f !' lit l'!M V 111 i ij ill ii Wi i i ! I A PROFESSIONAL CARDS. C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW ..M 1(11 IN" JUNK DULDINC, liKKD, OKKCON U. C. COE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon OFFICE OVKR BANK " . tttnbt (Telephone Connection DAY TKLEFHOXK NO. 21 Ji.' l. : OkHOON DR. !. L. SCOFIELD DENTIST nw.D, - ORKGON f Sec Iloure, a a. m. to 4 p- ax. T.r" - u old Pilot HottK Development i. o. liWln., opposite Bank. FRANK H. GRENMAN Attorney nt Law. Will Practice In All Courts. h 'Vi, - ORIJOON J. H. HANIiR, ABSTRACTER of TITLES NOTARY ITBMC r ''imrieee. Mt luauraucc, Btirety Iloocl, Kal Ketate, Conveyancing i"itii . . oKimo.v THE ::t National Bank of PrlnevlIIe. I.-labluhed 1887. Crltnl, Surplus and Undivided Profits, 5100,000.00 n I AJ'r't Mu Wuriarik. '4 M Hatd win I I' IiIhtiii I'reeideul Vice I'rwtdcnl Caaulci Aaalklant Caahiet POLK'S GAZETTEER Bushiest Directory of cicli C'it Town and Village in Oregon .uicl 11 ..1iimit.il Jiiiir, u lncrrttilli lt.fr.1i ut li place ttftlii-r with tin-location n' ( Slilj ping I-'dCilittca ami a rl.iuiiit-d J) rcOry of cncli liuslnesi and I'rofrs- 1011 R h. Vouh. 6. Co, IM , .si;mr.K WANTED' INfORMATION KKUAUUIMU Ih'arm or Business for tala. Not particular about location. Wtab to hear iroia otenor only wbo will iefl direct to Myer. Give ptlce. doacrlptlon mad atato whn potiaaaloa can.be liad. Adarati, U DAUrtMlU. 5m tHt ItKUitar. K. T. m ''i'aiw7 ftW SECURE a LOCATION NOW g4ZaSaaaaaaaaZaZaa-aai IN OR NEAR 3END, OREGON. Ye Have Residence and Business Property, Timber, Farm and Desert Lands, Water Power and iyianufaturlng' Sites, R.easonI : The Central Oregon Development Qq LOCAL OVERFLOW. At the meclitiR of the city coun cil held Wednesday night provision was made for the purchase by the city of lot 13, block 16, on which will be ens c ted the hose house and later the jail. The lot will cost 5360. It is situated across the street south from the Anne hotel and corners on Lava Road and Minnesota Street. Attorney Hen son was engaged to again take up fifi.lt triA iftimtif j.i. t. M.n.. f .". .,'., . '""V,. having paid tO the Betid road dlS - Irirl rvrrln rn.,1 f.....la .1... I I which have never been paid since the district was established. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Kulp, form erly of Ellensburg, Wash., have arrived in JJend and have taken charge of the dining room of the Hotel Bend, which, as heretofore, will be run on the European plan. Mr. Kulp came to look the country over and was so well pleased with prospects here that he decided to engage in business in Bend at once. Consequently he resigned his posi tion at Kllensburg, where lie was corresponding clerk for the agent and yardmastcr of the Northern Pacific Railroad Comnanv. Mr. and Mrs. Kulp arc quite enthusias tic over tueir new Dome and begin their work here with every prospect of success. Mr. Kulp is a brother of Mrs. J. II. Wenandy. $10 Reward. Strayed from ditch camp, Powell Huttes, one sorrel gelding branded shield on left stifle; one bay gelding I S on left shoulder; both with halters on. Misinc Sunday. Tune 28. Above reward for return to IlIlNJJST HOKAKSO.V, Ditch Camp, Powell Unites Jl Dtllshlful liquid fac Powtltr. JmpartM a rata toftnmt; freaufy anil ,. '!"?. '." ' tk,n' Although n. vUlblaU It u ptrftel aid-to fauly, .? u,r"lnl"3 ravanf of tun. wind unit time. Ellmlnafs tun, sunburn, rrecklui, tallauinett and Impmrftc. flinging odor jclui(oy If own, 'tics so Ct isomer fait at Daoooiara HOVTCHCMiCALCO., PORTlANb, ONK. EEniNMR ItSSS "ISfflSESifW KiE? Terms or Generous Discount for Full REND, CROOK Is Your Property For Sale? We art cnanaailr reteltlae iMalrln fraan ad p.niol it Uaiiee Sinei for rami. V wearta ti Coaairr aad Ltij llwti mi U ru Hit CM. II iml pcaaactr II lot tilt wt liUI be ilia la H H eentlitl.iaeruir"aiaa'lrrir4rr.aeJeee alii a larie eaaberalamattde burert. AMreti. TOWN 1 COUNTRY JOURNAL PUU. CO. 9)0 JaSKe OH T..tN raaHCleCO, Cat, NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. Depal'wnt of the Inlrrter I h jan4 Office at The Dallee, Oregon, July , iv Notice la hereby gttren I km .cander I.. Welch 'of --''1' C.ty. .. "Ha. .a Jan. !iv rl made llomraleail a.j4U'Hi So luti, , N '.? HSH C IjamtV, S'Klf !! klil.'VU'U SM 11. TWO. lilt. K l K V l. haa filed notice of Intention In make final commutation Hial. ta e.tablliti ctalm to Hit tand above deacrlbc.l.be'orc II C Mile. I M Comtnlniuiicr, at hie oflWe In Koxt. Ortjon. en th?tlitla)rurAuKtttt, ya Claimant name aa wiltiruc U'lUlam IImkI, AUcn W WItaiiaon. CUailra M. KKkl.. Allft (I. Walker, Key I'. Uucitti, Ckatlu (J JiNnlnn, It of Html, Oregon Hi; an C. W MOOHK, KtfiXrr NOTICE FOU PUULICATI0N. Iriartmtt eflhr iHUrlo U. S. f.aiKt Ofrkc at The ixllea, Oie(n. July 7. tf- Sotlce la hereby itlwn that- Syleotrr L. Maata of Ilewl, L'nwV Cetinty, (irKn, who, mi July 1, IV. mat TlMber awl Wftm-awtlitatlufl No. 4 fur rtllX .vee 1, Twp. h. K 11 IUK Willamette Meridian, haa file I uMlcr of Intentioa to male filial tlmlttr ami alone woof, to eatabltah claim tolhclaiKlaUmileacrAinl, iKKHe II C. lUlla, r h Lominliiuicr. at hlaofnwal Ucml.CDMk County Oregon, on the Mill 'by of Mepum Iter iyo CUImaitl mtnii aa wrltneaan JiM'f.h N. Hunter. WllUain I'. Vau.leverl, I. Cllnum Van. iteert. U'lllUm II Maata, all of ItllJ, Orexuii. Jodn inaaotfHaltra, ()rK- J.i; aia C. W. MOOHK, Kegltter NOTICK FOR PUIUJCATION. Department of the Interior, I'. tt. Mml "(fice at The IkalUn, OfCKou, Jut) j, lyat. Nitlicc la Iterrli)' Riven that Andrew T. Moore of fond, Oregon, who. en OctoWr . 19M, mJe llomeataatt Knt-y, No. 1471, wrlal No. 017, for tiWI,liWr; heetion 14, hi'Khl'.K Seetloii is and iV'.n H neeiwn j, jwpi n. n u i; tr i, liaa fileil nolice of liiieiitlon to make dual rom mulallon proof, to ealalillah (laltn to flier Unit aUe!ecrllel, before II, C. I'.llla, V. S. Com uiiuroiicr, at hit olfice at Html, Orrgou, on the ihtti day of Aug m1, toua. Clainiant name aa mlneaaea Uitllam Arnolil, William J. McOlllvray, I0I111 I'erynaoH, Itrnrat A i.rinni, 011 01 urria, utegon, jlioait C W. MOOKH, Krglaler. NOTICE F0RPUELICATI0N. Department of (lie Interior, I. H. IjiiiJ Office at I.akeilew, Orruon, June ).l, iyx. Votlce.ll hereby gitcil that Muth I.. Kel.I ol Demi. Orrgon. who, 011 Stay 4. iy, made tiui U-r and atone application No 4i(S. for W)t Nl ( fttttion u,Tp l M, K II I! W Al, ha fitt-l uotiir of intriitlo.l lo make filial proof, 10 ealali iialiilniiii tolhe land almtt dvaciilxd. before II I Kllla, I . H. Cotiimlaaloiier. at hla office al IK ml, Oregon, on Ihe 14th y of ricptemUr IV. Claimant namca aa wltrieaaea Jotcuh N llunler, William II. Utaata. William V. Vender cert, Wallace II. Kellera, all of Vend, Orejon Jll.iu J, W, WATStfN, Ktslrttr, 5r7T utt t r i- COUNTY, OREQON UpM NOTICE FOli I'UIUa-ICATIO.N' liepailmrtit of Ihe Inltnor, V. S. I.aihl OITVee at The llallra, Oregwi. Inly I. i Notice fa hereby glren that Katok K. t.cwla of Head, Oregon, xho, on January 1. vl made homeatead entry No li). Serial No ei-i for WS-WK NICtfrHVlf ami MIUNWH. Hnltofl 4 Top tf n, R 11 l W St.. baa hied Hotk-e of In lentkm la wake final fter-year prnof, to eaUi-ltah ctalm la the laml al decilll. Iieloie II I. Win. I' x CommUtiwier. at hlaolncr at tlend. Orejrofl.OB the iMhday ufAuguit. . Claimant name aa wllnraara Chailea I.. Wimer of ruuiahi Oregon I0I111 I, Keaer lar UleC TriH'll. William 1. Downing, all of nwi, wregon. IlKieii C W. MOORI'. Kegl'ter NOTICE FOK PUULICATI0M. DeMttmtnl of the Interior, f S. I,anl office at The Dallra, Oirgon. June ij, iy Notloe la hereby gltrn that Krneat A (.tiffin of fiend. Oregon, who, an Inne nth. i'J. made lloweHred Knlry. No iim fur HWKNWt WM hVK hKlfHM', heeilou 1, Twp 19 H, Kir K Wll lamrllr Mertdlan, haa filed nulke ol Inlerilloii lo make Anal Qve-year tiruof o ealaldlah claim lo the land ahncdWrOcrf, bcfnt'll C Kill". I' H Commuwiouer, at ht elficc In Ik ml, Oregon, ou the 17th day of tugVt. !'" Cta'mant naineaaa wllneaae Carlylc C Trlc letl. IrfMbtviill. McCann, I.cl C. Wlijllrd, John I Kever, aft of lleinl, Oregon, Inhn llleai of Hla. tela, tiregoti jtleai) C W MOOKII. Heglalrr. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. IKparlmenl of the Interler, I' K lmlOfficrat Mkralew, Orreou, June j, lyat. Nolke la hereby glren thai Marlon I,. Wleat of Html, Oregon, wlio, oil May 1. . made tltii. her and alone aplJIyatloii, No 414. for W)e.Vlh Kea-tlon a), Twp 11 ri. K 11 II, Will Meridian, haa (ileal wMleruf Intention to make final proof, In eMaMiefa claim lo the laud tnc dracrllied, le fore II C llllli, V H Coininla.loner, at hiariRWc al lieud, Oregon, on Ihr nth day X Heplrndier. ClaiiHaut nameaaa wltnraaeai I red A. lluti ttell, Klnur Nlawenger, Charlra D llruwn, J. Clitilon Vatidcrverl, William 1' VaiHlrrvtrt, l.erl D, Hleat, all of lieml, Oregon Jlj 4 J N WATMJS. Krglaler NOTICE FOU PUIJLICATI0N llcparluitnt of Ihe Inlr. lor I' H, Iwind Office al Mkevlcw, Oregon June li, li Notice la hereby given that J, Clinton Vaudctcrt of Ileud, Oregon, who, on April 11, lX, made limlier and atone application. No, 4iJ4.fr NKII HH, ItHNItK Kec.ji.hHifhl! , hec j, Twi 11 H.. K. 11 Jt. Will. Meridian, haa filed notice of luteutloii luuiake filial proof to catabllah claim to the Uud aUive deacrlbed, leforc II C Kills, II. ri. Coiuinlaalonrr, at Ilia olfice at Ileud, Ore gon.on the lit day of heplcmbcr, lyuf. vihikiumi ( aiaj a iiiivaranrat JI'"71III 1 a Hunter, William II. Mania, William p. Vaudr veil, all of llcnd, Oregon John llloai, of hlalcra, Oregon. u aii J N. WATSON. Krglaler. Deschutes Lodge No. 103 Knights of Pythias Heuular iiivctlngH the (second and fourth Wednesday of tacll moiitli, ViiltliiK knights o I way a welcome, V. C. Cok, C. C. ClUS, D, Kowjj, K, K, & S, aflPSpeP awrMg4f Payment, The Pioneer Telegraph and Telephone Company Tctcurania forwarded to Any I'att of the WorM. ,. Direct Telephone Coninuiulcntlon with l'artlnnd, I'rtiievlllc mid all l'acific Crntat iiliei. Public Pay Stations in Hank IltililliiK at Itond. nt l.ai-l-law and IWell llnttr. Mcucnxcr acrvlre to any part of Crook County Muith of CriMikiil River. HENRY L. WHITSE'IT Horse Shoeing: and General Blacksmithing1 WACJON AND PLOW WORK First Class Work (lunrnntccd, Localud in llie olil Jilictiloti tlinp. -.,?!""' JOHN LEGAT IIIUI.KIt IN Harness and Saddlery Trunks mid Valises Repaired Succciwr to A, J Hunter. SAW FILING. . MUST WORK GUAHANTlil(l), 1'rlccii ffom ajc toli.oo, Leave saw at Pine Tree Store. IJD.1IAl.V0R.S0N, - JIk.no, Ohkuon " a1arM.arr' MflaV NllliwSi V n aK.aaL: W i 'UlrYAi ti Xsi.r7$PHn,jr.tli TUck'i uf wi iu The Uuilctlu, imffKatwWto NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. laroartaieiil Wtfce laieetae I Una (Mace at The IkalWa iKeg- u Ma itth ! 'I'.' ra hereby given ikal- Cbarlea r .iewamee of IW-n-l. Ofeeoa who, 00 A t II aMk lyat a.e 1 imlwr ApaaA'alioei No ai gie KSnta't, ., Mm 1 1 Tp mn.H 1 1 i: , Mlana.t Metadtoa haaaMaallaeurhilralMailaaMke Rauil -. lorMahlkakeUpaWlfc laad aboar b-ariiu.1 -l..e II l Mlaa. I a loaamUaoarf el hi. . Ml Ml. I ofbca at Hei iwegoai. oa the Mh day of Ju , tlalaaeat aaaaea aa wltanaea Laiaffl li atooM. rrawa. r nxrwa, mat A Hiuaaell Ja, D ImiMm. Klaaer Wi..aiagii Moaea Nf. IIHrwa, MfaatA Huaecll lao... gar all ol Head, megeai "" M IVW MilOKK. Mrgtaltr. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. lifatlnKat aflat latertor. I' . I, a Mat Oflice al Okeaiew. Ofrgnn May i, iv Notice la hereby rl.fH that Ahkm M Jobaawa riflkwl.lH.ifon.wbo, (M Mareb , iwel. Made limber and alone aatJlcaUon. No 4111. fur l.ta I. and lm j. Tf i , . 11 II . will Marhl UM. baa RM Make of laleatiaa t Mule ftaat iw. lo 1 eHt,Uh rtaHai to the land al.ne 4 a. tilled. beaWe II C l.tM., U. . Cnmll.4iei at blaulnaw al Malul iilmmi .. II. .mi. ..-.. u. lull. I.A ' " , rr ...manmtiwwanMniirriwn Jwrt l l nriiwH.CMifroUttM, ,um Ar. wiiium (.laimani iMWfa aa nlloeMea Jamea II Hun pyiaaan, Cattlr olaan, Anton Antte. Wlllum ( Vandeteeft. all of Head, oteeoai, Jobn I'. Jaba ion of Moaland, Otegoni Jh Irtoaa of Biatera IWaVlaiaaU . 1 , an fHeaoN )' J K WATIHIN. HegMer. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. larpailmenl of Ihr InltrUr I- h UmI OrfbK at The Dellr.OienH May IHh. iaa Notice la )ereby gln thai lllHHta K. Karet ol Ileud. Oregaw, who. on cmW, ijth ia-7, uia.le Timber Apidbalban No 417a., Tin KW M n K WllbiiiHltr MerklUn, Ma f.le.1 M.ik. ol itiiruiioii 10 make Anal imi. to nuijut. claim 1.. the laud aUtee dewrlUd, hefiMr II c I tlla. I H Coiuuilaaiuurrjilhla ulDce al He lid. Orrgou, on Ihe ylh day nf July, iyA tt.liiiant tiawa aa wltneaaea Chailea l Howe Margaict II Huwr, liwtili N I (unlet William II rVUala.aHal'IkJ.Oreiai. '"""" ""' i''l C W. MOOHI'. Keglater NOTICE FOU VUBLI0ATI0.V. lieparliticuiufllir Itilttlor I H, Iw.1 onire h Lakcalrw, picgon, June m, 10. Koine la hereby given Ihal- Nauiile J Wllkliiauii ifllfiid,Orrgoii, who. on Aptll is. it, medi' ,J.S!:7"'l!l1MM,lcl,llwHoii,Ni.tiaaj. for t wibfiaa filed uoiire ol iuleulliiii In make final proof, hi eaial.liali claim lo the laud alve dr. Kilhcil. Ufuie II C Hill., it u. -...,, ... 1. .1 1 l hla ojdft at llend. Oregon, nil Ihe Nth iluy oi Heilembrr, ly. ' umiikiii nauiraaawiiiicaara lllnier J. Mer rill, Joaepli , N Hunter, William II. KUata, Kitijcne U Klchardaon, W lty WllkhiMirV, nl of Jleiul, Cnok . ouiily, Otrgnn I'1 "I J N. WATrtON, Kegl.ter a There's news in The Bulletin. It is conceded to be the best paper in Crook county. FOLEYSHONEMAR Ut CAMoWflJ lft, tUrt, Bw Rr)lle) Jl ( 5a5S