the pre ferred stock of the company, and then bond the road for enough money to complete it, is unquestion ably the most practical plan which has been suggested. It was adopt ed only after every possible plan for securing railroad transportation had been carefully considered, and it has the sanction and approval of men who are familiar with the pro motion of large enterprises The promoters of the plan have no stock jobbing scheme to get through, and JECOIO Pacific Horse Liniment Is prepared eiprcssly lor the nerds ol honemen and ranchmen. II Is a ponrrlul aod pene Iratlnx liniaital, a remedy lor emerfen cles. A soothlnz embrocation lor the reliel l pain, and the best liniment lor sprains and soreness. Uncqnaled lor curlnj the wounds and Injuries ol BANDED WIRE and (or beallai cuts, abrasions, torts and bruise Pacific Horse Untaenl'ls fully tusranteed. No other It so moi or helpful In so many ) s. II It fills Is Mllj, we autborlte tan IM ill dealers to relund the pwehas prlCf, ,gyt tir mot ssTrus irr ttmt yXJTcHtmcAt. Co Jfritiu., on. Vb'oB-Ut. sf w Kg WX P ffte pB OHJSIj-mh fbegu m ey arc actuated by the same tm ( tlint urmimK nnv iltlllT imliv 111 unl in this county to desitc a mil road built in only, their interest is greater because their investment in tins county is greater. Hut, they cannot build the torn! alone, uud the sooner the people of the county who waut n rond conic to their assistance, the sooner will the suc cess ot the plan be as,nml. With out that nMuuce the plan is cer tain of failure, nud the people of c.... .1. .......... ...:n . ,. .,!.... 1 throueh another uncertain petied of yean for Harriuisii to build them a road (looJ Advice. MiTtmtN Count) Ot-tmt We quite agree with the writer .ll. k - A 111 Ah to ft 4 fcjkrt 1 ..Jill nm..K(pii. .". miyw.. ..- tn.,.1. ,bn 'tW ri.ll.M aml11 mHI Rll. It WOUld W tl.e . ..U. . ,... ..ri ,,..u ir. i I WJ CT t. mii)i n""' - " quite right. The pracfee of the that direction. The time is tt if it IL ever necessary they cui earn their own living, no mutter wlietlier their nareuts are wealthy or imor. The idea of industrial training in the public schools i, one that should be jKomoted in every lttatititr pos - Sll)k. A Sensible Decision. MlTf LakT t.radrt From the Klamath Falls papers we learn that itt the c3v of the j salooiiukii vs. Klamath county ct ai-'ru1 JP' nepon "" 1 misled the writ ol review. Ihcl looH wa lhoURht ,hev cflM wn , lh. -- OI1 ,ue technical tminls in I the law. hide IV-nsou should he, commende.1 for hw decteion in this cae as he tands bv the people I im, wond ,j,e lcchnlca, nt1KUaK of the statute, it is to be i. Kveryone.rcmcmberedth.itiltlKrih.islKi.ua Hair and lue eka.on and t'i will 1 1 1 rlv ol V,c l?"''4- " " ,' v "V Iim.1 u itltnnr fri 1 i r trtitti 1-itt fi t For Salo by K5jEra&5w wxmVMti. fmuumi ((f. rA "vt ''"'Vi'vSiivl leading triupi nuico S '(vt Vfiw JrJ$Z2 o LMOU All.NO M (L 9 NOnTH PACIFIC i ft?()fe5 f BREWIMG CO. M YSiZjr -.d&U, ASTORIA, OREGON fl A Complete Stock o Dry Lumber Rough, Surfaced Always carried in stock. I have INCH COMMON IIIJAI) HI.OCKS . . DIMENSION O. 0. IIASHOOAKDS RUSTIC STAIR TREADS SHII'LAP WATER TAUI.E T. & G. PI.OORINO O. G. HATTINS WINDOW CASING MOULDINGS WINDOW JAMIJS i'ENCE PICKETS LATHS POl IRRKJATINO SPOUTS SEE ME BEFORE YOU , BUY ELSEWHERE. I CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. J. WILLIAMS AT Hw. Utltik MNSTliK hTANI) BEWD' i - OREGON OffceMCri tfcd 6etitfail Oregon Realty Co. the courts should be very slow to set Mich ti ctdlct aside." , A Danger to tlieCountr). Th tllM OpHmM Now listen to the howl from The Appenl to Treason and othci "newspapers" of like ilk. for thev will more than likely be bnried from the mails. Why they have been tolerated as long as thev have is a mysterj . for they arc mote dangerous to the peace and prospei- tt wot the eotiutrv than n lire oraiui 1 " 1 Tlr. . riiey Iwxe had their day and have got to ro 1 here 1 is, no place for them 111 a civilicd country. ' lull Wants .No Inlntcd ,Monc. I!u(rn KrgMrr Tft is firm in bin declaration , oUi,lln ,. from corpor Rreatcst tiling tit nti mifiwi, "" .T ." " T Zm i ...,,; 'pi ,aiio,, tn influence l10"1'" i1 " "lw'- il.! . ...... t.. It . ..- . ! nl tin i),. i c,,roWfi,f,nB i wimrni l..r ! liuht irrecnUniv that couM hv twen ' jrwt .piicVlv by lolrys KMn) Hem , S,! .l-KSSwuffu , up b worn out tfwuck nd miKihcn thrtc organ. Cumtnrnrc UKing H '" i , ' v .. . There's NKWS in The Bulletin. E. C. PARK Importer ami Hrcetlcr o! WW. IJRUl) Poland China Mos Bnck UlllKSlmil Chickens . . .. . - , , Me lOUISI kfllSCOIial C MllfC 1 . . . . 'V11'' 'uiii! nr-i an i iinr.i N, , l)i I I ., n !... . Sjgsspwn r vw- v,tt "W 9 SJWJUMU m I TVS1 HM m 1 and Moulded all .sizes of the following. Bcnd-Shaniktf Livery & Stage Company J. II. WliNANDV, Prop, VV l Kulley ArpmI, SIiimUui New Covered Stages between Beml and Shanlko ALSO 1.1 cry niul Peed Stables nl Shanlko, Minims and livnil. Wo run our rigs plcnso Iho public. Singes lonve encli way evoiy (lay. Rigs to nil pai is of Centi a Oregon. Ctiroful drlvct s fur inslu il Special Attention Civon V miiavmrr" A Complete DRY At Hcnd, Oregon. Koiigli, Surfaced -LUMBER-' All Widths, Lengths and Thicknesses INCH COMMON DIMICNSION SUll'LAI' RUSTIC ' T. A 0. FLOORING Reasonable KAK CKU.lNQ WINDOW JAMII8 Prices WIN1X)W CASING Hood l HKAD BLOCKS O. O. MASHROAKI) Ornde STAIR TRKADS . I)rv WATKR TA11LK O. O. BATTl.N'S StCk MOULDINOS V. II. I). I'ATKNT ROOKINC. FHNCK IMCKUTS SlIINOLIiS HTC, ItTC. CUS'IOA PRHI) MILL IN C0NNHC1I0N.J APPLY TO Central Oregon Development Company BEND, Jt'ST ARRIMil) Camp Chairs and Stools Reclining- Chairs Hammocks AND Just the thing for the nprch or lawn, ami especially just the thing for hoi weather. A I.AIU.I M II'IA' )P Lime and Cenient West's. Furniture Store. Il I il. IL r '"" 4 iiii -" Si 1 '; j 1 , ,, ., Central Oregoir. Realty Company ' '.Stif,,cMor to l I) llrown Co.) BErV,D, - OREGON. ,. rItAJ.HK.1 IN AM. KINDS Ol' Central Oregon Real Estate Timber and Desert Lands a Specialty 1f Wc hfly 01 sell your land no matter where situated. We can sup ply yii with any cln.4of laud nt any time. Cdll on us or wrile for further VHBN IN BEND STOP Xt ,tHE PILOT Tfl.l- .1 ...... I Table Always supplied Willi $& qVlComfortable Roo to Lxprcss ant Bngflngo. lMi ,i iiiWJWMhimmiWii iVb im Stock ul ami Moulded At llciul, Oregon. Lumber Delivered .nl l.ow Cost An) m here w The Lands of Ik I). I. & I'. Co., or Die C. S. I. Co. - OREGON "P.V Cots jtorticulara. BUTTfe INN . . I. .n j. (U bolt Jtnt'llio iJwh afar ; n' V UKNt, rdii OitmiuK 0 9 ri